HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-30, Page 84 r!q *AtJNEL.• THURSDAY; ;UNE 80111,; 1982 4.4 errand :of the da Sports a Footwea Outing Shoe, for Baseball, Powling and Camp. hogs: Foy e ' Richmond _ _ n. We have just received. 'a shipment of the. .New R.ieh ond Shoe..: n fine Calf Leather___ a wonderful Shoe" aloft at ` Locals :Plays $egged -Game in Tees' water• a Belated Rally in Last Tw e' Innings Fails'TQ: ;Overeoq a Tees - voter's Lead. • • • In a 'listlessLakeside League fix: ture 'played •in. Teeswater on Thurs- day, the Lucki ow nine went .clown- to ownto defeat by a score of 15 to%11,'scor IQ; nine of the eleven:,runs ixi'the feet two• innings . k The. day was. eold.,a id with a high; wind' blowing -was by: np'.'paeans :fear-,. orable weather for baseball,and 'along with the weather, Steen errors by the Lucknow aggregation didn't have any:.tendency to strip's the , local sup.. 'porters, • Who', • 'Witnessed:,,, the game` from shivering. Lucknow got away: to a g lod start ni the•,;first when Cummings Int for * triple --and- scored -on. Andrew's -sec- rifice 'to . right field' Teeaw. ater got the run back when.: they seemed °ail their half in :two: ;errors ;without;; ; a. hits. . From then On both iii c'hers wefe hit hard ands- while: Porter for Tees ,water, was given good support,, the backing Irwin; received was: ragged; to say • the least. As ,a result, Tees- ✓ ater,.liled _up a big lead,? scoring • runs in they 2iid, •'in the :3rd,'"3�in. the. 5th, 1 in the ', 6tb,:., r in .. the. 7th. and '1!.in the8th. The' best Lucknow could do until the 8th`was add anoth- er lone .tally' in the 3rd In' the .. eighth the' . Lucknowites starteda belated • rally which cont* ued .on into the -ninth with a ven- geance that ,worried` Tees.. ter a bit as their big .lead was rapidly.twind» ;-blit .it: w.aa too_late. a atart' and the last ', man '„was, retired with the e Foot.tOnnfor LOP. t Circuit ,Hlorse Races Stratford, Wednesday, July 6th. All the Champion Horses Trotting and. Running Tug, of War Contests. 'The' Best this year.,Admission.,55c, Also at. Seaforth, July 13th. 4 ' PASSES AWAY Was- Well -Known, In- This Commuldty- death of Cbarlea, Stratlidee serious Muesli Which reiiiltedjn his • deceased who Wee 54 .years Of and. felloWing IllOinerriage to liotet4tisineas• in' He was as- sociated with.Dongald Black in the .;,tbe.eshing,busi,ness and was. Well, and • Besides: his- bereaved- Wife -4e- . is- aurViied by one sim,'„FloYd and a, three'eisteri survive -,-G•IW.'.1intir Alin: in StiikattlieWiti, 'Wary, Of weq• Suttan .and a brother The funeral,. Service; held froM ,his Notice To Creditors • In the' Matter of the' Estate of. George Anderson, late of the Village, of Lucknow in the County• Of Bruce,: condtucted by Rev. C. N. 'McKenzie, was largely a d: Interment was :In Ripley tem LADIES'. TOURNAMENT . sr. fir, It is not ;the Odd .Bargain that :counts --bust constant every day saving, Thatis one reason ;So"nlany women`shop'retularly at Teinp etOn'6 • Cold Weather last Thursday rath- er marred the Ladies' BoWling Tpuz•-• naMent held at the kcal green. Only tes going to the lolIowing: 14 Mrs. ,Strimageour's_rink_ of Palmerston 'blankets; 2nd, ,Mrs. R. Fisher's rink ehina bridge sets; 3rd, Mrs. Well. Henderson's., rink,, boxes of toilet articles.. . ASHFIELD' mann. N'eung People's' Rally of Ash- • field; will be held next Sunday even- ing it Blake's, July ard. Rev. ,Arthiff W. Brown, will have charge of the . Regular services at Zion and Haar etts. Subject l'Ait Old Psalm, its Meaning and Message.” L. 0. L. CHITIICH PARADE 0 West Bruce County L. O. L. hold their Church parade to St. *Peter's Chnrch;Lucknow, .Sunday evening at 7 o'clodc. Brethren will meet at the Lodge ROom at 6.30, o'clock. Tbie will be Rev. E. 0. Galligher's dos- ing seryite. of 'his ministry in Luck - .LANGSIDE -ANNIVERSARY Anniversary services of the Lang - side Presbyterian chnifch will be held on Sunday, july ard, with services MelCetrol *ill be the special speaker' on this OccasiOn. On Monday evening an interesting program will .be pre- sented featured by a lecture from Dr. McKerrol. - Have YOU Trieit ME-ME-CHO? The Wonderful INDIAN HERBAL REMEDY Recommended by Prof. Harry Burt, the "Problem Solver" Has been reMarkably successful in - and -chronic cases of • KIDNEY TROUBLE, STOMACH TROUBLE, and many, other the treOment f serious BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION LUMBAGO NEURITIS ailments costs only ONE DLLAIt per Wile - '1 and is for Sale at ore • &adios° VOILE DRESS& • iiildreni'e . q►ASH . HATS , •• Reg :4 e Children's PRINT DRESS. SES 1#25•;1 E1Pe-- Boy's KHAKI : SHORTS, ,6-12 'yrs. for...,.. •:A•' Ladies' :SOCKIES, .'at 4,9.C. Boyer( :KHAKI L o N•G S, belt 40113PO4,, fiiree ,pec ets.' Reg.. $1.40 for;' ust: arrived a shipment of *EN' atr 39c ES, thefamous Forsytlhmake' 75c each. . _Knitting 'Yarm and Instruction books to make the chic cr`.occhet or knit Sweat • ire cClttskey- Manager OUR MOTTO s; -SMALLER' PROFIT, QUICK TURNOVER • • i The- Sth -started-off-with Thomp- son drawing a pass, .stole :ascend, was advanced to 3rd lavhen R. Finlay- son Was safe ol an error ty, Porter,: 'and scored on A. TheinpaOn'a, hit: Finlayslin arid. Thompson,' advanced• on a wild throw and scored on_,An-_, drew's hit. The real batting spree - lo & Lower School Results Report of 'Middle School studenta who, have obtained a luau in the:follow- ing snbjects by .having at least 66% as in average on their yeig's wOrk. ArmStrong, Winifred Firdaysdn„ Clark Form, John Henderson. 'James. Hogan. Lorena Sadie MacDonald. Catherine Ma• cLeod, Mary Belle . Miller, Isobel — REPORT OF -LOWER SCHQ014 DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS . .Clar• ke„. Douglas . C Collyer. Stuart C - Cook. Edna Crozier, Colin Crozier, Frances ,. Dawson,. Stnart Parr• ish. Margaret ' Finlayson, Christine Gr• aham, Jean .0rabam.• Rennie Hamilten, Archie • -f Hamilten. Isobel d C, HamiltOn: Emma CI Jo• hnstone. Melvin MacDonald. Petty MacDonald; 'Rachel Machmes,1 Florence -, ' MacKenzie. Frank MacKenzie. 'Yawn , MacKinnon. Beth'. MacMillan. Jean MacCall, jack hteLeod, Helen Milne. Fred 0 Newton. Eunice 0 Pa• tterson. Catherine •• F Reed. EvelYik _Th• omson, Donalda 0- . C POrter W49,, was, batted. ont Of the box, whee,r11 battera4rOtted.te the pedli,t.etviwohenot...iisehvee: hbietsl'ngWertwep,til:gteerr; by Andrew and MeCartney, and•along with One serror replied in 6 • runs retired -the side. Vic MacDonald, 2ridth-1--5--,r 42 11 15 24 15 Well that mats a good game for the hays -te get out. of their system: • . 'The 'brand of ball hadn't the' least semblance of that displayed by the Same aggreeation Who -defeated Kin- cardine the Week Previous by 7 to 1. Had they played the same Calibre hands down for the 1*ucknow tesim. 'Fifteen hits „giVeli Some idea the way the boys were elugging the pip-43ut let's not mention id. 0 With three men on bases and one out in the sixth, II big threat by Lucknow to -store some runs was end- ed when Irwin hit into a double play lair to MeeDtmald-to-Dona, FOR, YOUR HOLIbAY AND WSBK END. PICNICS Sardines, 4 for ;Zit Salmon, Red, large' Salmon, Red, Yrs 15e Tonuitoes, Cern & Peas 16e Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Always on Hand H, Thompson Phone 82 1 dr MacDonald at seeend' for Teeswat-:- er turned in a, goOd vine in the field with nine assists and five put - R. -Thompson played a' smart game at third. With the throw to &tit that • , , his bov has its just useless to' try • and beat put ground balls hit to third,, . The next scheduled game is in Ripley on the -eighth. of July. This allows plenty of time for the boys in the iine-up may occur to some , It .was a tough job in the outfield 'on Thursday. Gusts of high wind tut capers with fly -balls, making them extremely difficult to judge. • That last minute -rally.' in Tees - water should prove a letion to the toys -that the-gstre-11-never-wen-Dr— lost till the last man is onL 0: C F -e INTERNATIONAL liARVESTER _CO nianufactures the follow- ing high grade Hay Machinery 4,4 - :MiCOWC-uch:ll'eering•L-Ray 'Rakes bleCormick-Derering-Combined Aide Itake and Tedder MeCorinick-lieering-,11-ai Loaders. . you require anything in this line CALL AT, txdrew s e.