HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-18, Page 3a
Her ody Had to Turn W,
4 'tortured By
Muscular Rheurnaii8ni
An ounce of help.is worths a ton of
'Alit+. It was' to, thls. wopnan. Many
friends 'pitied her. But . one gave her
word of advice. .Atter that word 'of
i artee she was no longer an object of
• $she- writes.: -"I suffered with mus-•
enter rheumatism intheneck--It was
torture. I spent quite a large sum, of
Loney in ,trying certain treatments
and medicines; but could get 'no relief.'
couldnqi tun ny hpad rojanc . wren'"°
�I wanted to -I had.1c turn my body.
es .well:: My friends all' pitied ^me
•.-*heri one advised.. me to try •Kruschen
l3alts;:'which '1 did • A.nd= in .six .months •
$ was. a-dilterent • woman, • New fl` I.
teertha least twinge of ;rheumatism, .I
flakes a •;dose; .of wonderful .Kruschen'
salts'' and•L .i • want lie : Lr'shall never.'
>i e�
tall:. to. recommend Krtlschen after
whatY have suffered." -Mrs: S. •
1 -sofvent--tits
Kruschen lit -'a; 'IPs�''ertu
.., .tile. torturing crystala.of uriZ acid IC:
swiftly dulls their 'sharp edges, then
'lashes them out of the system.'. Your
llama ease; .swellings subside,sknotted.
Owl Laffs
Joints Ippon/R.," lo se. Afterwards,-' the
. 'Iirusclie. " . aA
littl@ daily, .'dose ', of n
stimulateti theliver' and kidneys that
.i egoist', an cotinplete;-"elimination is
enured:. --Your -4rxside is --kept- daiean:-
M1SChieveUS" uric acid -never gets.=the,
chance to accumulate again. '
•Kruschen •Salts is obtainable at all
Drug Stores at 45c, and 75c per bottle.
. • The day M. conning' when: the ;feliow
.rd , terr`fbly ofd -fashioned. •
The average man rho attends the
AUG. 261
Bt�ll�rrrl� -pageantry"=rlrilssic—
instrumental' apd. choral -
famous bands "from Creat
Britain and this continent;
costly displays of manufactured
and natural !products from far-off
lands; horse show; automobiie
show; fashion show; dog and cat'
shows; stirring military tournai-
ineints; Kaye' Don with
"Miss England III"; British
Schneider Cup :Plane; Seventh
Marathon Swim for wilt -1.5,1's
professional championship; wo
art •galleri•es, engineering;,
electrical and scientific achieve-
ments; indeed, outstanding
things to see in this gorgeous
lakeside park and its costly
permanent buildings,
Send a postcard
, for free desil'iptive folders.
With what type of hand should a One 'of the .best liked members of
player -raise his 'partner's bid? One of,I one of the New York, Card Clubs is an
the first points to notice is that no old. Professor of Greek at one.wf' the
player has a ,justifiable raise for his'
p'artner's suit_ bid 'unless he has 'at
least three , small„ tri}ops ' or two to an
honor. Lacking sch ,holdings in the
trump suit; a, player should deny, not
assist his partner's bid. Provided,
however;-thats hie" -player does.hold at.
least three smali••trumps, he m'a'y as
.sist his •partner -,;bid if, he 'holds any.
of- -the,•following supporting. values
(.first)•aces,•ltiings,. and queefls of the
other suits; {s con 1)''abil:ity to • trump
sokne, short dr missing, suit; ('thirds
the fact `that• the .,supporting` Wind
h'ol'ds four or more cards , of •;partner's`
Suit, o1'Wthr.`ee ao '.an honor... P. .se
note, that the Valuerf of the high cards
in support.. -.of `partner's ;best bid are
movies cannot . understand ' why. the`
husbands of the actresses Should de-
sire to be divorced front them.
• --Changing-Gaisdiitions _ __
A'girl-may love yeti -from th,•.: bottom
of her heart, butthere's always room
for some other guy at,the,top.
Sunday -School Teacher = "Willis
eau' you- telt ,me what We •oust do .be-
fore we . can •expect' forgiveness of
sir. We.'must sin.",
_.` Dumb "Funny, how Fred is so
lucky at cards and, then loses his Win-
nings 'at the face tracks."
• N.otsodumb:-"Not' so, funny! . 'They
;won't let hint shuffle the horses",
• A blizzard does a than much more
Service than a •hummi'ng bird, but it
isn't nearly as -popular. { .
To avoid disappoint4ent and in-
convenience., the management have
arranged .to accept advance Reser-
'vatians:for Grandstand Pageant
"The Triumph,"; • and for any of the
,four 2000 -Voice Exhibition Chorus
Sec and $1.00. Box Seats $1.50 ea.
- •
1S charts rr lac o, ..
2000 -VOICE
Aug. 27, Sept. 1, Sept. 6, Sept: 10
%nd floor reserved
. Box ••eludes $1.00 75c.
;end fheyue . or money order with-
out ,
out to Canadian NaiTonal' -
Far7i1 idea, Tsronto.
es : -4 11,-W: Ware
Wife--"Thecouple next door seen!
to be 'very devoted. .He. kisses, her
every:time, they'meet. Why .don't you
do that?"
Husband= "I don't knew, her well
enough •yet."
But for Thomas A. Edison we would
not have' the moving picture, the ,talk-
ing machine, or'the .telephone -but he
was 'a 'great man . nevertheless. ' ,
local universities.. Be• has read every
thing that has. been•. published on' the
game, but. hast never been 'able to be-
come a good' player, . Every 'Once in a
while •he has a• bad night,. and, when
'he ,does, his partners try_•.ta,gi'in'•and
..b -ear, it.,�.�alie,�ioil'n,�yaRgn 1t?lp y�:l'' .
• lustrationsof the Professo.r's game,•dn.al
is applicable • either -to Auction or 'to
—Contract .... • • ' •
1lealte 7,'.5',
Cubs -Q, er;• .,' :
Diamonds -Q ,10;' 2
Spades,'•. Q'., 9, 8 5..: 2
very, nearly double their sure trick or
efensi've' vs. ue '
'-'+-A.:Witty -to trump solos' abort pr
miesing.'stilt" Is usually ,valued as fol-
• A doubieton is worth % trick with
3 trumps, and 1. trick with &.trumps.
A singleton is worth 1 trick with 3
trumps ,and 2 tricks with 4 trumps.
A blank salt is worth 2 tricks- with
3• trumps and 3. tricks with 4 trumps.
'The fact that the supporting hand,
holds four.'. or :snore.:cards of partner's
,suit of -three to, an boner,' '.is usnall .
valued as follows:
Three small trumps
The, 'ace 'Or king
The queen
O. tricks
• l'I • trick
,.-.34 trick
Four small trumps ; • 1 trick
Four trumps .headed bran honor •
1 trick .plus honor value
Five small trumps • 1% tricks:
Five trumps headed by an honor' •
2 tricks`
Two values must be placed on all
,.high 'card -s; First, .their values in de="
tense of opponents'' bids. This Is • their.
'sure trick value. . Second, their •value.'
in..aupport._of partner's..best�bid Tile_.
latter valuation is :much higher than
their sure trick valuation' because the
chance that they may' be trumped is
less and the chances of betting up a.
suit much stronger. Their salnie as
cards of. re-entry. Is• also considerable.
These additional .values are practically
double their sure trick value, .
Hearts -none••
An angry telephone patron who'was
charged extra for a call,. roared: .
Telephone Patron -• "Outrageous!
Why, in my home city one can. talk
to Hades and back.for ten tents." '
7 -Tele -Oahe `Uperater (chirphrgr�
"No doubt. , That's inside' ' the' city
Wife -'"Oh, I'm so 'sleepy. Is- every-
thing shut up for 'the night, deaf?"
Husband -"That depends ' on , you.
Everything else is."
1'"My idea' of a cheapskate is a pe -
son who'd reverse the charges on a
long distance ca'ln to the poorhouse,"
_said AWftil Oswald; the.' Brushvllle
pest; as he picked up anpther cigarette
stub, and asked for a light.
Wife -"When I marriedyou ,'1 did
not know you'were such a coward. I'
thought you were a brave man-."'
Husband -"And , so did everybody
:else:" .
Convalescent :(in hospital, 'to a
friend) .'Thanks very much for the
. brandy -peaches. Although, the doctor
wouldn't let me eat the peaches, 1 en-
joyed the spirit in which they were
pram IOgiis dinesicto antral lentis,
Many people have found out that the
only Way to end divorce is to marry
the second Wife first. Before letting
your Conscience be your guid it 'is a
good idea to be' sure you have one.
Hearts -none
ClubsQ, 7, '2
Diamonds -7, 3
Spades -J, 7, 4
2• o' C I .
'a� Y'•
A 13
at Professor : , ,
Cinbs A;_ Q... - - ;.
Diamonds=A 8, 5, 4, 3
. Spades -A, K J;10 a
The . Prof'es'sors contract was live
spades and A. led the ace of hearts and
then' a low heart, which the'Professor
•won With the king. He thin took out
the trumps and led a small club from'
dummy and finessed with his pi en.
The•'king was in A's hand, so That the
'Professor failed to makehis contract
—7he subsequently- lost -'the :king-of-
diamonds,'which was, also 'A's hand,
After the hand was over, the Pro-
fessor said to his partner, 'Well, part
net, .if .the king of .clubs had been on
the right side, I would have made my
bid." His partner, a'very good player;
replied: "You could have go.ne game
'without -taking the finesse. After you
had taken, out the opponents' trumps,
you, should. have led 'a •low diamond.
'toward the queen in dummy, A had
the Bing, so that your diamonds were
set up anon tire-lasttwoleyour hand;
you could have discarded two losing
eltth5 in dummy." This criticism was
correct and the Professor- apologized
for, taking •a finesse when it wasn't
'necessary: His partner was silent for
a minute, and then , said: 'Well, Pro -
lessor, it looks as ifanybody can teach
Greek -but bridge seems to. require a
• Clubs=8, 5, 3
Diamonds -6, 4
.S.pedes-Q,. 8, 6,
Hearts- • 10, 9
Clubs -K,14
Diamonds -Q, J
Spades -9
There are no trumps. and Z is in the
lead. How can Y Z win six of the eight
tricks against any defense?.
Z should lead the nini of spades., IfA; covers• -with -•the -jack; --Y should play
the queen and then lead the three' of
clubs. If A refuses to cover, Y should
alsb play law . Y should then play the
king of, , clubs. In either event, Z
would win the second trick with the.
king of clubs. He should then lead
the four of clubs. A can either (a)
win the trickwith the queen or (b)
allow I3' to win with the jack.
(a) ,If A wins the trick with the
queen of clubs, he ,can lead a club,
Hearts -K, 8
Clpbs-J, 9
Diamonds -K
Spades -5, 3, 2
What New
n .. Leasoti Fur
•'nie''heiWith. PpierdPatte'z.
which Y will win and lead, a diamond,
putting. B in the lead and forcing him
to lead hearts to Z's tenace or spades
to Y's tenace. A can also lead a Elia-
.mohd.,-puttin-,g. B in ne • lead with the
same result. A can also lead a spade
to Y's tenace.,. Y would win these two,
tricks and lead, a ;diamond, putting B
in the lead and .forcing him to lead
he -arts to Z's tenace.
(b')'If A allows B to win the third
trick with the jack of Clubs, the result
is the same. All B can make is the
king of 'diamonds, so that Y 2, must
make six of the eight .tricks against
any defense. •
Lord; teach, a tle` e t .prate .'
And, oh, accept my prayer.
Thou hearest all the words I say,
For Thou art everywhere.
A little sparrow cannot fall
Unnoticed, Lord, by Thee;
And.-though,_I am so young and small,
Thou carest still'for me.
Te?eb me to do whate'er is right,
And When .I sin, forgive;
And inake'.it still 'my chief, delight
To love Thee while I live.
One of our severest lessons Is to
learn to wait. We have uses so•hyp-
notised by the , pbp'nlar thought of
doing. -C. B. Newcombe.
Polite Book Agent -"Have you a,Relief for
Charles Dickens in.your home?" ' That
Lady of ' the House (snapping). -
Boclt Agent -"Or a Robert Louis
Stevenson? Or a Eugene Field?"
Lady-•-'- No, no, *e haven't, and
what's more, we, don't run a boarding
house. If you're looking . for those
-people, yoti• might' ask across the
street." ,
Men who stand around waiting for
something to turn, up should begin
with their sleeves.
Movie Director, -"Can you act'"
Applicant -" Actt , Why on the stage
Fast •week I1died so r, irally inp.'life
nt"'iuran�� agent,• who was in.•tte a+t.dt-
tree, fainted." '
Medical Exaiiiiner-"Ane what did
dour grandfather die of?"
Patient I don't ran:amber, , but I
ani sul'e•it was nothing serious."
Too many young couples . coiue to
, •as• an -•end-htt•aUtS
-Ioolt upon- -marriage
Exhausted Feelin
Carie Back
With Health
, There Is a relief
for the drain on
your, vitalist
caused by Summer
.heat. ' Read how
tired • out women
an• gra i e s have-been-benefitied
"Since taking 'Br. Williams' 'Pink.
Pills, my d'atghter has lost that tired,
sluggish feeling;" says Mrs. Asa Dow,
Port Daniel `'rest, Que.
"Before taking Dr.' Williams' Pink
Pills.' was always tired. Now I aim
full of pep," states Doris Andrews,
London, Ont.
"Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills built tne'
up and put Me ' in fine condition,"" as-
serts M'}s..James Doughty; Brantford.
- Men, women ' and growing girls by
the score write it simhili ilar g praise
of Dr. Williams', Pink Pills, . The Pills
rebuild health by actually creating an
,abu1idance of -new blood and inereas-
ing tl ,e • b1'ood delta, 'thereby restoring
contest. .. ; i
. I wasted tissues and revitalizing the ex -
"Do you like simple' things?',' "Are hausfed system: Try t)'.em. . At your
yon proposing?" " druggist's -50e a .package:
lassifled ` Advertising
UPTURED? :w•R,irE •FOR ib/Fd-i,
JAA;.MATI.01\1. Smith Manzif,,,oturtng •
Company, ' Dept. -,100r' 'Preston, Ont' .
v Ess`tt ' i witiLrA.Pi *„.ir a '
. PAPEll in Ontario whl-Ch 1 could' ,
- "tease •for -'a -term• with-OUrobass-inview .-- •
Send particulars to Bos 12 Wilson Pub-
o: ... ----
•: in ••C
I sir t
j1 cruiser,. about thirty feet. in 'USe
auugether orb four or' five months' in
two seasons; 'complete .equipment:,tnolnd-
frig carpets.. bed and 'table linen. china.
glassware and silver as .well; as all mar -
I. ,: cyuipment and many extras. This•
cruiser with -its two cabins and' its • Nell
equipped'galley id an• unusually'4 rofost
able , bz„at for. ' •week -ends or P n ei 3
cruises for four to sirs; people. Lt
ceptionally seaworthy and has. cruised
al'i over the Great Lakes.''•It has a nlgn
class and very economical 60 horsepower.'
six -cylinder `power plant' with complete
'electric lighting throughout' and 'speed
of 12'to' 14 miles per hour. Lt is a.spe,-..
' clal paint lob and very attractive' in ap- ••
pca:ranee. Owner will 'sacrifice for nal! '
its original' cost EL Watkins. 73 W.
Adelaide St.. Toonto:
.LOC11L 8(}ENT3, > n ND, WO>1SE>`T
MEN to secure renewals and, eel'
rrevr nrem�berships--tri-the Canadian. Geo--
graphic'al'Society.' 'Write Canadian. Geo-
graphical Society, 159 Bay St... Toronto. ,
Agents Wanted
in this Town to _sell a 15 cents Sham -
pod 'and 25. ' cents ' package of Razor
Blades, . both 'guaranteed quite satis- •
factory. Write. for particulars..
28 Wellington St- West, Toronto'•
' UNWANTED • . •
. They iveie_haying a dance in one' -
,of the large..'towns -of Texas.. •A cow-
boy, just in • from :the prairies, ''went
• 'up- to' the„'hall , and entered,. ' The
master ,of, ceremonies led. him gent-
ly 'to • the door and put ~hin► out. •
.The carboy went back.,. The nlas-
' 'Here'.s'a fa::c'inating afternoon dress ter of ceremonies seized' hiin by the;'
with cape. collar and moderately cut
neckline. Qin' a white "chiffon with
splashy red i.rint. .
'.t.•he new skirt cut, moulds .tl a figure
beautifully' thrcugh the hips, .
. ou'll marvel at how. simple it is'
to. make it.
'It's just the dress to take with.you
on those week -end vacations. .
Style No. 2935 is designed for sizes
1'4 16, 18,. 20 years, 36 and 38 in. hes
'bust.. Size 18 requires. 3%' yard's of
39 -inch material. '
Crepe silk ins plain or print; triple
sheers .and chiffon cotton voiles are
also Suitable. •
_zgp$ T{�,O•r:11ER ,PATTERNS.
Write your name and. address .plain-
ly, giving* numb.;r: and size of : such
patterns as 'you want. Enclose 20c in
stamp's or coin (coin. preferred; wrap
it carefully). for each .number, and
address your orde' to Wilsun Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
"I laar, Mary, that your husband'
Is a golf. enthusiast.”
"He is, mum.” 1
"Nell, sloes he do good work in
the links?"
'indeed. he does, mum, he is cut-
ting grass today."
Self -Reliance
This i:. self -reliance -to repose
calmly on the thought which is deepest
in our bosom and be unmoved if the
world will not accept it yet.' To be -
Leve that what is truest in you is true
for all; to abide by that certain that,'
•while you stand firm, the world Will
c•:me round to'you-that •is indepen-
dence. It is not difficult to get away
into retirement and there live upsn
your 'uivii convictions; .nor is- it diff!
cult to mix with men.; and follow their
convictions. 'Rut to enter into the
4,orld, and there live firmly And fear-
lessly according to• your own con-
science --that is Christian 'greatness.
W. Robertson.
The universal genius whq can man-
age all himself has yet to appear. Only
one .with the genius to recognize
others of different gehiti's and harness
them to'his own ear can approach the
"universal." It is a case of dffierent'
• but 'co-operating abilities each part
of • the'compiicated lib clia "Ie •iitlilig 'in=
to its right place and there performing.
its duty without jarring. -Andrew Car-
negie. • i
back. , of the neck and kicked _him
rudely down. .the stairs:
The' -cowboy gathered himself up
slowly and, looking back .at the ball, -
said: "I' know. what it means! I can
take ' a hint. 'They dont want • me
at dance„
. Manna For Zulus
Natives in Natal have been suffer-
uffering badly recently, for their cattle
were largely destroyed by a Ibng per-
iod of . drought. You can judge -tiler,,
astonishment when, one morning, they
say a great area of the veld covered
with a milky .vhite flaky substance.
"Manna! Manna!" they cried, and
promptly proceeded to 'collect it in
It was found to be sweet and pleas:-
leas=ant to the taste and in every way like
the manna described in the sixteenth
chapter of ENodlts,• • A farmer in the,
neighborhood' who ' gathered some of
the manna d&Scribes'it as looking like
small popcorn and tasting like wafer s
made with honey. ' ,
Manna has fallen 'In South, Africa
en, a previous occasion, and scientists
have' endeavored to' discover exactly
what it is. It is believed that it orig-
inates from a kind of gum secreted in
et.calyPtns• trsex; This becomes- light.
and dry and is blown from thetrees
by the rind. '
Sonne -years ago there was a fall of •
manna In Palestine. . An expedition
sent by the University' of Jerusalem
found that insects feeding on tan! r
isle ' trees secreted strops of honey,
which on the ground trailed into small
white'grains and flakes.
Empress .Hotel
& GOULD '`S.
Downtown Toronto
- '�Hoine. away frsom -heirs
booms-Dally$1Weekly '$2
At hnie .
or away
Peen -a -mint is the ideal summertime
,laxative. Pleasant - and convenient.
Gentle but thoroughin its action.
--Cheek timmer upsets--witiFFeeit=a•- ;
mint at home or away.
Drat .those
Pesky Reg'
Catch then. With1 Aeroxon---
clean, convenient, hygienic -sr
the, fly catcher with the push
pin and wider and longer rib-
bon. The glue on Aeroxori'is
fragrant and -sweets Goad for
3 weeks' service -it will not
dry. s
At drug, groerey ta hardware stores
Sole Aaepf'
Nn'wTOw A. HILL,
56 Front St. East, TOrontO
Clrets the fir every '81116 1'