HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-19, Page 4,
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rhos. simpAQ i-S9,1!FAYPRW, ••- • TIM
Xlife itleether0biria 'SeeretartaaMrsi ' •
the Mainse. crap- taCiaraiterow SENTINEL
• ,L,AriGsIDE
• DOrill*g tbo POOlk hour on 14010/
wok. „
omOatitt TiEdligiti,Saee,..raetar,Y-Mrn, eteoa pow* every: rha'-udo, moodily
later.' TeellwAaga . : ",a.- - • ' '' - • AO !ranch:SOW, Ontarla. in fire, neer the chimney, A WO-
• supoly, 'secrbm.07-4iirs, 4, r:, ,.1,liplc-
., . Welcome and Welfare Secretary THURSDAY, MAY ' lqith. 1942 or Franit *War Woriting ot the
Library and 'Literatete :See,a04Y- ' . ZION
" ilach et his place =Aimss the --toad
1.1*. ff. Q. mei4ean, .Wineham,,, . - - ,
Wks Olive. Scott, Bluevale, " 4"'" . '• • •ow the fire and weat to their asols.,
General Interest Secretary.aMre. :."------ ' • alive, but owieg, to the. high wind
!%Villiain Meere; the Xanse, Breeeele. Q:M.te'a MiTher from this viehAtY.' .
they failed io extinguish It• •Sum-,
Co elation Com -,Mrs, attended Mr and Mrs James 'Mom
Rev) W. A.a.-Williama. • - • ' Nailaa' 'reception at Amberley on netted by , telephonea crowd setae
• Convenor • of Nongnatin •Con'- - Friday. evening. "Jima/wee, Ileac:tows gathered and as the .fire started in
Ars. Peter. S. McEwap. Bitle"*" -residence Was taxed tothe ntMOSt to, the front part of the house, and the
Irusaelsa.Mr.s. R°ht'• Dars:18°S ,iaeitull,. °date 'the'. 300 geeets wb° aim carried the sparks away from
P'Fess ' "SeCret4FY '7' gTs: Cb3ue,‘.
;annex. . , - , . vere m attendance The bride Was /
.. , , • ,
: Was AI. 1.1,, meiconzia. Ripley del- , he recipient of mealy gifts . jadading the other pert,: . they Were able to
ante te summer scbopl at Kintail: !.a•liurtie or money from her boundary: 8ave nearly akl the fereiture• On the
A'. S. AuXiliary to hold the 1033 '.a,bree chairs from Amberley friends Ale the roof of the barn on the farm
The invitation ' of theB1::::::::478.:' ;;:::isinnfor;inieenrdosu;a centre table' and :oinaletjon:, of thie; the spectetersi
ll'enclieullateldPa176-!Yer,iii . ' ' ••• :1 I:lancing, was enjeyed until the Small
iadividtild gifts if Freak. Miller across the road Wile
• • m fire. As no water s was eyailablta
•.: A vett ' Pletlehag pageant by tee'
ualinow-ltlission Band ,in which un- " .,,. .
a . •
Yards of 50 boYn and girls took Dart, 1 Bar: and •MrS. ,Jint:a PlesPbell.., of aid ••with ,suctl. a Ingll .svia .• it was
as . presented• :- .. ' .‘, ., , . `,Taclietts visited With" Mr, and M.'.ria 'Aots.leng•until the barn was neetroYa
411s: eggiltt ri/Yejbe'0°°i•rig"*•1'-r.46:- -.10) 1411t0 ei;-',Siii0eY,. '• " . • ' ld: Are eleetrieal stage' broliaajnat:lin*
* 4 A . . .... - ' .. 5 ' : : ' ... .• .. . • ' ... .:"._ ...: , '
hoots' ink as -the basis' of i'Mearhakth°;. 4' `Mri.:'' 'M: : 'Anderson, who. has aaaa-ano all' eaa areal conflagration Fo.,
aorde found in the 12th• chapter Of ipent several months with EiFdaiighL —• ----' ..a *
: veighta. and the slit which, dothThilili-feafurs-Aaide.--evaP .,ago.• -maa_a_a.....1......aaahaamak...aaaa_aaaaa....,i.u,g_eitiderC;....aano_ setting. age beaver..
''s`. ''.,cjag7liTie. Treturaied"-v40.111-r- Isillel--4:;':-"' ::":::s on
fire. and little fires could
. ,
'4asily beset ne: koking oat/ e esus: a_. Anioersary servie's : 4 ie seen starting uP here and there:
bush .• in, the direction of the
• :speCiallia thewOrdS ' "L°Skini eete' church, 1Viiiy 22nd, at .2.30 P.M. and
he author 44. s*shei of our faith 1.**W14* : - . '
-'•ed. The farm hoines on the 4th
. . on.,were in danger as the ashes
esus. There Is life:farP. larikl' We
W. Walden of Bervs
,ere _falling ,quite a size, The ceM:-
aust• not take our eyes off aiesus 1;;Ti-:;11/4 gRhettlra.ga. ,
Pie church. is•e*PernsMMg"s-tresS '1'4 - ' • '' '• ' • •unity extends its sympathy to the
, MAFEKING . Itesrs: Marrays in the loss of their
train i due to present' econenikal cora • .: , ,
antiona. but we Must. have .Ceofidenea ' . 0 !erre and Miller hi the joss of his
uide. We must keep =close to -Him.
- Miss Blakehas''confined
-who been .
ed---mirAeader-sali - • t e' '
Faith.' 'looks 'beyond the .darliness. •The Whitecharah Women's Insti-
thu 11009, -the tem et, Meara,
loom- ead- Joseph Murray Ohltht"
seen GYfiroe
Fire Testa and • #19y
Itisotto it resists
• ,
17ee GYPrec for the wall*
• ceilings and partitions of the
home you are budding. Or
if ion are °doing over't any
rooms; adding new One9ifl
• the attic, .Partitionfrig the
cellar, be " sure . to nee this •
easy - 0 - handle,. fire - safe
Valibeard$, . ,==
: ; •
' • - • ;
It isan excellent base for
11iteat or Alabaatine and
17e.y be papered or panelled
ent;ited by •
the name on the board and the
• Green stripe along the edge.
• • •
: • • csaida. twined
Posh °dual° ,
•Henderibn & Fis r
Wm. Murdie & So
Rae & Porteous
“West of Itroadway'"
Forty Minute reaturette —
• "BORUNKS" '• •
*AN.L4UREL atn0
" May
„ =
No Intimate story'•of' fsmilY hf
Miss Lois Henderson of Lucknow .
:Little faith may bring'you to heaven, '•o the house for several days with ute htld theit Mak meeting on May
" :Jut Great faith will bring:Heaven to' the -11 grippe. and its after effects,. is h • t. opened in the
-.3t . The mee mg was
duties •as teacher-ofaNileschool:* avid way. The roll call was answer-
' day Scheel teaahera 'afeimaideitalllii-:
by ring 0 feesandthe minutes
W u
•Sale By... •our •souls e s o
„ ' •
• • Leacicieoreir004..::Will ThOn me
eecoveringrand hopes soop to resume
• • •* Lucknow, Ont.
; „ on Band. leadere• Atc.. , There are •Mis, Mary•Blake• •Who .• has .
lell4kPOW • • •
Ont - • • many opportunities for service. "All heragiaters, Misses Margaret
. •
, • and on earth. go ye,. therefore. on Homemaking a o e s on.
and 'Sara Mallough of Lucknow and tile
Frank Henry gave a ,splendid paper
1.est; meeting were read. Mrs.
power is given unto Me in heaven
" ' Pr f s i " The
. •.
' • .
Colored orpiaiii. -For houses, imirns„
. ghee% garages. ``Cotincil Standard"
or "Acorn" Easy • and quick
tO permanent, proof against fire.
- Free estamates gladly sent. -Send
• aneatiuteraents.
;facers Of Preston. Steel Trissalianm Cat.
vffirearalealiBaR,_ Slailear fireedrZT
• irintikaorik.liou-ISTFold Gal'age Doors. All
kinds Sheittlietat Building Material.
,0 I
• . .
teelpttideds '-
.tiviied. . ' • - r
. ..
, •. ..
. • threlph,StaTPrestoh;Oet, - - • '
' . FeeteTies at:Moritreal anill'orento" . •
e ftestuatusinannuarmamunnueiii nes •
(Continued. from. Pate•l) .
advancement of the Kingdom of
Christ; to see that all departments
of the W. -M. S. are eperating; and
• to help each woman of the church
to assume -responsibility: "Go For-
ward" is the watchword. for 1932,
in prayer and thanksgiving to God,
• for His Melee Mercy.
-,The dedicatory prayer was offered
• by a mediber ,of the South Kinloss
• W. M. S. and Mrs. George Douglas
in a pleasing address •welcomed the
gathering to •the Lucknow Church.
The closing prayer was given br
Mrs. S. Bowers of Ripley.
A bounteous repast was served in
the Sunday: Settee' room by members
of the • Lucknow congregation.
• The afternoon session opened with
devetiorlal exercises. conducted by
pienibers of the Teeswater auxiliary.
Mrs. McWhinney in her inspiring
presidential address. spoke of the
'Purpose ,of all • our efforts -to give
the gospel to the world. The annual
meeting' renews our zeal and our
• consecration. We are dependent up-
• on God for everything. Our gifts are
an outward expression of on? zeal.
We should not' be satisfied to stand
still; but should go forward. -fol-
. low the eleam. We should listen to•
God's voice sneaking in our hearts:.
• A 'tomprehensive report of the
Provincial ,Annual meeting at Peter-
borough, was given by Mrs. Wesley
Huston. This meeting- was character-
ized by its interest and entleseiasm.
The watchword was "Forward." with
a "vision" of the lands beyond the.
sea. Increased interest in Girls' work,
' Mission Bands and C.G. I. T. groups
saved the day diaries 1931. Have we
• done our best? We may have lass to
live on. but we have more 'to live
• for. The egurch' is facing a driaia and
a• call to action was sounded. "Lov-
est Thou Me?" What is our answer?
Love for Ood is not sentimentalism.
Love newer faileth. Love must serve
• -go! We may give without loving,
but we cannot love without eiving.
We cannot pray. `My Klee:dam
• ' -looking unto Jesus." for- streagthia her son a Mr. John Bleke - and . Mrs
hospitals and churches, Great change jet us go forward!
DUL The church was•eau winter with her daughter, Mrs. S. J. the sunerieteddent to send-ene. The
are marvellous. and in spite of poor e made ra
equipnient the harvest has been n en-
• kft- Wednesday visit election of officers followed:-
institute had Mr. R. R. •Sallaws of
Blake1st Winghem . th'
has taken piece. The awakening nue .A• ' - - - Goderich **sent to -take. their Phi-
, returnedis
welVielEr.s• ' Mary Anderson who spent Ow
been gradnaL the opportunities fered closing' prayer *
Mrs G. A. Deadman. 'Bruesels of- os as they had been requested by
teems. • a eith a profusion of early spring
aa -
The offering *ea. received and the clay
• flowers -and -netted plante. The Sun -
The oo orchestra othe
S 1f church
„ .
dedicatory ..Pray.er • offered by- -Mrs.
Coonabe, the lionorrey President. a.
Miss Vera. Sheriff . - of LacknoW:
contributed a pleasing solo , "One'
Sweetly Solemn .Thought," ie.-.
:ompanied on the organ by Miss
firma, 'Our Opportunities• in the" home
furnished music during • the serving
of stayer. •
At the evening meeting; IVIts. D.
f. L. McKerroll was akein the guest
meeker choosing for her subject,
PreshYtery, brought by Rev. William -Te'l4•" Ilarls77-3emt)rie"-hee-ree':1-
Presbyter's apPreciation of the W. iodation with the. Lucknow eongre-
Moore of Brussels, expressed the
Organization and its devotion were again recalled befere
to a great and wonderful cause.' the; launched intp-her wonderfel ad-•
• Mrs. (Rev.) R. W. Craw, who• ex- tress. She snake of the great task
from the Lucknow laid. upon the women of the church.
United therch, apd spoke of some It is rio time for soft words. -We.
of the acCompliahments of the rust sift and see what is hnooteaut,
sionaries, to China, in- which she Tiave we a message -a missicki. -fer
particularlr intereated;---"Waving a
,Jaugliter, doing ?missionary work in
that field The work of the W. M. S.
is the greatest' enterprise of the
world, and it is undertaken the
largest Organization -of *Omen in the
World. It tool 100 years to :bring in
the first million people, but only 12
years for the second million and six
Years for the third million.•
The following resolution were en-,
dorsed by the gathering. being read.
by Mrs. (Rev.) W.' A. Williams: -
1. That we. the members of Mait-
land ,Presbyterial, here assembldcla
acknowjedge our gratitude • to God
for Hs great goodness to, us thrdugh-
Otit the past year, for His guidance'
and direction.
• 2. Thataave, *ende.avor 'bear the
marks • of Christian missimiery wo-
men, witnessing daily for Christ. .
3. That. in • our homee, the daily
alter fires may be kept burning. so
that our youth shall harken to God's
call to serVice. ' •
4. That 'we do our part in keep -
lee the Sabbath Day holy throughout
°yr land.
5. That we re-aftrin our belief in
•the total'prohibition of the manufac-
tare and sale•of liquor as a means
to Caeada's highest welfare; also by
the systematic teachings of temper-
ance mincioles, in theltheme and in
the dayand Sabbath schools. •
6. That we deplore very much the
foisting of a divorce court in Ontario
without the request of the petiole.
and against the wishes of the great
7. That we assure our missionary
'workers at home and overseas. of our
liviig remembrance and prayers for.
8, That theaathanks of this Pres-
aaterial be tendered to the different
editors. who so kindle publish our
notices and reports. To the ladies
of this church for their hosnitalitY
and entertainment. to the minister
end session for 'the use of their
chureh. also to the sneakers, the or-
ganist arse the soloist,
Nomihation and election of officers
followed, and the following officers
were 'installed. the installation cere-
week being very impressiVely con-
ducted by Mrs.. (Rev.) D. T. L. Mca
X troll
• Come" and not support missions. • Honorary President -Mrs. F. E.
. to Coorribe. Kincardine.
'• The word. 'padepre,,sion. should be
changed to "expression", in mission President -Mrs. Richard MWhift-
• •
Mrs. (Rear D, T. L. McXerl`al of
Totonto.a representative" of the Coun-
cil Executive. was the • guest sneaker
of the day, Her or:easing rereark•
were quite touching,- as she recalled
former •harmy aasotiatioria of neer
• stere of Years ago, wheis her hus-
• band served as pastor of the Lecl-
- • . now. congrezation. She extended
• greetings from the Council, and cora
gratulations from herself noon the
success of the 'Maitland Presbyterial
• Her subject in the afternoon way
• "Our Overseas' Werk," and for over
• hour she carried her audio:net
' with her to these far -distant nMs
a • •
D '
, ,
1st Viee.President-Mrs. A. For-
e, The •Manse, Teeswater.
and •Vice-PresidentaaM
-rs; • W. J...
'lei:Merger:, Wiegliam.
- '3rad Vice-Pf,M
asident--rs. 3: R. Me.
Cay, Kincardine'. ,
• Llth. Vice -President --Mrs. (Dr;) A
3!mpson., Xintaii. •
5th Vice -President -Mrs.• K. Mc-
..ean, the ldfanse, Winehain,
• Tteasurer-a-Miss M. II. McKentie.
• Recording Setretary-MrS. W. J.
orilson. Kincardine, ,
• orresjyynding Secretary-MriC.
f. Mcl)cniald. the Manse, Lucknow.
Missifin Band Secretary -
',ankle? Some people. who do •not, °Mrs Lottie White of • Stratford,
.have Cat' out vart
her daughter, Mrs. Isaac 'An rew of Preeident-Mrs. Lance Grain; 1st
Vice-pres.:-Mrs. R. Rasa; 2nd Vice-
. •
nres.-Mrs. T. Moore; Sec. -Trees. -
Mr. S. B. Stothers and daughters
Mias 'Grace Richardson; Brandi Dir -
Agnes and Elizabeth of Essex were
ectors-Miss Lila Emerson, Miss Mac
aseek-end • guests of Mr. and Mrs.
ightman, Mes. R. J. Ross, Mrs. W.
'leery' Horton. W
•• Lott, Mrs. Wm. Beecroft, Mrs. Vic -
Mr. and Ms. J. D. Hesson of. Strat
Wighterian; Flovvers-agre: W. Leg -
ford 'Normal school °spent Sunday at
gatt; District Director -Mrs.. V.
the heinehf the latter's parents, Mr.
Emerson; Auditors -Mrs. G. Gillea-
and 'Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick.
Mrs! Isaac Andrew of Zion 'visited pie, Mrs. Mac Ross.
• The Langside Club are holding the
aelatives herce_,Monday _and Tuesday
Of last week.••.= dance -this- Friday night 'in- their -hall.
as visiting' with Mrs. Chas. .Congrani. •
this week. •• .•• • • •
Mr.- and Mrs.;• : Eadie, .Doris •.. . • ;
and Lorne spent • Se;aday'• with Mr.
arul:Mrsa..aieek .....
.„.• Mr. and Mrs..A.:-.Mutray. were Sun-
'day • : viaitora . at Mr.a Airehi McKin-
a-Mrs. -Abler Ackerta-spent
dee at llfr,aRalph Huron.
Mrs. :Dan ,McKianoirspent Settn•.
114y at :Mr: ;Eldon Eckeeswiller's.•
Mi and Mina Itieliaril Elliott .spent '„
Sunday , at" Mr:. Wes. - W.hytock's,
Teeswater. .
Miss -Annie. Hnibetesis ,assisting at,
Dr; Johnston's, Lucknow at present.
• . Mr. . and Mrs. Jellies Baker spent
Siadayeat'---Mta'Dititeaii Canipbellis;
Black Horse a •
Misses Annie , and. kabelle.
^;11 Mr. George 'ColWell were . recent•
eiSitors at Mr.. Chatia.Buit's.; • ' -• .
•Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Jennie -
Alex and, Noble Pierce were recent
visitors with Miss Lizzie Pierce ..•
Wo are glad report "that.'Llityd
Ackert is - able to attend school; alai*. •
Mies Parker of Lucknow who has' •
been visiting 'with Mrs. . Alister
Hughes is under the care of Miss
Marion McDiarmid, R. N. We hops
she will soon improve. -
Mrs. Thos. Harris and Mrs.
ard Harris spent Thursday at
ieson's, ParaMount.7.
af the Bible. Has the"Ociinel Rise -its- wile- -has just returneda-from man-
e treal where she spent the 'winter
with her son, Mr. Oliver White, is
'the guest of her .brother, Mr. Rich-
lird and Mrs. Johnston.
, Mr. Elmer Johnston is in Toronto
this week. ,
nower? Emphatically . ,
know in whom. we believed." The
hearts of the world - are ever the.
-ame. What -would this conarnunitY-
sr- any community -be without the
church? We need the spirit of Christ
-the only cure for the sins and sore
rows of the 'people. The SaViour died
for all. The needs are more exactine
to -day. We must restate fundamental
'Sings. The spirit of Jesus must
nerteeate' every soul in Canada. All
nroblems of war, :Sm. can be solved.
.with the spirit of Jesus. If we have
a task to perform ,every ' one stands
-esdy to help. In the early days 'of.
',he church, its ,emberszwere swept
in one at a time -first the individuql
then groups -then 'larger groups.
Our church is democratic -it has a
•essage. What ard we accomplish -
ng? What about our Indiaiis'? She
'hen launched into the work under-
'aken by the ehurch in the home
speakine of the schools, hole:
•iitals. relief work. Welcome and Wel-
*are work .• Deaconess' work &c.
t worth .while? A million times `Yee
'Inasmuch as ye have dare "it unto
she of the, least of these -Ye have
lone it unto me." "I was sick and
-•••-e visited me'a &c. Difficulties are
• ootbed. lonely, hearts made lian-
r. She 'reviewed. the Pyritic:
:bur& extension work. -relief work
hinitell 'hales of clothing ad cars
-ff food. and tote If the faithfulness
nd Preservance of the church mem-
ers on the frontier settlement. We
-.test attain the Bible so that our
wavers may be intelligent. Not onlv
'aust we pray. but we must give. and
• -ive the Lord's portion first. She
ameluded her address by an, anneal
$'od better and More regular atten-
lance at church. emphasizing the
fact that we have a mission; a mes-
:age. and a reward. The Presbyterial
Is much indebted to Mrs.•McKerrolT
'or her splendid presentation of thr.
-York-in both the home and foreign
The choir -of Lucknow, Presbyter-
ian church was present and led *e
tereice of praise and ,rendered sne-
• ial music.
Mts. R. Davidson. Press Sec.
Mr. and Mrs. Giant Itila.cDiarreid
and Douglas 'visited with friends at
Amberley on Sunday.
Quite a, ournber attended the Web -
ter Mackair: reeeptton kat Friday
eight. •
. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin, Laprine
md Austin, visited at Wm. Martin's
recently. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richards, Mark -
dale, spent the week -end With the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. tick
tens in India. China, Formasa. Tr
Don't forget the Dance in the Per-
• , Zealand &e.. where. in the Past 60 Alarearet McKen2le. ll, 3 galley. areount Community Hall on Friday
. . •
islets, so Touch has been acoyroil.h. YOung Women's Secretary --Miss night, May 20th. Admission 2iic.
Ladies Free. 1 -ie -ream will be serv-
ed fit leading these veeple to know- N. Malcolm. llulvrood. -.5coretarY-Mrs; ed. Verybody weig944.
OS the 90001, threugh scheols, -4104 Liciper's
, .
. .
•Ii••••t.' • .0.. • ..... • , . • . 7 . .. .
amenommi. "
Now boys we think we have the one,
Who's been doing all the damage;
See thought that it was Louis
Put some said Jiminie Ramage.
Now 'boys,- I think you've made a
• mistake,
And just. take my advice;
He lives not' yery far from heree-•
t mast be that Ted Riee.-
Now Teddy, he's a, handeome- gut,
Eacept• for his long nel
He'ss; '
turned out to be like the 'fly,
He keeps clear of .the "web".
Come all you - bachelors who have
lome cash,
And want something like car;
Por Ted has something that guided
a the Ark,
I think he calls it a star.
The top ,it leaks,- the motor knocks,,
I'he fenders they sure Attie,
You'd 'think at" was the Japanese,
'lust going out to battle.
leek took him Once to see son* girls
red thought they were queer rigs,
3ut Ted said "No" rd feel more at
tf I were scrubbing pigs.
3ut this aifft just too. bad a job:
It really makes them nice;
It, makes them clean and slicks their
hair, a •
And also kills the lice.
Teddy is a fisherman,
He fished from morn till night,
He fished and fished, and fished and
fit -diet -it .
An never got a bite.
Well Ted, we'll wish you better luck
When looking for a wife;
Get one that will be kind to you,
grid settle down for life.
No* Ted, here's a little advice from.
• me,
You mar take it for What ithi worth;
If a certain guy gets wise to' you,
He'll make you kiss the earth.
They .se you can't put any sense, -
Wherever there is no; brains;
taut we'll. hope that some of this
soaks • in
The next time thatit rains. • ..
It's Easy to Buy dt
Luck now's
Department Store
antler:a:AI •
um. ram look a Baddiaael,
. .... driAso, --. f .
- 462.14/re 'i ilia ‘.•4. • f 710/0,
_ , ii,,,,------7-74maw .... , ....... sweer .............
- c---
ta. *7- 1. c .""'-',' P etil Nitt.---b, -1:1,1 • ,
1' - . , J - —.at+ err ---- -
IIL • ...4,1,„.11,.. jfiemb. .....-
Ir*ft . '',...- -•
-, A*
ear --1,a .. r -l• p Inlinr ir, .,..,.;; , ,..
ii„,„tr.-,.-1.1.., •, A I ...• 'oil, , ''".. ;;;:;•::; ,
IVA, •• ''.' ii!•';'. -:" '
•••:•.: ";•;ee :!.:::'
You Save Money
when You Build
Good Fence
The dollar you put into good fences re-
turns its investment many times over. First -
you save work, time and labor when
building_ fences with Steel. Posts: Banner -
Poses are easy to haul -'-easy to handle
--:-.easy to drive—no post. holes -to dig.
The large\ slit wing anchor plate anchors
the post as driven. The continuous
notches on face of post alio* any and
every Uric wire to be attached just where
it crosses the post. Eight clamps tur-
rkished free. with each post. Use Banner
Steel posts for your fence. construction
• --save money and have better' looking,
• longer lasting fences.
and .Head Offic—Ojibway, Essex Connty, Onto •
. •