HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-09-15, Page 8111 ,t•-; ••41,. . „ "i; 1 • , ••• .. • „:, •••• •'• - • • '"..;„•• 4 t • Vi::.441 "t'„.' • TUE • • . t . • :•• • • . • • ••• The Netv,f ,•Miltrey Heel •Iteggere and • ' • Celpro S1'uIP 'the 'lie* FAR Styles • • • Are Here' , SUPERVALIJESSMART STYLES °SOLIflCOMFORT *AptAND Etig.y.. IT, •,'" • • MURRAY 8/10ES„ ARE CARRIED IN, ALL WfircHS" TRA VALUES hi inedilini Priced 0 tor boys * '&10 wear . . 0 'season for ,wearing RUBBERS is here. • Our values irMOes.s011 sav you ,14-04ey. . , ,• , nWs to,ecisi w. of Kincardine WITIOS. 3 tO. 1 Vierdiet, In First •Patee of 13 feninge.Of *OOP paaebald., • The Itbleardine nine, non the. 1.St • gente of the •series for the 1,4000 League championship .played'in that town on Friday, when in the last half of the 1341 inning R94era...'aeam13- ered" home With the ildritiiiiferien that )woe the 1 tie wldeb bad 0x7. kited since the sixth inning. r. Deets WWI rapidly :Opreaehing and,:_. the game was to he ealled, at the ead of the pal.,In igneardines hot .1/Xiid;-: gas, the: laketown heavy•• weight, Cat - 'cher, singled for his 3rd:14ef•••.the•: day. struck out and R 1Parer rootC011ilfart "N..- N. Ss... ilinceprrpm WH litmwARY- Gathering' at the home of Mrs• Jas1 Alton on .iday evening, some twelve' of her • Sunday ' sehOoli p1il enryed. a social evening of pram; and Con- tests# Francie:Tholiipson, a Member' of-•the.--elass,--iwlialeft_thieLvieek_l_to, attend Stratford Kornis', bad a fare- well .addteds ,:reed to herNhy Beatrice, Culbert, and was presented with . 'a hpopery•",by. ;Mrs, Alien.. • HOLD': WEINER ROAST Some eightyttive. memberOf the Y.P.S, of the 'United Church enjoy- ed a Weiner Feast at the farm of Mr. • 414 -song around the camp -fire and •;games and contests featured the eto. 'lgrami-‘-aftet• !:Vdrich hot-dogs -*eta- saved to all..'Rev. S. T. Tucker spoke outlining plans for the Fall ' term. .7A Wet:ibt of executiveis bl.be '• held in the church basement to -night stvhen'definite;.plane'fOr the year will e formulated;: The opening Meeting 4111 be; hal- next Monday evening • M. Se MEETING.77 • •:;:!. . • • t The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the basement of ,the 'HnitetthUTO14,On Wednesday, Sept. ing opened. with prayer and praise. filinutea,of'last_nreeting were read and" adopted. Mrs. J. 4. MeN:ab, leader Or the group presided .during. devotional 'exercises and program. Tucker gave a short address; ' 'atiting thittglthough she' was .a new- - sbe-fei1rqilte at home In our W.M.S... Society, as 'the work of the society is the same the world -Over..A number of ladled • gave interesting papers en different • phases of miasionery work carried On by the United Church.. - • Meeting ..clesed with,_ prayer it,. Mrs. Rathwell; Cor.-Sec'y. ••Gritharir -HawkshaW: • •Mids „Anne .14:leble • •Hawkshaw leliegeet•daughter of Mr: and Mrs; William HaWkshaW.,*and,-Mr. Archi- bald Graham, 'son, cif Mr, and Mrs. uncaik-Grahainr-were-LAnavrietion- SaturdaY, September 3rd, at 5 o'clock in Ascension' Anglican. church, Kin, lough; 'Rev. H. • Appleyardi rector of the church, officiated: Miss Edna Bettie played ..-the wedding • Music.; Ferns, gladioli ' and:..other brilliant autionn . flowers . decorated the church for the occasion. The bride was given away her father. She Iociked charming in a gown. of., maize:seer- gette-and and. gloved. Her flOwers '•wete :a bouquet Of; pink and white snap-- dragons-witlrmaiden-balrfern --Little •Ag.ila Margaret Graham, ,idece of the. groom, stetedad Aiwa" girL . Following ' the cerement:, a sump- tuous dinner was. served at the home of the bride„: to about thirty -Ave of the immediate friends and relatives. The dining room. was very tedefully decor-ated in pink and . white. . Amid showers of confettif tKe happy-couide then left forjTorente; Niagara and other points. 'For -travel - .line.„ the bride wore a drese. of Mar,. -Oen georgette thiffen velvet ;:;•••:' • .• • , ' . • '114311V#SPAW 1932 a :het': bentider' to* It,liad,:theestrMarita of Et,..,itoii,hk play whi0 would end thegame, hut Roy the'day .and the hallrofled out to vigt field, got by Andy -iThompson and tame. to test atthe fence with Rodgers going 'all MatrfOric:7-0besTi7ttig-JhFiw to the' plate 'by „Seconds, With the.Win-.- nine, run. • . ., • ' The game was a mixture of almost ,every ;mauler of baseball;, and cone-, binedosvitli some,. terrible ;decisions be, the base umpire, • kept the fans Well agitated, throughout. , 'Zinger- dirififerrnn n1ntheith»witk - h --hat to -match:- - . • - On their return they will reside:on. the groom's farm, 2nd con.,' Kinloks. HAS ;TIRES 'STOLEN, • • ' Mel.:RaYnard, boundary west, was :victimized by sneak thieves on Tuesday, night, who pretty well ,strire„ ,oed hie tar of tires, as it satileaAI house- Qvernight. The rims, and tires oen.two; -wheels of the car were • removed as well as .tsvo• spare tires and rims. one on the back of the car the other strapped on the side. we anderstand. County Constable Moore •was informed' awl is investigating the affair. COMPETES AT EX. _ • PRESEYTEIIIAN GUILD • • • 7 Mr. .F. G. Todd of St. ,Heleni who • a • I • ,:. 7 • The meeting of the Presbyterian a moldier ot his ,fine Aberdeen Guild was held' on :Monday night for Ang" cattle at the .Toronto .Exhitii. the *pose . of re -organizing offieire tion tadt week:wee awarded the fol - for the coming term. After the open- lowing :Prises: ' ing hymn, Pie ,Scripture. leSson_Wa's• Bull, senior calf -,-5th,, on Pride- readef St. Helens, 2nd. •Bull„ junior 'bY Nerelail Taylor. and the man L'Ord's Prayer was repeated in anisoh calf -4th, on Pride Lad of St. Ileleirs• 7,-Followaw this, the election: of 2nd. Heifer, 'junior yearling -L -3rd and eers for -the coming term. .• • ; President, 'William Henderson; lit Vice Pres., Stewart. Mullin; 2nd Vice Pres., Mae McMahon; Sec. Treas., • Greta Camplaell;,Press Sec., Roszella Militia; Pianist, Mae McMahon; ' As- sistant Pianist, Edith Smith; ,Con. veners of Committees -Devotional, Miss E. Henderson, Isobel 'Douglas: Missionary, .Mrs., Horace Aitchidon: Social, Mrs. Wm. Fisher; Literary, Mrs. H. Sherriff; Program, Winnifred • Johnston; Flower, Peggy McDonald, • Lookout, Douglas MacDonald; Music, Cameron McDenald. - Delegates were appointed to at- tend the Young'Peonle's Rally held in, Ripley on, Tuesday. The program commitee for next Monday evening are Marion Johnston; Mrs. Wes. Husr ton,- Charlie Jewitt. 'Meeting dived with prayer by Rev. MacDonald. ' •Press -Sec. '1"1!'19.7.4r1VZ • •;.••• ' • •2 boxes Ihanton Kotex 1 'box Kleenex PlIANTON OTEX • . . The new Phalatial keten; ;term fifth* lettered; sanitary -.pad; *le made to out eviv. oit hnee ten •14Ve rie r known .0004 • eatltArY, cent - o She...this Were. Regular $law ; • KtitEllEt TISSUES Iran • know 100eikei4 We softest, yet :.•.atrengedt ca*ierlierti: •tiettuee hivalu- able ,for • hendherchlefit; to • 'renreve'. codcean*, ad it a eebatitet4.! or hnen taWatiler', napkins.: FOr. Rome ,and Ofgee.11f*, ' • , , CottadiastWb00$1Ot r *A.sqougssyY4i*:" STRONG' AND.,1141'0.. ,•HEAVY •• • *•'• T•••O•• • = ,)g.„BLACK,RED, 414440t, MOTTLED-8WHITE. SPRUIA14 • • •• Ave • . SEE Tiiis YARN BEFORE YOU roily ELSEWHERE. Children's °PUL -LOVER SWEATERS, . •Boys' F L-E.E C E D SII/RTS end °. • Je. 'Foley Patterns. , -- • •-' - • DRAWERS; Slightly Soilest •• .SPECIAL 8 c' :•••• SiiscrAt; • - • 35c. : • E. NieCtuskey..•iMaiiagek '• • , . OUR• /01311,0:,,4h/ALigiaPROFIT QUICK.TURNOVER.. '• • ••• • • • • • . . .''PAONE',75.. 2 out when Watson doubled, stole 3rd ane • scored on :Parker's Single. . • . • LueknoW.carne right back in the 6th 'Sixth Inning and likewise With 1 out, R. :hemp- LuselmhoretwtL--0 Ris.t..rAinllahyotimonsogrnosutniudeckd son•singlect Stele 2nd and; scored on -out out. R. Thompson singled. stole 2nd' IiiliVin's two -bagger,. Kincardine was and • scared on Irwin's two bagger. never 'a big treat, at scoring for the Andrew penned to the pitcher. remainder of the game, until their Zincardine-Riggin :Went out 3V were the LucknOw gang with fluke :ran in the 18th, ;end neither to: lit. R. Parker was safe on an e the ex- ror: at 8rd. Thompsonson lifted' one, to :Farrel cepthen of thei.,2th-;-When n decision. pr -and cin teller ta !bfOrced Parker atort. by Somers, at lat robbed l;ridrnovof . • the whining. nen: To local :slippei-Itets L • SeienthInning d • ueknow--'4ICCartney.„„an, c. Fin - and Whiiitteillf by , some Kincardine lay struns out. 2nd • to 1st retired find -also, -whir were in a Position' ta see the play het, -it was3a raw de- cision and literally stole the game• •feoni leder:14w. • . • • • Parker ,on the *mind for Itincar. dine had 16 strike Wits, and was giv- en good support hyhis teammates', _who..ollected 15 men, While hia..suppOrt was not • the best and 6 .hits were -the most the boys could get off Patker, IrWin hinneelf;--.1getting 2 • of these; .both. t o-baggets. ' I. - I. • "Laknew . all 4th, on Mai -flower of St. Helens, 7th; and Pride Lass of St. Helens, kth. Heifer Calf, senior; 7th, on Beauty of St. Helens, 3rd. Heifer, juniet calf- lrd and:7th on Pride of St, Helens, ith, and Barbata 'of St. Helensw, Four Zleives-5th. Junior Herd -5th. • PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. The September meeting was held on die 7th inst. Mrs. E. A. McKenzie presided. The Bible Study was ‘given by Miss G. Campbell and the topic by- Dirs. Stewart. A solo was sung by Miss Vera- Sherriff and a reading given. by 'Mrs. A. Paterson. • When we see . an office man whir maiies a point of getting 'every scrap of paper into the'•waste basket, we knowpe is henpecked, too. -Brandon Sun. • 0101121111.1.M112.1 „11117821=4, *iirsH0stmaili;mmttsmaaams0;imosi010. Long Lin* pargain 'Fares TO tORONTO • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER .17th TICICETS HONORED ' • ONLY • . • GOING: All trains Saturday, Sept. ••2 50 RETURNING: An trains from Tor- • tliEPrst iht onto up to and including,Monday, . • ***1 i'!almSept.,'19th. Tickets good teaches oddy. 4 No baggage checked. Reduced • rates at TOronto hotels. Secure, time table, tickets, etc.,.. „trete nearest Agent. CANADIAN.Ni.vrIONAL T-131 ,„. • ,. • 4k Kincardine•-Nistekleni grounded t.o 1st. Stein drew a pass. Watson and Parker struck out. . . •• •• Eighth Inning • • Lucknow-3rd to 1st and a roller • to let retired Cummings : and A. Thompson. R. Finlayson struck out • Kjncardine=Rodgers- singled. W omething-wrengk„ . gin •was thrown out 3rd to 1st. R.- - * 4° * ' * Parker struck out. Thompson 'was . And while We're rimracking every - safe on R. Thompsen's error. Farrel struck out. •, ' tossed toil Riggins, Who' was -sever- . ing lst. To those who were - In a position to judge, Clarke was quite safe, but Somers called him out -and that was the last straw. • • • • . 11110 . 0 • * • .4(1..then* Geddes; the ball umpire, ambled down to •first, and pointed 'out, to. protestaill-Meknowites, ••a spike mark, close to the lbag which he claimed_ywas Doug's. What Geddes had to do with :ainpieing 'at'first or'' how he could -tell where Doug steel- a•mystery to us. , • • And. Calling the -halls and .Striked,. ••• •• • • : ." • Geddes •Wn't so hot'either. • When:. •Gord gets disgusted with •the. way an. umpire •-,'' calls• : there's • Ninth Inning • . • -'--d,ucknow---R,-Thompioilaut-pitcher 1 to lat. Irwin flied to .centre and An - A. Thonnison. rf. ....6 0 0 1 R. Thenneion, 3d -5 11 1 2 . 4 drew struck out. • Lrwn, ro. .5. 0 2 3 4. 1 Kincardine-•Macklem singled. Ir.; Andrew. H. 0 1 2 0' Win took Stein's high fly at the plate. McCartney 1st 0 0 10 1 0 Watson fanned 2nd. I: Partier forced atTennth. Inning• • - Ciiirkin..lcfr4_*_:- 1"--2 00 1.1 pi 01 .ac • em Cummings, c. 5 0 0 14 3 0 Leeknow-McCartney flied -to right R. Finlayson.ind ;0. 0 5 2 ;1...C, Finlaysonsin.r.led and, stole.....Clarli, • . • - - struck Out. Cumnungs lined one to some 18 rikt, including , visiting 37 15 ' 8 i3ed. • ' rinks from Mount .Eorest;_ Hanover, 110 ' a e KineardineRodgere ' end Riggin' Kincardine. Wingham and •TeesWatet: Kincardine ab r h Thompson. 1L -.5 0 1 1 0 0 both grounded out pitcher to .coMpeted in mixed twilight at the Frrel cf. 0 0 2•• Parker struck out, green on Manday 'night. Donald Raee •• • . - The. Fire Conanany are holding a dente' in the Ceriiegie Hall, on lotidny! evening, September 16th. 'Admission ' 55c. MeCititneee orchestra: Be there • for oe good time :•- at a reasonable • , charge. • • „ . • SALE --OF BAKING •A sale • of baking will be held in • the vacant Walker Store,, -Lucknow; on Saturday, September 17th. --Pro- ceeds in. aid of St. _Patricli's ChurAt . RE -OPENING ORANGE SOCIAL • . • AND DANCE , The re -opening Orange Social and.. , Dance will be • held in the Lucknow . Orange. Hall„ on Thursday evening, Sep. 22nd.. Sepoy Home Orchestra will supplY :music. Everybody- wel- come Silver collection. Ladies please thing fa geimea‘ we might say a bring sandwiches..p!incinz from • word about. the bun& o young Bin- ' . • , card* ha9dbuak-YL peppered ,Luck*! ' suppeitefs With Rowan berries. ,More,than onef girl illad her dress. almost ruined with stains, much to the enjoyment 0f: these ignorant young- *ate: • • • • MIXED TWILIGHT WINNERS • Mackiem. ss. -6 01 04 a Stein. 3rd • 5 0 :1 '3 0 Watson, if. 1 2 3 0 0 I. Parker. 1st 0 1 12 1 • 1 Rodgers. c. 1 :3 16 ,l. 1 Reggin. 2nd 6 0 0 2 1 0 Parker. P. 0 0 i 2 0- Kincardine -Thompson -and Farrel • Eleventh • Inning Lucknow-lt. Finlayson fanned. A. Thompson flied to right. R. Thornesonwas safe on! an error at 1st ant • stole. Irwin went but short -to int. • stria out. Macklem poppd' to 2nd. . . 51 2 9 39:12 2 . 000- 0000,1 :• LucknoivAndreiv'elngled advanc- leincaidine oio 000 0001 ed on McCartney's .sacrifice and Stale Summary -2 -base hits -Irwin 2; Watson.. Sacrifice hit,. -McCartney. Wild Throw-Hdgers. )4...Thompson. Passed bill-Caninihia." Base • on balls -of. Irwin. 3. Struck out-bvIi win 151 by Parker 16. Stole bases -- Stein. Watson. It.•Thonipson;_.2. An- drew. C. 'Finlayson, Clarke. Un - tares. Geddes anct_SoMets. First Inning Lucknow-Av Thompson, R.. Thom- pson and Irwin struck out. -Iincardine-Thompsen out at tat McCartney to Irwin. Farrel was safe •on Irwin's error. going to 2nd when R. Thompson recovered' the :ball and C. FinlaYson flied to left; Som- ers called Clarke. out ;at. first' with Riggin Covering the -bitc; after Park- er had fumbled Doug's roller; Kincardine ---Stein • grounded out 2nd to lst. Watson flied 10 left- nd I.- Parker streck out. • Thirteenth Inning •Lucknow Cummings and Thompson streck out. R. Thonitison grounded out short to 1st. • • Kincardine -Rodgers Singled. Rig- snn struck 'out. It PinIayson erred on R. Parker's 'grounder, which rlled. to the right fence past A: Thoinnson -With . Rodgers scoring before . the ball threw wild. R. Thompson droned was retrieved. i1...,.. i.�4. high fly Stein -flied to * • * * • Kincardine was. lucky to squeeze • it a victory and yet on the MAW of the two teems they deserve.d to Win. They collected more hits and. made less errors. • * ,* • •* R. Thompson had a bad day a 3rd Wad althOugh' his nliacues didn't mean a thing as far as the acore was coe- cerned they bethered him and put him off his game. '* • e, • Andy. Thompson Went hitless fOr the first time this year and had he been getting en as tisual,followed by ord's 2,...two-baggers, it would have Parker m:rested to ,Irwin _facing P ' made a big' difference The filiat ante. Soriters wire made a 'mess of um- piring the bases. :Kincardine was • right and Watson loaded. the bases. When he Was safe on an error at 3rd. Farrel was out home. attempting to sscore on a passed ball. Seiond Inning. - • • Luknow-Aridew and McCartney struck out. C. Finlaysen was out 8d to la. Kiticatdine-I. 'Parker was safe On 'Clarke's error in centre. ,Thedgers flied to left. itiggin Steak out and R. Parker forced his-rother. at 2nd. Third Inning Lnektiow7-Clarke singled and stOle Cummings and Finlayson fannd. A. Thompson grounded to lst. - Kincardine - Thompson singled. Ferrel popped to 2nd. Macklem struck out. 'Stein and "Watson singled. I • ThenipaOn out at: the -plate. Fourth Inning • Lucknow--R. Thompson flied to/ centre. Irwin hit for 2 bases. Airdrw, popped to 2nd. McCartriee grouaded out -3rd ,to lst. • incrdine-Rodgets went out pit . given bum decisions as wen its -Luck-. cher to 1st, Riggin struck out/ R. now, but the latter received theies Parker and Thompson both when rime were eight.. Farrel grounded oirt 2nd to 1st. .,.. Fifth Inning * * Lucknow-Short to 1st retired t Calling Cummings out at third iniWon. Clarkellied to right, Culp- when Stein Wasn't Within a foot of mings was Safe the Rodger's eller, 'tagging him was the first glaring b*.• goto 2nd or , wild throve. but 'e alg, was called out at. 3rd attempting to -. •.• teal. • KineardineLMacklem and Stele In the 12th with 2 out. Art Aidiew whiffed. WaiSOO, tit for g tags. Stole Sebred from 3rd when tioug Clarke di and voted on Parker's. single. hit to first. Parket fumble tebl t 8rd- ftom cen tre when Hedgers hit . • rink of Wingilin carried off 1st prize 3, Wins and: a plus of 22, receiv- ng, % dozen stainless • sted knivei Matindrirs rink Of---M'ountFor6 U anMason's rink of Winghant, me tied with wind and a nitre of 47. In the play-off the Mount Forest ink won 2ndplace, .the gentlemen eeeeiving flanelette blankets and the adies alive* traye and cream and ugat sets. As 3rd prize the Men in Wingham ring received trays. the ladies • 6 aherbet glasses each. Van Wycks rink . of Winghaln and Espaugh'i rink of Hanover Played` or •4th- -place. With the latter rink vinning. The Men received floOr mats • he :ladies, beth-toviels:•. -• •Ne* 'Hosiery and Gloves for Wo- men and' Girls. THE MARKET. ' WOMEN'S nentork • The, September Meeting of the Wo-, aerea Institute was held at the home ef MA. J. S, MacKenzie, with the „resident, Mrs. W. J. Mingles pre- Ming:Mts. c. Steward and 'Airs. R. d. • Thisinpaori were appointed to ..ceep fresh thiwerii• at tne atemormi _ .his Month. It was, decidd .4 con Juet a booth at the Fan Fair•all usual • And Comittees' were appointed 10ook after nedessary, arrangenrents. A corninittee coninceled• of Mrs...1.R. •itchlab,Mrs. W. Murdie and Mrs. A, J. Agnew Was nei:Anted to get tal- 4nt„ for the ettneett to •be held in he Agricultural Hall the •first night of she Fair. The matter of appointing a delegate to the convention to, be held at Walkerton, October 18th and 19th, was left Over 1"until thenext° Ineeting.The membership was divided into two groups for an attendance contest with Mrs. YoUn, contain of the Blues and Mtg. Andrew, cattain of the litede, The losing' side to en- tertainthwinning Eigleat the end of the trea. The topic ito-operatitin Parente and Teachers." was yeti in- taeatinglie dealt with he MT. Wes- ley Henten. Mrs. J. W. Jnynt con- tributed ,rt pleasing vocal solo: The prize fok the largest collation • of flowers the &Wet show went to Mrs. Allan • Turner with sxty.ait varieties •sind for the Table bonqUet te Mrs: .I. W., &writ. Mrs, Cannel Mr. Ratirwill acted, es judges. The meeting Was closed. by tint, log the Maple Laf, ..iialter Which ch Were served n a 'Who was thrown ou • - find -after finally getUng hold of 'It gotitivhotli. etijoyect. GODERICH FAIR NEXT WEEK Big district fair at Goderich,Sep- tember 20 and 21. Afternoon Pro- gram on Wednesday includes fair track evens: 2.28 -trt or pace, 2.17 trot or pace; running rase, and relay running race. Softball tournament by four leading teams of county. Other attractions. Special exibits. Admis- sion 25c. LAKE HURON AT -LOWEST "LEVEL , SINCE '1860 Aecording to the Canadian Hydro. graphic Service at -Ottawa, the -water in Lake Huron has dropped to a. .ocritiCarlovi level, only two and a quarter inches higher than the lowest level &ice in 1860. Infotination from Sault Ste. Marie indicates that the !ow level has not had Wry effect ier: tine loading .of vessels passing thru the St. Mary's RiVer; as the opening of four gates • in' the Compensating lam across the head Of the raids . there has had the effect of raising the water leve 1 in the lower river to point above tht-which ruled in the: early part (if the year.. • Lucknow, Wingham, Clinton, London Bus Sarnia, Heron Bruce Coach Linea • 'WEEK' DAYS• Leaved Luckrelw-- 100 eau.. . Arrives London - Leaves Leiden 6.00 • Arrivea Lueknow--•: 9.20 P.m. • Leaves L!tiNcltirOPWAS •I 2.45 p.m. Arrives Londen - 5.55 p.m. Leaves London - 7.00 pm.. Arrives Lueknow - 10.15 p.m. LUCKIstOW-dentral Ga r a. e, 'phone 148,: or •Lee's.Hotel. • .• • •Iroquois -Mete!, caner King and. dlarente,- 'phone Met WINGHAM-L,-.631; S. M Hare Mgr. •This service Will be operated daily Manere)* eonditions prevent. REDUCED FARES • Pon • LoNDox FAIR Extra 1 busses leaving London at •' 10.30 pth., Sept; 13, A 15 EXPRESS CARRIED • • • 1, •