HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-23, Page 6ii,misr4ifm,
• Si Ritaig4,no8$1141.40.,,
''••••4044•4644.-444)4•44b•••411$40•40.404.48••••••••444.4.4.44Mk•4•••• WAD
Jtipiter, wife 'of, the million-
antoinObile ....Inanufacturer, gives an
binent" dinner and dance,. for her
eretra*y.‘and. proteee, Mary TTaritness,
be440 to marry the
flOyther.. Wry receves a receivestelenhonir
he is in trouble . and 'Aretist see
•-Mary arranges 'for life to be ati-
netted secretly. When she goes :tipsters
Jei,reeSt hie ,he finds Mrs. Jupiter *Oh,
klbed toid,'irierdered4o. her Mtge; Running -
:to IOW Dirk she sees hini in the garden.
with Cornelia Tabor, his childhood
stay here- Eddie Wilt call and
I -dela want to Miea. him," •
"Of nourse. I anderstand. But
you'll be all right?, You won't worry?".
"I'ndead. I'll sleep like -a log."• •
To change- the current of her
•thoughts; 'and for other aSons ituaelY
his own, he drew hex to him and kiss-
edher. • „ •
:Bemetliing still lay. hetween thein
to be explained, tbough fhey had both
• a • '• •• 'i1 but forgotten in the excitement,
• of -the last few hours '
, , .
inspector Can giorca •at.I-p."I'm Lglad it was Something really
-^aa, detective with, wrath that wasalmost Portant that isol4 3'°u; alought
:4 Was stuck witlaponnie.enMy hands
• a •aGoite?'".• he•fqVitat do' fcw...iif. •
6V:4`4 !h'7.4
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...gat -a 'LW' :•"ea..1.11-'031Mar4 414'.4. AirrafiWr
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aro_ HT4r.
'amttelag aketeli• of a •Wroul0.*
Writer preparing `10.• travel, She
.writes; . .
g ;14' ttel !,5:4 asp:M7ga. owna great48 noiseeteortramSili: 4.: 1 4:1
-• ! My •blgtrunk down from the garret -11 .46S
.41.4 tt:myself haeaaso 1. wanted it done.:
8 SALAI)A .1ias
.uo4 ooK., ..soloaroosous, .udll you For 40 Year
• - fete* nlY trunk down?" 3e would have: -
asked 'Me What -trAnk? Paid What did
Want ef-lt? Red Would not the other ,
given the finest quality m
ney..from garret to basement No I • are the
, .,.0o0 bo ootpri ood couicurt vet, ,- t
ri atter diener? ,-7and so the trunk weuld, tea.
resell .
Probably have had a. threeday. joina•
• • • lOweiit'
•,. •
.•ublic, Health.
• strong Aka. wrietis and weak -
' the,temPer; theretore.1 ameaatheran_e„ .So_They Say The .P,
you mean Mein; gene?. tleff Ornierinohocly :: flOUt 'on. earth' were; you •doing
- • - •
-Wan lie leave, the: premises till theywith her?" she asked.
. • •
Lad Pern*aiml. Ilow the hell: caula. , "I wasn't doing anything with' her."
,..ateesa.beagonc9e . "Then What was she' screanting
•. -
Y'- 3' • Spence Came wearily intoa the roont ou • ''
and -was hailed -by - the detective..
"Hey!" he . demanded. "You know
anything. about this?"
Before the :butler could reply, Mr.
Jupiter appeared ePpeared in the doorway,
leaning hea•vilY On his stick. He was
an upright, sturdy man of an mean, -
.for. his
*emit; which were nearly 70. But now.
kis shoulders were. bent a little, his
more laxly set. Otherwise he
- • •
• new!. ed.inuch the same. •
• "Oh, .. Mr. Jupiter," Inspector Kane.
• :aid, dropping his voice respectfully..
.44We may be pn the track Of some-
thing. 1 hear one of your ,girls has!
disappeared and a chauffeur with'
4. . , • • . . ' •
• The millionaire stared about the
-brilliant almost empty room, curious -
then Made an obvious attempt to
aec'es hismind on what the other ma
was saying.
"One of the girls; eh?" His voice
was flat and weak; to Mary the sound
was ahnost unbearably shocking. A
man's grief is not pretty to see or to
hear. "You looking for Bessie?" He
cleared his throat; -his vdice seemed
• a little strange. "I sent her out with
Tomlover an honrk, ago to send a cable.
My song You blow," he explained.
"He's t ur,Ope. I wanted to let him
linetril:They Onghtio be back by no -w."
•••••••• Kane wad obviously displeased,, bat:
it was plant h‘e had -no taste for re -
preying the old man. In spite of the
act that. he had jest come from the
'• Where his -dead wife lay, he
seemed. tole looking and listening for
• .",That'S' O.K., guvior," the inspeetor
growled. "Make a note of that, Hayes,
. and get their stories tomorrow. Every-
,: body'get to. bed now and I'll be hack
tomorrow and pick up the loose ends.
, 'Anything turns dp in the meantime,
be informed:"
A. slight man wearing glasses max-
. ,mnred something in the inspector's
' ear, and he turned to remind them:
"Yon.% all be called for the inquest.
Probably Saturday- morning in the
coroper's office. Don't forget"
aka *4 4,
:••• They were all gone, and Mary and
Dirk stood together .at the bottom of
' the stairs* his arms folded About her,
' his cheek against her's.
"1 can't go up atberela Iacan'tr
•--Mary ilifiddetect• a
aia . "You don't have to., • Come home
. ,„ •
with me." .
"We musn't mese your household.
Almost. an endless variety
of luncheons can be pre- '
, pared with .Kraft :Cheese:
Sliced, it provides a'royal
• meal with cracker s or bread
. . it toasts temptingly and
for -flavouring cooked dislies
is tingurpassed. Get some
to -day.
packages rot -sliced
Ixont the bilious STh, loaf.
Look for the name '11Craft"
• as the only positive identi-
• fication of the genuine.
Made in Canada
• IgSUE No. 25
"Ah;" his voice field the disgust of
comprehensible ways. "She said she
was going to threw herself into the
'pool. Two feet deep, and she knows
it." He 10Oked down at hia rumpled
Chosen out 0, all St. •Lonla
school children for the best Pos-
fere, Berman Rea, l2 and Beset
MaYoe /0, Pose:here With the Win..
two cents u hed rang :cups.
tie. •She gait me all rnuased up. For
p s r an
•e tuna • a wa,a meae-aan hmaysife
saved her all the trOuble." account than his :own.
They. grinned' et each .other.. But arrhey have already," .sbe Smiled
too lunch on her mi '
and: spared the -other, and get the
trunk downstairs mYself... Saficernas--
sus heard the,nirear. lie 'writ' have
'been deaf not to: hear;,it;. for the old
ark benged and' haunted; encl.:Scraped
the paint.'•Offlt4e and Pitched
...head-fore,nAost into the wall "nd
' -gauged out :the plastering and dint d-
pbrat sl, :and. was,. the: teeSt.
aWkward; .tuat-
Manageable -thing- I-ever-gOtf-hold of-Anr
my .
„ .1.3y the time I had zigzagged 4 into
,loomed up the Wickets...Iris./ • ,
then?" Said Salicarnassualre
terrogativelY. ,
"To be sure," replied affirmative-
• . "Justice. As the 'safe* 'cornerstone up-
• • •—•;•._ . .
!vonii,,tri41;!i,acrag.aaaa,nizapiteio.V_eHreecrtteltrtelooenTtierre. :tonNicex.ro:tfcic'citnirerliaetlothile.r'iniatrePO'lliSuineor
. ."Ameng the, great Werke. of•art.nre.than piiblie and ' . individual' he'alth.: ,
. . .
'..iniailY that have aroused • enorilmilst 'CilaTteatatr PniubeleiC11111°etaillthatildoO,610-ft.atrili;
emetions about wine "-John 'Erskine Health Waters' • Asi3ociatians. Is . Of.
A• &ea.. galas .marai.stpaaaaaaaaaa. ' witledpread -letereat...."The,'delegates: .
,:ifedsaire4,,. ,:, j,.,..., ,....:- .,_.,.....,,,•..„.,,,:.,,.: ',..I''svarjr,,''..ns 7intlin ater::.:ti .-.Er....G.illdota -a .-•.• ...a
thea: ti'orni• PreeeptIL-airsairarlitiiia Da are clide..0ein.a...,their•sot9octi '!..,4""la'0. •
. .
-wo...refir ;17o are only women . dthoieneohninads:r: the 'Eatea'S suggestion that elti4a1 Com -
they are Liherty.au and .misaion, should investigate :on . a Doaa
Fraternity." -.-G. K. Chesterton. .. minion -d€ the whale question •
are still. poPular with 'our yoengsters.
.,...jeet is -of national concern, and if. the
of public7health„--Undotilitedly_theAteb-
' "the .old . gaMes of hide . and seek' . : .
Only now they . plea tag With. the lffi- findirags el such. a body' would lead to' .
11„.,„_tiewis....p. riaw,3s. . , ... greater. ' co-otallnatiOn . in prevent!
'Wham-There is force in the, doctor's
isiethedi the expense would be worth
. 'There 'is very little evidence . that elaiin' • that.' ii' but- a. fraction • .of. the
the home Is being_destre_yed in ,RusSia ' financial loss caused by sickness and
I the II 1 'ed • ntat re death. ' 'thi'Vote"it tO their
Ile said no more, teA went -and
ed up the garref-stairs. They bore
:traces of a' • severe encounter, --that
0 Must -be confessed. • •
"Do you wish me to give you ab
of avtl:licei?"4iihstiwaSerk4d.pro•
•• lb • •
Wel then, ere t -next
tune you design ta bria_g a .trunk dewn
-"What's that? Vire must'keep-- you: stairi,-You would better cut awaY the
• •
Mary's smile soon faded. • There was "Didn't you see that, angelic Pose
any .. ore than;Reis n n t pre uwere•
it Stafee,"-e-Briiee Bleien. -. - • , • - .pre:vention..a great • deal. • eauid be ae.,; . •
mon y o s yrann ca newer o e- •
. . - • - ,• . al a
Ciainplished. •. : . : ' -
Is I ea a ..„
. . 'The time is now ripe for. depriving'
° ningPrafeasor of Sociology: ! of ,..neurptic.and mental disorders„ due,
•••• •
e f it t 1 f d A startling feature of the ills that
Dirk" she .said, gripping .his au the Prfater"ni papers Yes .„ h Th t t°rnumng values...'. -z -waiter Terpen- a t unina,nity to -day I_ ncr s
Oh •
• •
should,e,r teasely. "I feel ,so guiltyl
I feel as if I'm •to blame for it all!" - eitizenail g-oing-along inlaree measure, to the high tension
"tonnenie! Yeti musn't feel that with his arms, covering his head as' if at which the affairs of the world, are •
e • he -expected the entire world to come conducted. ' This was recognized in an
out of this!" HIS alai* shocked her.
„She hastened- o- remind him that the
pictures in questien„ had been caption?
ed, "To Marry Rising Young: Bur- and not take so much to iepafl dam
rioter in May." _ ages,"
- "Oh; oh' • That's-differeht." He intended to be .sevete. His
lief was profound . .worda•padsed by me as the idie wind.
Butincident • unnerved her- / perched on in3r trunk, took a paste -
More than" ever she knew that secrecy .beara bei-eover and fanned myself. I
was necessary -that she must be, ort. very warm.' Salicarnassus sat
her guard.. • • 'clowii:On the hawest stair and rerhain-
Mrs. Ruytheir'-diad never been,".•too ed silent several minutes. expecting
• cordialawith her. A daughter -in -la* a meek explanation, but not getting it,
without a penny's dowry was no catch
for Dirk NO doubt she had thought it
all settled that ,it was to be Cornelia;
• ,
had accustomed herself•to the thought
•underpining.. and • knock out • the
beamsaand let the garret clown into
the :Cellar. It will make less uproar,'
way! •
. ,
"If I knew where Eddie was-"
Morning would tell -and it was Ri-
tziest, merning. With Dirk's assur.
ance that be wouldgo himself and try
to. solve the mystery of Eddie's disap-
pearance as soon as be had had sinne
sleep she went off to bed in sortie -
what calmer' frame of mind:
* * *
By o'clock next morning the tele-
phone had begun shrilling. Newspa-
aers, florists, men • about the :funeral
arrangements, perfect strangers sure
they had the 'murderer Under observa-
tion, frightened -parents of last night's
The Jupiter murder was sure to be
•sk seven days" wiander. .Two things
made it : sorthe prianinende and
wealth. Of the Jupiter family, ancrthe
• baffling nature -Of the crime itself. •
, A cordon of police kept the curious
away from' the huuse, which was set
far back front. the street and paotected
from by a high atone wall and
tall shrubbery. But early in the day
the street 'was clogged with autoina-
biles nevertheless, end one traffic
officer's sole duty was to keep them
moving. • '
•,When Mary came down after break-
-fast in her room the house seemed to
be swarming with Strangers. Hordes
Or -newspaper Men had arrived on the
scene shortly after daybreak and Mr.
Jupiter immediately ordered that they
be given the run of the house.• •
'Mary, meeting him. in the hall; Was
amazed at the new vigor that' seemed
-to have come to him. His eyes glitter-
ed naturally as he stamped about-, now
and then pounding the floor resound-
ingly with his cane. Mr: Ru3rther. Sr.,
.trarash withahina -and- harrified-abeyend
words at finding his old friend ocen-
pied in seting as guide around his own
premises for a flock of "pressmen."
• "J. J., I beg yon • to. let me attend
to this!" Mary heard him apPealing.
"I'll have this pack out of here in no
time." ,
But the millionaire was obdurate.
• "It's all necessary ' All necessary?"
was all hea/rmild say.
"Necessary? Who says -it's neces-
4stry?" tlie_oldiawyeralemanded
"Inspectorliane. Give them all the
help we can, Kane says, and in turn
they'll do their best to help us. You
never• know what may turn up.'"
• "Nonsense. • They'll just trample
the place till there won't be any clues
• "You'te a lawyer, Pete. Kane knows
best. la and his irfen werebere at
' sun -up this morning going over. the
ground with fine-tooth comb." •
The telephone again. Mary ran to
answer it, but it was only Mrs. Ruy-.
ther, anxious about Dirk.
"He hasn't come in yet, and
nearly frantic! Is lie there, by any
chanc.e?" , •
"Ile'S not here, but I'm sure it's all
right," Mary told her. "Ile -he had
some busness that Couldn't wait."
"Well!'r Mrs. RuSher expelled an
outraged 'breath. "It must, have been
pressing!" Mary began to anticipate
hwhat it would be like to be married
• to an only child. •
• Dirk had gone immediately to look
for Eddie, then. He knew what would
still her worry, and had gone straight
aftaes it at Pate.. • _.
* A
• tunifiling down." -Silas N.5Strawn. address by Dr. C: Hilicks; of Tor- •
•!aDeliotion is an emotibi' which : may onto, who stated that deviations from
raise one to the skies or drop lbewto mental health are "much more
theThetherm.ost depths of hell."-Clar- iii -fent than previously supposed." And,
ence Darrow. .• • •he continued:
There were paperof Mr. JtaPiter's
to be gone over. Mary, sorting them 1
as she turned *bent over to her future
father-in-law's inspection, met
solicitous glance With a wan Smile:
"Bad bushiest, iny child, 'bad busi-
ness," heSaid,Shaking his head. "Why
don't you !Lad that boy ef nie take
the ear and go away for the day?
They'll be putting your picture i the
PaPer lleittl" Mary 'mew hie Adie.
swallowed a bountiful piece of what is
'called in mely talk. "humble-pie,""to know what's ia the.
and seal -a. „
1 Wald like
of What 'Cornelia's money, Cornelia's -j
connections could\ do for her son's car- • "Salicarnassim, it has been the am-
eer. Dirk himself had admitted that
..hition• of My life' to iy/rite a book Of
lie always expected to marry -Cornelia travels. But to write a book of tra-
vels, pno must first have travelled."
• "Not. at all," he respoaded. • "Withd
in atlas and an encylopaedia one: ca
travel around the world . in his arm -
a "But one cannot have personal ad-
ventures." I said. • "You can, indeed.
sit in Your arm -chair and describe the
crater , of Vesusius; but you cannot
tumble into the crater of Vesuvius
fromyout arm -chair." •
• "I have ' never heard that it was
necessary to tumble in. In order to
have a gotad view of the. mountain."
"But it necessary to do it, one
would make a readable book."
."Then I should let the book slide -
rather than slide myself."
'If you would da me the honor to
listen,"-, I said, scornful or his paltry
attempt it wit, "youowould dee that
the • book is the object:Of my travel-
ling. I travel to write, I .do not
write because I have travelled. . am
not going to subordinate my book to
-,---Heliftttthisdoubledfists andsheek.'in'Y adierittirea.-My :adventures are
them • toward the ceiling; his face work- going t� be arranged 'beforehand with
leg with grief. Then he seemed to a view to my book." • • •
collapse into his chair, and sat breath- Salicarnassus was a, little stuened,
'lag heavily., One fiat beat' the table but presently recoVeringliimself, sug-
slowly; the knuckles were white and
ten*. „
"Till that man is found, I've 'got
something to live for," he jerked out.
never rest till meet him,' if it
takes the rest of my life andevery,
r'...kel I've got?"
-Outside-in-the- hair the telephone
ran. g.•
. (To be eontinned.) ' •
With. or Without
some day. The Ruth& were not rich.
Ruyther and Ruyther were 'an old
firm, arid well established, but they
were not fashionable,, or Money--
makers. Stephen Ruyther was con-
servative; he held what he had and
'risked, nothing, after the solid manner
• of the Dutch. Mary lOvedhim for it,
for he was very like Dirk.
• Mt: Jupiter sat crouched over the
library table, his arms outflung upon
it, staring at the papers Ruyther
si,uffled in his hands.
"Mary, my dear," he said, doming
out of his daze long enough- to notice
her, "is Kane still about, have you
noticed? Is there anything new?" •
The distreas in her face answered
him; belooked ill. Suddenly he brush-
ed the papers- Of the lawyea'S
bands recklessly. •
',Put them up! Fut them up! We
won't bother with them. Ruyther, do
you:realize it's been hours, now, and
there's nothing -nothing!"
-A sportsman invited •a number of
friends who were interested in box-
ing, and some amateur practitioners;
to meet him for dinner and discutaien
of an idea of the host's fgt. a charity
'The invitation revealed a sense of
wit in the host, for at the foot in
small type were the words: "Dinner
dress' will be worn. Black is optional.'
"He is the flower of the • family."
"Possibly. He seems be bloom.
-"People,warit to fie.gay now, net sad. • "l'hitime has come when the meda
They Wallt. a lighter and mor popular cal profession stalest bear a larger share
pent of opera."-Iteniamino of responsibility Da, regard to mental
."WoManad life Must be wrapped up health than has been the case in the
in a man, and the cleverest *Oman'. on vett. litany physicians have been • , a• •
earth is the biggest fool on earth With Prone to confide their atteetion to the
a '-Dorothyman.Parker.' , ' physical factors cennectea with illness
•"Theaverage Briton tries to pattern and have • ignored. , too largely, • •ccin-
his life.after that of the country gen- sideration of the human personality--
tleman:in the age of Shakespeare."-.' of the emotions and a. mental states
Hendrik Willem Van Loon. thatmay ItecontributorY till ill health:* •
• "I believe in the -old saying: "The Palen physiciatts and public -
leas a country's governed the better officers -.ssunle leadership in this aeld,: •
a cauntrY's governed -Franklin D. progress will be slow in stemming he
Roosevelt. , • . . • rising tide of mental maladies.
"It is the mass attitude that con-
trots and this ihass attitude is chang-
ing from pessimism to eptitnism."-
Charles G. Dawes.
"Science and industry have gone fel.-
ward. but our methods in conducting
Our daily affairs have not" -John
Grier Hibben. • '
"Just as stock breeders improve ani-
mals by fllating fine specimens only,
so science could improve the human
race."Julian `Huxley.
d`Thi measure of strength of a coma.
:try is not alew great estates but a
multitude of prosperous small, !lade!
pendent holdings." -Theodore Roose-
velt. _
"War today no longer has the. gla-
mour it once bad s� far as respons-
ible governments are concerned." --Ar-
nold gWeig-
- "My education principles are ••• con-
stant experimentation, change and hia
'provement."-A Lawrence Lowell.
"Theatide .of good sense; straight -
thinking and sound morals is rising
rapidly." -Nicholas Murray Butler.
•"I do not think big business is so
rapadous as it used to be." ---Ida. M.
gested that I had travelled •enoughaaa Tarbell.
ready to make out a. quite sizable lapney is of -its nature a mobile-
book.• . • , '• thing. If one enchains it, it will nia
longer do good or evil; it will extin•
• "Travelled!" I said, looking him
gush itself."-Guglielrno Perrero.
steadily in the face -"travelled! I
Went once up to Tudiz huckleberry. "My tendency to giggle has made me
Ing; and , once, When there was a undependable in crises." -William• Al -
chard in a leaky pig'S-trough!" 1-ks°
phe is the immoral behavior of man.'
"At the root Of the world eatastre-
faesItet, you took a superanuated --whir.. ..
broom and paddled. nie around the 'or -
k i n d." --Tel ix Adler. '
He could not deny it; so be laughed.
. "The, present generation has lost
and Saida -'a
faith in •God. They transferred that
"Ah, *ell! -as, well! Suit yourself.
faith to mn. Then they lost faith in
Take your trunk and pitch into Vesu-
vius, if you like. I won't stand in your man. Now each man has lost faith In
way. ".• . - himself. That le the major cause of
His acquiscence was ungratiouily, the present situation in the world."-..
Dr. Cyrus Adler. -
and I believe 'I may say ambiguously, .
"Civilizatioia has trarelled too fast
expressed; but it mattered little, for
I gathered up my goods and chattels, for man, hbody' has not had time
enough to catch up with his brain, and
strapped _ them into my trunk: and
as a result the body of a civilized man
Waited for the gm:lamer to send us on
is like the Victorian vehicle driven by
an airplane engine -Dr. George W.
Orile. '
"In our civilization most -work IS
slaiish. By the same token, however
disguised_ they may be, most of our
pleasures are mean or silly."-Jrwin
Edwin, Assistant Professor of Halos.
ophyaColunibia University, N.Y.
"There is an old legend that on one
occasion God prayed, and His prayer
was 'Be in my will that my justice be
ruled by• -my mercy... Tht is a prayer
that we all need to utter at times
our way rejoicing. •
Two of a Kind
A lad who looked about thirteen
was leaning against a wail smoking a
cigarette, when an elderly woman
proaehed him.
"Does your father know you are
sinmgoiltyi.ng? boy?" she !tic:104'1 hi&
' The boy regarded Iler-i&pen-mouth-
ed. He took a few more puffs frorn
tiepena4.whesits deniotr-or tormallani te
sight Of the wedding -ring on her hand, the Intellect with the lure Of scientific
"You're a married woman,aren't order." - Beniatnin Cardoza, -Chlef
14e'ataheata8ealtizake. Judge Y. Court of Appeals.
d e woman. "When milling of able bodied men
a, "Then," snapped. the WY, ."e0;'; can find no work, When coffee, cotton
your husband know , you speak to and wheat must bedestroyed in Vaal."
strange viler?" .
b''r .,
ous parts of the world while milliont
shiver and starve, it has become dear
omprornise • that, whether we want it onot;we
The devious path of Compromise aatrittitttiio
has the meta that the'robstacles are d
d1ety."-11. G.
room) to. corner. 1 _
• ,
•'This: unfortunately, is an enlarging
afield for the specialist, and one in
• which early treatment is of/the utmost
importaacea Undoubtedly ;many ha-.
man ailinents may be forestalled by
preventive Meabures. • In fact, basing
his contention On Canadian statistics,
Dr. rAltes claims that "inore•than half
of our disabling illnesses coeld be :pre-
vented." The difficulty in the way is
that victim, of disease in its incipient
stage's are prone to delay seekng ad-
vice, and one of the greatest benefits
of public discussions such as are being
conducted at this convention ofhealth
officer's is that they - ttract attention
and brinr, to man a realization that
good -health is a blessing to lie guarded
jedilously ,Thos in soiled' mental' and
Physical rendition ' will pot worry
greatly over the troubles cf this rather
troublesome world. Consequently,
there is food for thought in the sugges-
tion that, to he :really effective, mea-
sures lookrh* toward , the preservation
of health shouldbe given direction by.
Federal authority.-Torenta Mail and
• "Convernatlon doeSn't exist • in
America." -Andre Maurols.• .
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Oil should clean and protect
as well as lubricate—
says household expert
The oiling of household devices pre-
ents a problem different from that of
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ly and therefore collect dirt and rust
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lan-One, a scientific hlend of mi.
Oral, 'oe,gta,ble and animal ohs, doed
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10.V0 yeti many dollars repairs and':
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vatutinteUera, itarlirriVers, wash-
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Red ou every package. ••• ' •
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