HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-04, Page 1�.- $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE; $2:50 OTHERWISE. , 0. LUCKNOW, ONT., ThURSDAY, . AUGUST 4th, 11942. 'DENTIST Dr. R. L Treleaven, Lucknow.: Hours: 9-12 4. M. 1.30--5 P.M PHONE -53 R -R -AMC ... , . WANTi1D Electric Pump and' - Rressure.: Tank-= Second hand. n. T Harold', Ackert.. All'epford. We have in stook Brantford, Twitle, " the twine i atav e ,.70.trouble.n.. d 'goes .fart est WM. iJRDI ' SON N OiJ QE oti a b `ve hat a n N i' "ere i t C a + 3'"*' .e. h. yR�.. Law' was passed• by: the Couneil of the Village of Lucknow on the • 5th, dim of aily,_A.D. _I9 2, providin for... the issue of debentures to the amount • of $7,500.00 for the'. purpose of ton- strutting -a : cement pavefnent on Havelock- street from Campbell street to Ludgard street:* said Village and other, improvements, and that :.such. By -Law was registered in the •Reg istry `Office for the Registry,. Division Of the County • of 'Bruce on the_19th. day of. July "A.D., 1932. Any motion to quash or. set aside the same'; or' any .dart thereof must be made • With - In three months after the ' first publi-.. cation of this notice and cannot • be made thereaf�er. Dated. the 6th 'day of 3uly , 1932. , JOSEPH-;AGNEW, Clerk. "CLERK'S-NOTICE0 1r 'IRST' POSTING' OF VOTERS' LIS`! Voters' List, 1932; Municipality ,of the, ` Township of ,' Kinloss, County of Bruce- ... Notice is - hereby given, that I have transmitted ordelivered to: the per-:' sons mentioned .in section 9 of The (-ntario. Voters' •Lists Act, the Copies required by . said sections to be ao transmitted or delivered of • the List, madepursuant to . said Act, of all persons' appearing. "by the last revised Assessment Roll •Roll of the said Munici- pality. to ° be entitled to vote in the •said " Municipality. at . .elections . for members of the Legislative Assembly "and at Municipal Elections; and that the said List was first • posted up at my office at R. 2, Holyrood on the 25th day of -July, •1932; and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to .--have-any-errors or --omissions- ••cor- rected according .to law, the "last- day 'for- appeal being the 16th -day., of August 1932. + ,Dated this 25th day of July, .1932. J. R. LANE, • Clerk of ' Township of Kinloss. TIRE DESTROYS LAE.GE, BARN Spontaneous Combustion, Causes' Out- break Which Rapidly 'H'azes Barn And Prevent Saving ,Of Any Of The .Contents- • s The large .,frairie: barn apd its con- tents, the property' of Mr:' Jun ;Sher wood, Who; lives a Mile and a' (put-, er west of 'Glenn's Hill, . was destroy- ed by fire, caused-'from.'spontaneous combustion, which• broke out on Sat- urday evening; about •five o'clock. So quickly was the building enveloped: in : flames that it was impossible to remove any of the contents. As well as his entire hay op, • 1Mr. Sherwood lost his hay -loader, mower and car, some ninepigs and poultry. The loss is partially covered by insurance. The wind was fortunately blowing away from=their-home,__wbich_was°. nor ens dangered. . ' . . - • A loud report -Wes the only warning ,f• ' the impending conflagration and In but a few moments. the ' entire. building was 'a .raging' inferno, which prevented access to' the. building and soon reduced :sit to, a 'smouldering mass. Mt. Sherwoodwas working tufo fields .back of: the: barn when the loud :,spout w.as }.beard, •evbi h' was also j heard by neighbors' as for` distant as half a. mile and . in lint a' moment` flames. appeared. "to be leapingfrom. almost every section of the buildin'g. Rushing to the barn, the 'extreme heat •'from the ' rapidly spreading flames. prevented an approach to the !wilding and ,Mi. 'and Mrs. Sherwood: could do nothing ; but stand back with the increasing nufnbere of neighbors who were .arriving; and -.watch: the lire : demon :.conpleteTtts-destrir ti0ti: HORSE SHOE;�TOSSING— The Lucknow Horse Shoe' Tossers are having' a local tournament, Aug. llth. on Jack McDonald's • grounds. If you are interested in tossing the shoes, hand '•yourname in. Draw to be made . at 5 o'clock .sharp., , There will be prizes. ON FISHING TRIP Messrs. A. W. Hamilton, Garfield MacDonald, Jack McQuaig and Jack McDonald, left on Saturday for , a wetk's fishing pip up north and no doubt some fish stories .will be forth- coming on their return. TIE . SCENIC ' WEST AS :.. THREE TRAVELLERS .SEE IT' ENTHUSIASTIC GARDENER' A phenominal growth, the product of an imported seed (from, over the. back fence) with careful cultivation, by Mr. •F.• T. Armstrong, had .grown to amazing proportions and gave promise of producing 'a prize win- ning sunflower, of hollyhock or what- have you. Alas the consternation of the horticulturist to find this budding beauty none other than 'a nine -foot burdock. But the joke does not end there, pressure having' been brought to bear upon ua, however, we can say no more. Mr. Armstrong may.let you inon it. • •4` Provincial Constable Transferred Announcement has beenmade by Walter Moore,'Inspe'etor of Provincial Police -at Kitchener, of the tranfer of - Constable Whiteside to Waterloo, to September ' lot, Con - take effect on Con- stable P: E. McCoy of Waterloo. will come to Goderich,• according to the same announcement. ' Specials in Silk Bose, Mesh' Hose, White Gloves, Etc. THE MARKET. The Trip West Interestingly Describ- ed By "The Three Travellers" Who Left Ladino: The Latter Part .Of June. • Ladner. B. C.. 1932. Perhaps you would like to hear PAVEMENT-REAbY IN TWO.WEEKS The laying of concrete •on`Havelock. ';Street -was.' completed laot week and in. the ,course o .a cut, two weeks will • _R` ident of This District .Celebra be open to traffic. The County crush. t ,ger 90th Birthda .o Friday. 4}! Y n Y xwM. Receives Felicitations On , 90th Birthday lilies Elizabeth Webster, ebster, , -Pioneer The Bread.* of . x'ealth . SINGLE COPIES CENTS The Bread of Health 4. Crushed—:stone his being used. in patch- ing G, and gravelling,' Where ' it is •nec- es$ary oai the =gravel•,roads in' the lage , A'.considerable•. 1quantity, ••, of. • ravel is also' oin� through the' machine ti be. used in building .upthe,:-, shoulders along_the-newly laid. con=. trete. • Conservatory :Mune Examination, Results The following pupils of 'Mrs. G. , Smith, . Mus. .Bac.were successful Associate: Piano, A. T. C. M., Honors=M-ay-Redmond. . Associate Pedagogy -Honors-May Redmond;; . Jean - Long. Intermediate . Pianp Honors.-Donalda McCallum;• Blanche 'MacDougall. Pass-Winnifred Ackert Intermediate Harmony' , Honors—Jean. Long. • Intermediate History . Honors—Jean Loeg. Junior -Piano Honors—Grace, , Blake; Florence. Mc- Quillin. Pass—Edith`• Smith;. Donalda Douglas. Theory of' Music • Honors -Peggy. MacDonald; Myray MacDonald. Elementary'. Theory Honors—Donalda "D,ouglas.;' . Pass Rexford Ostrander. Primary • Piano Honors -Rexford'' Ostrander. Frank MacKenzie; Ruth MacQuillin; Wilmer MacKay. Pass — G'Graharn Sherriff; Annie 'Watson. Elementary ,Piano Honors—Marion MacDonald; Laurin Miller. Pass—Jean Thom; Jennie Pearlman Annetta, Fisher. Introductory Piano 1 Honors — Helen MacDonald; ' Lyla Richards; Helen Hamilton; Maurice Pearlman. Pass --Jean Nelson; Hilda Lane.; Melvin Morrison. • i OQ°Jo' of Candidates . were success-` •The ,pupils of • Mrs. G. A. Newton trying examinations all successfully passed as follows: Primary Piano. First Class Honors—Eunice Newton. Honors—Myrtle Webster; Frances • Armstrong. Primary Theory Honors—Myrtle Webeter. . , Elementary Piano :First --Class—_: ionore hath Parker4: Honors—Mary McKim. Introductory Piano First Class Honors—Caroline Allin; Louise Greer. ' Honors-Norina Wea- therhead. New Overalls, Smocks, Shirts, 'some of the adventures of the three) Pants, Socks, Ete. for work men.- travellers who left home on the morn - int[ of June 21st. for a • three thous- and mile lonrney. ' As, we bearded -the train that ev- entful morning it was with a feeling of lonliness and a• regret at not being ible to take all our loved ones along. We ' arrived et Salmis at noon. • the: youthful member of our party being thrilled with his first ride on a train. The palatial craft "The Hamonic" was there waiting'for us. We got on board; had dinner, got things adjust- ed, found our."bearings. and then it was time to set sail: and with . the sound of the• whistle. the pulling in of the, envie-planks. and the waving good-bye to friends. we were away. What a memorable 'sail! Such glorious weather! And with a family of 65 on board we soon made same fine friends and joined in with the festivities, Soon a call came to crime and loin the "Mile March. We won- dered ' what it meant, hitt we, soon found out and when we heard • the sound of the "Pipes" we were stir- red to action, We all got in line and ,marched around' the deck 6 times, which made .a mile. lead by .the "Pipes:" the "Kettle Druni" . and the "Large Drum." B It was rather hard to keen in step -as we had not yet found our ,se'a- leg`, and. the boat was rolling a, bit. ..e _ef ic_. The service was, -fines -and all- seemed so happy. and entered into things so enthusiastically. The hostess on board left no stone unturned in making everyone happy. We had an enter- tainment each night :and, all imnrom- tu. Anionic the crowd some very fine soloists were discovered, and when anyone was: asked to .contribute they responded %gladly.- so that we heard rrie very fine singing and'Speaking cry early next morning we were told that we were to sail .into St. Mary's River so we got up, early as We wanted get the worth out of _.,_ W • our 'moneys and I can assure Von' We were not disetppointed. (Cdritiirued on Pace 4) NOTICE To ktitoniobile-Olefnera MR, A. E. TRAPL1N . Will Take charge ALL REPAIR WORK at Ford Garage COMMENCING .AUGUST 8th.. atiafaction • Guaranteed On Ali ...._ Work + . PRICES ' 1 EASD'iVABLE 5 ' THE• MARKET Andrew -Lane • Picnic • Sixth Annual Get -Together Held In, Harbour Park, Goderich, on Thursday The sixth annual picnic of the de- cendants of the late Wm. Andrew and Mary Lane was enjoyed by up-• wards of 100 members of the two family ,groups on Thursday, July 28,; in (arbour' Park, Goderich. TJnfo tunately the adverse haying weather detained many from inaking preparation. for the day. Those '•at.o did; were not favored with pleasant weather for .picnicking. The usual foot -race events were dispensed with SO the stars will have ,to. content themselves with; the hope that the sun• shines more brightly next . year. The one big event of the day was -a softball , game played by the Andrew -Larne nine who had one score in the lead. over a team from St. Helens's Tnatittite, who •were picnicking:;_. at Harbour Park as well. Some of the 'members were from points as far distant as Windsor, Toronto and Elora: Other points re, presented were Walkerton, Kinlough, Lpeltalsli, Lucknow, . Lanesville and Goderich. ,The `oldest iriember,of the family to be present was Isaac -Andrew, who is president of the organization, which .. dirtiedfamily g oil the six ,�:et`to- has gethe7re, The ,youngest..was. the .infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lam; Kitilouglt. riday,•;J.uly 29th; marked' the pass- ing f tie • 90th : Milestone in : the life of: '•.venerable old.1 `'k�: of the .village, `Lizzie Webst �• "Aunt er," as She has- eon* to be :knownTby young and old. Throughout 'thus •eventful.',day. many friends and relat,aves calla& 4001i: h4"., extending ,'':hearty congratulations and -bestowing Many gifts, bouquets and 'greeting cards. --Miss - Webster had -.been quite smart and active until about a .year ago, and enjoyed life to the full, be- ing ;fond of games and doing- fancy work, and delighting •:above all in, dishing and entertaining her friends. Early in. March she suffered a fall and has . been confined, to bed' since; but ;frequent visits .of her friend&' are . _ occasions which thorn- uglily,. please her. • ' Miss • Webster, one. of a 'family of ten, .came to this district with her parents, ;thea -late -Mr;- and ., Mrs., Dan, lel Webster, in the year 1854, when at that -time there was little more than a ` foot ' path 'through the bush from`elfast to Lucknow • and a : log served a'•.m.eans, of crossingi_the. Nine . Mile River' Miss Webster was born .at Norval . where herparent3 settled on coming out from Ireland. Of the family of ten all lived to be. over sixty years 'of. age, five passing the four 'score . mark; and now Miss Webster at the ',age of 90 and her sister, Mrs. Anderson, 92 years. _ of age,J,alone remain. ATTENDING CONVENTION Dr. R., L. Treleaven• will not be in his office _from Miniday; August 80i, till -Saturday morning, August '113th, as be will be in attendance at the Joint Convention of the British, Can- adian and Ontario Dental' Association at the Royau York Hotel, ,Toronto: ;VOCAL RESULTS The two vocal atudents`of 'Mrs. 3. W. Joyntt, who tried • examinations were both' successful'. Jessie' Mac Kenzie. 'received honors standing . in the Junior vocal, and Myra MacDon- ald acDonaid -passed the Intermediate vocal.. Former Whitechurch Resident Passes Mr. A ek eWncdr- Succumbs --r Guelpht-Was • Bora In • 'Kinloss • Township. • - There passed away at Guelph on Monday afternoon, July' 25th, at his residence, 21 .Andrew St., a • well- know.,naandhighly , respected resident in the person of Mr. Alexander (San- dy) Kennedy, Sr., in his 66th year, He was born on the 2nd con., Kinloss and:lived. in that community until he went to , Gd'elph about. 25 years ago: He is survived by three sister and ttvo brothers, Mrs. Annie MeCarri Sault St. Marie; Mrs. James Purvis, Lucknow; Mrs. Prank McCloskey; Guelph; John and David Kennedy of Whitechurch. Two sister, Mrs. Dan McIntosh and Mrs. McLeod and.' one brother William, passed away some - OUR 'MOTTO IS QUALITY AND SERVICE ,• T'HRIFT IS 'COMMON-SENSE . APPLIED TO SPENDING. FOR .EY•rg:RLy,-P.ENN SPENT N O1 R. TAKE; J E�11? ., .GIVE5 YOU . BIGGEST '7FOOD. "VALUE. • RICH.- FRUIT' CAKE –= 2' lbs. Sc. .. ,• . — .,PUFF COF.6A E•.TEA• BISCU . RASBERRY. TA.RTLETS BREAD OATMEAL'C.okES ., - c, • Y S�KKrr,, B Y3 Luck -40W ._: HALL' Foye.. QUALITY 'Local & General Mrs. • Freeman is visiting with friends' in Seaforth. Mrs.' Alex .McCarrol is 'a visitor with friends- in__Mitshell. Mrs, D. Paterson is visiting with friends in Woodstock' this week. Miss Winnifred. Webster of Toronto is spending her vacation at her home. Mr. Clarence Murdie ..was up' from Listowel fro•' spendthe week -end 'with his Barents. Miss-EnGla--Buswell-of Exeter -was- a.recent visitor atthe borne of Mr. and Mrs: J. W: Joynt. • , .. Mt. and Mrs.' . E. C. Lindsay return- ed .to • Toronto ' on'„Monday, following a week's vacation with;, relatives• here Mr.' and Mrs. Huntley Gerdon of Detroit, are spending a' few days at the home of; Mr. and: . Mrs. , H. R. 'Miss Ada Webster has returned home after 'spending 'a couple of weeks in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Arens. • - Mr. and. Mrs., Charles •Richardson Of Teeswater and Miss O. L. Hollway. of Chatham are . visitors with Misses Jean and Isabelle Douglas. Kr, Charles Webster of Toronto is taking a rest cure at his home here,. prior to a nose' and. throat operation which he intends to undergo. Mr. R. D. Cameron is spending the wek in town before 'setting out ori --a ,north"ern bii'siness trip, which will take him as far west as Winnipeg. Misses Arabelle Cameron, Marjorie Henderson, Hazel Culbert and Nancy Brown are spending di' couple of weeks at Cottage 100, Bruce Beach. New .Materials • to make up, into Children's school clothes and 'New Ready Weiir Garment's. _.. -THE MARKET I fr. 11 ornell;Ashley : orne , A: D. Hornell;. Mrs. A. D. Hornell, Mr. Bruce Hornell and Miss L. Hornell, Toronto, visited in town over ' the week -end. Mr. 'George Cantelon and Miss Lynda Cantelon of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of Souris, Man.; visited last week at the home of Miss Webster, Ross St. Misses Isabelle Johnston, Winni- fred .Jobns'ten7 s Audi "Fis'hei� AA - Margaret Hofstetter and Merle -John - sten ate at present camping at the foot of the boundary. - Mr. and Mrs:' E. S. Caswell and daughter Shirley of Toronto and Mr. Billy Todd of Winnipeg, spent a day last week with their old friend, Miss Elizabeth .Webster. ,•• �•. time ago. The funeral services were conduct- ed on `Wednesday.' afternoon by Rev. D. H. Marshall, pastor of St. An- dre'w's•Presbyterian church. The flow- ers were numerous • and plentiful. The deceased was always a` great lo- ver of flowers. The .pallbearers were Messrs. Chas. Dempsey, Richard Montgomery, Robt. Paterson, Hugh Robertson, , George Siiotter and Bert Leparde. ' Those from this community who attended. the funeral- were Messrs. John ahid Peter Kennedy, Mrs. David Kennedy, Mrd and Mrs. Duncan Ken- nedy, Mr. and Mrs. hones 'Purvis and 'Keitnie,•'Mts. W. Bolt, Mrs: John Reid, Mrs. ,Lorne Durnin and Miss Donalda McCallum. • ..BAND !TATTOO, A1JGUS " 16th Keep in mind the fact that Tires. P day; :gust 16t1i, is the date of an - nun] Band Tattoo in Lucknow. Sandy MacDonald,• the efamous Scotch en- tertainer, will contribute various numbers. Six hands are eepected to be lir'e'sent. 'and 'a dance in the- Tow'! Hall Will conclude the'' evening. Your. Eyes and', Our Service BYT.'ARMSTRON,G i.ucicaaw • , SUCCEEDING THESE . DAYS :Is .'difficult _enough. without ijw- c, essary. handicaps Good health and' energy, 'plus,, are needed. Mans and many:'a person' is being ;re- 'tarded . by the results . of imperfect , vision. 'Do 'you suppose'an eye de-* feet is slowing YOU' nip? You' may -irot'fie-able-to-ansv!rer-that-ques---- tion, but our examination would.. Continued . next week s 11/4 Wallpaper'. Walk up town and- -eve• moue . We ,h ve a lar ; e dis- play . of Wallpaper .priced 'to suit every purse. 8c`itp.' Sun, worthy, reg. 45c ; for :30c., • and`' reduction ”. on work' being done. '. R. J CAMERON•' Painter, Decorator & Grainer _ooa_-.-T ur.•:ning Alt' Manner. off .Irregular and Regular Wood Turning Done Such As • Neckyokes, Whifiletrees, Implement Handles; Hay 'Racks Wheelbarrows, &c.., &c. - Neil MacInnes - Block South of C.N. R. Depot. MOTORISTS ! ATTENTION! The 1, annual Sunday School and Congregational picnic of St Peter's Anglican Church, will be held on Thursday, August 4th; (to -day) at Harbour Park, Goderich. Mrs. Humphrey, her daughter Lilian and Miss Stanldy of Toronto, and ,,Mrs.. Fryfogle of Wingham, spent the recent holiday at the home of Mrs, A, D. ' MacKenzie. Mrs. George oak of Windser, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford of Tilbury and Mr. ' and Mrs. Roy Caslick and son frpm Cargill, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Aitchison of -Lucknow last week. 'Millan andRevv . and Mrs: INA Mac family Were callers in tovait on Sun- day, when Rev, MacMillan took a part in the , morning service in the United Church. Miss Enols Buswell also contributed a • pleasing solo. Mrs. Jessie MacInnes, Detroit, Mrs. Frank La Metre, Chicago and Archie MacMillan Mr's. , North Da- kota, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. J; McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ting, Ruth,, 'Eddie, and Bruce were also- week end visitors, ,at- the Me - Millan home, A Ford Garage • Now Operated By Garfield Ostrander Having taken over 'the FORD 'GARAGE in - Lucknow, we are prepared' to offer the motoring public, PROMPT ' SERVICE, and as lin any other business relations, SQUARE DEALING., Gas Pumps are in operation • and a stock . of (41s , anjl Accessories on hand. 'NOTICE The annual meeting of the Luck - now Elevator Co., Limited, will be held Saturday,' August 13th, at 8 P. M. in the. Council room, Carnegie,' Hall, to deal with the annual report electiolt of oiliicers, etc. • -James Alton, President. • ASHFIELD' CIRCUIT f Quarterly meeting at Blake's— Sunday, August 701 at 11 A.M. 0.: / August 14th, the ung '- People's Societies of. the Circuit will Conduct the • services. ' BORN CHIN—In Lucknow, on Monday. August 1st,. te• Mr. and Mrs. Charles - Chn, a deitghter. Bey's Whodpee Pants; Boy's Karlyi 'Shorts; Boys Karki . Long pants, Shirts, Sweaters, Ete. THE MARKET i-5