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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-03-24, Page 5
lT *MD •.CANADA HAT roved rid; Rock Baby Chinn *m Hundred , Emira INSPECTORS- DID SPEL ria AND A'PFROVT.D' RY E. E. SEWS FOWM 1 EALTHY; BTG HEAVY PRODUCERS Cusum H'atdi • , Done 'yip! , war SETING S...smA:I:L INGIJBivr- ' , AND comic: 0B DIPFER - U CAN ' i'RS BAiT AG>�, W'HBN YO• 'AVE YOUR' EGGS,, SET IN Aw BUCKEYE MAMMOTH UP - ' DATE 3[A0'1, e e AT THREE: CENTS AN EGG. OR FIVE . GENTS Al CIIIC'K• - EGGS•, SET- EVERY; MONDAY.: ALSO. STARTED- CHICKS $OB,'SALE. • DUNCA' Rteciurcii: Cent. {i3 •ar 1�I len In Lircm*air six? Isis • rita PIM An; epidemie af'• the Grippe is .pre vaie> in the neighborhood- and as a result, scarcely • a , hiaame has escaped- Fortunitelg•.. itdoes not .lappeer to be of the real': virulent form, and if proper' precaution, and: care is, taken for a= few day e, • reeoverg is rapid.. Nessus: John Mcffeithi and George. Courhiss of Oakville motored. up' Last Thursday,... Due to recent' saw 'they_ faiiind, the hist' lap of theirtitrip'r er difilia 1t.';far" na gation, as they spent somes four hobs getting out firomc Godsieh to oar. hart- Mr, urtMr, Henry Gardner has . so far :re- cpvered from" his reeent . 'sickness as to be' able to attend ,to the "chores" U s psryek• himself: igen. Ala Webster . purpose seen- ding the holidays ;with, friends in Tosento,.. Mrs 'John. ffelm. `.is again able to resume her place in, the .family civ- cle,. aftes as illness:Of several weeks. ' We; extend our . deepest. sympathy. to. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and family in the loss of a son and bro- ther, Clarence, whose'death. occurred - (e earli past . of -last-ween The March meeting of 'the Para- mount II.F.W.O.. was held at the borne of Mrs. Dick Richards on Tiles,- day files-day afternoon; March 15th:.. Owing to' weather conditions the meeting was not as large as it might, .have • been The meeting opened with ' the president; 'Mirs •James •Web"ster in the chair.- After' .the opelting exercises. the, minutes• were read by the side = tarp•, Mrs. jade Hamilton Mrs. Mac- GiII: answered. the questions sent. out from Read`, Office on Legislation: and Gi " inn The ladies decided to a n> two quilts'. tb send for Relief weak . in Northern Ontario. They air: to, inks at. the home of , Mrs. jack Hendersoa: on Wednesday •afternoon Marek 23rd, to' quilt them_ The pro- gcamconsisted of a' paper on "De- pression Diet" br.. Atm. MacGilL h solo'. by Mrs. Jack Hamilton and a reading 'by Mrs_ Sarnia Wehisster. The next meeting is to held at the bottle of Mrs: Wm. MacGiill on Tuesday, af- ternoon, April 19th. The roll call to be answered by, Ho* to keep young 3tiss Sarah MacAuley spent a few . dayg.lest week with her grandmother .Mrs: George Swan, 22th Con. A.1 ge number attended the mas- querade donee in the Paramount Ha II lest''Fiiday night. The judges for the masquerade, Miss Anne MacDonald, Miss; Evaus,.and Mr. Donald McLean gave .the .prizes ' to ' tho fnilo'wln ;- Fancy dressed lady, Mrs. Ethel Brown; ' 'Comic . dressed ' lady, Mr. tsaiebie' Martin; Faney 4tessed gent. Miss•. Ethel Martin; Comic dressed gent, Mr. Elliott Sandy. The next dance will be held on Tuesday even- See °e Ih .pkt your order Mae1nnis, Katherine .._43 jag; Muth 29th, in the Paramount,' )IacLeod, Mazy. B. HalL Admission • 23x- Laches. with � ""17, ars A- sPeues 3t'ac5lahon, NaePhone 256 exr samhaiehes Free Everybody welcome ' Lnciksw mazy=KacMillann, Isabelle McLeod, Helen n 3tcNail, James 53 :Miller, Isobel Nixon, Evelpa �`� • ' • 54 Phillips, Prances 58 49 • 39 27' Richards:, Noraid Sar 62 68 • , Ritchie„ Margaret 38 Reed, Evelyn . . 42 54 G4 33.48 Smith, Edith ' ' 45 ' 40' 58 ITEE: DECLINE,:.OF ''HE GAEL lC' . ' I Anna -3 . 'The Bri�tsb° eensgs �' just completed ; ' bas produced a lot.' of news 'abort' '' Rennie . ' •isreer,, Harold, 'Hiunilton, Archie. -^ Haidilton, Emma -_.,_ _.70 Johnston, Keith Johnston,. Melvin 52 Johnston, Wit . r.od Myrtle ' . • . MacDonald,. 'Doi*ald;' . Of more then .• 4,800,900 persons'S[ d, 77 living in Scotland at the present,tinn'e, MacDonald; Rachel' "-.130,000 speak (Gaelic; and. onlyMachines; Rosew:es 60 ,�'r r of these'' .speak. Gaelic .alone_, Forty years ago. 'there were., 210,000 Sects who spoke' G elir and nearly' a fifth of .these understood no other tingue The (Iic-speaking group then constitutedmore than. 6 per cent- of the whole population; n -day it Is less ' thgn 3 per Cent. Only in the Highlands does Gaelic di -e. More than hailf of the inIeab• i;. anis,of Ross and Cromarty, ,two- :iftFis f•all persons in Sutherland a 1 nverriess and a third of . those in Argyle gyle still • speak the 'language. £n _he .counties of Ross and ,Cromarty, and Inverness age ',concentrated; all hut' 5013 of the 7000 Scots who speak self c only,: Between 1921 rind 1931, .cotland's population harem reznair- •=I stationery- The excess of births 0-er deaths' was a little "snore. than tlset by . the' riet loss . of population, aused b; emigration.: Between 19_11_ Ind 9Zl, when Scotland's: population' ,,;as ''growing, ;t'he' number of Sexit s who spoke Gaelic feii from' 183,000 ib 148,0O0. In the next ten-year .period Assists -ea, . Winifred -. ' FonIII • Gralei., 2,.4rrtb93e043,loSy;, 4,, •I'i!YaIoB.:. � 5; ►�c4..:.. 6r fib; "7e,..Frearb; 8, .. 1t.; • Sae '' g• Comer 1',•2 3 4. 5 6' 7: :'8 Anderson, Chaska._ 72 , ab 53• Ariristroag, Cecil •. . .78 .98 54 62 10 03 64 62 Berery, ' Dorothy ..... .72 4►244 37 47 , 54 �47 ICam. e oo^..`IT J S' . }' Ctsrket' DOOR -73 93 `,'78 89 . 82 75 82 63 64 •Co�er. ,; a , ...80 73 :78 7o : 46 ;' 54 65. 75. !soak , Edna , • ab 34 19 16' Crozier,. Cain 73 65 78 69 Crozier, nuances. ' 7S 50 . 63 :54 .Curran, 'Dorothy. •Dawson, Stuart 71 D -Dongli� - onalda _,_,•.,,_, •... 41. , 43. •Eckenswiille i•, Kathleen • • •71 ' „Parrish', Margaret ' .,_.T2 33 40 Feria, Kat*** •• 43 , 22 27 ;Fin1aysoa, Camern ',* 98 • • 45 'Fisy'teir; Jack 45 ' 42 9 ono.ar.r__..,.► rr .. E WS AND D INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER 64 mea br the .Oaaar;� 56 uI of ) Scotland. First we were holdthat the Scots Were drinking Iess 'Scotch, then that Scotland's populationwas de- clining, and now, .worst blow of all, that'SeoMand-is losing its Language Gaelie-in•,other words is dying mut Woelionsie Kathl MacRae,Jessie ..,� MacLeod; Helen MacDonald, "Douglas • ' 71 Nixon, .Dorothy.' ani Nieholson, Marjorie Phillips, Frances Ii Patterson, Catherine Evelio Richards, Norval 67 Ritchie;' : Margaret 75 93 76 58 60 67 RimaeTiffie ab ° Solomon, Elwood 32 37 '56 SO Taylor,Etta 65 84 56 39 " Thom, . Helen. . Thomson, ' Arnold -.........58 Thompson, Cor . 58 Treleaven, Eileen�� \' '68 ' • 57 5 ' 44 37 .32 46 55 ,47 17 .60. s 19 '' 52 ' ' 64 ".70 • •2.6 54' • . 1.0 15 18 55 51 46 52 58 45 , 27 70 -59 41 5't 36 u; '47 39 43 73' 80- 79 70 56 54 64 67 43 51 26 37 44.47 62 t59 6;3. 60 • 60 47'-63 79 68 41. 63 84 72 68: ' .62 52 '42 ' ' 56 ` 56 60' 75 71.., 70 72 66 . 75 63 82 57 60 40 53 , 41 36 65 51 18 ;63 -32. 53 67 • ab '56 56 46 24 ab • ahs ab • ab '-ab ab 17 .32 30 63. 56 45 33. ab sb ' ab ab ' .ab 50 46 58 60 41. 39 62 57 62. 32 85 78 83 ' . 90 38 .'55 '• 74 66 75 51 ' 58 • 52. 46, 56' 5f, ' 50 63 61 64 44 Oualrty Seca "As never before in the history of .farming should care be exercised m. tbe purchase of seeds for planting: this spring,' is the advice of one well-known authority, who adds .that it isdoubly important to make sure that • `purchases 'have 'been govern- :meat tested as *result of last year's, drought and the reduced supply of high.,eloailty stock,, He warns; against buying... bargain, ' seeds where price alone' is the :only description given, because ' reliable seedsmen do not ap- prove. of •advertisementswhere seeds aFe offered at stipulated Prices with oot any indication as'ten their' OOW- ity or origin.., It would anima* be cheaper to buy the best -the market affords than to take the poorest' as e• :gift, he, Caw -ludo.. Demand for Asparagus From informat oa gathered ' by the Ontario Growers' Markets Council, a strong demand by the canners for asparagus is, anticipated. It. is under- stood that the market for canned as- paragus has shown a steady exp Psion with the result that an increase` he, the' pack • is to be .looked for. The Celina is of tine opinion than. 13 events per pound ' will . constitute' a fair `price for the 1932 crop. Var_ ious canning companies are now en• deavoring to secure contracts but no effort has been made . to set the price Some . growers have unndertaken..de- livery on the promise of the cnnin;- companies to pay- prevarlin- g nnarke price, but efforts to.. have •tie canner indicate' their opinion as to what •wil constitute •a fair market price have fails Aa errruple. Wist followed. tin other hich migcomities. % thatweII b . o 1, Literature; 2,Eng Gompasati©a. a, Arc. Hist 4, Can. Htat;l1I Norfolk chamber of Cammetee 5. Algebra; 6, Geometry; 7, Physics; 8, Cheanstrg 9, Lat. Comp m : issuing an annual AgricuI 10, Latin' Authors; 11, French Caine.; • 12;:' French Authors. Journal.' The fourth annual issue ha 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10s 11 12 just been distributed free of charge Andersen, Charlie , 38 55. 42 39 , a to o tftIFf farrniers„t fcoin°: Annderson. Jean 6 a 44 50 Anderson,' Norma, , '25 the decline was Iess marked, but tie. trend for the past 40 yeas has been too constant 'to encourage . a 'belief th..t the decline is to be interrupted •.ir stopped in the futures 'Gaelic: sell sands and fights in the . Highlands, even in thatstronghold the gar- >acrison is slowly reduced_ it's Easy to Bug" at "MARKET' Lucknow's Department Store • LUCK! OW and WIEGHA N onumen : Works Latham. Oat Has, the largest and most complete stock in the most beautiful' dQsigo to choose from, in- • MARBLE. SCOTCH SWEDISH AND CANADIAN GRANITES W Fla take a Specialty of II Famiir monuments and unite funr. lnsp etioa: Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and Promptly Dom Blake;_ Wmnffred---- Cameron, Stewart earner/ se; Bessie Carruthers, John 55 Culbert,l; Beatrice s0 61 Curran, Dorothy ' 38 57 Curran, James • 9 '52 Crozier, , Colin Crozier, ..Frances ' Dawson, SEeWaKL sat . • 60 Douglas, Donaida '; 42 ' 63 Finlayson,.CIark . 67' lrudaysoa, goy' Foran, John - Gardner, James ' os 55 ab Gardner, 'Sidney 29 55 Gilmore, ' Margaret -33 42 graham, Anna : tet. • 50 . Grant, Jean' 38 Greer, Hamid • 52 66 ab Hackett, Mary 37 Hamilton, . Archie 9a Henderson, Donald Henderson; Jamren 60 Hodgins, Florence _52 55 Johnston, Keith z9 55 Johnston, Wiaaifred Lane, Winnifred Lee, Myrtle 45 MacChari'es, MacDonald„-Cathesine - MacDonahtl, Finlay y: . { MacDonald, Margaret -30 •45' 18 8 3jiaeDonald, Rachel 40 ' 53 ' 60 46 3'iacDougaIl, Blanche' ....:53 MacKenzie;.. Alex MacKenzie, Jesse MacKenzie, Mary 49 53 66 61 49' ' 78 47 55 54 63.. •4 56- 42--42 '51. 55 a8 39--.72 22 ' '55 72 37 35 43 53 • .47 .53; 30 24 39' 64 56 . 42. 0. 19 • 15 17'22^•a 50 53 23'" 50. 60 57. 66 53 58 46 50 56 ab ab ab 46 40. 18 28. 37. 44 53 56 50 ab 48 30 44.33' 29 19 28 38 37 53 35 '. 35 '40 37. 19 39 65 55 68 44 48,• 60 45 rt 42 29 55 37 34 :52 43 23 22 20 3227 38 44. 35 32 "52 55. ` 54 55 '12 52- '55 .68.69 45. 59 98 39 25 31 26: 38 • 73 '.72 43 .44 54 35 - •43 42 571 43' 55 32 67 40 4'3 73 73 58 75 58 ' 55' . 50' er 70 •67 38 50 34 T6 15 , 6.8 42. 66 ' " 66 a 73 51 •62 57 '.46 56 . 44 43 79 ' 55 60 65 74 64 45 5157' ,62.36 68' ' 48 73 56.' 6S -38 ,60 46 •59 51 27 38 45 67 • 40 ' 58 45 42 38 55 42 ,73 47 54 60 . 53 • 25 50 55 '50' 22 54 43 42 33 46 57 Solonlsin, .Etwood • ab 'i hour, Helen, 39 49 49 .. " 48 { Thoaproa„ Frances --- Thompson, Thompson, Robert 65 50 33 Todd, Neely ' 52 57' 43 20 Treleaven,Eieen 420 61 52 Weatherheaai, Rfcbasd _..46 ' 51 ' 48 50 34 47 25. 41 Hots: Lorena 67 . 66 .68 Absent dais illness for all examinations: Jew Stec -Ron, Tillie Ritchie' 1 Latin Authors; ,. Latin ' Comp.; 1i Liter 5, zebra; • 0, Geonnetry;` 7, .; 3, Mat. '» t 2 3 4 5 6' 7 .61 55 48 53 66 38, ' 55 66 6$• 70 69 .68 50. 40 .42 37 an eight page publication and eon- tains- a wealth of information re- lating • to the farming .industry. Al- most every phase' of agriculture'. as carried on in the county is discussed, such as poultry bseediag,'reforestra- icon, tobacco '.raising, fertilizers, fruit and vegetable .growing.. Numerous pictures of local interest are used to. brighten the pages: The local agri- cultural representative, ' F. C. Pater- son, who . is''. also secretary o f the' Chamber of Commerce, has• .• been: largely responsible for the success' of this valuable publication: trogen, Ypliospiorc acid and Potash. Therefore the •farmer should check the •guaranteed analysis of the feirti7- iter when it arrives. R shirt one per Wit. nitrogen, it 'in worth about 5210 a ton less than the purchase price and . phosphoric . acid and' pot-' asli aree, Worth about '$L for' each per cent. Purchasers are advised 'to, re- fae acceptance of fertilizer wbdch' is not labelled . precisely the wile guaranteed *aft* as that pmrcbus- , ed. Should any farmer have reason donutthe vaiue,.of` a fertilizes de- livered to bine he is advised to tom- mnnicate : With the nearest'fertllzer' inspector ,or the district, repge:.mat ite- rive of sgricalture. Register Year Acreage Commenting on the system. of ac- reage reestrration, Charles E. Brou- ghton, of . the . Ontario Marketing Board, said. "As a grower myself. I' believe that the advantages 'offered hy acreage re -gStration are In my eat enation this system,. tak- en up. 'enthusiastically bn the individ- ual grower, would . the the means of eliminating two of the greatest men- aces to successful agriculture? namely over -production and, under produe- tion." "Only the, other day;" continued .. Mr. Broughton, `5t was reportedto me that the Ontario Fruit and Vege- table Growers' Market ' Council,` 'at Hamilton, have inquirieson hand • for • . 75' carloads of Ontaria carrots'. which that organization cannot fill. This condition is doubly lamentable . be- cause of the fact I am quite„certain inquiries maid befilled if the grower Woald.,advise the Markets Council as to . what he has 'for sale, and that such ';'situations cai be avoided if. the grower will co-operate with the Coonan by regiaterin8 his acreage.' • nee Trees to the fact that the:: Forest- ry Branch has a surplus of trees on hand .'this . yearr the former lin><it :of. 3500 trees for reforestation purposes' WM not- be adhered to, and any land owner in the Province of 'Ontario may procure quantities free of charge by applying to the Ontario Forestry Branch, Paiiament Buildings, 'tomato, ' Ontario. The above ruling handed down pre- sents a wonderful opportunity that may only be available this •dear Ptaating stock' is classified as - (a) Trees . for reforesting -waste =;' -- land . ' (b) Trees for wk purposes. Weekly !• Applications should'' be soh on ' or before 31st' March,. 1932.• Fur- pifatfa and eiovei crops. are re- then iuformatwa about •type of trees Ported as damaged • badly fromhien: - best suited to various caadittons era tug in some:. districts: The . recent cold spell put a stop to fig. op- erations • which had been started in soave districts.. Bruce County reports that most farmers are either getting seed cleaned or arranging to have it• cleaned and. that county has sufficient for all needs for practica1y. all clas- ses •of crops. Brant 'County reports a . similar pindition. Potatoes' have been 'selling at 25c a bag in Male - sex. Field mice were busy' on the'. farm of John 'i 'Odd, Inglewood, Peel County, 'and. severely, girdled over 20-year-old Spy, and' Baldwin' trees. The' orchard was held in a .sod mulch which harbored •hundreds *of these pests. Arsenate of l>mmin e ed with corn meal proved. an efective poison bait when spreal in a circle. around the base of the tree. ' . Live stock is. wintering 'in excellent con- dition in Temiskaming, with an abundance of good hay and a consid- erable quantity of grain- , \ShdaI4 . Cheek FerliUier This is the season for buying fe= - tiiliizers • and it is impart -ant that farmers , should know . bow to protect thennselve s in making sure that they 50 a`6 are` delivered the kind and analysis of fertilizer which they purchase. The Federal Fertilizers Act requires that every fertilizer , delivered to a farmer must be labelled 'with the 20 . I guaranteed analysis in terms of ni- 27 44 52 •60 41 27 30 17 45 ' 63 29 30 31 50 '46 44 51 55 39 . 27 . 28 53 41 50 Andrew'Arthur. Arad Norma Arnnstrong Winifred Blake mr Wtiiiied I 31 50' Caruochan, Bessie 61 58 '67 ruilasson, Roy 'reran, ' Jahn • ' 54 Greer, Cee P le a 60 57 54 63 ; • 1 , 51: 40. '''30 , 57 1.0 63. 43. 37 61 3 4° be .: procured from ,the Forestry Branch. ' The only expenseto the ;firmer is the express on the trees.: This is not a large sum as the trees are small. A TiPkal Northers 'Ontario . • Waimea Institute , The Orrvilhe Women's 'Institute is typical ofthe local branches in the North country. This Village severs- teen, miles east of, Parry Sound, has a Women's Iastitate which utilizes Iocal talent to very good purposes at the ,regular monthly. educational meeting's,' and it is .usual forone of the local nurses to give rinsing de-' nsiraiions. from time to. time. They. provide .wholesomesocial op- portunities for their Members and are render ng a. splendid . service to • the community. Like the majority ' of the communities which sappot Wo- men's Institutes in the north, the; have this year bean able to look af- ter the needy, except for one poor' family, for widen. large supplies 'were sent by an Institute in Old On- tario, and in addition, they spent 967.00 is providing linen for a hos- pital in the • drstrfet. They also sent to the House of Refuge Christmas and -•surer' new bah/ in the district is provided with ' a, ' warns ja5ket and all persons 'who are ill in the township receive Sowers, and tome times other lnxmriey: Hogaaii, Lenora Lane Winifred 3faclylraarle s, Sadie -77 8d MacDonald, Catherine -46 ,166 MacDonald, Flay - MacDonald, Glsdgs ' ,a a MfaeK n'xie ,, Mary Maclver, beth 56 57 MacLeod, Mary Belle 3faiAlin,, Isabelle •3faitin„-!John Miller, ITsobel.. , Ritchie, Elsie s, 50 ' f; Sberilf„ Hera 42' 4I 5tnith, Edith Stewart,' ,.Tames �......,-,- 74 a 91 Thompson. 43 el "' ' ; , • • MarDiniald, Done= ...:-.-60: 57 t 51t' 1 !S'3 60 s* ► Alen..: -54 II+ 69 . 46 e . • '4-1. a 56 42 66 . 67 . 67 62. 62 56' 64 56 °VI• 29 63 62 61 42 .84 38 58 53 23 .; 23 42 56 69 63 57 -45 66 2'T 47 4,- 60 " 68 j 53 , 54 53 555 25 54 63. 66 64 4