HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-09-08, Page 1•
. .4
.42 00 PER YEA1I IN. ADyANCI $2.60OTIIKR.WISE ".-.KN ; ` ,
LiJ ..OPV', ®1+I°L".,:'hHU'It
DAY ;, 5gPTEM ER 8th, .19322
Or. R. L. Treleaven, Lucknow'.
Boers: 9-12 A.111: 1.30.5 P. M
All ..brsa'nds' on . hand in our. 'ware-
house , Nelson Bushell, ,'Pl one: ;106
• LOST :A �Eostou. Bull,;,Iwith white.
breast, which followed the wrong car
north•. f •Whitechurch. Communicate
.Grahan ; Winghee
WOOD FOR SALE. -•-Hoot grade of•.
•• 1'nixed• Wood-• 16" ,long.• $2.30 per. cord
,;delivered. Signed
The:, Lucknow `Table Cp.,, Ltd.
STRAYED -in the, vicinity of St.:
Helens, a b'obtail'. Collie' Dog, . "old
a earl • 'bli ..An onof '.
ad nearly rad., y e knowing
?' Iters. •whereabouts, kindly communicate
with this:office.
FOR SAL)+ -In Lucknow, an 8-
room"frame. dwelling, one quarter of
an=acre--of' land, ,good been , on -place.
Apply to Mrs. Agar for particulars:
• (22e-9.1' ),
• The auction,sale ` of household
furniture,: postponed'- last' • week,, will.
be held' • in Liick:now, on' Saturday,'
• September' 10th,eommenc n at • 3
o'clock. •Several' new wheelbarrows
will also be gold. '
'Well.: Henderson; Auc.
For, $2:40 will{ ship the •fbllewing:• 1
Ib. pure • Quesnel, regular price' 30c;
5 lbs. Burley. regular 25c>: per lb; 1
lb. Havana: '`at 40c;; 2 lbs.:of grand
rouge at 40c;' the lot for $2.40. Ship;
anywhere. With prices for quantities.
e..ents wanted. G. • Dubois. ''24 Hepd „
°Terson 'Ottawa. Opt:
• FOR SALE OR 'RENT•100-acre..
clay -loam- farm; • -con--30,--� A'ahfteid.
Bank barn,,. '.75 x 36, Arteuian well.
Double, garage. -Frame •house in .good-
repair. 'Apply . to
Mabel 'McNamara, R. 7; • Lucknow:
Administratrix Estate •john Mc
(22-4-c.) ;
• Yes! We are,. placing • our graduates.
NOW`is :a good time to prepare and
he: ready' for; greater things; Wing -
ham Business College re, -opens Mon-
day, September 26th. Canada Busi=
aless. College, Toronto, always • open.
' ;Also •Home Study courses: Pay when
you wish. Write: to -day.
• Scotch Doubles was 'the: attraction
'at the green on• Tueiiday, -at the
,ladies' weekly jitney with prizes won'
by the following: 1st, Mrs.' Clarke,
pie knife;'2nd, Mrs. Steward, towel;
3rd, Mrs. Solomon, comb;- 4thr- Mrs.•
Fisher, towel. - r
The Young People's. Society :of the
United Church; are holding a Wein-
•, er roast. on the farm of Mr. G. A.
. Greer, tonight,. (Thursday). All niem-,
bees• and . any "who care to become
affiliated 'with the Society. are wel-
epme. Be at the church .promptly it
2• -o'clock and iransportation will be -
furnished. If the weather . is unfav-
orable the "roast" will be held intim
church basement. Coyne .along' and
bring 4a friend: .
Large Barn • Falls
Prey To Fiaes
Season's Crop Is Destroyed When
Fire • Razes Large Barn Near
' Whitechurch.
A fine barn, the' property of Mr.
John Craig ' of . White hurch the sea=
R C ,.
sees hays ,crop and grain, which they
were at the ti'nte drawing ' in,' was
destroyed by fire of unknown origin
which, broke out last Wednesday af-
Mr. Craig and his son operate two
farms. The barn Which was destroyed
t., ' 'i Hill
is situs just 'east of D ckie s
ed. 7
Kinloss Township. The farm On
Which they live lies Anther east, wear
the village of Whitechurch.
At the . time Of'the 'outbreak they
were drawing in.' grain to• the listen
which •was destroyed 'on the unoccu,
pied firm, Haying. completed unload,
ing they were returning to the field
a fe' ode "fro'm thebarn
when butw vide
the fire was noticed,but :had .gained
su trent 'headvra:� to tender
flI Y.them
,powerless to, combat the names. •
Insurance 'amounting . to sn ' ewhat
..ve` ' $ 00' wit _lit o
11 r '� 0 1 oralPartiallyc ver
$� Y
#h0 80Vere lbes. '
Get Your Fall
Fair . Prize List
Plan Nolo?, Prepare, For. . The.filtit.
Apnua l hition To ' Bye Held On
' 1'mrsdsy and. Friday; September
29th end 90th: •••
• Pell. Fair •prise• hats were of! , the
press;, last week ,and many 'ave alb,
� t
ready ,received •copies. You nay' .get
one,, if you have not ,yet done :so.; . by
llih� . at; Agnew'a or, -this of, ice
The',fair is `the 29th;•'and 30th, `the.
last •• Thursday 'and "'Friday of thie
month and it is not too.. early ' to
:plan your entries, •and ''increiesed ef-
forts and entries on the part of ev-
eryone will resultin.a bigger and.
b tt
e. er show -
Various . changes have been ,made
'to the list; which Chiefly -includes cut-
ting out of events which we suppose
in past years have not attracted.suf-
ficient entries to warrant their con- From a life of wandering freta?.
:tinuance, T -he canvassers es the -flet, place tliplace, begging food, s eify g
of donations would show, must ' have in box -cars' and attired in scanty and
been thorough' intheir work' and met ragged clothing, to 'a' new start.; in
Detroit, with a: good home, good care
and new .cle'an clothes, 'reads :14 ,a
fairy tale::, But such • was the good.
fortune; of 19-yearold Jack .Rivett,
•whose' wanderings brought him ", `to
this • Village over: the week=end.. This,
young chap with two .companions fir-
:ground. Massey-Harr`is doneted $10..rived . in -town -on -Saturday -and'In-
ter be applied,on the •purchase of any tended boarding the night train north
assey-Harris -implements. •'.The win-, ;but a__.continued- , downpour of : rain_
Vier with; Ville best group of 4 steers altered their plans and they spent
for feeding purposes, raised 'ky the the •night in a'box-carat the depot.
exhibitor .will receive a cabinet con_ ' Jack at one Time was a 'sufferer.
=inning -'a-' 26=piece ' set . of • Rodgers from infantile -paralysis, the ravages
flatware, valued at ' $11.95, donated of which left him partially deformed,.
by the T. Eaton Co. and was, when examined, in a weak-
In •Class. 27, entry number 63, the ened condition, and not at all 'fit : for
Robert Simpson Company 'offer, a such a knock -about
prize of '.$10 'worth of merchandise
for-tli lits coll-ectia.of-baki
The Lucknow Dramatic Club. is
Preparing ;a .humorous play to be pre-
sented' the • last. night of •.the: 'show;,
which' will be followed by a dance.
Men's '' Work Shirts, Work Pants.
Overalls end Smocks:.THE MARKET.
Rain Stops first
There `passed Aiwa/ in the Torun. Cham ionshl Games
ship' : of Kinloss., on. Saturday, Sept,
ember '3rd, i1 Catherine .MacKiniipn,
aged-,6.8--years,=wife, of the -late Itpd
e;ick Corbett, formerly* of Chicago.
Mrs. Corbett .was a daughter of'`the
late John McKinnon, 'eoncessipri ;:4,
I3,pcknow Will -Play in Kincardine on
Friday --Seco `rd'�Gaine To Be Play-
ed: Here on Monday. -
ralel : -
'Kar #s The furieiral service wa$ :bald Three hundred shivering fans were
all •set 'o' witness ess thefirst '' of
t a n gatt%e
he Lakeside League :. cham p io shi .
series in the local park on Tuesday;
when , with.the lst halt'.of the . first
inning pl ed, 7 a* heavy rain whi h
este Flo "
d, ,e ..:u
n h t•>�•s'
a -.Seek h'', 1 -
n the
g Y
Fortune Smlle ing field, not to mention anything of
the fans, Who couldn't get:, under
Youn �1 ransient -cover, required. a postponement • of'.
TT T �,, Y.
M .,•, the Airtime,
};Enthusiasm. is at a high pitcli; es-
ect since 1 theLucknow bunch
iininated Wingham• in the send -finale;
with two straight wins, and it wae.
a disappointed crowd that received
their rain checks on leaving the
at the residence of Peter McKCinaon;
Lot' 8 • Con:. 4; Kink$sqs on Monday
t' bei•' t at `2:00 o Bloc ' With
Sepem li h, k, w.
interment in. Kinloss' cemetery. :'
"Und'iuployed•,19.Year Old Youth, Be-
formed From The • •Ravages,;,,jOf
Infantile Paralysis Is To Ee Car-
ed For.
with a, hearty 'response.:
Several .outstanding' prizes will be
found . trougbout the' list In', the .ag-
Frieultural '' horse ,class, Mr. ' John
;Joynt. ; donated $10 as ',list prize for..
the best ,,$.pan in harness ' and »rig.
For the best cattle beast on the.
Three of the-Kincardine-team-werea
to, play 'a Junior Bruce League, game
on Wednesday :,and thus, ;.the• game.
here has been' set for. next Monday.
Lucknow will go to Kincardine heir -
ever„ this Friday as was billed. " A
third game; if' iieoessary, will. be.
flayed on : •a neutral • field, , as yet not
decided upon.. r
•. It was not baseball weather and
probably: the weatherman was'kind
on 'ending this game•' by letting. lose
z Attie' moisture. A high •wind :was
flowing, which would have.made
righty hard in the outfield and ..the
day was nit 'just warm enough `;; to
limber -up, Gorr''s • area in . proper
fashion:. •
'The .locals. got by the first: inning
without any ! damage being done;' but
it looked rather .serious when. Thomp-•
It was when seeking'food on Sun- ;on • and Farrel, the first` two Kincar-
l!g• day that he wsas . seen by Mrs: H: B, fine men o . a , . o sing e .. or
Woods of Detroit; who was visiting
' °Numerous local bowlers enjoyed ap ..
interesting- _•_mixed . jitney -...-.at ._the.•
greens. on Friday evening when no-
vel prizes were awarded the winners -
as •follows: Dr. Newton, 1st, canned
goods; Dr. Johnston, '2nd, . pail of,
honey; Mrs. Connell, 3rd, basket of
peadhes; Clark. Finlayson, 4th, 24
lbs. of • dour; Mrs: Henderson, 5th,
pound of. tea; Mrs. Clarke, 6th,'doz.
oranges. -•
Following a prolonged illness of
some nine. years, ' during which, she
.had been. practically' helpless, Mrs.
Richard Turner passed away at her'
honie 'in Toronto on Thursday,' Sept-
ember let. The funeral'' 'service ; was
held ' at .,her tate residence on Friday
eveningfit 8 o'clock. _The .following
morning the remains were brought to
Teeswacer -where 3 service was held'
in the United'i church at one o'clock
with interment in Teeswater Ce;ite•..
ter,.. '
Mrs. Turner, who before her mar-
riage was Edith Thompson, wag in
her 69th .year. Mr. Fred Thompson,
concession 10,• Kinloss, is a brother.'
The late Allan Turner df this village
was a son.
Misses Margaret' and Ann MacLen-
nan were recent'visitors in 'town
with their. parents, me. and Mrs...F.
D. ''MacLennan,' upon ; their .return
from .a'. two-month tour of. Europe.
Missretained ..
Ann .ret rued by motor to
Evanston last' week, accompanied by
the two sons of Dr.' John ^McLean,
who had' been.. holidaying with, their_
uncles, Donald , ar d Alex McLean,
concessiop, 12, Ashfield. Miss Marg-
aret left for Toronto on Monday to'
re•�comanence her duties as 'teacher•
there. t, •
le ies '.. , boat
• The young ^ adi s found their
trip on the Empress of Australia,
end their conducted European : tour,
a most' delightful' one. Being in
Gerniariy during the time of the re-
cent election; they' did not view con -
ditions as bad as were reported and
their party' was . given every ; atter-
:,..:.,.. ....::. ; ,. •. ...
t' iwho d cater
ion liy offie els. appear t
to' English-speaking people,! A telisse
feeling evidently etists between g y
stria and Italy ,aid their guide ex-
perieneed much difficulty in crossing
this boundari#:.
at' the home of Matthew -Woods. *She
informed' her ;husband,.'Dr. Woods, 'of
the 'boys -condition, whop later set eiit,
about. town .to find"_.xhe lad. ' Austin
Woods, their son; Who passed away
several months ago had been afflicted
in his youth' with a •similar trouble,
and the hearts of this kindly couple
Were touched at the plight . •of 'the
unfortunate Rivett lad.
The offer 'of the Dr. and .his wife
to take Jack -back- •-to---Detroit ,was
readily. and thankfully received by
the youth; He -wasattired- in -new -
clean clothing, which he ,said he
would have to become accustomed, to,
as he had never' known whatit was
to be dressed •up.' He leftQ with the
Wood`s • family., the first of the week,
and will be allowed iri the States for
30 . days, .by the end of which time.
the. Doctor hopes to be able to se-
cure for him' a horke or: position in
Canada. Young Rivett is an orphan,
whose home was ii Efimoni4is
mother' died When he was but 12.
His father served, oveseas with the
Canadian ' forces; dying shortly after
the, war.
Former Ifaioleem Resident *spires
Suddenly In' The West.
• The sympathy of their friends is
being extended to. Mr.' Jess:, A. and
Miss Flora MacDonald in the death
of their isister, Mie. Alex IC.. Dewar
of Rosthern, ,Sask, who passed away
very unexpectedly on August 21st.
Mrs:, Dewar was a former Lucknow
girl, and some of the older residents
will remember her still, as Mary. Ann
MacDonald. After leaving Lucknow,
she .resided for 'some time in Guelph
where . she married, Mr. Alex IL
Dewar,. a 'millright. From Guelph Mr.
and Mrs:. Dewar went west and at the.
time of Mrs. Dewar's death, were re-
siding in Aesthete', Sask. Stricken
suddbnly on Saturday, Mrs. Dewar
passed away Sunday.' After a short
service at thehouse on the 25th, ser-
vice was held in the Rosthern United
Church, from which the funeral : left
for Rosthern cemetery. • '
.Besides her husband, out of a, am:
ily of seven' children, three. sonS °are
Jeft , to ,mourn her loss: Willie.' of
Rosthern, Cecil of Winnipeg end.
Hussel at home, .having 'just finished
his university course. One:+son, Earn,
Paid down his life in the dreat War.
Another, Baroid, died in early mane
hood, while two -other Children, a
boy end girl, died in their infancy.
Besides the immediate family, Mrs.
Dewer's death brings ' sadness 'and
so'rr'ow to her two remaining ,sisters
Mrs. LaiinaBain of 'Detroit and M'iss
..l' c on'
F ora M D ale, and to her brother,'
Mr. John A. MacDonald of this town:
Bore down at this point though, and
henet men,x three all ' .den g eroa�s
titters at °.that, were 'retired. Gerd
ook Macklem'shigh fly and then
;truek out Stein' and Watson.- Luck -
"didn't, go to bat.
New Prints, Gingham and Cottons.
o _expre • s five_of his fine Barred_
Rocks to Toronto Exhibition and re-
eive _ in return a card stating that
:ifs birds had carried off three firsts
And third, was the pleasant surprise
experienced this week by Mr. Isaac
„Miller of'' St: Helens. The foul won
'n the following classes; Dark cock -
Tel, 1st; Pullet, 1st and •3rd; Light
:ockerel, 1st. • •
.Mr. Miller was -'unable to •get away
to'the'--EZ this: year, b iii -sub
cases if entries' are shipped they•are
taken 'care of, exhibited and returned
in due time to their owner.
Presentation Made
At Corn Roast
Junior and Senior • Choir of United
Church Present Gifts To Depart-
ing Members:
Some thirty-six members of the
Junior • and Senior Choirs of . the
United Church, gathered en the farm
of Mel. Greer on Friday evening to
enjoy ;a• couple of hours together
around a camp -fire. The get-together
was in effect a corn roast, but the
real objective Was to, present .mem-
hers • of the ,Choirs with .remembran-
ces; •before departing from the vil-
lage to pursue their various studies.
• While the corn t was boiling suit-
able camp -fine songs were sung and
after munching away at' tasty cobs
Of corn till the appetites was sufficed,
Mrs. J. W. Joynt announced the pure
pose of the gathering and expressed
appreciation of the faithful services
rendered the choir, by the .departing
niefiabars where . she added would be
greatly missed.
Miss' Winifred W red Armstrong, � Clam
elite Greer and Arthur Andrew were
ailed: nto the circle when addresses
*ere read respectively to them by
Mel. • •Greer, Fred "Armstrong and
MISS • Olive ,Alton. Wi'nnifred • was
presented • With a hymnary, Clarence
and Arthur., with eitershap pencils.
Winifred left on Sunday for Tot -
Onto; where 'she has entered the. Sick
Children's Hospital as nurse=in-
training. Clarence leavesn ' 'shortly for
London, where he will take . up a
Course in: business _ administration,
it 'Westervelt school. Arthur plans
on '. attending Art's at torsi
BCW, �r l:�lti
The Bread
of Health
X l•
ii . .The Bread
° of health
•RIC ,
° FitUIT • CA K1S ^ 2 ''lbs.: �35c:,.
A ,F
IJ E$ '. C E
POPE: : 'P • •STRI E
•, ASBERR v S.
• K ., V TARTLETS . '. :... RAISIN 'BREAD , ,:•.
L.� �.
® L _
Hells • --°
. -qua
Local €:General;'.
New Hosiery and Gloves for Wo-
Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Spindler and
Mr -s:.- McMal on l spent t1 e -week -enol
in London. :•
Mrs. Percy and son Alvin of De-
troit were Labor' Day visitors with
Mr.' and 'Mrs. Frank• Cole. •
Miss Edna Campbell of Goderich
spent the week -end with her. sister
Mrs. , Hilda' Miller.. " '
Miss' Olive• Webster of Toronto,
spent -the holiday.with' her aunt,
••Mrs. ,George Andrew.
Mrs A. P. Buck of London
visiting with her parents, Mr. and:
Mrs. William Armstrong.,,
Rekr. 'B. Cunningham, rector • of
Millbank, , will occupy 'tl$e Pulpit' . in
St. Peter's Church. on Sunday next.
, `Marys' and Josephine Aitchismp of
Harriston, spent' the holidays' with
their. grandciarente,_ 'Ir. -_-and-lVtiiss -
Thomas Aitchison. ;
• ' Master. Leonard Barrett -has re-
turned .to his home in London after
spending the summer with. his grand
parents,•;Mr. and Mrs.: W. Armstrong
:Miss Marion McDougall motored'
to Golden Valley with Mr: and Mrs;,
G. H. Smith, where she re=commen-
ced her teaching duties on Tuesday
morning. -
Your Eyes
' y
'anal ' O•ur ~ Service:
• Lucknow
EITHER you have
hada your:
errors of vision.corrected: Or you
should hive. have.Or,•you have no er-
rors Place yourself *here you be
long if' you can and pact accord- •
i ngly_._.But.-be_ver_y_.. sure-about-the--
"bave' no errors". There. aren't
many such.
. Continued next' 'week ! ' f
Wood Work
Before the' Hunting ' Season.
opens, let us replace your ,
We .axe able to .do 'all manner
A 'Trial Will .Convince You,•
Maci renes .
Block South of C. N. R. Depot.
Robert' Thompson spent the week- u
end in London' and on Labor Day” at- MOTORISTS! ATTENTION!
t e- e.. picnic _
end d the °pa`cnic held at Springbanlc ,,
Park, sponsored by the London' As-
s i is ion .o . e •e: . -
• Mrs: A. F. • Mitchell of Kirkland
Lake, Mrs. John Boyd, Messrs. -Harry
Boyd and Luke Morin of Timmins,
were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. 'M. Mitchell.'
Messrs. Gordon and Will• Johnston
of Toronto were week -end visitors
with their mother,• Mrs. M. A. John-
ston, at; the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Robertson.
Mrs. R. Bell and daughter. Mary
of Seaforth, accompanied by Miss
Jessie McMorraii and Mrs. Curtis Of
Chicago, visited this week with Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. McMorran. '
Mr. and Jibs: J.' W: Matthews and
son Billie, Mr.. A. P. Buck of London
Old Miss Ellen Buck 'of Kingston,
were recent .visitors at the home of
kr. and Mrs. Williani Armstrong, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Woods, Peggy
and Bob; - Mrs. Tarlton, and Mr.Ean r
apeman of Detroit, also Dr. and Mrs:
Hall of Gederich, were recent• visit-
ors at the' home of Mr. Matthew
Weeds.. '
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Myers of Wind-
sor, Dr. 'and Mrs. W. G. Thonias and
son Billie of Niagara and Mrs. Gem-
mel and 'Dave and Miss Blum - of
Stratford, • were tiweek-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. R.'I. McQuillin.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr had as
their visitors this week, Andy Orr
and Miss Gilbert of Stratiiroy, Mr.
and Mrs, Albright of Detroit, Mrs.
Walker, • Mr. and Mrs. Jniiny Orr,
•and Mrs. Alex Lockhart and
Phyllis of Appin. •
Rev. and Mrs. Geoghegan had as
their guests, for the week -end and
holiday, Mr: and Mrs. Hugh Weagaut
_ -t..
and daughter Margaret, Mrs.A.
". ]
SmaI eye, Mr. and Mrs. E. Markham;
Walter and John and •Misses
Joan. and Betty Markham, Owe
Sound; ' Mrs. R: Geoghegan, ?dr. and
Mrs. y, V. Smith and - son Robert of
The ,September meeting of the
Woineii's Institute will be held on
Friday, . September 9th at 2.20' 'o'clock
t the home,f o
Mrs. J" i
S McKenz e.
Flower show =prises for largest • col-
lection and table . bouquet,
Now Operated By
Garfield Ostrander
Having:. taken over. the FORD
GARAGE • in Lucknow, we are : ,
prepared 'to offer the motoring.
_04.-0141.11 fiFlityICE, - and>
as in my other business relations,
.are in operation and a Stock of
and Accessorise on hand.
Leo Clare,. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. C-Iare, of Ashfield, suffered a
serious and painful fracture of `the
ankle ' on. Tuesday morning. Unable
to • have • an X-ray picture 'taken that
day he was removed, ,to Winghani'
Hospital to have the fracture set and
an Wednesday was taken to Goder-
ich to have an X-ray of the injury.
Leo had left home in the morning
with the wagon for Sam Alton's
where he was purchasing 'a hog. In
the loading of it his foot dropped be-
tween the slats of the rack and at
the same time the team stepped for-
ward, throwing him down and caus-
ing the fracture:. Mr. Clare was in
town at the time and Leo was
brought here, whe a his father
learned of the accident.
Card of Thanks •
Mr. and Mrs: Donald MaeLeod and
family wish. to thank . •the many
friends and neighbors for then± ,kind
help ;and sympathy at the 'tinge of
their recent bereavement:
In tiliehle' en • Saturday,, while
ei...,_,1.-•,.d ..._i, ,._.i
n d e
p 'y d with Durnin and MatDan-,
aid, thrashers. of St. ,Helens, Dick'
Cartersuffered' a fracture of the
main bone in his wrist: He was rem
Moved to tioderich where the injury
was X-rayed and set and the unfor-
utnate .chap ,is now progressing nice=
ly at the home of his brother,. Henry"
Carters _' ; ,.^-,+.: