HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-02, Page 5iritaltSAAVATNE 2nd; wiz a • 1114 LJ.;SNOW 11111411.1411•14 10.000. BABY 4, mCsS S. C. WHITE LEGHORN. S: BARRED ROCKS. 'WH.ITE ROCKS We are holt book orders fer. Beby chicks for' •June. delivery, All pour lchickasal` produced froth .-COV, .RNMENT APPROVED • ateck- • E'aectrically., thatched from Eggs that weigh • over 24 owes; aa41 average 25'%y ounces per doz, M.EGHORPIS $a.00 BARRE® Rocks 8..00 WIIYTE. Rocks 10.00 • PER 100 INUITS .OF1.9.0 OR OVER ' Order from this as our ,supply ,is limited; ,and orders .will' be • filled in the. order received. WRITE or PHONE TO -DAY TO;' THE ,HURON POULTRY FARMS 'PHONE 5x'or 65-16 . BRUSSELS, CONT, • Ste"HELEJ.S Rev. R.'' W. Craw of Lucknow, call ed on,,.friends' here recently., • r. • Mz. and` Mra. Rownes . and •daugghr ter Of Detgoit, , Mr:, and Mrs. Brown. and Mrs. •.Dayent'. of Brucefield were. recant visitors at. the '• home' .of Mr.s. B; M•nrioskt. , = Mr. Schlnker• •of 'Kitchener, and_ : Meears: McIntosh of, Vineland ;and Buffalo, were week -end visitors with friends ,here. • Mr. and Mrs. , Robinson. Woods .and ML.,._Lerne. Woods attended the Tay-' Ior-Campbell. wedding at Brucefield' --on-y - -Saturda� ., Misses Mabel. atid_In._. ene Woods of Kitchener •:were also guests Coming on home for the week - c BY-LAW NNEER3,193 f The Villa a of Luektiow In The County f Bruce., provide for' borrowing_ as aforesaid, in sums of . •not • less Ate sum' to BY-LA, Mei .... �,noted .dollars. ' of $7,500.00 uco , Det n than One hundred Debentures shall . be tures of.the Municipal Corpora 2. . of the Village of Lucknow to pay sayable at the `Branch or Agency of for the construction of a pavement the Bank of Montreal in the Village on -Havelock Street ie said Village, of Lucknow i the County of •Bruce. `sa h ' be lawful. `far • the from Campbell ,street to the South 3, Jr • erly ]im`, it of I udgard' street; to --a- Reeve• --of the•-peaid• Munictpality,�afln - width of twenty feet, and other be ishereby autborized and instruct i.e. Andersen's on - - ar- imProvemeuts. 'A to sign and issue Debentures ;heath; WHEREAS • t_..,is deemed expedient hereby authorized to be- issued and ' • and necessary- by the Council df l H' H AND,THERE Rey.' E, Q. Gallas her, W. 14". Kinloss District. accompanied 'by .John Carter, P.M.; Mark Gardner, 'W Me Richard Carter,. DxM•; and Bert Ward L..S. of Lucknow L.O.L. 428 visitec; Ripley Orange Lodge 790 last Tues, day evening where the RoyalPurple Arch Degree was. exemplifiSd,ifn a Most . efficient manner. Anniversary services will be , con- ducted .in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church •on Sunday„ June •5th. Morn- ing - service at. 11 ' o'clock. Evening service at 1.00,' Benefit Social • evening, Zion Hall, eyenit g_oL June-. ili.Everyboy come.' For a. good '•.cause. ' . i5 Mrs. N.. 'Stewart and Jackie spent o cause the ,sanre•-to be -•signed ---by- a leve-days_r-ecently with_her...parenta_ in: Whitechurch; Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Gardner and it1arion • of Zion visited . last Tuesday with , Mr. and . Mre.,.Mark Gardner. Mr. ''Albert':.Career' 'and` ,Harry, Champion, are at.present 7' repairing . dshar penin lawn mowers in oaur, ands P g vi'cinit Y. "Mr:'• --Mac- -Inglis'~- of Whitechurch" spent T :•Ers.!',�, last with friends. here' Mr.• .Richards Carter'is at ' present engaged with. Mrd William Henderson on .his farm at. Rapid •City., Rev. avid-MYST'Burgess a`n 1VIr: D. 'S. MacDonald spent Thursday'.even- ing wtli. Mr. and Mrs: ` Jolii Carter.- Cemetery arter.`Cemetery Improved; ! Mr. l�. C. Taylor and his assistants, ,of"Lucknow; last week-comp1eted-the- marking' and seeding of. Bethel ceme- tery, which is situated •.'some two'' Miles • east of 'St;' Helen's village. Mr.' John Joynt . spa isored and . financed -the -improving, of this burial_ ground, which .through •lack'. of . 'care.. had be-' Come badly '.overrun with shrubs and trees.'; Cradle knolls and'fallen. head- theVillage of Lucknow :this Seven-„ stones also added to the difficulty of �• teentli day of May A.D. 1932., renovation. However ' cement bases but he expired quite suddenly while eating bis :breakfast Tuesday marn- ing. The • flneral,..to . the St Helen's cemetery : in:^ Thursday,'; watt largely attended;,'by :old friends' and. neigh- bots. ur¢ spent .a• i`ec h .Miss, Fox .Rf ''�ffh.t h .., .,.P , .• few days With his aunt, ;Mrd °W J :Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Beatty. ' and ,son of Goderich,. were :visitors with Mrs. Beatty's' sister, Mrs. D:.I'ba111Pn•. • cuw . Miss, Vera Todd was home:yfor the week -end. . • ' ' • Mr. D. B Murray, Miss Mary Mur- ray and. ' Mr. and Mrs: Cliffe'Murray. visitors '-Witt'. Seaforth ,friends were-•_.,_ The.` June ..meeting' of the ' Harris ' 'Mission Band will be held 'at; the inanse on Saturday afternoon. r -The` members. are -requested to bring their' donations of Christmas ,gifts for the bale. Aft 'George Clark, of 'Hamilton, who With _: Miss' Colin Clark'was spending the week -end. with -his mother. at Westfield,' called on -;.friend's here on 'Saturday. Mrs: Alex MacLennan of Chicago is .also a visitor'..with her mother,' Mrs. 'Clark. '1 : Congratulations .'are. due . Messrs. 'Wilson Woods. and Lorne Webb who were .successful in 'their examination -at . the ' O.A C. Mr:. McTig'ert, who is a•• manager and M'r. Kindless "who is herdsman•' ' of the. Patterson 'herd 'at Richmond Hill' were callers' at Mr. Frank Todd's '.on Monday.: '• s • the week -end Snydef ° �a guest of Miss: Greta Webb; Keen interest continues in~the Y. P. Society: The . meeting on Sunday night' was in 'charge of.Miss Webb's .-•- side. The scripture lesson . was read by, Laur•ine:,Miller :and the comments on it by Mr. Mclntyre. The subject, - What hat it means to be a Christian at ' work, was taken by Mrs. W. L Mil- ' ler, while Rev; T. C. Wi'Ikinson • lel the' discussion. following. The specie' nuMbers which were . much enjoyed, were a piano ''solo by Miss' Florence McQuillin and. a vocal 'solo by Mrs: Wilkinson. Sympathy is1' extend to - Messrs. Archie and Jos. Anderson • in ; the death •of ' their 'brother;•. Mr. • George Anderson at the former's horne here ' on 'Tuesday, May '24th.. Mr. Ander- son, who had been ill 'at Lucknow for their' brother, Mr. 'Sandy'Kennedy Sr. cone time, •was removed to Mr.' Ar- who is sick. WHITEC IURCH `- :Municipal' Corporation , of the Village of Lucknow to -construct: a ' conerete .cement .pavement. on Havelock, street :from Chmphellatreet to the Souther- y, liinit,.of •Ludgard Street add. of" certain, ,ftnprovementa. in said 'Village end foar.• the puipose,',of paying for same to.raise the suis of $,,7,500 00 • WHEREAS : the ; estimated „lifetime ' -A ND „lifetime of 'the .said .work is twenty 'years. • 1..T�o AND WHEREAS it is desirable, raise 'the sum of'$2500.00 for the purpose aforesaid - by the issue ,hoe, .pebentures upon., the. credit. of t Village •of •.Lucknow; , and for • such ..purpose=•th_M_unici _al Council of Said : Village intends by this .By law tcse . a..- create.__a debt upon the said C.or - r-vice-••-in-.� t - There ;will --be- -no -se , ,,, Presbyterian church next 'Sunday, • nitration of $7.100.0(1 wiib merest mill per cent . per annum payable in, owing. to the anniversary service at Calvin -Presbyterian Rev. John Pollock is at London this week attending the Asseinbly. Miss Annie .Kennedy is spending a few. days in Goderich:, with. her . sis- ter, . it Har Tichborne. Quite.. a• number from''here attend ed .the,, musical festival at Lucknow last .Thursday'iind�h'iiday', and' diose who took part are. Messrs Charlie Martin • and -John Pollock. :Jr., and Misses, Dorothy' Polleek,' Lela Leggatt and Agnes 'Gillespie.. Mr.' Robert: Ferrie iss: seriously ill and also Mr.'John Laidlaw- met with an accident last Tuesday while work- ing with •his nephew, 'Robert Laidlaw: We • hope 'he will'seen . be . able to be Put again. The sympathy of ' the community'' is extended to 'Mrs. Fred Davidson in the death.. of her mother, Mrs. ?Bell of - Fowaich ` " �j Mrs. Fred David en . goes to Ham- ilton"this week to at d the gradu- ss Mary Weir: tion of her daughter, , i Miss May '•Morris , returned to her home --in'- Hamilton -.,.after -spending -a few • weeks with Mrs Duncan Ken- nedy. Mr. and . Mrs.. Fred .Stanley of Chesley spent the,24th with. Mr. and Mrs.' .Duncan Kennedy: Mrs. Thomas ,Henderson is under the doctor's carer We hope to, see her out again before long: - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dowling and Miss Pauline Reid and Miss Dowling. of Hamilton• visited 'recently With their-'• parents, Mrj and Mrs...Pert Reid. Mr.' and Mrs. Alex 'Naylor of Poi?t Colborne visited'recently' with • phis brother, Mr.' B: S. Naylor. •' thereon' at. the rate, of five • and' one - twenty . equal. annual. instalments by the, issue of Deb" tures with coupon$: attached for the pp ym'ent of, interest. • EAS•' it . is" desirable AND'` WIiER, and the Municipal Council of. said tillage . of Lucknow. has determined, .o issue Debentures at one time, and e the principal : of - said. debt to make repayable by yearly sums during the period of , twenty years. "being the currency of the said 'Debentures, such , yearly sums, being . of such re sired e, amounts that the aggregate amount payable in •each ` year for principal' , and interest •at the rate of five and : one-half 'per"cent. per an- num .in respect of. the Said debt'.shall be .aa nearly as. possible equal'to the amounts so ,payable in, each of the Nineteen' other years of' . said, perioa as shown in the schedule hereinafter mentioned. AND WHEREAS•, the amount of the whole rateable property ,of the said Village of Lucknow -according 'to the lastsrevised Assessment Roll �f said; Municipality is the sum, of. $423.090.00: ' ' : • - AND WHERE -AS the present exits -- ting. debt of the said Village of Luck- now u now secured by• . Debentures is ' the: sum of. $84.728.31, and no part of the said sum. is in. arrears. • ' AND WHEREAS for'' paying off the --.-said' ` princinal . sum of Seventg- dve .hundred dollars and. interest -it will be necessary to . raise in the Several years hereinafter: mentioned the .. following • sums:- ' No., Ptrincipal Interest Total 1. ' $215.10 $412.50 $627.60 2,. 226.93• 400.67 ' • ' 627.60 3. 239.41 388.19 • 627.60- 4. : 252.57 •375.03. 627:60 5. 266:46 361.14 627.60 281.12 627' 60 296.59 312.89 a Messrs. John, David and George Kennedy of this: community and Mrs. Lorne Durnin of St. Helens, motored to Guelph Last Wednesday to visit Beware the Fire Peril a MI USE 7fN(W IVOPY YPROC • WHEN you are building, is the best time to make your home safe from the damage fire can do. Order time -and -labour saving Gyproc Wallboard for all interior walls, ceilin , _ and partitions. When remodelling, extra space may be gained by, dividing the attic and base- ment with .Gyproc partitions. You can paper .it or panel it if you wish and it is an excellent base for Gyptex or 1i labastine. Gyproc may easilyidentified by the name on the board and the, Green -tripe along the edge. • gypsum. Lilt AND ALessaruIE. Canada. "iiimited Pada terie• For Salta $y Henderson & Fisher d6liai. Murdie Si Son Rae SI Porteous W Lucknow. Ont. Lucknciw, Ont. L:ok11sED_w. Ont. he •Treasurer of the •sand Munrcpal- ty :and the, Clerk of the .'said •Muni= npalitr is hereby authorized:' and ;lirectee4 to , attach the seal of the Mid M•usuc ipality •• to' ' the said.' De- 4entuures.^ • .. Debenturesshall, bear 'the '4.. The, . ,;aine, date and shall' be issued. within, t o ear's after the day on 'which the w y said . is passed and' may bear -any ,date•within:..:such..two�..years and•_ shall bs payable: an equal annual • inn- stalniente during •the twenty years next atter the, time,. when the same 'are issued.. and the respective amounts 'of principal • and interest. .payable in • each ,year Shall be as set -forth in�-tAh�ee-recitals hereto. • _E.' THERE' .sha11 he raised • and levied in 'eaeh-Year.-by_,-.s.pecial r_•ate- on all rateable property in the said Municipality 'a'sum •,sufficient to• :dis- charge lthe several instalments of -principal-and interest_ a_c 'uing dupe on. the said Debentures•as the same .become respectively payable accord :ng ''to the provisions' of; this By-law: .'6. The, said suln of Seventy-five hundred dollars shall be • expendeo'd when. 'raised. for • Ike....vu=P se ,et forth • ;in - the --recitals--hereto. '• • ,• 7. ' This.. By-law shall come into :full :force and effect'immediitely up•' on the final passing, thereof. Passed provisionally 'and dated at 6. 346.48 7. 331.01' 8.. 314.71 9. 330.11 ' 297.49 10. , ' 348.26 • ' 279,34 1L 367.41 260.19 12. 387:62 239.98 ..:.. ,627.60 `. 40.8694 218.66 627.60 . 431.43 • •196.17 627.60 15. 455.16 172.44 627.60' 16. ' 480.19 ' 147.41 , 627.60 17. 506.60 121.00 627.60 18. 534.47 93.13 627.60 19. ' . 563.86 • 63.74 627.60 20. • '594.88 32.72• , '627,60 being the aggregate amount for 'prin- '_ipal and interest -to be :paid' each ind every year according to the eta - :ate in such case made and provided. NOW THEREFORE THE 'MUNI- CIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORP- ORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW ENACTS. as follows: 1 THAT it.,shell be lawful for the -Reeve of the said Municipality for the purposes aforesaid to. borrow the said' sum of Seventy-five hundred dollars and to issue Debentures of the said Municipality to that amount with coupons attached for the pay- nient• of interest at the rate of •five andone-half per cent• per annum 627.60 627.60 627.60 627.60. 627.60 JL. DGi; ANTS AT. • HIGII CO.UR$ --SITTING Four Cases Are Reared In Supreme, • Court...In Walltfrtan This, Week Southampton 'Man Allowed Dania- ges: For-'Iniiuriies`�received On 'Ice, Covered •Sidewalk. -: " . '` Four out of fives case s slatedfor trial at the non -jury sitting of the Supreme Court. of Ontario; which opened ' zn '.Walkerton •on Monday, P . were 'heard .by Mr. Justice Garrow, with dig following results:: Southampton Assessed $100.0. In an action brought by Ronald A. Burgess' of _Southampton against that town, ,Burgesswas al owed $1000- and"; - costs. The action .arose when plain- tib claimed on January 1st he caught is right foot in `a crack""'�n a "Side - coveted with :ice, falling .walk thinly : coe • . rin his ' leg: •Claiming.', and fractli g • negligence on: the part of'tbe munici-, F ahty ,. lie sued for $ the hearing was •-villin a 'sum much less the' The; s' ' alka are . no. tion'"" e••ir at thus .t FOT loss. _ .. Creditors Iir,: Action Against Estate Judgement was_ in favor Of eight, creditors, an action `on • their behalf being brought against the •estate of Samuel -Hewitt. b7 R --J Stewart, -.X.. C. of ..Rincardine.; Defendants were . **lie Tee itt;Sam' ,-,Hewitt.and:Mrs_ - Sam Hewitt of Kincardine. Township. . Father,: vs. Son A case -set ,over from the last court Smith. vs. Smith, was: Beard: :S. • F.. Smith sued his son. Gordon. ,for re- possesion :.bf a . farm in Saugeen ' the -son, to:.have Township, • claiming -. to_ ake certain payments -is #a%led m, agreed to. The, judgement was'":award= ed in favor; of the father when Gar.,don failed. -:to apl ar. Alimony Case ' Mrs. 'Emma Holland, living' near Harr istori , sought alimony "lima her husband ' Edward Holland; on the g ground of alle ed' all -usage.• ' This action .was sett down for trial at ,the Spring Assises; but it was not necessary for the courts to -declare,--' in ' the • matter as a• reconciliation was 'indicated.. Failing. to pay court costs at this time however the' case 'was set do' for hearing this week and 'after an -effOrt--t mike s " .l_ement ' between Finally passed this day of. •' A. D. 1932 --- Reeve Reeve ,Clerk • NOTICE •• Take notice that the foregoing is a true and .correct copy -po. a , pro- posed By,Law". • of the Municipal Cor.•porationTofthe Village. of Luek- now to .be"submitted 'to the votes of• the 'electors of, said Village,. entitled. to; vote' thereon.. .:on Monday, the Thirteenth day of- June A.D. 1932. betWeen.• the•. hours • of nine ' o'clock' in the forenoon and five O'clock -in, the afternoon• at ...the., places_ in. ,send Vil- lage -and : by the Deputy Returning °Meets mentioned below, namely;' 'Smith polling, 'subdivision • at the Council :Chamber in the • Town Hall with Ewen Howard' Agnew, Detiuty Returning ; Officer there. .North polling 'subdivision at' the Orange Hall with Wellington McCoy 'Deputy returning Quer "there.•, • • 'And that, the Tenth' day of June A.D. 1932 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon at. the Council' Chamber in the Town Hall in'' said • Municipality 4th CON., KINLOSS were put in for the monuments, oth- ors were' straightened up,' bushes 'were removed and.the-groihnd eulti-' vated, levelled and'seeded down, The cemetery is enclosed by a fence with a fine stone entrance, and now'offers a much•.iinproved appearance. ATTEND DEANERY MEETING AT 'KINCARDINE, FRIDAY 001 and .'before. to Odle ler anted bilin. insured,;,' and "is:: ill „su�e� th • has been fixed for , the appointment" of persons to attend at the polling places and, at the final summing nP of the votes 'by the Clerk. And that if the assent of the elec- tors is obtained to the said proposed By-law it will be taken into consid- eration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporation at . a meeting thereof to be after the expiration{"of one .month ,from the -date of the first publication of this notice.. which first publication was 'made 'on1932. the Nine- teenth day of% May A.D. 19, 2. And that any tenant entitled ' to vote an such By-law and who, is de- sirous'to so vote must deliver to the Clerk of, the said. Municipality not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for the taking of the a• G_ shad vote a declaration under The Evidence Act stating the facts re- quired by subsection 3 of Section` 274 of the Municipal Act zto be stated in- such declaration. Dated at Lucknow this 17th day of May A.D. 1932. • JOSEPH AGNEW. Clerk. Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Breckenridge . visited Sunday' with the . latter's sis- ter, Mrs. John Lockhart of Angus, Ont. Rev, E. M. McMillan or Toronto vas•up `to spend a'few days with his •irothers. ' '• Mr. Bert 'Bain of Lgndoti spent the, veek-end with his parents,' Mr. and Virs. R. Bain.' ' Master Austin Martin had the this- -ortune to have a rusty nail run in .o -his 'foot, whih kept him out of ;chool last week. : 'Mr. John Fraser, Irene and Harold ,f Lakeside visited at Mt. T. Robin- an's,' during the week.' • Mr. Robert Robertson ' of Ripley, :pent Kunday' wi'tII - friends- on-, the fourth. • Mrs. E. 0. Gallagher, • Misses Cook, Mortis and Nixon attendedthe meet- ing 44 --the Anglican 'Deanery of Bruce, .held in the parish hall, Kin- cardine on Friday. Port Elgin was the site chosen for - the 1932 picnic to be held July 1st, with ' Rev. A. A. ' Bice, of London chosen is guest,:speaker on this oc- casion.. The -meeting was confronted with the problem • of raising funds in or- er • that deanery 'delegates could 'par- ticipate -in di c sen,• provincial 'and Dominion activities. The suggestion of voluntary contributions from each branch, or •dramatic efforts by dean- ery associations will be ..reported at the" -picnic, - when (Cheers are elected. TEACHER RESIGNS ASSISTANT RE-ENGAGED ZION Sunday School will be held at Zion next Sunday, June 5th,at.11 A.M. Mrs. -Susan Girvin has returned• from. Crediton to spend the summer months with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Anderson. Miss Emma MacDonagh of London spent the week -end with her parents. Mrs: Mary Kellum and Miss Hazel Irwin of Detroit visited with' Charles" Ritchie's on Sunday list. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helm' and little son of Guelph . visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helm recently. Remember -The Benefit., Dance held at Zion. on June 3rd. Admission Gentlemen 25e. Ladies bringing sand- wiches Free. At a Board mee ing • of Dungannon -Mille school held recently, the re ;,ignation of the principal, Palmer Kilpatrick was received and accepted with regilet...Russell Scott,the teach- er in the Junior room was re-engag- ed. Mr. Kilpatrick, who has had three year's successfulteaching as princi = Dungannon school to his cre pal of ,. ,.it, intends to go to University in the fall, and has already passed a num- ber of examinations for the Univers- ity Course:' The board, as well as tha 'annus and ratepayers are very sorry :hat he' is leaving. • Miss• Evelyn Craw of Lucknow- :pent the 24th with Mrs. R. Middle- • on. A number' from here attended the Musical Festival in: Ilse Town 'Hall en` !`ridaq evening, where they listened '6 a, very 'enjoyable program: Mrs. Wm. Ruttle and Mrs. Cecil ?tobb, 4th Cps., visited - their emits, Mrs, Thomas Gr aham net Mrs. "t'bbt..T .... ;11:et1114 040t ttY. Presbyterian Y. AV.' A. The May meeting of the Y.W.A. of the Presbyterian Church.iiir ell at the nlnnse, on Thursday evening. Af- ter the devotional exercises, the min- utes of `the previous -meeting, were read and. the roll called. The presi- dent very clearly explained the last part of the 8th chapter of St. John' Gospel. The topicwas taken by Mrs, D, Thompson. Miss Fern Reid gave a reading 'from the book' "Miracle Lives it ,Chine." Nathaniel's Friend: After ei'tiging 1141,7;11.16;4111.036,240:14: n B eating the : • HURON Y PEOPLE'S PICNIC Don't forget the picnic at Mene stung Park, near Goderich, on June 11th. The Huron 'Young People's Presbytery is planning a ' "big" af- ternoon of sports- races,. tug-of-war I girl's and a boy's softball -game. Rev. Jas. Finlay will be present and -will • give.d. short after supper ad- -Iress. Menestung, . June .l ph at 2 P. M. o� themselves and the lawyers,,thedcase was thrown out against her. PRESENTATIO.N -TO-NIGHT - The presentation of the ` Honorary Testimonial from the Royal Cana- dian Humane Association to •Benson Park for • heitoism in the 'saving of ' the life of Neil Haines from droving will be made in the Parish. Hall, Dungannon, Thursday evening; June 2nd. 'This presentation was to have been made some two weeks ago, but was postponed owing to the illness of Benson Park at that time. ASH'FIELD 'NOTES (Intended'. for Last Week). Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Smelly and • sons, Douglas and Donald, Mrs. Topp and her sister,, Mrs. Jas. Cooke, all of Toronto, were guests at Mr. C.,E. McDoriagh's • over the holiday. • Rev. Father Hogan of New York is at present visiting his brothers. Miss gonna McDonagh and • Mr. w. Geo. Topp of London, visited *ith the former's parents for a few days. • Mrs. Less Ritchie was',very unfor- tunate to sprain her, kneeone, day last week and will be confined to' bed • for o a 'week ' or more. Miss Alma Hunter is assisting her . at present. Mr. •Sam • Sherwood who • has been ill for the past• three months is able to be out' again. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MMKenzie of Luciknow• spent Monday afternoon at R. E. Gilmore's. • Miss Elsie Barge and friend, Mr. King of Stratford,. accompanied • by her mother, Mrs: R. •McKenzie, visit- ed at, Mr. Geo. Swans recently. Mr. J. J. Gilmore and Misses Della' and Frances' Gilmore, spent Sunday with the ladies' parents. Miss Della t°ilmore is spending a few days with her. parents. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED CANADA HATCHERY Approved Barred Rock Baby chicKs i. $8.00 Per Hundred - AND 5 UNRELATED MALE CHICKS FREE, TOE -PUNCHED' EVERY BREEDING BIRD INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY GOVERNMENT INSPECT vs' S. LARGE .EGGS, SEAT -FROM-- HEALTHY, BIG HEAVY . PRODUCERS. Tr Custom . Hatching Done WHY BOTHER WITH SETTING HENS, SMALL INCUBAT- ORS AND CIfCKS OF DIFFERENT AGES, WHEN YOU CAN . HAVE YOUR EGGS SET IN ' A BUCKEYE MAMMOTH UP- TO -DATE MACHINE, AT THREE CENTS AN EGG OR FIVE CENTS A CHICK. EGGS SET •EVERX „MONDAY. ALSO STARTED CHICKS FOR SALE. • , Y Whitechurch, Ont. f