HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-06-30, Page 6•.
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0 *Alit.' Lar •
CANADA give *Ai A..Ieriger iieti;ent-respite
•from their arduous taalES- . .„
The Empire at OttnWeI '
061•119* ,Of ,TOW!' and Arabs. went
_ down yesterday from-Jeriattlem,„ They
Crean their way to Ottawa, Off era
• orange greivers, from that strip
green Country. Which Makes an oasis
egress the encient„ countrY of the PAIS-
lath:tea, They wilt. cola down On the
• *Unary railway that the:1441Sb built
in the _Palestine,campeign ;tif the
: great, Wan itiongside, the old earaioni
.., •
.” lrit.E. EMPIRE . ..
Tho ituIktog Breed • '.... '•
, . ... , • .
The heart ef the nation is etlil-aigh„.
The' Witt* People have bornE,Eitery
burden lint:wed-upon them with cone,
Age 0 diVitit afieertalliaa*, Bales•, '.
44d. tod.ectr4c. thongla sorely "Pres.sed
At th.-621,iSliWaii--::ar - Ttaritiitkihp'4,www
reeniting,tinittO new';Olds ..of, :eater:
IAlee: .The' PeaftdOACe 0 'the:. ree0t,
- " .. •• • • route Out. of, Syria add •JadetOlelen to
.,•4,* ;,..ggypt,; where:the .01111dren''0 Intl* Ill their nithnate-tritintph14:.as.strons
, 4
: r.• . 1.7.....': . , . ' .- • Anne. peeled ..lit. their 'flight ;robe' the OS:eltereadon.aantly Etp7sE8.:.,..,
tyranny.a0 the servitude nrtlik 1.11ar;
-3,, •• • aoh. -1.110y are ,coining to' OtteWai to .• ' • • itrltahi-and ••• , • • ,..:
••,. -,' • • Sell. Jaffa Oranges to the• EPAPIr.,0:' Per.'" :,.../A7itale;014"4.0 bas given * More than,
i.,.hatii, Mid. certainty': t4.:tell the Empire '..adesptittetWidenna At her Sincerity:: At
: • .:' : that.-the:Ialfa orange is the est In the 'Pie time of her'deepeat distreasie when
• ,
World; 7"---"---- ':-----•"---,-e-•-•••-r-- ••••••••--:7she-seag--nonitielleceltrattanclOn-lier:
' • • • .. ' What a:touch of color it lenill to the century -old tradition, of fret trade, she
preparations , for, the Ottawa • cOger*, •denberatelY exempted Empire produce
:Vice, this. latest Pligilmeita Out o he from the scope 'Af ' her ,Inaport dupes• .
Hifoly'Landi Janis, and Arabs are. cent- Yront • that settee abe• could. 901?0,9t,
• ' .
Ing those those &Wentand modern euO- nathing•ut sood4ilt,' and geba4ill
••• ..• • ' miles ' reconciled -in this -imaginative' • she gained in Plentsr=frona all Dianditt,,
„:,'•:, • ... • preject otalarger-tratla and 0011,1•MeIa': ams save the Free State, which d.-
, • • . ... . . . " • .. .. - • .. ‘,.. „ • .
Ottion-bet,ween,the-4.div_eirso.Peetnes„ rived .thetgreatest-benalit. , It her .nc:
W o. in greater or lesser degree, pro- tion, -and the reactions.- of the older'
.., .., .
.,.,,,,. , fess a 'COMaiell'leter,Cat In Ur. 44,inY Doladnions..artia foretaste of the Com-
' -, ',- • -• '.: .:•i''' '",,. Of the.Brftliih.Ceminenayealth..-. -.. monvierCties-• •••..decisionn-at- --Ottawa;-;
•-•:•-,-• ' . '' - ''''''. •-% Pretddefit-46. valetai',.treshrfiata 'his those' dechMinii Will ••li-C,lietietetie and
• ' • .- ' .,alitrunte and. excursions abOut. the enduring 1? It the Free,State'a•reactiiiii
' .,, • • • • 'Oath Of ''AllesiatiCe..,ht seriously ,etai- as illustrated In her 'fantastic 'tariff
•• - •: ' ; • sidering whether he had 'better-. not policy, serves es a .symboi other, etti-
••• cane to Ottawa 'himself: .tterehtiat0 hide' towarclr, the 'Ottawa COnferedce
.-,-.e0r-ellicas4.-Ati-cotton-are-neteing-frele- she--nelli-fie--ther•:.`leteall-fiewee0--oVtite
India; and tea•.pliantersfront CeY1011, iniperial. ball.. -:-Dublin' Weekly, Irish
. There will his.nien thetV front Kenya 'pig , .- • ..• . ,. ,.. : ... . • . ..,
. •• ..4'.alia 'Hgaiidti; rubbing :shoulders with : • 1. '..
• --__."'
:,• '. • . , .' the offinial, delegates 'of Austialla and . Each. For An and All For 'EaCti . • ..
- - - - :' 1%iew:-Zealitnd :and :Sentla'Aftilea•
All.% After Lord Beaconsfield, ' there ' is.
'Joseph 7Chanibeilein. Because.of his
....• .,
,.:...'.• ...:.1.......,.......... road& At .tlia_Emplee,..till trade rhinos- _.
.-. oneneinethet:ntandisebove-All others--
,....' .:, •,' .,- :...ofehe seem', Seas, lead these days hi. l'.
' • '• , ' :', • the capital of • Canada., where the.. qv.,
.,___ . Wet* for 'the, reneirei • we stand -en the-
•' "'::•ta:14a ruili"06-FP1'°.'*he*1°91-er IA "'"`..''' threshold of the. Ottstwa: CenferenCe-:
."' ••• . ', .dian maters.-Vancetiver Province. • . • and because of the movement %he
•• '• , • • . , • .
,• . _ ..„, .. foandedlre have to -day the arat6prae-
• ' . . He Failed, in' Mathematics . •:tioni .featelmee,.... 4 .hts gr6at- policy,
• , .•
. , ' . . •• •
Much has" bleu •said by way of ex- ImperialIteciproCity, Hecrystallized
P•',''' " i . , posiiiig.thq:unsatisfaatoty character of that noli In in tmdYinit-Phiase:: • i . ,,..-_.... • ,
isrritte4. ,'examinatioas .as a tea' 'of Each for and all for each." R IS l• •' . Cobblestone Farmers
. , solicdp.riitip limlittiless,..kr academic a slogan We should remember when A'Protitinent citizen of Pennsylvania
degrees and positions of trust. Edit- 'we are apt to become impatient With, proposes that the State should finance
Cationiate 'recognise that while scne 'progress-Trinidad:Guardian. • . . . unemployed city- worlters in the nun,
Students have-the-etkeetie --7---- - • „ : . , -chase--of--farms--and ateek-That7kind
•I:4 , :.
: ins whit they' know on paper, others The Ottawa •Conference , , of aid might be welcome to a genuine
;•••:;:-.....'•-•'•• • - •-•':-:•-•' ' .:-.-liave not. -- -.It-ofteirliaPPena '014 a - The negotiatitollt- at Ottawa ..ii,,,in. "back -to -the -lender". • who-, had been
' • • '. 4 - ' :,,- poor scholar • may • do 'better 'than a necessarily be difficult, and in .Sonne brought, Up in the country; but how
).• ''.. , ' ' •.',• ' ' .
good scholar in a written pater. •That cases delicate, • but they Will be con- can it benefit the man Who has never
ducted on all sides in the friendliest known of life outside a city' He could
.,,,, ' .• 'ir • • ' ' , •: is one %realon why•scheels, college!'
„. .
r: '•;" .. • • ' - intl. departmenti of • education have spirit and With .fraek.recognftion, of not tell a horse crupper from its head-
. keen:4171as.. te,get;:e,Wq"...lreill . the the fact that; •While the common good
• • stall ; he is helpless when be seats
straight -jacket of Otatnittatiens.• 'A should be teh aim of all, no p ,rt of • himself on a milking -stool at a now's
' -", • ...e ...' ', Ifcheet: iit' New York. has reeen the Empire is in a.'pesition_to_disre- flank, he has the ' vaguest ideas or
47- •7: -• !-,'2: ' . -" --fettini" a intitret-WitiCis-iit of, the well , gard its own material interest, ,or can none at ail' as' tel the proper feeding
' • ..• known dilemma: .„ At the . Lincoln be 'expected ..to do 80 -Cape s-,--.. and care of ewine. Yee might as well
• , bring a discouraged farmer to the city
and expect him to Make a success of
In view of the immense damage that' -_
running .a beauty -parlour or -a high-
class specialty shop. '+•13oeton . Trat.-
is wrought every -year by bush fires in ,s.c.ript_ .
Australia, the difference ,of, opinion
whieb, exists as to their 'cause is as-
tonishing. Tens ' of.. thousands . of . - -
pounds' worth of property are destroy. . ',Capital hi' Water Power
ed, hundreds of people are cast into The, total capital invested in the
homeless! despair,..great 'atiffering and 'water -power industry in Canada. is
lost of life enene, yet many talk at it now about $1,514,000,000 and et this
'bash fires were oc'eurrelices to be in- amaily, $1,370,000,000 bas been. ex-
cluded in -the legal category sef,"acts pended on land, huildinge, plant,
of God" 'or unpreventable aeeldents. and equipment far the generation,
careful •observers are • sattsfied' that transmission,. " and distribution - of.
most bush fires are preventable. Is hydro-eIectric pester. This is a
4t not tithe' that.they were••prevented, much -larger amount han Is Invest-
Ittal-thatitioie WM-dais-a then-T,--efther•v-ed-iialif -.0 er---s InduatrY.Tie
by act or negligence, were Punished? Canada except agriculture and 1ertation.
• , . ' •
-Melbourne Australasian. .
TR. ;Oliditieta to the 1aPer101' geeke ,
Actitti4t, Goaterenee 'Which Willepee in
Ottawa Ion. July 21st there Will be'
••,•:eliethea flYiiiit is PaAlida this ,810.0-
„." Piefi• Which- ',Iiraieities.-(0 attract. eat-
- versal Attentloa. This will be the
total eellime Of. the gnu' on Anglin
IP- • -The eclipse will he vi&ble from
. a son,e running through. the PrOvInce
: ef Quebec- and skirting 'the city of
Though usually. total :eclipses of- •
the ann.Oceut almost eveiy Year, :the:
directer of the Canadian. geverunient' • •
._ _ p_l_aaryptory..,notate,Mit- _thetr-7-toccur-
....reneess.Asitat at--er-nearen-Aptici. • • ,---
fted, locality. it a selHeW sti-rare phe..
noelinon. - .:The 'latit ' Ile • to';. -be: AA- '
hie. as Aetel . in Can da,wer4. on Jan,'
14; 1926; ;On • which 'ttneaiii'nnthe ;path,- ,.,..,
4-....:, . Milk OfiCaiiii Ilia Mafia' ',. ri„
ofletality swent. Ceram"- 'Weittern oex-. • "
re veg. •
• into ;:ille, United'„StateC, and ,passing • -"
linte.,-the. 4tIrietic7 Ocean •itear New
Hoven, :".6citiii. : z After. the 1232 •te•taL:, •
In Canada *ill, be in 1954. .
• •For the 4932. eclipse.. :the central • • ,,
;line of the path of totality beginin
the Arctic segiOns, sweeping 'down
ac 'ewe HtideenjlayLand !skirting'
eastern- shore, of James ' Day It-
.. Crosses the gt. Lawrence nearMae-
., ...kinottge and Plerreville, Que<,.---•nonao
fifty' mileeeast of ,Mentreal, and . ,
clary -a •few Mites east Of Rock Island; • 1 Nineteen-year-eld Frances :Emer-•
passes across the international been.
arid : HOW; VOrrinint, 'Patting lettr doctor of "11°-fu'apthel.dloctiliST7dael‘greNVe71111irea',-.''
the Atlantic' Ocean in the vicinity of 'highest Obtainable:fie:0a the" Utti...'
Portland, Maine The width of. the : ; -•versity of Missoari. ' • . ' '',.' '''
shadow zone in southern Quebec is . ' • " ' •.
and near . Boeton, Mess., the. eastern ' •=" By Edouard Herriot„'PreMier ' wee"•
The , -----.1°---, A. r ,t„ ' ' Police NOW; they are obliged to get, • :
approximately Leo miles; the weit... .
inaS Or France • such cards
edge • will be: about 25; miles to the , "i: ,- • of France , - after staying only two
-_ern--,edge-,,pailes.- through--eldmitrent .-- .-- `7'-- • • - - - ' . - ' t I.. - •
. • ,,... . ,
The. duration of totality " on till In ' ' • h Co f the . • Inasmuch as',there are now 4,fi00,-
emitial line is.'alaent 100 seconds, ieagu6'of Nation,, which
is ille:fun-Accord with .the venept o e _,
.40.0e_Omfo_ie.igniers. who cl,esir.e to' live 111 -
east 0? of . Three Rivers, Que. , ' - '
dip' iinishing to zero at the -eastern-6 tele 'n Franca % a tremendous
and , western . itinilte. .. The shadote__damentSlehart for the future, And in
the'spitit, of- the. -Pact abk-.1Paris, ,-vve amount of documentation is necessary
travels . at an Average:, speed of about and large - .clerical staffs aredkept.6ter:, ..
half A mile per seemid,'.traversing :
shall' seek security not for ourselves
alone, but for all nations all of which, tinuouily. busy in the i enti cato6ni.
the, diStance of reughly .700 miles small and great, .ave equal c auns in
. , i.• • ' l 1 • • • Police.- in 1906- there were only
• • about 1,000,000. foreigiters residing
card department. cor„,' the Prefect„
SeCrillet:":10,1;i.e:9111%146wTiliraidoe;°;Ip All-•
fkor-Vip14ioas op •
Pasoppro •
' thg7• riaartjrisp—vincreasedrih:ea nc Feif: ' 1the eover alt9°filortre7gni•Ihe:d_ 11,
according to William P. ' Carttey iti
The N.Y. rTeginireeste. her paat Ito -V.414 -
• to political exiles from other Euro- '
_•ipeeadi.rian .7choilt;treioespi,e_ftrhoetsoaanigeoinnsg oSif htwoorm .....-
rionhaerg7PtoVeserrietibigfr7t;h7d0A-ttir-aineaf ri*oregriffilit .• • - -
ars into the country and their sejearn
here 'are-heiqg enfereed by the pence _
In, cooperetion with the immigration
alltberities, • ...`• - .' 7•-•-• ,. .t, ,,,, ,- .
lleitibers 'Of the Soweto., Generale •Isler
,, „
the secret police, now ride on all integr,. ' • ... ,
taittikatkileiitntaila,Zoafit_141:_epiansio;akeollssa0of,,ainldmisra*: ‘.. '...„.... :: .,
sengers after they -have been hirrhitti.' :-
ly stamped at the frontiers by the im-
migration officers. . • •
• The same procedure -is carried out .. .
o -n All boat trains, which connect at
United States and the Orient. , • ,,
Fines imposed on -hotel keepers who -4 _. .
fail to report to the police within
twenty-four hours that 'they , have
_gen lodging to foreigners have been
greatly -hicreased,-.Fnieigneri -wisle.,
hag to -remain in France more than
sixty days formerly *ere required to
obtain identification cards from the
I •
• .t
-7-Wen if .'ffife-fiidn't-natten - -
by piano, Amelia Earheart Pat:.
nam was given. a great reception
there. Airminister Painleve award-
ed her the Legion of Honor.
It stays whemit is, and 'a contingence
�f drift carry Europe -inevitably.
intro it in no Ions tin* anima the lead-
. -ern of Europe have courage 04.
etrength .to, drive the• ship .against the
curitfitiThe Spectator (Londim).
• school. a young student, Willhon Beal. _
could not compass Algebra. Te hope- • Forest Fires
lessIg failed in :that subject. He did
well in languages,. wrote plays and eg-
• says, shone in inusic, but mathelnatics
Stumped him. The MLinagement look-
ed about for credits to compensate far
• lib failure in a single field. It was-
' found in his natural aptitude for mei-
tive work. Art came to his rescue.
The Lineoln school has sneer set of
Murals of singular merit; and
Beal has his diploma. This b an idea,
to which educationists may well give
consideration. - Mail and Empire
(Toronto). •
'0,•".• ' It would be interesting to knew how
* " many motorists, reading the warning
• • .glien" by ilcin.T.;eopold MicauleY, kiln-
• , • 'ister of Highways, about the IMPOrt-
, • ane of headlights, have bothered fe"
, riry,.. : check up on this particular eeuiPMent.
-,-....e> of their cein cars. • Every driver, out
on the highway after nightfall, knows
x ,
, that the headlights of the majority of
. approaching cars are a menace to his
• safety. • . . but tii 'ail prOhebnity
,...le. ..
.he hasn't taken the trouble to ascer-
4..," tan whether or not. his avrti beams Of
illumination are as annoying to others.
,A There were 250 accidents in Ontario
last year directly attributable to faulty
headlights, the alinister of Highways
declares. Twelve of these had fatal
termination.-rHaninton Speetator.
. Holiday for Farm Folk
. ' The municipal Council of -the Town-
ship , of West Licher unanimously
passed a novel resolution, . at its last
meeting. The motion expressed the
Wish of the council that the rate-
. payers observe every Saturday after--;
• noon as a public half holiday during
tit.: month Of Sane and on the first two
Saturdays ofJuly le, 1932. ,' Collided
with the wisil was.a suggestion that
games and sports be held at °mired -
eat centres for the ratepayers of the
The Arthur Enterprise:
• News. in referring to this action, cell-
gratulates the council on the -move In an attnosphere. of impotence,
thus initiated and expresses the hope nervelessness and fataiiiiii Europe is,
that it will- develop into full .freltion• drifting heligessiy towards even Mare,
The initiative 'thus shown by West stormy Waters than. threaten alreadY
Luther counel: is surely warthY of te engulf It. effei-Y- day tonferrevr.dvi-,
.eommendation. The-municinality Is .dence of the deterioration of the gen- .
, thus linked up with urbatt centres in eral situation miles to bend. Not 01
*Welt theweekly.half holiday' has been .eonniry. Willi the teltipOtaty exception!
obserVed for years by tatrehauts and of our own, hardly •ehe but goes • oe '
bitiet hifeineea 'Ma:" This weekly lapsing new 1'es-blahs-AS Tiifro'effe
period Of recreation has. conie to be ih the desperate hope Of scifitehow''
regarded towns and *Magee' as a keeping the teade balance even. 'The
necessity'. People engaged in agrieal- difficulties at Lausaune ate east, bet ;
ture Neould,lind it 'difficult t6 break the the consequences of failure 'Wolild be
Continuity at their -Week's work with too grave to tontemplate The tenni,'
.nedrte8day' heti holiday, succi as gen,
Ottawa and Foreign Trade
1 7
As soon as satisfactory arrange-
ments liavesbeen Made at ()italics, for
•reorganizing the Empire so , as to
make the most of its economic ca-
pacity in all directions, each foreign
nation. should:be considered on , its
merits and offered terms for .negotia-
tion." It this question of suitably •
blending our foreign trade relations
with our development scheme within
the Empire Can be settled satisfactoli-
Iy4 so'as to give a stiniultis both to -in-
ter -Imperial trade and to internatlenal
trade at the same time, the one would
react favourably on the other and, an
important step will have been taken
towards the-improVement •ef world
economic conditions. But if, on the
other hand, Ottawa,leads to an all-Bri-
:fish economic policy or isolation on
narrow, well-contained Imperial lines,
• ignoring the foreign trade of Great
Britain and her Dominions, there will
be a grave danger that Ottawa mar
merely drive one more nail into. the
coffin of our world economic system. -
Major Pelson Newman in the Nine-
teenth Century' • (London t.
Europe an the Brink ,
eralty is -observed' by .urban folk. 'to
them Saturday aftereoon %vapid. be
• more advantageous and Wthild•alSO
st •
,• t
4 • el
In' 4
.;'*•iter" -1,1
• trio
, bid.
• lt4v.
nor -
no i
• • Al
• -- nerl
HiVer St.. Lawrence at 3.24 p.m. past. government of the republic declares more' or lees permarently. in France.
from James Bay to the coast in a
little over 20 • minutes; it crosses the ' Within Ade general, franiework the
our eyes. • -
ern: Standard • Ttme, the ,international 1 wa The number of foreigners who hair°
boundary at 3.27, and; leaves the; 't 11 f •all .•fled i° F f - . • '
thich are partial, which in the, light
favor solutions, even those ranee ror,thetr, own coun-
coast of Maine At &at . The,:direc, • of the discussions at Geneva and after tries to escape starvation of the tyr-.
__We about 30 degrees, ° : . .: mit without comprOmiSing• national
security, the lightening of militaey •
4 • per_ . arinY of Oppreseive envernmeate has
Louis Phillipe:
steadily increased since the teign of
lion of the min. at 'this time is.: about a loyal exchange of oPiniOns will
. . , ...41 . . .
Sev.eral parties of scientiets from The Secret police are responsible
20 degrees south of west and the aitt-,
other countries are comieg t� ob.. ward progressive, 'simultaneous awl for. surveillance over political exiles ..
serve' the eclipse and Montreal w•in controlled disarmament: At once, so .
ind-will-rePreset-eP who ave seugh .1 -f -re i`f-.----ige- in -France.
be one of the principal' *Ante where as to associate itself with this effort; Whenever one of these is canght en -
these parties' will concentrate in or- the' government Will, pat in force all wng in any kind of plot againat
der to take advantage • of the font- pothible economies which can be ',leder- the existing government , in his own
ties and. ,co.:Operation of Af,Gill till- taken withoutimprinlence.. , , cot.ntry his identificationcard is with-
versity.From Canada Week by Regarding reparations, France Can-
drawn and he as summarily expelled
from France. • • • ' .
Week. .. ' ,
ed, which are the ()atom not Milk . Such police measures as these might
' net permit those rights to be contest -
of treaties but ' of. ce,ntraetual , agree- -have prevented the. assassination of . .
Nine Months! Leave No Short meitta • protected by the honor of the President Dounier by the Russian ex-
Shanghai.After sitending • 'eine drawn from the sovereignty- of. law it
signatories. : If the world is with_ tremist Gorguleff last month. :Presi-
dent Sadi•Carnot was murdered by an
. -
years doing missienary .svork ie. must sooner or laterjell under the Italian anarchist in 1894.- - --- -, .
Thibet, E. Itathbane, an 'Englishman, empire of force. .
has just returned ' to hie labors In affiming that .principle the gov- 100 -House Villages
but universal interests. . For the rest, • Nanking. -Ten rules .for a system- •
' Planned bie. Clunese
withont seeing 'anything' of the' "eut- ennment of the republic ia conscious -
side , world" except . Shanghai and
'of defending no egotistical pritileges,
'leave, he left his station, at Tunhua- it is ready todie'cUss any project, to atic ponstruction of villages in the
northwest have been issued by the
Chefoo. Granted a nine -Months
fu, • on his way to England. But Suijtuan Provincial Government. The •• , .
take any initiative, which will pre -
stow, se whee ' he 'arrived •Itere, he World etability or legal reconciliations plan will cover a period -of fem. Years.
duce the -compensation of . greater Five'persoeswill be elected -as a
Thibet is far away, ' and travel is
for each vil-
haalready been away 'from Tun- 18Peace- . construction -committee:
-livaiu ' four month's. Returning 0.__,.. lage fo be ;constructed, Each village
would certainly be no•faster aud that Intelligence of Animals will be limited to 100 houses. The
first year willhe devoted to the,„builti-
left him only One month in, which
All observers, 'and ,writers , agree ing of homes and barns; the second
to' go from Shanghai to England
sirrffack--a; manifest. impaslibilitj41414"Irds-:"11 .2-14n14-18'' 4-1:4- ezulwr'ed-"YeAr4"h":4'rY'llIgge-*4111"44481.---- -
with' an extraordinary sagacity 'and the third year to thebuilding ' of gov- ,
-so he started back to. spend anoth-• Instinct to a tar greter extent ' than ,ernment Windings, and the fourth year
er nine years in Thibet.; ' *ii'.0 there- credit .. for. 'How to ipttblie buildings, set:tole, amuse -1
wonderfully a dog understands his nitint places, and parks.
master's habits and wishes, and how
faithful in his affeetioti!, This Has
been the theine of countless stories
in the past' hundred years and what
()stater a a dog. to -day could not tell
reniarkable stoiles from their own
Each village will be constructed ae
cording to a definite plan. :Each house
owner. Must pay $30. Mexican to the•
village cOmMittee, ' or ma/ • pay , in.
terms ot labor. , :
wisdom and and Judgment- he . can ex- I King .
eXperience. . The hbree. too, what • .
AlfOnso!s Fortune
• 0 •
bibit when 'treated with 'kindness And '• . Confiscated by Spam .
ictentorieo.. These are" the tire pre.
Madrid. --• Former King Alfenso'st
-eminent friends -of man, but the same
private fortune was declared -.cents-
characteristics will be !mend in every
eked ,r4cesitly by the director of the
species of bird or animal when they
Spanish Republic's treasury,
'reasonable and hum' ane manlier. They1 '
are domesticated and treated in . a
The fortune ineludbd more than 11
add inenensely to the Joy 6? living! $2,500,000 in cash and securities, as
, and is .it tiot reasanain"hat we well as other possessions; valued at
I should defend. aid irrote6-t them fresh I more than $soc000.
cruelty and exploitation! -J. J.
Kelso' l• ta-ched to the public treasury and the
The money and bonds•would be at -
immovable property would. belong to
gas*aelingetts has soni.'e queer reeled. that .21;000,000 pesetas (about
2... . .
So Queer Laws
. . the nate, the direeter said: He re-
s laws, but other states eta beat it. I $1,700,000) Worth of seized property
I 11 18 said that duriyig the making of had not belonged to the depoSed king
! the film-"Disorderry Coeduct" search but te societies over which he pre
was made for odd statutes and steed, ,
among dozens of others' th-ese were , ' ' ...••
• . •.• ,...,__-......_0,____,..—,
1 folind: That Pennsylvania aae a Nal .
forbidding singing in the bathtub; i ' "Mystery" Rail EkcursiOn
that in Kentucky any one operating !
A "Mystery exthrsion" is the latest
astill milk 'blow a wiriatl-e; mat itn.
venture of an Atnerlean railway Com-
pereonating Santa Claus on the street
Oahr to stimulate pasSenger business.
- iis.e. 11017c:1E1 In 'slit:in:17o:: •ithhaicit.tivi n,
Weil Virginia it is against the law.
then know where the exturlien is go -
Neither the pa'ssenge:e nor the train -
leg "Unal the train leav'es. After the •
ark, NJ.. it is illegal t' sell ire after
train pulli 'mit- the engineer receives •
-----six-six wifircert a dor-fors- iirosinlIT;
his sealed orders. • • '
don. and that in Zion,' Th., It is a
twenty-fivennle automobile ride, a
The first trip was a 100mile ride i a
mime PuniShable -4.iv a Prison sen-
, , Chicken dineer, and a ride home --•-an
toeNt lo make uele • faces at any
eleven ami a hail heft' holiday for
' "
$ . . thee were 050 passengers on
Pine Blister Spore's Fly Far
., . the first a'dventure, and the ,railwaY.-
pine blister rnst 6..r4 If trm.n to , haw. ,.
AnifierSt, .Mass.--,-Splres of white "Inman.,
more excursions'in the near future.
announced there *mild be
. flown . 700 miles to 'infect currant
" leirteh of spit
f;iilkeq., Masl:achuse.tts State Cellege •
A p nclr'clf salt,elneed in the rAter
tation iis to temporize anit drift, The ...-- A- p r.iNntdre shreiy-,---ey--E h : '
effecalitat woe:0e to ddeble all the - ,
g TiYm---C- x of 1;aseciena, tra'112-
• ,
- •
-4 *hie; dr.:VP ' on currants can
'„,...rpsP•A rat_teCI.40.1T-444-POrirlstr•-•-Thtt :, 1) 0 i es -it t • ' •
h .1,r„ . travel will
dipreserVe•tliki freshnosi Of ilciwe a
pie r s oem
only a few hundrei feet to fitillk,t the to a ',age • • ' ''• than
• • ' r
ffieulties when the .Coeferettce met • • ,
again, fhe Whirlifool does not' recedei, torn za heine.". thrown off his motorcycle In the Sheehy Canyon hill ,
clitobine ontelL . . ) Pities. their natural life.
r.• length of time ,
.., < •
• *
Z 1111
• If
If A
for i
be •
• ',Darr
• and
ly 14
• news
. .
of ps
* he v
His •
• .
• •
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