HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-03-17, Page 3•
SUliday 1
brave* y0„ Lesson; XCI'.=.reams; Dies our
the Croat--trolie 1y: fl2Z 2;84D.'
"t3oildeia Tsxt-Crat diedfor at*
sine accarrtling to the scriptures,—
I el C'wriritrlikenai 15:
'sm%r ,,1!4}: i.T .
1T.. BranfEgt Via. SON ' l9!r26-2-11-
a ..f t_1 >e '19!; 28=34t.
if csoreoT ;, i 9! 117-22
l'or the evaagelist, everything
sweltered ont the day of the Crud, ' .'
• ' was felled with solenire mea i ng.
ha broec$ed Pang enthe inner.'
"of' the C'rossr and now` into his: s
he eroWc hic.:ie& yn hoflsm -
• E(e empli asizes the -fact Oat est
caw sed `;iia • darn, euessl,, a • 11.7•.
dines not- eon tragi• ict .tali .otther•. aero.
Where Simon in cammandeeaed belied
The processrion. straw With, .resu
carrying 'hie cress, alchon'gh1 he ,w
later helped .with it.. The • *eider'.
=mats in under, the voluntary
tire of the saeriiici .. Galgotha tech
_ "the elti4 a of the skal1V-beyond:
• northern -wall. Of the cite,
near' :
talo.ways;_eross' (( lc'1.5i:29))) took .
none front its: share;; possibtyr al>s
•to front tire. gin. associatfi�ous;. ; • .
• • Jlesus Was; not the onLy eneti t
dam TWO thieve* •lien;• also;
brought% ep.. , Jesus: '.vac. hanged
the rnr lint,," .: I$! ai.aeekomet.with
ttrazisgressors,, Italie, '22. 3,7x. Erni
Jordan sidle' (Jlohm 1: 21i)1 on for
gotlia,„ Jesus;' was, "'among,"• those Who.
rte' wou1di'redeem...
Their gruesome work compileted+ .+'tie
soldiene nailed above .`esus•''. head '
Named "Written :e liehreeet Geek
and.ILatin;" ((R. 20t)) as: John? is
toy ,point ` out... Tit was an unco
prophecy, of orde a .^.s alt the
ltaii The 'J1eves:,. their &the greatl
• reetarecd,, ass P" no dioabtE "
tried -tie ..:hes inscription
•it 21'. Pilate;,, "kr. nam obstiinar
endhstubiiornit iPbrTojt" 1 'S,r
Lt'`4. ..,
rr '
(dol;• ..
WA a4.
atenst, iieeatineht,lieureeFiwn (d) He
*'the sense that Fie: is
our suhtat
atae•:, Be<op up tile waif
that read to GOALGOAL' e:. way" 3n 2
opet� nremains so?'for• ever; No, One
need repeatt theevrcarions saeridoe- of
who w o. gave Tlitut4fr to- discover: the
route.. But.. we must' anti} it after
teat +'` f it
en sea that aero Reared to
,B� ''Winston Ehiwevi,ie the Strand
amine (December, 1"930.
The great mass. of lurman being* ab-
eerbed Snj fixe toil cares and tepid-
Ilea; of lite, are. only ditty craiadotes of
pace. at whilch mankind is travel
ping; Enormous chargee have taken.
;piece in. the Last hundred :years_' The
(pace fs eves. uieir ne
>Os�tD>E<" .altC 'IC �haa witnessed an enormous revelation
Lm ug. our century,
material . things In scientific appli
antes; m political institutors, in man-
ners, .au l . customs. The greatest
change of all is the least perceptible
by ind'iehinais—it is the far greater
;numbers which= in every ciaiIized coun
Itry :partiepate in the fuller • life of
Ilisraelt wrote at;. the 'beginning of
the nineteenth: century. .that 'England
ter the few;, • and the very few "
milliirna have lifted tt��*gseives
ToT - r , •,
a abo;rte the primary .'necessities„ in Eure
fattens weil ea in'American.; Culture i t
a possifrilfty far peoples- when, a' ren
IurY ago, would never have thought of
+it:. Even.Indian and China, who stood
sail! fo. r thousands of years; are also
{ rapidly .moving
!—�Rbat m It. that has .,pxodiiced .i`lins
neve pro ons speed man^? Science
the, cause::' '.+�'rience to res noth ng.
'far man-made raw s;• time-honored: ens
• Items: Or cherished beliefs_ Science
has' TT'hI hold of us.;conatripted. us into
:regiments,: set as • to work upon its
!highways and.in its arsenals:. reward
`ed us,. for. our services, • healed as when
wee were young, pensioned es when we
were•. worn out.
?,Ilan is iiia , earliest stages rivet
alone andr avoided his n , ors with.
as- much. a tett' and proba y as much
reason as'he.a�:oided•the fierce flesh-
eating beasts that shared his forests.._
Gradually, however. the advantages of
co-operation became evident: . ` For.
~Hundreds, ' of tears men worked: to-
!gether to utilize his own muscular, ef-
torts. ' But another era dawned. when
!he learned how -t4 harness the' forces
of Nature. Method of production_.,_, :
eonin`ti c i lea were speeded, in F
'T, he most wonderful' of all modern
propheeies is found. is Tenetson's
Locksley k7a11.
For 'I dipt ..into the future, far ' as
human eye could see, • '
Saw a vision of. the world, and all the
• " Wender. that�'would: be;
Saw the `heavens• filled with commerce,
argosies magic sails,
Pilots :of, the purple twilight, dropping
down with castly bales;
Beard the heavens filled erith, shoatt-
regi ,and there rained a ghastly
ehaz[gx> ' at er•. tergea 'in the . mighty -
te. ' cicaan• ''of telephone• ,exchanges;
" making Louth,* thee world centre
assn recently- coii1 feted whens the ..
o I.orci ,yor=iai 3tererst ee
• and' 'enofte to the' mayor of. ("ape-
seliis *We,. 8,0005 mites= distant. •
Come;I wilt' make the continent hide*
II vw make' the: most spreudid race the'.
,• sun ever•"get eheatt upon:; .
With the rive of comrades;,
With the•UYe- ong hove et cowruh .a9
I' wilt giant companionship fiiiirir d
, • . trees gran$ all, the rivers: of.
AmeekAi and: along~ the shores
et:' the gteat Iur . and ail over
. the praries'.;,
;Ir• will, make inseparabre cities: w;th
their arms about. each:'.other"s
' ' neckse '
For yon; .for you. L am trilling these
gongs•, . ,
In the love- of comrades:
In the ,high -towering Ione of eom-
I reeve."
• —Waf'G Whitman; "Poems,"
piled. "'MUM .Ii, have written;. 11 have
written.' . i
~:. .e':ter iffed-d`e;ins
dors rel 'giouss leaders )£'.his thug .'isbn
believed .t'liait
had liiig$i reason
for What.' they'didL Ordinary
• nem eo:wcandliee;,prejudice;. dislike; such
es characteerze most, . of ua,,. were
enough whew . followed out to;' their
IbgicaL eoncDasiians. b , :� to .dam
• the Sortof G'odt. ((B;)r . vented Rater+
ests . reltnesented by' the
They stall cruelly :the Christ when he
opposes them (e)r the poli, ?►-
.,.resentect..fiet Platte- (at) thisolcheter,,—
spoke HOFF ,of some off them
waa soldier Who did hint the
peepared for their • tank. by military
ffscipilne that he ,was dime te death
on. Golgotha- Oar mirtaire" system
;ate.' planned 'to depersonarize those
whom 'theeW-traine Staffers ere .
catect not to .think for the_reselves, out
give unreagoniter obedience, to m
hats. noble assecietiens wilfc courage,.
lityalty, honor 'and tseiftefFacemente
•111.. 3teirinan sem,. HIT
We now:smile te• the most twitching
scene ef AL' Iterhbass, :it Foe'
cross Ina lite dying agony,. hie cate
fon' his -Widowed mother was: hie'one
earthly- thought. -"Womape Beheld thv
ed "'woman!'" there- kersliness
• emit, an the English suggests.. Sym-'
holirelly. 'the. incident is: taken, Iat
comnfende his mother,. the Jew--
ish church,' the . ancient faith • which
gave -birth to Christianity,: into the
What was Valuable and,pernienent
.futtnistre now paseee over into Chris-
tianity:. The, "mother"' of' iesue dwells
,' in the liouse Of, hie discipra .
Then denim the triumphant "It '
firtished.P- What, did he aecomplish
his fipished wer10 He bore Mir sine.
.(.at wasthe victiin of Mts. deadly
• hoetibte (b) he bore' our sits ort his
emisciencet IR, identified himself with
men in their. ,stiffeeingt. their - need, '
• their •torpotate guilt. He wag under-
going the erase leng befere lie found'.
himself on Calvary, (C)., Efebeare Ottr.
by demenstratiag tie a bete that;
swelleive up 'sin and destro It.. int
gnine.° the full length dem clad '
• Doieg nothing for otb.era is the un-
doing of onets selt We must be pine
posety kind and generous; or we
miss, the beet part of sexistence. The
heart that: goes out • of itself gets
great secret of' the inner life. We
do- Ourselves the mist good doing
something for others.—Ecorsee maim,
have to say.. ' Hare ,yon inuferstOott
me7" loo
Front the nations' -airy armies' grap-
' piing in. the 'central blue;
Far elong the World-wide whisper
the saint wind rushing warm,
With the standards of' the peoples
plunging tiro' the tlitmder-
Till the war -dram throbb's no longer,
and the battle -flags were rued.
time of the world.
Nan, 'creeping, nigher,
Gleree at one that node and winks be -
These six stauzas of prediction, writ-
ten eighty years ago, have already
There are two processes which we
adopt consciously or unconsciensly
when tee try to, .proplieste. We can
seek a period in the pant whose con
ditions, resemble as closely as possible
.those of our day, and presume that the
sequel to that' pertod, save tor some
minor alterations, will he, similar
Secondly, we can survey the general
past, and' endeavor to, prolong it
the near future. The. first 'is the
of the scientist Only the second
open ta us now, and that only is a
tier sphere. Bet obviously all that
epee has aCliiered in modern times.
the Ittrowledge and power now in
possession, we can prediet with
e assurande the inventions and
everies which govern our fu -
5 me
e. We can but guess what reactions
e discoveries and their epplica-
ns will prods:ice upon .____,*the habits oin-
k atutepfritto
teday matt Foe control great forces.
CM Pt sTevtke _.—
Arae Otutisse.
Lc Gotta inu, -to SAY T
Tills ARE pis uhiPtillatcrtc.
It fs possible ti+ eantrol accurately
Aast the bridge, of a battle cruiser
• the• power of hundreds of.thoasands•or
men.• Or to set off with one'inger ;s
imine capable in tut instant or destroy
ing the ,work .of thousands of Ma-
Yeats These immense new sources'
of power. and the fact that. they •cam.
be wielded by a :Angle individual. have
made possible novel methods .of min-
and metallurgy,: new methods Of,
transport, and undreamed of machin
ery • Undoubtedly the evolution of
which they are the present outcome
wilt continue at an increasing rate.
Greater speed.' is assured. We are'
promised, too, new and greater sources
of. power.". • Ix y well be possible to
change the far of ,the world to 'ex
tents' of which we have not yet dream -
(Hitherto the production ,.of food
been the `prime. struggle of man:
war is won. There is no doubt
::,:ctv d races can: $roduc'e qr phos
a1H .tIte food they. require:' Qur probl
today is that: the white man prodirc
more wh'aeat tram he needs; but the 'y
low men, brown men and black '
have not yet learned. to demand a
lieeome able to. purchase a diet sap
or to rice; synthetic told wild;
course, be used in. the 'future, But w
shall net :,tease to faux an _existence
tabloid food. Instead„' our' pres
food will be prepared, , Inn in a
thetrie manner. • We. shall hardly.
�bIe to detect • any difference betw
the• synthetic foods. of the future and
the natural .foods of to -day. •
Equally startling developments
already' just beyond our fingertips
the breeding o! human • beings, and
(the shaping of human nature, The
••seems retie doubt. that it .will beeps
sib; a to carry 'out . the entire. ey `
hick ieads .to the birth of • a .child
cine 'surroundings. Interferer
wit : the mental .deveit pment , et au
.beings; expert suggestion and ti
merit in earlier• years, would people
epecialized to thought or 't .
Our minds. recoil from.the: creation
beings .who are capable o1 teedin
.a machine; bet without other am
tions,, and the'laws. of Christian c •
;tat i vui3.L i event-ti'tem: - inteto
sided creatures, of this type might •
in well with .the Communist doetriti
of 'Russia. Future races may see ne
powers in the hands of altogether. new
and di±Herent men to those 'to which
we of today are accustomed.
,Bat while: men have been gath.
knowledge' and power tsi{1i- .ever
eaarng'andemeasnreiess •
virtues and ,their wisdoms have
shown any notable' development. as
centuries have passed. The brain of
modern. man' does net timer in
tia7s' ,from that. of the.human b
who lived and loved here minions
years ago. The nature,of man hes-re-
mained hitherto practically nnehanged.
ander sufficient stress - staiaatfon,,.
terror,. warlike passion, or event cold'
intellectual .frenzy—the ' modern man
we know so well will do the most ter-
iibie deeds, and modern woman will
At : the present the civilizations of.
many different • ages coexist together
in. the world, and their representatives'
meet and : converse. Englishmen,
-French--and--Americasss;-ivitir -i
abreast of the twentieth century, do
business with. Chinese ,and ' Indian
whose civilizations were crystallized
several thons nd years ago. We have
the spectacle of powers and weapons
of man. f • outstripping his intelli-
gence; we have the march of his in-
telligence proceeding far more rapidly
than the march of his, nobility. We
may well find ourselves in the pre-
sence of. "the strength of civilization
without its mercy."
Therefore, it is important above'alt
other things, that the moral and
spirituel Conceptions • of men . and of
nations hold their own amid• these,
forifidable scientific evolutions. Other-
it would be better to can a halt
in material progress
speed ---their
t New York
.11.tetrated Dresses ;
naiad,3Rdtla Evetp Ratters
Sheer wootens are tremendously;
..marteforeresoi --andeslsriz — _
The ribbed fabrics ' are espe�cialiy
favored as boucle jersey and knitted
Here is a clever model, with inter-
esting bodice 'treatment .that lends.
itself just (perfectly to these soft $at
tering woolens.
The skirt dispiays'the voguish wide
bosplait-ei€ectewith extreme snugness
through the hips.
And inc�iden•tally, you'll lie it quite
as well developed of plainrough crane
sillk or of printed Sat' crepe
rings Style No. 2672 niay be had. in size
of 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 3.6,. '38 and 40
e-.: inches least. •
Size, 16 requires .3% yards of 39-
inchma vial '
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such.
patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) lot each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
epaitment of •Tncjan fairs
' nth Service
- On All Reserve
In the Care and training ,of Can-
ada's Indian wards, the brotection .of
their health is a matter of prime Int-
portance. To every province of the,
Dominion .where reserves have been
'set aside for the benefit of the la.
diens, •the Department of Indian Af-
fairs, maintains a health service.
whereby not only bodily . ills 'are 'at-
tended.to, bat the Indians are'ti ined
in ,personal hygiene • and .otieiweise
grounded in the 1 ndamentels of pre•
ventive medicine
The health service of the Depart-
went. of .Indian Affairs .is. carried out •
fine the trust "part .by local ,pliysicfapa
and 'hospitals • About 3`26 such :phy4
siGia rq are employed on part-time sal.
aries or. on the. call system to attend
heeds .of Indians Irving in their .needle
borhood. The number sof local hos-
vitals utilized in this manner is abient
200:..: • .
,-permanent f t -titre health ,-ser-..'
vice of.the Department Is carried but
by 13 Medical Superintendents, 10
Field l�rlur'ses and 'i :Hospitals, located .
as follows: .
Doctors '(tuft -time Physicians).
Ytitkime physicians are located at
the fojiouPing. reserves:
Quebec: ••Bersiaiis, . Seven Is fids
and- Caughnawaga.'•
Ontario: Six Nations Reserve (2)
Manitoba Norway House.
- Saskatchewan: File Hillsand Qs
rippelie Agencies combined, and of
the Battleferd Agency. •
Alberta:. Blackfoot ,.l eser ee; Sarcee
Reserve 'and at • Chipe yan. s
Northwest, Territories: .Resolution,
and Simpson..
Field Nurses...
One field. nurse is assigned to each'
of the.foelowin'g provincesNova eco-.
is, Brunswick, Quebec; Ontario,.
Man itoba, Saskatchewan.' '
Travelling Nurses. • .
Prairie .Provinces (2) ; . British Col-
umbia (1); North-west Territories (1).
Departmental • Hospital. •
Ontario: 'Indy Williugdon fospitat
Sia Nations Rersei•ve Brantford; 20
Manitoba. Norway House•Hospite'.
20 beds. •
Saskatchewan: File Hi'It@ Hospital, 26
Alberta: Blackfoot Hospital, ;116
beds; Mood Hospital, 40 beds;Sr.-
cge. Hospital, 20 beds; Peigan Hospital,.
8 I .eds. '
The nursing staff of these he:vitals
ai nbers. 21 graduate nurses. the In
dians" fear of and. prejudice against
medical treatment have been almost
wholly, overcome and the hospital fa-
cilities are now made use of at all
tunes. a
In addition to providing the sera
ces outlined above, the Impartment
perates With Church ' missionary
rgavizations, in the operation of•hos-
tels and with the Provincial Ge
menta; and the Victorian:Order of.'
arses .in, the maintenance of district
vacs in mans places.
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Most of us •come late in life to tie.
disceretY that w.e can do much more
than we are doing.
I nu
Friendship whic.h flows from the
heart cammt he frozeie by adversity. as
the vrater thet flows hem the spring
does -not congeal in whiten—S. Feni-
more Cooper.
To -clay „
Away* with the flimsy,. idea that life
etith a past ie attended,
There's Naw—ouly Now—and no Past
there's never • a past; it has
Awey with its obsolete story and all.
of ,its yesterd sorrow;
There's only to -day, almost gone, and
in front. to -day stands tomor-
To enders and• to pardon is the wis-'
ddm. life.—Koren..
rnele-etThiet nice. Willie, to
resolee not to torment your poor
old dog any more! Here's a nickel
Fides died last, weak."
see old
begins. ;
Where law ends :Traany
—Ear! of chattata.
She Iivedin a neighboring town end
was the daughter of snibbish parents.
The7 met one nig;ht at the pictures
and a friendshiP began: He told her
he was an aceountant
One day, as she was passing his
place' ef employment about noon, She
lingered in the hope ef seeing him.
That morning he bad been engaged
in Cleaning out boilers, and presented
a grimy appearance as he left the
factory for his midday male
"Oh, John!" she exclaimed, catching
sight of him. as he tried to pass un-
troticed.: "I thought you teld me you
were an accountant."
"So I am," was his calm reply,. "but
this is my dai for niiiing the irdre"
A man without decition Can nerve
he said to behnig to hhttself He be-
lotsga to whatever Call make captive
of hint —.John Poster.
1.000,000 sug maples are to be
'anted in the Lake St John area in
he Protince of. Quebec.. accating
Hon. Honore Mercier. Minister of
. There Are
IT'S two/ ROLL.= BuTirala
a Lot of Otters Like Jeff.