HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-19, Page 5V1 1.7RSDAY,
f 191t11r 1942
now booking orders for Bally chicks .for
chicks are produced from GOVERNMENT
Electrically thatched from Eggs that weigh
n�' ;average. Zf i %y ounces per doz. '
S $"l;b0 BA'Rl�ED Rocha 8.00 WHITE
s as our supply is. limited, and or.
. t ` , filled. in the order received
' 'PHONE 5x or 65-16 - .BRUSSELS, .i®h11T.'
We are June delivery,
stock.h over 24
ounlcete n
I:EGit1ORI'it Rocks' 10.0.0'
Order. from I be
Miss ' Olive iv
O ,Kenn coli is • •, visiting
' with her sister,, Mrss:.'Toynbee Lainb
•» ' of Goderich. '
° Mrs, Ma : velle Scott..of of� lou' h
,' $ r �.' g
anent the ,week -end with Miss Ida:
MCQaoid. • '
Mies May_ `Morris of
*Milton. is:
spending . two Weeks with .'Mrs. Du'>l- "Students= of ' 'human. relations are;
;:_; cah_Ketinedy,-and=-erne ae i ling -.old , ming more and-niore••to believe that,
acqua►"ntances• around- the village. °ethone .accused of crime, .of .any
-'' ` The sacrament of the.. Lord's sup- ';ort whatsoever, should be dealt with
per will be held in the Presbyterian by •..trillunal's °of experts, : psyehiat-
' church' on Sunday,. morning • at 11 'rists, psychologists, social workers.
a.m. and -Preparatory services will rather than judges and juries, as has
he held. Friday `eventing at• • 8 O.K.been the ins c tom. since time inninem-
when .Ren. Mr. Burgess 'of -South •opal.
Kinloss church will conduct', the ser -
.This need is, emphasized by a re-
Vce cent case•' i• n ,,the Ontario.couyts.. A
Mr., Peter Kennedy went to Guelph aminent unertaker in a suburban
System , of Dealing, with. Criminal
Cases . Fails • to , Corxec-Much .lit-.
justice Often- Results. .••,
on Sunday ;to. see his uncle, 117'. town near Toronto was accused of
Sandy, Kennedy' Sr. who is seriously attempted rape by a domestic. ern-
; -i.loyed in ,the home of an equally
Several from this cornmun•ity- 'got trominenti reacher. • •hlaturahy, the
a hurried call 'Monday noon to ,Mr, attention,:
•._ _ase_ :attracted _ widespread ti ,..
George 'Murray's near Langside as tnd the . accused found himself in a
his: chimney caught on fire and with ,cry unenviable' position. While it, is
slice very high winds' they°were `un- lniversally understood that a person
•able to save the house, though• most 'is presumed to be.innocent-until
of the household effects were save& i-t-'--;---
.ounti "guilty, the mere feet that ' a-
person is accused .often results 'in a.
public• impression which even •even-
•tual ;acquittal 'does not entirely re-
In .this_ particular instance, the --de-_.
rence produced evideneekto.show that
t:he complainant was mentally,an-
will •-be a heavy.loss, and.also, : Ivtr_
Frank Miller's barn across the road.
Was •burned• to the ground; as: with.
such. very 'high winds a spark . flew.
across, and set' fire to it.
Mr and , Mrs. Hank Kruger and
daughters Lois and .M,rs. Alex Leitch.;
Of Detroit spent a few days last stable; that she, had previously been.
weekly with • Mrs. 'Kruger's mother. a patient.in a mental institution;
Mrs. David . Gillies. and that she was in the '• habit of
LUCKNOW and. WINGHAM°. imagining that men ' .were making
0 numental Work's improper advances toper. It was al -
• so shown that . once before. she .had.
• Lucknow. Ont.
' Has the largest and most complete
'stock in the most beautiful 'designs
to•:choose from; 'in=-• '
'W �E • make -a Specialty _of
Family monuments and invite
.your Inspection. - •
Inscriptions Neatly,, Carefully 'anti
fi F
brought a. sin,il;ar ..charge. Against a
man, and had been responsible.:for his'
'going to jail and receiving five lash=
Needless to say, wheal this evi-
dence was produced the judge in-
structed the,jnry to•.ficd. a 'Nei -diet of
not.,geilty. But although' the accused
loft the court'a.free man, he has
.Promptly .Done. nevertheless .suffered a great wrong.,
See us before .placing your order. Anil his wrong is as nothiutt com-
pared with that of the man who
Douglas Bros. R. A. Spottos went to' jail -and was subjeeted to the
Phone 74 Phone 256 barbarity of the lash.
il,nekn°® Wint[hnm There was a nine When criminal,
trials were frankly public spectacles.
While the. intent -has changed, the
effect is still largely the same. Such
a condition must continue just so
long as our present system- prevails.
..And• it will, prevail as long as the,.
public• demands .punishment rather
than correction.
Tight Fit But' Paint Untouched
Residents of Panama Canal
Zone had their biggest thrill
since, the "big ditch" was finish-
' : e'd *nen the -C'anedia.-n Phente
iffier "Etnpress of Britain pass-
„ ed through the 'canal in April.
AS the largest vessel ever to nav-.
,agate the canal the Empresa re-.
eeaved unusual attention.,,418 tact
ne ,;far as canal' officiais. weee
eoneerned, she was viewed with
furrowed brows. The lock-kee_
ers, if they wanted to, could-hap-.
jeteped aboard her•, so tightly
• did she fit. 1
1l'urrowed brows Marked Chief'
Officer, W. G. he:sir-Wood, R.N.R•,
of the l mpreca •t,f firitain. As.
the "'Mate" he is responsible for
her.tie.miq white 'muted side3
and bets were freely offered that
he would have to put men over
the side when she reached (tis-
_tonal.' to., _re-pitint _ Scotchmea
aongst the 481 paaseti ere cen-
tred every bet ...they had faith in'
the SScottishcaution of Comma-
dote R. G. Latta, her commander.
It was a tight fit, but never a
scratch of paint ! •
The photograph shows the
Empress of Britain• entering the
Pedro afigue.1 Lock. Herpas-
sengers crowded, the decks 'to
Watch the spectacle and so n-
teresting was this feat of teaa-
"gaiion that Chief Steward, Frank
ttn:,s complained that fat the first
time in four and a half >xiotithe
they £ornot to eat!
o^ The
Village Oh Lucknow
In The County OfB'rr e
A BY-LAW to provide- for borrowing
the, .slim. of $7,500.0.0 upon Deben-
tures of the Municipal Corporation
of the Village of Lucknow to pay
.for the construction . of -•'a pavement
On. Havelock Street in said Village.
from Campbell street to the South-
erly ,limit of Ludgard street, to a
width nif twenty feet, and • other
WHEREAS it is deemed .expedient
,Council • f
the o
necessary byhthe
and n y
Municipal Corporation of the iVillage
as aforesaid, In:sums of not less
than One ..hundred_. dollars.
2. The : eaid Debentures shall be
payable at the 'Branch or Agency of
the Bank of Montreal in the Village
of Lucknow in the County of Bruce.
3.. IT shall .be lawful for • the
e eve• •of the said Municipality. and'
• e is hereby •authorized and instruct-
ed to • sign and • issue Debentures.
hereby authorized .to . be issued, and
to •cause the same to be: signed by
se� ofthe,said.' 'Mani pal
the ' ' ,ensu r M
a'd u
Clerk, t�
ot, Lucknow tg construct a . •concrete ity. and the C. r , of
'cement patenient-.on •Havelleck'street cipslity i"s hereby authorized and,
henna Campbell strreet'to. the>`Souther-
ly lirit'•of Ludgard ,Street and other.
certain improvements 'in said'• Village
•and for •the .purpose;`of paying for
same •, to:.raise. the sum of .,$7.500.00
directed • to :attach the seal,, :of the
said Municipality ate the 'said: De-
bentures. • .
4..:. The Debentures shall bear the
aaapie date,;and« shall be issued within
AN . W •IEP.' AS the' -.estimated timated two •:years after. the day.on' which the
NDt ,k.,., E 4s.. ...W and may. bear°.
lifetime...of.:,�he 'said -work • is: -twenty -said .B -Law is. passed . .
-years. 3f -date within' such' two years and
AND ,WHEREAS :it is desirable to shall, be payable in equal- annual in -
<raiser the ;sum. 'of . $7,500.00. for the stalments :;during the twenty :.years
purpose afore d Ian- the issue ' of ; -ext after the time when the same
Debentures. wion .taw' credit of .the, are issued, and the respective
Village •of Lucknow, '.and for such, amounts of principal: and interest
purpose the Municipal council, ofpayable in each • year shall be as set
saidVi la• e'.intends b . this By -haw forth in the.' recitals • hereto.
e _ ._t debt
__..- y 5.-•: THERE shall • be - raised- and
to create a debt upon ,the' said Cert levied in each year by special rate
potation of 0,500.00 ; with ''interest.
thereon at the rate of five and one- on all rateable property in the said.
half per cent per annum payable in Municipality .a sum sufficient to die -
twenty 'equal annual :instalments by charge /the • several instalments of
the issue of'I).ebentures with coupons principal -and interest accruing due
attached for thepayment of interest. on the said : Debentures as the same
'AND WHEREAS • it .is • . desirable. become' respectively payable accord-,
and ' the Municipal.. Council of said rug to . the provisions of this . By-law.
6, The said sum .of Seventy-five
.Village• of .. Lu.cknow.. has d'etermined.: hundred dollars .halt . be expended
when raised for the purpose. set.
forth ;inthe recitals hereto.
7. This 'By-law shall' come into.
full force . and effect immediately 'up-
on the final passing. thereof.:
Passed' provisionally and dated- at
the Village of Lucknow this 'Seven-
teenth day of May A.D. ,'1932'
Finally ,passed this
to iwssue, Debentures at. one time. and
to make the " principal of said deet
repayable by yearly swims during the
period of twenty year's, being the
currency of. the said Debentures,,
such yearly sums being of such re-
spective•amounts that the aggregate
amount payable • in each year, for
principal' and ipterest at the rate: of
five and one-half per cent :per an-
num in "respect of the said debt shall
be. as. -nearly as possible equal .to the
amounts so payaole 'in each of the
Nineteen other, years blase -in- 'period
as shovfn in' the achedule hereinafter
mentioned. '
ANBD WHEREAS the amount of
the whole, rateable property ,of the
said Village •of Lucknow according'
to the last revised •Assessment Roll
of said Municipality is the sum of posed 133�,Law of- rhe Muittcipa.
day of
A. D, 1932
:_. Reeve,
Clerk •
Take 'notice that the 'foregoing is
a true and correct copy of a pro:.
$423.090.00. ' •
AND WHEREAS the .present . exis-
ting debt of, the said Village of Luck -
now •sec, ured: by: ' Debentures . is the
sum of $84.728.31,; and no 'pertof the
said'. sum is in arrears.
' AND' WHEREAS for paying off
the said principal' sum of. Seventy -
ave . hundred dollars and interest it
will be necessary . to rinse in; the
several yearshereinafter` mentioned
the " following sums: -
No. Principal Interest Total
1. $215.10 $412.50 $1627.60
.2. 226.93 • .400.67 627.60
3. 239.41 388.19 627.60
252.57 375.03 • 627.60
5. 266.46, 361.14 ' 627.60
6.: 281.12 - 346:48 627.60
7. • 296.59 331.01 627.60
8. 312.89 314.71 627.60
D. 330.11, 297.49 627.60
10. -348.26 . 279.34 627.60
11. 367,41 260.19 627.60-
12. 387.62 239.98 ' . 627.60
13. . • 408.94 218.66 627.60
14. 431.43 • _ 196.17 627.44.
15. . 455.16 172.44 • 627.60.
16. 480.19 ' 141.41 .627.60
17. • 506.60 = . 121100,. 627.60:
18. 534.47 93.13 627.60
19; , 563.86 -, ' 63.74 627:60
20. • 594.88 • 32.72 627.60
being the aggregate -amount for prin.'
-Arial and interest to be paid. each
and every year according to the sta-
tute in such . case madeand provided.
LUCKNOW ENACTS. as follows:.
1. THAT it shall be lawful for
the Reeve of the said Municipality
for the • purposes aforesaid to borrow.
the said sum 'of Seventy-five hundred
dollars and to issue 'Debentures of
the. said 'Municipality to that amount
with coupons attached for the Pay-
ment of 'interest at the ' rate of five
'and one-half per cent per annum
Corporacion. 'of the Village of Luck -
now to be submitted to the votes of
the electors of said Village, entitled
to vote thereon, on Monday, the
Thirteenth day' of June A.D. 1932,,
between ,the `hours of nine o'clock in
the forenoon and five o'clockkin the
afternoon at the places in said Vil-
lage and by the Deputy Returning
Officers.. mentioned below, namely_;
South •polling ,subdivision;, , at the
Council Chamber. in the Town Hall•
with Ewen Howard Agnew, • Deputy
Returning Otiken there.
North polling • subdivision at the
Orange Hall with Wellington McCoy.
Deputy returning ., Officer .there:.
And that the Tenth day of June
A.D. 1932 at eleven o'clock • in the
forenoon at the .'Council Chamber in
ther Town 'Hall in said Municipality
has •been' fixed, for the appointment
of persons to attend , at the 'polling
places and at the final summing ue
of the votes ' by_ the Clerk.
And that -if the assentof the•elec-
tors'is obtained' to the said proposed
By-law it will be. taken into consid-
eration' by the Municipal Council of
the said Corporation at a . meeting
thereof -to be after theexpiration of
one 'month from'the date of the first'
publication of this notice. which first
publication was made . on the Nine-
teenth. day of May A.D. 1922.
And that any tenant entitled to,
vote on such By-law and who is de-
sirous to so the
must deliver to' the
Clerk of the said Municipality not
later than the tenth day before the
day appointed for the• taking of the
vote a declaration under The Canada
Evidence. Act stating the facts ,re-
quired by subsection ' 3 of Section
274 of the Municipal Act to -be stated_
in such declaration.
Dated at Lucknow this 17th day of
May A.D. 1932: .
Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Murray`
and Doris were recent visitors with
the former's • parents at Blyth.
Misses Vera Todd of Kitchener and
Dorothy Webster of London spent
'the week -end at their homes here.
. Mrs. John Wellwood of Edmonton
was .the guest. of her sister-in-law,
Mrs. George Webb recently. '
Mr. Leonard Anderson and son .oi
North Bay' were visitors with their
uncles,, Messrs. Archie and Joe An-
"'Larson last week. They were called
o Lucknow 'owing to the serious ill-
ness of the former's father, Mr.
George Anderson, who is improving.
Mr. Webb and Miss Greta were
•-eek-eta visitors, with Grand Valley
friends: .
Tice --Sacrament of the Lord's Sufi
rer will be observed in the United
church 'en Sunday morning. Service
at 11. a.ni. The Sunday school has
keen withdrawn. Preparatory service
will be held on Friday evening at '8
The May Missionary meeting was
Feld at the Manse 'last . Wednesday.
The Bible Study on "Abraharn" was
taken by Errs. W. J. Humphrey. The
report of the recent,' Presbyteri l
held at Winghain was read. ' Mrs.
Earl Gaunt dealt with the chapter
on "Better Health in Korea.", A
social hour was enjoyed after the
meeting. •
The annual meeting of the Wo
men's Institute was held at Mrs. R.
K. • Miller's with a much smaller at-
tendance than was desired. It' vias
moved and agreed that the officers
all be returned for the new. year".
Mr.'McIntyre motored home to
Chesley-'C"for the week -end.
,There 'was a large attendance at
the Young People's meeting on Sup -
day evening and a record attendance
was recorded. Much interest is being
shown in the contest being held and
both sides are •endeavoring.• to put
on good .meetings. Mise Greta Webb
and her, side had charge of, the meet-
The Scripture lesson was read
by Stanley Todd and an excellent
ap'eir on the. ' topic• "What. Art Can
Do For Me" was' given by Mrs. •Geo.
Stewart. A piano instrumental given
by Miss Margaret Millett and a duet
by Misses Helen and Isobel Miller
much enjoyed byr all present.
were ] y
Hubby: "Here is $10, dear. Don't
You •. think I deserve a little applause
for givinh,ht to you without being
asked for it?"
Wife: "Applause' Why, darling, I
think you deserve 6n a ieore'ae
(Furished by the Ontario
A new .phamphlet on the feeding
and management of turkeys has been
prepared by the Poultry, .Department
O.A.C., . and is .available to farmers
desiring information. of thin kind:
Noxious • Weeds
Mr., J. A. , Carroll, director of the
Crops and Markets Branch, has com-
,tided an • interesting summary of pro-
iisions of the Weetl Control Act, in -
!lading a list • of the, weeds which
are deemed noxious: Bladder 'Cain,-
i ' 'Sow Thistle?
•,?ion, , On -eye, Da sy,
White .'Cockle, Wild Oats, :Canada
Thistle, Blue Weed, Chicory, . Docks
:tagweed, Ribgrass- Stinkweed,, 'Tum-'
tiling M.ustard,� • Wild '£Larrot, Burd-•
Deka, Wild Lettuces, - .•
?ep .tment of Agricultuie)
Premium. Por .. .
Advanced Registry Sows
In order to encourage 'Ontario '
breeders to qualify their.. sows in the
Advanced . Registry, , the Ontertio
Swine Breeders' Association, and • the ,
Ontario Department di Agriculture
have instituted a premium' for ...Ad-
vanced Registry sows. The rules gov-
erning ' the, premium,' as received from
R. W. Wade, secretary of the As-.
sociation, ; are as follows:,.;
1., Sows.. qualifying in the Advan- ..
'ed Registry policy will be. 'awarded.
a premium . of $15 each.
2; This premium will apply to sows.
awned and . entered in Advaneed Re .
istry by a 'resident of/ 'the' Province
of Ontario'
3.. In order 4,p be eligible to receive
his: -pre. i»innehsosys must _have.' en..:-�'
teed. And. empletedr the: test between
March 1, 1932, and Marchi . 31; 1933:
4. The Prhvincial Departments of
Agriculture .arid the •Ontario Swine
Breeders' Assocliation contribute
equallr. to finance this .policy. .
5: Those wishing ;to make applica-
tion under' this policy. should addrss•
A. W. Peterson, Secretary,. ,Advanced•
Registry Biard, Live. Stock Branch,
w :' as M ure
e lover an
a-Betaing.. -tree-ent- years -.many farm -
ens have.been growing sweet clover
in rotation' crop- with potatoes.' A
full crop of sweet clover plowed un-
der . may a be considered worth as
much as 25 to 30' tons of barnyard
-manure. Where 'feigners :have plenty
If manure -available • it may . not be
desirable to' grow sweet, clover for
hie phi -pose of plowing it down, but
where the: manure supply is limited
it' has been profitable- to follow the
above plan.., of action. The most:, es-
,ential precautions to be observed in
?rowing' sweet clover are« -to; make
cure that - the soil is not aci ; that it'
t d
is well ,'enough drained to prevent
heaving and that the seed is' inocu-
lated. '
Treating Seed Potatoes
Naturally, the aim of the ' potato
;rower is to produce the biggest and
"rest crop at the lowest ',possible•;jcost..
This in dependent upon '•a number of
factors such as good soil, quality of:
seed; spraying and cultivation. While
t� a importance, ,of :these: features
is `unquestioned, very often the pros-
pect of a good crop • is ruined,'thru:
neglect to p actice •' seed : treatment
_winch is aimed to . reduce the enor-
mous: losses and ineenvencienee
^aused by, scab,. black leg ' and rhiz-
octonia, all of which,: occur in every
province of ,Canada. The.. commonest
method• used to treatseed potatoes
is formalin treatment.'. A solution . of
one pound of formalin to., 40 gallons
of ;water is Made, up and placed in a
barrel. aThe seed potatoes, ' uncut,
ere placed in a sack and suspended
in the liquid for two hours when the
hag is pulled up and the solution al-
lowed to drain back '• into the barrel.
Thee the seed may be cut and plan-
lan-ted, ;
Soy Beans
An effort is being made to estab-
lish a mill at Chatham to handle soy
beans and to market the .products
thereof. Meetings have been held to
interest farmers of, Kent and Essex
in growing soy beans to supply ;this
factory. It is • well-known that the
listrict is especially adapted to' the
crowing of soy beans and a market
for the products is established with
a demand that at present entails the
yearly imp rtation of six. Million lbs.'
>f beaii of alone.
A Problem With Chicks
One • of the, big problems c' in con-
nection with'.••raising chicks is .cap-
nibalism,. when chicks pick at the
feathers ' and flesh of their- mates.
f ecent. studiies__indicate that this is,
more.•likely to occur where the chicks
in 'brooders. are exposed to !direct
sunlight. Direct ray,s of the surf
'should not be' allowed to come into
the room in which .the Chicks are
carried in brooders. Artificial ' light-
ing is proving satisfactory and it
should be arranged as to cast -no
shadows. Ventilation is important,
end provision§ should be made for
the cold air to come' in it the top
'hrough - an opening near the ceiling,
but etre must be taken to deflect this
cold air so that it will be properly
heated before coning in contact with
the chicks.
The Advanced ,Registry policy has
been operating for three years; but`
comparatively fevv Ontario breedees
have up ':to the present, taken ad-
vantage of it. They- now ;have a'n ad
ded incentive to do so..' '
Corn Helps
Quality corn either for silage or
for husking is :the result of suitable,
seed. and suitable preparation, of the
soil. Ontario growers of corn for
husking purpose are warned " that
planting : this crop later than the
and • of- the first' week in June may.
prevent it ripening. Tests have been
onducted at the .O.A.C. 'relative to
efferent dates of planting coupled
ith fertilization with. high phos -
hate fertilizers. Records obtained
hi,ow that a''week's delayin planting,
culd be largely overcome by 'the use
cf suitable fertilizers. Fertilizers of
an analysis of 2--12--6 or, 3-10-5
.i -ed at the ,rate of . 500" pounds .per
ahre at the time of planting, have:
'been found to hasten the ripening of
the' at least a weep:
It is a well-known factthat corn
well advanced towards ripening
makesa richer quality of ensilage
thah does green corn with white im-
mature ears. Growers of this crop
for silage purposes can increase the
total. weight per acre and .also great-
ly improve the feeding' quality . ¢f
corn by proper regulation of manur-
ing. and fertilizing.
Approved Chicks in Demand
A heavy demand for . approved
chicks is reported this spring, with
the ivesult that many of the approved
hatcheries ave orders booked which
are taxing their capacity: May chicks
nean Novermber checks and 'that slo-
gan is one which seems to have •ta-
ken hold of the , farmer's 'fancy.
A review of the egg market in
Canada during recent years •shows
that the higher prices prevail doting
he late fall and early winter months
before the flush of general produc-
tion comes in. That is why the far-
mer who bilis approved chicks ea
in the season' has 'a .better prospec-
tive cash crop for the ` end of the
year than .the_ farmer who batches,
his own chicks biter in the season..
The uniformity 'of production and
the high quality assured by govern-
ment inspection and supervision
which controls the hatching of ap=
,proved 'chicks is one of the biggest
assets in the development of the. flock
The ' cash returns prom a pullet
flockof from 120 to 300 approved
chicks are a welcome and useful as-
time of the .year when other
ave passed. Many chicks be-
pullet producers in November;
set 'at
end raising .chicks this month is a"'
Hauch easier proposition than raising
March and • April 'chioks.
Approved Burped Rock,' Baby
to.00 Per Hundred
Custom' Hathhing Done
STARTED •C I . ., .. . ch,.
,DUNCAN. KENNE131(f Whitechur, Ont.