HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-04-14, Page 1k
- $2,00 'me YEAR IN ADVANcli 0#'M EE
sDAY9 f 14th, i950.
Sops: 9--12 A- M. 1.30-0. Pere
Timothy and . Clover •.seed; govern-
overn, standard. Nis. 1 grades for sale:
at W. G. Andrew's.
FOR . SALE -Number of good
Waling pile.. 6 weeks 'oldat bargain•
primo. G. A. Greer, B: 1, Lucknow..I
FOR RENT mighty -acres, Pasta/lie
•lend, tnever' fining water . supply.-
Atsply A3..1' • • B. R. 6, .
Lnueknoar-_ -. , --.
. SEED GRAIN for sale, A 1. Dur -
him spring wheat, last year's yield
*bushels to the acre. Samples can
_tee hen seen at butcher shop.
R. J. Button, Luchnow.
Barred Rock, White Rock, . White
Leghorn Baby 'Chicks. -Blood Testred.
April delivery, $12.00 per 100. 'Das-
count-on-large--orders. Write -for-
Slating List.=T B, B. Hetherington,
Boz 54 Maley, Ont.
FOR SALE -Eggs' for hatching
and baby .chicks- from Single Con
White Leghorns from Government
approved and blood .tested stock,
mated with cockerels frons one of
Ontari!" best flocks.Eggs 2c. Chicks
9 Jack Fairish. R..7,• Luckuocn,.
'Phone. 82-r-13, Dungannon.
--C omers a rhta.s� lota:.oL
Feed .Molasses to finish mit' the feed-
int Season can get . five or six galloim
ata reduced. price as we have. it on
tap.. Bring he a cream can or pail and
we -wall ® it 'for you.
lf.esber that we are in the seed
basiassa . as-aisa /I and have brought
our prices in line with general Con-
ditions. All lines now on.hand are
Ontario Grown Clgvets..end Timothy_:
Weimar Steele Briggs Lion Breads'
3a A> a'"aid ;13ai1"f::eii '"' I1fa
proms aim of the ,richest ! Sends
grona for dairy cattle and has mot
heed as chez, is 25 years.
We -have-•• alien Ydl'ow and White
Sweet Clover very -Cheap: Farmers
canfertilizeby plowing doiva White
Sweat. Clover for about 50e -per are.
aa4 aatboritiea, claim it'to be as ben-
eficial as commeercial fertiliser or
barn yard manure. 1
order to admipister the . estate
of the late A. D. Mackenzie, it is
• eery that all accounts owing to
The Sentinel Office be paid. Accounts
can be paid sit this office up to April
Bruce Officials
Meet Highway Minis r
Hoa. r Leopold ; saucy Informed of
Ileum Couety's.6.;ah to postpone
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. McMillan
and family wish to express their sin-
cere gratitude to their friends and
neighbors for the sympathy • and
_many kindnesses shown them daring
-the illness and death of their daugh-
ter and sister, IsobeL
lLeopoid .Ithacale .Minister' of a. u.
Highways , fora Ontarioy :'and . B. M.
Smith, Depth a I4an tea Conferred
With B:Raue C,auuty officials .,in Wars -
Orton Friday on the advisability • of.
completing pavement on Highway No;
recenldy., rregaested the
Province itte reiram from ,•.imdertak=
tb eenneek •The neiflberh of Vie;
Brace Canty_:•:gitwsgd .: Ward'en's
emittees were present .at"tLe ses-
sion held in the Hartley Haw:
The Department heads. pointed ` out
that • in,1931 the province paid 50 per
--ent: of the cost of Construction of
highways. The work done amounted
to 9160,000. The county's cost'in eom-
-aleting the, paving would be but
$20, -
Finally it was decided that the
County Uigbway Committee would
present a -report -®f- their, prtaposed
expenditures for, the year. The ; let-
ing of contracts for any paving w� �ncndent whack resulted in Gouley'
ie held in. abeyance until: this report arrest the O'Connor boys told of
received. ' Gaaley's" aerival ' at ' a point -name
i dif-
Kangsaridge, where they were in
faculty with an upset load of hay.
Taailey they claimed took charge of
rebuilding the load ..and on complet-
^ng the work burned the remaining
".its thate wereJstrewnearound.-' $ow--
ever he did not threaten them with
"he hay. fork, as was first reported,
%ut, nevertheless they kept thea: dis-
tance and' phoned for the police. -Cross'
:.xarnination revealed that Gauley had
worked for. Me. O'Connor when these
two boys were small and it `was, pro-,
Sably that he regarded: them as l
irresponsible., .
Tunm .. rifn who investigated, ..the
:with five ewes in particular raising i fracas- this day, claimed also that
the aggregate: to this fii i figaare. zne was. not threatened by Gaa`ikarkit'
Two ewes gave birth to four lambs lid not, interfere as he was cursing
each while three other'ewes had end . apparetntly in a rage_
three .each to their credit_ Edward Dexter testified that a:
""Sae` lamll9f;"due to 'this -"over-pro- Week -pr v'i0us: to' 'alis Om/mince,
duction" were. reared by bottle feed- 1 Ganley seized,hien: by the, throat in
mg and are . now over a month old dispute=that--arose- over__Ganlees.
end doing splendidly. failure to pay . a twenty -cent :bal-
ance on•a horse -shoeing recount.
In registering a convictions the
Magistrate claimed his chief concern
was the potection of the public from
Vials man in the futi%re. He stated
that Gauley might well have been
' imaged with resisting arrest, in spite
,f all the talk that was gong on in
the a ununity. Gauley forcibly
•arrested by police officers daring
which he received a gash on, his head.
Taken Into Custody Again
'Upon hit release Gainey returned
to the home 'of Joe McMillan, who
bad gone lois bond but from • what
we gather, did not, want to remain
-here Ions.. °McMillan was doubtful
�f his actions honld' he start mutt-
-ne.. about• ate,' 'which might result
in the forfeit of the . bond: . Gainey
.as taken into custody again' by Con-
-tables Gundry and White ide s on
Monday evening.
Gauley Liheted, •Again
Takao' Into
Coo ty mils
• Atest Respect
Conv{eteil, Oei ... Diserilerjy ,
Charge.. Allowed L9 Usd
Bond of $549.0
Foal, wing tiro ;previous adiciairsta
Bents David Game,, ap efore
Magistrate C. A. Reid u[ Go iek
os. Fieiday morning on e
orderly coeduet, arfain
arrest• following s
*tot steatite near
i*as' convicted of thio charge
adjourned to two Pia-' to allow
Large Gathering ...•of Sympathetic
Meads Attended S�e1�--School
filtudeata . ire: A Body._
Congregation, representing a
eomA n ity, assembled in
She Hutted Church •en .Saturday, fill -
fag it to capacity, to pay a last re -
to. a ;maw � and,, school:
lsobe) 'gym, l8-yeai-olat
r of Mr: and Aira. F. J, Mac-
mho pasaed•.away the previous
folio g an Tineas of little;
than .tt with. Paeumoniof
-strike: was ten-dieied';by Rev_
`ey`to=obtaintbom dsmearto• assure -tom R. W f•"raw, +siiio s ire'iittina words
court of -his future good behaviomr comfort and consolation to I the
and. he was granted liibe ty that af.:,':' off- �"ty Students of ,rhe
ternoon .ander bond' of $590 furnhabeda'h aohool attended in a body, :car-
oy Joseph' PI1cMillaa, Ashitel fat sea ; 'rye' a wealth of beautiful . floral
A crowded courtroom was ordered 'h� from schools Church organire
cleared foe the insanity investigation.' ations' and .private individuals. Mrs_
Three doctors. who had been awn- • W= Joynt and Mess Belle Robert-
moned were not called upon to: testi- son sang a duet during the service:
ay and Magistrate Reid without cern-Following the serv'iec a large pro-'
Hent. stated that the •.charge of is eessfon of Wreathe 'tic friends filed
y oirld be ,i,i riisssed_ i by the casket banked in flowers.., after
The Bread
of THealth
The Bread
of 'Health
RICH FRUIT CAKE 2 lbs. 35c '•
' . 4 piano*
Y..'Phone . 6 , �
In giving evidence regarding the which the solemn cortege wearied - is -
s ay to Greenhill cemetery. where
iutei d rem•... Moc e •
the sera w+Qe ...R......;a. • Mrs. E_z:.,._.
There's luck now in Lucknow. Shop
et Templeton's..:.
Bdr.. A. Greer is the ' owner of
fourte&. Leicester sheep: which _ banve
accomplished `. the remarkable feat
this past salon of giving birth
shirty lambs; .twenty-five .of which .e'
it present living and thriving. Twit
:f the thirty were dead at 'birth.
This is an usually high averae e
THOMAS --On April 5, 1932, at
Niagara Falls General Hospital, to
Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Thomas, (nee
Clara McQuillin), 2176 Lundy's Lane,.
a son.
MILNE-In Lucknow, on Monday.
Alain 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Milne
Jr. a daughter- -
•• HUNTE$;-lip loving memory of
Winifred Hunter, who passed away
sever years ago to -day, April 14th,
1925. •
Cod took her home, it was, his will,
But in ourhearts she liveth ,still, •
Lovingly remembered .lig Father.,
Mother, Brother and Sister.
After weeks of 'negotiating in
savor to bring about the rete
kidnapped baby, Colonel L
oergh and his wife had their hopes
the child's_ safe return again dash-
ed the ground, upon failure of
y to be ,,returned after $a0,
nsom money lead been paid.
The startling news was revealed
ploy's papers. The ransom
to the kidnappers a week
ns upon the agreement that
would be notified as to the es
whereabouts of the ., baby.. Several
days were allowed to elapse to
kidnappers a chance to keer
agreement.- However the
failed to be returned and appar-
ently Lindbergh is the victim
and siigcging swindle, which
y add to ,the difficulty of ma
further negotiations to bring about
end rn
of hisLind
of ash -
:ab 000.
vio they
wo acs
,wh eral<
gi : c
entl of a
bold trill
ol king
the baby's return.
J..W. Joynt and George, acconnpan-•
led by Robt. Rae of town and Ernie
Matson of Stratford, saw the Toron-
to Maple Leafs defeat the New York•',
Rangers in the . third game of the
Stanley Cup series played in Toron
to Saturday night Tiiis win marked
the third straight for Toronto, and
brought to that city the coveted etre
for the first time since 1922.
Official attendance• was .reported
to be -14,331 fans vrho witnessed a
thrilling eici i-bition of speed, team
play and heavy checking with plenty
of scoring, which ended in a'.6 to 4
victory' for the Leafs.
The April ineoet ig: of the Women's
Institute was held at the home' of
Airs: J. R. McNab, 'with the president
Mrs. Andrew in the chair. Following
the business period the topic `The
Sunny Side of Life," was very in-
terestingly dealt with by Mrs. 11. W:
Craw. Men. Denean, McDonald eon-
tributed smuch ' enjoyed reading, and
Miss Beth Alton gave an interesting
talk' on her three months course' at
the O.A.C., Guelph. Several numbers
of community singing :vete enjoyed.
Th'e toll call was arssteered by "Hints
on Gardening."4 The meeting Ras
closed by' singing "The Maple Lea$"',
after which' y'efics-ingiitt were
C`,, .. •CRANSTONl-1n the Township of
West Wawanosh on Tuesday, • April
11t1a, 1932, jermiah Cranston, in his
• tlitb ,year. The funeral service will
tie held at his lane * residence, lot 18
eon. 7, West Wawanosb, on , .Friday
April lditb, at, 2.00 o'clock P.M. In-
ternient in Dungannon cemetery.
GREY -In . Godeiich• Hospital ma•
Sunday, April ' 10th, William Grey,
of Pott Albert, Tlie funeral service
was held on Tuesday ,from Chrirtt
ChUrCb,/ with. Rete Hall oilaci> tmg.
k.._y at
Our mailing list has been cor-
rected nip to April 8th,' 1932.
Look at the table' on your Sen-
tinel and see if you have been
properly credited .for what . you
have paid to• date_ If you are in
arrears, we request that by Apr?
30th your subscripttion be paid up
to at least the end of 1931, in
'elder to adiflinister the estate Of
'A. • D. MacKenzie. •
kiss Winnifred Armstrong spent
the week -end with friends in Toronto...
"McCoy Bros. are this week engaged
n renovating the interior of ' Horne's
Miss Evelyn Craw of Toronto,:
spent the week -end with he parents
Rea. and Mrs. Craw. • .
-Mass er o bmeardine • .vas a
recent geiest at the home of Mr. and
,The pallbearers were six school WORK SCRIBBLERS -Regular 10c
chums; Arthur Andrew'Ti
. m Stewart, value, 2 for ale, at the One Cent'Sale
John Martin, Finlay McDonald. at McKinfs Thursday, Friday and '
Clarence Greer and Archie Hamilton. Saturday
'Relatives from 'a distance. to attend
the service were: Mrs. Jessie Mae.-
I11pi ,-Los--Angeles: Mrs. Qfian,.....Sin-
Mr: and Mrs. Eldon: Twan eg and.
family of 'Chatham. smcnt the week-
$> Chicago; Mrs. F S. Macdezie, 'end with Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace
Montreal; Mrs. C. 1, Jeffrey, Toronto. T'wamley. '
'Mr. and Mrs_ Donald Wylds •anti
family were in Kincardine over the
week -end attending the funeral` of
Mrs, Weld's uncle, Mr. Robert . John-
stone. .
other_of Large Family
Dies In Toronto.
The funeral service of Mrs. D. B.
;MacDonald, whose death occurred in
Toronto on Saturday, was held in.
South . Sinless church on Monday af-
tcraoon, condueEed yy Rev. • J- a 't.
Borges;aasisted'by' Rev C. H. Mc--'
Donald. •
Mr. and Mrs. '. MacDonald lived
h, of the:C N. R 'station until re.-
cent years, where they raised a large
family of six boys: and . six girls,
working hard and with devotion to
provide and care for such a fanul
and fully knowing the anxiety of
having four sons enlist and see ser
vice It the Great `War.
Mrs. Mae lonald'a death followed
a lingering illness which caused her
much sa1%rsag.
Besides her . sorrowing husband,
mike , is survived by six sons. Dan.
Tom, Alex, John, Archie and Ross.and five daughters; Mrs. Dr. J. F -
McKee, (Ajesandria) Thornbury;
Mrs. Jamieson ,(Mina); Mrs. Sey-
mour McDowell (Sadie) Toronto;
Marg and Jean. The yooigest--danirl -.
ter. Mrs. Wm. Cot (Aida) predeceas-
ed her mother more than a year ago.
Activities - of Past Season Reviewed,
and New Officers"Sleeted far Com-
ing Season at Annual Meetings
The annual meeting of the. Licl'K-
now Bowling Club was held recently
in the Council chambers, when plans
for the coming season were t°lior
�agkly.disett sed as well as the eke -
Ion of the following officers:
Pres., L. A. Finney; Vice -Rea.,
George Hassel,; See'y., Drs W. • V.
lobnston; Grounds Com., G. LI.
Smith, Howard'Agaew, Dave Archer.
Membership Coni.. A. E. lifetime W.
J. Davison, Dare Horne. Local' tourn-
aments Coin., S Banwell IL Rae,
F. T. Arinstrong
Membership fees for this' sewn
remain 'unchanged. The usual dsa--
ah* third Thugs la ' in Angu'st e
lfth, was set ,as, the date for the
annual rink tournament. The eaeeu-
lite , will set the date for the annual
cacti' - -Doubles tourtignient.
Remember the dance in. the Orange
Hall tonight (Tbnrsdall-
Worrk of installing a new :switch
board in the "local Bell Telephone
exchange• is nnderat?9ay with - Mr: D.
4 Twamley . of Toronto main, the
necessary:• ges.
Tonight, Thursday • April 14, St:
Peter's " A. Y. P. A. presents the
ebmedy-drama, • "Mss. Tubbs of . Slims
tytown."• Reserve' your seat at , Mc -
Kim's. Drug Store. Adults 35c; Child-
ren 25e.
Durnin Phillips has one of the,new
Plymouth sedans do .display at Park-
er's garage. It has a smart appear-
ance as well as embodying the latest
improvements ,and is attracting much
attention.; •
Mrs. W. G. Cook of. Yellowgrass,
Sash, who canis east to attend the
funeral of her mother which took
place in . Tavistock was a visitor re -
cently with her sister-in-law. Mrs_
Ales Purves_
Darwin - Grey
A quiet wedding was celebrated in
Stratford on Thursday, .March 31st,
When Was Fannie 'Sophia Gray.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray,
Bruce street, was married to Edward
Howard. Durnin, . son of the late Wilt-
il-"rim Durnin and • Mrs. Durnin of.
Crewe. The event took' place at St_'
Paul's Anglican, church rectory . at
three o'clock in- the afternoon,, Rev._
Wm. Wallace officiating. The • bride
is a returned' Mission worker of the
United church. from Edmonton. Het
Sitithex and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs.' Lawrence Gray, of Stratford,
were- the a is est the wedding.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs:
Durum left for a trip s to Detroit, and
they will make their home in - Kitch-
ener, . where Mr.. Durum is a teacher
in the GollegiaCte Institute. -Star.
Your, Eyes
and Our .Service
. :
Of--anten--persons-who.-are-.NOT r
wearing'.:glasses how many should'
be?' Authorities sa least five.
These folks may ..get along " with-
out glasses, but they would, do so
much better WITH them.. both
ing at all strange in the fact or
possibility that YOU may he, one
of the. five, -
. Colitinueekneat' week
In a small town in the south there
was a lad who hgd the reputation of
not. being very bright. People there
had fun with hire several times a day
by placing as dime and a nickel on the
open palm of bis i d, and telling
hint' to take the pick of the two. In
each ease the kid would pick the
niekd, and the erowd would gairaW
and laugh..
A .kind hearted nanditant asked kini
one 'day'. "Don't. you know the if-
ference between as dime and a nickel?
Don' you know the dime, though
smaller, is worth More?"
"Sate, I know it," be answered,
"bot .they wouldn't try Hie out on it
Pr mote if -1-10r$ 'took tintet''
family Of Seven
Averaged 97 Years
Of Family of Seven Who Hold Re-
Mother of Kinloss Farmer Was Mem-
cord _of Longevity.
Mrs. Richard Carter, the mother of
Peter Carter, concession sir, Kinloss
who died in 1904 atthe age of 88,
was one of the members of a family
of which the Barrie Examiner re-
lates • the following:
The Examiner challenges the world
to• provide a higher record of long-
evity for a father and his six child-
ren than that exemplified in the fam-
ily- of the late John Cole„ who died
at -Grenfel ''in • 1890, and whose Iast
surviving child, Mrs. Jane Bond, died
at Grenfel on Thursday last. The
combined ages of the family of seven
at death was 679 years, anaverage
of 97 years .each: William J. Cole;
Barrie and Henry Cole, Grenfel, are
The members of the family when
they died, and their 'ages at death
are as follows_ John .Cole, father.
Grenfel, 1890, age 110; Mrs. Richard
Carter, Lueknow, 1904, age 88; Pet-
er Cole, Oakville, 1926. age 102; Hen-
ry Cole, Grenfel, '1922, age 85; Mars.
Catherine Coventry, Oakville, 1923,
age 104; ,Williatan Cote, Niagara Falls
1929, age 11;. Mrs. Jane Bond, Gren-
fel, 1932, 'age 109.
"RI .
Posters are out announcing the
four -act drama "Because 1 Love Lon"
to be .presented in the Town . Hall.
Lucknow, on Friday, April 22, by the
Kingsbridge Dramatic ' Club. under
anepices of the Luei nnow U.F.O. Club.
' in
Admissioncluding play and dance
*Reif, 35c. Children 15c:
Walk up town and . save
money- We have a large. dis-
play: of .; Wallpaper priced to
salt every purse -Ale up- Sun -
worthy., 'reg.. 45e for 30c.,
and, reduction on work being.
done; r
Painter. Decorator & Grainer
CelebrateWSilver Wedding
About fifty guests gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Frith,
Carnduff, Sark.,'. on : Friday evening
last to surprise Mr.' and Mrs. Robert
A. Anderson on the evening of their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
The evening was spent in contests,
singing and happy social intercourse.
Two lovely bouquets were presented
by Beth Pack, a granddaughter, one
given by the family and a . home
grown one by Mr. and Mrs. Fel A.
Coon. Appropriate.speeches were giv-
en by rev. T. M. Sutherland, Mr. N.
Spencer, Mr. J. McKillop and Mr. W.
0. Hamilton. A suitable reply was
made by Mr. Anderson. One of the
chief attractions of the evening were
two- grandchildren, dressed in cos -:0
tomes of forty years ago and giving
.an old fashioned song.
A lovely lunch was served by mem-
bers of the family. ; The honored
gust's table was graced with a wed-
ding cake beautifully decorated by
Mr. and Min. Clayton Frith, who al-
so assisted in the decorations of the
rooms for the occasion. At the con-
clusion of the lunch a toast was pro-
posed by Mrs. W. 11. Carnduff, and
Mr. Anderson responded by thanking
one and alL Rev. Mr. Sutherland al-
so voiced the expression of the guests
to the family, showing' their appre-
dation to their mother who had car-
ed for them in their younger days.
The pianist for the evening was
Miss Patricia Horsbroiigh, assisted
by Miss Helen Anderson. The honored
couple also received manypresents
in keeping with the4'oecasion of their
silver anniversary. After the singing
of "For they are jolly good Fellow's"
the guests left for home, after spend-
ing an enjoyable evening with their'
friends of the district. . '
Mr. Anderson was horn in Luck-
now. Bre £Cisinaty, athe, and '
carne west in 1888 settling in Mooso-
rnin, Sask., later. going to Oak Lake,
Man., and then to the Carndnff dis-
trict, Mrs. Anderson, who was Miss
Agnes Burrell before htr marriage,
was born in;Markdale, Grey County,,
Ontario, and came west as a school
"eacher on 1906, taking tip rr,eessider ce
it Gainsboro, Sask. Mr: and Mrs.
Anderson were married at Ci ievale,
Sask., on ' March 27, ' 1907, and have
•esided in the Carnduff district since
that time and are well kno*n and
respected citizens of this' community
Don't forget to see "Mrs. Tubbs of
Shantown" Thursday, (to -night), at
Carnegie Hall. Comedy -drama tie
throe act- presented by St. Peter's A.
Y.S.A. Tickets; 5c and 2,5c. Plan
at ° McKint's. Diug..Stor'e,.
cargvit..,Cxa3ette- "o tia '0'