HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-09-29, Page 1eV I
4n A -for,
gid!:•• ,
. . •. ,..r48 ;MAI
$2,0.0 PER,•
YEAIt IN' ADVANCE;; $2.00 OTFIEKINISE LKO`14%'-QNi'.fTHu1tspAYr SEPtEtiliSlett 29•th' 1952®
rinual fall
a . Dr:- R., L..Treleav en, Lucknow,
. Iiourst.. ;1--12• A, M; i 30-5 P..14_14'
• ..P ONE, 53
FOR' SALE,- Coop stove; .nearly'
to • Sidney Decker ' ,.. y. »
..LOST -.A :Red Steer . Ca, neissing
since •tact Monday, . September 26the
--Please inform Tyndall Robinson,
•aPhone 27,•r 16, Ripley. R ..3,;;IIoiyrood•
WOOD FOR SALE -Good grade of.
' mixed wood 16" long. $2.50" per cord.
delivered. Signed-
, The Lucknow Table Co., Ltd.
STRAYED—To the Joynt farm,:
ion. 10, .West Wawanosh, : 2 . sows.
Owner ;may have same by proving
property and paying, expenses.
J. W. Joynt; • • •
Interesting Reminiscences of School-
boy Days .In The Latter Part Of.;
TOBACCO The Century. -Are Recalled-
• For $2.40 will ship the .following: 1 Vancouver, BC,Sept. ab, 1932
lb: `,, p• ure Quesnel, regular :.'price 20cB. '; ,,
5 lbs. Burley. regular 25e per lb; 1 Editor Lucknow: Sentinel
a ^ -'15: avana :at' -40e; -"2-l'bs:-ot-grand- �Dear'Sir: — -
—rouge at 40e, the lot for' $2.40. Ship My thoughts ;have just been turn
anywhere, with prices for • quantities:led to Lucknow . as; r knew- it in the..
Agents wanted...O. ' G. Dubois,' 24 Henn-
erson, Ottawa. Ont:., last decade of -thea. century. I 'have.
ust°-met-and ehatted-With_Alen,-Mc ..
Special.. prices on remaking your
cost,--$4:50,=-including .new ... cover_
Feather ,'beds `cleaned and•made ,into
Sanitary 10 rod mattresses. " $3.50
ur gent'V1'ill'Csll'•AnYwhere:—m
Modern Feather. Mattress Co.;
P. Q.. Box, 379 Goderich.
• Jobst ne Conn
A q• •let wpedding of "`interest•- 'to
this community' ;was solemnized in
the'," Manse, 'Wingham,, •dn Thursday,
evening,`, •September 22nd; : at, _eight
o'cloc .hen .Rev. :Kenneth MacLean
ka yY -:.
united in; • marriage I atherai .Laura
youngest daughter of 'Mr and „Mrs..
Win. Conn, of Langside; and Harold
Franklin Johnstone, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs.. -James :Johnstone •-of. >Luck-
now. They ' were attended by, Mr.
Wallace Conn; brother of the bride,'
and the groom's sister, Miss Eileen
Johnston. ' The ybung: couple are re-
siding 'in Lucknow. • .
lid. F:' Odlum Rec hs
Schoolboy :Days
In the -Matter of the Estate of
Joseph Ninon; late of the. ,Village of
Lucknow in..thee. County-of,Brizet de=
ceased. '
Notiee is • hereby given that all' per-
sons -having' any claims or demands
against the late Joseph Nixon. who
died• on or about the •Ninth day of
August A.D: 1932' .at the ' Village of
Lucknow ' in the -County of Bruce,
.required to send, by post p paid
or o'deliver -to: the: undersigned.,
Agent for the executor under the
Will .of the -.said --Joseph_Nixo-n._ their
nzamesand addresses and full, par-
ticulars in . writing of their' claims
and statements of their accounts and
the nature 'of the securities, if any.
held by them.. Oily. verified by affi-
davit. •
And take notice that ..after. '" the
'eighth day' of October 'AD..1932 the
said executor will proceed' .to ' distri-
bute the ' assets . of the, said deceased
among the bersons entitled thereto.
Having regard only to the claims of
=which laerahall then havebad,.notice_
and that the said. executor will. not
be liable for the said assets.'or any
part thereof to any person of whose'
claim, he shall not then have'received
This notice . is given pursuant to
-,the statute in that behalf.' '•
Dated. at Lucknow. Ontario. this
14th 'day of September A.D. 1932.
Joseph , Agnew. Lucknow. Ont.
Agent for: the said Executor.
' (29 9—c.) . .
1Dougall,, ,who carries on • a general
contracting business here and. on :the'',
pafries.'He is a few years older than
than -I -sin -and-was-inVlx —Yule's
room : when • I was struggling` with
the problems which , Mr: Middleton
gay-eliis scholars Na,turall-y :1iose of..
us who ;were' .in my cies' looked up:
with.. a ..certain.. amount., of_ fear and
reverence- to those-who--were-in his,
air, Friday,
Special Attractions
Add To :Program
Baseball Gane Between tuckngw and
Kincardine Arad Team -..Of .Oxen.
Will Be Feature Attractions., -Find
The : Mystery Mans
class. My first teacher in the Lucknow
school was a .Miss Murray, in fact
'there `were .two 'sisters- ofthat •-name-
who taught in the same room. After
thein' came a. Mr. A. G. Smith. The•,
two junior ,rooms on the ground floor
were taught by Miss 'Archibald and,
'Miss Carrick.. They never had the:
opportunity of teaching Me- or I'
might have accom ;shed more than
I have. However I Metthem at the'
home- of .another teacher, Miss Bur
gess, and got to have a great respect
for them. A Miss Mae Graham who
was in My. else afterwards taught
in the school, ' but I• : do not know
which room. While• I was in Mr.
Smith's . ' room I saw masons and
carpenters 'building . the Presbyter-
ian. ehiirch where Rev. Angus McKay
Cheld forth, the outside entrance to
_our_. x om-facing the ' church. When
the roof, was being put on Igot • a
piece of slate which I ground into a
' serviceable , paper knife. I still have
it after more than 'forty :resit.
'trim Mr. Smi'th's :class I went up-
stairs to Mr. Middleton's. He was an
older man and a dominee of the type
one reads about. He had a. bit of ,a
temper, 'I Can remember, on one oc-
casion ' he rolled up his tawse, threw.
,morning, exhibits are pouring
into the Agricultural Hall anA to
morrow large entries in the stock,
classes', are expected. Specialattrac-
tions are billed for the afternoon` pro
gram and w.itli favorableweather the
society, are hoping for a record . at,
tendance at Lucknow's •.67th.. annual
fall exhibition,
To -night ('Thursday) the Agricnl-
tural Hall will be open for the view-
ing of exhibits, when 'a: local talent
entertainment :will be presented.. The
program is prepared -by_ tiie._W_Jinen's
Institute: and Will •be'of •:_the' -usual
high orderwith a -small admission
fee, .oj: 15e.
Friday afternoon, judging of.stock
mill commence promptlat 1.30. Ex-
hibitors ; must be on hand early as
the judging must be completed • by .4
o'clo`ck,• in .order 'to .commence the
baseball' game. This',fixture will, see
Lucknow• and , Kincardixi 'cl"ash-math`
exhibition game, •the ' former `.being
runners up, the a latter •'champions,.. of
the -•L- akesi•de-League, ter ,
A• curious sight tp' many will, be
a team of ;oxen hitched to the old-
time jumper. • This ancient paeans of
travel 'was employed by t e pioneers
in traversing the bush trials. This
Two •engagements announced • in
Toronto ,papers during the week are.
•intere �to. our' readers -
'rhe'' engagement is;annou iced of
Ruth,•<y :oungest•:daughter of the late
•Mr. ands •Mrs. 'Peter Macintosh
Luokgow, Ontario,•°to Alexander' Lav
ingstone f'Brown, -eldest son • of •Mr.
and: Mrs. -Wm. B. Brown, Cheritan
Avenue, Toronto„_ The wedding will
take place early in ToctOber. -
Mr.. and Mrs. William Carter an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter,. Irene Elizabeth of Toronto,
to Mr. Donald' MacKenzie, son of
Mr. •andd, the. late Mrs. Donald. Mac-
Kenzie of Lochalsh, the marriage to,
take place early :in October.
Mr. and ;Dirs.:'Joynt's
'Golden Wedding
Gala Occassion
Scores -of : Friends Call . To Extend
Congratulations To Happy Couple
—Gifts and Best Wishesa Were
Showered Upon Them Grand-
, father's Clock, Was Gift Of Family
T°he1°ead' The Biead:.
ofIealth ' ih .1 S. .of Health
O[Tli; MOTTO, IS QIT,�' N � , . .
;;IS .COMMON ,.N , . • , • : • . ..
YOU BIGGEST'• FOO'ri 'VAL;[IE: • .. '
RIG$ FRUIT CAKE 2 Ibs..35c..
Phone 30 "' Luklc�ow;
McNAY.—'In Wingham General
Hospital, on Tuesday, ,September .27,
to -,Mr. and .,Mrs. Alex McNay, a son.
LABOV-ITZ Iii the_'Lorn ito...:Sues =
an Hospital,: on ;Monday; September
12th; 1932, to Mr.. "and . Mrs., H:
Labovitz ' (nee Hannah' Blitz'stein),' a
Elderly LadJ. Foils
d ..
'rd :Fraet s -
feature• alone will be well worth the
admission fee of 25c.'
- •Find the `Alystery.Man." Fora par-
ticulars see �Treleaven's Ed on. page
Special inerch'andising .displays will
be in evidence and .„the- usual. large
array ,;of high quality exhibits. Plan
tn. be in''attendance on -Friday to meet
your friends and ,enjoy an :interesting
as' well as educational afternoon.,
`the -evening -the': local.-,dramatac<
society are •. si aging the 3 -act comedy
drama,. 'Yimmie :Y.onaan's Y'bb: A
strong cash are presenting this play
which will.excel the usual brands of
entertainment. Seats are .'on 'sale at
McKim's Drug Store.,''A dance. will.
follow the' play.
Notice is'' hereby.. given as directed
Ilk the. Assessment Aet R. S. O. 1927
Chapter n38, Sec. 152 S. RA, that a
Sale of Lands' for' Arrears'of Taxes
will be held et the Town of Walkerton
on Friday. September 30th, 1932, at
my office in the County Buildings; at
the hour of ten ;o'clock ' Q.M.; wnen
there will 'be offered for sale by Pub-
lic Auction, unless the Taxes and
Charges are sooner paid, the follow-
ing •described lands in, the Village of
Lucknow. 308 Patented i4 Ac., 'Tanen.
22.17; Costs, 3,60; Total, 25.77; John,
Jewitt„ Tp. Kinloss, Whitechurch, Lot
10,' Plan 225,'Patented 1 Ac.. 'Taxed
113.72; Costs, 5.89; Total, , 110.61;
Thos. 'Sturdy. 'A complete list of
lands -in- -the County to be•�,soad 1or..
arrears of Taxes is'published in the
Ontario Gazette in. its ' is$ues of June
• 25th. July 2nd, 9th. and 16th. A 'copy
of •.said -`.list- may....be..obtained on ap-
plication to the undersigned. The
Adjourned sale will he held on Fri-
day, October 14th, at 10 A.M. at my'
office ' in the: County Buildings at
which sale the Miincipal'ity will be
permitted' to bid. ' . -
lson Treasurer. County Bruce.
'a A. Ne
(13-10--c) , . ,
it at one of the 'scholars, told' him
to bring' it to. him, and .then whipped
him with it), but withall he had a
Warmheart, ,:and I always think.of
him as one of the real friends. of my
Lucknow days. I • well .remember the'
Saturdays *hen he took a group of
us to his bottle and helped us prepare.
for examinations.; I air satisfied that
scattered over ' Canada" and maybe',
elsewhere there are ; many more who
think' of : him as' a friend Many times
since then I have wished that •I
could meet him 'and grasp his' -hand
and tell him of my gratitude for the
help he gave me.. 01 all niy teachers
he has exerted the most : lasting in-
fluence over • me. -
--Inc-was-the-only •rooin_upstairs
wised for classes: The one right next
to his on the same side of the , hall
was.. occasionally used for ,the' boys
to, drill in, Across the hall' front Tits
room 'was a similar one unfurnished.
Theo y time it was used as far as.
I 'remember was •when the.principal
sent his senior 'scholars up• fol study
by themselves, especially when an'ex-
a'minatibn was looming up. The other
room on that floor' was kept looked
and I never heard of anyone getting
D HOT FOWL SUPPER into it, except myself, op one occasion.
i serviced of CrewedidI did
Anniver ary . se What .I saw I not tell ' as
on Sunday not want it known that I had entered
United Ch�rch will be held S Y .
': 9th t ,30 P.M..and.7.30 P. f Tha few stuffed animals
October , a} . it. T ,
ere were
M. Rev. Mr; M illan "of Dungannon and the cabinets and frames that,
United Church. will sh
speak• at' both others, Among the lot i
services., Music will be furnied. by bad held
the Dungannon United Church choir, think there was a kangaroo. There
`n October 10th were mean rumours'of what was in
On Monday evening, a Y.
Hot Fowl Supper ill be served ronin. Some were nearly right,
a H t p xv that
from 6 to -8--o'clock, followed, by, a exhibit belonged to I can -
Who the
play � "The Little Clodhopper," tare= '-.,o sa —ria ;Ybe ta..Dr, Gamier,- -.--_
littented by the Young People of Crown. .'not y • -
dmisslon.--Adults BSc, Children 20c (Continued on Page 4)
The Thursday • afternoon holiday
wil-l-contiliue=ta be held during_ the.
month of October. k petition. was
circulated. and unanimously signed
by. the merchants, of the village this
Week and the public, are. notified ac-
Surrounded by their family;, with.
the exception of one daughter, in Suffered Distressing Injury. In •Fall-.
:,lief: -comfort ' ' home:von_ vas. t `
ald= ig OffStep At Her ' home Noah
kr. and, Mrs. John Joynt celebrated
celebrated Of Lucknow.
their golden . wedding 'anniversary, on -
Tuesday. Throughout the . 'afternoon "rias-•=Nfar=garet•-McK.Pnzie„el t .x
and , evening friends' from far , and • Kenneth McLeod . of town, ,lies
near were received by Mr. and Mrs'
Mrn Goderich Hospital with a fractured
Joynt, who were showered by a de-
ni wmch_.was a. partienlerlY unfor-
g g` mbrances and.ex=.
p a -of . of remetunate mishap on account. of .'her- ad-.
pressions • congratulations ' and .
..onwishes. The dra win room in vaned 'age,
d w . , _.., J b The accident _occurred, when failing
which Mr. • and Mrs. Joynt received The
find her . door, key upon her return
their guests was beautifully decors- ; from the village; she; procured. a: bar
ted ' with a profusion of flowers. In to draw a steeple which suddenly
the dining room the bride's.table Was loosened and threw her back' off the
centred • with the wedding cake Wanentd step. Moans attracted men 'from the
flowers •afid candle .added adornm..
gown, With lace Iaca and appl
ique, ... n
was .removdto, Gederieb w;in PIM'
property .and Miss McKenzie
Mrs Joynt looked chsrmmg_m.
s :ambulance.
son •
Tea: was poured in the afternoon to Miss McKenzie' is nearing the four
the guests by Mrs. Tucker' afid Mrs. score mark. and lives alone on the.
Freeman and in the evening •by, Miss gravel road, jus north 'of the vil-
Fairburn and Miss Alice Joynt. Mrs. loge. On Friday, the day. of the ac -
J, W. Joynt and Mrs. G: A. Newtons cident, she; was given a ride to her
entertained with vocal and instrumen- home by Mr. Davison, who assisted
tali number •
Spectacular Blaza
Razes Farm Building,
Ashfield Barn And Season's Crop•
Is' Wiped Out By Disastrous Fire
• On Tuesday Night.
A glowing sky on Tuesday night
that attracted spectators for many
miles to the scene,, was evidenee that
another barn bad fallen pre; to the
fire demon. •
On this occasion it was the farm
buildings of George Drennan, on the
10th con., of Ashfield, some 10 -miles
from this village and some 3 mile's
west' of Zinn's store at Lanes. The
outbreak occurred • about•'9.30 and in a
comparatively short time : the barn
drive shed, hog pen and chicken house
were all 'laid low.
The barn .a 44 x•60 structure was
said to be one of the finest frames
in that , district, . with a_ ''fine -stogie
foundation: It was filled to the roof
with ' the season's 'crop of hay and
grain. ' ' About 50 • dens and 5 hogs
was the only livestock destroyed. ` A.
manure spreader,, cream separator,,
and other . small articles 'as well 'as
a Ford • Coupe were, the principle
implements burned.
The fire is of unaccountable origin,
as Mr. Drennan and those 'at 'the
house were unaware of the Outbreak
until their attention was attracted
by the reflection. The loss is roughly
estimated at $8000, with insurance
on the building' and contents amoun••
ting to, some $4000....
The houselies considerable distance
from these buildings, and with the
wind blowing ,iii. -the other direction
Was never , '
s• her to the door with her parcels. He
It was 'a gala occasion • for thus offered.to help her open her home' and
prominent ,couple, and afforded an carry her parcels- in, but this she .re-
opportunityt for, the villagers' and dis- fused and insisted that he return to
trzct e_do,•.t _em honor 'and evineeT
their esteem.
At"noon, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joy�nt
entertained at their home ,the im-
mediate .members of the, family •And
guests to dinner. • '
1VIr.�.Joynt, exaM.P.P.,- will be 76 in
November, , Mrs. Joynt is 71' past.
Both are quite active, and enjoying
good health. •Mr.'•Joynt, in fact; feels.
so young that he personally invites
all their friends: to meet with them
10 years hence, to celebrate their
diamond . jubilee.: _
Mr. Joynt was born :in Ireland'. in
1857,. coining to 'Canada as an'infant
and settling at St. Helens'. at the age
of 19. Mr.' and, Mrs. Joynt, whose
ma'i'den name was Annie Amelia
Fulford, 'were ' married' in Teeswater
at the home of Ira Fulford, by the
Rev. A: G. Harris, who now. resides
in Winnipeg. -
A beautiful grandfather's clock,
was., the gift of the. family to their
parents, those present being three
daughters, (Ida) Mrs. Wm. McLeod,
(Maimie) Mrs. Robert Johnston, (Le-
titia) ' Mrs: E. Millson and one son,
J.- W-. Joynt.. (Anne) : Mrs.• (Rev.)-
Lillico of Minneapolis was unable to
be present -�
A .fitting . address was retrad. from
the United Church and presentations
were made by the. Council and Bowl-
ing club, members of which attended
in a body, for which Mr. Joynt ex -
Pressed ,thanks on behalf . of he and
Mrs. Joynt in a few well chosen
The following guests who register-
ed during the day outside of the im-
Mediate. family ' circle included:
Marion and Alex Robertson, Toronto;
Alice Joynt, • Hensall;. Marie • 14. Pair -
bairn, Toronto; Mr.. and Mrs. Charlees
:on; . J. W.
Wilson, ,London., ,Mr. and' Mrs.
Mclfibbon, Wingham, Rev.' John HOS
gan, N. Y:; Edith L. , .Newton; Mrs.
Albert .Millson Sarah V. 1Vtallongh;
Mrs.. N. L. +Campbell; Mrs, A. L
-town-_--At _was ._-a -fe_w •_ moments _later
in' her: endeavour to open the door,,
that• the accident happened
Youngster Recovering
From Strange Mishap
Was Near_ Death When. piscoverel
Caught In ' gen Nest - - Surgical
Operation Performed {And Prligress
Is Favorable.
Your' Eyes •
and Our Service
• Iucknoiv
Burning, smarting 'eyes. • • Those
vwho 'find reading,` sewing; etc.,
difficult: `Those who•:.cannot see 'in
the distance as•they ehould,`shoiild
decide for :'themselves that these
-: conditions-a°re-net-natural,-H-ere--is -
a. 'fact that . • surprises many '
even • seeing WELL is • no.. proof
• that • you do •not need 'our service..
--Wood'- Work:
The blunting Season is Opened
broken GUN "BUTT :'-'
We ,are able to do all manner.
, A Trial, Will ..Convince You
Neil Macinnes
Bleck 'South Of hT. R. ';Depot.
Jack Shiells, three years of age, is
now considered to . be v out of danger.
following a • surgical Operation .per-
formed, in an effort to save his life
following- anunusualaccident, which
occurred to him last Wednesday.
The youngster' is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Shiells, of East
Wawanosh,' and, the grandson of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Congram' of Holy -
rood. He had been playing about and
after a lapse of but a few minute's
was disco6ered'.in a 'precarious posi-
tion in. the 'hen -house.•, It' is thought
that --he had gotten up -to -a -nest on
a keg, which -rolled away with ,the.
result that • the little chap struck his
chin ,on the nest and was found' hang-•
ing in that manner with his toes just
touching the ' ground' and
his l
arms helplessly dangling byhis sides:
Life was almost extinct, the lungs
having 'collapsed, • but the heart was
still' beating. He did not regain con-
sciousness until the following day, ',
Medical aid was summoned and
later a London physician -was called,
who performeda spinal ' operation
for the purpose of relieving brain
pressure in anattempt to save the
lad's life. Attending' medical sten
proclaimed it as the first such ex-,
perience' they had encountered' in
their profession. -
After s'ev'eral harrowing flays of
anxiety for: parents and grandparents'
Tweed, Killarney; , D. 1VIacDonald, Jack "s progress is favorable and it
(Continued on Page 4) is thought he is now out of danger.
.Great • deiced
On All
Gr -ea - ==Sep- sp=at -rs___
Massey Harris Agent
Specials for Friday
10 Gillettg Bladen for ,35c '
5 Auto Strop Blades for ...... 30c
Floor Wax, 1 Ib. tin 25c -
Floor Enamel, Quart tins 90c '
Pocket Knives 10c & 15c.
Jean's Nighthawks• will play,,for a
dance in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on
Thanksgiving night, ' Monday, Octo-
ber -10th. Admissions $1.00, including
tax; -Gallery -25e. . _ .....: _ _..
ALEXANDER -Word has been -re-
eeived here by' Miss Mae and • Mr.
Will Davison of the death of their
aunt, Mrs. 3. H. Aleazander, who
passed away in 'Viking, Alberta, re- .
cently, • following a Llengthyillness;
The Annual Thank -Offering of the
W. M. S. of Ashfield at Zioti next
Sunday, October 2nd', Services at •2:20
P.M. and again in the. evening at 7.30•
P.M. The special speaker for the days
will be Miss Robertstin • of Goderich:
Anniversary services at Ilackett's
on October 9th. Services at 2.30 P.M: ,
and again hi the evening at 7.3'0. Rev.
T.eT. ticker of Lucknowwill be . the
preacher for the toy. • • ...