HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-25, Page 3�5F sp f •. 4 Sunday School Lesson September 4, Lesson X-Evil•e of In teatperanoe-isaiah 5: 111.6, 22,'23. Golden Text -Do . not drink Wine ,,nor strong drink. -Leviticus 10: 9. ANALYSIS. . I. INTE.MPERA'TE LIVING, vs„ U, 12. , II. A TERRIBLE "THEREFORE vs. 13-16. III: PRUNKENNESSS AGAIN, vs.,22, 23. INTROD ieriON-"To the •.prophet was granted," says Profebser T. Robinson,• "the insight born of .direct communion with God to see with ''start - lin, clarity that a. given type •bf•eon- c:: sses.' and .masses together! v. 14. Such run of a nation is neither acci- dental ner meaninglcas. It is nothing'. less than the vindication and triumph 0- the -righteousness of God. In his.. grim judgment of ' the • nation, God's holiness is made manifest, v. 16At the same time the presumption of pian; Who feel's no se.lse of his crea-. tu.eiiness before the holy majesty of God,but rather rises up in his pride to lave without God or to defy him, •is shown in ail its futility,. v. 15. 1II. DRUNKENNESS • AGAI:N, vs. 22, 23.. ' With . withering• .words ' Isaiah •e - turn's to his attack on the drunkards. 'Ilei•;oes• they are -but only in consurn- . i.r.g wine! Men ofmight but only in mixing a bowl of drin'k'! . Only, of such •exploits 'Can they boast, v. 22. The prophet tracks the, drunkards frons their cups, to .the,..courts of ,,.zstice. Tache . '.they sit as judges =•' ph, the.. drat, •s.ti- I. novo ;-a-- i ven-•• at•ti°ttlde--of- eirony-.,of.;;it;!.-:.,••T.he gu ity._.they...1 _clause soul; 'carried within itself- the. Seeds of for , a bribe; the •.innocent. they con=: p'rosperity;.A or diissaster:." Isaiah Of, , .Jetuse:ki bad';plbti'ty of opportunity to exercise -this prophetic in,sight.' ,i!c. lived in one of the ,must..critical :pelt- . it lis! of •I•srael,'s histol Thi A Syrian l ""Empire was swiftly sub3ugating one . s' `' fter.;anothei of the '.smalle „ nations. an'd.brin in 'horn,'.'. under•tier'ir:uthless ggii la �. .-sw;'a' T'h. ° !ittle.'''ki'. yr . e htigciom, -df,. J,l1 •• .1 `was• M,• -ii tminent'.danger' from• that troubletis quarter. Yet her leaders: were stupidly-blind._to' the•d"anger.. In, .• place of •giving real leadership, the • were living intemperately; They,.were ... ,guilty of ,grave •social abuses -.7 -greed,+ kixury, d'ru'nkenness and the' exploita- tion • 'of the ' weak.'end. defenceless. Isaiah saw clearly that • such corrupt .conduct on the part • of • the nation's Lading .classes especially in• view of the eritical. international' situation, • hvould involve- the wholecountry in _r _........uin.,...Against-the-great niers of Jeru- Salem he .delivered 'a series tf po•wer- ful`,"woes," •vs.' &24.. • I: INTEMPERATE LIVING, VS: 1'1, 12. ' Life has become' easy for the fire. anc l,.and business Magnates of :Jeru-' salem...They h:.ve held mortgages :,n _Afrimee a.s-ins ir-ed.�to write.."_Car-- the farms of • •.the small- independent p ascents: now they have . foreclosed. these ' and have , grown 'rich, v. 'S. Wealth. breed's indolei ce;' indolence be- gets •.•careless, and • d' elute. living. With: •elemental cell.ge ,Isaiah cone fronts . these. men, wi •'•their shamefuli lives: • • Seven' times (.s.8-24) ' he pro- • ' nounees. .on. them the weird 'and ter- , rible word,."wroe." ,That "woe" on the •lips ,of a : prophet,. is. to. ominous a •warning that if these profligate grar.- dees have 'any• conscience they. will surely listen and, tremble: With biting satire (of which he is a master) •Isaiah • attacks t.hem.: They. are 'early risers,: these rat. men of, Jerusalembut .. _ .„_ �.� _ , _. _me.nied--by the d_mon-• of' -t:,:., :not to go,bout their'work, not for any. He h rbors in himself a. ainfu. useful or noble,pur.suit! • They rite ;-,..:.� p early • indeed,' but .,nl.y .to• seek their a'n unsatisfied craving, or urs cups. Even `among , .Israel's heathen Problems. ' He trives . to find( nci�gg-hbor-s---who, • knew=riothitig=-of a lof__exRtosslon. for the ,thy _. .. Israel'•s .. righteous God, such conduct which haunt hir-h; and ,very Often even woUld_be--a=-scandal„-But-so-.low-hav • these - .privileged men .of Jerusalem •sunk,'that their' drinking._,: bouts .last •all day_ 'In the cool of• the,nirht they • are still sitting, there, heating .thenir _ . selves _with-wane,-=.v,-:11.-;,.I'n-the' even • ing their drunkcn 'carousals become, if anything, . more. abandoned. , .Great banquets ire spread; orchestral mus]c ", adds to their ‘sensuous frivolity... The' deep peace-of.'Jerusale• fs. night,. the slumbers of her hard-working laborers • are •d.isturbed with; the loud buffoonery . and . the voluptuous ;Music of her drunken leaders. Wine.has befuddled ,their .senses; it has dulled their fac- ' nity of .spiritual perception. • For is -nut God~even now atllwork among the • nations, ceaselessly weaving the pat- tern •of the web out of the processes of -history? • But bleary eyes Can. never read. "the signs of the times": • nor can besotted minds trace eternal put-. pose. II. 'A TERRIBLE "TIiEREFORE•," vs. 1346. •1^ Terrible i's' the word "therefore" on '. the lips of a prophet. Invariably it .introduces coming doom. There is no call for repentance beret Isaiah real -izes t-ha-t.'the--leadi-ng--men-oi--Jeer-u-; srlem have gone too. far ,in trifling. • with God's righteousness. Retrihu- ti•on is already at the door. • Their des- tiny in exile •is scall d. ' Further, the leadership Of - the.', Wine-bib'bers is ' bringing, .ruin on • the whole' nation.. • tlith its strength impaired through dis.lolufe living, it. Will fall an easy .prey to Asyria: