HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-16, Page 811,
SOr-)1N .1(S
ELK in Two Colors. A gwod fitting and good•weinrinir
toe, Priced at • :$1:99
IEfft. BROWN ELK, A very good shoe., Priced $2.95
LADIES' KID ONE STRAP SLIPPER; Cuban Heel, Leather Lie -
A Iiinite-d oriantity. Priced ot189
OMEN'S WEKICE 'SPORTpxyoRp, Crepe • Sok, special .:79q
• , • • •
The Foot Comfort Shop
\ N." ."•-"N..N..."
Followitit Articles
are listed for sale at the
with Calf nt foot '
ham pelves. 4 to 5 mos. .
ei-fl(, mos.
er. 3 Yrs. freshened
ew and 7 pigs • •
. „
Pow, -Verity *U: N. 10,
a1king Flow, No. 21
Mewl • • •
Cream' Separator; good' es
1,1#44 Crane Separator, nearly '
„ • •
. •
thine 18th:
.....CupbOard •
11 Bndatead,
• Dishes
4 Earner
•• .
Spring. &, 3/Iattress.
Coal Oil Stove, good as
4 Upholstered • Chairs '
Iron Bed ,
Singer Sewing Machine
10t,chen Range
2 -Lewir''Mowers'
Coal Oil Berner
Floor Rug, about -,' x
Two Iron Prunus ;
Set :Single Harness, slightly used.
. • ,
Careenter_Rls- : •
Garden T091s, "
Rubber "Mte.-lit1883Cc.
Remember the Ashfield 'Circuit
4.1=sten Party tbis Friday evening -at
Mr. `Sanniek:Coples, on the Gravel
-road.Progrnm.by Lueknow orchestra.
' .Lucknow Male and mixed quartettes,
da:tla-alld 'readier&
Air. Balton Kilpatrick purposes
building au addition to las barn this'
oummer. Mr. Frink Glen :built ,the
cement hundation for it last week. -'
• lilies Emma Craig of Donnybrook
is 'melding this month with. Mr. Will
,km.* 'and Miss Margaret' Finlay.
MU s Hill of Brantford is
*he guests of kr. and Mrs. Godfrey
Stu' -dity_wit1moutb-shutp-some-
ffebi 'la as wisdi3m. • Donagh's last week • '
Miss. jean Long was the guest of
. .
Bars. Less. Ritchie on Tuesday after -
kr. and Mrs. It. E. Gihricore spent
Siniday with friends- in Goderieh.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester. Ritchie of
Detroit visited et Gordon Ritehies
on Sunday.
,, •
t)cals Lose Opener
Lueknow Dregs First Game of ache-
A',11.4*04146toOPY 3 ti E Coat
O4Ittilkoo* 1)00t***44Folo;
J10;044114. '
Over-annonnes* on the bases oir
two nenaniena,*4
a error spclied de-
feat for the 'POO aggregation in their
first Lakeside League %se:bait',
of the season, ,pb4red,'"laSt Thursda
..,„. ,
Wingham, when they werehut ou
by a score of 3 to.O. • • _
all th
four hits off Irwin who struck .9*
way throaffli, Wingham getting but
14 moo: in 8 innings. • Cottril
mentrifle- a
1411)C5Aofthe play and should
4'.•;!te• titr4 .% mac
*en faced Irwin who struck out
caught ".P.:POil,fikOod"414 assts.
The 4t4' 421.00;:`*04.. Vliatli'aPa.•..!* for
Lucknow.. With; ,two Men retired,'
Durant Was walked, -.-X,ediet hit foie -
Durant; Bralrian fielded, the bali
and uncorked a wild:heave kat,
both runners advanced and •scored
when Tiffin bit for two bases. The,
side was retired when, Garvey lied,
to right field. In the 5th, 6th and filig
only: three Men: each inning faced
NVingbages• 3rd run came in
the 7th When, Tiffin got his second hit
of the day and with 2 men *Aired a,
double, followed by a. single by Wild.,
• Cottril was the third. out When
he popped to short otori-
the lit-innutg:'lifith one out, Andrew
singled and McCartney drew a past,
both runners advanced On a wild
pitch; bat the. side ' was retired vibes
Irwin and Cummings stria* out. •
In the second Lightfoot gronnded.
to first, .BralisOrt Was out semis" to
first and Firdaysian struckout. •
• Thompson s ,tiated the big threat
in the third; with a single, 'stole sec-
ond and advanced to- third: Clarice
was safe when Tiffin - juggled-
;iroinid Thompson' was caught
off third On st decision which looked
bad. Clarke a moment ` later was
caught cold off 1st base. Andrew, next
men up; hit a single to deep cent*,
stranded. when 'McCartney struck Mit.
-T-he---side-wes-retired . order in
the fonrthi and :in the fifth with two
out, Thompsion„doubled; but 'died on
second, when Bralison grounded .out
second to' brat.' •
The 'Path saw Andrew safe On an
error: Be stole second and wat advan-
ced to third on a sacrifice hit by
Irwin. Cummiegs struck out to re: -
tire the side. -
The 7th, 8th and 9th, saw the Luci-
.noW•retired in 1, 2,' 3 order with Owl
excentiOri �f a single by Cummings
in • the ninth, Who stole second but
was left there wlieri Lightfoot ettuck
•••••••""C.••,1"...,:: -
This, yeat more tha.a etovesar tvhrie ityonmey.en and women are out
Ilere's A Splendid Opportunity.
Quito a. nmaaber attended the TJ nut ending thogrufie. •
F.O. Picnic at Point Clark on Satur-
day l• last. There was a large crowd
present and a yery.pleasant time was
Spent in sports of all kinds.
Mrs. Hamilton is at present visit-
ing Mrs.
Mrs. Jas. Cook and sister
Torerof- Toronfa-, vsited-C. E.
Wringham rib 11, r. -po.- a e.
!loosen 1st —4 0 0 7 0 0
Somers. 2nd --4 0 0 2 2 1
Durant cf.. •-•3 o 1 o 0
edlet, 3rd., 0 1 1 o
W. Tdfin. sa: —3 2 1 .1 0
Gurney. rt. o o o o o
Rae, If.. 3 1 0 0 0-0
Wilde% c.3 1 0
Itril.-_-_o 0- "2-1-
• .‘ .
.anew low price. on
Tip, Top Clothes
For Twenty-one years the welfare ef has been "CliWily
intenroyen with the condition of Canadian men.
As you have prospered and your numbers have, increased, we have been
able to build up aoreat tailoring organization on the policy of giving
finer tailored to measure clothes for $24 than you could buy any -is -here
I;he -to Present econonite-tonditios we believe that great nuinbers of
men are now finding,it difficult to pay am this price of $2.4. Yet they
need more than ever the good appearance end long- wear of Tip Top
Millions of Canadian men have' helped us build-up lip Top Tailors. Now,
when You need it, we ehowt our appreciatiOn of Your help in e practical
way and ask your SUOMI in return: Effective June 10th the Price Of Tip;
' Top" Clothes was reduceilto $22.50 for any suit, tope -Oat or. overcoat, Miler;
ail to yout ineastire.
There will be asoltely: .no lowe.rtrtg• in ani way. The same
' fine 'fahics the same skilful tailoring. The same smartness and style
will be insdntairsed without exception. •
, ,
We depend on Canadian men to extend us* the increased rohme of
businesis that :vili be needed te cietinue this price: You will benefit
at the new price will he a still bet-
• se well al; us. For Tip Top Oothes
ter !nay than they lowe been before.
the wonderful range of Tip Top
• couldn't go Wrong in buying Tip Top
With -yore. Tip Top dealer will buy
, -
samples, at your dealer's. Yee
ClOthis before -your Money spnt
tiff more now. But act today.
. ono. _Deaer •
EXciiisiire Dealer Lueknow, Ontario
11-4, ,11•44.rtiu'r •••••'•'
294.327 52
Lucknew ab. b. r. po. a.e.
Clarke ss. 1 0 1- 0 .0
Andrew: lf.„- 4 2 0 1 0
McCartney. a.. -_..3 0 b 0 0
Irwin. n. 4 0 0 1-30
Cummings. lat.,--A 1 0 5 0 ,0
Lightfoot. 2nd 4 0 0 f 0
Brehson. 3rd o 0 o o
C. Finlayson. e.._.3 0 0-11 0 0
Thompson. rf, 2 0 1 0 •0
Finayson. 3d... 0 0 0 0 0 .6
. Greer. c. 0 0 3- 1 0
32. 0 24 5 1
Score by Innings
Wingham • 000 200 10x-3
Lucknow 000 000 000-0
2 Base hits -Thompson. Tiffin. Rae.
Left on bases-Lutknow 6. Wingliam
3- Struck out by Irwith 14; by Cettril
16. Bases of bidliof
Leonard, McKenzie,
Clark Finlayson suffered a dish
cated finger and badly braised haw:
early in the ,gaine..1.31, e was later
placed by Clarence Greer. Both tiles(
young- chaps worii well behind the bat
* • •
• Hits were scarce -on both sides, re
suiting in a pitehers battle bet -weer
Irwin and Cottrill, the former gett-
ing '14 strike Outs- in 8 innings -end the
latter retired 16 betters by the same
. route m 9•
• 0
Irwin and Hensen, two' Brett
Tea:Setae -veteanar failed to -ret • ort .
runway during the grune-Gota1".1ore-..
ly heavy wallop Went foul over tilt
ence into the Maitland Creainety
via the window: Makes a .goOd tare'
for heavy clouters, if they'd move it
inside the foul line: • ,
* # • ' •
'Thompson kiad Clarke got caughio .
r anctlia- r--0-7sPeitiely Rod-, along
with Ittbstni'.`i ,Wild throw in the 4th'
paved the wayt� defeat for the lo-
ads. licKeozip's Aceitioir at
inen's WA and Lisle 110Sii
-. 25e
•' Thing Men's TROUSERS
-or. Valley isreel,• co- hot.
ge..nrs. '11fati4 ••
414.$ $3.00
' •
to _dale.' 89c.
77c0011,17X: •
--nottoseal• Stse,
, .
.•-• soo..,-for
Ladies' Rayirir Silk 'NIGHT
'Pawns . 88e-•
;_..,,-Beinfon's latesi sties and
Ifiedierf Item", PYJAMAS',
• . • . • • • •
• - ' Manager
*PHONE 76.
e Spring meeting of the W.A.
of the Deanery. of Bruce, held in 'St.
James Church, Hanover., on Wedues-
day; Jone ,fith, Was one of the mos
interesting and inspiring for many
,years: ' :
Mier the Holy Commenien service
• 1.01.A.M,.? the 85 delegate% frOm.
Walkerton, Che.sley,. Tara,
Ifincardene, So-fithampton,::-1Chilough,
Bervie, inclmow,' Lion's nail, Car-
gill land Port Elgin, esembled for a
• ,"7"'''
a- •years -Donald - Hamilton: -Ken=
retic MacLennan. 'Ritchie.. •
.Boys. 8 yrs. -Rae Cook, L. Ritchie.
Stewart . Jamieson. '
Girls. • 8 vv. -Helen MacKenzi'e
31arjorie Nicholson..Mary Cook.
t Beim; 10 'fem.-Sandy' Maccharlea.
humbess-session. Reports were read?
sheering a bale -bad been sent to St.;
Pattlis School, on the. Bloodlteserve,
valued at $95. A bale of siacOnd_hand
clothes; 1,000 Ib went Went to the stiiek-
en area_afSaskatchewaa in October
and in January, 5 smaller. bales were
foriwuraled. $55. -was contributed for
the Wor,k"of Capt. ,Antie on the Col-
umbia Coast; $10. 'was given as a
small gift of remembrance to lilies
Tomalin, R.N., Cheiley, who leaves.
shortly' for Mission Nursing at the -
hospital -Oiavilt, the "Far North"
hospital of the British Einpire. The
meMbers also desired to have Miss
Tonialin as a Prayer -Partner for the
Deanery, that the prayers and well
wishes -.of -all might be with her ha
b,fr new wairli in OAS kui-etsi Malian
$35. was contributed to the .Bursar-
ies Fund for the educationofMis-
sionaries' -children:. After a splendid
and encoetaging address by the pre&
ident, Mrs. 'Perdue of Walkerton; -el.:
ection of officers :were held, All offi-
cets were retetned for another year.
MM. Tomilin of Chesley . conducted
served. • . „
After lunch, Mrs. Halliwell 01 run -
arum% gave a short history of the
W. A. -in Bruce Deanery. This report,
showed splendid progress •aud entlii-
iasin in many parshe.s, but was• in
-onplIte as puny parishes bad not
sent in the early history of their
branch. It is hoped this, history inay
be completed shortly and forwarded
to the Curator of the Diocese to make
up a complete history of the work
O e omens ary t re-
•:.ese. Mrs.. Ballachey risked all to
*ate enthistiesm And interest in the
eini-anntard Diocesan meeting, to be
'mid in Walkerton in October: This
is the first. the Bruce Deanery has
sad the opportmiity and privilege of
ktutual and it i hoped .411 •parishe
%ill join in making it a memorable
and inspiring occasion.
At 3.30 the laymen and clergy of
he Deariery,joined the meeting ani:
love interesting and helpful addres•
Prnestlbetton. H. Ritchie.
Girls. 10 Nie.holseei
Eileen Ensign. Jean Sandy: • '
-Boys. 12- Yra:Russel Button. Ray-
mond Richards. L Ritchie,.
Girls. 12.yrrip-Catherini McKenzie.
Marion ,Utereson. •
'1 16 yrs.-,Norvai • Richards.
dila Button. Arther-Elliott.
16 yrs. -Jessie MacCharles.
Grace Webster. Jean, MacAulei. • ,
Vogue,. Men -Wilbert Avery. Nor-
val -Richards, Bob Reid. •
Mae -Nay. Dan Nieholson.
Married Wonien- Mrs. Harold Stan-
ley: WS; IrWia-..Mr14-0,
Mens'. free..4er-ill-Donald Blue.
Bill Stanley. Norval Richard%
Mak over 60 -James MacDonald,
Iljzgh Machitesle Dick Ric:hada "
Women. -over-50--Mrs. Jas. Weir
ster.•Mrs. 'John -Murray.. Mrs. 1,.
Webster. •
Wheet-Barrow Race --John Beatty
.and-thd Henderson. Bob Mae -Intent
and Arthur Elliott. ,
.Shoulder Stone -Bob Reid. Pete
SOS .were given by Mr. . E. Davis,
Lay secretary of the Diocese;.- Rev.
S. E. McKegney of London; and Sad -
hu J. Nelson Christananda, a native
of India,. doing deputation work in
this country.
In the evening the Rev. W. G.
ton, for 32 years 'a Missionary to the
Indians and Eskimo hi Ungava give
Ell 11111Strated add/MSS On his work-
in that land:Hastressedthafat
• laT-ni.the Eskime- you must be hap:
y, full of joy; you must show that
you have something in yonr heart
that gives yonthat happiness which
they hive not, Watching Mr. Walton
and listening to him, one felt the -joy
rnd the happiness of his 'service., and
-although he passed lightly over the
ardshis of life in that lonely hind
ter 32yars. the audience was much
oved and greatly inspired with real
to work for the Ifingdom of God and
F.I 1 I
tidal take so well to Lue.o.a.
fans who were present in large man-
* * *
Wilde.s, Winghani's catcher., atop -
el -a nasty foul on the neck which
stretched hini out for a few moments
* *
Leonard ot Ripley called th4. halls
ind strikes and both teants failed to
tgree with him on wiriotis Ocelasionst.
* * *
n;Rae-and-AndY-Thorapson got
the only extra hose hits of the Rine;
each cracking out n double,
Doug Clarke made his- debut at
shot, but didn't have a grounder to
handle during the 'game. Tie got on
ince ha four trips to the plate. Deng
like a come•
.Soirsers and Lightfkkit had * hard
irive apiece which they - handled
nice -
When in need of Picnic
Supplies let -Ws serve you.
14APKINS aad
: FANCY: cooloss- - •
ad don't forget your refresh-
ing drinks
iratortrmilt .
Fresh Anita and vegetables
Always On Hand
Cook. Jack Mchitosh.
}lathy Show-L,Tinimie B1 e„ George
b ey and Earl Swan, (tiesL.,
The seine judges acted" this year
as last Year. and did about as wood
•12rtz- Last • year they gave all the
:tables firat Prize end this year they
avere -able to pick out the first prize
3037. but failed to come to a ckcis-
Ark for tlie other tvio,habieS. The .;
odges were. Donald MacLean. Wil-
liam MacGill and Kelso Mactiat.
Horse Shoes -Sam Smithand Fred ,
Anderson won the hoz of eig_k_rs____g,,„
The married min w� m the football
tame against the single men bti a
score of 6-2 and woe the box, of
cigars._ , •
Couple Race-BdI Stanley. Mrs.
G. Mar.Diarnaid; Area Mackay. Ms.
Melvin Irwie; RonaldHenderson,
Sadie MacCharlew
Donald J. MacCharles donated the
handsome prizes for the 'winner in
the married men's and married wo-
Oen's rine and were won by Bill
Stanley and Mrs.: Harold Stanley.
Many thanks are due those who
manufactures the
ing high grade Hay
If you reqtrire
W. Go
MCoriiick-Deering-Kay Rakes
linearazlDweriag...425iked • side
Rake and Teader
Meeormiekbeering-,41sty Loader*.
anything in &fa 'line
• • - ••'••
ridrew s
• • ',,,m4,0i4tiLika2i,,Liii4