HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-05-19, Page 1e..m:+as.-!7RRBPtI+t'••,,w,A«am.rw m,.;o-. ....
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LUCKN W'e ,C0Nar,, -HU;
iAY. MAY 19th. 2952e,
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow •
Hogrs; •'9-12 A. M. 1.30.--5 P. M.
FOUND A spare tire and run..
Apply at Sentinel Once.
FOR., SALE-Ata sacrifice, 1929
Pontiac Sedan. Owner . must sell,—
Apply Post ,OEice Box 303, Lucknow.'
` ""' '- - .f 19-!.5-tf:j.'
strong, Durham Road, if) mile "east
• of Kinloss Village. wall hold a •clear
ing . auction sale' of farm, stock and
'implement's on Wednesday,: May 25,
• Absolutely no reserve. See
• Well. Henderson, Auc.
419--5--c.) ' -
All owners 'of .property situate in
the Village of ' Lucknow, jointly or
otherwise, are requested to examine
the List of Voters entitled to vote oil:
By-law No..3. 1932 of the 'Village..;of
•Lucknow, which List Will be posted
uri in: my office 'on. the, 'bid • day of
June next.
{26-5)' - ,•
• . ,..a,;,M_ORT:GA ..'SALE. .
of Valuable property in', the Village
of leicknow.
UNDER and,* Virtue of _the now=
.ers contained in a ''certain Morigage
which 'willbeproduced at the time:
of ,sale.: there will be offered for sale
by' -public auction., subject �to. a, :re
served 'bid on ' Saturday, . June 4th,
1932. at the .hour; ofOne o'clock
in the afternoon; at. Wellington Hen-
derson's Garage in the Village of
Lucknow' . the 'following aiiot erty"
numb.: •: '
"All' and • singular that certain
parcel or 'tract of land ,and' premises
eitnate, lying ,and being in the Vil-
lage of 'Luektettirtfi °'the`"'C"aii ty -" of
Bruce and ' Province of ' Ontario • and
'being • composed of Village Lots
Nuarliers-Twd .hundred and 'Seventy -
• two(272). Two hundred and Seventy
-three (273). Two hundred and' Sev-
enty--four . (274) `and ,'"Iwo . hundred
and Seventy-five (275) • all, in - .the
Village. of „Lucknow aforesaid ?'•
On the &said premises there is said
to be. ' situate—Five room , cement'
house' ,with lkitehen ' and a frame
stable.. .
TERMS Ten per cent. of the,•nur-
chase money to be paid . down at the
time of sale and the balance., to be.
paid within . thirty days. ' • f
For ;further . particulars and con-
ditions of sale apply teethe under-
DATED at..Wingbam. Ontario. this.
17th day' of May.' A.D. 1932., _ -
W�IL , Henderson, Auctioneer.,
J. W:• Bnshfield, Solicitor for the,.
Mortgagee. -
Champion- Topp'
A wedding took place at the church'
of the' Messiah,' Avenue • road, when
Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.
G: Topp, was united in marriage to
Mr. Wet. B. Champion, son of Mr..
and•Mrs. C. T.Chanipion.,Rev. Ram-
" • say Armitage officiated. The bride,
who' was given away `by her father
Wore a smart frockof grey • luckee
crepe with grey.shees, hat of powder
blue bake •and corsage of • Oph-otic.
'roses and . lily -of the-calley..She .was
attended by her sister, Mrs. A. E.
Wood; write :were a frock of brown
and eggshell, - with slides end hat 'to •
match ant corttege of Butterfly 'raoses
and sweet peas.' Mr" A. E. Wood
acted as best nein. Immediately fol-
lowing the ceremohy,, Mr. and Mrs.
Champion left fora short motor trip
to point east& On their return: they
will reside in Tobntp..
A degree team from Maitland' I.O.
O.F: Lodge, Wingham, ,visited' Lurk -
mow lodge last, -Friday evening for.
'the purpose of .Mtn/erring the ,third
degree to three candidates., Follow=
ing the ceremony; several short and
interesting speeches were delivered•
highly complimentary to the degree
team for the impressive manner in
Which they put on the work. Mem-
bers from Wingham expressed ttze'r
enjoyment of the fraternal visit and
their pleasure in assisting as they
did: Among these speakers was Rev.
Bays, a former' .clergyman of the
village, who was gladof the oppor=
trinity` the visit afforded in bringing
him back to Lucknow.
Refreshments were • served by t• he
local members of the order previous
be the breaking ull of the gathering,
On Tuesday evening 'a degree team'
of local neembers of the order motor-
„fid. to Kincardine where they • put on
f be 2nd degr!% when two candidates
r11/00114111 1030. wore, advaneed,
• ,,
Fire .Destroys
Homes and Barn
Residence Neer Amberley and . Resi-
dence and .Barn Oa ' Second Conces-
sion : Burned on Monday.
" on is
e ` assisted Tilfire dean s ted' b • • a
strong gale which blew on Monday
Iemolished'two.' hones. and a .barn on::
that. day'.•.'..
The ark ,Conflagration destroyed
the fine brick home of;,Bert$cDofiald.
31,1'. the boundary,; short distance
Last. of.. Amlierley, Shortly ,before :
Noon :hour, 'Mrs. -McDonald .on:smell.-i
ing smoke; went" outside to investi-
;ate, when 'smoke co*: be seen
arising around 'the •chimney. After
:honing'. neighbors ..aid •informing
them thattshe thought the 'house was.
en fire, Mrs. McDeeald froCeeded to
the - attic and on opening the •attic
entrance the draught evidently wip-
ed the smouldering fire into a blitz -
ng inferno. Assistance was soon at.
,he scene and although little. could
be:. done to combat, the fames; the
'urniture':and variables were removed
in safety. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald
!Or ilia time being:are living .in.. a
'•iouse -nearby: -which was 'vacant. •
Home and Barn Destroyed
' •Shortly , afteer dinner on the. sane,
lay the residence 'of Messrs. George
ind Joe Murray, on the second. con."
f Kinloss was • •discovered' ` to be • on
:ire and effoots to battle the coiifla-
ration were. to no avail, with: the
•esult that the frame house was to -
ally destroyed. The blaze originated
,round' "":a "c imnejp evidently` asoma
estilt of .sparks, which fell and were
:aimed by a high wand: -The house-
•io1d. , effects .were removed safely.
'- bile this 'fire was at its height,
blazipg shingles' • were •'carried for
some distances.. In • this ,• manner the
barn across the road on Frank . Mil-
ler's farm';' was set ablaze.' and. fell
prey to the flames, being quickly
reduced to •a -smouldering mass.
reduced to a smouldering -,Plass. Mr:
Miller does —not—Tide on. this farm and
the 'barn was practically empty, so
that the building itself was the only
loss, .and this we understand iscov-
ered .by insurance.
Baseball Club-
lub-EIects Officers
4 ,
Decide .To .Hold Twwl•Game Tonrna-
meiit on the .24th—Subscription
List Is Well Supported -Diamond
To Be""Biiproved. • • • •
An enthusiastic •meeting of base-
ball fans . and players was - field in G.
11. Smith's . office • on Friday' evening;
,which - resulted in a revival of base
:all interest and action since then.
The following' officers and .commit-
tees '`were : appointed: 'Ion. Pres_,
John Joynt; President -N. ' D. Mac-
Kenzie; See'y.; :Treas.-Roy Light-
foot;' 'Subscription Coin.—W.
teous, A. E.. McKim; W J. Davison,
,Diamondd,Improirement fG. 13. Smith
and Robt. Rae; Managing •Com.=Rol
Lightfoot. and Campbell Thompson;
Grounds' Com. --Jack" Brabsoii, Clark'
iii . _ . - , ... ,
••, nlayson,.;Unifoi^�ri Com.-l]�r. John-
ston, and Wm. Hornell; Coach-
-Well-ington McCoy,; • League ' Umpires --
Russel Johnston; N. D. MacKenzie;
Wellington 'McCoy.
It was unanimous that Lucknow;
enter a team in 'the'Lakeside League
and that the secretary -treasurer re-
mit the required $10 entrance fee.
The ifollo'wing day the subscrip-
tion committee •made a s partial can-
vas of the business section and met
with satisfactory support which 'will
enable the club to get of to a good
start. . -
Two-Ganie'. Tournament
i . The secretary Was advised at this
meeting to 'consult . Ripley :and Loch-
alsh officials, regarding thestaging
of a • doubleheader ie Lucknow on
Tuesday, May 24th. Both, teams have
agreed . in this respect and next • Tues-
day eftertiden, vvitli favorable weenie'
er, baseball will make its.1932`debut
at 1.30 'o'clock. The three teams com-
peting play several dosely contested
nanes last season, and with much
the same aggregations, give promise
of' staging two interesting fixtures
next Tuesday:.
, In Culross Townslijlp, 'receday,,
May IOth, 1932, John Reid,: in his
Gist 'ear. The funeral was held from
his late residence. tot 34, Con, 'S.
Thursday, Btay I2th; 1932, at 2.30
o'cfock.- Interelent 'In TiGin's Cene-
N -
Maitland '.Presbyterial
• nnual Heeti®
-Report of Eighteenth Annual..Meet'
ing of •Maitland Presbyterial So-
ciety. of W.'' M.` S., Luckier*, May
100. 1932, .
Lowering . skies' and intermittent
showers failed to diminish:the aider
of . the members of Maitland • Pres
tenet of the Presbyterian.: Church
which' held; its eighteenth
annual' .meeting in Lucknow • Presby-
terian Church on Tuesday, May 11th,
Sessions', were- held morning. after-•
noon 'end evening.., with Mrs, R. .Mc
Whinneyof -Dungannon. the Presby
aerial president presiding'.. at .,,the,
Morning and afternoon sessions. • and
Rev. C. II. MacDonald at the even-
ing meeting. •
The devotional period at the ' op-
ening session was conducted: .by mem-
bers of the Whitechurch Auxiliary,
After which reports were received
from the .secretaries ..uf the follow-
ing .'departments-- Mission Band.
Young Women's Auxiliaries', Home
telpers:.Life Membership;' Glad: Tide
Ings, Supply. Welcome and ;= Welfare
council Presents
Dy -law to _ Ratepayers
1 -Law Regarding Paving of .Have-
lock St. Submitted In This_Issue--
Wili Be Voted '.Upon on Monday,
June :13th. .
',4n this publ cation a by-law . is
1 i mitted by "the.'Council of the Vil-
1age• pertaining to the raising • of
kul6cient funds to 'paave:Havelock St".
i' "e result ..of this issue `will be. de-
ed, at the :polls • .on Monday; June,
sA public ; meeting was held ; recent-
lylat which_ valuable information was
sit mitted regarding the cost of '
,oils Means • by which this street
mlg'lit.be, put ;into repair: The result
w s that a standing . vote unan'imous -
lye sanctioned the laying of a:'.con-
cr,.te pavement as. the only 'penman
est and.satisfactory means of hie-,,
prpvement.. . •.
i.ibrary' and 'Literature, `Press: Cor= :or^years this heavily trafficked•.;
responding Secretary. Treasurer and
lenerai Interests. Mrs. Morrison of
Kincardine, . read the- minutes • of the
CLL. • meetingf which 'wasat
street has offered a problem in are
effort to keep it in . repair, which has
entailed an expenditure of •thousands,
of 'dollars. The . average . yearly ex-
pee:ete re . ,fret. the pkat. , Wive ' ears.
The Bread
of Health
• The Bread
of • Health
• •
RICH fRUIT CAKE • —• 2,' lbs. ,35c.
• • • . •OATME'A1% COOKIES•
_ • Luck ow
Bargain rays
This Week
Lucknow Merchants Offering. Feast
• .'of *Bargains This Friday and Sat-
._urday-Auctioin 'pale Promise • To
Be ' Big Attraction. ' •
Posters Were mailed this week ad-
=ertising the novel *auction, sale to
...h_• _ d..m _..i _.-.: _ote •. 1. :.1._ ze heir s Saturday •afternoon 'in'
1 C yL C.lvu,auY6rrlK rrV mruvuFu- —_ e.
out was one of gratitude and pro- amounted to $325:00 pilus a tra:main-1 Lucknow, �a's "wttIl'",ate ;list rg 'a few`
gress-=gratitude for the success of
the year's 'work • in the 'face of 'ad-
verse economic conditions; and . pro-
gress : _and increases<,in Y.'W.A. and
Mission Band work- Miss Nellie. Male
colorreported four Y. W. A's, an in -
Crease of two; over last year, with ;a
membership of of 76,'anincrease of
27. They contributed $139.00.. Three
C. G.I. T. groups with: a Membership
of 48,. contributed •$20 00
Simpson., reported a membership. of
140 Home Helpers. Who contributed
$306.51. • The Life . Membership 'sec=
retary reported 16 life • Members for
the year. 2 Inniemoriams. 12 junior
certificates, 2, Jr. Life Membership,
certificates and, 5 seals -a total of
$547.50.The.' Glad Tiding's secretary
reported 501 subscriptions for• the
Glad "Mines: .tetai $175:36. Mrs.
Linklater, ' Supply secretaryeacknow-,
ledged with•••thanks--the splendid; -re-
sponse from Auxiliaries.' .Mission
Bands. • Y. W. A'S.. • and C. G. Iz T.
groups. of supplies consisting of
clothii;g., quilts .and outfits for the
bales. which ;has been : much appre-
ciated in the various places where'.
they were sent. Mrs.'(Rev.) 'McLean.
reported for. the . Welcome and Wel,-
fere Dept -,=106 •visits, .made: 6 let-
ters written and' 5 who have become
connected with ' the Church during.
the • year. .Some, were not reported:
Miss Olive Scott. Library and Liter,
ature secretary. reported, a' sale. of
329.61 in -literature during 1931.. with
much free 'literature ` distributed.
Mrs. Davidson. 'Press: See. expressed
appreciation of the.. courtesy of. the
several. 'editors within the 'range of
the Presbyterial. who gage so freely
of their space for .notices -,of. meetings
reports of meetings etc...and for giv-
ing publicity for same. •?+Irs. (Rev.)
C.. H. MacDonald. cprrespondina: sec.
retary, gave a complete ' resume of
the work . of ` the' Presbyterial for the
! Thportwas a most '
oseptim&stic one; a total of :$4623.19
Treasurer's re
having. been raised this veer. Kin-
sardine came : first with' . ,,$672.00;
Wingham next. $615.00: • Lucknow
next. $562.00; Brireeels, next. $549.00
and Teeswatee 8491.00. The allgca
tion wag $50.20-00, 1
The ; aim , and ideal 'of the .General.
,interests Denartihent is.—To keep
l efore the women of -our church the
need for prayer and effort; for the
(Continued On Page 4)
Preparing -For:':
Musical Festival
Walkerton,• Ripley and' Lucknow Will
Be .Strongly Represented At Two
Day Festival. • ' •
Entries so far received for the
musical festival being held in Luck -
now me Thursday and Friday indicate
sit successful competition with Wale
'kerton, • Ripley - and Lucknow Clubs
leading, in the number' of entries, we
ere informed by .Mr. Goble, , ' assist-
ant 'agricult'ural representative at
Walkerton. •,, •
Ripley Club carried off the honors
ast' year and rkeen competition can
1e looked for next week. Luck/ion
:alent is practicing earnestly and no
.lou'bt willgive theirbest in an effort
'.o win the coveted Music Shield, the
trophy which goes to the club winn,
ing the highest number of point.
There are thirty-one dif'erent ev-
ents and entries' are .expected in all
These' include, piano, virli r and ve-
al solos, duets, ', quartettes;. chorus
cumbers; choir' numbers, folk dance,
eecitals, orchestra numbers, mouth
rgati 'solos arid' duets and a'n old -
lure fiddlers' contest: • ,
.r. ..c o Th
Sessions are expected .b both urs -
''ay and Friday ,.afternoon, ' as well
"s • the two evening entertainments,
which will be •enjOya 1e occasiofa Ear
all maeie' lovers:
tenance.eitpenditure'necessary on the
taro lower gravel streets
which suff-
from an increase in traffic when
all manner of vehicles 1 avoided using.
Havelock Street as . much as' possible:
• The - above statemepts have oft.
been' repeated arid we doubt.. if there
is: a . single ratepayer wihois not
aware=of this condition, that, exists..
both Fall and ,Spring.. The; ne-eessity..
of improving this street in some
manner is imperative. To improve it
as a gravel` road, which . might stead
upe would recjiiire an expenditure,
conservatively ' estimated at $500.00:.
This would .net eliminate the yearly
maintenance cost aridsuch. a step
would simply • result'.in false economy
,The Village -is in a strong finan
dal p"osition, which is verified by the
permission 'granted by the: Railway
Board• to proceed • with this publi
impro.venient. ' The • total debenture
debt of the. village ' is '$84,728.31, but
of that amount, only a total of .$18,-
18,939.60 '.is leviedin taxes. The hydro
debentureedebt of $12,675.22; • pay-
able yearly until 1942, is payable by
the • Hydro System:' The waterworks
debenture totalling $53,113:49 is pay-
able •by 'the
ay=able••by'the Waterworks: system' with
the principal ;suin payable from 1942
to. 1961. Thus it is readily seen that
the :deisentured' debt levied in; three
is comparatively :minor. The bridge
debenture debt which retires this•
year amounts to '$304. and is includ-
ed in the total of $18,939.69.
cadI is assured that' Havelock street
be paved with a •'twenty -foot
strip of concrete without raising tbe
mill rate, and in view of this there
appears : only one reasonable course
to .'follow and that is to pave. The
annual debenture debt this work will
incur; which would,. not be due ^ till
next year, amounts to $627. This will
be taken care of --liy . the retiring
bridge debenture• :debt plus the • re-
quired average yearly maintenance
expenditure on the present road—in
fact would mean at $2. saving' to be
of the bargains 'OA many . as space
would permit) that the various mer-
etrants are offeringto the public for
quo days, Friday , 20th and Saturday
Make 'a .careful' study of every ad-'
eertisement and .a -notation of every
'aargain yep, will need as well as 'the
'various _premiums . which will lie 'giv-
an: away. Plan •to come to Lucknow
en these; two days and benefit by .the,
;nbstantial .savings you will make
m every -day. necessities.
"The auction sale market :promises
to be well supported. Various articles
of form ore,implements.:
-. 't � ' . .
and 1
tockivill $e offered-tfor--sa1'e--You-
'ay have something to •dispose of
and- yon` may :purchase just. the' .ar
'Ile you are needing,. Anyone is: en-
titled ` to bring in any . saleable. ar-
ticle. If you.. are ' planning on- doing
so, communicate with Matt.'•.Gaynor,
auctioneer,'' and,. list your particular
item. Thesale starts at 2.30, so don't
miss it.
' .The annual' meeting of the .Ladys'
lwoling Club nes". held • •in . the. coup=
ail chember ..on. Monday,' May 16th.
it' 8- •o'clock. The election of officers
for the year -1932 resulted as folloite:
President—Mrs W. ' L. 'MacKenzie;
Vice—'Pres.---t—Mrs. Connell; . Sec'y.—
Mis. Porteous; 'Treas.—Mrs. How-
led Agnew; . Refreshment Com.—
Miss G. Treleaven, Mrs. Henderson;
Mrs. C. B. Allis,' Mrs: Huston, Mrs:
Oberle; GaniesCom.—Mrs. W. L' .
•MacKenzie, Mi' ' Lorna Campbell,
Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Hamilton,' Mrs. J.
Stewart, 'Mrs. Jos. Agnew. •
Pick or -
_hest n' of Mr.
Hammer, Saw and
ra;; under .the direction
Steeper . provided the melody for a
precise. .
The _ liulkl of this. , expendii to will'
be received by local workmen, and
that alone as a Means of relieving
any •unemployment which "exists at
present, should be -a factor in the
endorsing of this work.
This street has been criticised and
condemned from all angles and such
Criticism does not tend to advertise
our. -village ' favorably; Highways
second to. none. lead into town from
sill directions and with •a paved road
Leading to the C.N.R. depot, the
elevator, weigh *scales, stock yards
and Silverwood's giant, no greater
inducement could be offered to traf-
fickers' to make this their shipping
and business centre and all without
an increase in the' mill • rate.
This questionshould have tbe care-
ful consideration of •everyratepayer
and a reasonable decin arrived at
—not a decision as the result of
heresay or of prejudice at thea• idea
of such an expenditure at the present
It is considered that a weekly test
of the fire alarm should be made in
order to ascertain if it works pro-
perly at all time.' In view Of this -it
had been decided that each Saturday
at: 'twelve o'clock noon this test "will
t.e made. San °don't be alarmed on
Saturday fat 12 o'clock w i en you ear
the Wail of tbi Via.
dance in the• Town Hall on, Friday
night,-•to•=•the-general--satisfaction • lif-
fa large crowd • who attended..: -the
?rent. This band has been frequently
heard over C.J.G:C.,• .London and
each day last week was onthe air
ever station 10 B.P. Wingham. Mo-
iern• as well as old-time dance hits
are ably rendered by this orchestra
,who expect another engagement here
:n. the near'future.
Errington w Kreuter
A memorable evening Was spent
:t the parsonage on Wednesday, May
11th, when Everett , George Erring-
ton and Mary - Margaret K.rauter
were united • in happy wedlock. Rev.
:Campbell ner was the oflciat-
ng 'clergyman. The •room decorated
;with flowers and flooded . with light
lent color, and warmth to the ' festive
evening hour. • I.
Anniversary Services at Zion
The special preacher at the . Ansi-
versary services at Zion neit Sun-
day; May ,22ndwTwill be the Rev. W:
Waldwin of Eervie. 'T'he 'services in
Che .afternoon at 2.30 P.M. and again
iii . the eve'iiing at 7.30 P.M. This will
be a good place—a ,good time for
'the renewal- cif old friendships -=for
the travelling old trails; let this be
your ..
y red hleet ter' day.• $peeial music
will be a very teal' and indispensable
part o • e f;ervice, rendered "by our
own ch'olr,
-Your Eyes
and : Our Service
You may watch the actors onthe
distant stage and. read your .pro-
gram .,Twopairs et. 'glasses in
Covenient. No ''bother chin-,
ging glasses, ecoming, too, when
a 'suitabl'e,odarn .. mounting ,is
• �
used. Satisfactory. Ask about our.:
bifocals. • .
Continued next week
Walk' up town and : save
money. We have a large' dis-
play of Wailpa er deed to
suit every' purse, ; 8c up. San-•
- worthy, reg. '45c . for 30c.,
reduction on. work . being
. done.
Painter, Decorator & Grain
Let's • shop at Templeton's on
Bargain Days. °
Mrs. Maize of Dungannon is as-•
siding at Hazel Webster's.
All styles of Ladies'' Hair -cutting
done at Fisher's Barber .Shope _ . -
Miss Fanny ' Well of Langside . is
engaged with Mrs. Dudley at present
Extra Special. Friday and Saturday
Buy a quart,: Spartantite Varnish
got a quart Free. Bay a pint -eget a
pint' Free. . WM. MURDIE & SON
Mrs. •(Rev.) E. O. Gallagher at-
tended . the Cannel meeting of Huron'
Diocese Women's Auxiliary held in
.Gronye Hall, London, the'first of the
week. •
Miss'. Daisy -Kennedy of White
church is engaged with Mrs. T. E.
Smith of town, who is not improv- •
ing as: well as 'her many . friends
would Mike.'
--Miss- Daisy -Kennedy 'Kennedy► of ' L eeklieie --
visited on Sunday with . her • sister,
Miss Olive Kennedy • of Goderich who •
left on Tuesday for Toronto to un- ' -
dergo an operation: • '
Tuesday; May 24th is a public
Holiday and will be celebrated in
Liickriow with a two -game, baseball
tournament; • commencing ' at.
Ripley, Lochalsh and • Lucknow will
compete.. �
Mr: and. Mrs. R. H. McQuiliin
spent, the week -end in Niagara with
[Dr. and Mrs. Thomas. They were
[accompanied home by Miss' Margaret
McQuilli:n who has spent,an extended
visit there. -
Mr. and Mrs. Len Westbrook; Idir-
and . llfrt. P. Steels and Mrs. Rititt
of Goderich, Mr. W. Westbrook of
Komoka; and Mrs. Steward of Wing -
ham were, Sunday visitors with Mrs.
T. E. Snaith. ,
Paid Official. Visit •.
Mr. -Geo. A tclieso `b.t3,G,M. paid
his official visit tie Bruce Lodge, A.F.
4; A.M. Tiverton on Tuesday 'evening
He was accompanied by • several other
members of the local order, who wit-
nessed the Tiverton members confer
the initiator degree. Following the
• y ..g
eremony, A. ' W.- Hamilton; R. V.
c en• .....
, Ia R zie, .Rev. O E. Gallagher and •
J. B. MeNab, delivered short addres-
os; as well as the address of the
*ening b? the pjf 1t • Deputy,