HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-12, Page 44,44,04e, To.
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• ...4,..`!"1"1,-
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NY *an who 'can drive
• a nag can -Pitt up fire
ceilings and Partitions -
.. •
**Ore' area to
covered, then order* many
sheets of _Gime tta you
'need. p eats. to size
lumber and you ..nail it,. to.
, the studs, joists or or old
Paper itt:panelit,Or'llutilt
it tiith••Gyptet Mabastitte
. and you :have an otexpea-
wail et.Prressienal.- •••-••
• -•
• . 4 .4, 444 ft
• G3iproc may be easily identtfiertby
tbe name tAlbe-bogfil and tbe
•gepen stripe along tbe cage.
pyTsuni, us= Amo.,ALABAsiiipt.
ceeeda, Limited
Paris ,
: ' • '
}or -ale Bp.!. •
Henderson 81 . • Lucknow., Ont
Murilie 82 Son Luekttow, Out.
ae 82 Porteous - • Lueknow, Ont. •
".• '4.4, • • R •6
Tazimc. • .
. • .
."T111,101j.AY; g*Ar12th,'19.3.*
vic,09*- 41,01":„ „ . •
to be Say 401ens 00r.ge,4914.the •onlr;:
(c4311441, fromPage,••1)". • " hip'144,air thoh of *1114 thq
. Seelvd,eets sThursdays o -L4UCKNQ'W,SENTPTIP4. were ‘nogn)saat • WAS. the TAtalne, and
before full 4.409n. There are 5Q memv , tbe hip tbeY- were leehint. Alt
bora, ' . • „,- „ Fublialied every.`"Tharaday Oiiirldng" taiply 90414 not be the 'Titanic
.clijkatert63,„at.xxelmow, Qom* ' ;MOO, first! of all e_he was aP piir,•ently
was organized October 70„.. 1874. .. far •toe small, and 'Secondly, because •
James Sealervilic, F. Z.; Wm Bo1ms lalUrliSDAY,. MAY 12t1*, 19.33 .110. Tit,61110-Waa, tie •Much -adyertiSed
S,oiNMet.i..s first Monday each • ; • 1in41411kalde”- and would not 1*
There are ZO' members, : rATErtif.•••ItItNt7Tf8 IcAdlOr''Op -distresa rockets, At 1,40.'
Lucknow Lodge No, 212, 10-0 - •A TITANgC-'SIDB14014::;hree 090 rockets Were seen and
was organized ": en, Mareli,„:.4th.[1371,, • • • • ' .59,4904 ,OfgeOr' Stone, . who . by
W. Connell, N. G.; 1:)„. Kennelly, Sec, • Twenty yeara ago. at :1340.. en .0,!, was bPeoining uneasy, :• sent -the
Medi Fridays. There 40 86 meltWers quiet SrindaY..night, the Titanic -taw.' apprentice to' report to the .captain.
L._ 0,1,, kl_e2ff„.healomen organiz.., ing fonNow lorli_thronth the ice-.' The lights o the strange ship.. were
ed '17 years. Robert Davison W. M. • • - • lot and -were-moving'uoeer,-
- • "•A ftelds of the North Atlaatic,. was. • • • - • .., • •
S. 'Tennant,. Meets Men. • • * . - • • .• ly. :Soon the lights began to disap
day on or before firillirition, 'There areed open by a subnierged ledge of ige' Mar, and the 'Puzzled observers 'O60 nembersn
- 4 for 34 feet below her M44P1,714e. and the bridge of the Californian reach -
Western Star Lodge, later with Sdithe"concluSion that • the ship was-
B•,.'.'weS Organised in. March! .18M,a loss of 1;500 lives out of in.ore than •steemillg,.'0143'
Thos. Webster W .14oceit' ' ' - • the 'south tand two twenty
• " • 00 2
, ,200,-soula abd, So- sligt was -the •
See. lylepte firikand third.' Wiiisdays., -
Thee are 25h-reinhers.
St Peter's. Church•is a
briar bailding, seating .350 ; --It was er..--:?•
doted in 1878, at a cost "'afi.$060Z:
rwices at. 630 eeliter.
at 239 .p.m. There are fainilivi:2
Rev. 401110S Carrie.
•• The Methodist ,Churcli is a rough-,
cast buii4int, • Seating' 250: t
at, 1030 Lim, and 630, p.m'. Sunday,
Scheid 41.30 pni Pray meeting on
Vednesdajr. There are 90 MeMbera.
'Rev. R. • '
The Presbyterian .Churci IS •• a'
. '-, the lights entirely disappeared. The
ock Of impaCt that little attentiontitnc had 4!theeir b:uonttsolimspe.oef.:
was at first. paid Ay the officers- to he Atlantic boeilfeoreti!
the incident. And* one of the filo- oyes.
Meat ironies of fate ,ever ,recorded .,- 00.'velrippd subsequently at 'tit+
he -li14.43"4-.-Vi-the444$10-Ait'amoi•-..'"A- nuniiry.--in4iYerpool that Whilst_ the:1,
the sea, the one man Wha might.haye ',Meer§ of the Californian were, try-
Prellehted this :fearful lose Of human 'pc to signeU Morse lamp to the
Ufe 'lay .innocentlYOsieeli in his Virth° -titanic, the officers of the doomed'
in boardithe Californian, a 6,009 -ton hip could plainly see the masthead
hi hiali I hove. t intheice- i h s and the red: and green side -
:s NIE lay
field only eight or ten miles distant 'ights of the dalifornian and tried to
from the : Titanic: This man was the ignal her by Morse laniP also, but
sole Wireless operator' et. the Cali- or some unknown reason neither
tycEtim Theatie
Nay 1? --.13-14 •
" oek of the Air"
A TatisiPin of Eicplosive Bilarity.
May .16•17,,771/3
-FAY : :
Ar,O• ,
A, tale of Adventure in
the Algerian Desert
furnian,' a yOung fellow Awned Evans .hip‘could distinguish the lamp flash- •
frame building, avatint tau:It was.' -
-e-reztod44.4'ear.1 :chat .451
. •
who had indeed actually half an hour Is of the otberc-Ten. little minutes miles between the two ' ships—was
before tiied to warn the Titanic of. )e ween the time that .an exhausted there ':etrer a more'
anger bat had emi cur y 9 110 vire ss opera or oek--941---h1s head iiig on the part
to interruPL. Evans, who had been 'Phones to go to :'bed, and the „.nio-: • . • - - • ,
on duty since severiin the morning,' nent that the Titanic struck the ice- • - .
went to bed completely tired out ten, )erg; the curt order of ..Phillips to „A Paris brewery 'will pay its 414.
fateful- minutes-- before the 'MaarWan& . ' to "keep . out; don't, interrupt • '
• , deride to Shareholders; by giving there,
grazed the iceberg. . • ne ; he yam effort of droiei ' to- bottles Late' in the afternoon of Aprilr
',: isteri in through Evans' head 'phones each 100 bof its product That
That ,
1912, the Californian .found herself he failure of the Morse lamp sig should be a good stock' Selling .
,in the; ViCinity of ice and sent- out a ials to carry across the e'ight or ten scheme. ••
$1,100.. Services at 10.30 every •
• alternate Sunday, 'and -6i301 tizn. eir-
eiy • Sunday. 'Sunday'• 3
• •
Prayer meeting On''TharadaY. • There
• -arzoe.150'n
•St. 'Andrew's. chnrcg, also, Presby
terian, is a stone,.. building erected:4e'
11872-,. and 'seating' 200.'• 'Services, $
aan. 'and 6.30 Oundaytoehool general warning.' . Oohed
• •
cruel bit of •jest-
• 6.• ,•
• A
-•"""1". '
Colored or plain, For houiSes, barnei
61144 :21,
• t •••,•sheds,,,garage
. . • or "Aeovi" quality. 'Easy and quick
• to lay, perinanelitkProof against fire.
Fee e a gla y sent. Send
1 measurements; •
• ,
Afakeia rAf Preston' Steel l'ruse Barna G6.14
• • vahire;t1Toslis,BranDocerHardware,Seiton
NailkDouble-Meah Meta - Lath.
V Rall -N Fog Garage Poore. AU
kinds Metat.Buildiag Material.
• Gaelph: • preeton:Oni.
' Factories at Motftaidaad Torontp
' joupOsansuntairmunaigumaassautuwimatuut
REVIEW agf•OuTER • ‘. • • , • • • • the, Titanic, which nevertheless
at 2 36 P m There:lire- 52 Memberq
, , The first settler in was:?n. order tit maintain her. sehechile
• •
' J„. Bunter has di§pOsed of ' ' -
a .Mr. Stafford, who' came:. about time. At 40.30 the•Californian stop_
RANDS'Rev. Sohn It. •Taylor,
' continued to travel along at 21 luiots
1858. •The village. was laid qut, in
the Kincardine-- Review', Reporter to
t ' d
Mr. Fred R. Davies who took posies - 1861, -by James SOmeriille:
corporated 1873:
sion on May lst..Mr. Davie has'had
some twenty -years experience • in
newspaper work,' having- served fol
at. six years with the Kingston
Whig -Standard, Of • which his: father
is editor. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Sa'm. EmerSon , and
"'Children Viiited with the latter's,
pdents at Armow 'on Sunday.
Mr. and Mts. John 'MePadgen 'and
babe of Tiverton' visited relatives ori
this line last Sunday.
• Mr. Henry Scott, of Stratford spent
the week -end, with his brothers Al-
bert and, Ben.
Mr. CainerOn of Lucknow has been
busy decorating Mr.. W. Scott's
house. .
Miss M§rgaret Robertson is spend-
ing. a few weekd at Mrs. Walter Ali-
derson'S of Kincardine.
Mr., Cleveland Hill visited with Mr.
Frank Johnston last week. - •
Mr. and Mri. Gillies and Dim-
ald visited at Mr: Jack Emerson's re-
cently, ;. •
A jury at Warren, Ont., refused to
. allow claim for $168' damages' be -
cease a man had stolen a kiss. The
'jurymen lodked at the young lady
and the judge bad ail he conk] do to
head off a ,stampede.
Ors has gone up.
- A Montreal laundry. prefers 13ra-
- •Tobacconists announce that • they
give no more free matches.
IPretty hard on smokers, especially,
.. :duce' the price of' gasoline for light -
Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. Fripes and
Son John, Mrs. Porter•'and daughter
Mary of Detroit, ,also Mrs. Holly of.
visited at Mr. George Em -
,nette laundresses.- The -blonde type, Harrison
'already has a washed' out appearance. 'pi -sores over the week -end.
pea_ altogether _because the ice -field
extended across -the western horizon
'ahead of her. At 11 o'clock she 'saw
light approaching er on her star -
BORN" AT WIIITECHURCII hoard quarter,: but -her officers did net‘
---- • - identify the oncoming shin" as the
The tollowirig-appeared_inithe-Titanic, because her lights were Mit
don Free Press on Monday: • •••such as Might he expectedfrom so
,Toronto, Mjiy gi-Christopher W. :huge a' vessel, and the angle at which
Steel;;71,*driCler of thX.firat ..electric' she Was approaching also madeler.
Street car in Toronto, died here Sat appear much smaller. Just then Ey-
urday. ..Was Wm at IiVilitecimiel; anti, the Californian „wireless man, got
Ont. . into. touch with the 'Titanic; but by
Miss, Ruth Eyan§ apent]the week --
end at her home in Clinton.
'and Mrs.'Gordon Ritchie; and,
far lily spent Friday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Russel Ritchie, West. Wa-
Miss Jean Long and her mother,.
spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. .
The farmers of this vicinity are al -
Third Officer Groves.' was on watch
the bridge of the Carifornian rind'
Gilmore. •
' 1 -tis Emma McDonagh of London miles off. He reported her to the cap -
the strange ship ten or twelve'
most all finished with their seeding. .Saw
spe3t Sunday with her parents. .tain, whet told 'him to .call her uP ofl
Mi. Wm. -Hogan is at present in :the Morse-
Sb.. osep1'sHospital London, after Groves could get no answer and at
having undertone 'a critical operation PA° the distant ship seemed to .stop
His many .friends wish him a speedy 'And her deck' lights to go out. droves
'naturally 'assumed that the ship, had
like the' Californian, stopped on ac-
count of the ice and passengers
had gone to bed. The captain of the
Californian,. who, had come up on the
bridge, knew from, his wireless op-
Aipreme ill -luck, no conversation be-
tween them took place, except an
abrupt. kequest from Phillips, -the
aria. wireless' operator to keep out
and refrain from "jamming" the CM-
municaiions he hiinself was then ex--
2hanging with Cape Race. Had Phil -
Lips only -allowed .,Evans a minute
or two of conversation he would have
learned, the exact 'location of the
Californian and the ice conditions
ecovery. ' •
Mrs.. Less lifcKeith received word
on Saturday- of the sudden ideath of
her uncle Mr. 'Jno. Cook of Lion'a
Head. .
Young Yachtsmen to Meet 'at Yarmouth, N.S.
• •
. • • .16f.t I 0.".sVMIt• •Tr•Mr.•41.."710
1••••1•;•:4,-14 ,
oung yachtFirrien
1 from Canada, New-
, foundland and the
United States will
• gather at the Lakeside
Inn, Yarmouth, N.S,
. from July 6,to July 9,
• - 1932, to compete for
• ' the handsome silver
' mitt, presented by
• R. H. theVrince
of Wales' to the Royal
• ‚Nova Scotia Yaclit •
Squadron for conipeti-
tion between juniors
and wrin last season by
the Pleon Yacht Club,
of, labliblehead, Maas.,
- who are now -defending
it -against comers.
Entriet are restricted
, to boys -and giris.be- '
tWeerf. the 'ages of' 12
and 18 and the craft
. Uhed ater•Mareoni • • •
, •figited yachts Of the new "Acadian"' classt built last year for the Lakeside'/nn end tbe Lakeside Ytteht Club.,
aathne will take place on Milo Lake, adjoining. the hotel, which is the' Canadian Pacific Railway's laterit
link in a vast chain of hostelries across Canada, and a reti•ord attendance of contestants and ripeetatOre_in
expected from all the representatile Yachting Organiiations of three cotbitries. Tho pteturts shove th0
beautiful hotel', in its idealsatting• at' aeht and the nazi ch-coleted 611 thelf • 4.6A
•"'"69 • • "::o,"•
erator that the Titanic was some-
where in the neighborhood, but still
did not asiteciate the unidentified
stip with the Titanic. Indeed, he ex-'
jilessed some doubt that she was- a
passenger ship. Meanwhile Evans had
gone to lied :at 11.30 arid .thate.did
:not Sean to he any 'urgent necessity
to awaken, the tired youth to make
frirther iequity. ShOrtlY, affter mid-
night Groves' was relieved by' Second'
Officer Stone to whom hp pointed out
the strange ship, but it never enter-
ed his head that she was the Titanic,
Yet, Groves, was not One easy in his
mind, and before he turned in to rest
he went to the cabin where Evans
lay asleep and awakened him enough
to ask him what . ships he had been
in tench with. "Only the Titanic,"
'murmured the halftconscious Evans,
who turned over and went to sleep
Again. Groves, unwilling -to bother
the wearied operator, did not press
the matter further, though before he
left Evans' cabin.. he actually put
Evans' headgear to his own ears,
heard -nothing, put them down, and
went to bed. .
; tp on the bridge N the Californ-
'an, Stone. and an apprentice were
',a watch,.and asiftheli ship wining
410/13r to and fro 'they' obserled •-the,•
distant vessel—one masthead light,
a' red sidelight, and two orAhree in-
distinct lights on the deck. At ten
minutes past one they noticed five
white flashes at intervals Of about
three Minutes, and Stone accordingly
repotted :the,to,, the ,captain, who
diked Stone if they were the coni-
pany's signals. Sane end ,n6t recog-
nise theta as such hut tiled vainly, to
get into communication with the
strange ship through the Morse sig.
nal lamp. Nene of thefts thought of
awakening Evans from his peaceful
1Wilhqa hoopoe tllet,e Aid got .10901
Superbir wire and superior
processes of manufacturing build
. extra years of service into every
rod of "0.11BWAYr. Fene. That
is why each roll .of "OJIBWAY"
at cane' lifetime 'satisfaction.
"0.11811VAY" Copper
Bearing Steel Wire Fence costs
no more than light -weight, in-,
feriot fabrics .. and assures you
double the life of ordinary
„ fence. „
0 J f W A Y" Banner Steel
Posts—Built like a railroad rail
—Easy to drive—No post holes
to dig.
1. All "0.11BWAY" Farm Fence •
is xise./ftg, to stand FOUR
one -minute immersions by the
Preece Acid Test.
2. Made throughout ...line wires,
locks and stays . of Full
Gaueger& t.._vf.......am/ Copper
Bearing Galvanized • Steel
3. duaranteed Full Length Rolls.
4. The *0.1113WAY" Guarantee
of Service will be gladly ex -
Vain -ed .by your Dealer. No
other fence carries as high a
guarantee andat noadvance
• in price..
Made and-
. 6ttaranteed
fart • e°1TION
Mins and tread Offi0=-0),IbivaT Essex Cunt, On t