HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-23, Page 5- ....., ••••• to:ort41144.1.40.o.triitt".".t•ic , ' '4;:Kr,-,"••• ter•T••••••••••."., F. -v. ..,.. ..7: ,,,,„.. .., , 1. o "....., t• v.• ••• ' -, ,,,- , ,••• • t• .• „ t ' -,?i,4,4514,`',474',,,',V.ktc.464001'?.01,' •;44„.1,,'' 'tc4.1,31, ••' ....4-,,,Af..7.41,2.1.4,4•••.Vitto/r,ot?,•- -,-... . - • 0:7 't•":", •••••1/40 ••V Vi.••••,•;?•, • , k,.••• ‘••••••' •,J,V.V „I• • , • • • +4,3, ‘V• • 4PO4.V.,,%., 1.416°.4f, . • 147 .......„......„ kl.•15•,•'• ' .. •,••••4?,,lo.,••••,•04.,„ • . ... .. •!.•• 4' ; .t.. • attempt 'to analyze • and tion we 'understand: a. • :1;110,80" 411.10 23rd. 1932 .sEtzriNs14, ' * t.r • . . „. , le • • Ti PAGia ImTi z IRADER. • ',.fgrEmis AT TEESWATER 4fdreOlgOO targe Onthering at Sacred Meat Churgli Picnic On First Visit • to 'Seta Breice. LANGIDE Miss Grace RiEhardson attended the 'coaching:class held in Teeswater the first of last week. Mr.' and Mrs, Russel Ritchie of St. Helens spent Sunday with Mr: and . Urn AT Emerson - Mitchell F, HepburrA, 14„P,‘„, leader 'Of the. -.Ontario LiberalParty, . Made; hki • first .appearance before the elec., tors of South BrnCe- at Tegswater,... Mrs.- J. B. Morrison spent the week -end with Torn and Edna Mor - risen of Toronto. Monday .evening, where he •addressed - Mr. and Mrs:, Win. MacInnes and the Sacred fiend Church 'Picnic. Theion of near Teeswater spent Sunday 750. peoltin .preient_riecIrded, _hint 2v-ith_MIL ,Miss Grace and Jarites Richardson ittencled the judging competition • aetd at Ripley the• latter part of :the • • • ovation. Mr. Hepburn was introduced by 4W.cKay, M;L. for South Ilkueei•: . • , 4 That.',there slioidd be want and yet ' -Was • • • and Mrs.. Moat. and, Tem alient. AMWAY • With Mr. 4.00 Sr -Ino. Riebardson.. , • • , • The Langside Presbyterian church will hOld • their. annanniversaryaerVices •on July • Brd., .. • • • •Inteaded for Last Week) 111 The June meeting; of he White- •chur . branch, of • the. Women's stitute. was held • Friday afternoon at the ;home of Mrs, fteht, • Ross. with. a good attendance. The president, Mrs. L. Grain presidOk •Roll qa11- was' answered to by "My Hobby?' It, wai derided_ for 'Mesdames Grain •and Lott. to make .a star quilt .for .Which tickets .-Will; .be sold in ihe near ture. Mrs. 'R. J. Coulter gave. a splendid Frank are visiting, this week in Tor- PaPer "Keeping qhern me 010. • • : )1S,I14LOUGH Vise Tena Hodgins returned horse after spending a few days with her uncle at Inman • • 'Mrs. S. Shackleton renewed old ac- quaintances here recently. ' Mrs. A. Culbert,' of Dimgannon spent part of last week with her niece Mrs. Mac Lane. •'Mrs: F. A. Blackwell, Mrs. J. Percy and Mr. Wm. Montgomery were to Owen Sound on Thursday. Miss 'Norine Scott of Stratford is her----cousin;-"Evelyn-Metean. lar.'"Wm. Scott and daughter. Mar - 'dile, also Mrs. • Milton Walsh and plenty,. was evidence that there , ...eornething radically wrong wt) Cant:: is teacher: at 'S.: " L4gatt gaieen • • • , . the,F . . Mr.. TbomPscin has been Te,engaged teW yeara;has telidered ber 'rennin- '• to Cook :a' tiaband."„ Oominunits6 • We congratulate Misses Tfazet t4q.; 90 ,am Kiaa 'instrumental and ..:Mrs. ..2.:Atieas. in a coaritry, 14.4 teacherf' • N' 8.; t,he Past .g.'av;& a veryPere May Boyle and Isabel' Colwell . • • .• ' - 'humorous eadm 4 How Percy, T g ' on .being pi e 'winner's at the •inaS-" ..,• • , • " A' • 4 • Lane 41.; _ . , akager', •and -Set, -oat" An • • ,•,;offer,a -branded:AIM', kh,'• '• 'A,little boy arrived at ;the' hems' •tion ,of ; 'We;sterii. Wheat :,pciol as Mr and'• Mrs .161)iir 'Medulla, Of .foolish and .• 'Rained O..Y.OrtwOdlitati4-' Wednesdai laiti -Congratulation's. • . 'caused by the political interference Miss Laura CoritiTiilient a few days with the , of supply and demand . • , singing, "Little Brown Church in • the yale," was enjOyed all Mrs. Mac Rosa' gave a. reading, .Mrs. J: Bee- croft-a:ladle and Miss Grace Richard- son gave the report 'of ihe.Distifer Annual 'held at Belmore. A reading san -----,bad_unlich___to_do_ with__preeent _ de, last eek with friends in Stratford.. "Clouds With a Silver--Linine ' pressed conditions Conservative poi- Mrs. D. MacInnes of Whitechurch, ten by Nina Moore Jamieson, was ----•?---7,--- --ides- he -pointed --out 1d-lirought--n -sflakt-a -1-9YLia-Xkla4 week With 14r. Rig -en •-1)y Mr,. F; gen-rY.....The hostess line; were Sundayvisitors at Jno. 1VIrs. R. Ross was thanked, collection Colwell's, good to the country:, • - 0 tuul Mrs. John :MacInnes. - querade driven at Holyroed on 44°• • Miss Whmie'•.11ereY of. Kinear.cline, Generat.Mospital,is holidaying at her h din e here:- t; . ' • Mr. Mac Lane attended the assizes Walkertaniast week. Mr. ,and' Mrs. Sam Nesbitt; south • Brief addresses were given by Foster Moffat, ex M.L.A. and Wil- - lisin • 4/11114111, Mrs. , Tiffin of Whitechnich is received and. lunch served., Mrs: R. Miss Kath • leen .1uston of Kinlasi. spending a few days with Mr: and Ross gave a demonstration on mak. spent an evening :last week with Mrs. George Tiffin. ing scons. These were served to all Edna Boyle. • Here is the famous Open Challenge. Lucknow nsoterists .are asked to make this test. We will leave the future of Blue Sunoco motor fuel in Lucknow to your judgement. AN OPEN CHALLENGE II BLUE SUNOCO, THE FASTEST ." SELLING MOTOR FUEL - 1: . • '• AN.Mryll-NOW-liVAIVABLE-FOR"L'UCKNOW-MOTQW----- ISTS. .• • • . TEST IN YOUR OWN CAR THE VAST DIFFERENCE IN GASOLINE • 'When your -tank is practical)* AlliPtYr Ail up With BLUE Sunoco. Don't change citibiretiii- adjustment. Run for a week or more on BLUE SunoCo. exalusivelY. THEN. with your tank practically empty, choose any other gasoline or motor fuel, and run for a short time. • • The vast difference between BLUE Sunoco and other gasoline or 'motor fuel will be inunediately apparent. While driving on BLUE Sunoco you unconsciously • accustom yourself , to freedom ;from knocks. greater newer on hills and in traffic. fewer gear • shifts. faster getaway, and more miles • per dollar. . -• By comparison -in driving again on • Other gasoline you realize the many advantages of the remarkable fuel- -BLUE SUNOCO: , BLUE, SUNOCO You Save At Lead 3°Cents Per Gallon —because BLUE SUNOCO sells at regular gas Price of 28 'cent -a. BLUE SUNOCO IS A 'HIGH POWERED, KNopans MOTOR FUEL THAT SELLS '..AT REGULAR GAS PRICE. MONTREAL AND TORONTO, WHERE BLUE SUNOCO HAS BEEN, SOLD FOR THE .PAST THREE YEARS, HAVE AC- CLAIMED THIS MODERN MOTOR FUEL, AND SALES; IN THEE- ' TWO 'CANADIAN CITIES HAVE GROWN BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. -As lE• ..1 - • I NOW LUCKNOW MOTORISTS CAN TRY BLUE SUNOCO IN THEIR OWN CARS. 5. BLUE SUNOC MOTOR FUEL,. A premium Motor Fuel at regular gas price YOU SAVE . TO 3 CENTS •PI3RGALLON _ • _ .0115 and :General ,Repaii* • Phone 148 • 14 • ..4 .44 , • 414 71.t•t..••••,, • • WHIITE.0.11JRCII Mr; and Mrs, O'Dowd Brant- ford are visiting- with., the latter's brother and sister, Mr. Wm. Dawson and Mrs.. John Craig, . Mr; and Mrs. Russel -Reid of Brat-. ford spent the week -end, with his mother, Mrs., Alex•..Iteid. . Mies. Annetta Fisher of Linwood,. spent the week -end at her 'benie. here. Nr. Duncan Kennedy bOught a -new Desota ;car :last week. .. Miss „Fern' Thom.Auburn spent the week -end at . the.. home .•her annt,. Mrs. John Craig. - • • • • • Haggit. ,of Blyth, spent.n felt days last- week her sister, 'Mies' Emerson. • • • 310. SOU -and daughter Mar- velle SOO of„Kiniough ef aGeorge: .Jda,..igf.; • akr.6.;ho 'E•yeTry.''Eoodfitttendanee:in .; • PAAFEISING Mr. and Mrs • Alfred Aimsttreng And boys of London spent the week- end -with Ashfield „aid Lticlinow friends, • Ronald _McCrusty • ,of St. Helens, spent Saturday with Robert Irwin. , Miss Laura Roach returned to her home, neg.:Ripley, Sunday, owing., to the illness of her sister. Miss Roach 'had been 'aseisting Mrs. Norman Shackleton Jor a few weeks. number from here attended the Webster re -union at Hayfield Satin--; day. 1 Wordwas -received by Mr. S. Kilpatrick of the death of his broth- - er, John H. Kilpatrick, which oc- curred in Saskatoon hosnitat, Sunday ; • June, .after a • long illness. ,• Stothers of Essei. warn , visitor at the lionie of glx4, . • : Mrs. Mehry Horton during • the 'Week. I 1/44, '•A "4 'it spite of the oppressive heat'"on Sun- .Fgr•Pitei 4Shfi_eld Resident' Dies... • . day nft,pyr• ahniVersary services *ra.Henry Horton' received word the. Presbyterian „ciitirCli,„,‘Vrilleii, • Ro. last week or the cleathi-0 her James ; Dr. Gr.. P. 'Duncan of Stratford gave: -Itr- Very inspiring sermons and” Rev. place in Winnipeg hospital, June John Pollock conducted the serviees tinh, eAt'sate-hfieNil'id ;:triNdiethilirs-we.,gras7wewellto;*c"w.a; man - in Stratford. hood-on.--the-larm The WJM.S. the Presb-Y-fe-iiiir -now occured hY" • Mr. Alex ,Hackett, con. AO. News of church are, "having their meeting on I • his passing was received with .deep • Thursday.' A ' good attendance is re- . quested. . regret by the friends of his youth, ho held Inin in high esteem because k Miss Lettie F .. w Fox is visiting with of ehiessisfteorliGnag;deehnaraat:tri. , . , ,,_, ' :... p• ..• her sister,, Mrs. Roy Patten at Liicansu . The Ashfield ;Grircleii Party was ... .Mrs. A. Emerson' is spending . a few days at Wateidovvn attending .. . ,_, •_., _..,... ....A ......,..4..., . . , . successful, even though the ram. ik-4-e-unien-there.' ' . 51r, and Mrs. ceueu all afternoon ' ortata.. ...............• Merle Wilson, nurse-in.,training in., James Wilson . and tnrea pression die: as' late as six lo'clock. The- program •'•,.-.. Messrs: James Wilson Jr. and Archie given by. the ,Lucknow 'Orchestra was -,•• Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ken- well received by, an appreciative au- ne'dy and Miss _Icla,Mc9noid motored dience... The proceeds while not ,as °- las:t large' as usual, were gratifying con- to Stratford. on. . Wednesay f week to attend the graihiatien of Miss sidering the counter attractions, de- Str"Siford General • Hospital - ,- Richard Kilpatrick vain aftended • Dr. and Mrs. Scott of Detroit and . • . , Stratford Normal this Thursday year; returned . Miss Frances Wilson of Winghaiirr.. hon -1 spent Sunday with their bother, m . . Mrs. Chris. Cook and son Howard ' 9. .-i-i:' ja;ees are sorry .rTro-eT-rtpo: ' Mrs—Dan _spent , Thursday in S -1 r tratford. McInnes to be Very' siek. We hope Mrs. 'Isaac Cranston was on the ,, .....,..,:: will ' soon ,recover iury at the June Sittings of the Cedin- '''- '44, Mr.. arid hIrs.. J-4elin Reid of Au- ty court held at Goderich last week. burn attended • the anniversary on • Messrs.; Fred , and David °Anderami Sunday and % spent. the ret of the and George Hunter of, Zion; spent day With her Uncle; `Mr. David Ken. Sunday with Mafeking; friends. NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER • (Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture). • Increasing Yields The application 'of -a definite scheme of crop . rotation is being found an important factor in reduc- ing feed costs. The chief/ advantages of sudh a practice are; (1), Maintain- ing and. improving soil Mkility thus increasing yields; (2). Assisting in weed control; (3) Assisting, in the control of insect and crop diseases by .having valious dons in fresh soil each year; :and it makes a more even distribution of labor hroughout the -year -possiblelnereasing per acre is one of the best .ways of reducing cost of production, , and in this respect den rotation plays a real part. Why Hens Stop Laying • _ A flock that has laid heavily dur- ing the winter will generally slow tip toward the middle ofthe summer when they begin to .moult, but when the egg , yield drops. rapidly until - it practically ceases --withoUt _any_ ap- parent reason, then suspect vermin'. Body, lice, which remain en the birds and the red mite which infests the poultry house during the day, return- ing to the birds at roosting time, causes heavy losses. kr. F. C. Elford Dominion Poultry Husbandman, re- shown. in establishing a chain of commends for the former • dusting these shopping centres." the birds or lice with powder and These warehouses, have been in - applying blue. ointment. beneath the stalled in vacant buildings, conven- wingS; and. for the red mite be re- iently located on bus and trolley ' commends a strong solution of 'Zeno- reutes., For shoppers -who arrive in leuni, applied to the cracks 'in the private., cars, ample free parking roosts and nest boxes at regular in space is provided. While this schethe tervals throughout ,the sununer. Coat was first. tried in Detroit, a few oil applied in similar fashion .at in- months ago, it has now spread to . tervalsreccirnmencled. several other American cities.' retail market's -had been opened un- der, such names as "packers' ware- house" and "canners' warehouse." These markets. ait; not in any way elaborate, and personnel is cut to a minimum, consisting • in most cases of a cashier and a limited number . oteltris-Whil'araire-girldet.-Btititiegs - is conducted entirely on . a self- '4 - serve basis. "It was pointed out to me," said Mr. Carroll, "that this 'warehouse' idea was designed to give the consumer the greatest a- mount of high quality food for the most reasonable price. This, of course would be effected through the media of 'buying direct from prochiCers in carload lots; • eliminating the usual retail store • fixtures- and. decoratipn, except those which are absolntejy essential; and reducing the Amount of help to the lo'west, efficient de- gree. "One ,firmil informed me," he went on, "that if Ilts first warehouse prov- ed 'Successful no hesitanCy would be is also New Merchandising •Idea.Reported By J. A. Carroll. J. 4. Carroll, secretary, Ontario Marketing Board, whose study of markets and marketing took him. to Detroit- recently, has reported a new type of merchandising.• Mr. Carroll observed• tliat eight . . • GOVERNMENT INSPECTED CANADA HATCHERY Approved Barred • Rock Baby-,ChicKs sa.00 per Hundred • AND 5 UNRELATED MALE CHICKS FREE, TOE -PUNCHED Jr. EVER t BREEDING BIRD INSI'ECTEI? AND APPROVED BY GOVERNMENT INSPECT )RS. LARbt EGGS SET FROM HEALTHY, , BIG HEAVY PRO -DUPERS.' •ttiSteri. Ittatdhiftg Done WHY BOTHER WITH SEWING HENS, SMALL INCUI3AT— • ORS. AND CHICKS OF DIFFERENT' AGES, WHEN YOU. CAN HAVE YOUR EGGS SET IN A BOKEYE MAMMOTH CP- • TOLDATE MACIEUNE, AT THREE CENTS AN EGG OR FIVE • CENTS A CHICK:, EGGS SET •EVERY MONDAY. ALSO STARTED CHICKS FOR SALE, • DUNCAN KENNEDIrt Whitechutcb, Ont. _ rt: l!' • .11 • 4. or.Z1V4i