HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-08-25, Page 1of 44 -�3 T. 9•, Ai; r of i, .. -0000. , 00,00. .. . ,.......,..... 0000 r...... -.. 0000... _. ........«... _ �. 0000 .$2.1)0 PER YEAR TN, ADVANCER.. $2..500. OTHERWISE L'Li1C'NO,.'W, • HURSD"A'Y, AUGUST 25th, 1932,• SINGLE COI1Es 5 CENTS ,M1... 0000, DENTIST • Dr. R. '14 Treleaven,' ' Lucknow hours, 9---12 A..M. 1..305 P. M PHOYE 53 ' X-RAY SCHOOL STUDENTS DESIRED Apply to Mrs. Elliott Milien .. .:.: P..._. 0000..: FALL- WHEAT FERTILIZER �� `� a:All bran'de i • hand ,ini� ".Ourr " house.-;NelsonBuebell, 'Phone •106. :Woad -the persen wo borrowed. ont ,lettett and ehi$elafor •.cutting•; stencils return' same at..' once as ,we wire them. WM. MVI'U•RDhE & -S.ON. WOOD FOR SALE` Good grade of mixed Voini 16 ' long. $2.50 per '• cord' delivered. Signed- E — :-m Lncl�dioW�.sala �t�a FOR SALE -A good grade Durham Cow, due to freshen this month. •Also' 4 Oxford . ram lambs. F'or further -rarticulars-apply to James Forster,. :West Wawanosh. (25-8-c) •To' the extent of stock, Slate'. ' faced _rbof ng�36'-, gyide,-weyghii g' 8 lbs..to' ..the square; complete` with nails'. and cement, $2.65 per ' .square. • WM. MURDIE & SON µ FOR. ,SA -LE -•.Seed- Wheat; Dawes son's ''Golden • Chaff: No foul seeds: 75c bushel. Buy this strong wintering Stiff' strewed variety, . • W; P. Crozier, R. R 1, Dungannon, e 78:r-13, .Dunga'nnon. (1-9--p.) • N'OTICE .. • Voters' Lists 1932, Municipality Of The Village of Lucknow, • County School Operas- aConstable Moore • - Next Thursday Features' Front Page In Several J.a lies Staff Remains, Unchanged -=Caretaker :-Has Building • .and:. _ Surroundings Bright and Clean ' Two-months4-•ofk-ins'lidays : *1iiclw have no doubt sped• hurriedly by, are rapidly- drawing --to a''close and .one. -• week front to -day, , Thursday', :Sept• ember1st, the•;°sehool; hell will elatig, and summon once ,again teachers; and - to .' commence ganother, ,term of . stfides Schools' generally will open. on .th'e' 1st day ,of the month, Toronto :schools -ltLtd _I oweer.:. Ceing onn_Lexception. as -they- will not, open till after Labor •day.` The opening on. either of these two dates remains in the hands, of the local school boards., Grants, we un- derstand, arebased on attendance and thenumber of teaching• daysin the term, andextending the date of opening until 'September_ ',6th, would, to grant• in the cal' mean a reduction of an -amount--roughly--estimated • :et $40.00. • `An age. limit for . beginners has• also been. 'decided' upon' and only - years of age by' the end 'of .Decem— ber, 1932, will be admitted. Caretaker Whitby, •"who take's more. than ordinary pride in 'keeping the building and surroundings in the. best if 'repair, and spotlessly clean, ' has ;pent the entire summer, painting, •tiling floors and cutting grass. When. we 'visited the school . on 'Tuesday;. va, urw v ye was •busy giving the swings' ' and Notice is hereby given that I : have 'gymnastic equipment a coat of al- on_Plied :u- with Section .7 Of • The �aminum paint. 1%utcrs' Lists Act and that I'T \ have.. --The-woodworks in' the interior -las- posted up at •my office: at;; Lucknow `teen washed, radiators, pipes . and on. •the,18thg day. of"Au ust. A.D. 1932, •window sills, all ,receiveda coat of and taint; 3600 feet of floor • space tthe 71st-ofrall=persons=entitled.`-to.-vote' las . been given two coats ..of ", Hippo Al, which give the floors a finish. as. :hough -varnished --and waxed. and...yet- furnishes a dr0 n on=slipping • sur= Pace. The bannisters have teethedreceived l •'and' generally the = atinis,•,ar'e brigliV arid' clean' an will .be a contributing actor in in- iucing reluctant •students .back k to. work. in the. said'•Municipality at Mua►ieipal elections and that such list remains r1--'er=eitispectron: And +D hereby--Fall=u:pon-=al]-voter to take -‚ Iinmediate proceedings to bavee ny errors «or-omissions-correc--7. ted according to:law, the last day `for LL appeal, being the 8th day of Septem- ber A.D. 1932.. ' Dated-at-Lucknoty, •Ontar-io•' this 18th day of August. A.D. 1932. JOSEPH A.GNEWClerk -of the , Village -Lucknow • BUSINESS EDUCATION Yes! We 'are placing our graduates. NOW is .a good time to prepare and be ready forgreater things. Wing- ham Business. College . re -opens Mon- day, ' September 26th. Canada Busi- ness 'College, _ Toronto, always open. Also Home Study coarses. Paywhen you. wish. Write to -day. •A !Il 111 lflarried.In Calgary ,laving'- Smeltzer' 'The folding , article taken from thelatgary Herald, will be of 'much - interest to the' many friends in this locality of Mr. and, Mrs. Smeltzer .and Gladys:: _ A pretty wedding was .solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. *illiam Snteltzer; 914 Eighteenth avenue, .west; on Monday, August 8th, at•4.30- p.m: :30-p m: when their youngest daughter, Gladys ekecca was united fp mar- riage with Mr. David Woodhouse Ir- vin of '•Vanderhoof, B. C. The cere- mony' was performed under an arch daintily decorated with -roses and gypsophila by the Rev. Thomas T. Faichney, M,A., .B.D. - The 'bride, who was given, in mar-• riage by her father, was charming in a dress of cream georgette with lace bodice and georgette cape jacket. A wreath of. orange blossonis adorn- ed her- cream veil. She carried a shower bouquet of, deep cream 'rose buds: Iainµ• -gar des_aister,..-.Mrs; Neta M. Mackay • of Vancouver, B. C., as Matron of honor, wore a dress ' of pale apple green - appliqued net over - floral -taffeta, -with hat and •-shoes--to- match. She carried, mauve and pun. - pie gladioli. • ' The bride's mother wore a gown of black `georgette, and beige face. The' bridegroom 'was attended by Mr. Gord on E. Smeltzer of Edition - ton, brother of the bride.• After the ceremony a buffet sup- lVer' was, served, the only,' guestsbe= g in itnnred'iate relatives. Mr. and. Mr's. Irving left for Baal! and Lake Louise Where they will spend their honey- ' moon., For travelling the bride word a coocaa brown fiat crepe dress and o a «oat of Spanish tile . shade with Matching wolf collar and in g accessories. ..d lire, D. W. Irving will on Mr. and theirreturn, take up r'eaidemie in anderhoot, B, C. CASE IS 'DISMISSED Appearing -Iii Belgrave on -Widnes= -day-morning_befoxe_Magistrate • Reed. Allan McConnell faced a charge of • doing bodily harm, but' after examin- :ng several witnesses, the case was dismissed on the grounds of insuf- ,icient evidence. The charge arose out of an auto accident in which John McConnell, father of Allan who was' Irividg the car, was killed. Lawyer Klein defended McConnell =will► -Grown -Attorney -Holmes. _prosc- uting lawyer.. -Constable Whiteside, 'Stewart 'of Belgrave and Road. Sup- erintendent Forton were crovfn wit- nesses. , Passengers in the McConnell .mr gave evidence for the accussed._ Auction Mark ,t • To . Be Revived. ._,Gold. Line of "arra •--_Machinery_ Al- ready • Listed -Village Merchants Will Offer Special Values On That a1)ay. Having been discontinued during the busy summer months, the Auction Market in Lucknow isagain to' be re- sumed, with the re -opening date set for -Saturday, Saptember 3rd: Al- ready various first class farm imple- ments have been listed as well :as horses and also a village property is being offered at 'this sale. A merch- ant's . sale bill will be°circulated . the 'first of the week which will have a -pace devoted for the publishing of articles to be sold. Everyone in the district is, entitled to' enter for • auc- tion any saleable article'•=in feet you -are-requested--to-do•_so- _and -your. en- try caii be phoned, delivered or sent to the auctioneer, Matt• Gaynor,, or to this office, but must be •in our hands not later� than Friday: .i•, _. onsorin Village merchants 'are sp g this . event and when you get your poster, read each advertisement and note the specials that will' be -offered in the•. various • stores. Make a nota- tion of those' you will be needing and conte to Lucknow ort Saturday, Sept. 3rd, and • benefit by .these' Harvest Festival. Bargains.• • Merchants, who .have Mit already - Ili b. ;lone so must Have their py Y Friday ntortiing at 10 a.m. ppecial •ducemin- - your advertise= �nt'ei offered in p tit will fiiidoubt attract malty pro. apeetivo buyers to your etre, , Bicycle Stolen From Goderich ;Youth, Sold By Tramp To 0.) For $2. --Young Sheardown I Dia - covers' and .Claims Bicycle -Moore dellects.: Has $2. • Froin, , Him And Thein Papa Sheardlowat Waxes •Village.: denstable•.is getting his:. share of .front page pub- licity in . the dailies at present, in -despatehes-fru m-Geder-ieh, tale-firsst• - outbreak :coming„°on Saturday, under a' caption "Cop Was;Riding'.His Ste - len • Bicycle.” Well,' that would be news, if the . vil'l'agers were' to , see our redoutable constable ambling down Campbell, street on it pedal' . buggy The . only, means of locomotion he .uses' that we-are...aware,.of__besides, Jii pavement. pounders, fis ,a. Pontiac, coach, however, 'but ;'as a result' of such a misrepresented 'statement, the e Toronto, Telegram ..cartoonist deplete the chief' on the wheel ; with : a kid hailing 'him for it The publicity conies: following'• a purchase' by Mi. .Moore :.of a bicycle 'from 'a transient fer the sum 'of $2. Each summer the . W.eat Children; from Niter:to visit with. "Uncle Bob", :and desiring to, Make • 'tliei,'• vacation a delightful one,,.•he purchased -the bar gain:. 'bicycle, . previous to their ar rival; for their enjoyment 'while here .j 'A"M�ir`ray. "`S-heardoWir.-- o-f--Goderich was, a. visitor last week with the 'Lee boys at the hotel.' A month ago ' .he. .,had has hieyc a •stolen in . Goderich and on his" visit''here .espied the one, in the possession of the •West 'child reYYiid1a3�red^i`t-.vi'as�liis°: Ori ,oar-. ing; _kr. Moore the _$2. he \got the Wheel, but on . arriving ' `home, Pape heardctwn b'ec 011-0- ei�iltrOile4 an i. •-neaiately commenced proceedings o recover the two dollars, .which .14 r. Moore states Was to cover', expenses incurred •in". repair work • and . new spokes, 'which were put in the back wheel. According to Chief Postlethwaite, of-•-Goderichr•-and-Sheardown;.-Consta- ble Moore was • sent a- card reporting the theft and -r ascribing -'th wheel - and ' carrying promise of a reward of $5 for •return of same.' Chief Moore denies ever receiving such a • card, and regrets. the fact, as he dislike's passing' up such . easy money as that would have been. R. C.' Hays, is ' acting for . Shear down' and gave Mr...Moore until :Sat- urday to -pay • or' face, action,. The suns was not-fartlrcumiitg-and-an-Sunday Sheardown visited Lucknow ' asking through the reeve to have the :money paid over, which-. was again refused by •Mr. Moore. and �thef Sheardown visited the: IVlegistrate • in. Goderich where he was informed to take his complaints' • to Walkerton, as the in- cident occurred in Bruce County. He. desired to lay a charge• against Moore of receiving .Stolen property. Shear down, according to latest reports; as -undecided-as_to.._his._._nexthinov±e;_ but - has been. advised by his solicitor: to "sit' tight". •. [Gnrls Injured In Motor Accident -Cars Sideswipe West of:, Village - Girls. • Are. Injured .,•When Kincar- •dine' Car "Takes To Ditch m Gara�driveenCourtney,,�2nd.. Con , • Hurozj'`:, nd Bob .Irwin. 'of Kin-; cardine,'.figured in +a': rooter accident of • :Saturday-: evening, 'shortly after dark, `in °,the swamp,' just west et the Tlliage. • • Three lady passengers ,the Irwin ear received '.painfgl, but' 114serious, njur es% :rile, - tt►elr oat took to the thttji :The'Coiirtney"fani,= ily on . their way to:. the village es• Caped injury, .their ear remaining on The. Irwin party were on their way to Kincardineafter; a :brief visit' with Mrs. ' M. A. • Johnston in town. In meeting the Courtney car they ap- parentlysideswiped each other, with the Irwin car continuing some- dis- tance down the road before crashing into they left Band ditch, which re - salted laiei s' .too t s salted in -the injuries h� d s --Hazel:' 'Irwin , suffered a broken rill and cuts, while her. 11 -year-old sister . had a badly cut. and bruised face. ' By , defeating Teeswater in Wing Miss Dundee a friend of Hazel .Ir= hani on .Friday by • a 4 to 2 .tcore, win suffered a bruised knee. Medicall Wingham tied Kincardine for " lst attention was .rece"ved and later were place; and at Ithe 'same time'handed' taken -to ;Kincard ne, fromwhere th,e the Teesers .a: set back' which •.tied. two'young womet returned':to Detroit them with Lucknoirr for 3rd place and Where. they are • employed. kept • the" locals in the runnink 'much Irwin claimed that. ,Courtney 'was Lo• the delight of the fans and play- on the •'wron;z side; of the road, but ars here: • Constable • Moore investigated the. There.. have• been some interesting case .and evidence' Would not lindicate and well -played fixtures in this league - this. Damage to . •;the Courtney car this year, and interest has been keen onsisted, chiefly; of a smashed run- throughout." First, second and.' third -ling board, while' the Irwin: car on place teams play' offfor the chem hitting the ditch received a badly, . pionship, . but tie=breaker games are "datxiaged: radiator and left front necessary ;before the.. semi=final call fender and had a tire ripped • off Con_ ;om inencie. 'The scheduled games end- siderable difficulty,, requiring a ,tragi- :ng with the teams .having the follow. tpr�to- hto operation, Ittg standing: experience ingetting the • car back a Won Lost • ',n the road. Mahood's wrecker • towedKincardine » .:: 6' 2 the damaged ,ve -i a t:s'Kinea-rdirce.' - "' - Wingliam ; 4^ 6 7•-2 Lucknow _ »..» 4' 4, ;Specials , in Women's Silk and ,. Teeswater Vi+es'� 1i Hose= -a plot of Colors. A 1Lsizes� Ripley ' ;_ :0 8 • 19c. -THE MARKET 'STORE: • In' the tie-breaker series, home.=. and;.home games, are being played, with total runs to count to 'avoid a possible third game, as league offi- cials are anxious to get the 'play School Results offs underway without further. delay.' 'Lucknow played - in Teeswater .on • Puesda$; wvhile.- Kincardine --played Arthur Andrew -Arg. II'I; .Geo... in Wingham. The result will be found 134. C; Phys. III; Lat. 'Au. III; `'lse`vhere -?he-Teesers--play-the-final- Lat. 'Comp. C. ' Winifred Armstrong -Comp. 44r; Liter. IIB Winnifred .Blake -Comp. -444r; Liter. 25. • Elizabeth Carnochan-Comp. III; Liter.,' II; 'Geos,. II; Phys. III; Lat. Au. •I; Lat. Comp. III. John Foran-Cbmp., III; Lit. C;. :- _ _One -.of :the -most -se ere-..-electrica Clarence Greer -Liter. C,; Alg. C; storms of the season broke last Wed- Geom. C; Phys. C. • nesdey night shortly after midnight Emma Hamilton-Zool.• C. which disrupted the :hydro ' service Lorena Hogan --Comp. C: until repairs were made on Thursday Winnifred Lane -Comp. II; Liter.` morning. Lightning stoking in the C.• vicinity- of Treleaven's Flour mill •j Sadie MacCharles-Comp. II;, Lit. burn ' out the power, meter and wir;, II_ ; Alg. I; Geom. ' C; Phys. III; Lat. ing leading to it but' fortunately no Au I,; Lat. Comp:.1. - • outbreak of fire resulted. Telephones Catherine MacDonald -Comp C;. in. the- residences of Reg: Smith and Lit. C;.• Alg„ II; Geom.. III; Phys. C.;. -Cameron MacDonald were also' put .Lat. Au II; . L -at _ Coinp:I-II~----_--..nut''nf--ard clurir g --tyre- stof rr, -the- ' • Douglas.' MacDonald• - A Ig ;C, latter being torn •completely otf.the eom. III; Phys. C; Lat. Au.' 1; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Au. 45r. • , • Finlay MacDonald -Comp. 38; Lit- er. C; Geom..C; Phys. -C. Gladys MacDonald -Comp. II; Lit. II; Mod. Hist. III; Alg. III; Geom. III; Bot. ill;' Lat. , Au. II; Lat. Comp. II. .. Isobel MacDonald -Phys. 48r. Elizabeth McIver- Comp. , III; Lit. C;- Mod: Hist.' III; Alg. II; Geom. II; Bot, C; Zool. II; Lat. Au. 11; Let. Comp.' III, •' . .f Alex MeicKenzie-Comp. II;. �i.it.• C; Mod.: Hist I1; Geom. III; Lat. Au. II; -Let. Contp. • Mary B. MacLeod -Comp. I3i; Lit: C. John Martin•• -1 -Liter. 37; Mod._Hist. 36; Alg. 30; .Geom..45r; Lat. Au. (42; Lat. Comp. 44r. ' ' Isobel Mr--illeComp. 40; Lit. 47r. Elsie Ritchie -Arg. C; Geom. C; at. Au. Ce ; Lat inip. C. :Vera Shertiff=Mod. His t.31; Alg. C; •Geom. C; Lat. Au. C; Lat. Cohip. 1 li UNTIMELY DEATH OF • TEEN AG•E - GIRL There passed away i' the Town- ship of Kinloss, shortly, after mid- night on Monday, Ruth Jean Mac- Leod; in her 20th year; second eldest daughter of Mr:Nerid ylss. Dan Mac- Leod.. 6th concession on the Kinloss - Huron boundary. The. . funeral service will. • be held to -day ' (Thursday) at ! o clock the residence of her;parentg, with in- terment in Kinloss Cemetery. Ruthattended Continuation school two years ago and was a successful student at the Middle school exam- inations and since that -time has been making her home' with :her perenta. 000. •, ; According to neighbors and friends a who kneWher best, she Was a bright, g , intelligent young woman; and much beloved in her community; which eit- tends • its sincerest - sympathy to . bereavedarents,.brothers and the parents, • sisters. Surviving are ber mother and fath- er, •four sisters, Evelyn; stenographer at the local.fur'niture factory, Mary -Be .t hhis attended -school lint, e,w¢ - i.. t , past seasbn,; tvuin s s ersMurdean and Grace at home as well as three young brothers, John&ton and Leon- ard and tit baby: ` The Bread . The Bread of Health \` /�ii of Health Ova. • QUR MOTTO IS QUALITY AND BERVICE. THRIFT IS COMMON-SENO.'APPLIED TO' .SPENDINGt 'Fog EV$RX PENNY SPENT ; ON YOUR TABLE, . BREAD GIVES' "° rgldr- G1OH§ ''FO13H7VAAA U$ 7-7 _. - .., : FRUIT CAKE ---- 2 'lbs. 35c, FF . .CAIT IFF PASTRIES: 0000 COF ,E KES ° TEAB_ . S• RASBER 1:Y • ; TARTLETS ' W . • R' 8R r " D ' OATMEAL EAL . COOKIE „ • t, _ . OA M S• t'hOne 36. aIel .110W- • Battling; With 'Teeswater For Third Place First Game Was •'On Tuesday - In Teeswater-,Return Game Rere On FFriday..'i1L_ Decide Winners; Of . Third'• Place Iii Lakeside 'League. Your'E s Y • •.I:' .,' 000 and .Our Service BY F. T. ARMSTRONG • • Luckoow THATPERSONS I�• �.'. • d ' YOUR_FRIEND Who 'suggests to 'yogi \ an examin= ati.on ot, Your ',eyes.. If',you :.need help' you'll thank him. If, not, you `gain in • learning :THAT ' fact. Don't : take too• lightly this 'state- ment--half the population of this community. need ' aid .in seeing. Continued ' next week Lucknow Upper ^Norma Aria's s$i Comp. 311: ' Tame . •li.ere on Friday„ and . a battle royal is. assured. Should the .day be: wet officials advise us the game will •be played the following. day. - LIGHTNING EONS - • 1 OUT ;HYDRO METER Walk ` up town , and • save nioneyl We have a large dis- play of Wallpaper . priced: to. quit every purse. -ac' up. Sun worthy,: reg.. 45c' for 30c.,' nd-reductioiron-work-=being=- done:. ' . • R. J. :CAMERON -I",ainter Decorator -8i, -Grainer-:- g. • • A 4.4 , Wood Turning - All Manner-•-of-Regular.. -- and Regular Wood Turning Done -Much -Else Neckyokes, 'Whifetrees.. Iinplennent Handles, Hay Racks Wheelbarrows; &c., &c: Ne'l,:MacInnes Block 'South of C N. R. Depot. Edith Smith -'•-Comp. 47r. James ,Stewart Alg. I; Geom. II; Phys. I. Prances Thomp son -Comp. • C; Lit. C. .0f the above students Elsie Ritchie i the -1 standing t •ae ora wan- ed � a grar; gr pour • subjects and Frances Thome-- son -e notal Aanin ''� in Eng. on also aegrotal �6' y, Lid: • ', E; )4d'LEAN:. wall. The storm, was accompanied by hail in the district around Kinloss Village, so severe as to break`• win- Bows' and slash down standing grain crops. LOCAL LADY IN • • ' SPECTACULAR, MIDNIGHT WALK Mrs. Helen A. Sherriff, teacher' of second room in the local school, broke into the news recently, being one of trio to make a spectacular walk f eight and a half miles in. Wei and a half hours. Mrs. Sherriff -;is spending the sum- mer at Ipperwash Beach, near Forest and accompattied by Miss Edith Side- bothain and Eileen Man of ,London, commenced their hike from the ,beach to •Forest at 4 o'clock one. afternoon. The return trip• started, at 10.30`'that; eveniig and at 12.30 the daring es= 'menders, tramped through Kettle Point S'wamp arriving home at 12.50; with blistered feet but a song oil their lips as they serenaided thleir fel- low, el-low, campers with "The Lullaby of Tile Leaves." P w....iSC�bIZT :.iV[7EETING -- - t1ri. itniportant Scciut meeting will basement held in the school baser ent .ih T`' 'da. at 7.30. Scouts -are n g t (hitrs y) requested to. attend " . 7 • MOTORISTS! ATTENTION! Ford Garage Now Operated By Garfield 'Ostrander Having :Make, over _ the FORD_ GARAGE in Lucknow, we are • prepared to offer the motoring public, PROMPT SERVICE, and as in my other business relations, S4UARE DEALING. Gas Pumps are in operation and a stock. of - 00Is anld , accessories on hand. 'v., -RETURN FROM WEST - Mrs. E. Hodgins and Miss Gladys returned home on Monday following` an extended- 'summer visit in -the Can- adian Ni/est;: their trip taking them Inc far as Banff. Visits were made at the: homes elf -Jack Me.Call in. Aherne ,- - • thy and .Wni. Smeltzer at Calgary, both former' Lucknow residents. .. i...' which ng, wh ch is' . -some two weeks. ;earlier this Year is practically completed, they repo •t, with general•,.• ly speaking a very satisfactory crop. Glady " s Hedging leaves the end of g theO'Brien• in week for'O rien in Northgrn Ontario; 'where she will recommence her teaching ;duties. • » . BORN' ' 1RIDLE-WIii God each On Thurs- .'. .P. day, ,August 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tted Bridle (nee Florence Etmilton): a daughter: • Yy ti{ • 1