HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-11, Page 5..,, At, e ' ,c,4?,:•;,::".4.",:ril",.';2,f,Ff.,,,,„,t,,,-",,,zpiogort,.,*134'; f ' '
,„„;,-„t^„,0: "-01-6‘44•,,oc
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AlgotsT tth 19$2
• ' :
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• • •
• . 4.4:1V2C,41..I0 WSE N 11P.M.10.. • • . •
• .1.• • •
rr Punz pin
. ". __(,100 TIIE. -
• fitattalifttit: r'OtitittI
• Edited •
• ' .
, „ • Pregnancy hi normal process
• through' Which' the average healthy
Ylettlen ahle,
• • any ppeeial danger. It hi; ' however,
. • a
condition which throws an unusual
egisary,. that" the. body ehOuld 'be Prat'
,• • .„ , pared -for . additienel "Strein.•
Every.:'eXpectant mother obonlitieer
. eeivo,,.pra-natnt cure. Pr -natal eare
• marina 'Oust...ea:ai in her iiiegnenek•
,• .eitpeet,int• 'wither ..goeil"'•.tn: a." doe -
tor Ii&e ileZtOr.rii*Ite*" the nee‘iiitit
• " •• •• •
eteni na • one n.aecer a, .0 con,
nitron . of. the • :vvOtinan: Throughout
pregnancy the woman,..re-
' . Mains under• the regular upervision
' Of her dector. • ,
•'.There are many ..good .reatens for
' •• :Pre -natal' care. Some women .arte.thif-
• feting from . abnormal conditions
,which make pregnancy cOmparatiVely.
''"'• • . .unsafe for them, They . may not. be
aware of the fact that they '.have a
. contia,eted.pelvis, Or that their heart
or their...kidneyli are not normal,. The
• early • discovery.: of .such • conditions.
allowa the doetor to plan fot the
• special. •date• such eases require.' •
, Pre -natal care , is essentially pre -
We desire elc00 Wm.
•'• cengratulatione :winnlIng the"
Orangenian en parade at Gedeneli.
Mr: Miller 'was born in ireland,...,,in
1340 gemming to this •country When es
baby. Ile joined Lucknew L.O.I.
428.over 'Seventy -years ago and is
still in connection with; Ltickprar
Lodge, having. been -made itn• Hon-
orary Moldier some fifteen, years
On a-warratit, issued on July 12th,
charging perjury -when giving evi-
dence at a sitting of -the'Supreme
Court .in Walkerton 'last 'May, Itoir-
alit A. Burgess, of Southampton, was
arrested -in Sandwich lest Thursday.
Burgess was: 'idaintilf• in. itn• action
against the Town ' of. Southampton,
(Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture)
Weekly Crop .Report
The quality a the 1932 whet crop
is fair and yields are good, &crag"
in 30'tO 46 bushels per acre. Thresh-
suPervision whicie is the only prat- Mr. Miller walked from his 'home on. claiming damages • for injuries sits... lug has been general in most. loceli-
ventive in its nature. It provides'the ,_
dad ineanii"whereby eXpectent moth -the 12th of July morning at 4 AHtained when be fell last New Year's ties. Haying operations drag on and
era may be• safegUarded from: the to attned Lodge. We cannot help but day in that municipality, breaking many unharvested hay fields are
cenditiont which sometimes • arise as
a • menace- to health, andlife7, N.O..Ona
can.altY jh'What-welted ..tirerwlirit
velop,..•tio: it• is necessary to wet
.overalt expectant Mothene throu
,Pee-netal car fqr all•
./.1s14 fnh, 44:4 ilpglvable'to inake
' .
'— • is • ' old -the --1 :'• . - - dentAn-Central-and-.We.steine•Ontario:.
admire men e t wh •-'uph •
his night leg m two placpS: Mr. ps-
Protestant faith and by their, ster-
tr,follow. Mr.' Miller *es 92 years
h. old 24th. Mr.,*Xiller.*on the
Prize . out of eighteen centestante
ranglisg from 78 to 90 Years Cif.,age,
.. '
he was the Whohad
tiCe Gairone, awaided him $1 000:
damages, but the Town of Smithamp-
ton, through' its counsel, Mr. a E.
KleinKX.,..,moired to have'this juds
gement itet aside or to }levee new- estimatedtit 90 pen.cent.. of the .
Barley and 'rye crop are satisfacs
".,ry, With ontriatliertin-evele- Correis-
backwaid, ;while roots premise an-.
average crop. The toba,eco .crop is
Lambs Die Needlessly. , ,
"'Many young lambs die••needless-
13"," 'declares Dr. Lionel' Stevenson.,
provincial zoologist, in an - appeal to
farmers to stop the tragic loss of so
many' lambs 'before they are ten days
old. In a little booklet issued by the . , .'
'Provincial , Li*nch
, Stock Bra, die
states three silin causes of death: • •
Lninbs,: arid Necrobacillosie of , Lambs
. ,
Dr. •Mktrer?son: :outlines Axe Cause the: :, ,...-
Symptozho anti, the . proper treatment
°pregnancy but.
.„ : •
• • •
only pne tshould riar granted. on :. the groundinige.Pasturage kegbeen well Main
that: „
of thee• ,diseasee, In cbrielusion 'lin ,,,.
in ,iis Conffortiibles aa 'poagibie,. .PaSsed__Lthe ',four -Score and ten- mark, _tureen.' perjured. hiiiitelf. . • ' •,. talned •by an abundance of moisture :.
. declares "It Pais' to : Maintain ' le,'
When the condition .of •;:the7methe.ri is We ,-tiopeMr.. ',IMMO'. may 'lsee .111:eril ,••Tilli. ell.PlAe:-Aetrif Stiygess:41 that: i' VirFcl,!'''e'401:1g.,:.?n !0'•'.1.:481.4§." hab mit degree of sanitation,.,..,iiheii. the • ' • ''''. • 7 '.. '
known the :eiWetor:•Cah'tlIteei.her',Mede: more erin,6; OelebtaiiOno. . .„ • ' ' ':-.: 'he. did .CoMmit ' FleOui•y.• ;# theSits ;been, gOoerat. : - , ' ' ,::,--, . . toss f -.ne . .1 . b ' represents' - .. ',- •: . 's ; , •
Of filing so that her. health Will .be :' Mrs : Jaa. Spaelfreati of London i.s tIngs Of the Supreme_ Cquit Of Oa' ' - . • : ' • s. • ....".:s. ' '''; .' :' of ,money equal • to the" • additional '..''.• •:•• ''
.. _con.ditions. Dead IiiiiihTfiraye-'"-val"
Marketing Immature 'Flint Pius" labor requited:1 to7' niaintafn hygienic
mamt-a-ficied and ,:icOmfott seared at- "ninitingr'St; present I -with - her 'sister tarip,heisi in Wilkteton before' .11fr.
the same tithe. - . i Mrs. W. M. Champion. ' .. Justice,Garrow, "by wearing that he 'Lowe! C°nsuinrchin • ' ,
It Will:he painted out to the expecr Mr. ./..firait "Bweni. anti •Iii614'.'' Ida -did not fall nt or on thestep of the While certain growers persist in
de: Keep them' alive that their, may
put in good condition. There is no aweek'si visit with friends' at Him- Hause'xit° High StiOai, bat tilait I'le we
opening from the Walker placing immature flint on the Market
cannot expect home consumption • , • • ,
7 grow into, money. Clean up •to -day" '
: • • —
tent motbet that, her teeth should be Sills retUrned home last week from doorway . .
' • •de_ full deVelo mrt This is the 'conten-
reason why dental care idiould not be did fall and injUre his leg at and by of Ontario grown fruit to reach its
received during pregnancy, despite • Bie • • "
• • Ontario Potato Outlook • '
, ' . • Mrs D. K. Webster is visiting her ,.., • P While the season of' 1931-32 was •
son of a certain crack in the si
popular ideas to the contrary walk on High Street at a. point some tion of C. . Broughton, Ontario.
• cousin, Mrs. C. W. Ritchie at Zion • - an excellent one for the production
kinds of food at all times, and it is knowing such evidence to be false The anxiety ,of these growers to.
•of both early and late potatoes, the
or.a few days. • , •
It is important to eat the eight f I • distance from the step aforesaid, Marketing Board. •
even pore important than usual for Mr:- Mac -Inglis of ; Whitechnrch.
and -the same-bein 'th • t t b t th k t •th th • future presents quite • a different
the expectant mother to do so. The
food she uses not only nourishes' her
visited on' Saturday with Mn ...and
Mrs. In. Stewert. '
Mr. end Mrs. A. Havens and fam-
ily tris,ited over, the 'week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. :Elliott Taylor of St.
Helens. • . .
g given -m en e e first on'the mstr e r ,
si,T,-zipect;'--according --to- --J. T:
to Mislead the court..7--•Telescope... 'tiroducts," said Mr. Broughton,
• no doubt, prompted by , a desire to
own body, but provides the materials obtain top price. It should be remem-
bered hoWever. that immaturity meant
'low quality, and low quality is detri-
• During • pregnancy abnormal eon' required to build the body ,.of her
ditions develop in some cases. These baby: "' •
' conditiiine as a rule, do not come On
. suddenly. In- general the begin with
some slight ,change which 'can be de7
tested at that time by proper medi-
• • cal .examinatione, and, if treated,
the more serious develotif -are'
prevented. • • ' •
Pre -natal care safeguards both the
mOther and the baby.
Questions concerning, Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 image Street, Toron-
to;"-*ill-ti-e-an-se&red personallY7 by
letter. .,
Mr..'and Mrs. Frank Harris of Flint
Mich. and Mrs. Mary Ross of East
• PUW88, were recent Callers at M.
Homer ,Harris and Mr. Thos. Hattie
•Mrs. Jolieph Ganible Wingham
7 spent the Week -end at Sri:Thomas
Mts. J. H. A -a -eft -is -visiting' with
Mrs. Abner .,Ackert at present.
Mr's and Mrs. Thos: Henry -were
/' recent visitors at the home of Mr.
Win. 'Sta.tters.
lit: and Mrs.. Melvin 'Irwin spent
Sunday' with Miss Lizzie Pierce.
Mr; and Mrs. -James .Baker called
on Mr. and- Mrs.• -Ernest Ackert on
Sunday. ' • I
Mt4,-and,.Mrs. Wes. Pollock, Marie
, • and Guernify tof Clarks, Mrs. George
Iludit_ and George' of Clinton, Mrs.
Cliff, Fred Emmerson and Miss
Phyliss Mismer of, Ilamilton spent
Sunday with Mrs. Almer Ackert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Colwell and
Currie 'spent the week -end with
friends at Southatapton.
Me. Cuthbert. Jones has returned
r to work at Mi. Ernest Ackert's after -
be.__ ing" • confined to the house_for five
Mr: and Mrs. Charles Sheill, Doris
and lack of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hall and family of Ethel end Mr.
• Watson Scott, 12th - con.,spent Sun-
day at, Mr. Charles Coemu's.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott and
family spent Sunday evening at Mr.
Thos. It'obb's, Aniberley.
Mr. and Mrs.. Eldon Eckenswiller
TuesdaY morning to spend few .days
vacation" at Lion's 'Head and. Tober-•
The' IL W: held ' their • monthly
,meeting it. the ° .home of Mrs. Eldon.
Eekensseiller .an.. Thursdayf, August
4th The main fenture ,being' Grand -
Mr. M. Gardner returned home
last week 'having, been engaged in'
helping the Ritchie Bros. • at. • Zion
with their hay crop.
• .
Eseorted, by ' Sheriff G. C. Midale;
ton and a constable, -john.' Jardine
recently sentenced for a serious ,Cf-
, •
Cense, was on Tuesday, taken from
Goderich jail, to' Portsmouth peniten-
tiary to 'start a ten-year term. This-
i-notlieeti--A3M-yi---twelve---grandinothers= is Jardine's third trip to this penal
iestitutien. He is years of age. if
were present and (Me great grand-
mother. The prizes •were as eoihme,. and when he finishes his latest 'term
Oldest graedroother, Mrs. Moore, who he will -have -serived4alf-his-slife_iti...
was: 83; youngest grandmother, Mrs. jail. The prisoner was in good
John Celwell; grandmother with the, health and spirit's, and ;bade hearty
. ,
most grandchildren, Mrs. Moses good-bye as he stepped' into a motor
Thompson, ,having 23; grandmother car and was whisked' away.
with the .hest. old-time Costeine; Mrs.
Joseph Hodgins. A splendid pa -del A w ' ' . .
was given by Mrs. Walter Ilodging
and Mrs: M. Haklenhy. Solos by Mrs. ,
J. Eckenswiller, Mrs. Almer Ackert . '
. .Miss•Margaret Durnin and Herbert
Miss Florence Hodgins and Miss
Mary ' CoX.• COMiiiiinity singing •,,sii., A. •.Taylor, are the Nyinn4r . in ., the
'Farm Accounting' Competition, which'
ver Threads Among the Gold," and •
consisted of keeping farm ac'counts..
When You and I.Iwere Young ling -
from' •January 1 to 'July Ist„.. in a
gie:" It was de*cided to donate live
dollars.. to the Kinlois• School Fair. book . supplied for this purpose by,
the Department Of Agriculture. The
'Exhibit of 'buttons, old .and' new.
prize is a two -weeks' free. course at
Roll call answered- by Ancient Events
Linich was served by the ho'stess' and the • 9. A.,c.,. Guelph next winter. Mise
Dernin is • president of the Dungan -
Committee in charge. ,
non Junior. Institute, and Mr....Tayler
' n Mr: W. H. Jo'Finsten of •Seaforth
is' a' member of . the Dungannon Jtni-
Sundeyed . at •McPhereon•s.•
tor Farme• rs' .Club. • •
r.Donaidl McPliers•db, -
and Mrs. Relit. Webster, spent Thurs-
day evening at Goldie Harris'.
Mrs. Manson Reid of Goderich and
Mrs. ROL Webster spent a few days
at ' McPherson's.
"Take a good look •at this ladder,
my boy." , •
"What for?' • .
._ and family.spent.,Suriday at Mr. Dan , "And then remember that if it
...._ . .. - . _
• McKinnon's. ' . • . . vTeVe possible to get to -the top at ii_ heing against Rumania it is foetid
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert, Win- single bound there would be no need hard to import enough-garto-nupply•
ot often do we hear anything
stem tthere being no gasoline .for.
Sale: But it bas happened, and word
'comes from Belgrade in Rumania
that ownere of cars pull upin front
of stations only to be told. gas,'has
alt been used and no More sight.
Tourists are being bung up ,2,11 along
the roads: The, reason?, Something
like this, owing to foreign .exchange
. Alfred, RnInard and Lloyd, left on few the bottom rungs."
.the needs. , •
Do You Want or -Can You Supply Any of These?
Live' Stock
Seed Grain
*foots pigs
„ Chicks -
- • Siiiithe or Pleats
why Not
Trucking '
Ilse4 Piano
Auto Parts
Lost Article -
'Found Article
House and Lot
Money to Loan
Furnished Room
•Moveable Building
Second Hand Articles
Rented' House
?Abney Mortgage
flusiness Opportunity
And litany Other Akinies
and Services
Try a Classified Advertisement in
Th: Lucknow Sentipet
The Get Results and Cost But: Little
Help, Rinse Industry by, having':
your Printing -donnin Lucknow
• .LucknogiO
Phone 35 Leeknow
Ontario Marketing Board.. : •
Federal Governinent 'estimates in-,,
licate that.potato acreage in. Ontario
'hs • season will show ,a decrease o!
nientel to the progress of all classes inproxiniately, seven pet cent.over
st. •growers, includieg those who have 3hat of ' the 1931 season. ,Theie• es -
neve; been guilty of 'attempting to :,:inuites set the 1931 acreage in-On7
market immature fruit. ' . . ';ario.. at 169,604. . is against. a: ,pro -
'By marketing fruit Whieh , has '' ?Ale •acrelig4 ,Of 158,000 this Year...
not readied the proper stage of inn- Figiires. for thei Dominion of Canada .
sa-nrerz.s..:viss... Allow .a. like decrease of 7 per .cent
ming 553;926 acres m 1931;-ais coin-
tomers. will . bedome. prejnilided iared With 543,300' ares for 1932.
against home-grown products, thin; . Mr.' Cassin 'also ; stated ttint,, ' ac- •
causing t.EL restricted ..market." • i,sr•!ing• to his calcidittions., :the a7
, ,...-..-. .
Improve Bacon . •• .nount' of fertilizer Used in the pro-
Toluction of potatoes this year will• •
. • ,.
• , Hon. ThOmas L. Kennedy, Minis.; amount to •only: about' of that
' terh1 t 0rife w' Argergiiictilaittiu9rnes, i•ihaays, liaenennouandcoevd.. . sed last year. "While we -have had .
;ery: favorable :conditions to date, .
ted by the PrOvinee : and Deniinion his time does not present the same .,
'jointly to improve -the 'stmudarcla_Lot 3r9misq of ' yield as did that of the '
. .
bacon production. Under.these pro- airi.e period in 193.1.7:"--- • ' - .
dstona__What is known as an advanCe In conch' fon, • Mr', Cassin. said.
• •,
register -a. aawa is to be' establighed. It is too 'etirly .,t0.. predict . the ex -
Pigs from fi: first litter vial havoc, ent of, the 1932 crop, but,, in -View 1 '
make, 200, lbs. of pork in 200 days,: A present, conditiOns, , it would' ap- .
Will be slaughtered and .their carcas.- iear that. potatoes are being -offered , •-• ' . .
ses judged by the Dominion graderi ri. quantities larger than the market..' . ,•-•: - ; - -
--and scored .for, value as. bacOe. 'In the, an readily - absorb. This • condition,
event •that they are- scored as "extra if course; bus brought 'about:the. in -
good bacon" the sow will be Placed ivitable result . of sacrifice prices."
on the proposed advanced register • . , •• ss
Witte' proper ear -marking, or tagging, New 'Market FOr Barley • .
and the farmer owningTherwill be To Ontario farmers Men. Themes
.bonused to the extent: of $M:ten/hi-ch. It: .•lionnedY passes..the'information •
the Province and the DeminiOn° will. that the Natienal Breweries Ltd. IA ' •
contribute equally. Any. boar that is Montreal have authorized,' the pur-
secured from this advanced register chase bY the Canadian Malting Co: , . ..
of sows will be lookedover by judges of 1,600,000 bailie's. • of Itigh-grad.e ' , . -•.
at 'the age • Of , six months, and if Qntario,grOwn barley, suitable' for
shOwing the •right confOrmation, Will malting, at a Minimuin of 35 e.ents '
earn for its owner. the amount of per , bushel basis,. track, Montreal,
$15 from the Goverements. • • The Minister' warna thet• this barley
• , • must be tound, clean, and reasonably .
Ontario ,Runibsiga Shippers - • tree from other grains and weighing
Iiiiiirent •:-Fedietit Inspeetiotr-----•----i-- -4.9,-poundto-the.-husheL This: is the •
At .11. recent ,meeting of the Ontar- 'equivalent a grain known is--aTrreme-----.,.
lo Rutabaga. , ShipPers' Asieciation Extra" and should he easily ebtained
'held ' at. the • Agricultural College, by the average . Ontario fanner. • Sev.7
Guelph, a resolution was adopted, ,erale Ontario confides have long re-
asking the Federal Deportment of garded barley. as a • fine cash 'crop
Agriculture to make effective the in- and it is hoped that this anneunce-
spection of all turnips for domestic 'ment will give them new confidence'
Mid export shipinent, aceording to ,ind will stimulate production. . • •
G. R. Ratersort, ' Ontario Marketing 44.A price, of 55 cents: .basis track •
Boaril. It' was felt by the 'shiripers Montreal'would mean f.o.b. prices • ,,,
that this was one method' of estab- approkintately is followS: .Main line .
lishing., unifonnity, of. pack and gnat- 'Chad's:1i ' and surrounding points,
ity. , .. - -- - ----.-:-•••••----•- --- - 40 cents.; off_linee.„ or side lines or
• , ..._
• Ontario has an extensive tnarket radial lines in Seine tern ory,. ric; - .
for rutabagath in the United States, Central Ontario points, say from
but this VallifibIe outlet has been par- London to the Lake Sfincoe• district.
tinily, blocked; due to the fact that 42 cents; • east of that and on to
the Maritime growers have adopted Montreal, 46 cents. These would re -
practie 'of inspection, through..ppreeaidentot ttlsheivaiLpro.axinmtiaitte fth.o.e.b.casisr:ceost
warehouses. s • 1
In addition to this movement to- barley, the fanner weuld, in many - . -
wards inspection, the shippers', as -'Cases, be the 'shipper. These prices,
sociatien is giving some thought, to. would apply only -to carlot shiPments.
This or it cOnsiderably better than •
central. grading and packing.'
Present -da • rices on the Montreal
. market.
Cominunity HeautificatiOn.•
At a recent, meeting of societies „••
of District Nts. 2 a the 01 -Aline Ilor-
ticultund AssoCiation• at the Central'
Monumental , Works
Experimental Farm, Ottawa, reports
received showed in a fine *ay the
high 'degree' ;A efficiency which has
been attained in carrying out the
principal Object and pliepose of . the
Association in,. respect to ;, the cote-
munitY beeutification. The report of
the district Director, ' J. 13.. Spencer,
IKS_AL, ShoWs that effective work has
been done. in this respect by the
following. societies in the districV-
Ainptior,. North dowels Billings
Bridge Peinbroke, Gatianckpie: Kars,
• -
, • '
Master Jack MacKenzie, LO'chalsh,
spent a few days last week with his
cousin, 'Master Douglas MiteDiannid:.
Master Raymond Richards is spend-
•Miss Margaret Murrayreturnedto
New York with Mrs. Algeo for L
visit. • . •
Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, Mr. L.
Perry and Bruce froni Caledon East,
Mt.' -Dave and Mrs. John Carruthers
and family; visited with' Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Martin recently.
...The August meeting of the Pare -
mount U.V.I.W.0: Club will be held.
t •the- -.hoine7of Mrs...-Nieholson, OTt
fue'sday afternoon, August 1.6th.
Misses , Myrtle Webster and 'Norma
Anderson are on the :program com7
mittee. Mrs. S. Reid and Miss Greta
Campbell have topics. The . roll, cell
to be answered by "'Something Grand-
mother :Said or • Did." Ladies don't
forget •to take your collection in a
paper bag for the contest' ' •
Don't forget the Dance in the Par-
amount Community Hall on Friday
night. Iee•-cream will be eerved. Good
music will be presided. Admission 25c.
Ladies free.
Mrs. Ketehishaw, WilhaM, and Jim
visited with friends neer lielgtsve.
Mrs. Hugh McLaren of Port Elgin
-nd her brother, Mt. Wm. Sterling
of. Hanna; Alberta, visited at Mr,
hick Emerson's last Week.
M. Albert Scott entertained the
scheol children last week.
Mr Ralph Nixon c•f•Lucknov; spent
a week with his daughter, Mrs.: Jack
Emerson. ,
.4.1monte, Btock.ville, .Fitoro,y Tow.ni in;Act::, ptfproareis. :tietyityoalle.. carefully and
$1.6.10 PER !Ncii i — ship, SpeneervAle and Huntley Town- .
'The New York Times announces OitP.h.e. work atecci.nip . by e see tin befota placing your ordem,
..- lished ties '
that the pike for advertising in its tt.
slinday• edition is $1.,m0 per agat.4 societies emphasizes in a fine way 1 \ di
line. Theloareotefointitleeont ssuCtahcelins:au.s tiVIttifbeuivcaveleelid'oaf inandlivpaleliugiaal supniontssoreedvingb 1 ph _:.. . , , . it.itionespautisd . . .
, effective support to the More'. Beau- i.boutias was.
the inch, Otte 74 •
cOst* $2s$I4i.t69,,. e '8!1tt an ' cu•t 2ug- - .. WW1' .._ r*11111
cost $16,80 for one insertion. A fun '
ith C 'di it rti 1 Aral c cly
Liu:know, Ont.
. •
Has . the largest and most complete
stock in the most beautiful designs
to -choose from, in --
414V E make a Specialty of
Family roonurnents.and invite
Your luspecticm.
, s
• ,