HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-05, Page 7• 140,,;14, for $01101 w lays Dr.- Woof PIO • MOO NOM. • "Illy diughtetavita irandown in 'health, • Sa0kweah. Veils and 'gonad not go to itched,' write• a Am Po*, Pert id - id West, Quebec .."'While visiting her 'aunt, a friend told tier dank a little Orlin shadier tondi- Bon who had been' completely *bared to health by Dr. Wffiianis' Pink 'Pills. My daughter has Since been taking the Pills, and they have certainly made her stronger. She has lost thaffired, sluggish feat* and has never MiSsed one day's school since September, The Pills also •gave ber a goodappetite;,her nerves are better and she bas IneorelPOP- mead Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills to mothers bf daughters with similar. trOubles." Dont let anaemiarob.your growing • daughtgr health andieror. Give her •the„Williams' Pink Pine. - They 'lite • no • temporary telieL They lain7111 te Condi- • n bta creatingneve bliidd Which line' paid health, vigor and vitality. EmMily, geriellar all rundown or'nervotta condi -Eons. At yottedinggisi* 50e. •,• 274 • Never Misses PaI Irnn SehooL Classified Advertising • A id OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. •...""1 List of wanted taventions and full information sent fret IkeMaio - Make World ,Patent Attocn Ginn. Stredat Otterwl; Canada,. eYs. 73"Bwk icisT CECMS A 1- BABY CHICKS ABS.' cAm- . ka— ADIAN Apprat'of. chicks. All Meeks are, called by .Goveriinien!Iileacec "tat • We :hatch' oiz breeds. ' Write • got. ,fsea •:astalogue. A. EL'Switsee. GPon. Onta,r16., f BAST CNICIa. €16,1AVE 82 PER HUNDRED: LEG - HORNS. 10 cents; Roeka White. Roeko Red. 12 cents: delivered any • Ames. Month olds. 25c. Pullets. all ages. price thrnieeed. Model Hatchery, Xitcherier. • POUNDS PRLNTS, SILK OR VET. - 'c 1,11.•T remnants,. 81.00. •A. McCroery Co., Chatham, •Ontario. ' on,soiaTtlarattea corre.spondence for you. Men and 91 CAN' ARHANGE A FRIENDLY women. ail agert.Partiettlars free. Write Canadian COrFespondenee Club, 2071 Danforth Avenue. Toronto. • RAPT parrears. •• - rip OM BARON STRAIN 1...,ROHO,RN • ehlelco. 89; O.A.C. Rocks, 810, •and Rada 312 per hundred. Live delivery • guaranteed. Prosperity Poultry Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. • MOTOR mpAs ion Razz. RI Cif - R D SON •DOUBLE CABIN cm ter, About thirty feet in use altogether_only Your two seasons; seasons; complete equipment includ- ing, carpets. bed and table linen. china, • glassware and silver as well as sil mar ice equipraent and many extras. This erulter with its two cabins and its 'veil equipped galley is sit'unusually comfort. able boat for week -ends • or longer • cruises for four to six people. It is ex- ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised all over the Great Lakes. It has a high class and very economical 60 horsepower, six -cylinder power plant With -complete electric. lightitir-throaghout and -speed• - o! 12 to, 14 miles per hour. It is a spe- • cial paint job and very attractive in ap- pearance. • Owner will sacrifice for half •Its original cost., H. Watkins. 73 W. Adelaide St.. Toronto. 4.- {,r4 4. RE-TINN ING Milk Can, Ice Cream Packers. Cheese Hoops. Your old cans Made like new for leers thanlialf cost oanow. PaX- tt....rizere retinned "at year own alant. Toronto Coilsoltan, Plating 14 Tinn•nr- • • 'Cm, 'Ltd. • ISO Edwin avenue; - Toronto, • New Device eietps Driver '• • r. See Overhead Traffic Light • Overhead traffic lights are brought thti tba•range of vision orthea motor- ist by means of ah accessory like -a • periscope that attaches to t.he wind- . • shield. It consists of two mirrors, one • plane and the other convex, which ere pointed on 'a wire support that in • Urn Is attached to a rubber racuunt tap. The mirrors reflect •the overhead • lights, says"Popular Mechanics Maga- •' zine," the convex mirror covering a wide angle go that the lights usually • are seen regardlese of where the car stops. . ' • a Approitimately 58.51J0,00n men and Women will. be eligible to vote in the Malt United States presidential Erin. •LIC ' ally,.I think BABY'S OWN TAB- ,• are wonderful," writes Mrs. e P. ),tfacl'Aiiald, Northfield, Ont. •,it baby has na More colic pains." • • pou't let your baby suffer-agive BABY'S OWN trABLETS. For .colds, fever, upset stomach, constipa- tion. Absolutely harmle.q. 25c m Di. Wililaind • emirs owit arra- 4.1111: gii7,6 PURELY ;» VEGETABLE '1.144 No baiter corroctive • exiSf6forhy fur RAD coMPL PON • 'it watt-- 4, 3,, and Au? itomAjoi • Chiba -10, 7, a SishiArvirruheiliim rlt°26F7-" T• he csrerateall Ape ori the Farm • We were in quest of a story on farm conditions as we piloted lour gasoline buggy up the well -kept driveway to Cloverdale Farm. The telephone summoned the farmer who had just introduced us to his oldest son. • "Get the truck out George," said the father as he Caine into the sitting room. • We .can load that syrup right now: Tom Caldwell ower at the village will give, us todayls— prrice if we deliver by sundown," As the son left the house, his father sat down and we had a fine chat. "You no • doubt heard me speaking at the telephone and what I told- my son just now," said he. • "VVell, I have had a good run of maple syrup this spring. The quotations over the radio today sounded low so I immediately called up some dealers in the towns around here telling them I had 100 gallons and my price; they said they would let me know. That telephone call was from Tom Caldwell over at Springville saying to bring the syrup over at once. As You can see for yourself; we are trying to keep pace With the • -times here in all departments of the Work. "The biggest thing of all on the farm today is to take advantage quickly, of the oPpqrtunities we hear about and the_ telephone enables us to do this very thing—it is worth many times_ its- cost." . . . API Olom to Is tffri* AUCTION 4,4 CONTRACT. • 4 Wynne_Yerguson• - &m.o. amaricAL Auanon mbar i ARTICLE No. 20; 0 Don t judge by results" is a Mighty other cards. Learn to analyze the bid no trump on your right if you have good' slogan and one that should be various hands that come up for dia. a set-up snit or one that will set up In applied at all times. /lost player a are mission and you will -boon determine one round and .. sure card of re-entry. apt to judge by results at Auction or whether Or not your bide or those of To bid under such conditions shows Contract; rather than by analysis, and your fellow -players are sound. the no trump -bidder the danger spot there is nothing more lrarmful if a During an evenings play there prob- of his hand and often drives him to •4111146 Auction Bidding • • Onts Mire way to bust No score, first game. Z dealt and winning the first five tricks. This hand Friendship bubbles, Share youa troubles.. elected to bid one no trump. All passed and A proceeded to lead diamends, • Try to make your friends is interesting because, if Z had bid• spades instead of no trump, he could •The's chap who says his wife don't have -Made game. It looks Ike a bet- , understand bhim simply's got ,to say ter chance for game at no trump, how- soinething, if he hopes to get away • ever; so Z's bid cannot be instffiably with the stuff he's trying to pull. criticized A made a good Play_bn re- fusing to bid diamonds, having the lead at no trump. If he bad bid the A little neighbor girl came in. with diamonds, Z would then have bid the a scratch on her face. Her mother spades and gone game. The lesson to said: learn frona A's tactics is: Don't over- Mother-"Whe, Janis, what has hap- pened?" •• Janis (looking very ,unconcerned) - 'Oh, that just where I scratched my- self on the cat!' •YOU CAN NOVI BUY • Red Label Orange Pekoe • You now pay only little more for RED ROSE than for cheap bulk teas. • NOW r Old Price 30 Y2 lb. 30c NOW • Old Price /2 lb.. 43c • We refund the grocer the drop in price. WE BEAR THE LOSS. ' • Owl Laffs It'a Tr I Enough playerreally and sincerely wishes to ably will be several hand- that win anothet and game lbid, as in this ex- The Boy w b careful. These improve his game. Sound bidding is ' puzzle you, and those are the hands =Pie. • •canoes tip over ver: easily." based on •probabilities, not upon cera_that you•should note and ponder over. •Contradt Bidding: tainties. If you or any player at the: One of the greateeeplayers of the day Z should bid one spade. One ,of the The Girl (timidly) -"Would it be table fails to make his bid, analyze the i ov:a his skill to : st such tactics. Af- lessons learned by Contract players, safe tea -to?" e oredeciding whether the bid , ter every game, he would study over as distinguished from Auction players, vas good. or bad. Be sure of your facts • his mistakes and those of the other l to prefer a suit bid to no trump if before you criticize. • players and try to -.ore out the proper the suit is in any way i. sound bid. In Many a bid that is defeated several plays and bids in each instance. All this,instance the spade suit is a sound tricks' save., a game pr rubber and of no haven't his patience, but it's a 1 bid and, therefore, preferred -to the no may, therefore, have baen perfectly great system if tried out even with trump. A should bid two diamonds, jiistiflable. Anything can happen to a , only a few hands an evening. iT,L'it'ilshosuldanbdid zthsrheoeulscradbesid. fourB hand, even to the strongest: There is I The followa ig represent interesting practically ho hand that you will ever i hands:that were noted by the writer spades, which can be made against any - hold which n a high bid cannot be ' during one evening's play: ' defenses- . defeated by a freak dietaibution of the . .• As previously mentioned, theafore- going bands were selected during one • , • Hand No. 1 . •0. :' evening's play • and illustrate • the I' - A •• Rea.rts-J, 10, 6 . , 'writer's suggestions as to Study of • . Clubs -8, 7'; 5, 2 hands. -If players would analyze even Dianionds-K, J. 10 . one hand a night, they would be Bur- • Spades -10, 11, 3 • • " prised at the goc 1 results obtained. • Hearts -A. Q. ... 2 : Clubs -.T, 6 Dlamonaz- A. 4: 3 Spai;ac •• , l''' ,1 !i ,;4*:•• •..4, Hearts,z1C, 9, -5; '4. 3 : A ' R : , Clubs -none Hearts -7 Clubs -A, K, Q, ip, 9. 4, 3 Diamonds -Q, 7, 6, 6, 2 Spades -none No si.•,,re. g.une. B dealt and passed and Z bid clubs. This in a perfect example of .kt pre- emOtire or shut -Out bid at eitlrer Auc- tion Or Contract. Z'q strength was confined the minor suits and he wan. right fn trying to shut out a bid by Ida. opponsyto A. wi!ii apparently four Hearts- Q. ,1 cluba-.1, Diamonds -3', Spades -4i'. Q. .1. 9, 6. 2 Diamonds -9, 3 Spade'- Q. 9. 7. 6. 4. 2 sure tricks. doubled hud all passed. B• should have, bid five spades, bat his hand was so weak that he filled to do so. a result, Z .made five clubs doubled, losing only one heart and one diamond. ' .a ATI analysis and study of this hand will be worth while. Hand •No. 2 :'l -K, 10, 7 clubs -A, K. Q. 4 plamondsa-A, Q, 3 Spatlet-S, 3 . • • : A Y : Hearts -9. 6, 3, 2 Clubs -9, S. 5. 3 • Diamonds -9,' 7, 5, 3 Spades ---A • • Auction Bidding No , score, first game. Y dealt and bid one no trump, B and Z passed and A bid two goatee. Y doubled, B teased and Z bid three hearts. All passed and A opened the king of spades, whioh Z won with the.' ace. He then led the deuce of hearts, A played the jack, Y the king and B won the trick with the response. .A, Should pass and should ace. BMW led a spade and Z discard' now bid three clubs. Z should no* bid ed the deuce of dMmotals. Tkie Was , for diamonds Y should bid five OW *Eat play an it enabled Z to Win diamonds. should be evident that the game as all he had to lose Was one Y Z can make game_ at diamondri as more heart Vick. This baud is a Per- they should lose only two heat frirlis, feet example of, the wonderful results Hearts ---A; 8, 4 Clubs-ig, 6, 2 - Diamonds -10, 6, 4 Spades 10. 7. 6. rc- Scientilst Declares World The Boy -"Yes?", • • •The Girl -"To shift this piece of candy to the other side' of my %loath?' Running for office isn't as strenuous a job as it once was, because since germs have been officially Introduced mothers don't want their habit 1 kissed. ' . . . Speaker --"Gentlemen, I think that , we glue manufacturers must stick' to- gether:" • Gentlornan: (in. the rear) -"The feel - i ing is mucil: ge." •• A skunk has four legs and a gossip bas two. Is Like Soap Bubble What has become of the oldfashioe- - London, England.-bie universe ed girl 'abase, ambitien was to grow was described recent) •by Sir James up and *ear a corset? Some people ;- sleep late trying tomak. their dreaans come true. The next time yoa think of an alibi, remember that Adam blamed Eve but didn't get away with it. ,Ilere's another version of an old poem: "Mary had a Little mule, and it followed her -to skule, and thedeacher, I HEADACHES • How can your head be clear if your 'bowels are sour with body poisons? Stimulate your liver and kidneys In the gentle pateral wax with famous Warner's Bale Kidney and Liver Remedy: Purely vegetable.,.Pleaant tasting. Every druggist known Bead old ]Warners. Try a bottle today. _WariterleaSs-f-e Remedies-Cts4-Toronto7 Ontario. WARNER'S• • . - • SAFE KIDNEY AND 'REMEDY "T. • Russia Not So Smart Soap worth 10 cents is now selling at $2.50 a bar in .Russia,, and we ean recall that not so many m,onths ago • Russia was dumping soap on to the British market at prices, lower than the cost of production in Britain in an effdrt to ruin a British .industry. Rus- sia le not nearly as smart as she fig- ured she was going to be.-Streaford Beacon -Herald.. "I am dot one of those fanatics who think all laws are good."-Clarercei Darrow. • •HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. • 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO eminent i ti .Jeans; sc en t, as being like a vast soap bubble, or a huge balloon, constantly expanding and exploding. • The stars and planets, under his newest conception of the utdverse, Sir James said, are tike tiny specks on the surface of the balloon. As the baloon expands • the objects in space are con- stantly moving away from each other at terrific speed. .• like a. fule, stepped up behind the mule i and hit him with a rule, and then there -Sir James credited Prof. Albert -E. - i Einstein with opening up a new vision • was no skule." of the universe with his -theory of . ---- Sunday School Teacher ---"And why the Einstein theory, he fetid, was the relativity. This new development Of do Noah take two of each hind of ani- the into the ark?" • . sixth and latest great milestone In • Bright Little Boy -"I guess he didn't - the whole history of science.. believe that story about the stork:- • moNTHs oFF • Will You Pay 30 To obtained by ,use of the informatory doub4e. A close study of this hand, of the various plays and bids, will not . Be Rid of Your only be interesting, but also very in- , • Contract Bidding Indigestion ? structive. - • Y should bid two diamonds and Z , . should bid WO no trump, the minimum 25c0nd 754 rid Ogg. ' " es— igeNLIS Hand No. Mearts-A, Q, 3. •,Clubs—g, 2 DiaMorad6-4, 10, 4 • Spade -Q, 10, 7, 4 : Y t. B 6 • 3 4 •fleartak—i5 Itabs—Ai i‘OhdA--if, 7, C • • •• Stye fd, 9, 6 r ' Here le positive guarantee no, slit- ferer. from inagestion, sour.. acid atonic ach can afford to ignore. Within two minutest by the watela, at a cost of hat More . than 26.0yott May be 'Id of acid atornadh.' indigeation, bloating, gas+ bdIchtiatt and Stomach Do /on doubt it? Then 4'6 te; yOur nearest drug store and get a tatekege ▪ • Of Blsurated Magnesia acrd lite' as- -dtc- reefed, If after the first dotre yo a de not feel it !s Wbrtb its Weight in . old, if the belching. gas and "pain era' 'not relieved ,colnpleteIy. you May hayyour money back, • • Risurated Magnesia, is sold ,on' this positive guarantee because we know of it ram' in stomach distress, It is used by thousands of stoma:eh sufferers the world over, The Cott IA abotit se Per dee. YOU lust simply Can't afford*, tO Sutter longer with atornarh distraea *kid stomach and Indigestion when real :ellef is to inexpentive. Try it just Mite aftes a heart 'veal and Ilse for youreelf hew ,formically a arks. Twenty- ve egulSr lakes bi Hearts 10. 5, $, 4 iVainonds--3, 2 ;:padrs-J, . 3 • ' 4„ • •••tataaaareraarrairelea, -,•"-VigNESSeatieleassa _ 5•t4 irralefe"'' 41, 25 will be • Clear Head and Malty flair DANDRUFF • , and Fairing Hair, oso arm: ard's 'MI would • ilty•b2ir tonic. Do this 4' mum a weak end the saitilt Device Grouping Dust Particles . . , • c Proposed for Crime Detection w London -The detection of rimeail NtuRiTis by the analysis -of dust is the newest study by European criminologists and Scotland Yard 10 Soon to be ask- ed to ,test a 'device introduced by ,an American eleetric carpet-sweep- inglooncern. arta§ deride automatically sepa- rates different sizes of dust partieles. and other impurities that -MAY be present on clothes and othr articles and thus makes possible scientific .ColnliariScui with dust And conditions characteristic With a ten Illation. Its inventors assert tha its use will eliiibie deteceiVee 18 seeure etrideece all to Wades Which a suspected per heti bas yisited. • • f• • There never did an1 there nel( will exist anything . perniabenti liable and excellent in a ebaracts which was a stranger to 'lis eiter,-isf of ,resolete self-depia'a- Sir Walter Soda. - A " I suffered awful pain for two yeaft1 withNearitis and Sciatica, and was off work for three months' tinie. After trying everything I could ,think of, without getting any benefit at all, I tried a bottle of lialiteheri Salts. Aftet my second bottle, I started Working again, and 1 aril very. glad to ten voit I am still working, and I am tit* free from any pain whatever." -S. . • The palm of Neuritis and . iidrea are a symptom of deeper tratible-- the shine tmeble that caliges rhetimatism, gout and hind:443: They sire a sign of -an impure blOod-Streain. They show that 'poisons have crept into the blood. • liruscheu is a comhinetion of slas natural salts, which ensure internal cleanliness and keep the blood-stremn • pure. New and refreshed 1st s!, 1 coursing to every fibre of yetis bein. Neuritis, Sciatica and kindred ills ".ass you by. Depression and la.seitude vanish like mist before the sun. ' i3SUE 'No. 18-32 • • . • 4 on.,,,,,ftfl",t4trt,41:0P,WoftriAs,„to"rtr.v/4",".:".4 ; - • 4 , • 't"'"erlaa 44 .4