HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-02, Page 8• gcM' -,,,-,,- • 1.• ife 41, 4. • • -• 1 • . .•,,-,.• .•, • I• • f • i • ••,,,..,4,150fle,•04,,,,, ,•:z" ri. • •", •••• • 4 ••• • CARDINE THVIODAY, JUNE 24. ;02 • ,: • flitve, in* Qir buitiOng • Te0.0140909, at the bali of the:. foot? 116w. to get refleg> from: this or any other Foot Trouble will be demonstrated at our store 'FRIDAY JUNE -.3rd-, • • by a Foot Comfort Expert of the Toronto Staff ..of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, noted Foot Sppialist—No-CitargeSe c es! _ If on sufredefroin your feet, it willlieto youreverla�tingbenefit to fort,ouio.tore on theabove date. Yon will receive redo -graph Print° of $OOr fitoertilZt feet from which iron easily be age to Ana oat exactly ' your foot troxib e is. The Dr. Scholl ed need is then demonstrated snthit ou IM0VI how-poinpletely comfortable it will make Tour eet. "''''•• • ys you ee , • • • • . 1 • •day beforeM Howey. of L and costs ,on a "Os Over a liquerfiaCOS , in which three other; loelal,'„yonng .men figured aid as a result'of which Victor Ifge.cfreery appeared beer* Magistrate;Waltier in 1491FB9*, the, following dny • '., 15..DaVe.:.fer-Int0ffited2 Whit '4n1014 ai00`up**.frat:. the • sitting in .ard5=*as. tenced to 15 days .in jail for driving a car under fIta",..446,,aeare Of iiinior in:"Kineardine, on. tae previous Sit= Still Operators I• -Sentenced ,.A third ra46:'waelli4 of Alex Schri.. der; Bracer Township and..,Gee.;•0,bion. who were 'charged with imanufactur- ing ' 04..1101;,';44 a *.,sAttlitf-*'...1*ig.' Made hy.ProYinrialCdnattible. Kier - man and ; licLevis, when . a still , and Mash., and. other requirements fpr this undertaking were discovered.' •, . They, were sentenced to .10 „montha nd 13 months -.respectively. prOyctip. FOUND TO find a fine bicycle and not. find a• claimant, is rather an unusual oe4 currence, but such a condition actual, exists-in-lauckirovv. Uttostlis you. , , ly owned. it is strange some miciail7 and- REED has' not been so - far range and as a result'one /venders if it Might be a , • • , stolen.,pedel buggy xidden,iiit6.4Own- . • The Foot Shop and then abandoned: If so the 9ffen- der must have beefed it out of town or road 'the bumpers, as we haven't heard of any other •means Of loco-. motion missing from its .rightful MEASURED FOR YOU SPRING SUIT OR TOPCOAT BY MR- JONES READ oFFIE REPRESENTATIVE OF p Ltd WHO WILL BE HERE Wechiesdiy June 8th -Tip ' Top Tailors are noted for their wide choice of fine' fabrics' .—their smart style and tailoring—and their exceptional value at one standard Price, $24., • tailored to your' measurs. The TIP Top special representative will personaBy mejsure you and assist yon. in your choice of style and fabric More than three million Tip Top Snits and Coats have been sold to satisfied Canadian men. Plan to order your Spring Clothes _NOW, it will pay • You- • TIP TOP CLOTHES •. EXCLUSIVE DEALER. CON. DE LUCKNOW .• OFFICIAL VISIT TO TEF.SWATER 'Teeswater Lodge AR & AM., eel- ebrated her sixtieth anniversary on • Thursday night. It was also the oc- casion. of the official visit of Rt. Wor. Bro.. Geo. Aitcheson .D. D. G.'M. of North' Huron District. A large Taint- ber of- the brethren were preSent- After the exemplification of the sec- • ond degree, ..came the banquet. Ad - firmest, were given 'by the District • Deputy Grand Master, also by Dr. P. 0 G lagher, 'Foster Moffatt, ex-M.L.A. and • Rey, C. IL McDonald and others. FORMER KINLOSS BOY, DIES SUDDENLY IN WEST John McCaig, for many years a reside& of Saskatoon, passed away suddenly at his residenca in that 'city ,ori May 9th. ' . • • • Mr. McCaig was born and spent his boyhood •dayin Kinloss Township, on lot 8, concession 12. He was the youngest son• of the late Kennedy arid Marzarct--Mteaig; a family of eleven children, of which only two sisters survi;e, Mrs. A. faaloamaoaSri obinwit IS. YOUR LABEL CORRECT? •:thir mailing list has been correct - c4 up to Monday, May, SOW , Does your label mark the 'proper ilat.S which -you are • paid? At this time: we wish• tothank the inany,sabscrib- ers who have paid up their subscrip- tion and thus assisted in the adinin- stration o theThitite of A.' D., Mac - Kenzie. The date on which ac - Counts were to, be paid haw.expirgd. A few accounts - are still outstanding and •if present conditions snake the in,231*, Oieen .49, Pawl'• DREs$3, Color 8. ,!9„, wise; Pi* 44d. win* rvverldblei ' est. POOlt o",•16••••••09i•k01 took EVERY LITTLE GIRL MUST HAVE ;AL BOW Ladies' PORCH DRES S. Larges,/ RIP46.iSa 1414.1616, le for:: _ 51 '35c • .41 Per • - • • ' • " • •• • -,....;••• • • ' 17 • 45e SO STRAW RArts ifiC Meng sAILOR. El.h. All f4e4 • • „ 1ff, - ---" * ' • • • OILCLOTH 44141D LINOLEUM RUGS IN:trOCIC- , ' • —EcChskejjManager OUR MOTTO:,-.-SWIALLEIt .PROFI'lr, QUICK TI.TRNOVER !!PIIONE 75. .• See Templeton'a basenient., for ' • ' 1agaji .' Mrs. riser/an spent the week- end with friends in Detroit. • Mrs. J. Di Moody of Blyth was ihe . guest of Mx. H. Leith this week. Mrs. Percy ana Alvin 'of. Detroit. were week -end visitors with friends hi• this locality. . • • Miss 1VIcLaren, R.N. of Clinton -in a visitor this week at home of Miss MacPherson. . • • • Just received another ,sinpnient of Min's 81.95 Work Shoes, ' at W. .J., Little'a Shoe Store. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dyer of Detroit spent the week -end, at the home of Mr. and Ma. Henry Mothers. , Mrs. Olds and son George of De- troit visited for 'a few days with the. formerls-sisteri-Mrs:Hild . , Messrs. John, Charles and Arthur Spindler of, Lenart. „were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ler. • payment of tuch difficult, we would appreciate as call from . you as oth-. ers have, done within the next two weeks,.so that satisfactory .arrange- ments can be made before the solic- itor takes tiverihe •books. •. • ' Mr. Dan G. Bickle and son Edgar. of Hamilton, formerly,nDungannon visited with Mr. J.. R. McNabb last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Bailey and lIrs.*13rady all of Detroit, were week- end guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Lucknow J. F. Burns. • Tie- Uli Rouncl Dr. and Mrs. Woods and daughter • Peggy, and Mrs. Tarltonsof Detroit, were week -end visitors with Mr. M. Defeat Ripley on ,Tuesday Evening Woods. ' By Score of 16-11, To Even Series -7/tipley. Lodges Protest LucknOw. Junior 'Farmer Softball nine 'turned the tables on the Ripley' club on, Tuesday night by a score or 16-11. Lucknow suffered defeat in Ripley a week previous and now the teams are tied and a play off will be necessary to decide who shalt meet the winners of the northern group in the play-off. Following the game Ripley lodged a protest with Mr. Forsyth, Agricul- tural -representative at Walkerton, on the grounds that the local club used more than two town players, which is the•Maximum number al - !Owed to Compete in these fixtures. If the protest is sustained 18 may. mean a replay of the game or dis- qualification. Lucknow's three run lead dwindled rapidly in the fourth inning,. •when Ripley pounded the offerings of enderson-fa aeven---nins.-He replaced by Todd Who 'kept the game nicely in hand while his • tearnates and himself pounded the offerings of three Ripley pItchers in the 'last of the fourth and sixth, to regain the lead. Ripley's crack pitcher was- out Keith of Lenore, Man, arid Mrs. S. Shop. at Templeton's on Market Robinson of • Callender, Ont. Mi•s: • Day.., Keith attended the funeraL FREE'Y Learn to make fiewera and of Crepe paper at the free instruc- tion * classes to he held at: IticKIM'S DRUG STORE Lucknow, Ont. • ' • One Week: JUNE 6 -11th Denionsttit-or: Miss B. Sirsisac • • Afternoon, and-. Evening Classes these classes' are held under the supervision "et • an expert , delntnistrator of the INTERLAXE TISSUE MILLS CO.. Limited. Please tell your. friends, .and bring your Scissors. Crepe paper may he purchased at above store. • of the game through •ntjury.. The line up: Lucknow-A. Thompson, es; Art Andrew, if.; Jack Brabson. ist; Trowbridge, .2nd.;. Fred Mcquillin, c.; Reg. Levis', cf.; Harold Greer, 3rd: Dave Henderson, p.; Neely Todd, Ripley—Harrison, Needham, C. dthilg well as as can be expected. ponock, 11. Pollock, c. Needham, A. ..Miss Phyllis MacDonald, nurae-in-- Needham, Atchison, Stuart, C11111'00 training at Woodstock General Hos," pita), is spending a three -Weeks va- INMEMOR/AM cation with her parents on the dary.•• Councillor Freid Livermore ..and Mrs Livermore of Clinton spent Sun- day with the fermeris sister, Mrs. J. II. Leith. Mr: and Mrs. - Meyers of Windsor visited over the week -end with , the latter's Parents, Mr. and JIM B. 11. McQuillin Ref -..E. 0. and Mrs. Gallagher are spending a few days with the form- er's parents in Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Gallagher. Mr. James Alton who has been in- disposed for some time is Making fa-vorable iecovery and able to be about again. • .Mrs. R. L. Treleaven, accorapnaied by kis. A. D. MacKenzie and gist; Lees visiteds in' Toronto for a fee', days • this week. . The evening service in the United Church will be' withdrawn this weeii, a ith the morning service being held t -the- usual -hour. - • • Mrs. Dave Scobie and- William of wlio sailed recently for the Old 'Country, • arrived there safely after a pleasant voyage; , Mrs. A. E Stewart and Bessie were in London over the week -end, at-. Lending the Convocation of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. ` Mrs. Win. Alton of Ripley Under- went. an operation in Victoria Hos- pital on- Monday and nt present is FRASEr--:•-fn 'Wing .trtemory oe. WiTham Mellvine Fraser, whopassed attay, Moy 30th; 1931. The blow was greats The shock severe, ° We little thought his death so near Only those- who have lost au tell. The Sorrow of parting without fare- well. Always remembered by his loving Utak braille -tit- and Oxtail; .104`, MiteDiarmid: and family of .lannaktovnt, N. Y. and D. R. litaeliiartaid 01 Cleveland, 'Ohio were went visitors with Mr. and Aciek MiteDicitnild 18 town. • Mr. and Mit Robt. Selkirk and their &Setter, Vera, a stiklent of Toronto UniVerSitY,and alt d 'Leam- ington, Visited hist week with their MIMS, the Xissea McKenzie. of town. W. R. MathieTion and Expert Operators From The Thede Methieson Beauty ShoPpe,, Toronto, will be at HAZEL CULBERT'S BEAUTY 'PARLOR • FRIDAY., SPdRAL CROQUIQUOLE OR 'COMBINATION' 05.00 114.56: Enjoy the freedom, 'comfort and- cfinvenience of one of .these waves which is as many taken sare of as naturally curly hair. EVERY yrAVE.. GUARANTEED. • 'PHONE 13 W WINS INTERMEDIATE CUP • Miss Gwendolyn Ackert, .daughter of Mrs. Abler. Ackert of Ilnivre0d. was successful in. Winning, the inter- mediate tun at the Field. day compe- titions it. the 0.8 B., Brantford on Friday last. Gwendolyn for the .past • 3 years bad ane.ceeded in winning the, Junior Cup each year and this record speaks well of her athletic ability-. llhe'ivill return -to her home at Holy - reed, in the course -of-two-weeks, for the summer vacation. . • STEWART WILSON,, FORMERLY . . • OF LUCKNOW,' DIES ' - This past Week we lava received a letter from Mr. E. S.Caswell of Tor- onto informing us of the passing of Stewart. Wilson,: an old schoolmate 'Of his the early 70's. His death occurred at his home in Fargo, N. Dakota on Sunday, May 22nd. After:: leaving school, . Mr. Will:6 workedgifor a number of, years in Lees and Douglas Carding-milL He rnarri, ed Maggie Miller and to this ftonple were born six children, all of whom survive, the eldest daughter; Jean' informing Mr. •Cassfrell of her father% death. In closing he adds Mr. Wilson*its a good man, an affection- ate fathte and A loysi 'friend. ANOTHER OLD COIN. Ifention_onade last week of Wert Ward finding an ancient lucky penny reminded - Mr. Fred Hodgins, coneee- sion 10, Killion, that some two•yeare ago be hid made a similar find, while working in-liffilarnen. Beenrrecting the coin- which lay about the house revealed it to be a lucky one penny piece, bearing the date' 1837. The •zom was worn and discolored-- and writing and emblems rather indistinct ' - - *HE SEASON • . has arrived for • Plants 8i:flowers_ • I Walleye The Best. ' Leave -Your Orders For HANGING' IASKRTS BEDDING PLANTS When next ordering , CANNED GOODS • . • Try Oar ' COUNTRY CLUB PEAS. CORN , & TOMATOES , Fresh Fruits and 'Vegetables Always on Hand- - 41 11.,Ir. Thompson ' Phone 82. ':;.• • 1: EAT, FY igrR0UJME by planting a bed of SCARLET or • IONK GEXANIUSIS or .SAierLAsS Or ASTERS, or PBTUNIAS, Or any of the other fine plants and annuals we have. Tho new CARNATION, bearing lowers 23 to 3" in diameter is mag- nificent, -and -is so lar, -the last wird in Anrund ,Carnation. • argil STEWART BROS Phone Carlow 235. BKNMILLER NURSERIES DON'T TAKE CI1ANCES • Buy Vance Bros. mow, SEED • CORN - AiMAY8-citows The standard By *high 0 tiler Beet,' Corn I* Judge& • FOR SALE AT -W. G. Andrews 4-.•