HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-23, Page 3'Praise of Small Birds
Sing praise of small birds who build
nests in eaves
He Had to Quit Work And are content with springthtie near
at' hand,
Who pour their Simple Emile through
the leaVes '1/4' •
And ask no More. Beyond their pale
• Albert Berger Not Bothered Since
Relieved by Dr. Williams' Mt Pills.
. ,.. .., • • . upland .
"I was terribly The eagle, terrible with hate May io;
bothered with a The vulture, that marauder, he arrives
tetbtiesinekin'an4 At heaven's opal fortris, but below, •
They lead their doalle; matritrionial
bert Beger, Wingl, •lives •
Oat " .'d . •• •• ', . : '
I had 18stoP Working and stay 18 the Dear innocent! Upon a' sing .
le bran&
huuSe•-1, vOss Use-weks inhedo whena-
fffid their world and' ate tontent
friend advised e to try De Williams. tFink Paliso make
• 1 gave the P1IIS a fair WA The Mat of little and tohave that
and they relieved rat riot meet ,mv . • ---.,
,badtS geed aril strong now an lt a ong.
working even, day, I bait beret bent In theft atbdreal breasts no aValatehe
tathetedwith rheumatic* alio. i Of dark dealt% bathe and for the Sake
Iowa:ROA dem Sr anyone suffering Of kiiiiple beauty they Dein mit their.
front Rlieulnallint, Larne Back, Sdah'itzt." Song.
Rheuroatigto and ididredellmenta thin -LHarld Viral in the don •
the bleed Very rapidly. Dr_. Mita
Pink Flits end& the blood itietin and ...................._...
create new ted bleed .telli, Which Is tile LaWYert When you. alerted r4111-
tason the Y ai0 $9 a *4 18 Conihat- 11114 ,01"eltr-1M *ratted 16 wit* harceP
-04 gyfoi oggighek soix, m it, & ma- *4,0 . , .
ch allllegte.. elaid,ty geed for ail 1034) While linking counterfeit pan -
own or , :nwg y thgUatedpeOPIC. nletIP. (*Mitt "But one toilet stiirt
• ..(..1.07.•••" ..'ira!,1•4-i :g4..14,.. • .4...3t,a,
, • . 4-,,,t,"4. •
- • " .41100-: ;
• l• 1,11r,„,„1,14„
; " ' 1•"''
', • • co.
1 •
_There me Stilt a.number. of Auction
• .Diamonds74C, 3
, 10;
SPade? ' • •
This Is a very Riese hand...Personally
• the writer Pretera a spade bld. at'
either -Auetion cnatract but w
not criticize a no tramp. These two
: ?Ind Contract PlaYers who. as dealer,
ido not underistand What to , do. with
leertahilyees Of hand. .itost playeks
.: ..• ,ImoW when to bid no tiwinD °Irene of
,attit, bet everY, ROW' and „then 'MO
._,,s_11014 hands that PaXSI0 'them. ' For ex-
nMPle, suppose yeti dealt and held the
telleiiing band: , : ' `C
;...fred..77;A.,X2 ....1-..,.-',7-....---4--
.. ----
Clubs-_9, 7,- 4', 3.• ••'.,
''' '• -- „ ' ' Plka.ge0.-4, 5,4 ' ••
,.. ;
„ • , . ' ' " * ,hat, WOuld you • bid? - The-imIP
. , ,• - ' litrsier tied ulth'.•thlk ilanchTat.,-Pithe_r_
.7.-• •Aneticia -er Onetinet, Is one no triinip
,010.: •-,,,,, 1,,•. •..,, , .,..3:! . the hOlder Of Aif, hand ---.pass-
. .. • 1: 1 , '. , f7? ;,,i8, too Strang to ,.Justify n pas,
, yen '40, there Is: a very••ood
• chance;'of the hand being passed gent -
A suit bid wOuld"mielead partner as to
' Strength held. :
liere's another hail ' ' ' ..
- Chubs-, .9 '
' -
• •
11Oarts-'1.k. •T' ' .
• IDiamonds-=9, 3, 2 • ;:
• • Spades_, K, 10, 4
cern, rubber 'game. : The hind
aPPlicable either --to; Auction or 1.°
dealt_and passed, A bid
one spade,c-Y one no trump, II passed
and .2 bid . two hearts. A and` Y
ed and bid two spaderr, Z hid three
clubs,' A and Y 1...assed and r, hid three
spades. 2 -bid -four -chibsik doubied-,7r
redoubled- and B bid fOut evades. z
and A paased.i•Y doubled, B redoubled
• and all passed. Y opened 'the ace' of
hearts and then led the trey. How
• should' A play the combined bands?
• Solution; After winning 'the second
• trick With the king of hearts, A should
lead the king of spades. He should
. then lead a low diamond and win the
trick in B's hand with the king: He
• should then 4ead a low spade and win
• the trick with the ace in his own
asitIn-this-particular Tian , Z failed
Sheuld You bid one no trump or one
hands are Indigative
Aiietieeor Co
tract players, who .have. not Yet'tna
tered- 'prOper. bids' Of the:dealer.'
The ,dealeinsiain'. a; &Oiler ,p0ifition:
for -he can 'atweY* giro' eltaet Inform*.
..fjon...± Poi-. that should -
strive te-,.bid COrrectli. ••TO,:pass
cireumstancee, is, as Id
eft ..to, Den."t Ostia,
-Sound ;bids ,fOr to . 'do., so • la Jag att..tide
-leadln:g as. azi•nnsound bid. Your part,
ner,, depends on you as dealer -to to give
exact information ,hoth.• by your bide
and yOur.passei3; so strive tedCraii at
all times. • •
Flarid"--No. 1 • ; '
_ I
• „ ,
• •0_; t_S=1.0,111,k,t1_ ' •
Clubs- -
'Dia nwie
Diamonds -_A,- K,„J, .
ad s-0. 7 3. 2 ' *
. •. .. ... ‘ • .
stopadfoelliow suit the„ second. round Qt
A was now in a position where: he
Count count Z's hand very accumtelY.
leadof the ace and trey of 'hearts
anikthe fact that # held he deuce
die:deft_ that .
five hearts. „ therefore, Z mist have
held six hearta. Z's'bid and rebid Of
clubs indicated that ,he must have
held it east See clubs -so that his or-
al, holding must have been • *ix
_hearts, live clubs, one spade and.one
_diamond.- •Therefore. A at- the• sixth
triek should lead a diamond. ..and
finesse the jack. Played in, -title wan.
A B should make their contract' .for
Y 2 oan make only the -.ace of hearts
•and two spade trieks. • i'lay ontihe
st,--Praetice, .• •
Problem Hand No. 2 '
•Hearts -6
• Clebs-,-noge
Diamonds -110110
Spades -K, -95,2 •
:Heart ,_.7
• Clubs -none " • : A " , Clubs --none
earts-10, 8, 4, 2
• Diamonds -none - ' . : P Z . „Djamonds--none,
• ..•SPadess---AA., ; :
Rearts-:-K, 9
Clubs ---none
Diamonds -none •
Spades -.I, 6, 3
There are no trumps and Z IS in. the ten, Z should play the 'king and then.
sad. How can Y Z Win three of lead. the nine. • If Plays Z
• five &kits against any defense? should Play the nine, fercing A, in the
• Solution: Z should( lead the jack of 'lead. A can no* lead a heart or a
spades and A's 'best playis the queen. spade. If 'he former, Z wins the trick
If A should play the ace, Y Z will win and leads a spade.' If A lead's th
e ace
halange of. the tricks. If A allows and „small Spade, Y will win the re -
the, jack to hold: the trick, A B can maining tricks.
Win only one trick: When A, there- In either case therefore, A B can
fore; plaYs the queen of •spades; Y win only one spade and one heart
• should win the trick with the king, and trick so that Y Z win three of the five
lead the six of hearts. If -13 plays the tricks against any defense. •
..Valnable Asset
Spades -I0
As Necessary- Today as the
Important "Bread and
.Salt ' • •
New York. One of the • Nutt,.
- , -olassiii lifiliistory of
New York University wen, out carry.
Ing the thought of Dr. Elmer Ells-
, worth :•Brown.. 'Chancellor, ' that light,
heartedness and laughter aro as neces-
sary. as bread and salt. Addressing
them at their baccalaureate serviceS,
,Dr. Brown envisaged another "Cer-
I •
mates!' arising. from the' univereity
'group entering upon the work ot-the
world and declared that "he will find
today his opportunity and matertal." •
• "While ..:_lir.a._.are-1414-ply-tmpressed-
H-' •
iwith the dangers . which beset our
;modern societY,"• be.' said, "it is Well
• • .to • remember that they have a •climic
alipitet 'as well as a tragie. There 'is
need not Mily that they he fought, but
teat they be. laughed at Take, for
`swamp% 'the Portentous • -solemnity
• ;with Whie.h our people bow down 18
' 'Worship of the dollar,. whether pro's -
I •
;verity or this tibia of dor ession..
itt le tragic beyond Words, but it is also
unutterably absurd. It calls for cheer,
lighten the hearts nt the worshipers.
the grime and' letting a more spiritual
life shine • '
Dr. Bi•own held that the ultimate
safeguard against economic troubles
was not sOlely economic, but was to
be -found in a• regenerated scale of
values," in !`the spiektual aspirations
of humankind."
"We have to give new force and
vitality to .,etiske_i_g_texeste thnruhoen
eXpreaiaolely 4:tr mainly in money
values," he declared.
• • Dr. Brown made 'a stirring plea for
moral .eourage to face %sues sijiikrety.
Re. said that ,"those 'champions. Of de-.
inoeradY Who 'ivenld 'still reject all
check on Individnal' action short of
minter, must learn in. tithe that the
only individualism that can endbre is
that which freely and of itself, looks
to the general gdod,:". •
• , •
Eiraporation Of Water .
•, Made to Eye
Fort -coning, Co. -•A method of de-
termining water loss from Irrigation
reservoirs through evaporation -loss-
es of vital. Inipottaitee to .all Western
irrigated farming regions has been de:
.ve/oped at 'Colorado Agrionitueat
lege's expeiiment station. '
Carl Rolivrer, associate irrigation en-
gineer for the Department of Apicul-
ture; developed the Method a formula
,fal ridicule, to loosen the knees ind requiring special hydraulic apParatull
To devise the rule it was labeessary
to make sensitive instrument which
ineatures lollies as small 'as 504000th
of an inch. The instrument is so, Oen-
sitive the obterver Can gee the water
surface dro#Ping.ai the water evap-
orates from the twit.
Rohwer's experinients demon -
stinted that contrary to general be
1101, watar evaporates faster during
the night than in daytinte, provided
there Is no -Wind toaffeet the Per/tout.
Was.shostn--alati that Water ,thitt
:Cariceture„ stire, the Sheer fun Of
tionderlan&--We have need Of thein
land vre lied them at thellielit" We
mood them for wiping away skate of
"Really,/ think 13ABle'S OWN TAB:- •
Alm P. MicDooald islarthfield Oat Iwt tree" g!Ster SiYal)orated
•s• most ae-fast all water in the summer
• '
bit* net tyg the int d ,s was &nil
ARY's Orin • It was decided that eVapdration
LII`S ale Woad rful • "
liff-habillas lie 1101e "C° c •Paus" • ituatha, EvatOreti011 feereeeell Vrith • •
Don't let your
TABLETS, . ,.sror ea front a retiervoir ae-teduce Ioss
if the
• 4
' '1';'-' Miter *a IitereetTon from wnd; and
swma'wg ."u0k" if it 'is deep iithr Then ehalhw, be.
tion. 1AblOhitely, 1#17,411e4s.' s� .241 : area and keelUi tha ten111
cause depth rediltell the ersipOraticin
&lithe° of the
Dr. wifitaiw Water ISW•A'
Anrs oval TAM;
tine to 'the flower of the feig117."
vow rro *emus to be a bloom-
ing 1dl'
ISSUE Nei. 25—'32'
Owl Laffs
SmallolOu Of the house was
Chatting on he frOnt Porch with the
Yoling than $419 had -03I1e4 to see his
Physicians declare excess fat is a•
condition which eften weakens the
whole'systein• • • '
A needless strain is placednpon the
big sister: ."Daddy says you are like
the. month. Of; gentidecl the
'MYoungster, . " 'Cause when you .corne ,in.
gy,goes. out.", •
• lheart, The hinction of body °woes is
y m
paited-,-•shortness of 'breath, consti-
ration, backache, and rheumatism are 1
Dut a few of•the ailments which are ,
s apt to arise in overweight men and
women. ' ' ....Just a iscornfitramile -on: some lips
• The Proper safe and certain wa t
interfered with, mental activit i 1
So Little
akes ad little to make us pad; •
t a alightiag word Or a doubting
I --banish fat 13 to do -away with the eau
oar.-6'Iltisi..gin hg6igfltaser.P"of.hnibilit water eve
mOrrinig before' breakfast will do.
Crusehen rs based on scientific pre
Lt* an kLealsbjende1,,A,sepamt,
nanernis glands, nerves,
blood d body organs to functie
properly.:and maintain sar. splendid
degree of of health -it ' builds tip energy
.-1.--*;44711-g3Ttlisr-ins.1-Yegroft1416:Inet:.°Yeeelvahlirs':P:YianYinuier imr.-t11117.1(i
look it: Von can hasten the reducing'
action of Erasehen by Cutting out fatty
ineina and pastries,and going light on
--butter, cream and petatoea.4
o held dear.' '
se' : And oiir foirtsteps lag, .thougn the goal
n • '
leY And .we"lomse44. thlieeatrOaiage .4.14 ho'Pe'"
• '
lilustrated •Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
'Itiihed With Every Pattern
A delightfully smart medel is this
little crepe silk print. with- ,its new
• and modish points.
• A small patterned c 'e ilk i
popular navy and white Coloring made
the originaL A id don't you think the
one -aided rever a smart idea? It'r, a
bit--feminine-too,• for irtettriiiia in
,si bow.
• The bias cut of the bodice, accented
by button trim, ivith a similar treat-
Inent at the front of the skirt, gives
a 'charming slender appearance.
, If you . do not need slimming you
can indulge in the glaYest of schemes
in plain crepe silk and sheer woolens
forthis .jaunty day dress.
Style No. 2749 is designed for sizes
16, years,, 36, 38,- 40 and 42 inches
Lust-•-2-,Size-36, requirelr-31,-, yiir s
inch with yard 35 -inch cionitasting.
. •
. , .
-It-takes to • 'We -to make tis glad;
Just ,Che . rig clasp of a friendly
You' can now. bu
Orange Pekoe
38,` lb.
The lowest price, it has ever
been sold 0»
-4--Nra.S7Ge aillff- -000 -7' .
(Composed . by Abe, Poet Laureate ter
-the opening of the.shakeipeara .ii;lein•
• hand '•••• '•- '” ' ...i., ; -
' steed; . ' • • : ',:' :, ,, s . s,, 7 Iai' Th• "tr7lla:le";,..17 bl:'.: 'AIsls'1".' il
JUst a Word. from one Who -Can iiiiiier:' lau McCarthy'-aitie ape 016 PerterM-
„ Ckessisfied Advertising
.onoLy'•'; 4ELIETA134.00,SL'ENIO
•; tablets are absolutely harmless y • •
they remove :tbat excess'•av r upp
.15'afFIX treat•
Tent: p,Ostpald; 1Kitcheni„;
.And w,a ftnisSii tha flied fieSkie,thisIlense ther*e-is blaCkeir4
And'Welose-the-'dhtilit and the fele we Thetheatrethat Plower built of old
So little it takes to make us glad. ' • • slintrig grew cod .. • .
f A-herne-for-EirakespearetharforTh5iatii-
- ' s , '` ratforcEs citizent. eitablished
b ' , here •
Drew. lamYpepayr thousaAida.tilLthe fire -be -:
--..---i 11-- '
I 'saw itsy' runs black ha smoke that
” rolled. 'I .
Now _agivitenew ' n. onse____, _h a s_______.'ri s e n--; . - ; : I t -: -
:by one citizen or"State, it stands,
Given to us by, Many hundreds hands ,
Americans and British; pay, each iace
elk : •
• Lest English love of •'Shaliespeare
•.; ' He St
While visiting the, deaf and dum
school," relates &Juan, "a Went -0
mine was"given,ineppertunity to as
the children questions One question
he -wrote ett-the •blaekboard;
"What - is, 'your Idea of forgiveness?'
After a short pause one of the curly -
headed little boys, Who could neither
hear nor speak, raised his hand and,
the teacher motioned him,to the black-
board. •The little, fellow wrote: -"MY
idea of forgiveness is the fragrance'
violet sheds on the heel` that crushes
:' , •,,,:•••••,, .4o..**Eti.***Amii;!. :..:- ' ".•-•.•-;' . . ..:ii;T;%;.;.'
•Lehoux. .163 •riftll'A.Ve.; Verdtihr,
prepared lettpiis for Window' an
truck lettering, free instructions. •f
doing the.ivork- yoUrrielt.also automobliff
;monograms and, narhe plates: Nirrite At. '
Dept. NJ, London.
HORNS. 6 cents; • Beene whit
Rcieks- Red, 9 cental.,delivered any • in
Month olds. 18e. Pullet:O. 41 ages., pri
ftirnishedflnt ; Model IlatOberY. Kitaaan •
Upon this earth_ has ,:helped. An _build -
Lovers of Shekespeare everywhere
LadY• (in Baker's Shop) --- "Your haie atriien. , .
French -ilia all far
y too small.
I caul -Tut a whole one into my month
at once." '
,Baker--." i -edit 4uite beieve that
madareihut it's net' the fault of th
French rolls." •
' Some persona are contetnt to b
be happy, ess they can sit in. th
lap of luxury:
•Aunt Iletty-"Sakes altiree I dOn'
Every man gave it out of all earth
FiAlt, let h
us t ank the givers for the
gift, •
e This consecrated gift- of brick and
stone, .
Where poetry, the queen, shall have
e her throne.
ng inay the givers come here t
unite '• •
With us in Shakespeare's service of
t The acted passions beautiful and swit'L
believe no woman could ever he so
•', Uncle Cyrus -,- "What ' you ry/Pn_
ow, e y ' . ,
• Aunt.tletty-'Why, this paper tells
abOutrnnEnglish--woman-that lost .twe
thousand pounds"
The epirit leaping but of flesh . and
' ,And_may thie-house-be-lamoul;-in
The keine of ,levely players :and: _a -
stage -Scheoling young poets• to a truitfui.
We but begin: our story is net told;.
Friends, Mai this day' begin an age'of
gold, " •
'England„ again a star among 'the seas,
That beauty hers, that is, her heritage.
• Tailless. cats are reported to be dis-
appearing. *rem the Isle of Man. Prob-
ably because they never had a definite
end in view. „ •
...-7••••••••. •
'Lady (to electifician) "I 'thought
I told you to send a man to repair my
deorbell?" •
Electrician -"I did, ma'am; but
when he rang three times and re-
ceived oto answer he decided no one'
was at home."
A sPecialist, declares that noise is
making us a nation of nervous wrecks.
Especially the noise of eating soup and ,
The fariner was delivering vege-
ables to the sanitarium. A patient
rep s n the saluted him: '
. .
Patient -"You're a . farmet, ain't
• Farnieri allow that I am."
• r,-Patierst--"I • to 'he a -farmer
Farmer -"Did yuii?" s
Patient -7 -"Yes. , Say, stranger, did
yuh' ever try beln' .crazy?"
Farmer --"No, • I , reckon I never
Patient (as the farmer started tO
Move on) --"Well, you oughts: try it.
It beats farmin' all hellOw."
. •
-ohn:alms- efime 1o1ifj for
Ainerica now he would" find it hiding
behind a .billboard. Love makes the
world ge round; but for that matter,
so does a good swallow of; tobaceo
juice. Too many people classify their
friends by race rather •than by per-
sonal eharacteristis.Radicals com-
prise that breed of politicians who
hate their party every day in the year
except election day.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving nurn;,er slid size of such
patterns as yen want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each numbert sind
address your order to Wilton Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Rheumatism So Bad
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
Buy. Your Shirts
Direct from the manufacturer at
English broadcloths only, regular
retail priced line $1.95 for $1.40.
Extra Special SILE I.ThrS1 'broad-
cloth -which- retsils-anywhere at •
3.95 for $2.0. Send postal note
with your order, money refunded if,
not satisfied: Itepres en ta Urea
wanted in your locality, write it
mce to secure agency. . , •
• A. L. McLAREN,
4508 Resther Street, Mbntrial.
Sluggish Liver
And Rheumatism
• Both Corrected By
' -ramous Vegetable Pills
"I reCeivd immediate relief from
Carter'sLittleLiver Pill," declares Mr.
Arthur P."1 recommend them ti) suffer-
" ers froth RheunMtism and Indgestion."
Because they are PURELY
ThBLE,agentle, effective tonic to both
liver and bowels,. Dr. Carter's Little
Liver Pills are without conal for cor- •
meting Constpation, Acidity, Bilious-
ness, Headaches 'and Pox Complexion,
25c. & 75c. red pkgs. Said everywhere.
del /
CANADIAN *myna:mot onppt.-•'• 1'7 -
,.Li,0per cent.
liatchery'.7tratford.• Route 6; Ontario
• '
tario. Send
ticulars Box 16. Wilson" Publis
C Ltd.. Toronto. • , •
,.' attoTolt isoaw ir08
1 CR. •R DS,A)„,6)___DOURI4 CAS
.g.1,tiiiii-li-r. about thirty feet. in
altogether onb, four or Jive, months -14
two s sons; complete equipment ineinct•
Ing ca ets: bed and' table linen. eh
glassware and silver -an well as all mai
its aiulprnent_ and many extras. ,Th
cruiser with Its two da.hins and its 'veil • .4
e. •, ed ga..__ReLig_anehusually:Coraferty •Nol`e
a, : .oat'• for week -ends or longer
cruises for 'four to six people. It is ex,
ceptionally seaworthy and has moiled
'al/ over the Great Lakes. It has a aigli .
elass and very economical 60 horsepower °
pik-Cylinder power plant, with complet
electric lighting throughput and sue
of 12 to 14 Miles per hour. Itis a spew
cial paint Job and very attractive in ap-
pearance. Owner Will sacrifice Tor, nail
Its • original eat_11.--Watiri--73 -W.T.-
acielaide.St., Toronto. ,,
y •
, . , . . , , ... ..., .. • ,.,
Eariti.S Wekly. Nomt .
. ..1- .
Grairanq Musbroonan tar .as alt year
Lamy a U. Wu! Cellr. Stable Oe Sae& /
Kam pywra. Yield fresh Gear, awl,
gal- S40 eallrleace 4e-.7 ' Ws i
prjrEghdZ;7"ifirr=3 f 4 '• '
Ideal ".
Wfuslir•gn•qff-sW.7islinet;i7Oet ( ••. , -
' ' •,. .. 1 ( ..•
• .1••• 1
, Well Drilling
Q't7RBST and pest' of ez•ifice
anteed;,over, thirty y•ears„ in .busi-
/less; ,over 3.065 wells completed;
shallow or deep wells, 43 inches up..
Proprietor of several .drilling ma- •
chines. Write for terms: Arthur
Campbell, Plantagenet, Ontario.
Font 1,000 Years Old
A Celtic baptismal font •c1,000
years old was found in Wales, dur-
ing recent exavations.
Sunimer Upsets
Wainn-weatber- and- ehangearef-food-
and water bring frequent' 'summer
upsets unlesshealthy elimination is
assured. You will find Peen -a -mint
effective in milder doses and espe-
daily convenient and pleasant for
•summertime use.
v w
is • rove
Rid. your 'hOiie of 'ilia With 'Aeic>ion-L-the
imprcered'spiral fly catcher with the longer
and wider ribbon4 iiterozon is guaranteed not :
• to dry out or deteriorte. ThegmelealWays
fresh, fragrant and iliviet-,-,hresistible to flits.
, Aceozon fa Goad let Weeks' ervioe:
_atte :1 to ai
et the Ito eve y tithe
Sole Adellt '
E. 711; Oferitee, PO. gum 82, Mier, ooke,,(Ist___L
• •
• 4
ges., 4,164i,r4'