HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-18, Page 4VS
• ••F�i ,fie rr u,7n?r�
s low
o e
ow much do yop. want
Low evening rates
on Station-tO-Sta-
. lion calls begin
7.00 p.m. Still
All her neighbors- wonder how
Ed. Baker's- wife gets, such good
prices for her hconey. But Mrs.
Baker's secret is simple. She sells "
by long Distatite telep&sne.
At's lovely honey this summer,",
she telephones to t6 hotel in '
town. "Yss — deliver by the
end of -the week."
tong Distance is quick, easy to
us and -pro-PM-Ur:
Miss Rlanche MeDongall is spend-
. ing a fevi dals with,, her friend, Miss.
Mr. John Fraser of Lekeilde, visit-
ed last week at Tyndall RobinSon's.
is spending, her holidays witi Mrs.
W. McKenzie.
:was a eallor on the line last week. •
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Henderson and
-fluidly spent. Sunday with Mr. and,
Mrs. Cecil Robb spent a few days
with friends in' VATinghain reeently.
Mrs. Frank Weis and daughter,
• weeks with Mrs. A. McDonald. •
Mr.. and Mrs.• John Blake and VP„
Bernrce' of 'Wingham spent' part :uf
last week on their farm here. •
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Johnston re-.
turned from a three weeks' motor
trip Which took them as far west as
Hanley, Sask. They visited Dr Mat
thew .Blake, Mrs, Johnston's brother,
and other friends in Winnipeg, Mr.
and .M'rs Joseph Sn►eltzer and Mr.
and Mrs: Ernest Crispin at Ogama;.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson 'Finlay, Mrs. Win.
.J _.Treleaven _ :and. _other. membersa :of
her family and Mrs ,T If. 'Kilpatrick
at Hanley tThery found the' Saslkatch
ewan province in the midst of a
=spell, which coining when_the. g'l ain.
s s fining, has•spoiled the' prospeet
of, a good harvest Ti►ere will belittle
More ;:grain ' andfodder ,this season
than 'last. They,sang' ,`old friends, re-
eeivei. a ;hearty' 'welcome and :thor
,oughly.'enie eci the :holiday: 'Messrs.
Cecil: ; Eli ier Q`hnston .rse them
on Sunday at the', :home of Mr.. and
Mts. • Hirai Moffat of- Sarnia, with
Whom they made_ the. trip
Mr. and . Mrs '"S. J K'iY 1patrick. '
Richard and Olive . Kilpatrick, Tom.;
Anderson and 'Teske Andrew spent.
Sunday after+n000n with Rev,. I. W
Kilpatrick;; and family at Bruce Beach
Miss Blanche McDougall •of Kinloss,
was the guest of . her friend; ,Miss
Jean Anderson last week, returning
home ;Sunday. .: . •
Misses Gr -ace and - Olive, Blalse are
camping at Point Clark this week.'
Miss Olive Anderson,' accompanied
1Vtiss-deTm :; to London Sandal
They' are guests "of",Miss eleii An-'
Mrs. • Wrn. Fraser who has been
visiting. with her •daughter, Mrs.
Tyndall liebinson, returned- to Lake-
side last week. •
Miss Margaret •MeDiarmid return-
ed home efter spending a week in
Toronto. ,
„„Miss.Alma Carruthers_ is Apendieg.
a_ few weeks at the lake with friend -4
The farmem are all busy this week
cuttieg and hauling in oats.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Martin attended
the funeral of the late ,Mrs.• Osborne
on, Sunday last. •
Mrs. Roy McQuillin and children
june 'and Roy of Toronto, visited last
week at the,home of Mr. R. McQuillin
Publiphed .every Thursday morning
at Lucknow, Ontario
Mrs. 43 D. MacKenzie; •;Pr.oprietor.
Campbell Thompson—Publisher
THURSDAY, A.U.GUST 18th, 1932.
Congratulations are due Mr. • Hu-
ber. Taylorrwho was •,one -of -the-win
hers in_ the .Farm Accounting compe
tition This competition .consisted in
keeping: farm `accounts for the first.'
fix° °months of the year ins a -book
supplied by the :Department of Age
riculture -The prize is a two -weeks
free course at the;, O A.C. next'winter
Hubert's a member of the'Dungannon
'Junior Farmer's Club and Miss.Mar,
garet Durnxn hof=Dungannon.;Junior
:Institute was also . successful ,In win
"ming •th two -weeks' course.
Watt of ,_•..Branch
will occuypythe.,pulpit in'the,United.
Church next " Sun fay morning.
Mr. John Salkeld of Guald, Sask.,
and .;his mice, Miss' Jean Rutherford
Of Spy Hill, Sask.; ;were visitors.for'
a. few days with the, former's cousin
Mrs.! R. K. Miller and other relatives
Jean is a' daughter of 'Mr and Mrs.
Donald' Rutherford, former residents
of this vicinity, who went west with,
her parents nearly twenty years ago
and was, welcomed back by many old,
friends of the:family:. •
Mr, and Mrs, Campbell.of Bruce-
f1eld__w.ere. ecent_,visitors.-with .Mr.;.
ind. Mrs. Robinson •Woods.'Miss
Johnston'• returned . 'to Brucefield and
wilt visit with them for. a visit.
• Mrs. , U.or'don is spending a , holi-
Mr. and Mrs. Carnien Stothars and
"daughter; Mari Frances Of Picton,
Rev, °Benson. ratILOUGil
Pox and "Rev, Afr.
Iiansfield of New Terk ore, holiday ,
ing at 'the foI nier'n'henie here.:•
Congratulations, to Rev. end' Mrs.
Wm. •To*nshend on the arrival .of a
baby. girl, Barl ars Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Syd 'tarry arid¢ fam--
•ily' of Detroit are visiting at John:.
Mrs. Wm. Percy' spent Monday in..
Mr. and Mrs. ' Howard McGuire,
Arnol'd.- and_ Lovell ware Sunday`:visit-'
ors Geo. Haldenby's.
Mr& Isaac, Pinnell, returned home,
after spending .a few days with Lang-'
sidofriends;.. � ^
, lyir ' and Mrs. 'Charlie • Gillespie,
Doi'. Betty of" Whitechurch have'
'Movefl'•to Mrs. E. J,. I, aldenby:s house
Mrs.•Louise; Morden and family of
'Port , C.olbonrne- ale. •:spending a, : feiv
weeks, at :hen home here
Mr and Mrs: Harold Coursey, Mar-
garrit, Anne, .Mrs7`M. Cours�snd.
firs:'-: nrrpsoirof Luean;+ ver-a_S► -;
day .visitors at } W esl'ey...Boyle's ,
BORI1—In Detroit, Mich., on Sat-
urday, Aug. 60, .to , Mr. and Ara.
Rudy Seileff '(nee. Norine Hodgins)`.
the .gift of a son, Elroy R.: .
Misses Grace: and Dorothy Heiden -
by , and Mrs. Jane Percy;, returned
home .after a visit to Sault'e St. Marie
Mr. Elmer ,`Armstrong and ' son
Wayne, also Mrs. Jos. Arinstrong of
St. Catherine's -are "visiting . With Mrs,
Jas. Hodgins, . •. - •
,Missee Clara; Catherine andMariaii
at the hoMe of MaY Boyle."
Mrs: II. A: 'anthem, Mrs. K. Hed-
ley, Mr's. M. McLean and Evelyn, also
Congratulations -are- - due -,--MisseV---Miii-Voiligwan of Dungannon -is
. my with friends at Goderich. ! liatra, B. R. McLeen, visited last week
visited Mr, and Mrs.Horton last week f• .
Winnifred Blake and Jean Anderson, a viiiter ..at '_. her. uncle's; • Mr. Jack ss Irene MEM/ Mid Mr., Oacar
nil 'linent--Iuniley with friende
aminations. they wrote this' year. • Mr.. Bence. Dunford ' of TerY gol near Pine RiVer.
• Mr. , and Mrs. Aubrek -Higgins , and is the guest .of, Mr. aid Mrs. „L,
Jackie Of Detroit were gneste of Mr!„, Weatherhead., • , The "AngliCan Sunday School pic-
and Mrs,. Herb Curran; •Sentlay. : : Mr. A.,-- Webb and. Miss Greta mo-
. nic will be held Friday„, August 2dth.
Mr, Finlay ' Shackleton rettirned tored, to Grand Valley recently • ac-. The Harvest Thanksgiving aervices,
home Monday,,laving coinpleted his ••••Ompanied .by Mr. and Mrs. Keyeia
summer, course at Lendon. who' had been their guests for a -Week'
, Mrs. G. McCrestie and. Miss
is. visiting' relatives here. _ . Do ine-Webster had tbeir toriens re -
Mr. Ernest Hall guile a very in-
teresting and instructive address" at
the morning service at 'Blake's,' which
was in charge. of the Young People's
SocietY, The Junior Choi* ang
chorus land ,'Miss Olive Blake „sang.a
aote. There was a large congregation.
Misa Norma Proctor of 'Toronto,
visited her Cousin Cora Thonipson
Mary Cranston returned Saturday
Mr. and 'Yin. Vesta Alton and
family of London spent the week -end
with relatives "here.
Come to the local talent concert in
Lucknow on Tuesday night. Certifi-
cates and cups will be presented to
successful contestants in the Musical
Festival. Admission 25c..
Mother (at bedtime):: "Don't mum -
live ih an . overcoat' in the • summer a word you say."' Nancy: '11 wasn't
'and a bathing suit in the winter: speakfing to you, muminy."
Welcoin' ed to Scotland
—S4X Von:area Zanadians _wile._ call Glettgrivi home, vere .greetecl on "tlieir_itrliral ,111. tlie _dlyde, uity lay
,r, ,;, sir -Thomas Kelly,1!•11.4)., Lord, Provost, and the magistrates of the city, when they ;arrived reatet
• Gathered tegether from ail parts of datiada, and transported by special train to. Montreal,:the Gras -
item* ate making a two -months stay, Miring whieh they are being entertained tlY the city of•das..
. goweles manufacturers, and their friends. ' Proceedings Opened 'Tuesday, July 2fith,, when the ,Lord Pro -
tog, niegietrates and • eouncillars held a reception. in the Art Galleries at Relvingroire. ,
The Phrty. WhiCh left Montreal in the. Dueheas 'of Bedford, Jnly 0, returns frOxa Glasgow Saturday,
no ed at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon.
• Rev. rand Mrs. Whitfield, and little
Miss Helene of Northville, Mich.,were
visitors in the neighborhood for' a
few days last week.
; Mrs. Harry Gardiner, formerly
Mige Minnie : Draeey of Salt Lake
City, is the' guest of her sister, Mrs.
iat 'Gwendolyn Of Guelph and Mise
Dorothy Barbour If Fergus are visi-
day WI' to Niagara And down the
St. Lawrence With Mr. and Mre.
Arnold Barbeur of Fergus.
Me. and MM. McIntosh • Sr. and
Mr. Douglas• McIntosh of Vineland
and Mr. Jos. McIntosh of Buffalo
were. week -end visitors at Mr. p.
Mr. , John Clark of TOronto called
Cope to the local talent .concert in,
Lucknow on Tuesday night. Certifi-
cates and cups will be presented to
successful contestants in the Musical
Mrs. Walter Hodgins and Marion
motored to Kitchener with Mr. and
Mrs. -Emil Thonmsmi for a few days
lait week.
Miss Laura Belt spent a few -days
'kith Mrs. Wm. Alton otltipley.
Mie.'Walter Seott and Mr. and Mrs.
Reinhart spent an evening last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith.
Mrs.' Earle Hodgins 'dui Margaret
McDonald called on Mrs. Jas. Wraith
recently. •
• Miss Belle Ross is spend* a few
days with her coesin in Hamilton.
Mr.. and Mrs. C. Newman and
Miss Kathlee,n Fleming of Winghaul
visited -with theie aunt, Mra. it E.
Gilmore on Sunday,
, Master Leonard, and Harold Rit-
chie spent a week with „their greed.
mother in Dungannon.
Mitts Ada Helm: accompanied by
Misses Olive Anderson eed Myrtle
Ritehie, motored to Londoii to spend
Miss, Jeep Lteing was the .geest' of
Mrs:. Geo; Smith Of LucknoW last
! Mr. J. J. Gilmore and Miss Frances
; the latter's parents.
ted Gerdon Ritchie's on Sunday last.
Thos. Robb is' at present vnery ser-
riousiy ill with a heart attack,
Corm!' to the local talent concert in
Lucknow on Tuesday night, Certifi.
cates and cups will be 'presented. to
s.occessfill contestants in the Musical
:yestival, Admission 20e,
Sundey, August 28th. Further netice
Mr:, Alfred Fry, liairrie. Teddle,
were also Sundak visitors at Bruissels
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HaWkshaw and
Mr: A.rchie Graham; Mabel and
abeth" spent ,Sunday 'at Britssels.
• Slegw• Starts'8,30 -Pt M:
August, hf1-19-20 ••
�"SPANK1 . ,
(Experimental Farms Note)
Who. does not like te, have •celerY
on the table ? It hi ona ' the most
'Should be found'in.avery garden.
The plants Can be grown by start-
ing seed, in the house betweee • the
Middle and the ,end of March ie
box, and' transplanting :the: plants
two inches apert, into othee boxes
when the true leaf appears. They mat
be see in the %len any tiMe frem
earl& May to middle June depending •
on the seasori or the district in' which
it is grown. A rich, moist. cool soil,
is best for celert, ee muck soils which' '
suPply nn abundance Water for !,
'the dee have,,,been foued especially.
-suited-tci-the-growth—of this' crop,
more perticularly When liberal 'Man-
uring has been dene. The planta are -
usually: serin rostra --f---,eur feel -apart
mid six inchea apart in the rows eithe'.
The[ August meeting of -the Pate -
home of 'Mrs. Nicholson on Tuesday
afternoon. The meeting opened by
singing the Ode followed by the
Lord's jprayer hi unison. The minute's
Weer read" :by-"thesecretary. •The -roll -
call was answered by '"Something
my Giandmother said or did." It ie
requested that all the qUilt bloeks
given to Mrs. Webster by..next week.
Bulletins from headquarters *ere
read by Myrtle Webster, Beth Alton
end Ethel Martin. The program cow-
sisteti of an instrumental by Evelyn
Reed; a paper "Accident' Prevention"
by Mrs. Simi Reed; community sing -
by Mrs. T. Irwin; a reading "The
'Kick under the Table" by Miiss Beth
Altoe; e reading by Gracie Webster
and Mrs. 'Webster; a peper by Miss
lreta Campbell on "Agriculture and
he Farnier's wife." A, conteit guess-
ing the collection ,in -the paper bags
vas won hy Mrs. A. McDiarmid and
grkleebistdr. Stunts *ere et -inducted
)37 Miss Myrtle Webster. The rimit
neeting Will be at tile home of Mrs.
Clliftop. The meeting closed by Sing-
ing God -Save -the- King: -Lunch, wa
served by the hostess. .
Margaret Lyfott",ilfr. Snedicor Ly-
ford of ChicagiSotored up and spent,
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. D.
Nicholson. •Mrs. Lyford, an aunt of
Hrs. Nicholson, is spending a few
'reeks with friends here and at Kin-
Miss Kathleen and Lillian Carruth-,
ars spent last ,week with- Mr. and
Ars. Win. Martin.
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Atex Me -
Nay during the. week.
few days with Mr. aed Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin visited.
recently With kr. and Mrs. R. Martin
ith con.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Webster and
sisited his brother, Mr. Harry
Webster in Ingersoll reeently.
Miss -Margaret Nicholson retiirned
'Ione Saturday evening after spend-
ing a couple ' of weeks with nuron
ind Kincardine friends.
Winnifred Webster returned
to Toronto after spending her vaca-
_days last week wit)) her parents,. Mt.
and Mts. ban -Marinas at White-
church. •
Conte to the toCal telent concert in
am:cosi/el contestants in the Mtniital
festival'. ittimission 215c,
er in trenches siX inehes deep -or on
the level, depending which, blanching
the object m grewmg celery is
to obtain plants of good Size,and• well
blanched, an experiment was started
in 1923 at -the Dominion Experimen.-
tal Station, Kepuskasing, Ontario,.
to .compare the results 'in earliness.
yield from ' different metheds of
blanching. The results from' this ex-
periment would seem to indicate that
.celery may 'be fairly well blanched
by either ready roofing, boards, ear- '"'
thing up on the level or plantieg, in •
trenches and' filling these and after- •
wards . earthing un, That grown in
the double alternated row and blan-
ched with roefing • paper hes given
passed in., quality by both that pro-
duced iir,treiiches and that earthed
up on the level, particularly the . for • •
mer: That planted on the level and
blanched with boards has 'given tha
lowest yield end the qnitlity has els°
been rather poor. The use Of boards
and tar, paper el. roofing Paper has •
the decided 'advantage o/ requiring •
less labour, and the rowa may also
be planted much closer together. If •
the, beet quality is desired, how ver.
up preferably in treneltps.'
doyou nee
flopio Way