HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-04, Page 5'l HITRSDAX, AUGUST 4th,. 1932
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$)]!'i (1+UCKNOW ' IAiNT.
1;1NK.0,1i ' PAGE FIVE
BY-LAW •NUMBER •8 i932
f eVihu a �•� Luckno!•;
The •w.. .
I- Th.�.:�_
r County Of Bruce
BY-LAW to provide for borrowing
the ,sum of $7,500.00 seems Deben-
tures of the Municipal, .Corporation
of the Village of Lucknow to pay
for the construction of a pavement
on Havelock Street in said Village,'
front Campbell street to the• South-
erlylimit pf Ludgard street to a
width of twenty feet, and either
WhLcc.aO ;rc is deemed expedient
and -necess4ry uy the. Council of the
unci al •leer oratio of the. Village
. of ;Lucknow .to„, constri ct a concrete
•cement pavein►et . on Havelock street
' out h er-
aom ••Eampbeld street: to. the•.•S ...
ire limit of •14dgArd,.Street-:and'ot
certain u provernents in` .said Village
and • for.. ,t e' purpose . of per. for
'atone to, lag the sum of $7,500.00,
at d
es m e
"DIIKREAS ' thet
Central Y.M.0 A; ` and perhaps. else- Siete(' that people who came to 'see
where. We have seen 13cor es,of sial- them have no unfair advantage. The
wart young• men in.the showers, ._ey nudists instated on see ng the visitors
as - the--vas1tors _ saw kAem.. In. Rther
-erg inch •of whose.shins was--as.-tangy words ;the visitors must disrobe, for
ned as the arms of an:Italian 1bor-
er tin' Augubt. Hut .probably, they
seouid1 resent being called .nudists.
• Germany is,the headquarters of the'
cult, and there, apparen lye it lin not
against the'.law •far both sexes. to
mingle together naked. We have read
that • the nudists, '*nest of whom ern
1. 1tlAT it shall be lawful .,for corpu'lence,.are.-quite. unconscious of . o i
she fieeye of the .,..aid •Municipality' anything informal in their relation-. tutes clothes. Mere undergarments
to, • home life, it ss. peha s natural .• r
dollars • a#nc� to .•issue Debentures , ..o ' '
fh' k i u ice o t" : that'""the "'llou'1 ""like' tb have -the' ;alienate -and -the number -.at_ thwith. counons, attached. feer thee..,ca�1n
pa11tSr t0 ,tlwt :am .un •y' s . �. • , i 1 increasin as m. re . anis
pay leasures' i ' common and that When
s, slowy g, 4
being the aggregate amount for prin-.
cipal 1und'sintorest .to : be paid .each
And :every year according to'the sta-
tute in such case made •.and provided.
NOW 'rti It FOtiE ..'flit MiJ I-
OR,A,'1'1ON OF THE VILLAG �: OF., the chairs. A minor .coni-oversy is
4UCKNOW ENAV1S as follows: Peer to be middle-aged and given to
now roceedin as to what c list
the 'nudists felt as self coliseioug in
the presence of clothed persons ;as
clothed persons felt in the presence
of the nudists. In the dining 'room
even the nudists "are expected t1o.
wear clothes of° some kind, :probably
as a protection against being scalded
. food or collecting splinters from
for .the purposes , aforesaid' to borrow g are for the time being •accepted.. So
she said sum of :Sevent -five hundred ship. The :Germans being 4 addicted • o_
h ..x fa the weather has been kind t the
P or o e earn of the shindi s'aiid
merit of.interest at the rate' of five . mere pe..P , 8, , , :
the 'head of; :the li'ouse d. cartes, to .go
,and, one-half per • cent per' n tic' ate hem Iti ini lit
:,, - son tlin: ''ode 'for an 'afternoon' lie<should"` be desire�to.par n . _in ; .. .. fi
as. aforesaid. in sums of not zeas than, n •..: for, '' ' ad move for Canadian :Gov
aceom anied'�by' his. wile,cand child- riot be a b. .
Otte hunrlreddollars. • .. k"
ernment - t " u n . for membership':liquid- ` oa s
e ''2. ...The' said.Debentures shall' be •'re : On 'tlie •$they hand' : 'there may u P .• p ring• until'a'. smooth lieu d s .. P ,, . l ,
able .at-the-`$ranxls ur encY. o"�, ehheal Significance in ---ii; , : 0 D°,4103obors--of ,Sask-atctievvan • roduceed, then gradually' add,. one gal-' :Dames.: of ills Department cif Ento=
s me g A
' *oil of • cgmmercial: creosol, stirranb., ' io ,.. se r„to-"
r• ,moles, at OAC , were: present.
constantly' :Stn. til. `the "•fluid ;is a. tett . ,.
4give.",'tatformation to .tiie�' rept' senta
RAMO�NT•" "� dark one-half 'cup of h, ,•
.................:..... ... ellen o water: ....:...... _ lives. it was pointed•out that-trete-
••, to -a-gallon L . ,
art's Disease is .a, bacterial typ •, • t-
7Vliss:.Mary Gopjc_. spent a few -days ; .. • • n '. � • .. r. ,
last week.with her ;aunt, ..Mrs: Mac- Soybeans in Ontario tacking the vascular •bt<ndles of the
Donald it 'Pine.
"d y ` s 'the title �31ant stem: and.clol'ing up the ducts
River. So beans in OntarXo" i
Mr, and .Mrs. Watson and Annie of .a very• interesting' pamphlet .pie carrying moisture land food to the
Of St.'' Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Scott and.pared by Professors W. J. Squirrel'1 leaves.' These subsequently wither.
Mrs.' Culbert 'from Ripley were re- and J. Laughland of the Department and theplant dies. The disease works.
cent visitors at Wm. Martin's. • of` Field Husbandry,. 'O. A: C•,, copier
of whiclr.are',obtainable through your fast, killing the plant' in' three days
shocking so' far ore themselves or
Mrs: Borst' • from Grand Rapids,
g local agricultural representative: Soy -
the infection becomes .appare'nt.,
Mich , and Mrs:- . :we Hamilton -spent- - g
each. other. The public is not ' admit- beans were first tested, at O.A:C. `ire rhe "disease centre 'was established
a few days fast, :week with their,
ted,. although the invitation to 'Mr: brother,Mr.` Arthur Cook' and other 1$93 and„distributed for co-operative' ay minute yellow specks''comprising
Brown and•other. newspaper writerstests to farmers in 1901. There are
shows that select member's from the: relatives. the disease areas on the roots bund -
A number from• here attended the many: ••purposes.. fbr ,which soybeans
outside World 'are welcome, probably can be grown. As a supp'lemen'tal liar les. Instructions for control of the
Graces at Generic • on. Mond diseasee--will be sent Out ' shortl
la -thehope-that they. may become crop they .have `an important -place. w y
A. large crowd • n :the dance
converts. •The organizer of the campIn .they
and quality of fodder the,
is Vincent Burke;' who runs: it on a in the' Paramount Community Hall Potato . Gatherin
_ last•,.Frida night crop ranks. high, and beinga legume, g
co-operative basis with the German y g soybeans are; beneficial -to the land. Friday, July 22,, marked an event
American farmer who owns • the 'pre- : The seed. . is the richest protein, pro if unusual '"'interest ion the potato
Mises. No Tipper is, admitted. • to' the . , ( sin that can ,be grown in.
of Ontario; when a "field'
`acing gr
community; the nudists being almost 1 this province. It also yields'a large lay" was ;held at•M'anvers'by the On
unanimously strict drys." It is ob- e e amount of oil which hasa, Wide com- rano • Department. of Agriculture :in
vious to the meanest intelligence that a cake or meal obtain • :on'unction with the Central.Ontario,
/ : 1, , t?, n mercial, use. Th J
e that nay with �, of•. so beans Po • •' ' -
the, ohje ts..do not get ha y ed from the p}ocessirig y .. tato Growers Ass n. Over 100` at
tlie,' object of ,having a' good time.-
' bo • • ' • to'excellent-high
ed� to - tion;.: �n� enjoyed ;a . .
They are intensely serious about extract'the oil ;is an excelle n � d `this' func
protein concentrate' which can be Spiel -lad program including ,the in
their rites,' and seem to be given to ' with good results in balancing rations spectian of. several potato fields and ;
leotures and 'the .uplift generally. In ' OF
for live stock. the discussion of potato;dseases..
A most. edifying' talk. was 'deliver -
Study y ed by John.Tucker, chief of certified
reed.' inspectors' for the Dominion.
Another address to receive particu- ,.• '•
(Furnished -by the ,Ontario Department of'Agriculture)
in 19.31nvas $36.60 as compared with •
an average -value of , $46.47 in' 1921.
N.ew •Corn Disease
Corn crops. of Western . Ontario
have a new menace in Stewart's
Disease, which has lrecorrie: prevalent
in Kent and Essex . Counties, with a
sprisklilig in Mi idlesex, ILamiaton,
ins^ s" tat' e
'No�ol�k•'-and°' �g •'°ttepre en rv, s-•'
from these counties *net recently to
consider° the rollefii. Dr: G. H, Berk-
of th o
mi ion lab-
l•; , a,h ef3
orator at .St•':Catharines, and I'raf.
Find Nes^ Disinfectant -
An effective .disinfectant for pool
try houses developed at the Domin-
ion Experimeptal Station, ' Lennox -
vile, Que., and one ' which is proving
entirely satisfactory for washing
poultry equipment and houses, is.
made up as follows:•
• Dissolve three-quarters of•.a,. Ib.
of concentrated , lye id:as•email • a
o ea -tint ee water -as-'. ossible.,-.1;,tWwa1L
.n y. # P
benecessary to' de this several hours,
is' required, as: the' lye should
before it q , . x
bold 'when used: _To this, add "'ilfa
'quarts of raw linseed:nil, sloyvly.,fitir.
offs• 'Bank ,'of Montinal.:ni the. ,Village, e P s' . sten i .e.
lift ti of theYsag , .work is . t "enty , . • E g .
e me*sl , . Vit. •' •. • . a revolt against things as' they are,
years.. : w � of, :Lucknow in the Counts?' of :Brucd> .. . , ''
i : • ° =..3. I ';e t: •• lawful, thewhich would.. be •a normal: ,ph'enom
' AND WHEREAS it is 'desirable to ... � had .be aw� ;for ...�, •; ,,.; r..
. : _ - :... . Reeve o#'. ti e_.said•.: - i*n esinalht_v...and:::enon in .Germany today:.' ; `Or,; o
raise, the• sum- ,of ..$7,500.00 for the � • .
*trims.) aforesaid by the issue.of ae. is'hereby authorized and.instruct-. course, 'they -May be simply nuts. No.
Debentures upon . the credit of the. ed• to sign and. issue. > Debentures 'doubt on.'the`: art of the American,
• Viihrge -..of : divekneinv; ..and-ior...,Web : ser-eby- authorized-to....be . issued• -and- p .., .
Pound' of • Go •caul' the . same to be •signed byy' nudists, such as those who art•, , as -
purpose: the:. Municipal .O .. al .... _-... _ _. _ ._....:.. ,-:..,. _... •- - _
said Village intends, by this' By-law ;the 'Treasurer of 'the said Municipal senibled' near 1Iighland,ra `strong mo,
' '. to create a' debt upon the said • Cor-. sty and the Clerk, of 'ills said Muni five would be'a desire to make'`thetn-
Potation of $7.500.00 with interest cipality is .hereby authorised and selves conspicuous and shock •the
ole '�
thereon •at the ,rate of ,five and' one- • directed =to attach, the seal. of • the said
Half mer cent per annum payable in Municittality...to 'the said Debentures.' Pe P • -
' twenty- euual ..annual instalments by 4. The "'Debentures shall bear the But we gather `that :the •• only pee-
the .issue'of Debentures with. coupons same date and shall . he issued `within shocking so far are • themselves : or
for'•the: payment of interest.two years .after the day on which the
attachedsaid .By -Law is passed and nay' bear
AND' WHEREAS- it is desirable` "
and the Municipal :,Council of said
' • Village of Lucknow•'has• deerniined.
to issue Debentures at' one time. 'and
to make the•• •principal, of said debt
repayable by' yearly minis during the
period _of • twenty years. • being the
• currency ;:of the said Debentures,
Mich yearly sums being of snith re-
. spective amounts that • the aggregate
amount' payable . in • each year' for
, principal. and. interest at the rate • of
' five:sand. `one=half per cent. per 'an
• num • in respect of the said debt shall
• be, .as nearly as• possible equal to the,.
amounts. so, payable in each 'of the
Ninteen other years' of said period
as shown in .the schedule hereinafter
mentioned. ' •
•AND • WHEREAS the . amount of•.
,the . Whole rateable property of the
said Village . of.- •Lucknow' according'
to' the last • revised AssessmeUt' Roll
• 'c f sai Municipality is the ' sum . of
`•123.1°- 1.00.
AND:WHEREAS'the present exis
stink .'debt of the •''said Village -Of rage -of -Luck '
now secured • by' Debentures ,is.. the
sum -of -$84:x,28.31, 4MienceLpert-of=the_
said' • sum .is in arrears ' '
AND WHEREAS.-for_._..payin¢' off_
..the said• principal' sum • of ' Seventy-
fve 'hundred 'dollars and interest • it
• • will be necessary - to • ':raise , in • the.
several years 'hereinafter,'mentioned
• •the following sums:.-
-;No. • Principal Interest., • • Total
1. 2215.10' • $412.50 , 8627:60'
• 2. 226.93' 400.87 • ' 627.60
3.• 239.41 ' 388:19 • 627.60
4. • 252.57: 375.03 627.60.
5: '266.46 , 361.14 627.60
6. 281.12' ' • 346.48 ._ •, 627.60
7. 296:59 . '331:01 627.6,0
8. 312.89 • • ' 314.71-• •027.60
-9. 330:11 ' 297.49, '627.60
10. 348.26 ' 279,34 627.60
i1.' 367.41• •260.19, 627:60
12.' , 387.62 . 239:98 627.60
13. • . 408.94 218:66 . 627.60
14. 431.43 196.17 627.60
15. 455:16 172.44 . 627.60'
16: 480.1.9 ' 147.41. 627.60
• 17. 506.60 121.00 627.60'
18: ' 534.47• • • 93.13 627.60
19. 563.86 63.74 627.60
20. • 594:88 • 32.72 '627.60
any date within such „two. 'years and
shall be' payable . in- equal annual in-
stalments during the ' twenty : years
Next 'after• 'the :time when the sane
are . , - issued: and the.- respective
amounts of °principal and •interest
aayable•-in each' year:shall` �be -as 'set'
forth in the •recitals hereto. • • •
.'S: THERE shall be raised and.
levied' 'in each' year by: special rate
on alt rateable. property in' the said
'Municipality a .sum s'ufiicient.. to dis-.
h'arge the several instalments of
principal and interest accruing :due
m the •said •Debentures as the, same
become respectively' payable•accord-
ing to th.e provisions of this By law..
6, . The said sum ••of; Se"venty-five
hundred ;dollars' shall be-, enameled..
when '.raised for'• the purpose set
;forth in the • recitals hereto.
7: This By-law shall come into
full' force and. effect , immediately' up-
on the final 'passing 'thereof.
Passed 'provisionally and dated at,
:he =Vi1'hsge- -of Lucknow ` this- S.even•
teenth •day of ..May,, A.D.. 1932. - , •
Fina•ily-nessed-thies Fifth -day -of -
July.; A.D. 1932.' • •
Robt. Rae:. -Reeve-
Joseph. Agnew. Clerk.
The above' is` a true copy of a By-,
law passed by the Municipal Cop ned
of the. Village of Lucknow- on'•the
Fifth day of July A. D. 1932.
And • all• 'persons • . are, hereby re-
quired" to take noti'ce that anyone •de=
sirous :.of applying to have such By-
law,• or .any, part thereof, quashed;
must make'.his application •for -that
purpose to • the Supreme Court of
Ontario, within three months next
after the 'first publication of this
notice in the newspaper :called the
"Lucknow Sentinel" or' he will be too
late to ,be heard •in that:behalf; '
Dated the 18th day, of July A.D.
1932. .. , •
Joseph 'Agnew, 'Clerk.
CU -LT OF NUDISM 'which he published in the'.New York
• • INVADES -N-• EW TOM World=fierhgfactr.. W ' du 'trot kir yr
whether there is any religious sign -
On a 400 -acre farm, nine miles I ficance in nudism. 1n fact, we know
west of .Highland, New York„ is a very little about the cult. Our own
nudist camp •composed of some 40 idea is that it is a revival of, sun
persons, men, women' ' and children. worship. That the sun's rays on the
Contrary to what one might suppose, human skin have a beneficial 'effect
the . colony does not seek seclusion in ' certain circumstances is well
or, atleast, any more seclusion than known. In Toronto there are thou -
the laws of' the land impose upon it. sands of persons who expose their
blicity3s_desiredj..for we_noted that bodies to the sun whenever they have
H;ayvdood • Broun, the :celebrated col- the opportunity. One .sees them on
• umnist, was invited to visit. the ;place the bathing beaches. One' tan 'see
and declined in a • thousand words, snores of . them . on the 'roof~ of the
the daytime they • go about the' pre- E SER Y " •
miresnor bathe in the lake quite nak-
ed.: There is a siren near the dining' DESCRIPTION
hall which suminons .. them to the
meals .which they eat. together, and--
also..soinds_an_alarin-_when._any_ ori- _ PRODUCED •
authorized visitors are detected. ,'It
is the. signal' for the nudists to don . ;. AT MODERATE PRICES
clothes. and all.of. them have shorts, '
or beach pyjamas handy.
Last .week; half, 'a `dozen' persons
were expelled :from the camp,, two
because they were supposed'to. be
detectives, three because they seemed
too-' curious, peeking indecorously at.
the `less repulsive of the nudists arid
tie other because'he, did not seem
to be any too well 'grounded in 'what
is called' the .philosophy of nudism.
There was another visitor 'about,
whose activities., the nudists were
justifiably' apprehensive.. ' N o b o d y
seemed to know who he was., but he•
turned up in a motor car, ingratiated•
himself with the' members of the
colony, took pictures of them all, se-
cured • their names and _then. departed
in a cloud of dust. Before he went,
he was knocked down • by another
stained from taking picturesH hi -
photographer who had himself
mysterious' stranger would seem to
be in• possess"ion of documents which
might set him•up in a thriving little
blackmail business, for some of the
nudists who 'have respectable_ posi-
tions would " naturally shrink ' from
having their hobby,' revealed to the
outside worlds probably ii the form
of sensational news photographs: -
When the camp started one of the
rules • was that- visitors- might • -wear
clothes or. not just as they pleased.
But the •nudists protested. They in -
Do You Want or Can You . Supply Any of These?
Honey •
Live Stock
Seed Grain
Young Pigs
Baby Chicks
Maple, Syrup
Shrubs or Plants
Why •. Not Try a Classified Advertisement in,
The -L 1 now -§entittel
Used Piano '
Auto Parts
Lost Article '
Found Article
House and . Lot
Money to Loan
Furnished Room
Moveable Bhllding'
Second Hand- Article s
Housemaid '
Farm Help '
Rented House -
Money on Mortgage
Bpsiness Opportunity+
And Many Other Articles
and Services
They Get Results 'and Cdst But Little •
Help dome' Industry by havingr
your ',Printing done in Lucknow
Phone '135
'0 -
_Market Closer
Marketing conditions'.,and systems
have been rad e.allysehaiiged bytruck
transportation and jobbers who own
trucks. • •
There is • no doubt that the truck.
has extended marketsto grower:.
Some recent occurrences show the
disadvantages, not so much of the
truck as a means oftransportation
but of 'jobbers.'There are cases where
these men,. have taken advantage of
growers • who have ' ..not up-to-date
•knowledge of markets. As an example`
of this. might be noted, an early car-
-rot -grower in Southwestern ..Ontario
was, approached by a . buyer who
owns his own truck. •This particular
grower did not have up-to-date know-
ledge of the markets and took what
the'itrucker offered. The grower,'much
to his sorrow, later learned that he
sold his eaxrots at one-third the mar-
ket 'price.. '
It would seenn ,that growers who
are selling their products to , truck
ers should study .niarkets very close -
Tar ,appreciation was that of J. T.
Bassin; Ontario Marketing Board.
The speech of Prof. Henry G. Bell
if the 'Department of: Chemistry at
:A.C�' was well received. ' '
Other speakers included •E. K.:':
fiampson; Canadian Potash Syndicate.
t, H. , Stinchfield '•of New York, who .
a editor of . the "Better Crops with
Plant. Food" publication: ;Major Black
Canadian Industries • Ltd.; C. E. Brou-
',Ahton, Ontario Marketing Board.
A potato dusting : deiinonst�ration.
conducted in the evening, earned the
concentration of everyone in atten-
dance. • • •
Fertilizer Tests on Wheat
Definite results from the applica-
tion of fertilizer to fall wheat have'
been obtained by 73 farmers in On-
tario. Already •there are 232 plots •
under tests and under the supervis- •
ion 'of the Chemistry Department 'of '
ly, set their prices according . to the' Agricultural College. Most of the
• C.-•-.
-these-�-=haldfng�for--that=_ m .. _ es�eit-used;..._-
' amount. After three years of this e-ligre"r.
' The Misses Simpson ofpronto are •. , mental Werk the Chemistry 'Departs
spending a few days wit Mrs, BateWeekly Crop Report meet makes the statement that -win
and their uncle, • Mr. John Simla -
son. At last report Eastern and Nor- ter .killing of wheat.can be overcome
Miss lI Sadie Gillies of Winnipeg there Ontario were quite dry 'with'the to a large extent by applying suit=
result that hay was not much over I able fertilizers, on . well drained soil.
spent the week -end with •her aunts .half a crop and pastures were brown also it was foulid • that 'fertilized
Mrs.. D. Gillies . and. Mr -s. Alex Rin- with a •corresponding fri'nkage m vilest stools out much. more abun•
tool and other relatives.. ' milk flow. Raiff is • needed in those .dis- lantly than does unfertilized wheat.
We are sorry to report Miss Janet tricts°to assure a good yield'in-spring Fertilized wheat ripens more uni-
Craig-to he._on_the sick list. Vire hope grain .and hoedserops- 25 -acre fiele' ormly, than unfertilized wheat, and
for a speedy recovery..of alfalfa in Peel which was cut June 3 to •10 days earlier. Also a satis-
The S. S. picnic which was held . at 8th, 'has blossomedagain and was factory catch of clover and grass • is .
the tenth bridge Friday, was enjoyed. ready a week ago for the mower for. nearly always 'obtained if fertilizers
by a- good number, as. the weather the second crop. Dufferin reports ar are used when seeding •grain. • ' --
is very catchy for picnics. unpromising outlook . for potatoes. Fertilizers applied with the '•drill
Mr. acid Mrs. Harry Lee motored Forty acres -of. alsike seed were thre- hive better results than the 'same
from Toronto and spent the week- shed en one farm in' Essex, with a fertilizers when applied broadcast. '
end with her parents, Ma, and Mrs. yield ontwo bushels per acre: Tobac- Asthe increase in yields. is the de -
Alex Rintoul. Mr. Rintoul' is not as eo will not give es high a yield as siding factor in using fertilizers 11
well as his many friends would wish.. last, year. in • Norfolk.. Prospects for ex a ,bushels per acre ,seems to
ai ood tomato harvest are excellent leve a margin of profit. This was
Miss Hannah Aitchison and Miss g
Mary Laidlaw, who have been ser- in mast districts. There are approxi- the average obtained in the past two s
iously 'ill, are improving, we are glad mately 50 fields of registered grain year•s. There is an added benefit for. '
to .report.. in Renfrew County. Blueberry , bar • one or two years', in the stand of
vest is in. full. swing in 'Norther;n dn- clover and grass following wheat.
Miss Annie Kennedy has gone to tario.
London for a few weeks to relieve
at 'Parkwood Hospital, while the nur Value of Live Stock•hUCBNOW and WINGHAM-
ses 'are on vacation.
Mrs. Sid ,Ferguson and son Donald Interesting. figures on agriculture Monumental Works
of London. spent a few days at the compiled from the 19'31 census have
just.iseen" released. One bulletin 'shows
Manse of her stint, Mrs, Clow. the total value. of live stock and bees
Mr. and Mrs. Green of North Bay for Ontario is $172,581,376, as corn -
visited a few days with. her parents
pared with a value of ' $'275,005,271
Ar. and Mrs. Frank Henry. for 1921, or a decrease of $62,423,895
Miss Lila, -Leggatt is visiting, with or •26.56per tent This decrease is
friends at Bluevale. partly evplairied in numbers of the
Mr. Elwell Webster was. at Dun- various classes of live stock and part -
can nedy's• welding for a couple ly by a decrease in° values which has
of days preparing the threshing ma- taken place `during .the, period. Tlidre
' - 4.72
• -cent. in value. But while she
..... perce
chine,as he expects to be threshing was a decrease m ten years of
this week. per cent in nuniber of cattle
23.32 pe e the
tote* number of cattle has decreased
Main in uniform of_..a driver of an'
" during "Che zltc ale; -lire number of 'oiSes'nib'efOW i - eitl your order.,
armored track walked into a Nes' calves', heifers and. cows in milk or
in calf has increased, tending
York bank acid was given a package to show ,
with over $50,0,,00. t was later found that the dairy itdustry has advaiiced Douglas Bros. E. A- Spotfoe•
the $50,-• during the, same period. The average Phone 74 ' Phone 256
'price per -*lilt of ,cattle of all .' sag' ...' , . 4 Whig 1.
he was a bandit. He took
000 4or a riles '
• °• . LUCknow,• Ont.
Has the• largest and most complete
'Stock in the most .beautiful designs
to choose from, in-
WH make a Specialty of
Fancily monuments and invite
your Inspection.
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and
Promptly Done.
aM a�y.,f ,.•(�uNkl'.s.