HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-23, Page 7e
Lone Scouts Don't Hitch Hike
Although the -number was not large,
there were last summer several press -
reported •instances of alleged Scouts
cadging. theirunscout`like way across'
;the -country-"hitch.i)iking" •
--Sana-fide'••Scdu -hikg-
inis-not• 'done
On 'the ;main highway's; and except'; iIn-
an. obvious caseof emergency; any
'boy .or rnaGn'in Scout `dttravelling
along a.highway and looking;fer a lift,
gouty at once be 'tint down as a fake-
pcout••tr'unp; And norassistance'should
• be extended -
When such pretended ScMute, CalI
'upon Scontniasters or ,Scouts s.eekkhg
free, ,entettainm"ent "a service" Would,.
an A.S.M. of . the new Sarcee Indian
1teserve Scout 'Troop, •A,S.M. One
Spot is one of 'the first Indians in the.
Canadian West to hold an A:S,M. War.-,
rant. •
•'Lea` Debuts d'un Scout
A• French. 'version- of" -Starting --to
Scout' under the above title has been
added to the list of publications issued
by Dominion Headquarters. The book,'
which is . simile: In size: and in''i.ts 11-
lustra'tons to. the English. Verson; Ar:as'.
written" tinder the direction ,of. Major
A; A.' : Pinard, Ot;ta', a Dlstri Conn
missioner for Frenc :Canedian Scout
Troops: The book may he hard from
the Stores Department at .15 cents per
:Ile,dpne ,;the. m�Lve�LaA:t,, by• seCuring.:cop),, °, &
�s,ir names ;and; other partleulars, and, ' i District?.'
Itorwardibg„these to Provincial Head- • s There -One hi Your
4uarters.-;:""Local .papers should be ad= : The new 1st rower. Troop,: Ont.—ten
wised to „give no publicity to alleged- miles east • of Cochrane—bas demon-
scout,'hikers--Cla-iming-to-,-be--on -ts titrated-its-public-service:.ideas b1! tak.:
!`world tintr" ora "coast 'to coast• trip ing• goer' the care of the ' neglected.
• bn a_v__a_der.,'" etc.'' huch wagers'usual- 'local:. cemetery.'
'The graveyard was;
1 are as. Imaginary, as the' Scout con- cleaned up and wooden crosses p e�ii•.
• eetion. • " "` • at the beads ;of alI-unmarked• graves:-
ct Alt bona fide oversea foreign Scouts Thin is a "Good Ttrn' which can be
$ravelling, in Canada carry credentials done by either .Lane=Pd'trols"or'iu°divid
" nal Lone Scouts and will bp -
$rpm � the Interaatro_nal. •Scont • Bureau
._' in , ySectuts _ - wi
e much a
pit, London; American ' scouts. carry precis -bed' local community, , -
bredentfala'from Nationals Headquar- Scouts• and July tat Firecracker ..
kers,':}stew York. Purely local creden- Don't overlook 'the duly First re,
• gals have little valuer-- s, • '''minder that Scouts do not, let off fire=;
i_entYine • Sr+'p,it. -btkteg•' i wolveta •. lac crackers near homes where• there is
Inctdental example of manly sell-reli- known to be Illness, nor near' hospit
•ii xce.,;.Hitch''hiking .-It'IC -complete;als, old. folks'• homes, etc. Scouts have
• negative ot this spirit of Scouting. °their, •firecracker fun' only where the
` So red Scouts don't hitch hike! • noise will disturb no one. .
A Mask Scramble For Boys The Lone Scout Summer Camp
dates are rapidly drawing near- If you
A job •that any other Scout Troop • •
have not sent' in your reservation,"do
Would gladly ,have• shared fell to the se 'at once; or you may be too late!
4th •(Elks Own)' Calgary 'Troop when 'Remember the dates: July 4th .to. 16th
they, were called upon by the keeper; inclgsive. • The `place is' Ebor Park,
et the Calgery Zoo to help catch and. near Brant#ofd.
'�move' the water fowl to new quarters gave, you .sects and erected sour
on SC—George/s; Island. The birds Post
<-- "Lone • Scout' .Lives Hera" 'signboard
a:,few leathers, and the Scouts gained yet"
few pecks and scratches, but the' • . _i
Information.' regarding the Lone
ob was done. +
Scout Movement can • be obtained. on
Assiatant.Scoutmiaater, One Spot application to ,The Lone Scout pent.,
Edward One Spot,: formerly ' of the• The Boy Scouts Association,' 330 Bay
old. 13th (Killarney) Calgary Troop, is Street, Toronto 2:— "Ion,: E." --'
London's Underground railways . use
rip' well over Awe hundred' tons of
tickets every; ' year. '
Among the railway . "lost property"
,last year was a baby which was found
in a London waiting -room:
Great' Britain consumes every year
about ..35,p00,000 cwt's. offruit, of
which about 10,000,000 cwts. is home-
These was not `one death Sentence
passed •in Scotland, nor was there one
eiecution in Scottish prisons, during
A931 -
Tortoise eggs take a longtime—•
from eight to thirteen months -to
batch, according to 'the , conditions in
which they, are laid.
In the : wardrobe -rooms at 'Covent,
Garden Opera House are storedthous-
ands of costumes, sufficient to "dress"
about sixty different operas.
Mrs: Helen Wills -Moody, the famous
American lawn -tennis champion,. 're•
--r-.e i.tL-v-scalae:ste-Eartnie,_br ng R,_lith_
her ,twenty-fit:e tennis. rackets.
Among the ,words "banned" on the'
wireless • is the English place -name
Cirencester. ,This is pronounced " Sis-
..uister," and so is too sibilant for radio
use. .
Baritones should try to feel they are
really in love when they have to sing
sentimentai songs, atcordng to Mr.
Roy Henderson,' the famous singer.
*iemriy-tK ent-y-sire•-rail tion -motor -ear
are••registered in the United States,
the owners paying. about £?0000,00'0
in registration and license fees• -last
year. •
It is 'estimated -that-there are some
three 'and a half million wirele sets
in use for nhicli-no license is pal . The
Post Office thus loses £1,7000.00. •
)3y weekly instalments paid before-
' hand, the parents of gables born in
general hospitals under ties London
County Council Can pay part. -gf°the
Although blind from .birth; . the Rev.
J. L: Sowden took a high' degree at
Cambridge, and is now rector. and
vicar of Freckenham, Suffolk. He
reads his sermon and the 'lessons with
his fingers. •. •
The explosion . of a -firearm is dulled
to 'practically the- equivalent of titer
sound of a book closing by a newly in-
vented silencer, which will' not be put
On sale to the.general public.
Among, the lecture's given in • British
prisons • last -year-• were: "A Trip' to
Kashmir," "With Allenby in Pales-
tine," "A Nicht-Wi' Burns,4,-:`Peeps at
Famous Cities; and " A Trip Through
the Highlands."•
Tomatoes and grapes are grown in
England in glass houses covering 3,000
acres. •. Half of these are, in the Lea'
Valley, a large proportion of the other
half beings • situated ,round Worthing,
on the Soutli Coast.
Railnay passengers in the Gare St:
Lazare, Paris' famous railway station,
can buy clothes, books, and drinks,
receive dental treatment, telephone
overseas; have a shave or a hair -wave.
or -attend -is einernaswititenvaitingslins
their trains. Notices 'of trains about
to depart are shown on the screen be
tween the films.
In building a War memorial -on
,ltontfaucon, in the Argonne, the work-
ers- discovered. tike foundations of an
old castle built in 1076. This fortress
was destroyed and reconstructed. in
the eleventh, thirteenth, -fifteenth,
teenth . and seventeenth centuries.: It
was ufisa-'fise c fertiran-Amm ins
tack on an enemy position in • 1918.
A mt ...ersls"-,, Thousand' Years. old
1?ueb)o ru s ,common. in New Mexico. and •Arizone.: Even .today;
the :fist dwindling•:• tribes of the American 'Indian,. Still Hire'. In. -such
dw ekiri i carr' ing :on the •simple communal' •life seed :ceremonials of, . .
; the past,
_S iday! School
-lob' 3. Lesson 1—t hiidhotid: and
Education' of •'Moses-Exodue, ' 3:
1:90; Acts- 7: 20-22. Golden -Text= -
Train up a :child in the way -he
should. go; and •when he is old; he
will net depart from It. --Proverbs
22: 6:
••.> v
T a T.q@
2f.11tia., a Wan,.
L THE CHILD'S PERU., vs. 1-3.
h1. ;THE CHILD'S RESCUE, • vs. 4-10.
INTRoeucTI0N—T.he book of Gene-
sis closes with the Hebrews in grea
favor in Egypt; the book of Exodus
'opens with them in slavery, The He-
brews were pressed .into the Pharaoh's
forced .labor -gangs'. . They were•em-
ployed• in the building of two 'cities'
(Exodus 1: 11), one of which has
been recently excavated;' they were
a:so employed on work on • the land''-
extending and repairing the irrigation
system connected with • the Nile, and
cultivating the soil, Exodus 1 14; The
Pharaoh proceeded to a policy of . ex-
termin'ation-at first secretly, by hey-
aving every Hebrew male child .mysteri-
-..,usly kil'led-at birth,- and then -public.:_
1 . , by ordering that • every male child'
be drownedin the Nile. But -God was
Mindful of his own. In the birth' of
Moses God Was preparing for the day
of deliverance: "God' hath chosen the
weak things of tae world: to confound
thethings which are mighty," 1 Cor.
1: 27.
immediately -judged •ha it was a He
brew, for .lone but a Hebrew.. child
would be 'thus' set', out. Hercompos-
sion-on.-the child .was in strong :con-
trast to
on-trast.to the incredible cruelty of her
father. But if shea pagan stranger,
. ell-thusThow-didilloses-another-•feel?
How also did God 'feel?. Now .ollow
a couple of delightful touches. The
princess was induced by Moses' 'sister.
to employ a Hebrew nurse; and the
nurse procured was noneother than
ttae child s mother t In the good provi-
denceof God the mother root only had
her child restored to her, but she Was
given ven : wa for nursing cher.
own child .by the daughter „of the
The British Broadcasting Corpora-
tion has' sent out its last• program
from its historic headquarters at Sa-
vo Hill, London, and 'has moved. into'
nage, commodious premises at Port
land Place, about a mile farther :west.
This is likely, to prove ,an event of
cardinal :importance in. British ,radio-
• casting, for' work at 'Savoy Hill was,
carried.' on •only in the face of great
..difficulties. Portland Place, however;,
` offers every,' possible facility for radii-
casting• under ideal conditions.
The B B. C. can • look ,back on .its,
nine yearn at. Savoy Hill with eonskt.
erable satisfaction. In that time Brit-
ish -radio has acquired• a cultural repo's
:tattoo second to that, of no other radio.. ,
service in the world; and viewed•mere
1y highas 'an entertainment it'•stan'ds very
. It introduces millions of ;listen-
ers to the most famous" statesmen;
actors; thinkers, writers, and scholars
of ;the day; : and has perhaps: dJps-
•more 'than.. any • other single.•influezice
to raise the popular taste 'in 'music.
It. radiocasts regularly all the most
:..: portant public functions,, from the
opening '.Of disarmament-confer°en'ces
to the. fighting out of 'sup .finals. And
-ity:sncceasfuily -f u;anced_th-e-.famous
Promenade'.coricerts when they 'were
is danger of being .discontinued iron:
lack of sufficient support. •
Alt these' things are. 'developments
• of the B,. B. -Cs •while-itshas- been at
Savoy' Hr1L .':Techoeally also immense
progress has been registered-- during
this .period. ' Seven, years .'ago there
were -only 1,000,000` licensed receiving
.'Dr.o,.a_n6 Who. had • decreed thatthe f onto;' in R'r tain_• today 'there are 4:-
;child'should perish! Then, too, there .4727,' Ni-
roughly " ,-
is ' grim • .humor in .'the fact that �3,2
' 000'000' Iisteners. Its record therefore,
Muses,• a . • Hebrew • Child, was 4
brought . ' to• •live in, the palae encourages the $: B. C. ,to enter ' Port-
of the Pharaoh. • Through the mysteri- land Place with every confidence that
pus providence' of :God, Pharaoh, who its achievements.,there will be a sign-
had decreed the extermination of the, ficant contribution .tt. the, history of
Hebrews, was really sheltering one radio.= M
Christian Science onitor.
.Who was to he their deliverer under,_._
God ' The child was obviously, given
an. Egyptian name: The 'word !Moses" Volcanic 'Ash Cause
means in the Egyptian ' language f coorfl
"son"; it occursfregpently in coin- ouSunsets?
pounds • . names—Thutmoses:Ram- • Wellington, New Zealand. =Dr.
(o) ses. It sounded similar, iioWever,' Ernest Eidson, meteorological director
to the Hebre* word for "removed" or of the. Dominion, attributes to volcanic
"drawn," and, was thus . understood ash, blown ovOr the Pacific from the
among e Hebrews.
III. THE CHILD'S EDUCATION; Acts 7': 'ity for unusually 'brilliant sunsets,
20=22, frequent aurora displays, and lower•
The • education of Moses in the, lore temperatures ' in New ealand this
tif`t1.e • Egypt-ians: beeame a 'matter: of , , t};. ' • '
elaborate . speculation , pzcong - later - "The light ash, he 'said, was carried
Jews like Philo of Alexandria. In his more than-6;000--miles-over- the ocean
address Stephen briefly alludes o it. by .the prevailing westerly air . cur.-
The 'Egyptologist, Erman, points out rents
that a goodEgyptier education Corn-•
prised such things las . "moral, duties _
and good manners, reading, writing,
Arctic Islands Preserve
.The area of wild life •preserves . set
aside for• the benefit of natives by.the
Department: '.of the Interior.,-' in the
Northwest Territories, Canada, lies
been extended by taking in all islands
under •Canadian jurisdiction north. of,
the 'districts of Mackenzie and 'Kee-
watin,' with the exception' of ,a part of
Baffin Island. .This large area is. now
known as the Arctic Islands Preserve.
The sinking of logs while being It embraces a land,are of 439,105'
floated' to the sawmill is : responsible
for a considerable annual loss to Can-
ada's lumber and pulp industries. In
a recent year the Loss of logs in that
industry attributable to the cause just
mentioned was estimatedLto amount
to 225,000 cords, valued at about 2,-
700.000- Circular. 35 Issued by the
Forest Products Laboratories, Forest
Service, Department; of the.. Interior,
Ottawa, is a study of one aspect of the
sit -dation ration and suggests me`a:fs''uf -pas
tially overcoming this loss.
Tiber FastRegaining. Position
th $ b ; ,;recent Chilean eruptions, resporisibil-
•comPo sition and arithineticr blit also
I: THE CHILD's PERIL, vs. 1-3. ' such undesirable items as "mythology,
es was barn at a time when : his astrology, magic and .'superstitious
ractices in medicine.' Doubtless+'the•
life was in deadly peril of being for- P
felt ,to the frenzy of the Pharaoh. education Moses received gave him a
There seemed, on all human reckon- breadth of view, hut much that he had
ing, little hope• that' he would escape. learned .in Egypt had to be unlearned
theeneral exte�rw.ination'. At first before.he. could become the leader of
his mother hid him, until the growing God's people.
power of his lungs made concealment '
no longer possible. A, mother's .:ove Losses • From Siuking Logs
Usually , sharpens .her wits and makes
her resourceful; but Moses' mother
was utterly baffled:, There -was'no-
thing more she could do—nothing but
commit him to the kindly providence
Of God. To show that the life of her
child was beyond he: power and solely
in' the hand of God,. she set him out,
or exposed hint, on that same river
in which Pharaoh had decreed' that
the Hebrew baby boys - should 5'e
C -owned.• She made a small boat of
a kind frequently tc be seen on the
�Ilile;-it-was-shaped_like__a_little bas-
ket, woven of papyrus reeds, and•ren-.
dered watertight by asphalt. Some-
times in the inhuman cruelty of an-
cient society, children were set out and.
Left to'die; but Meses'.mother :et him
out in an act of love and trust.
II. THE. CHILD'S RESCUE, vs. 4-10.
Moses' older sister took her stand
to see what would' befall the infant.
There was ,more, however, than the:
sister watching Moses; God had had
is -•03•e -on nepq fropi. birth, • . Unseen
in the background, God was shaping
e most unlikely chain of events in
order to preserve the child, and to fit
him' for the -day; of deliverance. The
,daughter of the Pharaoh, attended by
her ladies-in-waiting, came down to
the river -bank at just • the spot where
the tittle basket -beat lay floating am
ong the rashes, • The princess' maids
would probably pace the bank baa•
and forth while -she was preparing for
the bath; but when the great lady
:bathed„ .her attendants would bathe
with her in order tc protect her•from
all d-s:nger. On spying the child, she
- - Birth. Right
Emerson knew that each of lis can
only- receive that for which he has an
affinity, And can only give forth ef-
fectually what is by -birthright, or has
liecoine his' ov>n ~1rO37hivlIt3+ accepted'
this. doctrine with perfect-dbntentment
is to possess one's soul in peace.—P.
_' cost of°treatnoetit. C: •atitgrtonti . o
As Trade 'Gate to Rome
Rome.—The Tiber is being burden-
ed with more tons of traffic each
year as Rome seeks to utilize her
water highway to the coast. Last
year 414 vessels came up to the
river a d unloaded merchandise that
Banff Park Set Aside in 1885
Bang National Paiik in the Proving$
of Alberta is the 'oldest of the Domin-
ion playi-rounds, the original reserva-
tion having been set aside in 1885. It
comprises an area of 2,585 squire
miles of territory. Reserved •for the
en-jayment-of: all. who -wish. to vista it,
it is 'also ' a wild life sanctuary, evi-
dence of which is manifest in the
large number of .mountain sheep, -deer,
and bear to be seen in the areas ad-
jacent to the highways 9f the park.
3,500 • Motor Cars in Bogota
Bdgota.—This, city, the• capital of
Colombia. bad no automobiles ten
years ago and no streets over which
d s:a' could have flees•-•--dt-it'etr-i
safety. ' Thin year 3,500 automotive
vehicles have been licensed and
there are sixty ;three miles of paved
netted the' .customs o' 'ce , 1 1.1 1 +.
The previous year ships totaled 278
and the customs receipt $2,700,000.
Rome is endeavoring • to, increase
.traffic on the Tiber because of the
cheapness of this transportation.
The railroad deprived the river ei its
old primacy, but the capital believes.
It can be restored,
Thoughts ;
The universe is change; our life Is
what our thoughts ,m'ake
Police Dogs Guard Museums
Boston--_ Cerntan police crags, are
let .loose as watchdogs every night
in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
and In the ..Fogg Museum at Harvard
Best of20
Kinds young to• be "in his., cups"'
Is Nnma The 'Second, ten_day-old
champion at the ,El' Monte. Calf-
•.fornia, baby, lion contest.., There
were • twenty entries. •
Route -Buenos Aires g
' Air Service Proposed.•
,Rome.—A, project to establish Week-
eekly two-way air service, between Rome
and Buenos Aires was presented, by
Gen. halo Balbo, Italian Air Ministers' .
at the recent convention: of trans
oceanic fliers of allnations here.
1 mstudies "•
The, scheme res! ted• .fro
conducted both before and after 'Gen-
eral Balbo's group .flight to Sonth
America in January, 1931.
The War. Minister presented cost .,
figures. -and 'even 'e° time-tableand_de-
ciared that "even commercially speak-
peak_ing the line would'pay for itself."
Under .the plan the 7185 miles from
•Rome• to Buenos Aires: would be cbv
erect in 3'1; • days. Two routes were
suggested p
Rome to•Tripoli•by;hydroplane; Tri-
ripoli to Bolama; • Portuguese Guinea -
across the desert by land plane; Bol-
ama to Parahyba, Brazil, by hydro -
'plane, and Parahyba to .Buenos Aires,
land plane: •
Rome to Tunis, hydroplane; 'Tents
to Bolama; landpiane;' along the coast.
from Bolama and then to Parahyba,
hydroplane, arid •Parahyba • to Buenos
Aires, iandplane.
The ship would fly night 'and day.
Both land and = water craft would be, •
three -motored and a total of 11 planes
would benecessary, each manned by .
two . pilots, a 'navigator, a mechanic
and a telegrapher. :
General Balbo indicated that ha
would like to ,conduct experiments in,
flying in the stratosphere. He recons ,•
mended that a ship be` hired tocruise
out from Bolama in less frequented •
ze ses whd that -it have -.special --equips •
'Merit 'to- studw o dit ons iu high' slit
Ih the. projected south Atlantic
'Crossing a plane would be going from
Africa to South America do the same
daythat another was going from South - - • .••
America to Africa. Thus each, would
be.able to inform the other about the
weather conditions.. •
General Balbo was elected president
of the transoceanic fliers. Before the
ee in the air men visited the King . ••
at Quirinal' Palace.'
- r
Fur 'sealcaptures by British Col-
unibia Indians .in 1931 totalled 1,463,
as compared with 2.297 in 1930.
Prices were so low that there was
much Less inducement than usual for
hunting ffir seals, which, nt der the '
Pelagic Sealing Treaty., may be taken
by.. I' diens only, so , far as British
mbia waters, are concerned.
r -•
c ci'tt.'s
etsc,, Milli
pair of
Fob, s
:ct eRo,1HA
z ' eAM'T• Al1/41sWGR
'WlHAT'3 ibis: n NOTicc- x Am 4..,
NO 1.0f4G0=R ResPONSli3LG Fot2 ANY
DEBTS' coistri2AcT--b by MY •
•. Wtra. , AUGuttui MuVr.,
• LION TgisselVSr•
%WS Na IONISER gespoforre .E - %ic
NEVER VIU%S RGSPosis%Bi.4'* ti& NQUEtt
I F q �ul�nC-.'fl ok,i1N RCMO 3 Nos
M1% Ri_ B Me WA4 se ecu st. z awNED
A %%cY ' -AND tib 'il1DN'T • _Nj- "o
. BvY RA1t.RoPD TLClCd,Ts FO A
The Race Will Be To The , Swift.
TAae' �aeP�abft
�'k a(•', � iti'i� 1:a9: �tj �.:...�,C�l� •
m"' � 5°7Q"ltlt+�