HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-25, Page 7See the Show Window of. the Nations; mingle, with the two million delighted' visitors, seize the spirit„ that grips and thrills,. -experience the enthusiasm that permeates this .•gor - _ �` genus: ESQ sicr lakeside • .•park and •its ,scores of. '+ permanent and cosPly:ex- a. • • -position edifices. ore ioplay Bridge i 4Wynnc Ferguson Author of 'PRACTICAL AUCTION BRUDOB* ' ARTICLE• No. 36 -. During the course of a.dlscussion at One of the New York Card': Clubs the. other night -the writer made the State- went that, in :his. opinion, an average player ' would lose• from •500 •to 1500 points in an evening's play, at, Auction •or Contract, either .by. bad' bidding or bad play o'r both. Tera wa•s'consider- able difference of opinion so the. writer -suggested : that .a player ;Of • •average. skill' be <selee.ted and that a record, be , kept, : ri tie intd-bid'eOruplays*tha't 'he- Might :make during' an• evening'silay.' :The • test 'Player was' selected and r t e � e oth.e 1r. , players, , of •whotii the writer was .one,, made by the robber.' It*as=tlie.dutydf these •thrf a to,call•: -•attention' tcg•.:any mistake cif ,three, to • bidd rin g by, ,the • feel :player and, ;iP the •dpinlorr of. all, three, -it was;:a loss that coal•ld; have been,^,havedwby ';aver:'. age'skill; it' was...charged. against'him; but n'ot•otherwth'e: •Play,continued'for --about-=-three-hou-rs-and, during that Aisne, 'the test ,player. made Only 'five ,mistakes; `two` as to ,the play of the` hands, and three as to the bidding, but. those five mistakes cost over 1000 points. The- mistakes as to play were unimportant: •orae dice to,: failure to count trumps, which cost ganie; the other to 'a failure to size up an open- ing lead"as a marked singletog, _ The latter' mistake only cost contract •and. a small lass. • . -. . =T-4143Aolio_wing_�example_,3taads_haves ,aroused .. considerabl'e interest . and much discussion. Decide upon the ,proper bid in each instance and then, compare with•.the writer's analysis., :' .. Hand No.:1 .Hearts -8, • ' Y : ' Clubs; -A; Q, J, A ' aB` : ' Diarpond°s=7. 6'5, 2 Z Spades -K, p; "Besses o'' th' : Bairn, Great Britain-'s•finestbrass • band and thirty :other !t; leading military and., concert' orpan1zati•ons • four eppearaai ccs of.inter.. • nationally, famous 2000- Voice Exhibition Chorus; . Knye' • Dofl' with • "Miss "The • • Triumph" 1932 inspiring Espositiori pa'gpant;• Oiym,pic •athletes front,.. `-•--thrs-yeaergames; Sev"eisxh7 Marathon Swim for world championship; . • two . Art Galleries; all branches of 1,k: r in€ WOA(.0'1 ANNUAL 1120511'10N What programmes, ; entertainment,-educa. •tion,-retreatlo' - , - To avoid disoppointnieM •and.inconvenience Me Lowrie/nasal hsv1 er an e�dto ecce I : . � d` 9 Wants i!tsaarition: for Grandstand Pd[ehnl PTTBB-TRlUMPH�eray goosing commencing— . yyhyAgoeaany 7toke Exhibition Chorus cu. Aug. ,ep Ssps.a,'S.N. J0. , GRANDSTAND RESERVED SEATS.: 50c- f $(5Q each— (5 chair: in each aW Auction' Bidding .• ` No score, :first game. • . Z dealt and bid one spade, which A doubled. Y' passed, B bid two: clubs, Z bid two 'dia- monde. A bid three clubs, -Y: and B passed -and Z bid three diamonds, A. passed and Y .bid three spades. What should B now do „with''the foregoing handl B shined bid faint. dohs. A's double f .one `spade an sat sedirdi -lh-f� oi- three curbs should indicate more than a fairchance, for' 'game. B's :hand is much above the average and worth a three -club bid, irrespective of 4.'s dour e anrase. s a ma er cria- t; i7 1'< COM NOT BUTTON HIS COLLAR . . Veale- a ter Rileurnatis n There is 'only one way to deal with rheumatism, It is not sufficient mere- ly to clear it quit of the system -it must be kept out. For 10 years this _Aiessemaassasum___ man has been free from the trouble: "A bad attack of rheumatic fever The singleton .heart is a .danger spot; 10 years, ago" 'laid 'me up for four so the. diamond bid is better than one no trump • If partner WS one, heart, months. When -I started .Works I .Could then the dealer should wet one no not. raise my right arm sufiltiently to trump.. , - tland No.'4. Hearts -A, 9,-4f 2 Clubs -K, 1G, 9, 2 Y Diampnda-A, Q, 9 A B Spades --5;: '2 Z , .l No score, first game. Z dealt -and •bio °one's'pude; wr ch -A=" oubled-^pasi3:ed:" B• bid tw•q cause; Z bid ' two :diamonds. A b`id,three.clubs, Y and B passed and ,,Z bi¢"three;,diamouds:'; A passed and Y bid three spades: B deulil.ed three. •spades' arid all passed: What should A• lead ftOrd 'the foregoing.. land at either., Auctbn or Contract Anhquld ()pen theiveef'i pses:• .Z ,has . iiid two Unita.; ,'epades'�•';and•';dia •monde, add'. Y has showed; preference for spades.' That probably 'leans drat• little' daily dose," uric acid wilt never -he js-shot-t-ot-dfamorids_and,-if_so,..it..i- • form s,gair, ' very necessary to, lead trumps and thus 'try'"to prevent Y -from "'trumping "A's good. diamondi3 'As a matter of fact, the, lead of the -spade. is the only one that will defeat the. contract. If A opens the club, Y .Z. will Tust -make their contract: -- Note.that Hands No.. 1 and No. 4 wer..e:;hekd by'A';and B as partners. Three -o i -a Matcl ::' ' button my collar at the back. Hay- ing 'to get iffy own hiving, I became, ,very anxious, be'cause'-of my arm he- ing so weak, , so I 'Started. taking Kruschen Salts in srnall,deses straight away, 'and have been taking it. ever since: . I am pleased to say I have ensrt- hee,>3 tre cabled,,,,. tAtY hell! >t;>" 'during this ,time. Although• I am 61• years of "age, I., feel. quite, :fit Por my Kriischeii . dissolves' • away' --those needle-paintedcrystals, of. uric acid. r a which are •the :causlu e of all ie m tie troubles. It will also $uah these 'etaa0lved crystals clean"out of ':your' systeih Then if, you keeps up "the* .. a tWartime Superstition?' "Three`.:on a' match'?; 'No, thanks. not for MO!. I'll ;11ght my own!" - So say many of ug, .smilingly, but nevertheless more : earnest than 'we would care 'to, ad-m1t is ou'r deference to this curious superstition. .' Where did it come.'from•? 'It •seems to: be a .comparatively new 'addition to the' already imposing ' array • of : black cats, .horse—hairs' and four -leaf- ed clovers that encumber. the petty activities of •'our lives. ' • • " Sortie affritiute` .its "-?-'b eeitLluek" ' abilities to the old. "Curse' of.. Three ethers declare that • devils • can '.be -drawn by the sulphurous -flame of a ateh,-hum ing f - a -_ie.ngil„n three The best • explanation,' however, is • that offered .by a returned 'Isoldier from, or.er-seas, quite convinced as to its ,validity s They -quote a certain general in A B could have made live clubs.ana', the Allied Forces as baving said dur, 'game, hut B doubled three spades and:, Ing .one particularly, lengthy siege: defeated ....the- Centred- -by' only one I ` $e- careful of lighting cigarett trick. . Tm ,the, writer's opinion this -- in ,trenches- in the.,time that it What New York Is Wearing Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished" with Every Phttern �W Lafs For Health and Happiness Here's ten .golden rules of Health fpr _evitrione.:._-.,.._., _ .. 3". Dat. slowllr..... • 2.B.echeerful. 3. Brush your teeth daily.' 04. Avoid contagious diseases. •5. Always cover a. sneeze or cough. 6: -Keep . clean -body, clothes, mind. 7. Learn something eaeli, da_y-d:o your: best. ' 8. Drink'''at, least four glasses of water' daily. ' 9. Sleep eight hours in ' a well venti- lated room. 10. Play hard and fair. ' Official -"'You have a fine head of hair -your- passport describes you' as. bald-thepassport' is false." Traveler -"No, the hair!" . '. •GLassified' Adyerti $4.:ENtrolf, MEWSPAPEB W • Y,y. , M rruUK I NU Fiat W lal;l.. ' ' ,. -. 1'AI'F.i; to Ontario K h;,•b i Iea,.e..for •a tkrm with iOur�,ilavf In view, • Send pa•rticul,ara to.-i3ux••12, Wits,ot•, rutin lisping Co.. Ltd., Toronto A, lot cif' girls are wafting to find tout what kind of cigarettes Queen Mary smokes befpr`e they, •form., the habit...•4, •'• ,`"•K leber at started. the ."Gra n d Canyon?' • Gtide:'A,9�ohohmar• toet e,Penny in :aditch°aT r T ay Nitt-" Ofice I'saved a, man's'life but I -never got-•ii-medalLfor2- :' • Witt -"Give. particulars, .please." Nitt - "An .inebriate I once came` home to' his apartment, turned'.on only hot„ water to lake . a' bath in, and he would have been scalded to death only,, I happenedto be janitor of the build- ing and -.there was no 'hot water." , . Jtidge-':You told • the Walter 'you -were •going, -out • to get • money to •pay ,your, bill. Why di n't: yoti return t ` the • restaurant ?" •• Accused -'rt. wan caught getting the money," . Tones -pinked up the ,da11:y paper and. wiriastpliiiihed by aeeing'an announce - went of his death in an accident.. ,He immediately rang up a friend. • • Jones -"Bili, have you'seen the no- tice• o1 my. death- in this 'morning's paper?� ; Friend •.Bill -"Yes where are you speaking from?" Is there' .anything' more disconcert= ing than to have a June bug crawl , up your pajama leg?' To whleh ere ans. er'-'""Omly"'crnw-t-hiug; uelnlrber,; and that is having a June bug ' crawl np your own leg." ;gam_ A po0:ketk#.ilstory, oi` . Dodging girls,' • Dodging work, -Dodging -automobiles, Dodging taxes, Dodging the sheriff;. - - . Dodging , the •undertaker. - •Mike -"Yes; she's: engaged • to an Irishman'. ,: • • Friend - "Oh; really?" . ' Mike-teYes; --but-1 --think -he -pro- nounces it O'Reilly." double of, three spades is unsound.' • Co,ntr-act -Bidding;. • The bidding at Contract should be the same. • Hand No. 2 - 2000-VOIC t: l 11UHTION• !MORES Ground floor reserved 75c. $1.00 tor Box Chain Sud cheque or money : order without delay to , Canadian National Exhibition. Toronto. WILL14M INGLIS 111. W. WATERS President. General' Manager. Child in a Garden (From Poetry) O treasure! 0 joy! . , Tlye, little sacred Boy ._.._U,pon His Mother's knee No' sweeteras' than she Who- now upon my heart, ' Artless and speechiessii Worketh with more than ant. Innocent flesh and trail!' The Writ's holy ,veil! • No older than the leaf- - 'Young April's first ' ' Yirst herald of the sheaf - That trims the poplar bough- • With tremulous light, Will you grow strong and tall, O spirit infinite, O body small, - - ,Here where all. things are growing And the `spring air ,s blowing?' My heart is in your hand. Grow tall and cbarm the land. -Janet Lewis,' Goad Work ''he capacity for good. work, of the 'kind that goes on without trumpets, is diminishing in the *arid. ."_ -e• Hearts -none. ' Clubs -A:':1,110. 7, 2 Diamonds -R, Q, J, 9; 7, 5 • Spades -1, 8 , '' Auction Bidding: No score, first game. •Z dealt and bid one diamond, A bid ope .heart,.'Y one no trump and B two hearts: What should Z now do with- the foregoing', hand? 'Z shouldunquestionably bid three clubs and force his. partner .to choose between clubs and diamonds. If'Y has Anything that looks tike .a no trt(,mp, Z 'should make game either in diamonds or •clubs: In the actual play, Z bidtwo no trump and 'Y Z Billed -to - make: game while,at diamonds, they could have made five odd. With'a• two - suit .hand of this type always bid both suits if you get the chance. • Contract Bidding: At Contract; the bidding would be the same up to B's two heart bid. Z 'should then make a forcing bid of four clubs and thus • command or force Y to try for, game either in ch hs on dia- monds, the suit that -best fitted. his Hand No. 3 • Y • ,A. -Z .8 : • Hearts 1' • Clubs -(1. 10, 9; S Diamonris=A, Q. le, 4 Spades -K, 8, 7: 5 No secret first game: Wbat,should Z, as dealer, bid with foregoing hand at either Auction or Contract?.. ' The dealer silouldf bed one diamond. This is another hand. of the type dis- cussed many times in these article's. Vivousa Hk14ard�iiLBab1eS! But Mothers Find - Protection and Relief for •Them ' in BABY'S OWN TABLETS "Ween mychildrenare overtired and restless in warm weather, 1 give thein their dose of BABY'S OWN TABLETS°. ' at night, and in the morning they. arc 'happy and contented ,children and are ", apleasure to cope with"' , writes l�i'ts. Mary Mason, Halifax, N.S. Mrs. George 11. Walker, ThonTasburg,. Ont., says: "I have found BABY'S OWN TABLETS the best of all chil- dren's renuedies'for Suminer Complaint, Colic, Teething and Constipation. • "BABY'S OWN TABLETS art excel - DR. \ ILLIAMS' BABY'S Make , Mother, (fQW takes to light three :cigarettes' from.., one matbh -enemy aircraft-catt-TOni=- pute - our location accurately, enough. to blow us "all from the -tape' •tace' of the earth." . end. this,. in the , light ' of • the 'pos- sible . result, seems about as strong an argument as ever gave rise to a superstition!'• Vine"' Yields ;More—Rubber- -rubber More "Rubber -rubber vine which yields twice as much rubber as either of its parents has-been produced by the Un- ited States Department of Agricul- ture near, Miami, .Fla. •It. is a cross. between'' two plants both native to Madagascar one long grown in Flor- ida as an ornamental, and the other naturalized in many places in Mexico and the West. Indies. • Tl e -planting• of Madagascar rubber vines as ornamentals ' is spree Ith rapidly in . Florida, Arizona and Southern California, says a reeen't bulletin from the department. • The new hybrid rubber *vine showe'i a rubber, content between 4 and, 5 per cent. in monthly periods of analysis, reaching nearly 7 per cent. in sonic cases: The vines of theparent species• seldom yield more than 3 per cent.' Because the seed of the hybrid does not• run true and produce .the same type of plant as the hybrid itself, the rubber Workers propagate new plants by cutting. The vine is a perennial'; and once planted a regular production of rubber might be practicable. Propa- gation fnethods are being sthdied to increase the 'supply of hybrid mater- ial, but none is available for distri- bl.tion at present; ' The department, is also experiment. Very Useful . ing with desert plants which grow in Southern Arizona and California and, "What. is the Most useful creature which show prospects • for rubber, pro- •in:- the world to mankind?"'asked the duction. The most promi§ing is p 1 teacher. r._ttce 'milkweed that could be�grown I "A hen, sir," replied Freddie Wlil- in large quantities in the desert dis- son. triets in ,the event that a domestic "A hen?" echoed teacher. "How do production .of rubber 'became . neves-, You make that out?" zany. "We ean•eat it before it is born and :Red and white seersucker makes . this smart sports dress. ' •T•hepaneled front adds attrac- tive graceful 'height, to the figure. Tts as•easy as A, B, C to make it. Andit will cost you 'next to no- thing. ' - - Style No. 294$ is -designed or sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40- inches bust. Size 36 re- quires. 2% ' yards of 39-irtch ma- terial. • - • •' Another delightful sche'ine is yel- lotiv linen with brown bone .buttons. ..nd brown leather belt. White crinkle crepe silk is snappy with vivid, -red buttons and red leather belt. ' • HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plainly, giving numherand such'patterns-res y60 want. Epclose 20c' in stamps or coin (coin pre- ferred; wrap it carefully) for each n-..niber, and address your order to Wilson Pattern,. Service, 73 West Adelaide •St., Toronto. ' ' lent for children's summer complaiets", writes Ales. (Rev,) Conreu, lirantford, Ont. BABY'S OWN TABLETS can be given with complete safety to the youngest and most delicate child -sec analyst's statement in each !�c package. They aro recommended for smatter illneSser, teething trodbles, simple fevers, colic, upset stomach; constipation. sleepless- nese leeplesnese and fretfulness. Children takehere as eagerly e as they eat candy. c y lf 3 than 1,250,000 packages sold in 10 1 27 a .• New. Colors for Fall Chosen . By British Fashion Creators atter it is_clead,'_' exp ined_thie. boy. Life Life is but the edge of i • vast ocean Lond'bn,-Tn addition.t'o the "Empire of existence. Shades'" al'reatly announend 'fqr the-- - Ottawa Conference, British fashion , creators are sponsoring an interesting list of colors for the antuinn season. 'rhe usual piquant titles are 1n` evi- dence again, Withnature furnishing most of them, but with emotional Im- plications providing a few • (such as "love -le -the -mist"), And a niod'ern soft rri k 0rang ta e ) heTping' out thegen- eral schelne. Alerting and' afternoon Shades will include, hi • the browns, Jacobean and briarwood; yellows, marigold, musk,' and .ora„rt eade rexlg,^holly berry_ bas {. turtiunt, peony, damson WIce; greens, chestnut leaf, Cretins green and lore - bird green. •tl Harley- Davidson 1933 Models now on display at ou'r store. .Also large assortment of USED MOTORCYCLES to CheOSQ from. -Prices lower than any time in our history. We invite you to call and inspect our stock•ofMotorcycles While attending the , Kennedy and Menton 42 'OLLEOE TORONTO' ' ' Rarley-Davidson 3 1atrib itore • OIOTOR BOAT IVA BOB ' ry 1 C H A R D SON DOU13L2 CA -13-1 •ll cruiser, about thirty fret a use • 'aitugether• ori• four or five inunshe. an 'Iwo •it:usrnis, complete equipment ,nclurl. Ing carpets: bed antable linen 'l,�na,' glassware and sliver as weIl,as ' Il mar- • 1 , e,ulument and, many ,extras LOIS' cruise! with Its two cables and iia •:vell equipped galley Is an•t:nusually ,.ornf•irt- able boat ,for week -ends .or tenger cruises for four to .six peopie 'It Ie ex- ceptlonnily• seaworthy,' and Oas eruued all over .the Great Lakes. 1t lisp a- Algol class and very econonflcal GO ,horsepower, • six -Cylinder power 'plaint with complete .electric lighting' throughout and a.peed of 12 to 14 miles per hour tt is a ipe- etal paint ob and very attractiyh in ap-., pcaxance. -Owner will sacrifice for 'nail its original. cost. a. . Walk) risi' 73 ' W: 'Adel,aide St: Tnronto. To• -be .free•'fro n' Rheumatism, in any 'form . ---_Q'VE '�I�E CAUSE', U E That Is what • Thomas Rheutbatkinq Remedy 'does.. It 'wail. do, the same r Particulara for.•ydu. Write for F ee .. ••k:;;LEE W.¢''1-klOMA$' MFG , a 21 • '41aie. 'St., "L:on.dop;' t, e .6;000 ,Tons of Dust • In a dust storm recently six thous-..' -and "tuns 'of; dust len on •rthe *city of • Winnipeg. • • 'The .calculation ` was., -; based upon the amount that fell on, ' one equare yard of pavement.. When . • . weighed it was found to total 21. ounces: It .cane 'largely , from ,the drought -stricken ' areas of North' • ISakota• and 'Saskatchewan. • . • • Five Luiidr-Frog `=Farms It is 'estimated that there are now . five hundred.,fro.g farms .in the Uni ted.. -State _S .s I.ns�Angeles tttis three ' millions '� year, Philadelphia. ,lair _____. milliona,...and:N.ew York _nerhapa tem millions. ' 'It takes• two years .to raise a- bullfrog.. Stops Summer Odor- The heavy smell which warm, weather brings to many pea-.,'.. ple is largely ;:prevented by I regular bathing with a free lather of Baby's Own :Sbap. P aj atom disp IL ' uripleasantiiess and the skin feelssorefreshed.coolsrsweet_; . Baby's Owns sells at l0c 'a - ---ca-ke-at dealers-everTw4ere. .-' 3•-a "Best for you and Baby too" '. •r Sparks This is the machine,age"and about thirty a -woman •eaters` the ';reducing' machine age. A girl's greatest probe tem is not whether to let her hair grow,, or which boy to marry, but when to stop being twenty;fve. s1 book- keeper may hold his Job by getting the accounts 'so balled up ' that no one else canunderstand them. Have you ever noticed that all great men have been great workers? Irate Parent -"Didn't I see you kiss dalighS;ex., sir?" -- Nervy Youth -"How should I know? Do you think I'd be gawking around when'I was doing a thing like that?" • Two salesmen met in the smoker of a train. Number One -"Well, I've had a good month... Orders have -been coming in good:" Number Two _ I can't !say as much. I've had' only three, orders all- year." Number One -"Three orders! Sakes alive, man!! What is your line?" N un1er Two "Rltilway_....locomo:, tives'.' Luxembourg Garden Beehives Paris at heart is rustic. 6 the midst of all its proud buildings and rush of traffic it dreams of -meadows, little gardens, and the drone of bees, And at the heart of it you will even. find certain of these rustic things. Paris almost,. in 1 the. Center of it cherishes its beehives. In a seclud- ed corner of the Luxeniliourg Gar-• dens you will find' the city's apiary. There, within ' a hedged enclosure,, just like some little garden, in the country, you may see the hives,. some in straviz-1#ke Eyza ers .in wdQd like miniature cottages: And tierelYou will seethe busy bees Winging outward .to seek the nectar hidden 'in the garden's flowers, oth- ers- speeding• inwardlade,% with spoils,- to vanish into the mystery of a hive's interior. pouletiines 'about the little colony you may see a little group' of people gathered for instruc- tion in the ways of bees and the secrets of acquiring much. honey. Not far away is the drone of the traffic on the, busy boulevard, but nearer is the drone of the bee's, Booth-tf r 'G• somnolent, amid the ilowe g. -F.: Hurrell, in "The -Lantern Show , of ' Paris." •• ARE 'Qu SUFPER121 I ram DEA DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES Our .New Ciear-Tone Models are , proving- by actual., trial• at home that much can be done to overcome this condition, •wonclerfuAU con,--._ structed, 'so small, hardly notice- able, bringing to you actual relief.' at once. TRIArs OPPS$ Write us to -day. We will answer, giving you fulf pat{ticulars,for trial at.,h.ome„gzmcall.Yy. ile,atthe ..Exhi--_ bition. _ • Great London Searing Aid Ltd. Suite 1112 .tar ' Bldg. • (Clear -Tone Dept.); Toronto; Ont. ,slM Showers The s'oiser of the see'd is assuretliy the author of the whole h'ar'vest of ids* I chief. Bemosthened. At First Signs of Pimples Use CUTICURA' Anoint with the Ointment. After five minritu's•badie with the Soap. , Soap 25c. e intatena35c.-and-SOa-•-- PURELY VEG.ETAB Take them every so often. They'll Keep you• HEALTHY Spiel L4reryiehere in 25c anti. 75c red pkgs. f•S w a PiA.li.@b7 •i are sure ,to get in "even with the house screened. Hang. up ' Aeroxon=the fly catcher with the push pin and longer and wider ribbon. Ae&oxon is irresistible to dies bei;ause. the glue is fragrant'. and sweet and will not dry - good for 3 weeks' service. M drug,-gtocety 8s hardware stores. ' Sok Agent for Eastern Canada J. Edgar. M. Genest.. P.O. Box 23 . t erbroOk•e, Quebec Ontario Ret*resentati3•a Ncv.i,.n A. Hill, 56 Ftont fit. ra't Toronto AEROXON FLY- CATCHER - .Gets e fiye ory-tine -s ISSUE No, • b CY w