The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-05, Page 1A
e �
$2" ?PE 'YEAR
'ANCE; 1260•
LUC1 N®Wa NTe, !, W
'! DAY, MAY' 5th; 1.932.
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, I'.uclanow
Hears: 9--12 A. M. 1.30.5. P. M.
-A quantity . of Cedar Posts for
sae. ° WM, MURDIE`d SON.'
FOR SALE -A wicker baby car:
nage in good condition:'. -.Apply at
The' Sentinel Office.
FO SALE;. Hereford .and ' Dur -
harp Bid
Bill, t3eAde. to months old-- ;
A'pplY• to Wna ' Twamleya R. 7,
Lucknow..'Phone Dungannon 70 r-11..
Illaelt..411 modern conveniences. Pos-
session May 'ist, Inquire of.
x .-John .Joynt,
Musica ' Festival
To Be Bela- In ,Lucknow
Lucknow To Be Centre of Two -Day
]Kosicaf Contest Which PIs Opep To'
Any Who pealre Toa Enter -,Local
Talent Urgeetly ,Requested. 'To Take
. Part.
A. real treat is in-store for every.
one. on .•May,N26 and 27, •,when ., the
,Bruce•' County • .Musical Festival will
be held:here:. This isa Community
aiaair under thedasection of.the Jr.
Institute alio Jr°: 'Famrer `Organiza-'
tions,-andit=-is•"hoped•-that-every one
will; enter into the Festival' and make
it the bet ar held in � . B
�...�.. nice County.
,in the past .this Festival bas •been,
held in ' the. northern part of the
TILE FOR SALE -Gla tile from county and those who have. taken part
p •
3have` been v y successful and it as'
to�10 ;taches, Chit can'be arrsng=
•'ed. We deliver. Aliso 'gilantity of the desire that all with musical abil
cedar 'Platt :0-40111013i to'Sohn Moulton,. ity will enter earltestly into this '.con-
--= 'Phoney-8iplay--76..r.25a-Hoiyrood, It 2- teat
Just received a shipment of .Men's
Work Shoear2$1.95 at .W. J. Little's
auue 'Stere. '
FOR •SALE --Young Sow and 7
pigs'. reedy . to wean; also. Atwater
Kent, 6 -tube battery radio. .
Oeeil J. Phillipson,
R. R. 3, Lucknow.
We will have a quantity of Beech,
Bireh, Cherry, Ash and Soft Maple,
,atr '
i)25 0 per cord delivered. This is
good value. Signed,
TheJLucknow•Table .Co., Limited.
Barred Rock, < White' Rock, White.
Leghorn Baby Chicks.: Blood Tested.
April delivery. 412.00 per 100: Dis-
caveat • bn Large .orders. Write • 'for
Mang List. --R. B. Hetherington,'
Boat -54 . Chesley,
of ' Valuable farm lands in the Town-
ship. of West • Wawanoeh.
Under and by virtue of the p' vers `
of sale :'contain ed. -in a. certai a anor'fa
gage,' 7vhich `will be produced at the
tint of sale, there will be• offered
for sale by public tinction at Well-
' mgti)n .Henderson's Garage in the
Villiige of 'Lucknow, -on Saturday, the
twenty-first day of May, A. D., 1932,
at three o'clock in the afternoon, by
"Wethngton: Henderson, Auctioneer,
the- following property. namely:,
- ALL -AND SINGULAR that . cer-
tain parcel or tract of land and
premise$ situate. lying and being in
they'Tawirehip of West_ Wsiwanoeh in
the County 'of Huron and Province
of Ontario -and being composed of
the southeast fifty acres of Let num-
ber Twenty-seven ,in the Fourteenth'
• Concession of the said Township of
West Wmeanosh, arnd also the south
ten 'stereo' of -the' west balf of said
lot -number,.-Twentseven, . the north-
erly boundary ofaaIejd ten aches to
be Aisne!: 'with:4he • Concess;Sji • line
_ angio• $,o tthe ftiit breadth across' said
The .property ig situate. six; and a
half!,.inlies, rein *lie Village of. Luck;
now and `circ` and a half" 'miler 'from
the Town of Winglenn ` The lurid is
a eI r and sandy loam
There i$' said to' he on this proper-
-ty g six -Roomed frame •house; frame
barn '20 ft. by 30 ft on stone fouri-
dab*on, also a hen -house.
TERMS . OF SALE: Ten per cent: Tayilon
McNaln`- Webster ''..`
• A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the parsonage`,. on Wednesday morn-
ing at ten o'clock, with Rev. R. W.
Craw -.
offic iating,'`when Laura Melissa
elder, daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Ta . Webster, Kinloss, was united in
marriage to James Samuel McNair;
son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McNair
of Aniberley.:.
Pubiie School Reports
enior-Class=Possible marks 510:-
iOrHonours " 382: Pass' 306. .
Hon. -Jack Traplin 391. Pass
Celia Wilson' 380: Norah Jewitt 377:
Carolyn Allin . 372: Margaret Nich-
olson- 370: '`Betty "Taylor , 336: Fern
Twamley 333. Below Pass -Willard
.a�arr �`.a
Thompson* 283i'"Reid'`MeKim* 280:
Ross Paterson 4145.' '
B Class -Pa sible marks. 470: Hon-
ours 352: Pass 282.
Pass -Helen Orr 330: Alam Mc-
Kim . 301. Below Pass -Billy Trelea-
ven 255: Sammie 'Chin 245: Kline
Lee 202: Ross Henderson 183:- War-
ren Wylds* 182:' Marjorie Solomon
176: Catherine Johnsto_ n* 170:_ R _ us-
-tell Armstrong 131: -
A Class -Possible marks 595:_Hon-
ours 446: •Pass_ 357.
Hon.=Tommy Traplin 484: Alfreda
Mortis .479. Pass -Donald, Johnston
410: Lloyd Stewart 403: • Raymond
Bultitude 401: Norma Ritchie 371:
Carmen McQuiilin 364. Below . Pass-
Doris Wylds 348: Billie Button ' 337:
Dorothy Paterson* 277..
(* absent ' several days through
I. Murdie
1 I oom
Sr. II -Ex. -Marion Traplin, Es -
thee Mortis, :'Bessie Stewart, (Jane
Hornell; Elva'' 'Twarniey), • (Mary
Fisher Helen, MacDonald), J. C:
Johnstone.' Pass=Jacks Cook, Gerald
Culbert, Ella Whitley, Dolene Pater-
son., Below Pass-•eifuryin Solomon.
Donald Johnstone, Gordon Steward.
Jean Havens, Margaret Connell.
Lloy Wylds, Jack 'Henderson, Evelyn
of the Pr.rchase 'money on the day
of sale and the balance within thirty
days thereafter. The property .will
be plfered subject to a reserved bid.
FURTHER particulars and .condi-
tions of sale will be made known • on
the day of sale or may be had on ap-
plication to the undersigned.
DATED at Wingbam, Ontario, the
second day of •May,. A.D. 1932.`
Wellington Henderson, Lucknow,
Onthao. 'Auctioneer.
J., II. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario.
Vendor's Soliciitor.
a The 18th annual meeting. of the
Maitland Presbyterial Society of the
W.M.$. of the Presbyterian Church
in Canada will be held on Tuesday,
linty doth, 1932, in -Abe Presbyterian
Chureh, Lucknow. Meaning ,session
at 10 o'clock; afternoon session at
1.30 o'clock and evening session at
7.30 &click. Mrs. D. T. L McKeri ol,
M.A., of the council .executive will
he guest speaker: at the afternoon
and evening' sessions. The subject at
the evening session "Our. Opportun
ity in the Homeland." To this session
all members of congregation in the
re bytery. Ara most cordially invited.
Jr. II -Ex. -Keith Collyer, Allan
Treleaven. Pass --Ernest Button,
Russell Garniss*, Below PassT-Ar-
thur Smith, Douglas Aitchisotr, Fran=
ces Armstrong, Donald MacKenzie,
Sam McQuihin, Chester Baker, Fred
Those marked * missed examinations
H. G. 'Sherriff.'.
Room III
Sr. III -Possible' marks 500: Hon -
Mire • 375: Pass 300. '
Hon. -M... Struthers 436:. H. `Ham-
ilton 429: D. -Ritchie 423: J. Stru-
Ithers 415: O. Paterson 396: Pass-
M. Paterson 366'*: M. Garniss. 355:
M. Pearlman • 351: E. B. MacDonald
327: G. McTavish 321: B. Jewitt 316.
Below Pass --F. Lee 281: G. Struth-
ers 276: 'H. Whitley 268: B. • MacMil-
lan 265'+: M. Rae 252: A. Finlayson
231*. D. Jewitt 204.
/r.• IIT -Possible marks 500: Hon-
ours 375: Pass 300. '
Hon I. Nicholson 460.,
M. Alhn
380. Pass -.-E. Whitby 359: M. Salk-
eld 357: John K. MacKenzie 356: L.
Greer 346: D. Irwin 3063 D. Malay -
n 297: J Parker 280: R. Button
278: J. Leith e59* -: '3. Webster 186*:
M. Johnstone 177 J. C. Armstrong
130: H. MccTavish 146.
(*) absent for one examination.
M. l... Maccafmn.
Meeting Favors
Paving Havelock
Resolution U'nanumouely • Adopted
Given Council .Aethority TO Pre-
sent By: Law To Ratepayers . Per-
. tlaining - Te 'Paving of . Havelock St..
• fairly represeatative';festherm
of ratepayers of the village gathered'
in the .Couircil . Chamber~ on' 11fondali
everting • to hear' and take part ,in the.;
discussion of the question' regar'dinp;
'steps'. to be , taken.iii putting Have
lock (Station Street) in repair. Eq-
l*-ghtn'ug i'iformation iz this regmela
was received and a ,tliomegh;. discus .
Oen with the ratepayers. freely • ei
pressing ' their opinion's; resulted •iit
the unanimous adoption of aresoluf.
tion moved by Dr. Newton and sec:-
er:onded by J. • W. ,Henderson, as fist -
lows: "This meeting is m favor of 8
concrete- -pavement-b'eang-laid° bens`
year on -Havelock - street io •Ludgard
street: (Silverwood's coiner) without
a frontage tax being charged, unless
pavement 'exceeds .twenty feet and
that a By -Law ' be submitted to the
ratepayers if necessary."'
Mr. J. G. Anderson was appointed,
chairman of the meeting and request=
ed that 'the ratepayers express 'them-
selves' at .this meeting; so that no
fault finding ,would •later result from:
stepstaken b � .court il: Hes e
, Y C pok:
favo> aaly of ' paving and later we" -
pressed 'their opinion tbtt it was not
the proper time to shut ' down on all
public works and if paving ' was a
needful work, 'proceeding with it
would • create employment which
should 'be • given as . far as ' possible :
to local men.
Reeve Rae then spoke presenting
approximate figures to 'the meeting.
-This scree ; he clan i-edTbas a splen-
did' base •with, good underdrainage
and is ready for any surface. If pee-
ing was agreed to, he would favor a
concrete road; which although more
expensive, was the only really pro:
en permanent road. A Retread sure
face -successive . Payers of gravel
and tarwould no doubt require re-
surfacing in the courseof a few
years. -
Had this street •sen paved at the
time the other concrete was laid in
_tie villageit would havecost ap-
proximately $10,000. This work it is
estimated can now. be done consider
ably below a 'cost of $8000-a cost
of around $6500, being generally
considered a more likely figure.
• Reviewing the debenture debt of
the village, the meeting was advised
that a bridge debenture debt totaling.
$304. retires this year: The average
cost ` of upkeep on, Havelock street
for the past five years has been $325.
annually, which includes gravel, gra-
ding anddust control- Supposing • the
pavement to cost $6500, this would
mean an annual twenty-year deben-
ture debt, of $521, plus a stnall••main-
tenance cost. This amount would be
counterbalanced by the retiring'
bridge debenture plus the expendi-
ture .necessary on this road to at-.
tempt to keep it as a gravel road in
any degree of repair. In -view of this
it was practically, assured that the
road 'couldbe paved without raising
the mill rate.
Councillor Mullin; whom we . pre-
viously stated had been 'opposed to•
paving' this street,' claimed this to be•
incorrect. He had not felt however
that such .a step was wise this year,
but was perfectly agreeable to fall in
line -with' the wish of the ratepayers.
When 'the question • of a frontage
tax arose, Councillor Hamilton kelt
it would be unfair to residents'. of
this street were they required to
pay such a tax unless the pavement
exceeded twenty feet in width, as it
was. in only such instancesathat rate=
payers in• other sections, who front-
ed on a pavement were required to
pay such- a fee:
Councillor Robertson .pointed out
that in his opinion it was the flat
surface 'of this • gravel street, thus
preventingthe escape of surface
water, which resulted in the *yell-
ing condition each fall and . spring.
To: overcome this, the street • would
require a , crown, which would ; be
rather an expensive means of -effect-
ing a remedy should it prove such.
The feeling expressed, both by res-
idents of the street as well as num-
erous residents living in various
parts of the town, Were decidedly in
favor' of paving ami the resolution
was so unanimously supported that
. • . .. take im-
Council will no doubt t e
a 'b -law if
p presenty
me rate ate s to necessary; which would result in a
vote by ballot: •
Judging front' expressions Of opin-
on' there was evidence that before.
a ' .f
Mrs,_ Dave --Mahe, Jr., -;Mother--of An
Infant Child, Died • on 'Sunday In
Heir Twentieth ;Year.
A. very sad incident was the death
of Mrs,,si•David Milne. Jr., which oc-
enere'd on- Sunday in Wingham . "Hos-
pital; •followSag followinganaillness from the
flu and- its 'develop rents. Besides her
bereaved husband, Mrs. Milne, leaves
a month-old baby
her twentieth' r�
�'Nir Mil
s. 1 ne
leas been-ra, :resident of the 't illage for
only a'.short time, ":'coming here sev
eral months sago -frein the West where
she formerly' ,lived aind,*as- married,
her/.maidenname €being' Barbara
The funeral left her late residence.
on Wednesday morning at 9.30 o'clock
the cortege proceeding 'to St.; Pat-
ick's' R. C. Church, Holyrood, where.
a..service . ayes held -at-ten=a.m.:-•kn-
terment: wan .made in South Kinloss
Attend Service
• At Anglican Church
Large Turnout • of Oddellows and
Rebeksais Far Anneal • Church
• Parade. '
Observing the 113th anniversary
of establishment ee lime
t of th°•LO
e .F.
in North America, over. ninety Odd -
fellows and Rebekahs joined in, the
annual church parade to St. Peter's
Anglican church on Sunday morning
Besides members of the local lodges.
this member included visitors , from
Ripley and Kincardin.e
The rector, Rev. E. O. Gallagher
deleered a practical and impressive
,sermon on the 1lect- "A Minis
of •Reconciliation"' as it applies to
the three principles of Oddfellowship
A special. anthem "Just As I Am,"
was rendered by the choir. '
At the -close' of the service the
members returned to the lodge room
where Mr. D. .C. ' Taylor, D.D.Gbi.'
presided when a vote of thanks was
tendered the minister of the church,
as well as the members of the differ-
ent lodges, who joined in tlie_parade.
Culross Residence
Destroyed By Fire
Furnishings Are Saved When Home
Falls Prey to Flames Last Week.
Fire, caused it is thought from a
defective chimney, completely des-
troyed the home of Mr. Henry. Mur-
ray, 10th con., of Culross last Thurs-
day. The outbreak was discovered at
•the noon hour and. the word passed
along the 'line. Neighbors were soon •
on the 'scene and assisted in remov-
ing the furniture, all of ; which was
saved.. '
The conflagration apparently star-
ted in the shed to the .rear of the
house and when discovered, had made
considerable headwf ay in the parti-
tions; which` added to the difficulty
of trying to check its advance. The
bucket brigade was later rendered
practically useless when the pump
failed to work,. although there re-
nained 'sufficient -water in the well,
and as a result little could be, done
in an effort to prevent the total de-
struction of the house which shortly
was reduced to a smouldering ruin.
Mr. Murray may build again, and
for the time being, with his family.
is residing in a residence previously
vacant, near Teeswater.
Fresh PariStone--Limen and Ce-
ment on, hand. -
long work will be underway in this
respect. It will mean employment
for many and a pavement that will
be an asset to the village, will re-
place a gravel road that has been
for years, both spring and fall, an
unavoidable disgrace and detriment
to the _best .-interests of the- village.
The quettion of widening a portion
of main street was alsq -brought up
at this meeting.' but was left in the
hands of the„Couneil whether any-
thing be done in this regard or not.
Extending the pavement to the side-
walks is not practical as it • would
prevent access to the water mains.
However retread surface could be
used as it can be dug up ' easily if
necessary.A lowering of the curbs to
enable cars . to pack farther in to -
Ward the sidewalks, was 'also o sug-
gestion offered, '
The Bread The Bread
of Health I` OV.I of Health •
HO.LLYM_A ' : ':. _ -
• Phone 36
Solid Leather Club Bags for $5.00
a 'W. J. Little's Shoe Store.
Jack Brabson is visiting with his.
grandparents, Mr. anaL..Mrs.-...lgavid
Andy • andBill Cummings ( were
week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
A. P. Stewart. .
Mr. Charles Cooke has moved from
hisformer residence on Havelock
St: to the apartment above Murdie's
Store. - '
Mrs. W. W. Kincheloe of Chicago
returned to her honie after spending
a; mohth with her sister, Mrs. P. J.
Mrs. Frank,Tyler of Listowel visit-
ed the, that . of the week with ' her
asters, Misses Dorothy . and Maud
:Cooke. .
Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Buck and son
Francis .of London . were week -end
guests of Mr. and Mes. Wm.'Arm-
atrnng .
The new Ford V-8 which was on
iisplay ,at Henderson's Garage last
Thursday was the centre of attrac ,
tiori for motor' .admirers.
Mr. Melvin Hackett, recently, of the
local ' Bank ' of Commercestaff has
received a nio' ve" to Hickson, between
London and Woodstock.
Mr.. and Mrs. Alfred Andrew. and
daughter of Walkerton were week-
:nd 'visitors with the former's par-
ents; south of the 'village.
Mr.: and Mrs. Jas. A. Nixon and
Kieth motored ups from Detroit on
Sunday and spent a few days with
friends at Lucknow and Kinlough.
Mr.. and Mrs. Lewis If. Buck of
Ottawa,, who ar,e on a wedding tour
through ' Western . Ontario, were re-
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Thomas Alton received word
recently of the serious illness of her
sister, Mrs. Thompson, who rives in
Hayter, Alberta, Mrs. Alton left on
Tuesday for the West and expects
to be away for a couple of months.
Friends and relatives of Miss Mar-
' ret Thom attended the graduation
exercises of the 1932 Class of Guelph
General Hospital, held last Thursday
evening in the • Collegiate • Institute,
Miss Thombeing one of the 'grad-
Attend Funeral in Detroit
Messrs. G. A. and J.1 M. •Greerlm(to-
tored to. Detroit on Monday to at-
tend, the funeral of their brother-in-
law, Mr. A: L. Stewart, which was
held . on Tuesday in that city. Mrs.
Stewart was formerly Agnes Greer.
Mr. Oliver Johnston was removed
to Victoria Hospital, London, on
Monday, where he will undergo treat-
menter a foot -ailment that has
troubled him for some time. Mrs.
Johnson has also '-been seriously i11
of ,late and her condition has caused
much concern.
Annual Meeting To -Night
The regular meeting of the Luck -
now Jr. Institute and Jr. Farmers,
will be held in the Town Hall on
Thursday evening. May 5, (to -night),
at 8.15 sharp, Please. As this is the
Annual Meeting it is requested that
every one make a special effort to be
Macl ENZIE-In VGctoria Hospi-
tial" -London, on Friday, April 29, to
Mr. and Mrs. Steele MacKenzie, a
daughter. •
• ANDERSON -In Wingham.Hosp i-
tal, on Saturday, .April 30th, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Anderson, a daughter.
JOHNSTON' - In Lucknow, on
Tuesday, April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Russel 1i hnston-a. daughter;
Half _Price
To clear out all Odd Linea or
Designs which,we will not he
stocking againin .order to
make room for New Designs,
we are putting these
on Sale.
the regular price
Now is the time to Buy • Silver
Walk up town and• save
money. We have a large 'die -
play of Wallpaper priced to
suit every purse. 8c up. Sun -
worthy, reg. 45c for 30c.,
and reduction on .work being.
Painter, Decorator & Grainer
CEDAR OIL- 4 oz. bottle 7c.
• ' • • 12 oz. bottle • 17c.
High Quality RAZOR BLADES to,
fit Gillette Razors -40 blades for 35c
WHITE PAINT -70c quart
Officers Appointed and By -Laws
Drawn Up For Conning Season
The annual meeting -of the Luek-
uow Tennis' Club was held on the
evening of May 3rd, 1932.
Moved by Edwin Smith"8nd,second-
ed by Doug. McDonald that Roy
Lightfoot be ' appointed president.
Carried. Moved by Wm. Henderson
and seconded by George Joynt that
Tom Henry be appointed secretary-
treasurer: Carried. Doug. McDonald, ,
AIex McKenzie arid Edith Smith were
appointed for membership committee.
Arthur Andrew and Doug Clark were
appointed for grounds committee. •
Moved by Alex McKenzie and secon-
ded by Art Andrew that Stewart
Cameron be given the job of tare -
taker at $20 for the \season, to be
paid at .end of -each month on appro-
val .of the grounds committee. carried
The single Membership fee for
this year was set at $1.50; • Family`
ticket $t00 and visitors 50c a week
.By -Laws of the Club are as follows:
L All• fees must be paid before
slaying on courts. '
2: Fees to he paid .to sec.-treas.
3. • No person shall be allowed on
'hurts without proper, shoes on. ,
4. No ' person shall, hold • the courts
mere -than half an -hour after another
raid -up Member' has placed his racket..
on the eourt.
5. The Caretaker es well as the
Grit nos Committee will have the
right to cifd£ce these By -Laws.