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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-10-27, Page 7
CUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE 1 1 is 20 + ;DOYou Know?' That it was in this old ivy mantledstore' near Victoria,. British Columbia, that Robert. W. Service,. world 'famous as the poet of the. - Klondike, wrote his ',first accepted poem, He was then employed is d clerk in the store and lived. in ,an attic bedroom aboye it: The present owners of the property, are preserving • the building as an historical monument.—Photograph, -Canadian National Railways: Til MAC d-• G"et rid of all that . sourness and gas. End that bilious'headache or any sluggishness caused by too much acid. Part the stomach and bowels in good order. Sweeten the whole system' twits, Philips' Milk " • of Magnesia. Be sure it is this bottle, with the " familiar blue, wrapper that tells you it is genuine Phillips' 1V1ilk of Magnesia.,The substitutes are not the same, and do fait get the same results., ALSO IN, TABLET FORM: Phillips' Milk of -•Magnesia ,tl'ablets are now' on sale at drug stores everywhere. Eaeh tiny tablet is, the equivalent of a teaspoonful Of gennine Philips' Milk of Magnesia. wanes . .._ 'Horiaontar 1—Ladies' '; 6'=Homeless wan- derers. ' 11—Oharni 13=Finally -14—Higher 154 -Those • .suffer- ing for' faith 17=Articie ,18=Modern 20—French 'River, 2'l—Musical piece 22 -Gin 24 -Beverage 25• --Po• .unite'• 267 -Son of Seth 28—Narrow 30—Targets . 32—Spikes of grain 33—Black' ' 35—Tq defile 37—Kitchen ves- sels ' 38—Roll of hair .' ' 40='1V•ant 42—Floor covering 43—Petaining to court ' 45 -To understand 46—Exists 47—Sharp cornered 49—Suri god 50—Releases 52—Merchant 64—Revises - 65—Discards • Vertical; .w 2—Electrical unit.. . 3 -Greek letter . . 4—Tree •' 5 "Sea mammal 6—Article of the same class • . 7—Beast of. .bur- den 8—Pronoun 9 --Boast ' .- 10 -Church body Aff'L€SES281bs. 'Drips 3Jp:l ALini_Like '' • 2 -Year -Olid A••woririan writes, -"Three months 'mush argumvint ' 1 vva_g. ,pari suaded against my .will to try Krus- chen Salts ' to reduce my weight, which -was, 222 lbs. •I•bed- tried other', things, but; all to no =avail. After three weeks of-Kruschen I had lost '6 lbs. • 4 ozs;, -and I felt five years yonder. I' really must say I feel. a, different wo- man. My age is 37 years. i have now lost 28 lbs. to date, and while be- fore, eat ort i a r .effort, iL _ or too s ,.. l e u _.s. w. g. pStal• great now as my husband says, •I trip up like a'tw•oyear-old:"—(Mrs.) S. G. B. Kruschen Salts keep the system free from encumbering waste matter. Un-• less. this Wastage 'is regularly expelled it will give rise to rheumatic and other, body poisons. And Nature is liable to tako the defensive.' measure of storing this poison -breeding material out of the way in the form of fatty tissue. Unlike most salts,' Kruschen is not merely a laxative, It is a Combination of six salts -which have a tonic in- fluence upon every organ; gland, nerve and titre of your body. ' • e•, 13—Harp .shaped 16 -Bonds :19—Lacking ' 21—Flowers 23—Rhyme•ters 25—Nobl;m 27=Dry 29—01t1 . war "instru- ment 31—Shakes 33—Ceased 34—River of Japan 36—Grinned 'nialici- ously 3 b -Self-respect., 39—Combat" 41—Loved' ones 4.3 -Insects 44—Vehicles 47—Island 4$=Cheer 51—Note- of scale '0 53—Prefix: down Great Value, in . either • of' )thse cars I Red Label, 25c. Orange P�koer • They lever let ;'•you ..down• Accountants of U.K. • Ciassified Advertising To. Ha Branch Here N OFFSl1 TO EVERY LNVENTOR. A Lint ' of wanted inventions and tulip infornaation sent free. The Bameay 'Conte snY om- any. World Patent Attorneys 273. Bank Street. Ottawa, ;Canada. • in E 41EDI) S FOR ALL ZSICEMES!)EB. L� Wrjte Mrs: Annb, Penner, 308 Burne . Winnipeg Man • R U vV E R , 'SURPLtS HARDY• r Flowering.Shrubs aeh 'Spireae• `; .Leut"zea, hydrangea, 'HonWEeysuckle, For sy,thia, b, postpaid, dollar. Order now. 'Arcadian Nurseries, Islington,oOntario. ' • Internat,lonal Corporation ,to, Operate •i.rt Canada The ,International Accountdnts and. ,Executive`s'Corporation. of ,,Great: Bri-' t'a1n,-.azt'-examining••'i ody 'for account- ants -"and Office extnutives,' witipt nae;e than 4.5,0,00':�wcmbet?s in. 93 ; ooipitries, is. new to .actively •operate• in. Canada. According to the founder and internal. tipnal pf'esid'erit, , ,.the society is the' second largest of,its kind in the Bri- tish' Empire, the 'Chartered Acc'ount- ants .of Engla}n�d 'holding first, 'place. with about 9,O9Q• , members. It is in tended to' carry on the international, work 'here' through the new 'organiza tion; the International Accountants' and Executives Corporation of Canada. • The...petition on behalf of the ' Eng- lish body fo.r a, dominion charter 'was lodged at Ottawa by C•ol. Reg. Geary,. Ii•C:,. M,P., of 'Toronto; ( Looking 'Forward That the ScotShave not eels claim to''canniness was strikingly. displayed . last, Week, when Geiseppe ,Canzona of •Peoria, Illinois, • faking atkvantage, Of the reduced ocean fares, entered the Montreial offices of the Cunard and Anchor -Donaldson `Lines and demand -- ed ten round-trip tickets, good, for the ensuing 'tett' years;. to bis native land, — ItsTy. ` The best te 'company could'do be: in'ished with rolled he ns off, trim was to meet -Gtnseppe half way --and, med with lace.. • .., ,' book him for the asset five years, prow. • For .those who prefer silk well. .Tde ing again that time. nor railway trans-, chine wears surprisingly well The potation remain stationary, fiPs�i intr r " Mr- Carrzoni hats-Rel-l-earrned �s='an-- P de- s-garl-ish and-pretky.. � :anal .hdliday, having amassed his lit Style No. 2980 is designed. f • sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14 year... t1e fortune during the ' past twenty •,. Size ••8 requires 2 yards 39-in'ch.an3 `.ears through the •help of a, street •,�,� t ano--on-wheels which accom anted HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. him , on his travels .,throughout the large cities and small hamlets of the Write your:name and.address_plain middle -west. By. keeping -his tunes up 'ly, giving number- 'and 'site of :such to -the -moment he pleased the .public's patterns as you want, : Enclose 115e in' demand ,for the latest and is now reap - stamps or'cei.n (coin preferred; wrap_ing the reward .of a W" inter holiday in it carefully) for . each number, and sunny Italy. . . ad Service, 73'West Adelaide St.,Ter ire. (I; your' order to Wilso .Toronto.Let Hitn Burgiei ANSWER TO LAST, WEEK'S • • PUZZLE • F08T4'QL L 0 RIt1Y FORMULA, ;Lot EACH. WRLT.E Midland Laboratory, 308 Burne 3t., .. Winnipeg, Mad,. . ' Earn ,,$35 •Hieekly• Orals[ IGROWING'`MUSI ROOMS FOR us_ all year robed,1a your timer, 'Stable or . Hhed. Rapid eroaere;.Yl.td /rash oroplyiry d.y ees o experience nectarY. w. .uppty Sb nd a.n`tr.et to buyaft you prow at high prices. yua bnrticuere tiff Ir: ideal Mu4WroomGO.,De0. 30 lsiington;Ont. IDLENESS. " The busy Man has few.idle visitors; ' to the -boiling pot the•'flies cpine net. • .-Benjamin Franklin: . , . . There. is a...system', of numhering , eggs in -Denmark which enables deal-..:- era eal-ers to trace them back to the farms from, 'which the't came. What New York• Is Wearing illustrated ed Pressnrakin9 Lesson Fur- nished With Every Pattern • , Here;s a simple slip and pantie set for ybung'ilaught.r•.s And yeti<''tani see for yourself, r'nilr''s it's play to maim this ' practical oniAt. S e can indulge in .numberless of darling sets. . T ley•will• cost so little:, Per ever day wear, , batiste is ra Splendid medium,. Theulrper,a,icl lower edges of the slip' and pantie le'gs can. BOMB OO©® ®®'0 00Q WHOM ;lIl�0® A 0A0O B. 0 v00 ,©mu00000O 0000 D Fi,Ol7 D MOM 0013O''//0000 LI00 0 ©W 0021 s 0 006013000M0000 000FE MMOOMO o 0 ®00000©0®U00 3000D0 000©00 30000 000O S B D • -W.hy Worry? Either .you are successful or you're not su':cessful: If you are successful there is nothing to worry about. • If you are not successful there are only two things to worry about. Youi' health is -either goat or you're sick.. 'If your health„ is good there's nothing to worry about. If you are 'sick the: are only two things to wor ry about—you are either. going to get well or you're going to die. If you are' going to get well there is nothing to worry about. If you are going to Kite. there are only two things to 'wo}•ry about. . You're either going to heaven—or— you'fb not going to heaven. If• you ; are going te heaven, there Is nothing l to worry about. If you are going Jot i the other place, you'll be so busy shak- ing hands with old friends you won't have time to worry; So why worry? Mapping by Photography Ottawa.—The -camera has been used by the Topographical Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior, as: a means of gathering topographical- data in the field for mapping purposes • for the past forty years, ' VO/elrChildren "Occasionally '1 give each of my five children BABY'S OWN TABLETS -- I' at 1 sure that is they never have any serious illness", writes Mrs. George 'Morley, Yorker, Ont. This sound ad-. vice is passed on to all Mothers. BABY'S OWN TABLETS can he given. with complete safety to the youngest and most delicate child—see analyst's statement in each 25c package. Recons- mended by mothers for teething troubles, si"niple fevers, colic, digestive disorders, constipattotf, fretflriness. EIsy to take as candy. . 245 De. wiiIlants' BABY'S Otu tAth,T: , P "Henry," " a hi. ered. his wife. "I'm convinced there's a `•burglar down- ' "Well, , •my dear," replied' her 'hus- band, drowsily,. "I lions you• ,don;•t• ear pect •me to have the courage of your convictions." • 'A new anaesthetic is'reportec to the American Chemical Society. Its full „naive is hydrochloride of pipe'ridinop- ropan.ediol di•pheitylurethane. Drawing and Painting , Write for Free Copy of 10,0 Page Catalogue Artists' Materials with in,tructions • on' Block Printing, Leatherwork and Silk Art. Also Photo Coloring. Outfit, Reeves & Sons, iS•imcoe St, Toronto Look for the Name D"PLUMB'S PERFECT PIPE The name is stamped on the bowl of every genuine Dr, Plunlb's Pipe and the word' "PLUMB" Is impress- ed in white on 'the rubber mouthpiece. BEWARE Ol . IMITATIONS Many different rood - ids to eioose from Model No. 197 8' 00 ess Trude . snpairiu to: RUB I NOV I,CH A RAS- LL .1.1m1 ti 440 McG it Si. Mohtreai, Que. ' f Take half Y teaspori iful of Minatd'. in molaties. {<-lett Minatd`s, inhale it. Mao tub it welt into your shelf. ''32 You'll get relief I • ISSUE No. 43—'32 ;i�eCI rs in F lures 0RMackellar &Gx MEMBERS TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 21 Mi'elinda St., Toronto, Phone AD. 4911 • EMULSION' of. Norwegian Cod Liver Oil Builds Resistance Easy to Digest . . 13 SOURED ON THE WORLD?;—THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile' - •k —No Calomel necessary • Many people feel ;our, sluggish and generally wretch ko the mistake. oftaking salts, o11, miner ater, laxative candy or chewing gum, or ghage which ,only move the booty els and ig.y e the liver. you need to wake up sour liver bile. Start yyour li ' pouring the daily two pounde.of liquid Ile into your bowels. Get you, stoat iate9ttne9' working asthey . should, once more, • Carter's,Little Ismer Pills will soon fix you up. Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure, Quick.' ,Ask for -them by name. Refpee substitutes. 250. at all druggtata, . b3 BACKACHE - Take Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound If your backache is the result of a tired rust' -down condition, what you need is L' ydla Zu Pinkham's ,Vegetable Com. pound. I . •••— + For nearly elity years backaches and headaches ... results of fatigue ... have yielded to this marvelous medicine which tortes up the systent • and gives • women re- - newed strength and energy. If you ale' nervous ... weak .. 1 or run-down It ahouid help you. • - ' 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say•that they are benefited by this medicine. Buy a bottle. from your drug. gist today ... and watch the results. RELIEVED if yeti are , suffering from bleed- ing, Itching, blind or Protrlydin g, Piles, we an give ,you certain re- lief. Our new . absorption treat- ment can be iipplied by yourself, right in your own home. Forward us your address arta we will send a TIME TfEATMIJNT tI.et :111 give you immediate re- lief. Send no irroney,- Let ,,others ;:nciw of this wonderful new trett- merlt, VANDERH00'F & , CO'., SOX`25 ' Windsor, Ont •For Sale by Leading Druggists