HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-09-08, Page 45SSw,-a q l a ra . . • e2. ,. D FLOW. E,°��'r ORDER TOUR BULBS direct` from, HOLLAND'S :best BULB (FARM . Encouraged by numerous orders lately received •from your eountrry, we have decided to expand our business and maintain a permanent wo ld-famed collections of Dutch 1! lower Bulbe market Or our vt -r... �.0.. ..:. ; E • , for home and garden r • We are therefore making the. `following attractive offer. 044 ,new selection of variesies .made -With special regard to .siiitabLlttY to your climatic -conditions by professional experts The collection •will: be found to•:be.:unique for its skilful combination of rich; colour .ii s With. delightful. scents. ; A"•collelation, T ing, advantage of. this supreme "HOILLANDI, 6e 6.'444m.* .44 tie er-P8 else ..for `F° You can make Your fy0iia aF?d: ss. -,..n .. r �. -. w - ,, rA ;..:., In view ,of: the large. number- of orders which. come •in daily; we order early. Please write your name and.:ad- kindly advise you, tq 1y ort ever order.: All rrespondence, 'orders,.:etc. must dreaa Clear y ., y,� •.be strietlri addressed `to HARRY BR.UHL',,Managing Director'of the BU•LE-NURSERIES` ,"•HOLLANDIA" ".. ' •.:• oonnouT 6 HILLEGOM-HOLLAND_EURUPE c si •t < of _.. :Our magnificent. al. leetan 6 dozeDarwinTOURS, Fine s'C,s lo rs '2 dozCottageTulis, ;4 ' Fine 'CPIors•, : • ... 1 'doze. Lily Flowering Tulips 4; ';1^`doze Double.•:Tuhps` , acinth s fat Po ta all colors.: . s'..•: �'` lark all co `in Bea d o H nein ha for:Bidding, d y,. " 5•,doze Crocus in 'various?: fine colors 3 'doze ^ Snowdrops, the "Queen" . of Springflowers 2 dol: ,Iris in.. various fine . colors. . 2 doz. Masotti (Grape -Hyacinths)'• 2 doz. Sailing, sweet little towers 2 doe. Narcissus (Daffodils) all kinds 336 :Flower t -Bulbs 14 "Halla`lidia Novelty Bulbs" 'FREE.' 360 Flower:Bulbs': ' ,DOUBLE THIS, COLLECTION for (700 FI•owe-Hulb's) for, $10.-- Pro mnt service;•' delivery never later than one week before planting =tiir►e..,Delvery FREE of charge at destination. 11..":ceriif[eate of " health7is- furnished with . every ---order.. the _Phytop thological Service. of igalland. All varieties are packed ' and labelled seper Illustrated llustrated :Cultural• Directions in'English. French, or German • are sent' free with orders:'. All orders must- be accompanied by re- mittance. for the 'full' amount, and should'be addressed as, above. Specie arms r: wholesale •OLlr owf choice,.. colors Ca3C1', 'e always b considered t. ITJAS eve: and 11 rs.' Tavener returned Friday from 'a three; *eek's.;vaeation Having ; spent ;a pleasant and .px+3ht'• able holiday at Einbro• ,end' WOO `Beach. - - -. Mr " .a Mrs Hiam M ffat' ;of Sarnia' .spent" . the "week end with the .latter.?s. parents, .Mr.and M„rs� R. Johnston. llrs, Paul *04.44 Lucknow, spent part of; this weekswth her daughter,• Mrs. T. J. A'ndetsont . z;- Mr. and; Mrs , Mthew , Shackleton" and Benson of Crania,: Are ,guests: :Of a ,, Mr. ;and Mrs. BSam JC:.ilpatr-icii,,-.Sunday.. T . ache s and upils returned,= • to soho}1 Sept :1st, .feeling the batt - for heir vacation,: 40t -tied to be chool again. Winfiifred Blake: Jean erson, "Cora Thom pson, ' An- ns. Irvin ` i orothy and Alma }Curran • T 'Clifford B eke and 'Harvey :I(ilpat ick •i .co s ' fr" the m neer on o rt and Cordon A ,f m nganity Will attend Lucknow tinuation School this tern;. ' Mrs. Stephen: •Stothers and children• who had spent'the' summer at Kintail returned to their ;home at Arthur last week.,Mr. Stothers who had been Agricultural Representative for ''Es . sex 'County was transferred- to'"Well`. ington County, taking: charge Of the work 'there the'first of August,'_witib, his home an ; ,office in the town "', of Arthur, ' A very Pleasant evening was •spent, by' the Young People's.' 'Society. , at, Kintail Beach, Tuesday evening. ' 1`t fd holesale orders THE 'LEADING FIRM IN :TA!'.BULBINDUSTRY. A 1• THIJUSDAY't SEP MI3E1l; 8, 1932 TI31K g*���p�Py��}}yy'a Drains Pnbliabed every: Thursday m ' at l know, Ontario.. Mrs.. A. D. MacKenzie :'. Proprietor Campbell Thompson► --Publisher h�HURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 8, 1932 acre ' ane Popularity of •Canadian .applud. abroad has notably increased,.�d iaat year apple exports to ]Europe • trom'' Western. Canada reached a new .high record of 1,170 000 boxes. as compared with .5B . • boxes. in .1930. Fruit growers are • anticipating an even larger Orel) this year. R. Y. Daniand, formerly Travel • lin& -Passenger Agentr'C.anadian Paci�tic Railway. Wlnn-lpeg.;• was '• .appointod ' District Passenger 'Agent, • Algoma:. ' District, ,North Bay,' Ont., 'effective August. 16th. • . Mr,: Penland has had a• Tong and }career With the Com- • p auccess�Ytil con. party,; and`its`no©v receiving., .'.eat gratuletions On, hie moat ,recent - , Numbera'of anglers returning. throw h ;Ottawa• and. Montreal re 'ort ` Caring.' experienced exceed .,• lit .. Thin' minty..' - .geed bass fishing: the' expression of a''ffiroup ';'Wes,.. Cincirtnati, phto,,.q+ho •race rs tee i 'wa 'Iy' visited• the bass: fish nit . of the Gatineau' River;•;north: or Maniwahl,_according'to A. Q,.° Sey- • mour. General Tourist Agent. Ca- nadian Pacific Railway. PARAMOUNT RAMOUNT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon;Jamieson :and family visited with _Mrs. Dan' Mac- Innes at' Whitechurch recently. ' r Mr. Elliott Carruthers spent the' week -end at •Wm. ' R. Martin's. :yrs. 0. -Cudxtey end '-family'--,anti• kiss Annie Ketchab w from Galt, are spending this w ek with 'their •• mother; Mrs. KetchabeW. ' The Last :Dance of the Season will be- laid- -the-paramount-Community_ Hall on Friday evening, September. 9th. .Good music.. Admission 25c. Ladies FREE. • Mrs. W. A._•MacEay- and _'family 1r to r. George ` and Jean . from Novas Scotia, Mrs. `Jack Shier 'and Verna, .Mrs. Dave Bturgeon:from Bernie and Mrs. .Lesley`' Laninfi`t,-Kinca dine, visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' Webster near Lucknow last Friday. • Miss .iyrtle Webster spent the ..:holiday in Toronto .: with. • her sister,. OU Mrs. B: E. McLean,- Mrs. M 'Mc- Lean and.:Evelyn are et the cottage; Kincardine '' • A number of friends 'attended the Graham-Hawkahaw wedding in the Church, .on Saturday evening last. Mrs: M. Dudley of Lucknow spent a few days',at Geo Haldenby's ? Dr and Mrs. ,Legatt and daughter OfWinnipeg, were, recent visitors' at Wm. Percy's. ' .. ',• Mr: Jack •Graham returned home to. nII Onr, i r after -n 'tw0=' week's vacation at his home here. Misses Beth .and Greta.Hodgkinson of London were hoirie over :the holi I Like The Depression • •I like' the' depression.. No more` prosperity for, me. I have had' more thedepression started than. fun since, p.. , .I,v_eyer ,h►adinn .my_life„, I had forgot- o.:live what .it meant :/if forgot- ten, hoW t , . have real: friend what it Was -like to.'eat ommon•,°very-day food. Fact' c , I wan getting a little high •hat. ' Three, years', ago .only: one.; men of outfi could be .out. • of town • at our ,o . t , lie'' had; to•.:leave 'at the' ` line and nd: > et' back .as .soon as. •min fe a ., g . . List u i possible.: Many' times, 1 have', driven 100 miles to - a banquet, sat through' three hours. of bunk in order to make' a• 5 -minute• speech,, then drive back SO. -' as to • be ready for" work next• morning. ,Nowadays we Make these trips and we stay as long as . le want -to. The' whole outfit could leave the office now, and it -wouldn't make' ,any difference,, seat to drop into - a • store ^' reel:. that yo.. :.y.' apend'_an hour. two or ':"re or ;a half just visiting and not feet that., you ,are: wasting valuable tinier'• .I'; like the • depression I am .getting acquainted. with my Thein' was- an'interesting program;,,((neighbors . In the last six ' months 1 which , was ' followed by ' a w eine-) have become acquainted: with folks roast, aitd' a social hour. There was a who' have been, living next door ''to' good attendance; ,'-• me for'three years. I .am following Mr and ' Mrs.' Alfred Armstrong the Biblical admonition; "Love' your and family of London, sPent the week: 'neighbors." One of my neighbors has end andn.Labor-Day-with-Mr a»d=-Mr-s rite rof- the best. looking vvitess ave day. • ' _ `Mrs.'.,Cairipbell . and ',Miss Winnie Percy of, ;Kincardine spent' Monday afternoon at the latter's_ home here. Misses Kathleen and Ent Barbour returned to. London after spending a few weeks with Mrs. M: McLean. Jack ac Hod Percy Messrs Pe Alex y J and gins took_in the Toronto exhibition last- week. ' • _ • • Will Irvin and other ' . relatives. in Ashfield `and Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. GG,eodfrey, Hall and Miss Mary Hall,` were the 'guests of dine Mr; , andon .SunMrs.dayJ:' C. O'Brien; Kincar- .. .. Mr. -and' Mrs. Hugh Menet. and little - daughter '.visited. Mr. and •Mrs. Will Menary, near ? Nile,. ' Sunday.. Clifford Menary is new. practically o er his long : illness. • - Edith Phillips has- -been in " mg= ham twb weeks, taking,. treatment for,eye-tron67e . Phyllis Blake: who has been sick for two weeks is still ; -unable ,tb atr-_ tend school. We hope sorry -444.4'e both little' maidens back to; perfect health:.' • CC !— I'm a good, 1?oy'�, Low evening rates, ott Station to.Sta i, , • lion Calls begin 7.00 p.m. Still lower „night rates at 830 p.m. HOtY"ROOD e of th regular meeting' The e g I. was held at the home of Mrs.. Wm. Percy, on Thursday, Sept.. lit, Spe- cial features of the meeting were as . ffollows; a demonstration on canning corn and tomatoes by Mrs. Bill Hal - When Amy married Bill Temple,. her ' eople- made h -pr'oiise' to visit them often. But after young Bill dine; the visits were less and less frequent, although the old folks • were only. 40 miles or sl; away. Then one "night Amy's mother telephoned. and they found how pleasant leasatft a inexpensive a viSit by Long tistatice: Can be. So every Sunday night now irandma calls. then The weekly chats' make them all happier — and the cost is only a few cents. • ever seen.. She is a .dandy..I am get•. ting - acquainted', with , my neighbors and learning to ' love them. I like the depression. Three yearsago i was 'so busy and my . wife. was. so busy that we didn't see much Of. each' other, con: sequently we sort of lost interest in each other. - I' never. went borne to lunch. About twite a week I .went' ;ipme to dinner -at 6.30 o'clock. I, never Tr; Mme tv 'go�anywhere-swith_ 'ter. If .I , did go on• a• party I could lever 1'ocate, her., .Since there was. al ';says• a '•'blonde". or a• ,"redhead" .a- Atilable, I 'didn't much worry about ;t; 'y. wife belonged to -all the. clubs= U. town. She even- joined , the young• _•anther's club. :We didn't have any hildren ,but_.she was. _studying, Tana ietareen playing bridge and going' to ,•.labs she was never at home. We got stnek up and,• high . falutin'.. We even took down the old family 'bed and `fought ;a' set of- twin beds-ou;, the instalment plan. When'l went 'home at night -if ra i 'wife was at home, she • would already be in her bed and 1 denby; Recipes: and samples' of year. would crawl- in mine. If she .came in favorite, pickle by several_.of :the last, it was vice versa: members as an answer to' the 'roll We like the depression. We have call. Also a 'very interesting address come: down -off our pedestal and are by Mtn; Armstrong of Teeswater really living athome now. The twin on Helpful' Hints on our Journey' beds are stored in the 'garage and through •Life. • bunch was .served;.; by the family affair is being used. We the hostess and committee. in charge. ,are enjoying life.• Instead of taking. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert find a•Biot :wiser bottle owed these cold - ,babe spent Sunday at Mr. Frank nights,' she sticks her heels in my Cumming's, Clark's.' ' back, just like she did before • Ben. Mr.' and Mrs: Ralph Elliott kola nett was 'elected. daughter Joyce spent Sunday at Mrs. ' I haven't been out on a party it Allier Ackert,*. . . ' eighteen 'months. 'I have lost my book Mr. and Mrs. Wes. �Ppllock, Marie; of telephone numbers. My • wife has Carmon and Guerney were, sat dropped all the clubs. I believe. we guests at Mr,. Richard Elliotfa on are falling fill leve all over again. 1 Sunday.. am pretty well satisfied with my Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert andfe• Think I will keep her, at least family. spent Sunday wit# friends at until she is forty and then if I fee Ethel.like I do now, 1 may trade her. fm' The 'ifolytrood ' Women's Tnstatute' two twenties. 1 am feeling bette • are holding a.,dance \on Tuesday ening' September 13tH,. since the depression. I take mare ex- (Seh°ool Fair grcise. I. walk, to town :and a lot of folks who to drive Cadillaes art night) in the Township Ball,' Holy - rood: Ad 'mission 25c. Everybody► val. walking with me. I Iike . the depres- COn/e. . sion. t „rated Mr. and Mrs: Harold Barris; Mar- I am getting real 'honest-to-good- garet and Murray of Toronto . • and nags fob,• Three years ago we had Miss Greta Harris of Innen dine, filet' mignon on e a week, now we called' on�friends on the 8th and, Ih haVe round steak with .flour gravy: coneessiona`nit Thursday. Then, we had roast breast of guinea • Recent •visitors at Mr. x`hos H•. hen; .now we are glad to get sow Hams, were Mr and Mrs. George bosom with the buttons on it, MacBey and Miss Margaret Palmer ' 1 like the depression. My salary has been cut to where I can't of • Chester, Mr. glutMrs: Bruee Palmier i o ur 1ettuce`anid spiiiaeh•-stid -of Kincardine, -Mrs:. -.Iona Palmers' y Vera, Howard, Orville and Gerald of - parsley aiid- we. can t• -afford tot have Detroit,.. and Mr. Amos Palmer of sandwiches and frozen desserts and Kine reline, =_ . all that- dam -foolishness which' hat' Mr. and Mist: +W Eadie, tilos killed more good men than the world and Loi•rie and Mites Helen Ma* ' 1 like the depression Three year; ago 1' never had time to go to church I played golf all day Sunday, and.be- sides 1 was SO darned smart there' Wasn't a preacher in West Tetras could tell the anything Now I ant going' t� church regularly;' newer miss a Sunday. Ana if this depres: Sion keeps en, T . will be going to prayer meetings before long. I like the depresssion. This';; evidently the peak year • With • partridge, one would . judge ' from the reports• emanating front, various ,parts of the Laurentian . and Gatineau districts• of Quebec, ,according to A. O.'Seymeur., Gen- eral Tourist Agent, •Canadian Pa- clfie'Raliway. Is. almost every' locality partridge. as the ruffed, : •grouse,' and -Franklin -grouse -ais best known, are very plentiful. Moat flocks hatched this .year are nearly fun grown. • New freightrstee on ,live•etock' • With iOw . mfnizaum. weights to: ,meet the competition of motor trucks., in ''the trslnsportation' of animal* to market, have been put into .street by the Canadian Paci- fic , and Canadian National ' Rail- ways ' .covering movement . from stations within' a. -radius or 150 miles -of -Toronto; and--these-wane.- effective from '•August 15: ' The -'1 new Cates are being. tried out as . . an experiment., and it;•is expected they Will result in a very substan-• • tial inerease'in thq_rall_movement' of cattle,' sheep,, and hogs. One •.of ; the most'' 'interesting •. • passengers arriving`- ln' Montreal by the Canadian 'Paciffe SS. 'Duca- I ass, of"Miss •• on. August 1b • Was .Miss England I1t",, world's fastest. motor -boat. After ' . •the international races with Gar "•--Wood's-boat-at :Detroit;. Kaye Don, will take ."Miss England III" to Toronto. 'where 'visitors at the . _Canadian. National Exhibition will be. able to -see eirattempt . by the powierfui vessel to lower her own • or any .other_ new worlds record.. The big Speed. boat wss'• accom- panted ,ln the Duchess of Rick- . . mond. by R. E. Garner, senior me- chanic, and "mate" to Kaye.; Don during the.races. Two hundred 'organisations af- filiated with the governing body om adtan Chamber her of Com- merce, tlie_Can pa merce,;'whose_seventh annual con- vention xii'1 be held at 'lJalitax, September • 13.15, will send mem-.. hers to a pre- and post -conven- tion sea cruise and land tour with .the Clarke. Steamship Co., the Dominion Atlantic and the •Cana- dian Pacfic Railways. scheduled to leave Montreal September 3 ' and return - there September 19. The sea cruise ' will be on the S.&. New Northland, calling at Charlottetorvu, Sydney, St. Pierre-' • . Miquelon, St. John's, Newfound-' land. and Halifax, prior to the :--coaven't-ion,>_.an4i:.:will--coast ince.._. Maritime Provinces after it , Cost of. travel to Eastern Que- � bee, the Lower St. Lawrence and • to resorts in the Maritime Pro- vinces' has. been deflated this sum - .mer in a tare' revolution that hu . never been equalled in the lili- .tory of the railroads of Canada. This reduction works out at about fare =done -tenth for the round trip to any one of a 'score of glorious summer centres on Can- ' ada'I unsurpassed Atlantic sea- board with proportionately re- duced • fares to many nth"er des- . Mations in eastern, Quebec 'and the Maritime Provinces which are also in effect from stations in the Province of Quebec, Montreal and west, and also in Ontario,' Suds bury. Capreol,-- Windsor.1 Sarnia and .eastt This great concession by ,the railways of Canada la on • offer during the month of August with a return limit of 21 days, (deluding the date of sale. (362) Ingham Shote• $tarti3 8.3'0 P. M.., , •THURS., .FRIDAY, SATURDAY • September-, 5-4--1.0 L JPINO' LANE In' "The Yellow *ask" ,A Musical' • Roiilantic Comedy .-: �.By�"'Edgas""Wallace ' ' _ . 3ZQis11)AY,. TUESDAY, WED. September .12-19- I4 17 HUSTON O,- WALTER STON H R 'OW •AI1T L +• �jW`A LttiC )ESO' . IC' . lit` e , ,Beast of the City" A 'Drama of Political. Vice and Mr Da'v'e Eadie `of Glenann n - Spent: Sunday' at Mrs. Rachel e l- bert's. , menu A: ', Fit e � nouiicea1 llr.f and Mrs. deo. T. Robertson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gertrude Rellen, to William Wheelan, only son of Mr and Mrs: John A. Currie, all la Winglam. the marriage to take place in September, Mary... --1 —heard• something about your wile to day.. ' Bill -what did you hear? lG+fary-$hat• her hair is not •really hers. • Tull itis false .."1. was 'with her when she bought f t • "Help me out, will you? I'm col- lecting rare coins." 'what have you in your cgllec- aon?" "A silver dollar,a half .dollar and two gii'arters" (Shows saint.) • "Why they're not rare coins:':'' - "They are with me." 4- "`""`":"..:;. w OF .: *EVERY DESCPTI RI N' 'F . O PRODUCED • AT' MODERATE PRICES Help Home Industry'by having: your Printing done In Lucknow+ The Lucknow Sentinel Phone 3 ► Lucknow SCHOOL FAIR ' DATES The following is . a list of the School Fair dates for Bruce County for 1932; Greenock .September 8th. Bruce September 9th YCinlos September •13th •Iiuron _ __ _ . _September 20th Kincardine —September September Brunt September 29th Hiderslie -..........September 34th • WHITECHURCH The sympathy of the community is extended to. Mr. John Craigiir the loss of his fine bard, ` which ,ttias burnt to the ground on Wednc-Olay afternoon of last week. It was tilled .ith the season's crop of grain and lay: The fire is thought to have been caused by the' hot sun on the tin �afhas{ by, liaxe burst scut;' 'tom near the top .of the barn. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Griffin of. De- roit spent a 'few . days with her •,rothers, John • and `Pat McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid spent' the veek-end with friends in Detroit.. Mr. Aldin Pardon •.motored from f.eahiington and spent the week -cad with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i'ardon.• , Mrs. Craig, Sr.,. IS on the sick list. We 'hope fora seedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs: James' McInnes. Tces- '.vater, spent Sunday with,. Mr.' and Ars. David Kennedy. Mrs. Mitchell and children of Win- nipeg spent•a day► recently with her •ousin, Mrs. Albert McQuillin. Miss Lila Emmerson is spending I few Weeks 'with her sister. -Mrs, 1iaggit• at Blyth. Mrd. p. MacDonald and son Peter „pent Sunday with her cousin, :Gars. John Craig, Sr. Telephone the naives and address of the beople viditiug you, or of any members of your family away from home, or particularti re- garding any event that would be of ' interest.. to our reader$, . That is news, and this is your newspaper: Please give us the news and help us make this a, better paper." Oar telephone number Is 35. Put it ,,down somewhere and Use it often' 'thank you. 1 1 1 1 1 1 TEF QRE PLACING YOU!?ORDER' PHONE US FC'R•PRICES Look The :Farr Svn� '' 'hey' ' of ualityLed . - onklg ti 1