HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-03-31, Page 8' 44511: 1.1,4151AmArAfemi,m,,,40 • I.J.7..„.40,..gooda a • . ' • . ,s1 ,•;ct:T.TO*•:*.41511*.14:14.••, • Si • • $ • • .'• ' - 11.141481414,14440441441110, • „ • . thr 5, 0*, 55. • zin e Joy orYout • E VERY OGI's 3i0DEEATE1alt .RICEMinTay. fieel Hugger Shoes • • . • .FOR WONIEN ° # • 14MrMODELS.IW STYLISH NOMICN'S SHOES AT LOW • PRICES. , PUMPS' AND STRAP SLIPPERS IN HID AND , - BABY CALF AND PATENT EATITE11: „. ; • tb Pliaed at $2,95 to $5.00 • - . MEN'S WORK SHOES, WE 'BUT OUR MEN'S WORK SHOES FROM TEE" ftEn 1"19JFAtTIMERS IN ONTARIO. Priced at$2.50. 42';..95, an PET 'FOOT COMFORT SHOP -•" '‘Nagwaroat asaTaa ' WATJAP*11.1PERed WEEtt. APRIL 2 TfiD . NEW SPRING PATTERNS • DECORATE NOW„, AT. SPECIAL • ' AND: CHOOSE PRICES ' •SONWORTHY .PAPERS to make your borne as larighl, fresh and eolorati as the new a spring &Wars: Then you'll not have •tri worry about the colors fasting; or moving your pictivesi and leaving unsightly "patches" ipirw:OrrtinT WITli 'BEAUTY THAT, LAgT,s Duiiij innwartity1'Week we ar offerhig 'exceptive -al values srMeli eve -yorF en- oppOrstito saUchase at ;considerable sass. ing, an remember, it, doesn't Cost any ..more for the labor to hang SitilwortkY ou"your walls than to hang papers of inferior,: , q•us4's, Year advantage to pelmet your patterns ,during Come and see one range of Sunsiortinapapers showing the lat . est in design and coloring.. Included are special. patterns as . .25Z --- mid aa. a5e. • You Can Decorate Yozir Bailie at a Very Moderate Cott 12" .00 •.v • 4: ° sr1S°n! Ltd STORE 1 11 V 1 ic School Isleport • '":", '" d ,Sr. (14-1,-ro,...*:to. '4740ks 429: Honors 315a Pass 252-,Warla-CarolYn Alain 334; Norah Jewitt. 325; Willard Thompson 322; Margaret 'Maoism 321; Celia *USW SeP; Jacks 7i‘rapOtt 318. Pass -Fern TwilmHei 292-: low Pass -Betty TitYler 444; McKim'231*; Ross Paterson 1602. Warren - Wylds I/XL-A-4e ;IRS B aim -Possible marks ,Ilon ors -3:07i Pass 2416:--PasSaa. 294; Alan McKim285. Belo - 4.40" Catherine. Johnatti,tk raven -and Samna', •Russell Armstrong Solotitori 17.9*.4P A marlcs ors 285: Pass 22,8Pass- - dile Torn•Wtsa TLaJ Henderson (ties) Donald -1.0bristora" Doris WYkls 224; Raymond Egititude 193*; BilIy Button 108i1)$4itY..isit- ,erson 179*; Lloyd .Stewart (*). absent" several dSis'`-ellie•-sklt sickness.- • .• L-Mtirdie: • -DAYS OF skULD LANG SYNE - The old home-townintis changed a lotsince 4 was just a lad, For in those days' home owned stars.. were all we ever had r rememberahoue the boas -would. come -earl -meet us at the door, And he aiwaya made us -feel. itts home when" we were in his stein.. • , And when. seine rnatite-Were needed and ,solne other work. was dones The osinerolt.our Total stores were always called upon. ' • When otheia,,ikok, were needed to make; a better town, a" , Ther were glad to do 'their Shirj they never turned it down. Arid no* and then 'twindti hapPen, Mks -would need a tittle stuff , . . - To keep tit= through the winter when ballet were kind of- tough. But it MA seem to matter,. for the ann.-who owned- the store • Would always give theSe falks.Some credit and deliver to their door- s. -- Bat everything is different now. It isn't like it was Whenwe were rads; Do ssciti 'know why? ria tell you, it's beeause , ' . • ". . • • • •• „ • es • stores. The chain have come to town, it seems they have controL • • 1.71 . • Andi it seeMs aS if a nian draft own his body or his sold. 'Oh, yes, their' stares are bratty aid their windows haye a tiasb, But they never biaav a person if he hasn't got the cash. For their loaner live on Wall Street and Were a 'bunch of fools If we think tire fellaws 'eye a' darn out .our await or schools. Now; listen, folks, can we afford to sacrifice our rights? Shall we neglect our townsman to feed these para,sitei? Shall we forget the piOneets, who %Med up this town? Shall, we allow the outside stores to tear the whole thing down? I think 1 know your answer, folks, -I liope you'll all say NO, Let's own our little city, like we used to years ago. Let's patronize our total stores and keep the cash at home, ' And let the doggone chain stores start a city of their own. • Roam' ° Sr. Ma -Possible marks 590='" our 442; Pass 354: Ex. -Jane 532; Helen liliel)- oaald 534 Fifa Tiramleyr 530; *anon *444-'5 00 Esther- Mortis Hohnstoni BeiSie Stewart). 459; Gerald 'Ciribert 443; , Pass=Garilea Steward ; 431; Salomon40: Jean " Lip:yens 410; "Dolena Petersen-, 394; Donald Ioluiatone 386s • BeloW Pasessjack• Cook 343; Maegatet Cap nell 309; Ella Whitley 270*;.• LIOYdi 11 Wylds 258; .Jack Henderson 218;1 -soasia. Saint Maepratia 4.32.; :vp..1ya Taylor Womeas "Os - --*AID) GOODS 1.000 Yards. Of Materials, Pliin and Fancy. We are Hargaining Off for %Olt* aa4 '4wap goidoeixt ' • „Oc. . • . • •'• fritIPEO BLANNELErill - I�DD-yOrdis et, Flannelette. _ All, colossi. iiiRgit and hill 38 . • intheesside. Oar ielisie for l2Yze. L. .• air -1.414 Ilreedelitii for. Dresses EtThsinan.imoited.R1thh. dath and is' -gaw sold at 39e. Yea Cart have theni for HRITISIUTAPESTRY • - „I'qiew addsTapestry_ for' Upholsters' Etc. Selling at JOIN . price. 50 inches wide at 75; $L25, & $L75 ar absent foe -enema. • 'Jr. II-Excellenta-AR4 Trele.airea 354; PassRuSSell Germ* 317; As thin- Smith 289. Below Pass -Keit; Censer ,254;. Ernest Button 20' /Douglas Aitchison . 203; France aasinatrong 176;Denald 173*; Chester Baker 92*; Fred We - Those marked (*) tniosed an esan inatioa. IL. G. Slierrif; -Nom Hu . • Sr. III -Possible mark 300: Ilorl ours 225: Pass 180. Hon. -0. Fates - son 270: 'D. Ritchie 265: M. Struth- ers' 252; 4. Struthera 241; IL -Gerais; 230; M. Pearlman 227; IL Whitk a 225. Pass --IL Hamilton 2ll;' M. Pat- erson 210; C. MacTavish 209; Etta Belle MacDonald 204; B. Jess= 200; A. Finlayson 194. Below. Pass -F. Lee. 148*; M. Rae 146; G. Struthers 143s; D. Jewitt- 340; d. Webster 137; B. MaCIMIan 136*.' Jr. III -Possible marks 300: Hon- ours 225: Pass 180. Hon -L Nichol- son 247: Jobn K. MacKenzie 226; Pass -La Greer 23; M. Salkeld 210; D. Irwin t07; M. Allin 1911; J. Leith 191. Below Pase-J. Parker 175; R. Button 162; D. Finlayson 133*; 34. Johnstone 131; J. C. Armstrong 117; H. MacInvish 114; E.'Whitlra 75*. (*) absent on account; of illness. M. XraCCanara. Subjects: Agriculture and Nature Study, Spelling, Writing, /mil Arith- inetic , Sr- IV -Hon. -Graham Sherriff 87; Jean Culbert 86; Norman Taylor 83; Marion MacDonald 82; Jack Mac- Donald 81; Aylmer Aitcheson 79; Catherine Hunter 1f79; Mary Maine 79; Harold Thompson 79; Jessie Henderson '78; .Audrey Henderson 78 - Hilda Tonaniey 78; litaadie Asher 77; FlOtel- Webster 77; Rerfind trendier 76; Harold Ritchie,76; Chris- Metes Hargabro • 7011. ean buy ayedd . . I/Ialerireass Yoe Weed ist NirWO c-• 004. are au pile4 ter. Year pit'sk for WORK =IRIS New Work ,Skts %are lure. Yelp mit **Os kW' the hest s* n tlilis- Wet at tke slate for a drillar;,Xlde season we have aCradipar, Jack kW MESS SIMMS -New ens-Sifirt-ynn-comi' pride on any dress occasion. • . FANCY SOCKS ' • Yon can- have the pfrk of a Relikef . Fancy, Socks. They are all *awed to g•its, Pe; 49e. OIL -WORK PANTS - Von the right thing if Yee some and hook at the New Kinds of Oninollii. Wads Pants, SmOcks. „Eta. that will be needed this spring. For moo. $1.19. $1_98 uc tioltr • .1 Havens 75; Pass -Margaret CHURCH INOTES 'MaeKenie 73; Cieurge Wrathy 71; Donald Smith 70 -Leon - r4' MacDonald 70; Alfred Arai - song 68; Mary Webster 59. . Jr. nlleia-June-- --Cayes Si, - Past -Arlene 73; 3.4riel Sol - °Man 73; Ja:ck- MacLeod 67; drace Webster 67; Zylde, Stewart ,67; .,Hovi- ard Johnston 66i Jerode Pear:linen 55., Arthur Tres:ilia 65; 'Harold Allin ;---Joy-Henderson-nand-Mildred Rit elide absent on aciount of illrac.c s litacDorissid.. Baker • 73; z Bob neeriammenignigsonain, THE SUN SHINES BRIGHTER ON THE NEW SPRING DRA.PERIES..... Winter is Ovor. Spring is Here. The housewife is thinking of °the inevitable spring question, "What shall I hang at my windows?" SUN PAST CRETONNES 48" wide at per yard, . ... and 63c SCOTCH MADRAS 50' wide, Brown only, Yd. 35c.' -.1....m•iinis;N•imiainnimismommerme MADRAS, Fancy Patterns. Gold & Bine FRILLED CURTAIN NET. Special 35r. SWISS crarALNT, $3.51) . St. Peter's A. Y. F. . The Holy Week inePtior, of St. Peter's was held Monday last„ and took. the ,fos_o sotsa service eonmemorative of the death of Christ Various passages of Scripture were read by the members,' illustzating the various steps on the way to the Cross, interspeised with hymns appropriate to_thareadiagalollowing this_part • the meeting a piano solo was ren- dered by The Eileen Johnston and a mouth -organ selection by Donald _ Thomson. Readings were given by aasion and also by Chester Balkea-. The roll call again indicated the Tines" in the lead. Arraugements were made for the visit of Mrs. Tubbs of Sharitylian on April the twelfth. committees 'were appointed for the 1first meeting in Awn and the ineeting closed with a login and, the benediction. ,s Easter Day was coromemcorated . in St. Peter's Church with celebrations of the Holy Communion at 8.30 and 11 o'clisch. At the morning service the rector spoke on the "Meaning of Easter," and in the evening on feating tbe Harriers." The choir ren- dered the anthem_ "Jesus Our Lord Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Maker and Stall Reign," and the Easter Chant faultily of livertali Want Stunday visi- "CluiSt our Passover is Sacrificed for to at .I. B. J!i. . us," was sung at bah services. The Mrs. Memoir cif Millartoa sleet - joyful thought of the "risen Christ was the central theme of the services tiortasghout the day. • thEessiaty MEETING Miss D. Cooke appopriate to' the or - The literary. meeting of the Con- tinuation school was held on Weds • nesday afternomi, the chair being °e- nvied by the vice-president, Douglas FolloWilag the opening chorus of "0 Canada". the secretary's report arid the treasurer's 'viva were read and adopted. Isabel Douglas and Alex McKenzie were elected t� represent Form, 1 and Form IV, tespectivelY, in place of Lillian Horne arid Mar- garet McKenzie, who have discon- tinued school for the present. Cither numbers were a reading by Ilene Treleaven, instrumental by Frances Crozier, piano solo by Lor- enainsalog.an and voiad solo by Florence nodg The second edition of the joUrnal "The Onionskin," was read by Eunice -Newton, aer Which the meeting was brought to a clese with the singing of tbe "Maple Leaf." IslIri ardOriCEto RadiciliosterE ACCOUNTSthe e s t at e of the late A. D. MacKenzie, it is that all accounts owing to e Sentinel Office ix paid. Arount4 be /raid, at this Office up to April • sta P., Y. A- PLAT Sts Peter's, si-Y.P.A. present Mrs. Tubbs cif Shantytown in Carnegie Lucknow, Tuesday evening, April the twelfth. A three -act cores d-adr-Mn, tainiftd of a WboleSoinc ohilosophy of life., Mrs. Tubbs is a tine example of sunshine, "Let us aa her up the sunbeams lying- errand om- path," is her motto. • BORN • IRENS-In Private Patent's Pa-, Toronto, Gerieral Hospital, on dnesday, Mar-812rd, to Mr. and 3.7 Eidw 4rems (nee Franc Web- s ;.) a Son. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Ray' Pure Wool PULL/ATM SWEATER- i-sm. what ieur bo 11T seesfirff t!2!sitg se6 Men's New Tvbrkgp CAPS, rtt, IT Style ...98c. l4EW PRINT. Colors fast. Swag. Yd. RAJAH PONGEks 36" wide. Yd. ' 35e. Ladiee Bayou STLicri"JAILAS., Ladies' ItysinSILH NIGHT GO Lace trim, 'Each • • Lades' Rayon SILK SKeti.Lace 11-ady .Jane SIL 1 HOSE at Snit ....Sian . FREE GLADIOLUS WNS • ; t\sc, ilasTesao "111371tilbssewoelltare8uprIZZ Wagswalc ar•eral thousand Gladioltis Premu- Trim SI -19 Bus Bid, a new type of Gladio- los highly reconiranaled on amount of- the lone flowering period and the exquisite pastel c-olori ng. If planted ; sueessionthey will bloom from May, ta November. Mail this sid., vtitii gle (no stamps) for packing and L".' waling Of one package containing 24 bulbs , guaranteed 'to bloom. • This offer is raid until April 15th. JI PUDGET SOUND BULB CO, 829 Republic bldg.., Seattle, Wasb. .t ..... 98e. 1.•-• •tt See The Nu Back Wrap Around Corsets PLETON ai Co Nicatiskey" so, Manager , 4 • OUR mart 0 ---''SMALLER rgorrrs. QUICK TURNOVER." 'PHONE 7. Lcacow., astassaasassanCiCassassanassaanasaaa..,.... anasasaaannals astatsaan.n...-ara. aaasta. 1.4 • IN • POR lotai limannr ,CALL ANTI GET, ET mums EtAtiouiso otrar STFIELE !HAND Pho4 82 KINLOLICalt Ashfield trircuit The first Sunday. after Easter: Silhies-"Prove 'All Things." Zion. 11 A -IL: Backetts., 3 P.IL. Maks. 7 P.IL - ASHFIELD NOTES • Mr. Jas. it. thicken and Mins Lena ave returned from a short visit With relatives in Detroit. - Miss Emma MacDonagh of London, spent the holidays with her parens.. Miss Evans, teacher in No. 7, Ash- field hes /*tarried to her home in Clinton for the holiday. season_ Miss Frances A. Gilinare of Lon. don:, was also home during the holi- days. , Mr_ Eric -Gardner spent the week- end with Miss Jean Lima. iMr. Thos., Fleming of Teeswater. . spent a week with his aunt, Mrs. R E. Glmore-, Ma and Itta. Les. Ritchie and Al- ;iiom4iiaysited Itr. and Mrs. Sherwood On Mr. Wm. Bogan of 12th iCon., Ash- field, is at prestht under the -Des We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Imo. McNamaraof the 16th OM, Abfield., who "pasied away Oa Wedaeadasa. Metals 23rd, in bit 72nd year. Mr. Melt:am:Ina who bad not heeri enjoyiag the hest of health for some time sins suddenly stricken withparalysi,, Suladay retaining tram which he neiret rallid, He leaves family 9f three daughteas and one Son, MTS. Frank Austid and Miis, a fere days at MLean's. - • Mr. arid Mrs. "Geo. %Idea/ and family also Min. H. Bell motored to roto on Stmday where Mr Hal- denby will attend or 0.E.4.conven- tion. Mrs. J. Road; spent a few days with Mira. Hayes. Those home far Easter holidays are Misses Bessie. Lane of Judd ILA wen, Jean of Laugaide, „race E. Haldenby of Walkerton and Blanche Hableaby. Greenock, • Mr. and Mts..Berthwick of $t. Catherines, visitedat the lather's borne for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean spent Sunday with Mrs. B. Slesson Tees - water. Mrs. Wm. McPherson, 10th cora was a Srid.ay visitor at Wm. Sic- Farlames. - Sympathy is extended to lars.Dar-a- Murray ilia the los 01 ber sister, Mrs, Lemilram, Windsor. Mr. Jas. Percy renewed old ea- quaintances here Oa Thursday last. Miss Clara MacDonald es hofida- Mg at her 'home at Lociadsh. • Mr. and Mrs.. Tom Idodgins enter- ed a maniber of Welds to a snap- per lin-lIzosday evening. , • Mr_ Geo. Per4 of Glands viaited his mother. Mrs. .f.. Percy recently. We are glad to report that Mr., • Weslei Guest is:insprorzo' g. Rea meeting of the A.Y.B.A. ardi be held Tuesday, Aura Stb. Them - Edification. Conrenen /Gas C Mee- Donsad. • Quite a nunabei attended the dance in the Orange Hall �flikOda night . On Sunday neat ist 11 JUL, Rev) Prank .11orta Of Asbfield; Men of R. T. Appleyand of Kenood, will 'Detroit and Maisel at 120ale. The fan -'bonded the atorioes hi the Antiogri era] was bell:11-MidY morning of churh. this -week to St. joiepli's =meters, Mis. 1. Peary sled scos George were aingshlidge. . _ tecePt visitors AtJ. °VW H • ;" saissassaisasa„ .