HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-02, Page 4•Ire,--,+^ THU s1)47P, 3UN8. • 244 1 l; ' 0 „k. 5r.' 11 oulaini Uer Dresses Bay the newest„and best Women's .and. Mid' 'Garrnents from . us. Yeau'11• be .sed with: their style, duality ,and finish. Shia - p Pleased meats are -arriving - almost daily -wand .now-js_.theme to make sure-ef-.:your-:•summer:, needs_w1N� stocks are' fresh and sizes Friday -•-Saturday► Bargain 14 .New:S p'lilg,Coats at' D Only Navy Sults at• $12,00. 9.00, S5. Women's `Silly •Dresses°at: ' , 6.00' - Suits at 5.00 6•'>TVf/0-p1eCe•'K21ittCd - i r -wins V 'in �4•,�alrs4P>�lled<-�ua SOME' "PEES E ARE SINGLE' ,PAIRS, ' W H I L E -OTHER ; LINES HAVE TWO MATCHING , PAIRS. • ll: - � ri e.d .froth $3.25'. to $4.56 -Nomla y, � ; -THIS IS AST 'EX'TRA•--73424..-RG,AAh 01L11IGH : GRADE NEW CURTAINS ' OU SHOULDN'T MISS.' . ra: 0o0r, -99c. ^YHORQO.D' Mrs. 14401, Culbert, Eva `•and rF aXJ Ii1�Tt �V �►!�ENTINJ Lorne spent Sunday with MM1.:and Mrs, Wm. Eadie. -Published every Thursday morning; Mrs. A. Hudgins left ora Monday :to at `Lucknow, ,Ontario. 'w spend ,a eek with `her daughter, Mrs Rudy Selloff of Detroit. , Mr. and -Mrs. Moore -and Jean weMre, recent visitor's, at :Mr. John.001WetV. e. ' Mrs. J. ii. Ackert of Allenford visiting at present with Mr, Ernest" Ackert, -• •' '• � Mrs. Howard ' Robinson I and daugh- ter Shirley, spent the week with Mrs.. Dexter -of--Paramount rs.;Geor e=Barrisen and .Ed. an& Miss Liazie Pierce spent Sunday with Jennie" and Alex Pierce Mrs.Robert Bairdand Winnifred were recent„ visitors. with Mrs. -Alms! Iiy):RSDAY, JUNE 2nd. 1932 • THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR " In tills issue the By Law submittPed' ay 'the Council pertaining to the pav- ing -.of Havelock St., appears for the third and' last time. 'Mr ,and Mrs:' Goldwin Harris,, Mrs. Almer Ackert abed Jack .and Mr Cuth-' •bert Jones motored to" Brantfford , on Sunday. Jack remained and accgm anieii' MisseGwendoly s Ackert ligaie', ?for• the 24th: .' - . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sheill,. Doris' mid Jack were ` recent' visitors �'at . Mr Charles . Congram's. r• ...Recent visitors at ,: Thos. H Harris erefrier. n Pal-- rand _:Mies. john M . Isobel and Chester of Detroit, Miss. BRINE COUNT7f MIJi3.ICAL, FESTIYAI (Continued from Page 1)' Teller Solo„ 1.. Raymond paltoti. Lucknow. 2., 'Kelly 1,ettner, Walker. ion. - 3.• Ed' garrison, itipley .. • Yeelit Solo (.Gide ander ./,'Margaret. N'e "trachea, Wslkerton.' 2. Margaret Rae,, .Luck»9w., 3, Many' co; Ripley, " Violin Solo .(Open)-- *,- poi .Royce:: Walkerton.' 2. Nellie McCallum, Luck now. •3, Dorothy Pollock' Lucknow. :Old Thine Mks. Nes- The vote on this issue takes place bite, Ripley. 2. Angus McDonald, Monday ' ane 13th and`wse `feel• Alex McDon lad ( e1• d di necessity will �. i► Critaford t littleopposition with little, l meet �i m t For the past twenty five years •the Ilger., upkeep of this ..road. has costs, thou sands of dollars and all ` to no - avail . Des site all;' efforts:..and expenditure P this road ', continues to be: each._ a. and • spring, ;literally, a quagmire.' ndature willago;"on for time, nes - u "'lit 1 b bi ra y 11 a,. 'ane d P without en s a permanent' -road - The -road is built The . ratepayers know •this to be true, 'realize. it IA false; economy • to :ontinue as in. he . past regardingw oubt the this I� street and without a d opsu5osi expressed-at--the-•1mBs should.. he and We feel will • be -"Pave Have - on, , •assn d thettion� tthis 1 ocal YAcal Solo ( n) for previous improvement -.-an dire ..e_ .:.:_i rile rymner�l- . a. , e, very .. • e Pian* 'Sole (sire Mrs, ' Geo., Bryant, ; Chesle Mezzo..Soprano Solo, --4. Myra Mc- :Dclnald, Luckily► 2. Marion Smith.' Walkertoi : •, (under: 16)...,1. .Jack Violin' Selo Pollock,, tuelinoW .Rural..•-School.. borne-_ 1:..Bip1_'ey. - -Lucknow • Recitationa for .th a under .15- 1, Isobel 'Douglas, Lucknow. 2. Jam. Johnstpne, Walkerton. $., Herbert • Taylor; -'-Walkerton,- :� •' Girl Soloist . at . Rural. School-- `t. "Elaine' Lenard Ripley. • 2. Agues.' Gillespie; Lucknow. gaol Report • 11oom "II n' • Possible.- Marks 00 Hou.: 375:,Pass 300. ,4 i 448.. •� wam ,::: Sii •..--II Hon:-�1Qa., T . .. eY -Jane Hornell`,;447 Marion Traplin :!44: "Helen. MacDonald-"" 438 Mary, ;Fisher -427 `Esther ;Mortis 426: Bes •;aid Stewart400 fJ', C. Johnstone 395: �Geald' Culbert 389. ' Pass•.-Murvin :Solomon 351: •'Dolma ; Paterson. 315: Jack Gook 310 Jean'. Havens. 305: Gordon .Steward' 304: BelowPass- • Evelyn Taylor 288 Donald ' John- stone ,279. • Ella Whitley 169: Lloyd Wyld* 191: 'Jack ' ,Henderson 172. Alisent�-Margaret ;Corms " Possible ',Marks , 410,. Hon. 300: Pass 240 Jr.. `II Hon:=Allan Treleaven 305: Russell Garniss 301. Pans• Reith Col-' 287:tt n- 179::__ Sam ... lyer Ernest B, u P; Mac illin 263 Dangles Aitchison 240.,Below Pass -Arthur 'smith .232: - ran "@�S"..J mstrong 2011:' lamed web ster .186:' Donald MacKenzie 182. H. G. Sherrif:• ' I�AR 1Vi0UNT • '. Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Swan visited with friends at Wiarton„last'. week.'' Mises Mary Cook, nurse in train>kngKI.11tL011GH 'n -ha spent an- evenin at ber. _: » __ - at. Wi g, xa? . g Miss Mary Graham returned . to home . during the.; week.: • and .Mrs :CoidQnamihon;'Mi. . ' ,,,,,,:,...,"°'.her Mnrgayet; Palmer and r Amos Pal- rad• • e ;• Kincardine, Mr and Mrs . 'sword and Miss . Wilena. Hewitt of Riley, Mr' •and Mrs. Robert Mae- onaliL'>.ani Mrs. Charles:'Congram. Mrrt:and Mrs.; John Barr, .Doris and Jack were recent visitors: with'Mr. and Mrs. , Charles Burt Mr. •and - Mrs. Robert MacDonald .spent -Sunday with the latter's 'Par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. ;Turnbull Underwood. Hamilton after. visiting her parents and Mrs' John Jamieion',and lktr and Mrs: Lorne..Sandereon spent,a ,few days'-' last week with. Wmgliam friends. '•Charles Hodgins of Hamilton visited recently • 4h his brother,' Mr - Fred Hodgins.. • Mrs. 'V. 'Percy and • son Alvin' of Detroit •called, on relatives. `here on, Monday., . + . i Miss Grace . Haldenbr of ; Walkerton ,estival held pent. the week-ent1 at • her home Miss Irene, , Marsh is . -visiting" in Iamilton., : Mr.. Wm. Montgomery Missesa Maryc.. and :Mildred . and '.Miss Jane'. Mrs. Erie•Wilson attended the' fun- eral of 'Mrs •,John' Jamieson of -Currie , Corners'•:last Saturday.: - Congratulations, are; due' .Mr:. Ales. MacNay for winning first • place in the baritone solo class. at • . the Musical Festival held at Lucknow:last Thtrs- day-and-•Friday-The--a'1-i around.-.inus cal trophy) 'was .:won by._L`hcknow, al- sa.-the=- shield -•-for, the -,Rural- Church. choir. CREWE The town ''is in a strong 'financial. position with•a' total debenture debt �levied`iis axes of --less• han�$19,000•Newlon,: Lucke 2. Lets Leggatt. 10 It -is. assured- 'that 'the -retiring ew _ .__.. Lehi __. bridge debenture plus:the annual up Lucknow•,' : ' Piano Solo- (under ' 16)-L Eunice �ceep:.of'•this road as it• is, will more than pan the ,yearly debenture debt resulting'' from this .work:' Thus ;there .vill�be riot increease . in -the mill --rate. ,Local labour will' benefit from 'the project, Lucknow will. have a asset in the .•completion of the work e • faci 'ties,to, make this- :•a sple. _dded h "shippii g• and commercial .. centre, no Indic dust nuisance, on this. street, ':nd-•countless •benefits, ; • Exercise yourwi�ights On • June 13th, tad after reading the article on page the by. a !Interested Citizen" your. reasonable conclusionwe. feel• will, be `'o support the By -Lawn Vocal' Solo' (ladies)--previouspfize winners --r. Kathryn: Matheson, Rip - Dorothy - Harley, .Walk_eutont 14.1 s... Sees, Chesley-(tie1, • Recitations for those under '8- 1., Reid „MeEim, Lueknow. 2. Annet- ta •ta :, 'Stewart, •Lucknow: ' 3:' :'Willa i Thompson, Lucknow ' •i1 • , Contralto(" Solo= -1.: 'Mrs,"'" : Retold Treleaven,, Lucknow: Soprano Solo -=1: 'Winnifred •Arm- atron ;' Lucknow. 2. Alice Webb, f3' 7 to entre Skog Starts SsO:. L. L.. Saturday a TIiURS•, •FRIDAY, • SAT)itiRDA7f; June . 2-=3-.4 • - TIM McCOY Iu . "The One Way `'rail" CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY -- °°TOBACCO: $1D"- ,-.--_ MONDAY, TUE.S.,: WEDNESDAY • June .PLISSA LAUDI uNA. ' 'MERKEI '. VICTOR M'cLAGLIN: In. Ojiric1 d CDLORTONE REVUE • •':SNAPPY^ ;CAI1&LLERO", ..' ._'.SPECIAL,-- --� June 9--10-1;1 Janet.''Gaynor. &• ;Charles Farrell In. "DELICIOU'S" THE MUSICAL'•• "FESTIVAL Ttiie seventh annual 'Bruce County last week in the village here bespoke the success the event is en,. ioyinig: The ' keeness of competition and the enthusiasm of „the public ;as= :aures;.one that'this festival•' will con - Anna to grow' and be' one of the __ --actors it --developing the r"eatest # 'bility .of those.'ea talented' in_ Mist-. .m1 'and literary lines.. . Faithful practice 'is necessary h weeks, in 'advance to fit''one for such competition and -each year as 'expres, SedbProf. Blackwood, "The stand- -_ards are' being.' raised and contestants are;. going over the top." .What more gratifying results.. could be looked for from a project which ' originated. fundamentally for that purpose. Miss Hill "and' Prof. Blackwood juc\ging the' instrumental and •vocal numbers ' had pleasing personalities: The reasons for arriving at •their de- "•isions were:' clearly stated and one 'cannot doubt' for a moment but that. they were thoroughly versed in their respective lines,'and_ gave unbiased and ' conscientotis . aw.aids, and their. yrijicisins were, most constructive. Mr. Calvert,. B.A., adjudicate roof of he 'literary numbers, 3iowever, not leave any such kindly feeling lin the hearts 'or' his large audience of Friday night.. His bombastic .attack on the . ability • of • the several elocu- tionists, 'during . which they, ,were the 3ubjecW of humiliating ridicule was most uncalled or, and. to say ' they 1ees_t by no,.means gentlemanly. The •lomineeriilg-J-manner:. -an wi►ic}r he zriticised their weak points, will in no ',Nay be helpful to, their future en- deavors and in fact.will no. doubt •liscourage and' discust these readers' to such a degree • that their services hereafter at various .local entertain- ,nents may be sought in vain. Mr. ;alvert's display lof ignorance as it apeared to 'many, leaves behind .hire n this "neck of the woods" as he to 'ingly termed 4, mingled feel °ngs of resentment and provocation. Mrs. _John Watt, Bill and . Sicilia spent Sunday with M. . and Mrs. Isaac' Gauley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. • Matlock of Torontospent a fewdays with the formers brother,' John ' Matlock: • Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick at- tended' the wedding. of the latter's sister on' Monday. • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Finnigan' and family spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan. The monthly meeting of the W.M. S. will 'be held at the home of Miss Agnes Matlock on ' Thursday, June 2. Don't forget the Crewe Lawn So- cial to be •held on the Church lawn on' 'June,1Oth..A various program will be given.. . Mr. and Mrs. Wei. Spindl'er,'L-uck ,tow- visited with Mr. and Mrs.: 'Wm.. • soon of Detroit were weelf=end . Arm g M"acGilt. recently. Miss Phyllis MacDonald, nurse -in- training at -Woodstock is`.spendrag :a three weeks vacation '. at her home here. • ASRFFELD NOTES The' Paramount 17.F.Q. club have a •"Ground'"d.Hog" drive on to enter- tain the winners, to a Social even - ng inthe hall. . There will be a dance in the Para- mount Hall on Friday, . June 1.Oth. Admission' 25c. Ladies free. Refresh- ment -Booth:--Everybody welcome-' The Paramount-U:F.W.O: and , U., F.O. will held,their annual picnic at the' Lighthouse eon Saturday, June. lith. The picnic. will be all day and• there will . be .football, baseball, horse -hoe pitching and a baby -show. Don't be. afraind to' ask your friends that are good ,cooks. 'visitors with relatives here ' �d Mrs. Ada;; Uodgina left oh MMom ny' to inset filer daughter, :Mrs.` R. Selloff at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs George. Haldenby and family spent Sunday evening at Mr'." Howard Mc,Guire's. . ',Mrs. B. 'Slessor visited over the week -end' with her daughter, Mrs..B. E. McLean. .Miss Nellie Malcom was success- ful in being a -prize winner ' at the Musical'' Festival .held in . Lucknow., Congratulations. ' Mr. and ,Mrs. Karl Boyle and Miss May Boyle attended the meeting of the Bruce.' Deanery A.Y.P,A. ltocal council at, Kincardine on Friday • ev ening: t. Mr. Wm. Helm aecompanled by his 'tae her and Mrs. °Wan. Hunter motor- ed to Tiverton .lase ,Sunday: Miss •Emma McDonagh spent Sun• day with her parents. ' • Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon. Ritchie and family . visited in Dungannon 'last Sunday. Misses Jane and Emma hose' ' of Goderich spent tha week -end' with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose. . M. and Mrs, Geo. Swan 'visited. Mrs. Cooke on Sunday. ,y RIB -ROLL _ROOFING_ colored or plana; PerLonse‘baijoi sheds, garages, "Council Standard", or "Adorn" quality.. Easy and quick - to lay,, permanent, proof against fire. Free estimates '.gladly sent. Send measurements.. Makers of Preston Steel Truss Barns; tis r naiizedTanks Bain Doorgordurare,Preston Led•Hed Nails, Double -Mesh Metal Lath. ..Ventilators; Road Fold Garoke Doors. All Sheet Metal Building Material. teelPioductsd milteid, Guelph St.. Preston„Oat.' Factories at Montreal.and Toronto, ennnmarw.wu nannnuur,uunanuulwauuu BARGAIN AI B R,O LONDoN RETURN SATURDAY, JUNE 11411, Present Railroad • tickets to obtain: reduced rates, at London -hotels. Eastern Standard Time Lv: Ldcknow 6437 A:M Ai:' Latiidosi I"0:'5"0`"A M: • Returning Lv.'London 5.30 Y.M. Saturday or 7.05 A,. M. Monday • Tickets good on above sched- uled in coaches only. No bag- • • gage checked. Children 5 years and under 12, 'half fare. Secure tickets early from Depot Ticket Office. - T-43 CANADIAN NATtdNAL. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKay of Gi'ain is spent Friday evening at Mr- Wm Percy's. Miss Evelyn McLean • returned home after spending. a- few dais • with her friend, :Miss; A:.Denniger,.: Walk- erton. Mr. and, Mrs. Mac Lane a)s. fain - fly were Monday evening visitors :at Geis: Halderby's. • asesley.. ' Mouth ;Organ. Solo --1: Geo., Ter - vitt; Lucknow. :2. 'Murray McDonald Ripley. 4: Charles. Martin, Luckpow.' ,-nMale Duet -1.. Ben Farrel andJohn t1. 'Munn, Ripley. . Recitation, (open) --1: Rena Carru :thers,._Litipley._2. He m 'Anderson, Lucknow. 3. Francis .ldontgomery, Ripley_. _ _..._, Month Organ Duet -°1. Charie3' Martin. and Geo. TerVitt, Lucknow., Male Qliirtette-1: Ripley, Folk Dine -1. Lucknow. `2 Luck= now. 3.- • . - Rural ,. Cluireh Choir= -1. Lucknow., 2 Ripley. Mixed Quartette -1. Lucknow. 2. Ripley. ,3: 'Walkerton. • i Orchestra -1. 'Lucknow; LUCKNOW and. INGHAM onumenta .VOrks Lackeow..Ont.. His :the .largest and most complete. stock in .the. most beautiful deaigna to choose from; in -s MARBLE. ' SvCOTL"i:,. SW EDiSH , -,._AND,C_IANADIAN GRANITES_ __ W E Matra' ''a' Specialty of - • FaMilI monuments and Invite • ,near'• nspeetion. ' inegiptiono Neatly. Cirefullty and Praomptl . Done: ' .Ore ., •lra our ._order...,•, See lu .before p ons .y IL A. Spotter. Phone 259 Winches', Douglas Bra. • •'Phaas'74- `,.. • I' Miss Fanny Wall is 'spending 'a couple of weeks with ' Miss Annie: -Statters, -10= con. - There will be no service in the Presbyterian Church on' Sunday. next June 5th, owing to the Anniversary services -at South Kinloss. . MAFEKING Mrs. Will Henry of Flesherton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hen- ry part of last week. Mr. Finlay Shackleton' of Priceville was a weekend ' visitor with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shac- kleton: M rs. Will 'Finlay was taken to Wingham Hospital Wednesday fol- lowing "a few days illness and under- went • an operation, Friday 'morning. Her many friends hope that she will make a rapid recovery. Miss Alice . Shackleton is home at present suffering from a heavy cold and sore throat.:. 'Miss Grace Blake who has been i11'for three weeks re- Burned part of her school work :this sleek. Cliv_"e Blakh''who was ill las: week with influenza is improving. Mr. 'Wesley Alton and Ruby, Mr .and Mrs. Alf Armstrong and bays of London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin Simday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Milton' Naylor' and family of Toronto -were recent visit- ors at the •home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin. •• Mr. Cecil Johnston spat. May 24th at Sarnia. His sister, 'Mrs. Hiram Moffat accompanied- him Iroise 'Welt- nesday, until Sunday, when $he ire• . r, Its Easy to 'fay at "MARK ETV Lucknow s Department Store $250,000 is the' sum to provide for expenses inconnection with the forth- coming Imperial economic confer - :nice -it ,Imperial be money well -spent no doubt; if delegates' come prepared to present constructive proposals for ,promoting empire .trade which will result in no uncertain achievement to this end. , !cued to Sarnia with Mr. Moffat, !q plioto114 i4 fes da 9 t ba fig %tl, erred est, VISITS ZION LODGE Rt. Wor. Bro, E. 0:-Ga1laghetir; D'ia trict Master,' Bruce T.O.L., made his official visit to Zion. Lodge on Tuesday. night.,-. The district master dealt his address chiefly with the report of the Grand Lodge of bntario West, and also that from' the '• Supreme Lodge of flritish . America, both of which he attended as delegate. The two vital issues were stili' Eolingra- {ism and the Public School he con- tended:- The 'great-mass.sif. ople.ai'e° not interested in the doctrines of she Cbmrnunista, but it lien Reil tot r7 'll gee if Ella'. can come" Low ev'enh g rater On Station -6)4h - 'ion tells begin, 7.00 p.m. Si -ill louver night rates -it $i30 p.m. The very day visitors were corn- ing; Bolt Emery's wife caught a bad chill. She tried to,,keep going, but it was ' obvious that she would have to go' to bed. "Now don't worry," . Bob said, "Ella's only 30tnules' aWayb T'11 just get .her on fixe'telephone and see. if she can't come, and help us out." . A 'few minutes later they had Ella's cheery promise. Once more, in an einergency, Long Distance had proved .quick de- pendable -.- and surprisingly in- expensive.