HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-18, Page 69,11
$ •
Dy HA*:EI, ROS;, pc. AILEY.
Y •
SYNO• Ps1S . + The • warter's• expression reiri in. ed
Bion • •old MRS: ,'ts..P TpR is• 'repbell. inscrutable. Mary' .thought his eyes
i the. n ement interest as he looliEd
arty she gives res ,Olio 41iet �vgr carefully, but she ,could
, Min.
Maxx, s ed to c . bo sure. No. , doubt. he htLd p
the., EDpIE, is• •supRosed. to have, bes� 1 ntY
y„ostairs at the murder hope Only ary ,
• of reason to hate the .parepous. Inspec=
and murdered dui ng gag, held a gleam of
i for her secretary,. Ma•1tY t
h s.
o. t i.
.icn wa
. e
Mary, PF•eVe7M1t$ a ma4d frotal . ieiltng •tor ' aria it was Clear
" — BOWEN • 'f";tb`e. Star ;•about the:Uflk 9 . , b - re: •en. a A epoly, oe"tin
D h ri noes tela Bowen .war
die and will see him that aster
no , q
•ter a
Nis d of
dr vas rY re t
Bo e d
Bowen d by a ,�• ' o9„
• rendezvous.: e '• 'I 10 .
the P c Whe HOW tl fig,.
• �' . str. et -,H. miurn • Dead l? �°
tie" crosses the. e. ,. ?p
pass and. d , r "Oh,tong time, Maybe 10 year,
ase, a e•
visitor. irk .Ruyther,. or a .
ad .a. calf, from E] ' ' • e. sf-
a that he has h: ., . I t ink ma be= -ht .
v1n s • o y
e s..:
oversl e
,Dick ilii `bi kllie
eel as „
hies,` bout a fly before he dies..,, Weans Bowen asked: excitedly. q,
Il*iS�'ECTOR'KAT,F�. drops' the „
the r ere : g " '
i mil
d e ..
b I vin Fid
l g
ar reteatd,.Kane •tells. her both it r.e .luined.:
. � • when. M Y P . . the, ip Le.. . $F
J17PT�ER .and Dirk believe Elie ,.:. •
• "Not-; thy"
Oh B' t +
h lice st'a ri 'Wary mess s;, „, uc all . .,no
• lJeav�?�' the' � c ,, gay He waS very m h Yg
is arae gY
B fe• et tells her there
track ga g
e o
h�aa :.ees
- L�' to w ' ' 0-�N
' mb7e`r called �?�� •� -longer-- _ b
her brother, owed'a larger;suni of money. did you know liim? Sure you got.t e'
r „
e ab�,t
.CHAPTE_K XII n me riglit `Fly die I d
, : vainly ,for a . tpecinler. �of the species
Mary • i -gave her .promise readily by Way of tllustrati p. Fin ling none,
• ��� u hl • an' ' f a soaring . in-
was thorn g Y . 8'ry: • - e, an unit ti� o.. , g
enough. . She. . , he gave, ..,�
t. Kane anyhow; and grateful.to sect, dii g with.. a' fatal smackilg'
Bowen,, 'Apparently he' was: the onlY of his palms;' together. ' .
` person besides. herself . Who cared Mike,giggl'g d appreciatively. "Sure,:
enough to• dig ups. the truth about 'bet ural"..he said.
brother's death. 'Even if .his. interest , didou '1'new him,. up.in.the
ateful' Where . ,y, .
tl lfish .she was.,_ gr
"Ever , play the horses 1llske?'"
ROMA asked, easually.
bake spread his haat .. "Some;
iffier. 1`io:good f lose much• money+'r
'°I see Yt! have.° Ever hear SRW -.a'
horse. called, •La Moses,?"':
"tt' .La McSea? . The Fly eh.?.„,
'.You've got the idea."'
4"No, that: is knew one."
-'Never mind How would youlike by a well-known. living, author. Oaa.
to. go down to the tr,,aeks,when's your Yt ung. lady. turned lip disguised as .an.
day off? Friday?'. Bowen took out otoinatic lighter --•you know, one ofhis
itthose cgntrapti' .is .that never work;
Oar lis and a five; and •shoved when you. haven't a match. 'Nobody,
". hopeK nswer,' so finally,
them acros�s.•'the table. I: :the. could guess the a
office covers me on this. ,If they desist g present,'asked.
Kipling himself, being
I, it be 'around ; eating of, .you Mike , • , the young lady for a` light` -ion .the;
•-till'. payday." _. mystery.'-
• But Mike' was'retreating from the" "wl!y, Mr, Kipling;she •ptiired.
i " were fire "You ought to ' know it,. for it is .one
• tf � ell money •as if t
Protested.. . "Take Sit You Kipling gave it up...
'Bowen }trot ;,, •
T heard a good Bipling, story re-
cently about a fancy dress ball where.
every one had -to wear a costume sups
posed to represent the title, of a book
pro is ... of ,y.9ur awe .books?", -
L t " -th ori' the 'eve
't ave` tro o a t ing but play the ' The Light That Failed, .cried the
don h d h
r ee e. � _
horses,>an keep p ,Y,o. .p
r ? . , :r' u.. ,i,. a , •s c
r 'hien'
*mei' to
Mike drew th, m. ,y ,
Fresh -from the Gardens. i
was -par y _se fi r -Btg House?'a
• - to, hien ,just the sense, in the' present
If he did:Mike shook' his head.
sone stale •of •her feelings
notwant Kane to` know what; he was "Would you know. him it you saw
"doing; she would gladly comply. him? Would" he know you?
Bowen. seemed; pleased bysher,,tr(ust' . "Maybe.. I dunno.". ;
lithe . "What was his name? De you re-,
es'.b'e an to g a,� _ _
_. •;� 9;�i:.and,: his •-ey. ,.g ... , _, ..
• with the. zeal' of, the newahound `hot an member?'
_ . .. i er-ed.
ar ." girl triumphantly...
. "dk
pocketed • it - i i `, one swift. ,movement,
-and listened' hard^ :
he ,FI s.• • e
Finat out xvliece `f'...
i l' �o
� r .
_ _I� 1
. - �. �-t-.Sha: _
We•were scranib in 'anti' mightn't away.into' a -dim -and infipif9. diSteene,,:
: the wide .wooded Detlev,, .t .:
•hou acl
t • the c.. �- n 1'e;".in; e
r e sr u a
gh . u r
p Yt e: o i r nehe3 of
•... , ... p li wr . m S d V ew.. .$ a._
Peeps at.. celebrities:, from behind � ,
' here .and '.iter, with 'blue. c
'd'ows •bu:rPd-> and, soft. ' Un •a;lit).e-r
'gide .,it eloped. uPWerd' ' to a nd,;d
s fair"-....
'while • aeyord • `a:gizi 1 ., ro 9 •,
d ,
d . a.
o. p
'n w o
•' tti
g •�
Y h p
li t R
' t e
��."' 'bet3veell,_�tll
:lieze•. of distance' . merged them tato,
the sky, •.
_The...ull•.-:.was ,bright and. hot.,
drawing delicious scents' from
semitropical "Jungle, •I but u' ,Doli
wind, .sharply sweet, blew strongly' .
ss-th.e ..eastern ,hills; l� ar below.
us .the curling mountain road wound '"
itself ,snakelike. round, .the curves at.-
the hill, varying 'in color ,with the •
strata of the earth, now.'deeply •red,
now', brown.." . Along , it one or twat'
cli.mbin cars- crawled - slowly, ,like
wanderihag lbeetlea. . A mile or two .
further up -whence we, ,had' come'
it reached the pine ,,belt and became
stony and white, `with a .thick cov
ering of. the •red :needles on either',
as'4.f a-.
- - ' -Ther-e-the-w-hole-aif�¢ r_ _
grant 'with -the scent ,of '• them; ,balmy.
and • sweet, bringing with it nieinos.
riesof a cool and ;temperate
•' - ` •
themovie camora-=by Charles Pe- e e strees andthe twisted. snaky
:dan noted 'cme amn in Newsreel stems ofd';creeper-
MMan": • aerosis 'the ',track '• our feet's
"i ;
' t"the .e
Calvin • `Qoo e.. s, abou , : _ : ,.. ,, ;
3.. g . li i' 1• , " th ai .. ea Davos
s' bject : am n ublih :min
bearound hila tracks probably, movietone � 4 g p brown` and brittle. 'But --ever• : 'here;
:Won't' ' p , .himto •'0 y
but he''s been there lately, :and they'll' in: America.. You cit-'-`t"'—).,get and there :an early creeper splashed
h re to-' • aidhhm They :anything." _..ts:. ._ ..trail -'--of--. v!vi lc "green,. -_Across...__
:know-�w• e,__,�,
e dent Dover is. 've : hu.
•- •The wouldil.t - I'r si ..�
very' and.• a of the' :forest --frees
know ..Yn dow ..there.. .. y. �many , t
itdlf Cu
_. e Ands � �.
" e ' ""liut h
" C
i re din
is a' and s n
a.•1 "li ni
smell. ,were ass' with' : "ark s 1
can .the-� d
'arid �g • y
tell n►e, . Yder
away. But you can nose around to put over a' speech.` He can't speak greeif'hfsnew laevo". From the ;par_
et.'the o down where I'd :get six words ' without 'looking at • his ..ren looking., ground- t}iere sprang in.
snug lowdown
the 'boot. and -maybe a bullet in the.,zotees" suddent glory lovely ✓peach -pink 'lilies
gizzard. See?" * ` 1 " -on :their , tall' juicy stalks., Mingled
Mike nodded. Among the kings: '' with •the 'clear bird calls was the.
the trail. Mike considered. •
' 're on the track of some- "I forgot.. His nam.. ,. The Fly,'
Z think we
"thing," he told her, ''but let'me tell.. That's allI `know."
eon this,my dear gi , irl••before we: go. "What was he up: for, housebreak;
y -further -if we. don't --keep,-_our ing, or 'what?„ •
Mouths -pretty . take a Here the 'waiter's phlegmatic man -
•ti tight t shut, we
'chance of getting what Eddie got If nor broke and he became excited.
we go after this ' guy to win, we've "You better la! off' that guy, he is
got to. play! ,a cagey game.. How's a; tough egg!" he warned.
_ ^u7,..nr lr;li ar,viuxlv9�iRAwOn
sq don't knovS," Mary faltered, "1 quietly; ••
nevet 'tried anything like this befote." "Plenty. They. nOt 'Catch him for
• "Well, we'll have plenty of time; to it. He is smart. guy. 'Good lawyers,
think of that latet." Bowen brished lotsa dough. Xeah!"
' aWay, norry" for' having ars:Mee& her , A depressed slleace held his two
fears. 'ant miot be ktactical error. hearers Encouraged, Mike continued
Better leaVe her in i ,otance of' the to build. up the man's; reputation.
danger, per aps,.or s esimg St --err Siren- -Thotigla_liis tone was one of deep
and spoil the whole show. • acciin, his .admiration was plain. It
•flebeolco' or, as -the fearsome -looking the artist. •
"Also you might find out who Owns "Mgst of the kir�gs make good news -shrilling of cicadas . from the to e• er
subjectes Alfonso late of S in, '. r e
this •L•aMosca: filly, May be. just a reel suj �s_, . , . ,hi11 slopes, and now and again'cam,
ke e::.1unn -:is t e -:best.• . the _oft -repeated ' contldentiai 'aauk
hunch-of.mine;.but•it. "flit s mei y, "Kingh
You go down,' Mike, and I'll •be'..G'eorge has. made several."Is tool of"the big spotted tree lizard°
around and buzz you on its see what untary interviews but••his doctor. for- peculiar t'o Burma.
you "find: