HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-09-22, Page 1•
LHC:IKNQW, IYT.,T L1RSD*` ,SEPTEM.B.ER 22nd, 1932.
Dr. 11. L. Treleaven, Luwknow
Hours: 9-12. A: M. .. L30-..
WOOD FOIL SALE -Good grade of
mixed wood 16u long $2.50' per cord
delivered. Si • e
The. ratan,* Table Co., 'Ltd.:
• • AUCTION • SALE--: households
iurtishings, in ','Lucknow; at - the;
,,orne of :Miss E::Irving, Havelock~
'..: ' 'on. Saturday.:. -Sep.te.mber. 24th;
commencing at''2:30 ' o'clock.'
11,_ -Henderson, -Aur_
FOit "3ALE�7ii Lucknow, -an 3.:
room frame. dwelling, , one quarter of
an ache of land, good barn on, place.
Apply' to Mrs. Agar- for particulate:
• (22-.-0-p.)
STRAYED -To . 'the Joynt farm,
co.n10, Wept-Wswanosh, 2 sows
Owner mayhave same by proving
property and paying expenses.
J. W. Joynt.:
(6-10-c.) .•
To �
For $2.40 will ship the folloviwing: 1
Ili. Pure Quesnel, regular price . 30e
5 .lbs. • Burley, regular 25c per' lb; 1
'. ' lb. Iiavana at 40c;'. 2 lbs.::of .grand
• __rouge at.; 40c, thelot far $2.40. Ship
anywhere. 'withprices for quantities.
Agents wanted G. Dukois, '24 Hend-
erson, Ottawa. Oat. ,
Huron County Girls -
Compete At London'
'SuccessfulIn Carrying' Off Many
Prize0-'Vy31i Give. Demonstrations
, ' At Dungannon Fair.:
A linmber, of •Huron Co.` girls Rt-
tended the; 'H9useiiold Science . fudg-'
ing Comp• 'bell at Ldndou last Tues.;Tues-
day, • September 13t1i, •`and were very,
successful, 'ell the girls winning •, a:.
.prize: Out of 20 prizes given, Huron
s. •gcarr e.d 'home •;9 'of,.,then 'Tour.
, l
:girls .. representlogj the. Dungannon.
Jr. Institute • put • on; an interesting,
1lemos ra io:Miss-es Beth- - tone an
l atherine Crawford put'- on'a'• demon
•stration' setting' up a Menu,: for„:,a
Pre -School Child, • 4 yrs. old and -were
successful 'in• winning'first place. The •
Misses' Elsie Anderson and -Margaret.
Durran put' • on a 'b'lower Demonstra-
tion and secured first prize. Elsie
Anderson won 2nd :prize in Nutritio n
Beth: 'Alton 4th ' and Catherine Craw-
.ford 7th. . Margaret. Dunkin, won. 3rd
prize in Clothing.' Competition was
very keen; a much '• larger nuniber : of
girls • taking. pert this year than last:
• As an -added attr•.aatioii at `Dungan'
non' Fair this year; these: girls are
putting on. these Demonstrations:
4'; •s
Welsh Anthracite Coal 'oun Hepple fa Ita11y
Held At Ripley
To arrive by the end of the week
a ear of Welsh •Anthracite :Coal. z ;prey yterlan : Young People *tar In
terestink ,Addresses -Round` Table
Conference .and. Summer School
Report included „In Program'. . •
This is a test shipment and we,
will..give a'•;price as low as pusaiible
to be delivered off. the,car.”
Welsl . Anthracite has •only 80.
pounds of . ash` to • the .ton• against : The annual meeting of • the; Young
the American:. Anthractie of . from •• 'People -qt. •Rally " was ,,held in •Ripley:
resbyterian .Church;: on Tuesday,:
T••• Jeptember 1$.' Two splendid. papers'
than: once. .every two"day� wife given at• the ••afternoon meeting;:
, f!Whitt. itt', the Church.: E> ects
; IrUCIC1+TOW �OAi[I .•"
-- - -- young `People,;:; ,prepared by • Miss
Eleanor Knight of Cranbroek,.and
o SALE OR_ BENT -100 -acre
�0 1 ' As finld..
'clay loam farm G. ti. ,.
y , ,h
, Bank barn, • 75 x 36, Artesian --
Double garage: Frame house in gond
repair.p-ly to- _-__-. - -
M:abel McNamara, 'R. 7, Lucknow.,
Administratrix• ,Estate John: Me-,
Namara: , .
',"W i1 a Elm-' rung-People-Expee't of
Keen Competition the Church prepared by ':.Miss .Kate
" MacDonald, ',Lucknow. . Mr. H. A.
At St. Helenas': Pritdhard of Gorrie, gave a fine ad-
d .dress -en Why a . 'Young' Man; • of
Canada' Should Consider- the Claims
140 Chilren In�Parade-Exhibits aJ€ of the Ministry." He based his res -
High Order and Competitions Were son on Christ's words from Matt.. 9:
Keenly Contested• Splendid' •PJay ,36 - $8, "The • harvest truly is,' pl'en
Presented In: The Evening. teous, but the labourers are few:"
----4.,.If the. Bible be: unknown in the home
"The ,14th annual' school Fair at St: the young man , will never consider
Helens was staged 'on Friday, and .;the claims of ,the ministry. A minis-
'With the_exception_of a slight falling ter is the`' product ofa home 'not of
atten ante -the ,event - wes in a;: college. _ ..•_:._
off in d. �_._.._
every other respect a successful' and .:° -:A round .table. conference was ably
Pleasant/occasion: The inside vege- conducted. by Rev. Mr. Pollock; White -
table and flower exhibits were not as
NOTF, YOUft.LASELriumeroys as usual, due 'iti'S thought,
: -to.`_the .fa%luxe of the department• to.
This week we are, using a correct supply free seed -this year, but the
ed mailing het and a glance at the quality,'was of 'very 'high order: The.
date', on your label will tell you if out .door competitions, attracted large.
you have been,properly credited hf entries and competition was keen in
not,advise us at once: If Jyou are m
every class. -
arrears, .we would,.=r-equest.�=,yowl•.,; .Five-sehoals;, Na., 4;' St..-.Hielens-
prompt attention to, tNo
his matter.. Sin- . S, •.;Bungannon; No12, Ford ce;
gularly•these accounts may -seem tri- No. 13,, Belfast and S°; , S. No. 14.
vial, but collectively they amount to nunibering some 140 student& parad-
a considerable sum. Make eh appoint ed .frons the Community Hall ' to the
to pay your subscription promptly. Fair grounds, 'led'by, Inspector 'E
'C:eacom,,cLeod; "Agri:--
hultural . representative and Piper
-Wilfred Mc.Quillin. Following brief
for Beacom, the latter gave: the cal-
mer -di for the Stftithenria exercises:
whirls the 'pupils went through in one;~
Noe* =is- :hereby ,•.given__that,• a,
Court wilt be held pursuant to The
Voters' List Act at the . Town Hall.
. • Lucknow. on Tuesda sr the 27th day
of, September A. D. 1932 at 2.30
• o'clock in the after oon, 'for ,Bearing
4111" ' coititp1aints. ''shade • against the
first•and second parts of the Voters'
List for . the --Municipality- of--the-
village Of • Lucknow for the . year
1932, particulars -of which complaints
are posted upin my Office in the
. Village_of...Luckitovl
' Dated • at Lucknow. -Ontario. 'this
, ':' ._Eourteenth•...._dav ojSeptember A.D._
Joseph Agnew.
' Clerk of the Village of Lucknow.
In the Matter of the Estate Estate of
Joseph .Nixon. late of the Village of
Lucknow in the County of Bruce, de-
. ceased. •
Notice is is hereby given that all per-
_ ,sons .havinga iy claims, or .demands
against the rife -Joseph .Nixon. `i"o
died on or about the Ninth day of
• August A.D. 1932 at the Village of
Lucknow in the 'County of Bruce.
are required to send by post prepaid
or: 'to• 'deliver to the 'undersigned.
Agent for the •executor under the
' Will of .the said Joseph Nixon. their
names and addresses and full par-
ticulars . in writing of their claims
and ,statements of their accounts and
the `nature of . the securities, if 'any.
held by.'them.' .duly verified. by 'slit;.
And take notice that 'after the
eighth day of October AD. 1932 the
said executor will proceed to distri-
bute the assets of the said deceased
among the persons• entitled thereto.
having regard only to the claims of.
which he shall then havehad notice
and' that 'the said executor will not
be liable for the said assets or any
part there of Co any person of whose
claim he shall not then have received
notice. • ,
This notice is given pursuant to
the statute in that behalf:
Dated at .Lucknow,. Ontario. this
14th day of September A.D. 1932.
Joseph Agnew:. Lucknow. Ont.
• Agent for, the said :Executor.
Messrs;- Dave_ and Weser.. Huston_
were successful ih winning 2nd'. prize
-in toeAssociation-event-at the Ilan --
Oyer ` Scotch Doubles on =Friday . and
brought home -linen ' bed sets each.
58 rinks competed and play continued
throughout- the-night=before the -*milt
ners. were •.ell declared. • ",
GEODES=-7ri "ros Angeles; Cali-
fornia;, .on -Thursday,- September .15,.
to Mr. and Mrs. Evan Geddes, a
son -Daniel Cameron. •
and Mrs. John 'Joynt will cele-
brate their Golden wedding n Tues-
day, September 27th, 1932• and 'ill,
be at home to• their friends from. 3
P.M.•- till- 10 P.M. at their residence,.
-Ross ---St ,�=L'Lutknow, Ott.
• • If Mrs. George Lane, Lucknow. 7.
• will come into the store, we will
be pleased • to hind tier a nice prize.
• Mrs. _'Lane has won this prize in -a
Prise giving advertising. scheme. _-
After /a lingering illness there
passed away at his home in' Toronto,
on Tuesday, Dr: J. E. Thompson.
The funeral will be held to -day. Mrs.
Robert .Douglas . of town, a sister-in-
law, . went to..the city, on Wednesday'
to attend the funeral.
• Card of Thanks MurrayMrs. J. W. rwishes to
gratnfuilythahk the ' friends , and
neighbors for their kindness and
• syfnpathy' et the time of her 'recent
bereavement. •
body: 1'
Six speakers were entered in•the.
public ,speaking contest, ' each con-
testant selecting . their own subject
as follows: Alma Anderson, Canada's
Inland Waters; Anetta. Stewart,
A Journey over-Canwde Vera Taylor,:
How I kept Mr. Depression from. my
Door; Donalda Jones, Pioneers and
Progress; Bernadean 'Alton,. Resour- ',ZRS, , ALLAN .McLEOD
ees of Northern Ontario; Verna An- - PASSES AWAY'SUNDAE
derson, Better Rural School Grounds. •
Verna Anderson won !first place and The vi11'age dost another of its el -
is eligible• to cosiipete : 'Clinton ler derly residents, in the death ofd Mrs.
the County championship ,'later in the Allan McLeod,• which occured on
fail. Gordon Miller, winner of the ;unday, September 18. 'The funeral,
spelling match anal also • 1st prize ervice 'Was •held in the Presbyterian
- ersriling=-'va11, _be.- di ib1 church= -on- Tuesday; with -interment=
to, compete in: county championship
At the evening session, a full, and.
interesting report ' of Kintail Sum-
mer Sohool was, given -by ,Miss Hazel
Pearcy,. Kinlough.
Rev. • .Mr. Leggatt of Molesworth,
add resseh the 'young people and gave
ic-o Faul to --Timothy.
them tfie •advice t
`Be diligent_ and present thyself ap--
:roved unto •i fit An evestri
dress e' eman s 1VBRI "ilpo ,
the ;Young .People` by Such A Time
is This;'• was given by Rev. Mr Pat-
terson of Bluevale. "Sincerity," be
y-lamed;:"is the greatest demand
iilaced. Upon the young people to -day,
?rid- the: ywourig people -are _demanding;
sincerity in their elders." Such a
';ime as :, , this • demands loyalty . to
ihri'st-on the part -sof alLyetnig people
:Ind the work shall, continue to go
orward. • • •
The Yoting. People accepted -the in-'
iitatioii;to--hold their rally _in_ incur-.
dine Next year.
The Bread The Bread
of Health, HaVIS of Health
1tICH FiRi IT' CAKE -- 2 lbs: 35c.
•• a " • . $• O .,TM- AL COOKI'ES. • ,
Litek w
New Towels, New Table Linen,
;Mew 'Table 'Oilcloth --Etc.- New Low-
erices. THE MARKET - STORE.- _.
Mrs. Rose of London, England„ is
a• visitor with her sister; Mrs. (Rev.)
Tare/ker.. ' '
1,• Next and, Friday . are. the
Lucknow Fall Fair Days. Get your
entries in, 'early.
Special- prices on Men's Fine Sox,
Fine Shirts arid Undergarments. -'The'
Miss France's Siddall. of Toronto`
was a visitor with •'her parents the
first ,of the week.
;•Mi.• D,: -G. -MacKenzie has returned'
home from London follbwing:'a series
of ' three operations..'
Mr. Chester Stein , of Ititicardine,
was '•: visitor• this week -with -Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cook.
'..a,nd -Mr$ _Fritzlel4..Qf b-' e .
spent the week -end with the latter's
mother, Mts.' A. Ross.
Your Eyes
and Our Service
-Ernewein • Krasner
A pretty weddiig was ,solemnized
ai'• St. Ann's Church, Riversdale, on
Wednesday morning, Sept. '6th, when
Emma• Kramer, daughter of Mrs.
Kramer and the late George KrameifT
became the bride of .George 'Ernewein
son of Mr: and Mts. Ernewein of
Rev. Father O'Shaugnessey, Parish
Priest of the bride, officiated. • The
bride looked charming ina gown of
monet blue find wore a- fawn hat
;with black band and carried a bouquet
of gladiolus and mtden-hair ferns
Her bride5Ynaid, Mi s Leona White.
niece .of -the bride; were a navy
frock with sand hat, and Carried dah-
lias with ferns. The groom's man los
Mr, Alex Ernewein, brother of the
groom. Pollowing the ceremony, a
reception was het& at the home o£.
the bride's' mother, , Mrs. Kramer.
,where the bride and groom's friends
sat 'down to a sumptuous wedding
Breakfast, the tables were decorated
in pink and white,, and centred with
the weddingcake. At five o'clock Mr:
and'Mrk. Ernewein left by motor for
Lucan, London and other points. On
their return they will reside ; on the
' . faint on the Ch'epatow line.
groom s - ..
' CDOt'TALD-In loving memory
of Alexander G. MacDonald, who
assed away Sept. 22, 1930: ,
• In our lonely hours of• thinking,
Thoughts of you are very near,'
We who love yen, sadly miss you,
As It dawns another year: Mrs. Jamies'oit has won this prize in a:
sadly missed bk. Mothers Sisters prize giving adiiertising scheme.-
ind B others.
in Kinloss Cemetery. Mrs. • MacLeod
events in these respective classes,
who before her marriage was Sarah
whieii will - be held in conjunction '_KcKenzie, . had - been about the l pre -
'with the championship speaking con -
Anus' day and death was unexpected.
test.•She is survived by two daughter. ,two
The story telling contest; spelling sisters and a brother. Her husband,
match (2 from each school); Weed who was engaged in the livery_ busi-
naming. competition; Live stock jud- ness here, predeceased her a number
ging' and the ~Mental arithmetic tom- of ,years ago. A fullerobituary will
petition, the fatter being a new feat appear next week.
ture this year; were all interesting ..
events and attracted Ila- •
in each class., " . •
So minimus were the contestants
in• the races for -boys and girls that. sire 'Starts on farm of . Robert
they were required to be run 'off in
relays with the following results: Coultes and 'lying Shingles Set
Girls, under 10 -Verna Ptirdon, Grace • ' Other •Barn Afire
Campbell,'' Jean Wellwood. Girls;
under 14 -Viola Young, Vera Lazen- Fire .completely destroyed the barn
by,, Verna Anderson. Boys under 10 -on the farm of Robert Coultes on the
Jimmie Aitchison, Bill Mitchell, An- 10th line of E. Wawanosh last Thurs-
gus McDonald. • Boys under 14-
Richard Park, • Alvin Reed,. Gordon day afternoon. Jim Coultes a nephew
Miller. Kicking the slipper. -Viola was threshing with his steam thresh -
Young, Louise Martin, Alnia. Ander- ing outfit, and, had nearly completed
eon, Donalda Jones, Laurine Miller, this work when flames were seen
Violet Errington. , issuingfrom the straw 'mow. Panned
S eci 1 rizes for championship
P pbythe high wind the fire ,made' such
pupils ,were all won •lly Fordyce Stu-- ' ,
dents, with Miss Lockhart as teacher. vapid progress that the barn and sr
Murray Taylor; with 70 points car- contents were completely • destroyed" League. •
Eaton Silver Trophy;
It was impossible even to save the
Vet"o Taylor,+ glut •highest with .58 i.00AI. BOWLERS
poits, won Pauline Johnston's book mill of the threshing machine. IIOLD SPECIAL EVENT
" while' Freda Burning shingles were, carried a
Mr. Harry McGee of Toronto whs
in town on -Thursday; to visit -with
Miss Elizabeth' Webster
Remember that -the•• -first- -Orange=
Social and, Dance . of the •season is,
being held to -night (Thursday). ,
Robert Thompson left for. Bellville
lastweek to re -commence his studies
at the Institute for the Deaf and
Mr. Russel Bloomfield of Goderich
is assisting , at Hollymaail'is' Bakery,
while ;members of - the staff are on
-vacation.. - _ -
If Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Lucknow 3,
• conic into the storey. we will
._. .leased to hand her a nice: prize,
be p
`Mr. -arid -Mrs. Charles •Locke, • and
Mrs. Bishop and Irma of Detroit are
visiting this week at the home of.
Mrs. A. Ross. '
Mr'. and Mrs. Edward McQuillin,
Messrs: Ed.. and .Evan were' visitors •
at the' Western Fair, London, Thugs-.
day of. last week.
• The Dramatic', Club is busy .prat-•
_doing_, in:preparationfor tile. pres'en't
ing Of - the 3 -act comedy drama,
•`Yiinrny Yonson's Yob" in the Town
Hall on Fair night, Friday, Septein-
Mrs. Robert Button, • Mrs.. Well.
Hendei¢son, Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie
and Mips.,. Hornell Comprised a "mixed
rink" from' the village; . competing
WA masquerade twilight et Walker-
ton op . Monday evening. The quar-
tette .represented Si Hopkins, and
family and,: although ,they didn't
figure .among the prize winners,• had
a "whale'' of a time. '
• 111t.F. T: ARMSTRONG
Lucknow ,
He cannot be harassed by head
ache's . or • an unstable' -nervous
'system, nor .by inability;;; to' con-.'
centrate. And THESE come froigi
•errors. of vision -uncomfortable,
vision. ,It is thus'. that glasses that
restore .comfort help the indivi-
dual to help Himself:learn= here -
the condition ,of YOUR eyes.
Continued next week
1. .
The Anniversary services at Hack-
etts will. be held-on•October-•9th,-Ser-
vices at S P.M: and 7 P.M. The special
preacher for the • day will be Rev. S.
T. Tucker of Lucknow. '. , •
As' a • special attraction on • Fair
Day in Lucknow, September' 30th, an
b b 1l will be
Harvest 'Th:anksgivin
• 8' A.M.-Holy ' Communion
10 A. M. -Sunday School •
11 A. M. -Morning Prayer
7 P. M. -Evening Prayer • .
G reaatly Recuce:
On, rill
Cream Separators
`THOS..:l�'QY S
Massey Harris Agent '
Throughout the 'baseball season,'
the local nine engaged in'14• league
fixtures, 8 regular scheduled games
and 6 play-off'games. They batted as
follows :T
Andrew Thompson -.370
Gordon :Irwin 305, .
Robert Thompsdn .289
Roy Finlayson �-M----233
Hugh 'Cummings • 226
• Art' Andrew .. ,------�.203 • ,
Art McCartney
Doug. Clarke 173
exhibition ase a game wi Clark'Finlayson �-•....».-140•
staged ,between I{incardine-find Luck= Greer took part• 0 3
now, the two teams which 711ayed off games and batted .250.' Roy Light-
foot the Championship of the Lakeside' foot engaged in 4.games and batted
In the final series with Kincardine .
the boats 'batted as •follows: Irwin.
333; Cummings,.250; Clarke, '222; R. '
Thompson, 125; McCartney 125; R.
Finlayson 125; C. Purlaysoii,,111; A
Andrew, 111; A. Thompson,. 000.
. Andy's failure to hit in 10, trips
to the plate palled down his year:4
average considerable. Robert; • his
brother only connected • once in 8 trip: •
to the plate.•lrwin's 3 hits in 9 times
were composed of 2 doubles and a
homer and' had Andy rrd Bob. who
preceeded hip . in the batting order,
been getting -on as usual, there would
have been'different final scores. ' As
well a his hits, Gordon pollen oti
;.. r
several eral long flies that 'a man on, 3 d
yy,- a on easily. •_..
coin . have scored d -
"The S agganappi ; ., '
.. • • •53 points, reeeiv- long 'distance and, about 2:30, a half Scotch doubles, followed by a corn
1#,intoul 3rd •high, p ,
"The .. " Percival J. hour after 'the fire started, Thomas roast was an unique ev'ent at the
ed Rinsmtin by
o e y Taylor's barn, across the road, about, green on "Friday evening, which at-
. .
resented .at 130 rods away, burst into flanies,,and tracted some 18 rinks of local bo '•leis
These awards were p . . _ .. and Mrs. • B tton
__._ the ground. Wilfred Anderson
the rt that evening by Mr Wm. it also was •burned tog
e conte r.
• •three- et • Th loss sustained by Mr.,, Coulter . won ist prize, with three wins and a
McQuillin. •The play, a ,, . a e � .
" : „ f y
,comedy • drama, Just A Stdpehnld will be heavy as the., loss o barn, phis of 22. Second pride went to, Roy
�'ese ted by the young people of, contents., live stock; fences, gates and Finlayson and. Mr. Penrose with two
Vas presented , Mr. McPherson
St, Church, Goderich,. and. bearing, orchard will be $9000• wins Arid phis of 17
Victoria. .
• ' i arid
au °habl'e with � ' 0 0' available insurance. - and. Mrs. 1l1ornell' and Dave Horne
was an entertaining and l t; ,With $5 Q
�" . , : ' the Taylor's loss will, be heavy al= and Mrs. Clarke Were tied for 3rd
play; splendidly' presented by Mr. a plus of
,. +
troupe. Miss hope : Mutch, Robert so, as he had some of last years •.plate with two 'wins , a
-. ' '� ford •e - ored in his barn and also 14.: In the play" off the latter rink
Henry and I�•orman Blatch a gra%„st
with varied this.ear's crop off 200 acres.. The, won. Art the conelusiou, corn, coffee,
tertained between acts, w y pp •
Mitt -berg. loss v ill be partially covered by in- rolls 'anddoughnuts were served ire
(Continued . On Page 4)
• jgurante,• ,,
the clublibu'se.. '•
The Hunting Season is Opened
broken GUN BUTT
Were. able to do. all'manner
- •-I of--OOD•-WORK-'
WA' Trial Will Convince You
Neil Mc
of -cN-. R.• Depot.
The Anniversary services at Hack-
etts will. be held-on•October-•9th,-Ser-
vices at S P.M: and 7 P.M. The special
preacher for the • day will be Rev. S.
T. Tucker of Lucknow. '. , •
As' a • special attraction on • Fair
Day in Lucknow, September' 30th, an
b b 1l will be
Harvest 'Th:anksgivin
• 8' A.M.-Holy ' Communion
10 A. M. -Sunday School •
11 A. M. -Morning Prayer
7 P. M. -Evening Prayer • .
G reaatly Recuce:
On, rill
Cream Separators
`THOS..:l�'QY S
Massey Harris Agent '
Throughout the 'baseball season,'
the local nine engaged in'14• league
fixtures, 8 regular scheduled games
and 6 play-off'games. They batted as
follows :T
Andrew Thompson -.370
Gordon :Irwin 305, .
Robert Thompsdn .289
Roy Finlayson �-M----233
Hugh 'Cummings • 226
• Art' Andrew .. ,------�.203 • ,
Art McCartney
Doug. Clarke 173
exhibition ase a game wi Clark'Finlayson �-•....».-140•
staged ,between I{incardine-find Luck= Greer took part• 0 3
now, the two teams which 711ayed off games and batted .250.' Roy Light-
foot the Championship of the Lakeside' foot engaged in 4.games and batted
In the final series with Kincardine .
the boats 'batted as •follows: Irwin.
333; Cummings,.250; Clarke, '222; R. '
Thompson, 125; McCartney 125; R.
Finlayson 125; C. Purlaysoii,,111; A
Andrew, 111; A. Thompson,. 000.
. Andy's failure to hit in 10, trips
to the plate palled down his year:4
average considerable. Robert; • his
brother only connected • once in 8 trip: •
to the plate.•lrwin's 3 hits in 9 times
were composed of 2 doubles and a
homer and' had Andy rrd Bob. who
preceeded hip . in the batting order,
been getting -on as usual, there would
have been'different final scores. ' As
well a his hits, Gordon pollen oti
;.. r
several eral long flies that 'a man on, 3 d
yy,- a on easily. •_..
coin . have scored d -
"The S agganappi ; ., '
.. • • •53 points, reeeiv- long 'distance and, about 2:30, a half Scotch doubles, followed by a corn
1#,intoul 3rd •high, p ,
"The .. " Percival J. hour after 'the fire started, Thomas roast was an unique ev'ent at the
ed Rinsmtin by
o e y Taylor's barn, across the road, about, green on "Friday evening, which at-
. .
resented .at 130 rods away, burst into flanies,,and tracted some 18 rinks of local bo '•leis
These awards were p . . _ .. and Mrs. • B tton
__._ the ground. Wilfred Anderson
the rt that evening by Mr Wm. it also was •burned tog
e conte r.
• •three- et • Th loss sustained by Mr.,, Coulter . won ist prize, with three wins and a
McQuillin. •The play, a ,, . a e � .
" : „ f y
,comedy • drama, Just A Stdpehnld will be heavy as the., loss o barn, phis of 22. Second pride went to, Roy
�'ese ted by the young people of, contents., live stock; fences, gates and Finlayson and. Mr. Penrose with two
Vas presented , Mr. McPherson
St, Church, Goderich,. and. bearing, orchard will be $9000• wins Arid phis of 17
Victoria. .
• ' i arid
au °habl'e with � ' 0 0' available insurance. - and. Mrs. 1l1ornell' and Dave Horne
was an entertaining and l t; ,With $5 Q
�" . , : ' the Taylor's loss will, be heavy al= and Mrs. Clarke Were tied for 3rd
play; splendidly' presented by Mr. a plus of
,. +
troupe. Miss hope : Mutch, Robert so, as he had some of last years •.plate with two 'wins , a
-. ' '� ford •e - ored in his barn and also 14.: In the play" off the latter rink
Henry and I�•orman Blatch a gra%„st
with varied this.ear's crop off 200 acres.. The, won. Art the conelusiou, corn, coffee,
tertained between acts, w y pp •
Mitt -berg. loss v ill be partially covered by in- rolls 'anddoughnuts were served ire
(Continued . On Page 4)
• jgurante,• ,,
the clublibu'se.. '•