HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-16, Page 7Pro'Wiaf' iwa'
TT •' t •1.
The .Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild
$any Lone Scouts 'will no doubt Ise
Interested is knowing, how the Coach
Buflding Competition organized by
the •Guild is progressing, and we are
glad, to say that the first year's' aetivi-
ties have been.reported tows -as being
very satisfactory,' '
here„ate Flow 1,.:x0 lhoyee-ixl Gan
ada, eneelied as niemberse unit many,
nf”these. are In the. final 'sieges Of
bu1Id'ing ;then:..coa4he4:- and -a iII have
•samreads by .the 'mut of this 'month,
for this i ear to judging:: • ,
' Tee judging..W1,417-talce�plare rn' au/3i
Wolf Decoration
The 7'he• Silver Wolf, Scenting s highest
honorary .decoration, -.,was presented
by His, Excellency .the Governor -Gem
erel as Chief Scout for Canada, to
Ml,_ Gerald 1i Bro'wn, Honorary Do-
minion Secretary of ,the .Boy Scouts
Association, and major A. A. ' Pinard,.
of the Dominion Medal Boated for long.
d-valualete "eFelSe-to lie •moveineiit:
India's Troubles Oon't Affect !
Scouts 4e`
ppatently'the Boy Seep!: Cede of
frlefidliness ;is ,proof eveet against the
paliticaI acid tel_igous:.-clissensioirs--of:
hide*. Latest Seout•' ceusu,'s reports
indicate a contlnuari¢e'ot the steady
grgwtll of retest ,year s to a' new 'high
total nebership of ..1r.3,41.t T
mhe en
in three celitres in.Panada-Ftegtiia
'for the 11 esters Prayineee. Tot o.dto.
for (Mettlo elgittr eal• fee clue ec :and
.:Eastern ;Canada:
Soon after thejudging•;s- over, 1•i
Canadian; .boys will he teeing a trip,
wliji all expenses paid. to the'annual
Guild,'.Eonv;eti..tion its Detroit, :where
th'eu modets will be rejudged 'ia the
international competition for the •four
lour -year Ltntvetsity Scholarships;
,Many `Scouts rem tate various.
Trcrops in the Dominion have enrolled
in''thts Guild. Competition and the
g silggestiou has ._been model that •sltouid•
a Canadian Boy Scout *in one•of, the
maioi awards, leis coach bevpurchased
• front him; if he is Willing, and that- he
bei given. the honitr of presenting it to
the Chief Scout ••of Canada, .His Ex-
If there are any-, Lone' Scouts en-.
gaged in belleing' coaches' • for this
'competition, we :hope they will have
them 'ready foe : the judging, :in ,Jule,
but ' Lo to 'E" understands that this'.
competition°: may be extended for an-
other ;vear, so if Yoe ha)•e' not already
enrolled: you will have an' olttioerunity
to do^ so. • •
Canadian Boys to Fly Model 'Planes
• in Hungary
'The display Yeatut°es oi' next year's
world gathering of Boy Scouts in Hun-
gary will. include . an' exhibition of
model. airplanes. Canadian. Scouts are
expected to show and flay models.
Canadians For Air Glider Meet •
-fir gydiirg di-gplays will provide a
feature of next year's world gathering
-. of -:Bey:.:Scouts .i -
In Ituagat'y, Granad'fian
Scouts who have taken up this new
all sport will be invited too participate.
Governor-General Presents :Silver
England'shld Labor
In a House of Commons Speech
Lord. Astor. my husband. took the
word of 'tire Home Office and with_
- -drew
(to restrict'etn- y:
mens of persons ,e under 1S to forty-
eight hours a week), ' .but nothing
was d9ne. . That gallant man :work-
ed hard in the House of iords t get
his bitl. In fact: he worked as
bard as be didtwhen hetried to e4•in
:the Derby. '
1 ant therelother of many children,
end if anything would embitter :me'
it is what hashappened to a woman
in humble Circumstances • ,who .has a
Very -brilliant 'child. He has had for
be sent into a blind -alley occupa-
tion and will not he able to continue.
1lrls education. 'The employer said:
'You will have to a e_it.ere_,ae.- este-
moiritmg and stag tfntif `7'al* night."'
Whatchanceas that child esti
1 do not Kant to give sob stub.
but 1" could give case after ease of
• ebileren •going into these jobs it
mai . be said theae are only, :Ori:rirPt)
ter --40070000;- bnt 1• tic to-'ngisiate fur..'
outer people's, children' as °I • wouid
Inv own,, • ,,'
Bus ejondut t<tr • t formerly Wyse -
agent's assistant: inwje only
kare "But the outside of the bus
practically empty" "J'ett let the tote
floor to an engaged•eouple.•'
:xcited wife: e0'h, lease the'c00%
Its fallen and broken her cella --
Absent-minded thole -Poo••;
Give -her notice at fine. You total'
tier whet.to'expect if site broke any
thing else."
rolment 'includes boys of all 'castes
King?! Scouts ;
We congratulate Lone Stouts henKen-
neth Manes and Harvey Hudson, of
Hensalt, on having •successfully passed
all the,^teets to qualify, them as'`,Ifing's
Scouts, and we knew thattheir broth-
er Ironies throughout the Province will
wish to congratulate them also.
The Lone 'Scout Camp
The time is drawing; close ta_o•ur
Sum-niet ramp: which is to be held
from July .9th to 16th inclusive, and
we are anxious that, as many Lone.
Scouts as possible sisal be there:
Remember it does not matter if you
have passed_;any_..:tests or not or if
you possess' a Scout lin°iform or ,not.
We shall welcome. you just.as you are,
and help you to ,understand how to
play the Game of Scouting better and
assist you to learn the points neces-
sary to qualify for promotion.
Therefor% if you have not yet sent
in your•reservation, do so at once, so-
as to avoid 'disappointment. Remem.,
her all applications for this .. camp
must be at Lone 'Scout,Headquarters
not later than the 20th Jude.
The Camp • will be held at :Ebor
Park, near Brantford, Ontario..
The Boy Scout Programme is open
to alt boys between the - ages of 12 to
18 inclusive, if. you ,live in .thecoun
try. or where you are' unable• to .attend.
' oy Scout •I -rooter enieefrngs, you
can- still take part in the programme
by becoming .a4`1 one-
Scout.-• -For fair
particulars write to The Lone Scout
Dept. Boy Scouts Association, 330 Bay
Street. Toronto 2. •' Information will
be gladly sent to you:. -"Lone Be"
Canned Shrimp. Added
To Canada% Pri1l►,ducts
Canada's Jong list of fisheries pro-
ducts has recently been • made still
longee-lee_ ttte,additfanu of canned
shrimp meat from British Columbia.
rte the shriritps taken in
British • t olurubia waters, the only
se •.
aterr of the Dominion. where these
shellfish occur. lia've all been mar-
keted in the free(' • form but novo,
carmine is being tried by some:0per-
aturs in the 'Fraser river di'st'rict.
Operations have so farbeen on a
snail Seale only -the total catcb of
shrimps is not very large -but re-
pose, are to the effect that very eats
isfactory results have been achieved,
°Shrimps caught in English . bay
are earr:ied by truck to the cannery
where' they ars cleaned and abetted. -
The' T Alfa- is; next- hand -packed in
grtarter-pound tins which are then
put .t`hrouglt the cooking process.
When , Cooking has.. been. finished.
the lids are' stamped ori the Bans
wMeir are, then tested, labelled. and,
toar•kaa.'d for marketing. ' •
Misunderstood '
A ,mall boy entered a library with
a book which his mother wanted te-
e hanged„ • • ;