HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-10, Page 8'
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NOVEMBIRR 10; 1931 -
on, 1*, 'needay
N.,CO.T. . .. 0.10119.CSA. I'siv.,-PpAr ITZ0,47-9:, . ,x0.vv, ,v4,
Victoria Hendon 11':an4 , ' • - ''.. •-, a, ' ' '
-Peat'•Sillai.-- ,m, eetin' g -et t_s v e- - ,, ,t;,, - •.,,,.._ ,-, — . . a
• -'"' — ' • - - ' it- -,i.;i7-' 40.40e, ritossibM,--1PY-7-the.--intrigue,
4t04„;gavi.M.tisah.11ifitiins!tend was held on Mr, : 4afgralf:47„.u7.424Se°d6rtldtelv.',nealicininei--
, , , .
_ . Wes- . Huston Presidny. lection on Tuesday,9 '
401insto,ne, Aftei..tlia .illtt call, ...ucie.a, 414, 13,,ORre Midiailit. i4, • 7SWeeping
.°14000010 . gave n i " Prhr pMloiterf livietOTi" WIS.:Conceded; With
Roosevelt elected presi- ,
was ;falOwed by a rPe-nati4.ciigsol3lil; Nera, La•It11;:ini'd John N Garner, ' Vice.,Presi-
JeWitt. 'Mrtii, Huston, tAd 'the -elder dput. 'Presi9denntid. returns , e s-
group about the Missi.ori; work =anal day Torning papersveiirdEnoadn el
: the new Khranlans ef .'W9stern Ont?'. 453 electoralvotes*Tith'.2* electoral vote require d to
a,. While the younger members elect,
K7,eerligiiito.lAd. p' e ostorygraoh c5:0 niM :veil iRq e. :ars r. all l, n ad ei' ; , ' , feoo.npirp.ittliirapeiTIF:tt-oa.C11:11:tw7olgtvh:•rea:ansmeecialsie,p'elieetldyt:
Fisher and Marion 1. Johnston, was, otinnieTuiveshday.,: Oe 11.0 to the, 'iwilS at e
UP. painted' for: next monthl The meet: .- ,.
when economic .dissatisfaction
a s gieht, . just
ib.17.xcrisiett,..w4:01.tri. satii. tyin._ r. , a,i'i'l ....-.c - and unreat' was :at. *i li ' '
; , ,p, aYer
. . , , , • , „, - . ' .many -eniiiiters' Coneoding ''Erilinl
s,Oib- *,.t*r.**ver was
.Preithiterialt,W.•M:. S'' A ' 9'',' , ' ••• -' ‘d 'P',' s P4IlY'.aftOr 0411440 On,
To :42,40-041y, In.e.t.ixit wiliti."6.14:. • •', message -or. jediigratultitiona iii c lf
, . , , . . , , n7F. ,.. 'h .'; .„1-0,e4 eYr.,',Ilreeylent:',.,1IOoyer sent a
Treaded' end conducted • • 'd ...' . s' • - _ ...,.z:.:......;,.,. - '•••.•
ilie‘ nd..,.i.rii,t,,, tilt. ., i the ..d.o. vettoh9:1.: ,v1,6toi.ita. uaionpo...ii, e.iit,.... 's'',.:
, ..' . P. E- A: MeKeniie ,,. * o H. . ,. • •-••• .. 7.,
1..,„..., OETPOSt-HOS4TAL
exercises. Tlie'Bibleatiidi froth' f '.
lf:1'.*a il'en *Iieti:bY, Niro.: ILI,. .::_!ORIC' IN 014',I'AltI9,..
,fine : • ,
synopsis -of the tonic,-BritiskOsieTA., Funds 4re1+11-6a
r A -dna by :MO. C. H. MacDonald and 'Work
Canada's Premier Dramatic Co; Mrs. Cameron MacDonald was en.' • : 17-'"" '
EVERYTHING joYed by all Mrs- Pinney showecl a The Red Cross Outpost HoSpitniq
Ats CilAismEto NinuTui. reproduction of the famous painting are in Teri'. Some ,,of , these havens
. .77. "Jesus the :Light of the World"' ey tor the sick :and injured of northern
• Hunt..She gate . very 'Interesting' Ontario are, in danger of being forced
and inspiring talk about the pictureto close their dooraunless finanehil
Mrs. Chesnut . gave an interesting help is forthcoming. The need :ifor
LadieS• ;Zjiallitrd... Free.: .
,,Opeehtg- $light when accOm- reading. The Meeting wai 'Closed with their 'services is greater than ever
, • ,
.. ,.. . . prayer by Mrs.. MacKenzie. •° ' before. Siehness. and discouragentent,
. -*flied by:a Pam AcimiSsion. .." . ' ' . follew closely on the Sor'eli needed to footateps ' of
,:.- : • , • South' Kinioica W. M. S;'` • . - hard, tithes.' Then it is,,that the ;Red
• ,
mo.amAY. EVENING, NOV: lit'ha I La , .cal en erai. ,
. . is most
AUS, ' WOOF! INSTITUTE .. libeee whO attended. the Thankoff..: cr*ss nerSe
ti• bring her ,,trained nurang akin.; Ilier ,
ALE ...or HATS -70e'. Saturday,
ering meeting mi. tlie evening. of. Oct.
athy 'and poetical help 04:46. ' The' Deuglas flayera will open • a 8
26; Were well repaid; for the Speakei; 7r111) NuVeinter , 12th at.-- ' ci
. Three 'Nights? 'engagement at ' tlie..
Miss: 'Whatling front Jhatisi4 '. Indie, PenPle. ' : .• '
ictending Oiler anargaef hundreds ElucknOW Town Hall, under ' ausakei 4' .. ,' • • . ,
held ,her audience ,in Ulndivided atien-:
'Mr.' Tranic trier .Wagl a recent
, .
tion. Her Simplieity of. speech, and of Square ,miles in the. ne* seetiOns of the WE:Olin's 'Institute, Onlifonday.
new, asitor.,'Ivith' friendi in town. '
, )f Ontario, giving the ,only hOspital. night, November 14th, prochieing
sincerity Of .manner, brought to the
anif trained nursing 'care available to mid popular plays, with Up4o-dete . .1.11... 4,'-iiil
McCoy of. Cleveland is: a,
thousands of Settlers are -vaudeville. On the opening. night, vistor..i.il
town With his. brother's: -
ft 1. Not ,o'cbWI!
= • - • 7,!'"
' Every _ ChM' Wants a pair of
GLOVES for Kitting We .
, ,brive. them in Chaim Suede ' ,
and ;Limed • Calgeehin. ',.: , ^
' . Per Pair ....'•.,39g. .I‘i .$1.20, ' '
• - ' -." ' " -
CottaMalOINIO!"*. for 'war*.
KIMONO ort'quix.r.int, ,
'''. INGS. 36" wide. Y.4-, , .39.c . '':'
. -
: • Outstanding Value an Circa -
. lir .r.I.)41. OW COTTON:,
. 14.0Yelti" evan weave to. em7,
, brfadok or heinetitch, 4,2"ig:,
' ', ,441",-Wide-ist ,,,-. .380-,-4-119c;:
..,iapa;arilaaa.ao,..Y.. aiiardir.,....alaaar:0•
' Iii.01 VIII . kpowk-Abpiley
''r[71,40141t . for, yogithai' •
,' At ' ,,i'.,..-.:;':.'..41:••.; .........47475 ...
• , ..., .,
, , ; „. , _ , . . .,
- .. gofi:iiitig 111415:*:,,inat,..,like. -
, dad's, at.' ..c..3 . :15e. ,Is 36C.,'
..; '' '' . ' ' ' ' '
OENMA*.S.9.6 It/NPHH=.`, '.
.:=WisAirk finiti*. for ?winter ,:.
• ;fear. At'like:W.:at •Prite€4, : :'
. . .
: ., :*;3•,i0,..ean't* 'aux , iiic:41441- 7
'',' at !,.':,..`..i , :: .. ,: ...!4,.''.: . :454 '
.. ,ETtEHRIAIETS.t• With ,
, P
strap :fastenings tinder chia ,
, soft Warm lining at .,. : .50c.
. . .• ,
, _
-.: ,-EANTS-INet-seltasizes;lethe. .
: .1Ut:. takes. up , to .24.00.'
.ri*: ... ,.. ... ,i,4.„....,..y.95 ,
„la limey, 4hecita :end •Plaill '
. .colOrs. Mikes: *tut II.miug '
gifts. Yd.. 48c & 33C, •
E. McCluskey, Manager
• • . . •minds of cher : listenerS the life .of
' NOTliCE TO CREDITORS Indfa;--the-PaSt;' the present -and the
ID1.-,;414 MATTER of the Estate hoped': for the future-. Rev. Burgess
•' OF fferbeit Brannen,. : late761"'Ib-E• ecenpled-Ithethair-and-condtieted-de,_
. . _ "
-Townsiltin_of:LAsliftel,d_in :the. Coantv. votional exercises.: A chorus !When
Tif Huron Yeoman deceased,: - , liothers;."'ii,-.--Wiii iiineby-tre.
11difen: is ".: herelY given .that all Mission Rand. plias L. MacDonald
.. Cierifenulawinar;anv-elaime-t:or----de sang -a, -solo :and "There watt Ninety
. mends'. :agaMst the late Iferhert and .kine" was rendered as a'. deett.
Drannen:. who died on or about the A,.. vote of thanks. was tendered • to
, . , _ ,
eighteen* *it, Of ()dither A.D. 1153.1 •Aliss *hotline :taid-the-r-tnee Irg-Yri us-
..;.. . .,, a, e owns io of Ashfield in the brought to a doge.
''' ' • ' t ill T W ' ' 0 ' • --' -
: .Coii_w_of_iligron.„.ere• reouired, to•
lend- bY most prenafir or• to delivel Presbyterianr IV: 'A.
to the undersigned, executor Under ',' -
.. Th e• 0.Letobter Meeting Of the Y.W.
• ' the, Will of the gild Herbert Dranneli;
' their names and ' addresses and full , 8-• waq ne a a
I t the ' manse and -
. was,
particulars inwriting of their claims well, attended. Meeting opened using
and statements of their *Counts And hymn 7113' and the president, offered
,.. • the_nature of the seCimities;_if_any...prayer.-The 'scripture lesson Was read
;held. y thein duly vetified..by affidav- res Onsively -from John .1.1th chap.,
And take; notice that after the treries 44 to 67. After -singing, hymn
Third 'dist of December A.D. 1932, 231 the minutes were read and repori
--tiii-r-lard: SitecutO Twill- firiaged-- tb- Triale Ifiren:AThibToliy-tMite-Peggr
'''••,,1 - . distribute ..the assets of the ' -said: McDonald was much enjoyed. The
•, •. deceased among the Persons entitled ,,,,, .,,. . . -,
;thereto. havmg regard -only • to the •? "1
1 e study'was froni the llth•of Johr,
. claims of Which he shall then have ani was ably dealt with by Mies Hen-
• ,: ' had notice, and that the said execu- derson. Mrs. Jewitt gave a very in-
• .tOr_, will not be •liable for the said tereating paper on the topic "Our
tweets or any port thereof to any.
of whose. claim he shall Work in Japan" making epeeist 'men-
• person ' not
. .
., then have.received notice. • tion,of Dr: Caroline McDonald, "Kor-
'''' • - Dit d t • Lucknow, ' Ontatio. this e*I'lls !II Japan" e , a and Summer Vacation
• seventh::day of November A.D.. 1932. schools". Mts. Henry Carter , read a
Georg e 0- praline; Executor, very fine letter,from a Jewish* mis-
. .
• R. R. '7. Lucknow, ont... _01
misty- - After singing 'hymn 684, all
. • .
-Gross... Outpost-,LHOsTitele every...ladY Wiirbe admitted free Wben •
naintained by the Red Cross, owned accompanied by a • paid *Wet.. This
eqmpped by loeaf-bfiifbic es of tit -good -only -for Monday -night -The
_titSocie.tyiganeeci,a_i_gifte7from play_for the opening -night "The Fam-
all the province, and .!directed ily Upstairs," a comedy incitits,ints
from Ontario Red Cross Heactlinir, played .the. larger citieic 7in Canada,
ters, in TOronto. • " • •,, will be presented for the first time
•A Striking review of the daily in. Lucknow. Mr. Billy Floret,." who
,,round, in °it. one-nurseiMpost is ton- has toured the States., and •Ca
Lined , in a ,letter ',which one Of the with the road show, will feature 'the
nurses writes "back 'home." , first night in ;this play. "The Dane,
Called-at----night--to- vislt_one_of-_ing-RevelstLa_%famoini. dancing, }act,
these eases, , the nurse .had. to •Vrelk which ,Itas toured •throughout Eng -
6 miles from the •outpost ; Guided by France, Germany, ROY,. the
a little lad of 12, alio found it Was United States and Canada, will be
necessary; after leaving the 'Main• featured the opening, night
trait" to . go two railea 'through • the •at'The,....cOmpany Carry special scenery
-hush, over broken; ,tree limbs, hoggf'for-egleir-and playAnd-eve*y;tretchis and slipperY logs. Realizing, thing is dianged nightly. Then:tem-
the conditions she* would Meet at the here of the company are: Mr Baily
jLttje,-cabin,_he and ,the_boy . carried. Floret', 36. Ai, Revel, Mr. •Bert
AS much -bedding, Comforts and ThpsorOdr.", Herbert -Comic -71W
dal sup.pliest as they were able. Ara: ouglas Wark, Mr. :Al; Perrin, Mr.
riving at, the•Shack she soon had the
• patient comfortable with fresh linen
She and a kindly neighbor saw that -
room was put in order; the other•
small children fed ad'the m'other's
mind at ease. When the father re-
turned' from the bush he set out for
•the Outpost' Hospital to get some
hOusehold tecespities, for between the.
ill-lealthof the mother and the mee-,
,gre, they---hada-markaged---tna
'flake, 'the little shack had' got • into.,
A meg miserable condition. Wheethei
husband returned with Supplies and.
a message for the. nurse, that another
call had come for her services up the
,hriivmer,„ tiuncl a new 'son awaiting
Making the mother and new baby
as comfortable ,as possible andleav-.
ing itinctiona for their care, the
nurse journeyed part way back thru
the bush 'to the arriall farm house
from Which the second call thad_come.
Oster fxem the nearest town had
managed to reach thie„case, so she
was spared the necessity; of ,taking,
full -charge. Mother and baby again.
neck comfortable. and then back to.
the .Outiost for ti few hours rest. A
barging at the darkir told her that her
skill Was again needed. A man from
the hush with an axe wound in his
leg Wog brought in •by a companion.
The nurse cleanse dl and dressed the
wound,' but: realized that the man
• shditld he , put under doctor's care
immediately, in. case •poisoning •Set
'srlid amputation was necessary. She
'tilde arrangement to have him taken'
to the railway lines and to flag. the
train, •
, This is a work that appeals to all
Ontario: The people of larger cities
of the proVintehave contributed .gen-
erously the people of the little set-
Uernents sUrrounding the ChitnoSta
WM, df.ine all that they are, able. The
Red CtOSS is Tutting forward a Wide-
41)re:id appeal to keep the riiirses in
fillieLNerth where they are iirgently
It is but drops .:01 Water tetiougii
tlierlij., that make- the sea. A dol-
lar or port of one (and enOtigh Of
tgein) will make a grand tOtal that
enable the Red Croas to keep the
doers of the little. heipitals Open, the
nurses at their posts ready to miniS
ter to the siCk. Be- generoua. Send
what you can dire to tlie 'Ontario
Red Cross Society, Headquarters, 410,
She/4)6'06e Streigto TOrMit0.
0 e .
• - • '
!. ,.., •
.• It's going to be a tough • winter
with, blizzards, high winds and snew
galbre, the weather sharps of Greenr
sburg, Be:, assert, listing the follow-
ing reasons: ,
.41) The martins 'went south in
July, the earliest they've ever been
known to leave the north.'
(2) Robins started for • wanner
climates, in September, also ahead" of
. -schedule. •
(3) Chickens and even domesti.-
-rated canaries have moulted unusu-
• ally early. All fowls are liractically
• attired in their winter garb already.
(4)Hickory nuts' and walnuts are
plentiful and 'squirrels have practic-
ally stripped the. trees, storing up u
• huge winter hard.
Mr. John- Pierson; Saiggeen Town-
ship's "grind old man,"' who is in
ltis,'84tli year walked into Dr. hush-
• ton's dental office one day last week
and had a to.oth, the last iiiiiViver
of his "ivtlies," extracted •without`
the aid of a, loeil aniesthetic.-.?ort
Elgin Times. .
•„ There were two 13rowns In the vil-
lage, both fisherman. • One lost his
” wife and the other lost his boat at
Abotit the stime time. The Yioar's wife'
'called, as she supposed, on the 'wid-
ower, but really on the Brown .whose
boat was loat •• , .
•• "I'm sorry to hear of Yont great
• loss," she said. • •.
"Oh, it ain't much matter," was,
, • the reply. 'She wasn't up 'to. intich."
,"Indeed" said the surprised lady.
"Yes," dontimied Bron. "She was
, a rickety old thitimal offered her to
my Mate, but he Wouldn t have her.
. • IN.& had my eye . on eld, Torn gess'
4000 'Onto, -• with ptayet.
kr . 1' •
United Church W.,M. S.
The.W. M. S. of the• United Church
held this monthly meeting in -'the
Sunday school room on Wednesday,
November •2nd, with Mrs. McCallum
presiding. The meeting opened in
the- regular Way, with praise and
prayer. Minutes of last Meeting were,
read and adopted. Mrs. T. Burns,
leader of the group, took charge of
the meeting and gave a. splendid talk
on the scripture -reading, which was
found in, the 8th chatter of Matthew.
Emphasizing the value of the Medical
missionary' on the foreign field today.
A. mitnber of leaflets on the topic
were read by several members deal-
ing with the different religion§ phases
of Canada during the early clays. This
nroved both interesting and educa-
• tional, Mrs. N. 14. Campbell read the
devot'onal leflet. .• Meeting dosed'
with prayer drepeated in unison.
Presbyterian Guild
_ _
regular meeting d the Pres-
byterian Guild was held on Monday
evening, the program being in charge
of the Flower Cont. The meeting
opened by the singing of alyinn, the
Scripture reading tarot by Doug-
las MacDonald and Rev. Mr. Coign -
holm led in prayer. After the sine-
ing of the next hymn a very inter-
esting talk Was given by Mrs. Fin-
ney and a' painting on "The Light
of the World" followed bra duet hy
Edith Smith and Peggy MeD6'zald.
A, piano solo was given by Manche
MacDonell. and a monologue by Iso-
bel- Douglas. Mrs. Andrew gave ,s
talk on her trip to the Panama Canal
whieh was much enjoyed• by all. It
was hen--deeitted, thot-the sides he
ct tied for this t'ain. The :leader's,
being for the Maple Leaves, Vilna-
fred .Tdfirne ancleJim Hendercion,
And for the Twig of Oak, Helen Mc-
Donald and Billy MacICenzie. PANT
C. H. MacDonald closed the meeting
' • "•44•••••
• Mrs. M. Glenn 'visited • the. past
.Remembor, there *di Int another
nbiigghtt.hee ,at the., Orange . Social to -
Mrs.; Robert Johnston of Goderich,
her. parents parents here: • •
• Iiisgses MorAndreavinglAlm _
• • -
Alton of London. apent-7Sunday at
their respective homes. -1' •
Mrs.' James. Armstrocig of 'Myth..
was e.:•gqest at .the home Of her
repheW, Mr.. Fred Nixon._ •.
Mrvand Mrs. Stewart Burns of
Detroit, were week -end 'visitors with
the limner's parents, here.,, •
• y,
'Robert' .Snekroy. l'• resident . of
•.this' Village ter sone •ten years, .died ,
Suddenly -4 in. _Detroit en 'Saturday,
October 29th;.' 'from ,a,Amert *teak.
Mr. SnelOove,' whO • was in his 57,th
Year, Caine
03i 'yeti -is ago, and was engaged' here .
its:e•pitinterlend deeorator,
married , Laurette; Fraser. From "here
they inorecrics qcf(W7idh-a-dn ',Tater 6 , •
D. r, --
, Besidas
survive' tWo, datighters, 4Verna) Mrs.'
Shields of Detroit . and ,,-.tage eons, ,
Three brothers and a; Mater
also survive. 111 %
ghat distance from StrathrOy, witch
was Mr. Snelgrove's' birthplace, "ini •
the following, '1111,44daY, with inter- '
anent .itt Mount Carino Cemetery. ;
Mrs: -Saalgr.trta it; a daughter' of
Mra.1Fracler, whose home tile Luck -
now. Mrs.' Tyndall l Robinson of the
6th, concession, 'Kinloss, • is'a ,sister.••.
'Misses Isobel Douglas and Peggy •
The death of Mrs.' Peter Canipbell •
Jct....eh...Quinn, late of the .Sarah Gibney McDOtgald visited Over the ,week -end
a resident of. Ripley occurred sud-
Steck CoMpany, Mimi Blanche Gaidi- with friends near 'Teesivater.
denly on Monday. Death was due to
ner, Miss Alma Revel; Miss Godhe
NOW Flannels, Flannelette and a heart attack with Whiclil NM
, I •
Price. See the advertisement in ano-
Wash Dress Materials. .New Low Campbell Was seized, when she was .
tiler column. • . • -•Prices. THE MARKET STORE. • visiting at the h9me of her. son, Af-- .
, ' het - Campbell, Huron • Township. '
Mr.'• and Mrgi..liarold Freeman. of
Elmira, N. Y., vtere visitors at the Mrs...egimpbell•,was, predeceased by.
• .
• her •Inasband, a Eihort time 'ago.
•home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joynt.
The funeral service was held on
Miss Mona Mitchell of wiarton. Wednesday st the home_of her son;
ith-int,ernientlie-Ripley-cemeterar. , —
vuotecrever-the week-erid-wit
The_follawing__ ; itoriaI front The
Perth ,Expositor-sh9uld be of inter-
est and inspiration. -
Some towns are ;wonderful places
in which to live, but poor places in
which. to melte a living. ,•
Other towns are , good places • in
which to , Make a living, but poor
•places in which to live, says Edson
G. Walitein his weekly talk on busk
mess. • , •'
• The ideal town is the town that
makes itself a good place in which
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. /kitchen. •
New Undergarments fOr Women
Mr. Mr. Harry McQuillin returned to and Children, Wan n and Comfortable.
Montreal the latter part of the 'week. 'NOW Low Price' THE MARKET
in connection with Ina apple booineso. STORE. • •
Mr. Fred Davison and Miss 'L
Miens of Acton, spent Sunday with
the former's sister, Miss May Davi.
Ot_. •
_ . . _
lifiSS ' Wein Craw from 'the Re-. - -•-
Rev. Z. II. MacDonald of Lucknow
ligions' Education Department of the /-
Presbyterian Church United Church, Was the leader at a
• has recently •
to live n4 and make a living' '
. , • -been-making,pastoral -visits among C. q,.11.111,. Convention, • of Bruce girls,
A town _Without.. payrolls has a .: ••••••Memners_of_lu-s_Dungannon tongrer_held in Kincardine' "
recently under
.,_, _,-....., __ _e auspices of --..- w. . .
hard time keeping step wirCb progress gation. • ' themW. M. S. of Kin -
and prOsperity.Nadine United Church. Miss Craw .
Citizens should patronize* home in. Mr. G. A. Greeris the latest per- delivered an address on "Sharing" •
dustries and help to build payr)11s, soh to report picking ripe riuipber- as well as. conducting a leaders' dis-
for what helps to build the industries ries,,,whicht he discovered last .week cussion. Rev. Water. 11.• Craw and ,
of the home town kelps all.. while . Working among his berry Miss Mae Wright, • president .of the ,
The business of a town comet go' bushes. 4 . Xineardine group,-welcomd the dele-
ahead' when the initiative and enter. • • gater. - • • '
prise of its business men•
are hamy-, Mr. and Mrs.. Nelson Reed, little
daughter; Mary, also Misses Sadie
'e • red by distrust sind let k 'of support, ' . ,
Sate:day with Mr. and Mrs., J. T.
of Its citizens. •
and_Lillian Elliott of Clinten. visited
A town cannot go ahead when its
citizens spend their money in some
other city; keeping money from dr-
culating at honie. . • ,
Money spent at home builds the
home' town -money spent away front
home billIds some other-toWn.1 Pro-
gressive citizens think of the home
town firat.
When yOu spent your money in
some other town, that tOmo gets the
money and your town augers. When
you Steen your money in Your kende
town, it stays at home' and works to
keep. your town healthy. •
• ,
The Canny Scot
A Seotehmen Was taking a friend
over a new htinie he had hunt.
eclaimed-•.th visitor, "1
netiee that you've not pasted theia.
per on the walls, but nailed it. What's
that forl" .
"Oh, aye," responded the Scotch;
Men. "You tee, we may not be living MI night matron at the Memorial
hovel always.. Bun*
Webiter, •
Me. and Mrs. J. D. • MeKendriek,
Miss Mary Holmes and Frank Scott.
bettxtit are visitors With Mr. and
Mrs: D. C. McMorran. The 'former
intend 'remaining here for, the *inter
Mr. Jack Little of Listowel was
o recent visitor with liis mother
is 93, years of age ;guid atilt quite
actiVe. Mrs. Little makes her, home'
with her son Omit on the 6th con-
cession of Kinloss.
Regular fiteeting of the Wonten's
InstithteAvill be held at the horns
Of Mrs. W..A. Yowl On Thursday,'
(to -day), November 10tli at 2.30
O'clock . Contest-PumPkin Note
the change of day.
Resumes Ditties
Miss Betty Grehatni who has been
on a ,nfratth's vacation ' at her home.
iti Lucknow, has • resumed her duties
•9, StOPE
An Extra • Soiling Drive on
Men's, Young Mmes and Bay's
is This Week's Selling,
Feature. -
The NeW Styles for Winter
have Justbeen placed in, itto,ck
and we can safely Say they're
the .8C/tette:it and Best Coats
At Lea' Coatthan
Many Segment;
and ...rowi4 ,poArr AfOriki,g
Men's Coats $14.50, 18,75, 24.00
Hoy' s Cegite 67;95, 9.85, 13.50
_Ault/Art "mtitatiuoist
• At A Fair Price •
• g
' . • '
444 ;4
• .,•.,„.1•1; • ..•
414_1 it.