HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-02, Page 3• ..• .f . • - rittttt 0:44. • •1, • . '• .• • s, .01): iiow. . • . Orange .Pekoe • 38f-1-113 • 2 ;The ,lowest price it has ever, been -sold at What New. Y�rk •, Is. Wearing • • , • Recommends Dr, Williams? sylAimNsELLg WowrimiGTog . pink Pilll.4 'to WomAn topr 1. .•. ___Ne,' "Mileh4teevewrea8W40-8 bein jemeaute , man. knows is•'', a • •of 40 to 50 . . aaturned . '_eriwilbc;n1tire4eofrivliefae i . . a June beide to a May Qu,eets. ' -such •benefits from Dr. Williams' Pink Pille"Writee Mrs. : The Unkindest Cut of All. •Btockhank, Hamilton, Ont. "I felt so wee e were ,seated in a liametecte Seed ,and 'depressed.; ecturel not ,sleep; my appetite was itepairee; emY'. skirl and. lips Were ;pallid. I cpulenot nuke ,any headway with my housework -1 el ItetteSePlifeeedeas tbeic after Pelle • did eht ;better, my coedeioe. :My stet; ter, a graduate nurse,. advised,Dr. Wile lianie:Pink,Billie 'After taking a feW' bee;„CeleelieT:rie wcoansd,:teisottaii greatly - hettr,evecl.,. • I'or her brot.her, cut the rope. . ...' . " ' I and my • natural . . • - • • . • • , • ' ' - Meet of the the 'new. crop‘ol June ,gradu- .6.. • .... • •• e°,1tri‘iiVenflilleiPamP8st!t°1"riettr7Pedill?:' rebileld ate e• who eipeet to seethe world effete bereeealstIting4thlr6rierbgibri eeillr4weinli4 eke' • , e , . . ! ., ;._,_•,,.. . e ,.. • • JO' 'Wel,begin by lighting. another cigatet. ,.. stare -The wasted tissues :and ryitalize.. • ee. .4., the' esthausted system • • They. remove, Mike—Pat.,.,I.:71io.t in: the worldf.is the Matter?'" '.. '. th'ea•urse c'f'''On44"'n•gt:If• ne•rircs'll3::°01' ' Pat7-1 Mt • got out. ,og the hoSpitee. .:-. ittons,-- Tay ettelg... At your deuggiates , 1 -was eperated-On foreappendicitisee .. • ' • in the,pew protective. glass centaeners. "Mil -'What • does •,that .have to do •• ..f04, a la ckage, " ' : '•' -•• with tbat_great „beile ele Yeat: head?" •. . Pat -'A lot. ' They ran Out elf ether." • • --Narlii/111--Telkl*-011P Elechangea ' "•••-- leialrieliedi FeFfiheer's Mite • TiatDroadea. Time of We I OW1 La& • rt3 Btocknann:rens I Why She' you owt find many lazy Students' GAINED Ib AWEEK • .. • tekipg geadlletieli„ e_gerclog• Kroschent Stopped it— • e-T,here's one nice thing about -3Uneee Now 11 lbsbow*.. re helps to solvethe preblem of• what" " started to take Krusehen to do with old shoes. ,,And speaking of ' - • „ slipes-whiee shoes are signs og SUPI- maul ago, to reduce 'reY vvelgbt7-. Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson wished With. Every Pattern • YPAPTeTgis000,-• Author 4 ,41041104•14-1.0. It* BRIITSW. • • .AetTICJI,E• NO. 24 • •Iit the .plae, of the hands at Auction • and' Contract - there" are numberless - -epfentupittesetro -matte gOoll7Playhut the maost important One oe all is the of the trick that scores. game or week ite Tetel'exanilideesuppeseellie :"Ieclarer is preying spades -and it is • easilyjpeseible to make 'three odd, but .• there te •apparent way • to score _ IMAM. That ie -the thine litittlef gle= • darer to do some deep thinking mid, endeavor.to figure out some wayto nixie game. Sometimes this can be • done by mentally pacing .certain bigh • eerda the eneeenentsn hands-.Inesee ivek- that *Mee' inoseibte. AtOther limes it can only be done be letting the eppenents: have tee lead in the hope that they. will make a mistake ,and thee the declarer his only . : charge far game - That . What Is tUngthe IFidi ,SCOree • On the • other hand,. suppose-' your • . • • ' •• • •• etleaktia--ee 6 " • • • • : Clubs -C, • 3, " • ' • Iramendslie. 1 8, 5, •4.,2 . , • . opponents are -Playing the hand at spedeee and It is op, te you tb save game:roii 'egiirelitit-kotv teeterker theee ,tricks eta cannot see any hope for the fourth trick. Then you should figure Out in Your .mind what cafe or card e • your partner must bold to make that extra trick and pray ac- cordingly. You will be serprised how oft eAk: the eard that you figure,..must be' there, wilt be there and therefore save the :game. It Is on close handl of this type that the good player has suck - an advantage. The •all -Import - /IV trick of every-hand-ke the -one thategeitlier makes game or •Berea game; so bend all your. energies tied concentrate ali eour thought on that •one trick and, if it Is In the cards.' don t let it get away from you.• , The following bandeis gteen as an illuetration -of "the dealer's 'failure to observe this fele and of the big"loss; reulting. . after trying several other ways. 1 an) • mer. Almost white shoes are -signs of. pleased with the results, as from 224 lest summer. The average girl prefers lbs., I have lost 11 lbs., which 1 thinht is a move in the right direction. I feel . better' all round, ,and ana hopiog to ge$ . down to 168 lbs. I ani 52 .years of Age!. ane 0 feet 8 inches, and was petting ont -weight consistently at the rate Of balk On a balmy night in June, - • a -pound per week, so' you see 1 halitt When the world was bushed In slum- cause to' be thankful for Knischeni : ' • , Salts."-H.W.• An over -stout pemori is an auto. 'Neatly' the. guidance of the. moon entoxicatedeeer- safe:poisoned) some •d whose intereal „organs are failing to expel trample be4Y•the waste peedecte • • . . . of, digestion. 'Allowed to ,aeOurrsulatee• • ... I asked one little miestion, •- • .Andmybeatr wa,s fillee-withhOpe, • Buther answer never reached me- .• 47.90 • . • ; I . .1 • ' A, trine, chic 'affair is this navy and • bite crepe silk printed model.- Top -- Ped 'by plain white crepe, adds ,much to its daintiness and: charm., Vivid rd',buttons' accent the slimming wrapped Closure . • e • Modish '.fulness is given the dim - •line skirt by an inverted plait at the • centre -front and the centreback. -It is equally lovely carried nit 'in oee color, ,particalarly in crinkle crepe silk in beige or cadet blue. • Ant ie's made in a jiffy!' The sate mg is enermous: Style No. 2790 isedesigned for izes inches best Size 36 requires 2% yards 39 -inch material, 'with 1 yard 33 -inch Contrasting. • HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS: Write -your mete and Address plain- ly; 'giving number and size of, .:uch patterns as you want. Enclose goo in stamps o coin (coin preferred; wrap • it carefully), for each inumber, end address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Vienna -Lilac City of the Continent • Ilearte--A, Me 3. 7• S, 5, 4 2 Club . 2 -Clebs---10, 9, 8,5,' 3 Diamonds -9,. 7,2' 6 _ • lip Diamonds -3 Spadese--.9; eet .5, e • 'A -.Spade--4 : • . • -Hearts-3 , e-- •,• Clubs --A, Q, 6, 2 . Diamonds -A, Q, 3. , • Spades --Q, .1, 10, 6, 2 • - .•• • - ,, No score, rubber. game. This hend ts, tract by one triek. This hand shows • . applicable tither to Auction or Con- trad, Z dealt and bid, one spade. A and Y passed and 11 bid two hearts,. • Z. tie, spades, A three liearte, le three spades, B, fourebearte, Z four spades and A !doubled. All passed •and A opened the king of hearts and frelOw- ed with tbe, ace bearts. •How sliould Z play the band?, •. Solution: Z should let A bold this trick and discarde club or a diamond. • . ' Byte skiing„ he Conte lave made eve- • add in apides -if A had' teen led either . one of the other teree setts, for in that case lie could have taken' A's trumps • and his. suit cards were all good. 11,A had led another heart at trick three; • . should have trumped in the dummy • withthe kingond then led four roends .Of trumps'. He should then have led either clubs or diamonds until A made - his last trump.; , • ' In this way, Z could have made fQni ....---ea:eeeee-e-eapade.--lf-,--beeveveraeheetrurepedellte • second heart trick in his band and led *two rounds ot spades, his hand was hopeless 'mid he would lose his con - 0 ''Rearts--noue • Olubs-Q. '6 „Diaraoriase-.1 • :the importance of thinking •out the play of the hand and the possible cards ,held by opponents, even at the second heck, The, Minute tbe dummy. . band Was placed on the table, Z should have figured wbat cards A must •hold to justify bis double. The only excuse for 'the double would be at least five email trumps and the ace, king of hearts. With any less bolding in trumps, A's double would hale beee tin:round.• , • . It is an easy band with ail the cards exPesed, bat'not easy' if they are Con- cealed unless you stop to think and figure out bow the unseen cards must lie to give you •game. It is a fine illustrition of the intportance of play- ing for the allemportant trick that will score game and of. doing so from Gm very first eareeplaeeil. 'In the follewing problem, ere your Own skill .1d .solving before reading Abreesotutioilheicompareeee, sults- and thnseobtaim ti valuable lesson' or evidence that on are pretty good, dependent Upon failure or success. • Problem fiearfs--none • Clubs-&, 3, 10 •Diatnonds-none Spades -9 . .1•-ee2 , • : S ••••• V lteatts-t0 Clubs -4 ,Diamonds -A, • ; ' .Spades---nene• • . . • II earts--none Clebs-IC, 9 • Q • " Spades -none If teart.1 trumps and Z is id the r lead, how caner, Z win all four trieks against ally defense? • Solution: Z should lead the ace of diamonds and discard the ten of clubs In band. Ile should then lead the ten of hearts. Nosh A mute discard either a dub or a spade- Hie cannot Mutat a spade for, if be does, Y will discerti the jack of dubs and his nine spades will be good. A, therefore, • • requires Wings Wings to bean angel You • Who names the new telephone bee' changes, and why are such long itathee-e,ean.i...get by on a pin feether. Cleanli- _ 'iletlelanext to gedliness, Qf emirs% but that isn't what makes the bathing popl popular. When: we have nothing to y ite bestetoesay-mithinge_bet. fete of us can do it, • Theebebyee middle mame.doei yet amount to no thucht It's the family names that ruin them. No, • chosen? . • A wontan is reeponsible in England: She is employed by the Post Office to think out --the- namenfor-new 'ex changes, and she bas in her desk enough names to chriat.en all Britain's new exchanges for several years to come.- •• , an insurance company was not re - it sour& any easy job; but she sponsible for the song "Keep the' home pleasait. cent, of her suggested names is pass.;• 'the luckiest people in the BAB eststrs. doesn't. -think se.;..Scarcely_one,.per fires' burniegeelle pleesagt but not too ; world are those who clO not depend up 'Owing to dialling limitations, 'a on luCk. Gas and'electricity turned oft name must not :begin with an "0," *ben. not neededeivould pay the family 'it must net _sound like, any other sugar bill. A word ;to the wise some- , name, and its first three letters Meet times, precipitates an unexpected law - not clash with an 'other first three. 'init. 'A man should havea peend of •Aftera name 1ps been ' passed as common sense to each ounce of le6n- fit/foi eSeit is given a -complete voice big, Consistency takes all the plea - test Exchange operators test it thoi- sure out ef We.- :The Most provoking roughly, and quite half the neanewgivett httsband is one who talks Indistinetly the test are rejected because they gee in his sleep. A man: who laughs last EGHORNS, lc; EARRED ROCK4; hard to understand, Recently the G. sobn gets a'reputation for being dumb1u per; CVITI,r:eg:ak•E‘ivbtitreeeetletgli Pe 0. decided to eirt an exchange Nel- the "games that make money fast al- Hatchery, Stratford , Route 5, Ontario• '. , son, but when spoken 'by different so:lose money fast Eventually every •LtiCa.T. AGENTS warrraw.,:„.. people it sounded like Western, Wil- man Is recognized for what he really Ask 85:00 TQ 88.00 DAILY. SELL • . household necessities 'direct frbrek manufaeturer. Exclusive territory. Dept. 51 Rig 3 !PKor:luvts, 98A Church. Street, thhe waste matter is turned solo layer ' after layer of hideous fat: • the six salts in leruSclien assist the Internet organs o eerfeire their' • functions pkoperly-to.tetesv off .eabhi -day ;the wastage and ' pOisons; that , encuittber tliesyeteni. Theodittle ' little, that ugly largoese:eslowly, yese-e' , • •• but' surely, end yoe.feer so wonderfullye : • * • ••:,• healtheeeeettifue and energetie-ennore e te7eliagetyer before in your life! . ••• ' •• POUNDS PRINTS. •s1L1 OR idiefat , •-• se.-• gtp VET remnantS. $1.00. A. IlleCreerS' • ' " Co., Chatliani, Ontario: - • •••, ; WILLOWY r 1110-711-Tir . , • Slendor flealsty Tab* •• I( L • ‘;1 Classified - Advertising - • ▪ -aewEnglishformu1aa whicie liyilleesuetreY, °stiaree, salient.% ewvealal.-1•egleare ess.71-eeeettisl • -treatment. $1.50. Exact formela en the -I • 'boir. 'Roy Kitchen, The Careful Chem* ' •' ist, London: OUTir-IA-ND7BE7k. trW-E-t1%-lle •a Slim and plender font', Si-endo tablets help to' relieve yon of that ere •• cess avoirdupois safely, Sanely, purely., Exact formula on the' hex. Three 'Weeks's treatment, $1.50. Roy. Kitchen, Careful Chemist," „London., • • ' • BABY CHICKS ARE CA& ADIAN Approved chicks An Socks are culled by Government insJecP tor. We hatch six breeds. W rite •kir free ,:atalogue. A. H. Switzer. :lraneon; Ontario. AVE.42 PER HUNDRED. J.EG., HORNS,' '8 .erkts: Rock..1 White, Reel's Red, 10 eents: delivered t_ny time. Month olds, 18c:Pallets, all ages. prices furnished. Mcidel Hatchery, -elitcheneri , ; • CANADIAN APPROVED WILLIES. • son and several other nemes! Even Hogarthbecame Cigar. ea,: • • Butellie_dtristeneeeLtroublei_, are Cloee-••"I'm afraid to go •into thee not over even when these testi have dark ream." , been passed. For the local authorities Bill -"But, dearest,,len With yon." in whose :district the new. exchange Cloe"That's the trouble." „ . • •. stands usually dislike all the, names suggested, and a fresh liet leta to te • outh ght out: - rees 'Adorn: Wellandn • Aunt Samantha Smoteers 'of finish vele read in. the paper Wit an Iowa girl get a heel:send by Wilting her name on en egg: And in commenting upon this, Aunt, • Samaptba, who has been Montreal. e-- Ninety thousand treei arried-four tones; said: ell, I-• al - will be planted alcaig the banks of the ways knew marriage Was • a • shell Welland Canal, between 'the power garke." . house'at'Queenston and the intake of• . . . Niagara River, to beatitify- the water- Our sincerest wish for a -June bride- groom is that he will like bis new way. Venting of the trees,• shipped sta • boss- • , • from the provincial government - %%tete Who would know, the charm of tion at Fort William, Ontario, has the Austrian capithl must visit it in • • Teacher -"Note Robert, wbat is a the spring. It has no ,fine river pro-; started. niche in a thureh?" menades like many another Enropeal Bobby -"Why, it's littst the same as city -the Danube is too far feom the THE an itch anywhere else, only you can't center of things for that -but its awak- • • , scratch it as well." • ening after welter snows is a wonder.: STRONGEST ful sight With the coming of the If you le't another decide sometblifi blosioni the Viennesefeel that spring , fer.you, hell be sure to blame you and not •hienself ,if the result of his eeci- LIGHTEST;ion prvveg to be bad. Bock to the 'parks to atimire the bias- • • is really here. Day after day crowds seMe_aderbashee.---eTlie-Jeallians-Ger- den is another • favorite Pace of' p11- grimage with -Its Many exotic trees and -plants. • a. can riz y ca ed the lac AND Vienu t I be II city, for not only is the lilac blossom the indication of spring, it is ase to be poted that to this city the lilac was. • first brought from Asia nearly three' and a half centuries ago. At the corner •of the Iliminelpferigasse ad the Seilerstaetteestood gardert, where, ' in 1589, the lilac first blossented in e Europe.- This Orden belonged to Gis- lenies Busbequins, Ferdinand Is Am- bassador to Constantinople. Be was / a great lover of ficiwers. and to him is given the traitor of having introduced . both the lilac and the tulip into Eur- , is forced to discard the six of delis and Y discards the nine of spades. B must now discard a club ora diamond. He cannot discard the king of dire moods for,. if he does, Z's+ four of diamonds wilt- be good. B, therefore. is famed to discard tbe nine of diets. Z now leads the four of. clubs and Y weeps tpo rtmaining two tricks. It is a fine, example of the "double ? squeeze." "BM*, I think BABY'S OtVN TAB- LETS are wonderfut" writes Mrs. • Allan P MacDonald; Northfield, Ont. "My baby has no mere colic pales." • Don't let your, bitty suffere-give •11 Alt Y''S OWN TABLETS,. For coldS, fever, upset stomach, constip,a- • thee Absolutely. harmless. z•St 23'2 Dr. BABIrS OWli TABLETS "ISSUE -2 str1.4: tee NO DIFFERENCE. • , Dr. Bbabbs gazed critically at his patient. • • "1-fria,7 he Murmured. Have you been erinking; ten glasses of voter , a. Wide area, they say, becaue• of ee- . ,. same Ste tch will also be increased , e • ' ' AUTHORS &COX Ltd tr every day as I tele • you to?" - ceptional I y favorable condi t ion s, fa i I from the present 68 1/3 to 74% miles ops. It is 'true that incither-kind Of iliac hag been found in the Carpathi- ans, but tbis was much later. And this I WIN* rartrint he comPared in quality •° •• Anybody _cyanid' get rich if he could • 1 ; . RHEUMATISM Fr HERE IS 'NO REASON WHY YOD • JL should suffer. Threil will give you sure and lasting relief. Others are.find- ing this to, be true. . Sciatica,' lumbago, meuritts, or neuralgia- vanish • and Surely. No harmful drue-,s. ' You :Owe it .to yourself to give this a "triA). -feu take'no Chance. ,Money lack guar- • , antee. Sent ditect on receipt of pried: • L.L.Q0',,per box, or Sarriple_bstx, gfic,ThroJl Remedy CO:, 468 Annette'St. TorentS. WHEEZY' 751EWSPAPEM OLD LEASE WEEKLY N E ' • ' VV PAPER in Onta.rio.' Send aar- tieulard to Bost .16, Wilson 'Publ!sgling C. Ltd.. Toronto. • MOTOR BOAT' FOR SALE. , 14'1 CH R D SON DougLE OABIN cruiser, about thirty •feet. in adil' altogether only four or five months two seasons; complete equipment inelnd.. ing carpets: bed and table linen, china, gla.ssware- and silver as Well al' n.11 'mar- ine- equilinient and many extras, 'rhis cruiser with its two cabins and its .veli equipped•galley is an unusually comfort- able boat for week -ends or longva• Cruises for.four to six people. It is ex- ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised aU over the Great Lek& It has a algia class and very, econofnical 60 horsepower, six:cylinder power plant with rompletee electric lighting throughout/ ar.d zpeedl of 12 to 14 Miles per hour. lt.is lye. ARTIFICIAL t• ell the exact moment at which 'a cial paint Joh and very attractive in ap- pearance. Owner will sacrifice ler neat piece METAL LEG ' of link becomes an.antique. its original cost. a. Watkins. 72 VP' Adelaide St.. Toronto. OF ALL Worst Insect Enemies "This necklace is . supposed tp be e eva, N.Y.-The nature and habits who owned it committed suicide.' , . • Of Orchards Controlled very unletke. The ease, three womea TIME • • G n • of the codling moth, the apple mag -."How Interesting. Your husband get the plum and apple curculios and bought it for' you. I suppose" e Lifilb• the white apple leaf -hopper nave been - revealed and the. weaknesss • which Make them vuln'eribleto attack by the free grower set forth intnvestigations by experts of the state agricultural ex - pertinent station here. that is almost • „ human . - Many of the experiments having to ' do' with these most fermidable ene- Modern • mics of the free grower' were conduct-. Science's • ed in the Hudson Valley and Lake ' latest Champlain fruit districts, principally • • - development by Dr. 13.1 Chapman and 0. H. Ham - to that whivh carrie from the Orient. • mer. They found that "efficient con- , New German .Motor Train • ' Here is the result of years of expert. trol of orchard 'pests is gained through meat and research ... a seamless metal thorough and timely treatments apt • A. double passenger train cat-, over idta b which enables you to do 7:11r • plied during certain critical points in y task efficien Y and in, 6 : the development of these inseets." 137 feet Iptig. with im own Motors F and capable of a sustained seeee of Made eat/re/7; of Al' to suit For practical reaions, tbeyjound, no more than ninety-three miles. an hour Ai amputation eases. Seamlese A • ll • more sprays should bel used than are bearin Ahnost human in its will be plated in service between ' enteral ease of, movement. Berlin s rind Hamburg some time in • , • . . Fiu iss the coupon below and mail sit' to ! ment should be direted. aenittse one . necessary to give •reasonable prate -4 time and whenever possible each tit-1 the coming Summer- With the go- us, We send ou, tvy reitirla Mg% ! or no-. pests. ing into effect of the Sumpter sched- free pamphlet illustrating and defier& ule. the maximum speed of the re- ing this miwseihms se!, metal Drab. While an insect may increase its numbers to ad abnormal degree oyer; gular "FDe (non-stop)' treble on the .••••••••1•••• WOOL • HIGHEST PRICES PAID The.Candian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST- TORONTO • His patient nodded. ' art hour. This has been made p0S- ' 135 Church Street - Toronto 2 1 ures in controlling orchard pests or "Yee, doctor," he replied„ •I have sibIe by increa4ing tbe distance froni Photie lagini 7622 uneconomical choral Measures Can 118-1, been drieking six cups of Coffee anti four glasses of water each clay." final signal from 700 to 1,20 meters. ti.irrr 46,100,1041 Brio, er, for Ls re.... flan on pest dunditirns io the fadivid-, The deter gave a sta"rt of eirpriee. thee giving the htakee time to ad- " • nal orchard. MAIL THIS COUPON NOW•' • • cantioriary !signal to lele Aeirm.14 Limb*, riusge, zee& nally be attributed to Lick of informs -I • - • , the fiest toffee" he Snapped. "But coffee The new motorized car will be retied eigmernmosicesseider.•••coe. 211101001110•‘ and water are Pot the satne." ed at each end to reduce atmos- at eke elided. . • ' The fishmonger: was doing' est They• are at the tate lettere I bave ehetic resistanee. It Witt • beve ¼ I3 church Sweet, Thom° 2. to sell his stOck 1 my meals," seed the patient coollystate tot 102. seend class Passel -le s Pre4" "lief imunr °gig • "Thet's a nice bit o• fi ta*gte• r Widessidoci ibis" N 1481.1pi STIFFNESS Picots, of Minard's well rubbed 0 012 sets' you ight_ Bathe the sore part with warm'water befote you stem. 34 You'll soon limber up 1 ''''.• ' '.-PU IttLYt 7.•., „,..z. .„,-.-. •az.3 1?VEGETABLE-, If "gri,...••• .... . _ - _.. • zo .14'0 -3Q-* onirkgro olg*.a ...,_ ..,t7 DRS.." • •• e're. A refresetneet room will be • : detes net Ctliger owls ,s, wait. ii . Best 'Otte cured " •lilf*;gi4 "Did yen ester bear of the etraw •eded in the middle. In which hot tr • -, , a•The. thin-lipped woman sniffed Which 'broke the camel's Inck?" asked and cold drinks and cold food will Arggge... ...--,---- ..... • - • -- : .. •-• ••••';'-•11 "WilI teat : eii it on te a d a m 7 pe 1 the guest at a country inn. "Yes, sire' t be servd, . 1 • II in the fish meniee replied the landlord. "Wel, you'l • ..-....,:e ...__,--- ' • 1 "N, it will note .-te snappd. *Just find it in the bed I tried to sleep ot ? Cretentie covens • till retain tiiiir 11 ,' i von pnt triat away aiel Lev( me. F-4nn. . . avt-eitehiet" (*lore if Washed it bran waer. . •thing bat aint been hi. • le'SW:r7efeleet *F07, -,...,..tiosetemegegreseeveioete, • 4',kgAggnifk', 44.111,r . ..,„, *ggik•gg ,44 • • . ie . They Ailonsia:te your live, get 64 poisons and • 11Protte your APPETITE Sold evetyurhere in' 2c and 75c red pks, ""R-S-'4,.',,,fti" • • •• 7 414