HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-07-07, Page 8it
_DIES' BLACK CALF SANDAL, IRA Vahan 41;eg, .Perfect
Ronorafi-,Willard.'ThomPson Oa,
Margaret . Nicholson 613,, Reid
Him carobm Allin 497, Fern
Twamlel 4k cella Wilion 497, Fern
ah Jewitt 404Sqtty,Tayler,4,05.; ilack
Honors4---Relen Orr 310; Alan. Mc..
nu 305, Catherine •Johnsten- 300.
men 192; Warren WYlds °
,Jr.' I 'Chits -Possible marks.'
S• enors -M. -reds Mertis 240. Pass.
-,-Norma Ritchie 230; Doris 'WYlds.
207; Raymond Itriltituile 192. • Below
Pass Dorothy Paterson 184; Lloyd
telvart• -DOnald-- Johnston -,156;-
Tommy Traplin 128; Billy Batten*
* absent several days with sick -
The Voot- o dirt hop
otibe To Creditors'
In the Matter of the Estate° .of
George Anderson, late of the Village
of_Lueknow in the county of •Bruce,
aired FariaeriP..dbeeasict
Notice Is Atereby given ilutt all
persons haviag any claims or de-
mon& against.tbe late George An,
deism; who died 'on or about -the
-at the Village of Lucknow in :the
County of Brace are required • to
,Passing On Rill Involves, Three'Cara
.In Fatal-Cras-Two-rDead-Five
send toy post prepaid -or. to deliver
to the, undersigned, executors ander
the ,WiU'-of- tlie' `said George 'Ander-
son? their 'Mopes, and addresses and
fun_ partieVars in 'writing or 'theig,'
,counts and, the nature of the' seem-
ities, if any, held bythein duly veri-
And :take notice that. after the
twenty-third -day of July A.D. i.p32,
'bate' thw' ssets of the said de-
'Oised :tinting the. persons: entitled,
An' alit() accident, in; which three
cars figured, ocCurring near ..Chesley
of two Rancher residents, 'Milton
Danhert, 28; and Mrs. jacob; Haller,
25 ihe- former being killed almost
Instantly,' while the latter lived but
a short time.' fire other paisengers
in two of the three :Cara -were injured
more or, lest eerionsly.
Dinikert driving the Rancher. car
had 'overtaken aad Was passing on
a hill a ear from Galt, When an
Owea 'squad ,metorist came - over. the
crest of the hill and before. Pinkert'
Could. get back tO hit right side of
the road a, crash faulted
road. in front -of the' oncoming Galt
-Elva • Tatainley.-Esther Mortis. Jana
, Mary Fisher, ...Bessie Stewart
Hoziors-j:C. Johniton. Gerald Cul-
bert, latirvht Solomon, Pass-EvelYn
Taylor, Jean, Ravens, Margaret
• . Jack -Cobh; -1Dolenit Paterson,
Gordon' Steward. -
Taken on trial; --
Ella Whitley, , Donald Johnstoneo
Jack Henderson.
•.;Clailits WhiChttliey Shall then hive,
Assets of atiy ,parti'" thereof to any
persen of 'Whose claim., they- shall not
then hive reeelaed noliee»
-`• This notice is given pursuant -to
the statute in'ithat behalf.
Dated at 'Lae:know this 28th day
Honours -Allan TreleaVen? Ernest
Button, Sam MeQuillin. Passitus-
SM• ith, Douglas Aitchison:On Trial --
Frances Arrnstrong,' Fred Webster,
into the ear, pushing -it up the in- -1)61aid-Xacilenme"
-01.11.d you liaison you can Make one of thOge faSitioaablO
White, - Shoulder
?r2Strap 98c
addriento RAYON
LES, Solnethinff new
Latliek MESH; PAN
White and Colero
E.' MeCinskey, Manager
The *miner SeheOT Deena At Camp
:'Kintak on :July 11t14.1" liatereatIng
Pregrain 04010-
The' third annual trimmer School.,
July .11th .to July lath. This • SIMI..
mer School is speimored by the com-
mittee for Sabbath Schools and
Young Peeples' Societies of the Syri.
od of Hamilton and London of the
Presbyterian Church ht Canada and
-Jim', for a distance. of 58' feet it; Sherrlit•
Dinkert and. Mrs. Haller, the two
of Anti AID: 4031
Archie Andersen, 1, Lackner,/ Ont
At the conclumon of her duties as
;teacher at-•Langside. a social even-
ing was held in ' the _Forrester's' Hall
- on -Wednesdas". June 29t11. when the
address and presentation -to Miss
Jean Lane. was evidence of 'the es-
teab in Which She was 'held in that
much enjOYed. the address read to
which Miss Lane replied most suit-
'abbr. an dthe ovening brought to a
victim% 'were : sitting on the side
From Jr. III to Sr. III
which suffered the ,secend impact and Prometed on year's work: -
were firing •from the car, the former Isobel,. Nicholson, Marjorie Allin,
'ming almost instantaneous. Mrs. By exaMination:-
igainst a telephone pole, his death John K. MacKenzie. , -
!Taller died before medical assistance Hon. -Margaret Siete*, Donald Fin -
The three other occupants of the by, D: Irwin; Jack Leith, Jim Web -
over hospital ,seVerely injured. Two Taken on, trial: -
occupants of the Owen' Sound. car Joan, ..Parker*, J. • C. Armstrong,
were less serimitlyjnjured while oc- Merle Johnstoa, Harold Mileraoish.
cupants of the Gali car escaped un- (*) absent for examinations on
account of illness.
P.romoted on Year's work: -
Council met on June 27 1932
'1,41r.' Wilfred '.91endeliiiin. DrY'Grmals
several congregations-othe-SYnotk
The school Will be opened by Rev.
tor of the Synod. oa Mooday evening
Juiy llth at eight o'clock. Each -morn,:
ing. will be -devoted to' atodY and the
afternbons to rest and re-ereation.
'Popular • lectures will' 'be given on
fuesday and IliFethieiday evenings by
speakers Of repute. The Young Peo-
?les' Society of Knox Church, Goder-
ich, pht on the program on
tharsday evening, and on Saturday
aliening the-ocpipants ef the several
Cahins,•Tefits and Dormitory Will re-
arale the "crowd" with stunts. On
Sunday morning Divine Worship. will
be conducted ia.,-,the, Ashfield Church
heid,at the camp on Sunday even-
per adjournment All Members pre_ Hon. -Muriel patersen, Morris Pearl-,
sent. - ••".i . man; Etta Belle MacDonald. Paea.-
'We year friendi have assembled
.4, to enjoy- an evening With yea
We shall _miss you gr,eatlY froin.
„i Our alidst.;;Iieeittte in all our attivi-
• ties Iron' hive been very. generomi
with your: tinte 'And talents. Your
pleaniat personality hat 'rim -de - you
• At a teacher. of our children we
eannitt probe you enough., The Bolen-
ealrimple you har*e bet them in.
upright living at well as the ther-•
eugh mental and Physical training
You gave so generOuisly• of yout
time to Ont church. In the choir you
' have been,rnott 'faithful' and we feel
in mit Snort as Well, You were a
1••• With piesisero, the good times ite
Iiiiye tOgether. Before you leave
.lits We With exprest our esteem
for yOu Alla would ask Yon -to acdept
thili tined .gift arid hope it will al;
:ways bring, you pleasant memoriet
. Signed on• behalf, 'Your Many
' ludo -ding' Service of Rey. D.
A.' littletilleat, ihe new pastor of
vzsui .held irk Dungannon
Rath 0..1, • Watts of . North Street
' and de:daft:AM the servia. Rev. V.
Craik, Victoria Street% United
• gregation, and Iteik W.. J. Patten:
v; atria BO. Mr. McMillan Preached his.
-Ross-Elliott-That minutes. of last Marguerite. Garnbs.' Anna Finlayson
regular meeting as read be confirmed. Cameron MacTavish, Fred Lee, Bruc.e
ed for on the Scott -Tiffin Drain be Margaret Rae. Dave Jewitt.
proceeded with and councillor Mc- - •
Kenzie be apeohited •Commissioner
bsent on- actount of illness but
Elliott -McDougall -That Cotmcillor Jewitt.
Rost be .appointed Commissioner to. • M. MacCallum.
look after the construction of the
Proposed MeClenaghan Branch' to
eideat -Inleries---!Was Foram Res-
'PHONE 75.
.A5 * resnit of injuries received' in
a motor accident, a week previous
the death of Mr- Wilfred Mendebon
'occurred in Kincardine Hospital on
Friday. °
. The accident *waved in Ripley'
on the same. , Moted-Relen liailiilton and Billy
McDougall -McKenzie - That the
Clerk have the Voter's ,List printed
at the Sentinel Office.
Elliott -McDougall --That Vinci
the Insurance on Towoshin roads for
the ensuing - year with the Consoli-
dated Fire and Casualty Insurance
The adjourned Court of iteirision
on the AssessMent Roll wad then re-
sumed. arid the following additional
changes made -Allister Rughes: 10
acres more bush. exemption: K. IL
MeKenzie. 10 acres more hush ex-
atore bush exemption; Frank
...ot 26; con. acres bush exem-
McDotigall---That the Court
of Revision be now clohed. awl that
the Assessment Roll is noW revised
taken as a basis of all rates of
taxation for the year 1982.
Ross -Elliott -That sire do new ad-
iourn to meet again at the usual
time and illace on Monday the 25th
day of JAY. 1932.
Weed Insp.. Caretaking. $1.25.
$9.95. Sohn Giunt. Survey' end Plan
MeCletitglian D.. $3.00. John
Stetter% School' attendance Officer,
TAO. Walter McKenzie.' Scheel. atten-
lithee officer. 1.60. Din CassidY• work
in Lott Drain. ,g.5.0. Wesley Maher -
:Ion. work On Lott Drain 2.50. A.
Nelson. CO. Treas.. Hospital Fees In-
fq!,50. Consolidated Fire and
Casualty Co. Insurance. 152.46;ToWb-
shio Assessreent. Lott Drain Amend.
Ily-Law. 19.00.
Highway ChequeS-J. H. toss. P.L
bert Little. PI. 42, 107.70; Reg. Mc-
Bride. PI: 48i. 119,20; Wesley•Thoin-
13.80; WM, McKenzie, 41, 142.75
Gaunt. PI. 40, 10.60; Frank Villa%
Honors -plane COUYer, Muriel Sol-
omon, Grace Webster, Mildred RR- develop. the 'devotional life and • to
clue. Pass-Atlerle jewitt, Jack Mc-• ProVide training for workers in the
Leed 'Jennie 'Feminism, Harold Allin, ' People's Organizatioria;, t.ile
Zylda • Steward,' Reward Johnston,
Joy •Henderson, Arthur Traplin.
•i K. MacDonald.
while 'Mr.', Mendelson was driVing
SoUth _on Enron St., when the car
got, out of,control, coffid with
Regular !sleeting
Board at their regular meeting .on
Tuesday...evening. With all members •
present, was the opening of tenders.
eight. in all. on the wOrk of paving/
cations arose and the letting ,O6 the
work was not` _decided upon nu to a
late hour Tuesdav night. "
Tenders for -supplying cement were
received' by the Canada Cement Co..
and the St. Marv's company and the
tit was decided to purchase avprox-
cpormicepanbeyin. g the same.. in bith cased
inuttelv• Maud civaMities _from each
The salary of Constable Moore was
car driven by E;1 .aad thSn'.
careened into a ee.. Mr.. Mendel-
son was shaken PP but not thought
to lie injured and was ranched ;to
his home, Later aevelpoments
death oieurred.
• Gordon alio Of Ripley.:
a passenger 'with Mr. Mendelson at,
the time • qf the accident recelited
severe gashes in his face When
thrown agaiast the windshield in. the
'Mr. Mendelson was at one time ca.
'gaged in the dry goods buidneas in
the .village in partnership viith Mr;
Abe -Blitratein..7-now of 'Toronto. For
the, past ',several year's' Mr., Mendel -
The °der:eased is surifiVicl by his
;tif• e, who has been undergoing treat-
idnaduguhterou:laistry.iaLlnwvite4two sonse'maiLeon
were conveyed to. that city for bur -
The staff for morning lectures is
comprised of Rev. J. S. Shortt,
of Barrie; Rev. K. MacLean of Wing -
ham; Rev. Ji De Smart, AID. of
A. Durham; and a representative of
the Women's Missionary Society. The
evening speakers will he Rev. J. W.
The 'purpose of the Seheol' it to
Miss Maria ,Long, R. N. of the
Women's Hospital,. Detre% returned
td duty after two Weeks vacation at
her home here. • 1
We are. glad to report that Petet
Cooke is able to be oat, again after
severe attack of flu.
Mr. 'J. I. ailmOre of Loudon spent
Sunday with his brothers.. • '
Mts. Rich. Brown who underwent
ilosnital, London, last Week. it Pro -
Mi. Obits. Ritchie who hat been
in ill health for some time wet re-
moved to London' Hospital last Sat -
Miss lean anti rattle :Long spent
a ft* days in Goderich, the guests
Women's Mit4OnarY SocietY' and Mis-
sion Bands, and alao to give an op.
c.reation. Steady progress. is being
maintained in the development of
the grqunds. Five new cabins ltave
been erected, each cabin to house ten
strident% an addition that Will be ef
great Value to the School. 4
The dailY program will be as fol-
A.M. 7.30 -Morning Worship con- -•
Donald, Dean of the SChooL
9.00 -9,45-Bible Sindy,
Standards and Polity of the
,Presbytetian Church in Cana -
conducted by Reit. Dr.
Sh'ortt .and Rey: K. MacLean.
Life of Christ, .condacted hy
-11.45--Misition Study,
Mr. and Mrs: Reg. Topp, Mary and
Kenneth returned to Toronto, Tues-
day? after inending a.few dart with
Misses Franceli and Della Gilmore
are spending their' holiclida at their
• Miss Entine MCDoriagh and Mr.
Geo. Total of London spent the week-
end with Oie former% parents:
• Miss Evans has returned te Cliriton
Mr. Thos. Helm and don joe, and.
Mr: and Mrs. Bert Relit /aid Miss
WM; Ettotees .on Sunday. '4
his terni running from June 15th to
The school :requisition Of $1000 for.
payment of June salaries was ordered,
The following accounts were nsissed
salary etc...35.63; Mrs:. Sinai' Miller,
gravel 64:60; F.. Malcolm; grading
now Sentinel. Printing 3,00; Edgar .
Hellman. ace. 9.1i; Norman Stuart
viork 2:40; Dave Une. work 10.80;
Elmer Johnliton. cork: 14.50:1W. J.
Little. Division Court. 4.00; ' R. J.
Moore. Division Court 4.00; James'
Burns. work 2.00; Beit -Ward. Wart •
12.50; Lucknow Fire Co.. salarY
31.25; Village share •hospital aspen -
Law Balloting expenses. 3925: con.
Lee. 2 mei& 60e: -Band Master's sal-
Hydro-Meters..exPrets and test-
= 6.65:- A. Havens. salary'and ex-
tra work, 19.15; Bea. Ward. work.
2.75; Hydro Ebel:rte. Commission.
J. Agnecv. salary. etc.: 65.21; Seatin-
Blyth'Standard for the -past 22 years
has disposed of his business to A.
W. Robinson. who hat been a faith -
fill and energetic employee for the
past 21 years:
_New Prints, Gingham% Voiles and
other Wash Dreis °Material. -THE
• strong.
acted by Res". B. Walden.
it."00 12.m -women's Miss-
ionary Work and Mission Band
conducted lay a representative
. the Women's' Missionary So -
.Dinner will be served from 12.45
The afternoon' will be spent in rest
and recreation, field and beach sportt
will be under capable aupervision.
manufactures the follow.
ing high grade Hay '
McCorinick-ileerinv-Hay Rakes
McCormick -Doering -Combined Side
Ram and Tedder
UcCormich-peering-Hay Loaders.
If you reriuire anything in this line