HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-25, Page 4•
tancopra 'ed by numerous orders lately received from your country,
... e d
we .have 'decided. to expasid our business and maintaina permanent.
market for our - world -famed collections ofDutch. Flower -
for home, and garden
We Are therefore'. making the following attractive offer of a new
selection of varieties, made with special regard to suitability to
your climatic conditions by professional experts , The collection will
he found to be, unique for its skilful combination of rich coto'ur-
intts with deliehtf ul scents.
Taking advantage of this, supreme "BOLL• ANDIA" collection, -
our ho and garden a , Fiower Paradise for °'
you can make'your me ,
In view 'of;. the large number of orders -which conte, in .daily,' we
kindly• advise; you to.: order early. Please, write your name' and ad-
s'_clearly,.on ev r .order,: �R_correspondence,•-orders,..,eto.,.must
uses c y .M
be str-ictiv'::addressed tots; > -
.Dr for
0f ' ``A """-
.� a
HA1tRY BitUHL,-Managi,._g .. ; ; .,:•
V'OORHOIi1T ,by.' .HILLEGOM'.._,fi3OLLAND',,-E lJltOPE`'
• ` a '' ifi ent: °'collecti ,n consists o#'
'Our•. in t;i,.c.n , o .
6, ;des. Derwin , ,in. 6 aFi ie Colors
2 dos `Cottage.. Tulips, in 4 FAO Colors, • • -" -
1 doh. 1.11137 Flowering. Tulips
1 doz- Double_ Tulips
_doz. Hyacinths- for Pots, all colors, .,1.
dos. Hyacinths',. for Bedding,..all rt► ors
5j- doz. Crocus inn:. various fine -eaters •
3 dot's. Snowdrops; the :"Queen" of Springfiowers
2 doz. Iris in ' various fine colors.'
.iri (Grans Hyacinths)
2 doz.' Scillas,sweet. lit flowers
-2 doz. Narcissus •(Dafodils,) all kinds
336 •FleiVer Bulbs
14 "Holilandia• Novelty' Bulbi"' FREE. COLLECTION
35'0 Fowl er-Bulbs • • : DOUBLE' THIS
' • • "for .:$6.--. -
(700 Flower=Bhilbs) for $10.-=
mvt service: delivery never, later than• one'.week before planting
-tune Delivery FREE of 'charge at destination. A certificate- l, of
health -.is lentished with., every order by the Phytopatholoeical
Service of -Holland. _a,
All • varieties : are packed : and labelled seper
tely.._,i lustrated. Cult1iral 'All
in Ens:lish. French, or German
are sent.free with orders. All orders ;must be aceQ,npanied 'bv re-;
:mittance.for' the• full. amount and should be addressed as above.
Special terms for wholesale orders.
Lucknow agent Sanday'withi -Mr, arid`;
Mrs. John. Crowsto#i.
M'r. and. Mrs, A, M.agenty, $artier,
Lloyd ad Doris have returned to.
Stratford after spending: a week with
Mr, and Mrs. ,V, Emerson. .
Mr, and Mrs, • Fred Thompson and
Bobbie of Toronto elNit the ' Week-
end with relatives here. ' • "
There was, no: service in tbe.Lang
side Presbyterian Church on Sunday
owing to the funeral. of the late Mr,
Daniel McInnes of Whitechurch be-
r: and 'Mrs. Grant 'McDiarmid
and son; Douglas, spent Sunday at
Ir. Ernest.. Ackert's. •
Mies Alice. Thompson of Lucknow,
is assisting ;at Vlr .Harvey Ackert's.
` Elliott call -
Mr. f r:. and Mrs: R:icbard
ed on Mrs. Thomas Robb of , Amber
Mr,. , and' Mrs. .Cowan, of Auburn
.spent Sunday at.' Mr. Allister Hughes.
s_Lou_SpeM1g e,' Miss Kav Mor-
tis, Messrs. Jack and Ed." Spettigue
:� of-London.,land Mr,-;,sild Mrs.,, Jahn..
Jamieson of • Paramount • were. the
Sunda guests ofii rt' Thos.. Harris'.
CMrs. Thos..Harris tilled on' Mrs
has.' Cling -ram. on Sunday..;
Mrs. =Alton:' and daughter Alma of
•Lncknow were recent visitors with
• Mrs. • Almer Ackert.
Miss Helen. Burt • of Mount Forest
spent a , week' 'at her' home •'on the
12th con.
Miss Ina• . Eckenswiller ;'spent` the
past week with Miss Beatrice Mc-
Qdillin. ,
Miss Reta Mason .arid Master Jack
Mason are visiting with 'their ..gra'nd-
mother, Mrs. John Colwell:.
Miss Mary Cox, Mrs. A: Hodgins
and Rev. ,Benson' Cox , are • visiting
with. Mrs. ' Rudy Selloff at Detroit
mxuRsDAY.. Avoun 25th. lie 0,
Published .,every Thursday :moining
at Lueknow, 'Ontario.
Mr ' . • D MacKenzie .,Proprietor
Campbell Tfiompson.—Publisher
THURSDAY, AUGUST . 25th, 1932
4th CON..'-•9LOSs
• Rev, and. Mrs. Wilkinson have ie.'
'turned • from a motor trip to Toron-
to and Port Mope,.
The August meeting, of the U. F.
W.0.. was held at, the home of Mrs.
Graham, •with : an attendance of
ing , held, that • afterhoon, •who was: • A , , . , , *13.
for mn `' ears":been' s''resident of ft?' 'm!be fid visitors. Mrs._• R.
;ny Y -.F.. -
Martin4pre�ed, and the,• met' - op
this loealt�:""`T•1►i""eomm'ti'nity�axtieaxd�; ^ ,< ..„.��•,,
ened by singing .The Opening, Song
ta`Mrs -Mc]4nnes:anH the family their
heart felt synpatl►r. - : ,
-Miss. :Grace :Richardson: spent 8.
few days ..last we _With Mrs. Janes',
Wiilson. '
and., repeating , th Creed in unison
The-- Roll tali was responded to:by
"A Habit that Builds and Maintains
Health" After community Singing;•
the business' was';discussed, followed
by a =very en`�oyable• program Mrs
,Gillies, the District Director, gave a
' k Newton s very •'instructive talk,. which every;
Mr. and • Mrs, o
family o er, . a' e
--•�he-laoame of,a on the violin,•accompan-
• f. R oc es .h t N Y r spend ne enyoyed'. Fraser McKinnon gave
Dan Finlayson.' Mr. .Newton. is tn-
dulging • in his favorite pastime., of
fishing, but as ,yet•', with -no,; visible'
signs of success; He •claims,,•_howev-,
er, that as far as numbers''were con-
cerned' the catch,' was unusually large
but of: such' inferior' quality as to
necessitate his 'returning ,them :to
the water to obtain their growth, In
that case Jack might it notbe that
the . same minnow , developed such ' a
liking for, ,your bait that he return-
ed an'indefinite number of . tithes?
Mr, and 'Mrs. John Colwell spent
Sunday - with, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin.
Medley • of Bingarf.:.' -•
Miss Helerr-Thompson of. Lueknow
is visiting with .' Mrs. Eldon Ecken-
sw.i Ter at pifesent.
The September ;meeting of 'the 13,
T. i11 T1ie d -a Mg's. Wii�: Per
cy's.on Sept. 1st. Directors -Mrs. Jos.
Hodgins 'and Miss' Daisy Ayles. To-
plc-"Sketeb,.-of'.two Canadian Authors
L. M: Montgomery, .Marshal, Saun-
ders" by Mrs. Thos. Hodgins. Demon
stration-Canning Vegetables.. Roll
call=Favorite pickie' recipe and'' sam-
pie. Lunch. Com.—Mrs: Wm. Hodgins
Mrs;, Thos. Hodgins, Mrs. 'Dan Mc-
Farlane. •
It's= lovely, hone -
how' much. d®' you .:want?'
All her neighbors wonder how
`Ed. Baker's wife gets such good
prices ' for her honey. But Mrs.
Baker's secret is simple.. She sells
by Tang Distance telephone.
"It's lovely honey this summer,"
she telephones to the hotel in
town. "Yes—It deliver by the
Low et/thing
05 rSlation-t
lion calls
7.00 p.m.'
lower night
al 8.30 p.m.
hit!" • end of the week'." -
'begin -
PiFl Long Distance is quick, easy to.
reie'i . .'•
•use and prof liable.
Mr arid-.MrsTJim-Grant�snd babe; ,McIver Winning, the: pnze.A;:'vo e of
and and. gra. Carlson and_dangii-? thanks was given= -the.; Hostess for
ter Clara who have been visiting atr her hospitality, The • meeting 'closed
R A. Grant's, have .returned';to their by.: singing "God Save the 'King".
homes' in :•Chicago: Lunch was served and the !usual • plea -
Mr: =Ch sant. time'. spent over''the lea cups,
Jersey a The roll call for'` September is "Pickle
Russ,. Bis Recipes", directors, 1VIrw Sutherland:
Mrs'•(Mrs. Carruthers and: Miss' Ruthi, Mc-
!Chinon. •
1VIrs ; Diek- ef- London -visited last.
week with Mrs. Cecil : Robb.. .
• Miss Donalda MacCallum is ispen:.
ling a few weeks' in Guelph.
led by Measle ..Middleton. Miss Kath
erine 1VIcInnis' gave A -reading . Miss"
Isabel . Chesnut . favored , the meeting
with a solo: Miss Jessie ' McKay .gave
an excellent account Of a trip" ' to
Vienna, and • their way of living in
Austria,;' which was very interesting
to, hear,., • Miss Mary. •McLeod. • read•.
Carruthers • sang a solo. • Mr. Jim:
Little . gave some •selections on the
violin, which was much appreciated:
A contest brought , the, program to a
cloie. Mrs. MacAuley and; Elizabeth
Mr, and Mrs _Rpbt. D.eyell.and Miss
Gertrude of Wingham and Mr. and
Mr*.s. Geo.'. Swan and *Angus andMies
lean Mac.Auley of Ashfield, were, re-
ent visitors at the home. of Mr. and
t •
Mrs. J. W. Swan. ' ••
Mr. and Mow
-bray iM
Mrs. Geo. bray and,
Irene, I$enney •.and 'Charlie of New
Hamburg visited' with :Mr; and Mrs.
Colin McDonald.
Miss Dorothy . McDonald "spent •.a
week's oliday with her aunt, Mrs.
ellV'in Lain. ' •
Iu�Dey. ,.• g
Mr. and Mrs.: Wl inson 'of Blgt1Y
`s 'Peint a- few'days at the 1Vlanse, while
, .
their', son Rev., T. C >Wilkinson: 'and.
Kis. Wilkinson. were on .a holiday.
'Duncan . Gillies and ,children
... .?�"
4Duncan -a_ lid Murray, ant; Miss Bessie
„;'Iurray, A: it ;of., Wilford Hill, N. Y.
:ler guests at 'the 'home of, D.
r. .
-Chas,. Dixon and. son' of New,
re visiting at the 'home of
Bissett.' �
Brown and •daughter 'Alice
and Annie:. ,of_fetxoit and Christine . '
Finlayson of Lueknow are guestsoL
Miss' Sadie Cameron.' '
_. Mr. and --Mrs: Robt.: ' Johnston and
family of Detroit are. visiting with
Mrs. Mary MacKenzie, The youngest
member .of the family, little Edwin
three weeks:old,, :wits featured in the
Detroit :paper two weal—ago, • as
being the smallest • baby in the city•
at that . time, weighing. only two an
tliree•=quarter pounds: He is 'steadily
gaining, • however, and now tips, the
sealer. at three and three=quarte'
.pounds.: L
Under the 'auspices. of the Mary,
Hardie Mission Band the Ashfield
Congregation was \treated to a .most
enjoyable evening, When Mrs. D. T.
,McKerreil addressed them, Mon-
day evening .in ;the church. • Her to-
pif iiealisig-with7her trip to'--G»ian
arid -experiences -inn -the -mission -feel;
was' well -handled'. and' enjoyed .by all.
Mr.' '•Hunter who • . accompanied, • Mrs.
McKerroll also addressed the meet-
ing and gave an interesting account,
of his travels. •Miss ,Doris Brown, of
Amberley'sang ,`A Little 'Talk with
Jesus accompanying herself on ' the
guitar..- Duncan MacKay also Sang a
solo. •
Mrs. .Grant' of ' Toronto is pending
he -week- with :1�%rsR.'J, Woos .
Mr and .Mrs. ::J..Metcaife.-And''M ss
:Mary of London, visited withr.
and Mrs.''.Robinson' Woods. '
Mr. John Mills, Mr..and Mrs. Chas.
+foffat of Durham And Miss Myra
:.tills of Detroit, were visitors at • Mr.
Cairns .Aitchison. `
.__.M.iss_._Mafi..garet . Thoni. is .Home for.
a holiday after Completing her train-
ing for a nurse at ' the Guelph ' Gen-
eral Hospital. • '
Mr. and '• Mrs. Archie ' McKenny';
Helen, Leslie and Kenneth of Sarnia,
were:visitors at the iiomeisf-112r.'D:
B. • Murray: ' • '
MT. and Mrs. -John ' :Webster had as
their guests, recently, Miss Knott Wand.
Miss McKay of London.
Miss Vera Todd, spent a few';days
in Goderich last Week asthe..•guest
of Mrs. •'Beatty. ,
• , Miss . Iona Swan is spending herhohaays with relatives at Dungannon
The .September meeting of tire; Wb-
:iaen's Institute', Will: be .held at Miss
Greta" Webb's, on •Thu'rsday's; „Sept.•
1st. Roll calf "Hot Supper Dishes "'
Mr. Wm. McKinnon, who has been
=C}oser .
with his brother Dan, star
. Show• Starts 8.30 ,P. M. -
August 25-w26--47
I ,. In
"The Gay.Caballe>Iro •
The 'Robinhood, of' the Rio Grande:
And _
,4A,U°R'E "' aild'^ HARDY •COMEDY-“.•
'. Tl3� ��SD • , ' '• a1V ..
•August •29=-30=31 ®.
In' 1
Guilty Hands" -
'ti••YYA v
'Suspended From Bumper of Car.Young,. Lad, Dragged Considerable•
•.d..-..on,iiis_.biomeward trip'- to Paris.
Rev.' Mr. Tucker of town, was'a
•eller ori -the -lust' last w,aek,_
Master George Wraith had the
misfortune to 'cut his ieg,_which re-
quired severa- stitches to • close' the
Wound. •
Mrs. P. Robertson' of Ripley1' seen+.
a ' few days.last .week with MTs. R.
Middleton. •
Mr. W. Reed spent.` Sunday with
friends, in' Seaforth. '.
-Miss Olive Robb of Ripley, spent
a fiu`e sy with1N[rs. R. 1Vliddleton..`
The . Community' was greatly, sad-
dened on
ad-dened'on learning of the very sudden
death of Miss Ruth 'McLeod',who pas-
sed' away early Tuesday •-morning.
'She was- a •daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan McLeod, 6th Con. They have the
sympathy of their 'many. friends in
their sad bereavement. ,
tween'. Horne and School, in charge
of • Mrs-'WallaceMiller--Hostesses-•--
Mr`s. I.orn Durnin,. Miss Annie_ 'ur•
The Lions Clubs of Goderich and
Seaforth wish to'announce that ar-
rangements. have .been made for their
Clinic to• be held at Alexanda Marble
and General Hospital, Goderich
Wednesday,' August 31st, 1932 at'
10 a.m. D. G. ' A. Ramsay, London.
r. k Gra 'ham.: of-l=mtib
Mich. is •holidaying at •his'hoirre .here..
Miss Alice Shackleton of Ashfield;
spent Sunday ---with Dorothy' Heiden.•
by.. - ,
Firs. Clift - Borthwick is visitiing
with her parents' here. • '
Mr. David Bridge of --Hamilton call-
wil.1--• be Clii tian- and --=Drs% Macklin= -ed .on friends here last ' week.
and Ross .will •examine cases of .de- Miss 'Beatrice McQuillin:,, of 'St.
fective eyesight. The very benfieial Helens visited ,recently at H. A.
-resalts=of-the -_Lions Chiba ,• work in •Gtaham's,--
-1931 were made" possible last
by as Mr- and Mrs. S. -R.- .McLelland, "al
years clinic and it ih urged that trip
pled children and " children with .de-
fective •eyesight should be :examined.
Permission 'to attend may be Obtain-
ed from the Secretary of the nearest
Lions Club, either H. 5. Grill; Gode•.
rich or Dr. F. J. Beechley,` Seaforth,
but early application is •necessary.
The government bf Saskatchewan
has worked Out a' plan, to ;allow the
farmers to nav their debts iri wheat.
Until November it , will' be accepted
as aPk'�:v.,".
on the basis .of 70 cents ner bushel'
That Will avv'ly to ' dealings which
farmers have had' with 'the govern,
ment in the way of 'relief and • ad-
vances ' for seed gain,, :etc, . Details
-ar'e not given in full: but with ' the
exception of binder twine the farm
er can naw his obligations to the
government with . his wheat. Relief.
as we 'have come to understand the
'word. is seinethine which is not re -
'paid by the uersan who receives it.
If it •has to be paid back it is not
relief in this sense: it is a loan. 'The
Saskatchewan idea, is sensible. The
farmers 'cannot Bait their 'debts in
cash because they have no cash.
Wheat to them is the one medi•utn,, of
exchange, (alt w Ts:� t�asonak�le • to
acce:at it at fair prihe. -even if that
price is in advance , of that paid on
the open market.
Man •
• Many a self=styled •law abiding
Many a an who drivesa motor citizen slows down to thirty-five when
so Mr. and Mrs., Bert McLelland were
Sunday ,visitors at B. E. McLean's.
Misses ' Hazel • Percy and . Grace
Haldenby and friends were to Eugene
Falls on Sunday., '
Rev. G. •B Cot, 'Mrs. M. Cox and
Mary; also •'Mrs.• Ada Hodgins spent
a few day's with the latter's daugh-
ter' in' Detroit. •
Mrs. F. McMullen and son Clayton
of Toronto were recent visitors with
Mrs. M. McLean.
rthe late . The funeral ofa e MrsWm,
Guest was held from the home of
er son, Wesley est. on Monday
afternoon. Much ;sympathy, is extend -
.ed • to the bereaved. family. '.'
The Anglican • Congregational and
Sunday School picnic, will 'be held at
Silver. Lake next Friday afternoon,'
August 26th. Members of the A.Y.P.
A, and anyone 'wishing to attend the
picnic will be cordially invited. "The
Harvest 'Thanksgiving ' services will
,be held on 'Sunday next, August:28th
at 11 a.m. and 1.30 p.nr. The 1T o'clock
service will be conducted' by Rev. H.
F: Appleyard. Rev. B. Thomas will
be the special spehker ' at the 7.30
(' -
p.m. service
Before marriage she's •worth ' her'
Wuighht'an gold; afterwards,when she
has ' put on forty pr fifty pounds, she
goes off the gold standard.
'car--bets a thrii out. of a horse race he 'hears' a motorcycle coming; -behind.:
ruck down 'and' dragged . on the
bumper; of the car driven,by Dr.
Simpson of Kintail;. en ''Friday? Don
ald Carrick 'o f • Goderich had 'a bar-
row ing experiences from which he
emerged irliti out serious ,Injury. The
Dr. was .proceeding' along . St._An-_
drew's Street in, Goderich when the
incident occurred' and was: apparently
unaware of the. lad's' predicament un-'
til' shonts from eyewitnesses 'caused
him to bring the car to a' stop; The
lad': 'was; thrown back on the'bumper,
wit his head ,and ` shoulders 'forced
down ' bet
• it and, the radiator
Here and There'
First wheat harvesting reports
' in ••the Canadian• West • were re- •
ported by the • agricultural; depart.
meat of the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way from Winnipeg; July 23, with
'—barley -and'--rye going -under ;-the
knife in tile-"s1Tiaa 'Wand `E5tet
subdivisions of the'railway. The
wheat ,wads' harvested in , southern
Manitoba., '
' August .will see the season iA
the Canadian Rockies •at' its speak
• with the Prince of• Wales Trophy,.
already bringing in golf entries •
from far' and near, scheduled for
August 15-20 arid coinciding with
this event the Indian Days' cele-
bration, August 19-21,- which will
be attended by Stoneys, Cress and
Conducting five , ,French and
five Swiss professional men. from
Paris, Dance, to this continent.
' Nicolas • Racz, of the Paris of- . '
five of the Canadian Pacific 'Rail-
t.'a- 'e— ,.+inpZi-`i twatoi Nla a '
Falls, Petrofl, Chicago, 'Washing-
ton: New York, Albany,Montreal.
Quebec, and returning to Europe
on the Empresa of Britain, Aug.
• Mystery cruises, eo +popular out
of New York, Southampton and
other glint yorfs, were ashe`feillii
• on the British Columbia ' • coast
with the .sailing of the coastal
liner Princess Patricia, of the
Canadian Pacific coastal• service,
to, an unknown destination under
saled Orders, recently,. Closeto
200, passengers were attracted by,
;the trip.,
where he hung suspended by his
'knees and suif:ered�bruises- and abra
Siena in the course of 'a: 200, 'foot
ride in this 'fashion.' An examination
revealed no.bones
Bennett - Barnwell '
A fashionable wedding took place .
Sal uikday _ evening • in_ the - Central,:
United Church, Pbrt Colborne, when
Muriel Alice, daughter of Rev. and :
Mrs: H. J. '' Harnweli of Walkerton,
was tarried to Clifford Arnold Ben-
nett, son of Rev. and .Mrs. C. T. Ben-
nett, Brampton. The ceremony was
•onduetetl by "Rev: C. T. Bennett,-' as-
isted by Rev. H. L. Merner, pastor
if• thg Central :Church,. and Rev.. I.
I. Moyer of Hespler.- Owing. to the •
/lness Of-,; the bride's father, , the
ye, • ride was 'given._in_marriage-by-her-:-�--••-
ncle, Dr. J. F. McKenzie of Detroit,
aril. The bride was „in• an exquisite
own of ivory, satin made on' long
:nes,' the . skirt lengthening into a
:rain. Her veil of blush tulle was err_
,'tinged, in cap effect, 'with orange :blo-
;soms. She carried ' a shower bouquet
of Taiisnia'n.. foses_and lily -of -the -vat
'ey. Her bridesmaid,. Miss Marion
VleKenzie" of Detroit, cousin of the
wide, 'was lovely in turquois blue
:retie end; carried a ,,, C
_bouquet o ola,.,. -_.�
unbia roses..'
Juicy, red,. succulent buffalo
steaks grilled to a nicety, greeted
the Australian • and Nov Zealand
delegates to the .Ottawa Imperial
Conference' As they -entered the
dining car o5 their special train,
, over the ;Canadian Pacific Rail
• way otit of 'Vancouver recently.
• The Anzacs were particularly im-
pressed • by _.this -menu_ and--proo- _-
pounced it better than. any. beef
they had' ever eaten. ,
Governor Franklin Delano Roe,
sevelt of New York, Democi'iatia
Nominee for the Presidencyd• has
,•for years been one of New. Bruns-
•wick'$ most distinguished ..non-
resident- visitors, members of his'
family annually .spending several
weeks at the Roosevelt summer
home at • Campobello, one of the
Grand- Manan Island 'Group in
Passamaquoddy Bay.. lie first
came there as a• mere lad Back in •
1895:. ,
Answering the call of Mt, Asst4,
tiboine, Matterhorn of the Cana-
dian•.1lockies, old 'and new mem-
bers of the Trail Riders' Associ'a=
tion, gathered at Banff July 29th
with the.olsfeeti of 'flu bing fhe
long ascent to the roof of the
world` and the Alpine 'country of
tits great' Divide 'tn the Vicinity
of the Mountain.. It The 4'e re-
quired five days in all. Twenty
American girls, summering at the
Lake Windermare ranch, . wern
among these _takittec-.Dar-t„)•. (410-
_ } ^,W, stet. yr '+:mei
o /_-U_._ne.
B •w
• Look •