HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-18, Page 1• yv •"; ^1. , -4: _ • • 1.1 ''ait • 1.,•• l• • • f`'' '-'111" • )4'?''.-Zi.J.I''.0001Fi•Nre,67,-(041,10Z,1:iF':-Wrelt. ' . • r 12.60 PER kSA.R IN ADVANCE $2.50 • ••• LUC4;410"41T, 0141r., TIAUFISDAY, AUGUST lath, 1952. "'SINGLE .COPIEB 4 CENTS I • DENTIST .• Dr. R. L Treleaven, beehive*? .. Hours: 9-12 A. M. 1.30-5 P. M• PITCWF 53 X-RAY SCHOOL iTUIANTS. ApPlyu:to EOR SALEwTwo' caws; milking , • • snow, -will., fresheii!:•next'l winter.- ' • :7 1'• tb D 0 M6Diorran ;'•`' goadcofldition, reservoir s' And -W APPlY • closet, M,s Themes Watson • , WOOD POR SAL -Good grade of • mixed wood 16" long. $2.50 per cad delivered. Signed - 'The 'laic-knewCa:,'"-`14-tot (8=-118-t1.) •,FOR SALE -A g9od grade Durham Cow, due to freshen this month. Also' -44 (Word ram • lamhs.,s For further a • -.1,1‘ particulars apply 'to James Forster, :, West Wawanotth. • (.25,-8c) STRAYED--bzt- theatPreiniseti-- of - John Miller, Concession 13; West Wawanosli ,On .the 6th of AugUst, a heifer, about 2 Yeats old.' Oilier may have same by: preying pr and • Fnfring'. expenses:. NOTICE 1 'yoters' Lists 1932, iMuniCipality -Cif The Village, of Lucknow, County Notice is hereby ,given that I have complied. with Section'. 7 of The, Voters' Mats At and that 1 have, posted up at iny_ office at- Luck -now -on the 18th 'day, of AUgust,A.D..1932, the:list of .all persons entitled to vote . in the said'Miinieipality at Municipal- - elections and that Such list remains there, for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters : to take immediate 'Proceedings to Inye-any-errors-or4nissiona-7-cotvec-: • ted according to liver, the last day for appeal..-being-the-Sth-day-of-Septem- her A.D. 1932. . Dated at Lucknow, Ontario this 18th day of Auguit A.D. 1932. • -Qs-JOSEPH, AGN'EW, Clerk of the Village of Lucknow , BUSINESS EDUCATION , " . Yea! We are placing our graduates. NOW• is a good time to pr.epate and be ready for greater things. Wing- hant Business College re -opens Mon- day, September 26th: Canasta Busi- ness; College, Toronto, always open: .Also Home' Study- courses. Pay whelf you wish. Write to -day. Card Of. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Brooks and family. wish to expiess, their most . sincere, thanks, .to the :many. friends ncLneiglittors=m, he -were -so -helpful - and sYmpathetic, after the very ser- imis car accident, Also for the many 'beautiful bouquets of Ili:meta. Card of •Tisalks The . family 'of the late Joseph , Nixon, wish to express sincere thanks for the kindness and sympathy of inany friends during the illnesa and • at the death of their father: SNEAK IN ARTISTS • -rtverf-plilrealiteitees'its---qiioto-af- . "sneak- fans. take their place -on • the hill, and fully enjoy the' amuse- • ment. Probably they, think a ball testa is financed .on air, or maybe the game doesn't seem worth the id - mission price -or more likely its joist because there are a good many wide open spaces in the park, where One earl just walk in and avoid as- ', aisting the boys along with their 25c. _CLINTON RESIDENCE OP • . MRS. J. W. TRELEAVEN DAMAGED BY FIRE Defective Wiring Considered As Pro- bable Cause of Sunday Morning ,,Outbreak. . The reitidenee of Mrs. • J. W. Tre- leaven of Clinton,4ormerly 'Of Luck - 'now, was damaged' on Sunday morit ing by fire of uneertaiii' origin, which - broke out about 10.30, and Which was ,suppoSed4. tti,be• result of defective . wuring The fitiiiiii-Were 6iiThid ,to - the upper portion of the house, the roof being burned through in plaCei but, considerable Smoke and water datnage Omitted before the confia- iration was eXthignished by the fire brigade, lifiK'ffeleaVet -and: MISS --Nettila- • - — . _ : past0 weeks camping at Stratfotd • and. flieit guest, Mies Libby Gibbings , A dance in the Town' Hall, after. and WOodifeek, accornlifiliied-ty-fitrs. had returned the day prevoiona from wards was well patronited. McCart- D. Patterson and Max Hildred. The . , an extended Metor -trip and Nt4re at ney's Sreltestrit furnished the inuatie. Misses Olive and Violet Math‘ re- • logs to secant tor theorigiri of A booth on ,thel ground'apPeated 'to turned with them send two weeks vacation 'Lueknow and Kincardine. $ho ' *011 patronised. . • STILL IN, RUNNING' • FOR, THIRD fi;AcE Liteltnew ,and; Teentater. Both won. On Tuesday -Result Cif Teestrater Game Op Friday Will • Deteraiiiie • farihnen$ Chanen Gf . • " :Whet* Teetivreter • or' Ltick0Ont • Will :take third place in,the Lakeside' .I4eagne :and enter the, play-offs, is: Still undecided Lucknow *mind -1.4 the .,.ealiedul4 it home 'onTuesday defeating Ripley 9 to '1; but :at the.: SaMi . time ':Teeivatiter` was -putting it over Kincardine by •sCc'TV 61'12to Lucknow .has Won -four -and, test_ four gamest Whij14--T-17idelwaTeis-Iias wan '4 afid lost '•3 -one More game yet to he played,in Winghnm .on Friday. A win for Wingham will tie them with Kincardine for lst place and. will result in a Lucknow-Tees-' • water tie for 3rd place. 'So the locals still have a' chance,. but .theit fate remains in the • hands of ,Winghain; ATTENDTWEDDING-IN TOIRONTO Mr,' and -Mil. Pearlm'an 'motored tp Toronto en Monday; where they Attended the wedding on Tiiesday; of the latter's cousin, :Mr. Jack Kahane, to 'Miss Goldberg,. both of .Totoitto. Mr. and Mrs. Pearlmanil ,returned - hone the following day . and during •their. 'absence, Mr. Kiefer of . Tor - Willard are visitors this week in Tor- onto Assisted Morris_and 'Jennie at onto with Mr. •and Mra..r, J. Naylor. the , stcire. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nixon and Kieth, • Silk Rose, Special 240 gague, Pure and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon anent a few days in Oshawa and TOronto., • • •• • ' Mr: Albert McMillan' and Mr. Jim Bowies of London spent the week -end at. Jas.' T. -Webster's on theiNvtary. Mr. And Mrs. N. A. Olds and son George of . Detroit,- have anent this week guests of Mrs. Elliott Mil- ler. -:j-M-1-.---Joseph-4Eltiott -of- -Toronto-„wai- a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Paterson and Mrs: D. -Pater- son.• • ' Mts. Roy and Children, June and Roy of Toronto,' are -visitors this week--with-Mt.--and .Mrs. •Hetb- McQuillin. . • M r. Ross Holmes ' of Detroit, ac- com panied by his cousin Mrs. J. D. -McKendrick of-Deatborn,IMich.„....are_ visiting with Mr i and Mrs. D. C. Mc - Morten. - Mr. and Mrs. 'George Huston and daughter have returned to Toronto after a visit in town with the fotin- er's parents. • M r. Ceeil Webster ,returned to London on Monday of this week af- ter 'spending a week's Vacation at'his .14 ca General s • Don't forget the street dance to.. morrow night - Bargains in Men's Work Clothing. Socks,, Gloves; . Shirts; Etc.-7THE -MARK-ET. ,•4• ' , Mr „ Stanley Bnins savisitor this week ,vrith his, parents, Mr.- 'avid, Mrs. Tlieunas. Burns ' Miss Minn, MacKayjs PP/Or • this vk.4ek at the home of Mr' and Mr S. ' • Thos.' Watson spent the-ek -end in GOSietieh is' the .gUesit of Glazier: -Mr. and •Mrs: John: Savage_ Frank visited .on Sundaywith Mr. •and Mrs. Jas. T. Webster': Di:. Hugh .and -Dr. W. J. Stevenson• ' of London were visitors with ifriensis on Abe 2nd con., this week. Miss' Mary Holmes Of Detroit, visited -.last week at -the borne Of- het uncle,- Mr; G. C. McMOrran. ,Miss Helen 'Willits of Wroxeter' is' a>visitor this -week at the 'home- 'of Mr.'and Mrs. Wallace Twamley. Di:. A. A, Cameron returned ' to Ottawa on -Saturday having; spent a week's holiday at his home here. „ Mrs, R. H. Th6mpsen, Helen and Thread Si Heavy service weight, all Colors, all tins for Women. A High Class HOse reduced..to $1.90 - THE MARKET. , STREET DANCE,' A street chince will be held in. LiicknOw on Friday 'evening; August 19th,under auspices of the-Fic-e7ChT • Music 'will be supplied " by Arthur't, Radio ,Orghestta and-ii--gYo-d-iime assured both young -and old. WIN: AT TEESWATER Three rinks of lodal benders took part in: the rinks tournament in Teeswater, on ThursdasT;witit the rink composed Of iVellington McCoy. George Hassel, Charles Richardson and E. T. Armstrong, winning motor rugs,. as third prize.. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED 'Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. ,Hawkshaw of H-olyrotod, Ontario, announce the engagement • of their daughter; Anna Mabel, to Mr. Archie Graham, young- est son.of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gra- ham, second con., Kinloss, the mar- raige to take place early• in Septem- ber. -Five Bandi-Take sorn.e.;—--KinlOs. a_ • wirfisTgRs 'or HORSE. • SHOE COMPETITION Thtelie Fony °Footwear Heavers Battle Fer Supremacy 'Local ,clournenient .Last Week 'Horse-shoe: tossers • had an, (ippontOnity to -detsonstrate-their- Thurslaz, -when a legAl competition Was 'held on Jack bleDonald's groniida With six . teams enteredeaeh play - mg 'games and, te prizee „going to the teluns .With t 6, highest and. 24d. highest,. seiire. 'Flay started about tea -time And continued „on into .the- *113:08',.,.414der- 444113 '4414,:!before- :the' Wiiners were decided. Fred detson. -and ''2,1Ohn idaCDonald, -entrried-of-Ist-Pirizer*ith-a-cinint-of- 136. ,..TempleSlarlted.T.Macpon!-.. alta were tied with John MacDonald :41 Donald MacDonald for second pi* with a score of 128. The Piay- off resulted in a win for the former pair by a tally of 30 to 13. • Other coinsietitors were: Roy Black and Harr % McQuillin; Joe Irwin and Joe Agnew,;....' D. _Anderson and Leonard MeDonald. • , ' LARGE ENTRY FOR SCOTCH DOUBLES Several Local Entries Have To With- draar To ACCOMOdate Large side Entry At Friday Night's Doubles. ' Able to 'accernedate twenty-twoi rinks, at -the local green, and with eighteen outside rinks entered, from Paisley, Walkerton, Hanover, Tees - water, Ninghain;'•Goderich" and Brus'-' seta, only four local rinks were able to , compete in' the Men's Scotch Dou- bles, held on Friday evening. Well over a dozen.'mOre local entries were obliged to withdraw to accomodate the visiting rinks. Alex Crawford of Wingham carried off 1st •money, woollen-hlanicetse-while-DonekLRae and !partner of Wingham won '2nd -prizairsof_fianelette blankets. Willis of Brussels carried home tea Sets as 3rd prize, with bath towels being won by Leach of Paisley as the fourth, prize. — Who had singled, and throwing Mac - 'New PiintS, Gingham% Sheeting, Kenzie: out at 1st. Pillow Cotton, Etc. -THE MARK -ET. . Ripley's lone tally came in the fifth when Campbell was safe on McCart-' • •ney's error at first, who went to 2nd Criminal Negligence• when McLeod was thrown' out' by Finlayson at lst, With -Campbell going --Charge-Ifiiithdra-Wn -L-0-3-„d-,hen-Robeitson-was_sge__70.. • . . an error at 2nd, and, scored when Further Adjournment Made In Mc- Lane singled. Robertson was forced Connell Accident •Case Which Re- at 3rd on a fielder's Choice by Bieset4 linked In Death of John McConnell Roy McKengie hit to right field, and -Lesser Charge Is Laid . Lane attempting to score from. see onewas thrown out et home. From Appearing before Magistrate Reed' then on Ripley never Were dangerous und- Irwin retired the last two men in Goderich 'An Wednesday morning, in the 9th by strike -out route. thehearing of the McConnell accident The Bread The Bread .ofHealth • HoVIS _ of Health OUR MOTTO IS QUALITY AND SERVICE THRIFT IS COMMONSENSE 'APPLIED TO SPENDING. ,FOR -,TABLEL; • BREAD. -GIVES- - TOIrBIG-GEST-POOtrirAWE.'"'• , • , • RICH FRUIT CAKE 2 lbs.' 35c. • , PUFF PASTRIES "%CURE CAKES , TEA 'EIRCUITR.. 'RASBpRBY 'TARTLETS BREAD ' OATMEAL cooKiEs. • ;a LIYMANS hene 345)- ;, By peroatink gioey ClOut, Offerings Of A Finlayson For -Fourteen Hits To DeciSively Defeat Ripley 9 to 1.• I • • LuCknow wound up their scheduled games on the home, !diamond on Tues- day, by, smashing out 15 hits off A. Fiplayson, to win a victory 9 to 1, and as a result have still a chance to get into .3rd place. The boys opened . their attack'in the first inning when- Andy, Thompien, lead-off: man,• cracked out a two-baggei on the first pitch, advancing to- 3rd when his bro- ther was safe on I3isset'S error. Ir- win rolled one down towards 3rd, with Andy, coming in and making a neat slide' to the plate. to beat Fin- layson's toss to Alton, R. Thompson going to '3rd. Irwin stole 2nd, before Andrew popped, otit 2nd, both run- ners •scoring when McCartney clouted the ball- to deep centre. FT OM then on with the exceptiOn of- the '2nd inning the gang added a tally each inning, keeping well in front of the visitors, Who -for' the most, part were retired in orderly fashion. In the 3rd inning Andrew mad -e a nice catch in left field robbing Lane Of what looked like a sure hit. .Roy 'Finlayson pulled a double that inning, by tagging Bissett The annual .congregational and • • Part:In' Tattoo Sunday School picnic of 'the • United Church, is , --being held, this Afternoon at Kincardine Beach. • Mrs, G. A. Newton and Miss Lorna Climpbell are spending a few days this week in ()fillip as the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. T.- S. Reid. , . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Gainiss and daughter Julia of Detroit are 'visitors this week at the home of the form- Taight-Whierthe parade coirimenced or's prether, "Mr. John. Germs.. ' to the park with Winghain,' Goderich, Dr...11,14rs. J. F. •blcKenzie and Harriston. „Kineardine and Lucknow family 1, etroit were callers in marching in the above order. Goder- town this week. They are at present ich band of forty-two .players made holidaying at their cottage at Bruce a striking appearance with such a Beach. large turnout, while Harriston Kil- • Mr. Alex Lyons and his 'chum, from ties in their colorful uniforms were tiamiltonlare visiting this week with the former's parents, Mr. •and 'Mrs. Jas. T. Lyons, West Wilwanosh. Mr. W. J. Davison, accompanied by Ideal Weather Ad& To Enjoyment Of Evening -Attendance, Not Quite As Largo Ab Usual. - • • . The Band Tattoo on Tuesday night was fairly well patronized, although the , attendance was not as large as 01i former occasions. Shortly before quite conspicuous. • Massed as one band in a eat -lit half circle, the program opened with "0 Canada" under the direction of Bandmaster Scitatte. Each- band con- Harold Agnew and his friend, Scott tributed .two -Selections on the stand Isabel, mo,tored to Sprucedale • on during. the evening and each Made a Tuesday where -Mrs-• Davison has very creditable showing. The "march 13,en holidaying at the Agnew cot - past" and "God. Save Tlie Eing" were tage. : - the concluding numbers, with a mas- •ted band of some 110 players parad- ing back to the Hall before dispers- ing. , „ . Sandy 'MacDonald, "famous Scotch Comedian" was the chief entertainer, of the evening and his humor and sin-, Ontario. - - ' ting to say the least was a disaPpoint- Rt. Rev. C. A. Seeger D.D.,Bishop ntent genetaily, -1Vliss .Heeney,, who • of Huron: and Mrs Seagat visited, accompanie-r hint' sang two- very with, Rev. J. tl. and Mrs. Geoghegan pleasing 'solos. Both entertainers , were from TOrento and their chiltg.ps at the "Rectory on Wednesday. The O3 ekpressed his delight 'in the amounting to somewhere in the neigh: improvements made on the rectory borhood of $50, took the cream of the proeeeds. Mr. McDonald was ,in- reteAibr- duced to the audience by -44. 3'. IL Mr, and Mrs. V. Cole spent the Miss Helen Paterson of- Edmonton is a visitor at the hinne. of Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Paterson, 'who also had as their week -end guests, Mrs. Geo: rge Waggenblass and .babe and Mrs. Albert Taylor of Massie, Northern -4! .` • * . :sakacitewsso,awt-astif,,,o „,....A.:14%tet..4.a..66L.tkalbetageig.....L%440646:46Z • '516.,yt el • Og case-was-:-.adjAur.ned till' Wednesday Ripley '' ' alb r k po a •e August 24, to be held at Belgrave. Lane; 1st 0 1 8 0 0 The. inability of one of the injured passengers in the cat ,to be presented necessitated the adjournment. AlInn•, McConnell;driver of the car figur- ing in - the accident, in :which his 'father was killed, was, following the inquest gharged with criminal negli- gence, -which we are. informed is now, changed to a lesser charge of `!doing ITY [(X i• • • 17, OUT Eyes and Our Service BY F. T. ARMSTRONG Lucknow IF YOUR ". SEEING I§ ,,oirrtcwit Dint, uncertain, done with an ef- fort, talking abone it, complaining Will not help a particle. You must. DO something. All that Means is :consult soineone equipped to right - these wrongs. impossible for: us • • ta help you until you decide yea want to be helped. Continued next week • 'R Wallpaper' Walk up town and save money. We .have a large dis- play of Wallpaper priced t,o • suitevery" purse. 8c up. Sun-. rthy7--regr, and reduction on work being done. - R. J. CAMERON Painter, Decorator & Grainer .: • ''. A " 4• , • I • ‘Nrcxxl'Turning' All Manner of Irregular and Regular Wood Turning_ Done Sidi - Neckyokes, Whiffletrees. • Implement Handles, Hay Racks Wheelbarrows,. &c., &c. • Neil MacInnes • flock South of C. N. R. Depot. • t Bissett, ss, --4 0 1 1 1 2 R.MacKenzie, cf.'-4 0 2'0 0 0 Alton, c. —4 •0 0 8 0 1 Adrian, rf., ss. 0: 0 0 0- 0 Finlayson,' p. 0 1 -1 1 •0. CaMpbell,.1f. :.......- 4 .1 1 • 1 0 0 McLeod, 2nd _.---4 0. 0 1 4 1 Robertson, 3rd —t 0 0 2 2 0 'Wyld, rf. 0 0 1 0 0 bodily harm." •• • ' The fatal .accident occurred at 36 1' 6 23 8 '4 tielgrave on Saturday morning, Aug- Lucknow.'' , 4 ab r Ji po e ust" he-avy• 'f tit thein-ps'on:rf. -.15 1 3 1 '1 0 R. Thompson, 3rd ......5 21 2. 3 0 0 Irwin, p 5 • 2 2 '0 2 0 Andrew, If. ......-....-.5 0 0 1 0 1 McCartney, lst —.3 1 1 10 0 1 C. Finlayson, ss. -..5 2 2 1 1 2 Clarks, cf. 02 2 0 0 0 Cummings, c. ....--.5 1 2 9 4 0 .R. Finlayson, 2nd _.3 0 , 1 1 2 1 driver failed to see a baracaded cul- vert, until close upon it and in a endeavor to stop, turned 'the car over At the inquest the jury found that the car was driven, at excessive speed under Weather conditions at that time and it was disclosed that John • McConnell's death was due to a rib puncturing the heart. After the ver- dict had been returned, the driver was arrested and taken to Goderich where he was released on $2000 bail. Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex -Ibbatsonan and children of Flint, Mich., were week- end. guests with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph England, °who also had as their 'Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swan and family and Mr. and Mrs. James England and family. -Mrs. A. L. Stewart and ° Jean of Detroit, have be visitors , in town with the fornter's sister, Mrs., W. E.. MacDonald and at present they are visiting with Mrs. -Stewart's broth - 41. 915 26 10 5 Lucknow- 301 111 11x-9 Ripley —000 010 000-1 Summary -2 -base hits -A. Thomp- son, C. Finlayson, Clarke. Struck - outs -by Irwin 12; by Finlayson 7. Base on balls; off Finlayfon 3. Wild Sacrifice hitr--Clark F i hie y s o n. pitch, Irwin 1; Finlayson 1. Left on 'bases-Lucknow 10; Ripley 7.. Um- pires, Forbes and Wildes: Thedbox score 'shows only 23 Luck - now batters retired and only 26 Rip- ley ,hatters.• Andrian for Ripley was 'automatically out when hit by his batted bell and it. Thompson . was • called out by Forbes for crowding theers, Messis.' J. IL Greer and George plate. Greer: as well as at the home' Of Mr.' and Mrs. T 3. Salkeld. ' .WINS AT GODERICH Mrs. William Armstrong and Miss Beatrice Armstrong ' havereturned Pour rinks from town took part in home -from a two -week's. vacation the Irish -Trebles tourney at aoder- With firdg ir timulotit -They: wer -kbid-oh-day avetting: -with-One -of-the- accompanied home '.by Master Leon- four figuring in the prize winners. arSt .. Barrett ' and Master. Francis The rink cirmposed of Joseph Agn, Buck of London,. tvhil will spend a Robert Rae and Garfield MacDonald memberships and donations as pour *On raclin tamps as .fifth sible, few hotidays• .with friends her% MOTORISTS! ATTENTION! Ford Garage Now Operated By Garfield Ostrander Having taken over the FORD GARAGE in.Liicknow, we are .prepared ----to • offer the motoring -- public, PROMPT SERVICE, and as in 'my other business relations, SQUARE DEALING. dim Pumps are in operation and a stock of 0$1s a Accessories on hind. PLOWMEN'S. MEETING i A 'meeting of the directors. of the South Bruce Branch of the .ontstrio Plowmen's Association was held in the Town Hall, TeesWater, recently, with directors present from Kitdoss, Huron, Brant and Culross T*ps. Considerable discussion • took - place re amalagamating *ith North Bruce Association, but it was finally de- cided to carry on as llama this year. The 1932 match will be held in. Hur- on Twp. this year, and an organiza- tion meeting,will be held_ in Ripley.. -on Angust 24th, to -make plans, etc. The following committee was appoin- ted to approach"their r spective 'town .! ship council for gra; ts:-- Cuirass, noht. Colvin; Greenock, Jos. ,Carter;', Carrick, Norm. Sthrnidt; Hiatt, Herb )`.1 Schnurr; ISiricardine, Lawrence :Stir- _ling; Unian, hob,t, 'Geddes; „Kinjoss, , , it P. G. Moffat. Eery member is ex- • ' c . petted to endeavor to get as many —----------- • •••.••*•••44,4ymec=240MCIA.,,,M0...**00,04. n•-• it0( ' • , i3,0•41,M1 „A• — 6 ITI,,fitt:j 1,, • .' • • w'