HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-10, Page 622,1 ',4T4",• " • " , , .„,„ ,."+";,•,„ 4 2 ..0 . I 4 • .., • sv. 11.4.Z.EL .ROSS 11.41,4N. Y.., 2 SYNOPSIS.. • . ' Each old Mrs. Jupiter' is • robbed ' awl murdered during the en&agement party •, "' she. gavi for her secretary, Maria gam- . Suspicion points -7to ,;Vtary's bro- ther, Eddie, w,ho •is- killed by a.ear as be .2. • gees %to meet her. Bqwen, police report- -. 2, •• diSeceve.rs a t.adetracic crook 'called 7.'"•-'"*" Tite—Fly toWhotn• Eddie--.owednnev - Mary Meets. Bowen in a'sneaheasi where- .. • .Tbe VIY s said. to be hiding, ' Dirk .her liapee comes. to Mice her home, lee IS' an kto: • , • . ; • ••„„his way, to .lock up the Jupiter ,neehlece, • 'in Woe safe... Just -as Dirk lochs • , • . the., necklace thene is a crash outside. Bowen lets the thea proaeli into his ear:rather than uvertage Drk • Tit*-dirsbellexea.the_axiatence of 'W.P.e•AWY With: BOwcv." , • • ORAPEli.Xxlj...cont,d4 '• : IlOwenecaine hurrying, in, his :arms • 'full of packages In his left hand he " ; heldea-Weloyebot.tle-cerefnllyeb-yethe.... *Wee: • "Wri--y• he explain -ea, e.•:" "but had' to buy some,. pOlvder and y • someeothet junk. • . I got a pretty e'•• good :thumb print, think, but the rest' are net so good . went% 'Wait here a little longer till I go Op and ' • %develop this?- hutele.-e • • ' "What's -the bottle for?" Mary ask- ed, bewildered. , "Don't touch it!" He drew it'aWay "Cetmeherepointieg,finger. 9'4' • ' The Fly's. He drinks a special brand. 2.. • ": Mike sneaked it for me while Jack's '• • ......e4,4444.4ee eeeeeteeeeeketesee "Not in4et,": eOlif•fiefied and fdl- lowcd him, almost. wobbling With faintness and weariness to the grill, nitich was empty except fee the couple they had' seen in the eieiator. Mar3.7 4 a" • • irted it on him by 'mistake/ ad7--e- Mary burst into .peids Allow does he, eXPlain theSeYeWitoted mnstarhee?" she dereanded• 440,91'f ekeleneeeleeelteepse-thern like: that -in. eelf-defencet' ',Tat I don't know," Della ,deed, "but 1"now I'd, have get married meself years ago if I'd have found me ere hele,looltin' a young man .4s hi.!" (To be continued.) Autumn Maple what golden ichor rose through trunk and bowel ' fltom springs vith1u the With soundless flow. the. summer long. A ee, 2.1442.,"• • 1. .. „ 1 • • • • ir 4404.2., • • • ressmo iklren- Play Things Children Bored Without Adequate Play • New Haven, Coun,Childree devel- op tantrums bacaase they 'are bored,' •according te Dorothy Cannon BOA o; the Tale Unlirersity faculty and dirt.ctoreof the Cannon Nursery Soheol Of New 'Haven, a laboratory of: child life where students' In the Department . ()RANGE pE, .4.1,t1r Fresh from the Gardens" ° recognized them mahout:mere than a , • ' • that mew • . of Ediecation of tale University :tuflY • ' " need ,not,;;;-' PercAaseil. le:Packing beiee kieece. 004 otibe woinab.'s feuetai4: eueeereeesi" s • •• elillraeve'llrfnla • It Is ''IY14-11*6-114-3; , „:.' ; eriezetal perfume Was c'NTilmi*ering, bee 7 — son's belief that the 'Mel 'of proper boxesboards, orange Oratesas well , -p , Phe man with, her was. ocid,hkichig, 'Aid 8 • - , • upon the fiosty'air Sprovision for play;;;Is probably ' the , pills a pray; s *spoolsieces of cloth wrapping to.ee-•foreign, '.itpparent.ly. Sieh That steers with old this blue ct- bud- • in talk as drifted to her ear*. 'W,a,a, ,. • ,. - ; ''g • „ 2, • 2 . in ' French, and - his ,clothes i sloppily .., _ - --.. •' *ickriti Ids hair-th1;4*.itAct,',10t. ;below ; TIWOO' '! showers :••, that • f.:. -descend e.• Will' ingthe eeet..,Of.„mederzi.eate• in super '444•S.' 'Th.(te' '°..53'.14t*T'-"tliPli' til* maY.' :VS large .bittek .feltItat,• He wore . 2••.. neat -AO' be bought and ;end these , should deetten soon .-.. , :2`-..:-„,- ,.. ......:- 2, ,,;-ioe;bonted;:„in.•boanitals er• in •;inititee ' s:'..41.411a14;' 7315:3-nXirl'44Oit.iiftlelf.;*;:: P:" d. :cniint,': lin; , .11i.• °. 151 ;tierte,sel,gi,44;ti : 13:434' l'..'uP'Cin' . ,.,.the....,..7,..,-.,:„.t.:,...74.,,t1,b,g4,....,1;!;,,ur,:.;;tig.: 'Pies' three ' tot40-aebtt4 tests ' they". should -heepinwele'ned dpreble,:Oionne • ober.,day ; most.. common cause for the •centOser- oils child." . , '.2•• • • -• "Children. w.lao, are Paper and...kitchen utensils, bresentecl to hiiri for 'Very own,' ;help oat tealeentiotiely in the family toy -enat•"seenis to.; inikeele eefiage.i diirprepere.';previelen 'Illee,".„ 'M•te,'4)°:iilitt*•1 ,vaeleti: of ne,..e.S1' refe4il'. • Intei:ae thatekk_efine nt ricibn ' • ThOmpson said..' "Active, vo street. ver l 'in , going to 'that room,. if knyeee , ches-e-,ebe4rie4isli-nbout '• • _ _ . Whiare bought Is •rm- n •. ereTits.• -eAd• elaide. Love,. in 'Voices," hood, but the implications the::,eo. Far too Many toys ply because they appal to the father dal emcitional .and Mental develoe; • ,• • • • • • 1:4 Would not have given it a second_ thought it-Eirdnee; been for these. exotic-lookieg people. Continentals of that type alwaYs'made her rush for safety to .the ideals of ' her Puritan andester& • , • e e p ritiftling to grey/tele- y no nie: • • . She drank hot coffee gratefully:. Bowen -did not talk much. was supposed p goVer a•Red riot. in Jersey -City, toni#tt" obieryea. Arid added: gemplaeently,, "The bell. With- it," • After thatThe did' not talk at TP-hlie. conple passed Oat of the room back was turned. Let me get upstairs jest ahead' of thein, • pausing in the :station, will record , temperatures, 'With it, quick, before something hale deorwiik to kiss pa'esionately. Miura Of sunshine,. ereCiPltatIon; wind is!eonseioes' of. new .possibilitiee, He pens to et.'/ He'Vanlehoring 'ender .'"Ate .revoir, -ditrling;"ttered- veldcity and other information neeefe l-wishesto carry things, to push things strong excitement. "Can y' iTnagme the siren, in. a glittor,a1 vrae0'w)th a sary to the- work of forecasting We- about, to build #thiegs and take them it' I been. carrying this :down the marked accerit. Yen .go?" • they coeditioes. • . ' ' apart again. He sees his father and. 'target like this .: Afraid to wrap, it "Ernest, sweet" He' tore himself As at other Outlying 'stations; the Motheedoing things he wants to eme- up and smear the -peint. Wonder fromher aline and 1nrried out. • ' koosonee bureau, will wire repeets, late, Picture books, Small -sized house - wasn't pinched." eHe started off .and Mary and. 'Bowen made amused twice daily to the Toronto observa keeping toys, such azi7 mops and Mary followed. ' : : grimaces at at eaCh Other. In the dear- tory, stations. are already, establish-. brooms, miniature garden tools, enable • don't leave me here! ,One way they gave,, an exrggOrated at Pert Churchill, Chesterfield, In- .eim to fulfill this desire, while such •.• mark black mark on my reputation lien Of thatnartkg-eall hut the' kit& let and M the, eludeon Straits, and thingd as blocks, _Paint,_clay,_hame nient, are such teat -one can no lo ger • . : Aid ,to Aviators • . • . . . - afford to .ignoee the subject. : • The Dominion's newest weather . ..,, , . If' • bureau at Moospnee -on lames 'Bay , Seek Se -Expression. , , should prove of great velue to avia- "4. Child is always seeking self-exe tors, apecirdbig, to Andrew. Thomson, pression.: Just like a growaup, ..he chief 'physicist of the Dominion Mete- feels `the thrill of accomplishbient.•In prplogieal Seryice., Whie lutziLco.wilete the eracile-he. wants to -wave . a rattle. ed a. •yesit. to- .sevetelenortheen. stae because 'in moving his arms and mak- dee& ' , • The bureau, ranked ail a fiest class and Mother. Polluted- Air Disease Carrier SmokeSoot and Dubt Cut Oft . . — ".4 •, Wasi1ngon -Polluted'air,'peverit alliitli:li.Clineret:'•.Poeif .!iiikltseitf!Vielom *e.9t12a).1-iaityitgr tante.° i ; .. polhited milk end water as a latege:Tenney, .or the Chicago it — eah . eparenept, o • e Pe ic Health Association meeting .here .-thet • ill effects on 'health& .shuttirig off -the • • Toys shoe d fil some .need Ofethe sun'e ultra -violet light by smoke, soot, . :• ceildeand'it is only by sta4yiag ehil- dust, log and .other impurities are • renetbat It; has been possible' to da mere serious and widespread -than gen- . terniele what these needs are and bow erallk. realized. best to. satisfy them. That is Wily . Di.' Haven Emerson, of Columbia . modern -Op:I:takers' are rapidly' abare University„ reported there are even.," doping -their ;conventional ,designs and indications. that it may be. a contribut- • are appealing. to the child psycholog- ing tactor in ,causing reeureetie fever ., . ing a noise he feels that he is really las for guidance," , • that results in illness and death of • doinfi. 'something He is making things • •,tc.• 4.-11- 9 happen. :After be. begins to *ilk he ..' . • The . octor s Task ,'. . many children. The .itmoent Of, heart disease in children caused by 'heti- ,.. By _pili, 4. Bentley sciu_eie,, pee"s.- i.deet' .a. matte' fever felts eff steadily' froni • . • ,', . AffieridanClitie*of4ureeeris. '' -seeming eolith to Atlanta, he said,.: to correspond to the increa,a- •: :, - ' , The passing of the "old-time" peke- titioeer2 has beep made a subject • of ing ,ainount of sunshine as one moves much lanieetation, and, from 'it, purely south. ' , • sentimental angle, deservedly, for em- ' Decreased sunshine May: increase' . bodying; as lie often did,•the attributes aetivitY of the rheumatic fever. virus. • of friend, prieSeand physician, he held' tTehertrieals no rheumatic, fever in Peet- every personal relation to his patient, Dr. EMerson set& _Which eas • . -andehiee -eietnes have bTe-ailoird y ex- -14641C1,ff'su..7.1.shine...' '.,.. i. , - , ' 1- - -'„. '. •'' ' tolled: • ." "-'— -- - -- ,22 ,.., ..-. - . . r in aMaae . ' -Th-paucityof his scientific. ififfiis .rglange• out his own ideas in an original *ay. Dr. Tenney exPlained. - that smoke e ,. , ,. "At all times a :healthy child is ' a • • - niation was offset by a great breadth Palle hanging over cities, especially in I ., of character and a wealth of human 'winter, often have such far-reaching dynamo of energy. ' The younger ne -is--Oltorter-iff---Iliti-tiine-11.6-eitii — undfirstandg. Thesee-euailtieseewin and unsuspected: effeets . , as _making • • Trawra teeth, more liable to decay, endanger- .' .' ever remain'the Most distinguishing stick--ateany one thing It Is e there= signs of greatness in •any physician ing health of mothers before and ,Ete, ': • fore". necessary- to hare on hand a ter- childbirth, and lowering resist- • . of whatever. period. - : • • - , variety • of •tOys, especially thiligs •to• manipulate and ex I ",eiment-with 1 t- Every new 'stereo!' the path of know. encs to disease.' Riekets,- due to lack ' first. :Later elie -Will eeea more .. con- • -61k"tt--151611-:-Iiit anlill*rla-chr6 Lit' tiTe-n"3"r" • • • • -''' 2,1 ff. •• ' • ' won't Lurt. • l'ingtrieg up with YOU" And howled With laughter. '. . ' *the new: one will fill aigap and mem, nailsandpieces. of wood will ,..;4"ii the elevator she asked bitterly, The dandified-strenger$ ' can • over greatly assist the. sat/ire, according give. him the opOrtenity of carrying. 62,:,. , • . . ' "Did - you lino* 'what was in that his: : arm, small waxed' ;:mustitehe to, Mr, .Thomson. .. iliagite,ine you gave me?" '.. : bristling, paced the curb impatiently The Meteorological Service • works . , '. ' • • • . Wheli,,Oiey were out Of4learing: of as the doorman sought a cab. Mary under • what is .knevin. as the "pplar: . - an exOtic:iookine couple who wet up_ and jlowen, waiting,titetorn.lorlo Arent-inethed,"e-Witiehe-ewanewerlfed. 7.411.120--eleliaii-itli thera'slierriliFn, taxi, watched him involuntarily.He out in Norway durieg the Wer•year& iZ-, •-• -Bowen...did: not seem unpressed. • was like something out .of "La Vie Great . strides 'have been made der:. e-...' "042 :who :reads that lousy little. e7erisienne." When the cab came up, ing the past few years, Mr.. Thoin- lietite.anyvvity?, „A handfu17-efenitwits -he--:said-kwidly,41C:aii:4-0uAelie-Me. zi_on says, betreports every six hours. '''‘-.4 ',', : . ' . • ''• •••••with •more : money ',then brains, :vvlio please, to Jupiter House,' at the Point, and observations 'by means of plane's: 2: e.,••; - W17# ,,..11'how, and about a million Pleasant. HMIS?" would greatly , facilitate the work of 'repeessed schoolteachers : *lie: won't Mary clutched • Bowen'a arm, `4•I forehaetingea..ceurately e UnderseAnd it eftertheY read it.. For- e • • : -get ' it, . : • . ,," • .• 7. ', - . ' '"Enuly Ann Reetlier7leitactiit," 24 'Ictew I'd seeilehim somewhere! It's 7 The Moosonee Bureau is establiele Hence Jupiter d'oineehomer :she cried. d: at James Bey Inn. The wind : • charted deserts 9f human ignorance. ent.of Child.liood diseases. _ - • • struetive materials to use his Indies's, Ing...01.4.t.fes,-„when:eiliktren..arere,.......... If the API!, of scientific enegeees Layers of children's teeth built up - • "" the• pioductien. of human hapPiness; when. stinshine- delleient lack tinie we ofeptiae. ineye lieeeirop, cibjects....of takerous' it, is, often beCanee they are re,pd are 'Lea:AI:ye attackede decale... • '------- --bor. T11ey.levete exhausted, -eheir - .i- bay, ! severe criticism fifty years hence for 'etruments are on the reef and the. immediate . e_eeironmerit and 'not havingbefterlitilized the Serentifie . . . . • . ee •-• -; ,-- .- ' ihtary-eaid evortiddlye"--I-stilipese-she'S • • ' . • e . ' other -inetrumeets. are set ,up'netieby., ,groWn, restless for new Walds:to eon- discoveries of. this generatipn. '' • '.; . . in the 'midst Of a pink fit by now." • CHAPTER )4711.1. ' • • ' James. Kingstat, . manager of title: quer. 'I don't!know 'what has got into ,It behooves :me- to. acquire the "old' -• - • ''- . • e 'Forget itr We'll::14rie "ginilY 'Ann- ' " -rialS.-_thruif her head in 07., door -ft-iii; 4.-,i beenplacedlti-ChArge 'etrthe Johnny, he is ;so-- naughty.' It. usually It doctor heman. understanding, . .. . . • ' : :begging. your _p4r..on on bended knee and demanded: "Aren't ' you ever go- station. • . . . . . means that John -Jr., having been Pro- kindly disposition and humble atti . • •liefoire•We're through," ing to .get • up, Miss Mary?, . Think ---e----e.,-- — vided• with no suitable play niaterials. tude, for •these . me fundamentals of open.with a book .}.--tif laid hiS lint, Who's to do that, if 1 don't,and how ' - • • - b . an ow ••dtefris T rom' Life's ' SCrap; ook chen clock- or the family; carving set. neutralize any , dritictsm of our own . • Hi Propped the door :of hig- ;roe , m What day it is!.. And: the 'lacking! of his own, has p.ppropriated the ;kit- our f. calling, and also . In order to • • .; Chase's out on the 'table,. the precious can I d� it at all if I don't begin?" .• ' Power. . "At . the age Of six, if not 'before, shorthomings which .in years to cane e . OWL After that, they- did not bother any longer,' and forced . herself to .face: -Leigh Mint. . his • formal education. tut what A "Patience and gentlenese is pewee." a 4child must go to school to begin • bottle occupying an oPen space all ita • Mary gave up trying to feign sleepts bound to be made. .-- totalk. Bowen set to work and Mary :the• -old servant's curious eyes. ': -: -- • 'Power Obeys, -reality, -and- not akiot hereratist have rearmed to be relay - •• watch, absorbed. , The thumb print • "Pm . not, going' away .' 'nstet, peirances; . power ia according to for tilliSe tos. manage his own body came up clearly, the, 'othere wete, es Della," she told ha,: • "D'+ .,i,ine quality; not quantity."7-Enierson skilfully; to' climb 'end -run and jump; to find out 'about: the- world -immediate- 17 about him; to know the meanings' of a greet 'many words; -to distingdish between different sizes eel' weights, between things 'hard and soft, things round and square and' how these all Work : toeether. , . _ i _ : . "hese are some of the things that • • 'Power dwells with cheerfulness.' ehe had said, too faint te be of much any questions. I Can't bear to talk ; good. • about 'it: And .put those things 4,,st,....:ganerson. . ,Presently he raised a flushed, per, of sight, Won't your •Ohe pointed to . "God 4s everywhere, and nothing 4 spiting countenance and said dram- yesterday's purchases piled about the iapart from. Him Is present or, has . • atiCally, "IslOy!" He laid en the rdom. Then she; turned her telltale power." -Mary Baker Eddy. ' ble the sheet of paper containing evs sway. 2 , 'Pretension is leethieg. power is ything."---Whipelee i.,, .ii - - *.'the fingereieints obtained 'from the "A•iiii a fine niernin.,',--__tenee.Seanyone -6M . n., Beside it he riled -a. fin er- de-vrish--for a 'wedge" she • • ""-•he highest power may be ost y , . he *ayelearn from his toys, and he gr m - misrule.."-Syrus. - ---• -,-- - print . Chart and a' niagnifYitig glaSe. ' • -Octupying the place of honk a "Oh, I'll be getting married one . ''Power acquired, by guilt -was never will if his play materials are chosen the 'Whisky bottle, erect, its pcwder of 'these dayse-don't look so dour,” used for a good Purpose."-Tacitui. with that end in vie*. Many of them ... . blackened sides showing a'varietY of Mary assured .her,."I've this and that ... finger-smudges,eye • to the Magnifying „ • ' . to dorst, that's all. Did Mr. Bruce • ' Charripion Cheese Taster He bent his comer s . . - glass, moving it from ane to the 03C1, , "Yes, and gone away agaite• al- ' back and forth. ... eiz "•.- •• ready." Delia thumped pillows about "I'M no. expert," he said, at:last, grumpily. "I don't know *haterer's (._. ' nut_e_if-_thOSe, th,ureleprinte-aretet - come-overthe world -that a nice inning • • r identical,l'il eat !ern. Ill get an ex- mita like Mr. Druce earn set foot in . pert's Opinion on it, if you want •it. his hoine Without his own father layin'. -4' • - • •". • • 4 1, ...-014iVAAPAVAPAV • AA -AA Witta..A.Abe A t. The boys in the identification -bureau: ie ono hee. Faith,- and :if -I mars Mr. - Bruce, I'd never come home, that I woula not!" 'Dell!i What d� yeti niean?" Delleset sturdy arms akiinbo, and will de it for .ine." • "De it, will 'you?" she asked eager- ly. "1 accept Your word, but we must be absolutely certain." "Right. T morroW, without fail.. gave 'forth the details with relish. ' • lisi''e ms erlock Robles, let's shut "Did they row! Faith, and ye never up shop for tonight." heard the like! Says his pa" "You're He removed a' pile of clean shirts a skunk and a scalpeen lallygaggin' from a dresser • drawer, laid his ex- 'round Europe with them low foreign:: hihits carefully away in the emptyers, too busy spendize Money to come dra.wer,,locked it, and tho went out. home, and yer mother lyin' dead! Too Its only 10 p'clock, " he Whispered busy to send a cablegram or a wreath In the elevator. "You'll be home a o' flowers for hereoffin! ,How have in beddy-bye:in an hour. Whit • uld ye' the face to walk in here with the • be sweeter? And don't ofry, Yc'' black conscience on ye, dressed like • by-friend'll come around all right. . a dude- and sniellize of rotten per. a stiff upper 1p, and remember fume?'-" what you've got now to knock dense into him with--41tat whisky bottlel" Della VauSed for lack of breath. 4 - She didn't want to hear hint talk Discounting the obvions elticisms, . • about it a She waSmeregrateful theft Mary was still able to form a good ' She could ever say for The surety he idea Of what Mr. Jupiter had said and had jut givenher. It made her 'course mfit, in ireeting his only son. eleare,Hut per.onelly, he had Ileconie ' What did Mr. Il ruee'eay?'1 she faintly,replsive to hr. . . that de ted,. Pumping Servants was not - prompted . clatation of hie was shocking, sonte- a One did• every day, but Mary how, centred as her eiliotions were in exulsn:ad t� on the ground that Dirk, and Dirk onl, Perhaps she she had whit Bruce was gd- drat away slightly; bee feelings may ing to do, befirrvie she could deciae4Whitt have sleiwn in her face. • to do hersel, ' _ • "Listen, forget what I said a while "Oh, sure, he'd a bunch of ,excuses ago, wilii your he sai. "I ought not at his tongue's tip. He'd sent a friend - to have--Init hell, yoi asked for it! out to send Off a cablegrarie he said, And 1 know it doesn't make any dif, and how was he I:6 knoW it never feretice to you." went? And it we only a fortnight : 00h, I'd forgetten all about it!" she ago that he got the news, indeed; he asstired him, surprised at his peree, was that high up in them Ales inoun, tion. , . teinie pisitithe pictlires of glathett, • They stepped mit into the lobby. and the like of that. .Ail' Whee he tot 1 ' . • . "Iiing-ry?P.he asked, "ater have the ineeage, he cae-doviit-at-oildere a cup of coffee before you go. . You _ 1 %ok done up.. Did you eat. anything e ay's?" • •-•1/4- .• • "Any changes for the better in foot- ball this. season?" "Yes. .•Understalid that not More than one ticket 'speculator will .be al - levied to tackle a single pateon at the ewe -6 tlizie."- . . Longer Ocean- Liners A -change in the design of steam- ships, invcilving a five per cent. 1 - crease .lielength which *mild brier= increase in efficiency of almost 100 pee cent. is near birth in the. exPeriments of German ,scientists, Dr. Fritz Zeicky, phyaleigt of the California Iestitute of Technology at Pasadena, California, tag. • Dr. • Zeirky said the principal.expere • ments indicated that if most Ocean linen ;were severed in the middle and a section inserted; increasing their lengthinzt slightly, in immense im- provement would be obtained. He told of tests near Hamburg,(ler- maziy, InWhiee parafin steanihitD ho= dels were propelled at the- tate of 30 Miles an hour. From these tests have •cgitle the theory (AIM inleroved design through increased length, the phisicist said; and eqa1ly important research is under Ivey on the 'shapes of prows and steins. . • • The scientist predicted the future would, bring considerable •change in the typeil k of proles.. One 'of these would he designed with a beige beth at top end bottom, leaving the Centre coneave. Another Inteiotes it straight profile, juttieg ferWited. at the top. Tests Of the 'barge type, have Imitated 'Itis better adapted to rough seas, • • Turbulent, dizieentented Mee ' of proportion esthey. are puffed up with pereetal pride and ite, roganee, gentitelly deaphie 'theft Owe Wants to and took the firstknow Where beat toto that pa It!, a the eiteiflorinitlig-the cheeetetzeitfaii botaid gin tit, • " . r .2 • . , 2,, • „ , A MiSstatipPi atte'iit dairy show in Detroit scored highest . Fottiefifths of the weeld's ifietele epeie. finrie front, the. man in the barbershop . • and won the 1060 'Mee. •yelsare in Europe , 414, tA.A. 24 ....A.4&411'.30:0111:61,i,- • 4144 ' 4 • ' 'lei, 'lee' ' 44, 041Ortg(44"4 ,1 4:414 „ _ i 774 eie;••••,,`•1:ieteeeet .." 44 e":" kerteW' wlete ereeteeee e,,,efeeer:Zee which spreads to the healthier 1iits - of -the teeth, Dr. Tenney said. He •• added- that • lack of eritemin D, sue- - ' • pliedby ultraviolet light, prevents :withers :from absorbing from their' • - • food -the extra calciuMend phosphorus : they need during pregnancy and the 'nursing period. : Dr. Emerson found. that children who. have hid rieketi-fe • ' especially susceptible to bronehitiee pneineonie measles, whooping' cough coneulslonsiand tubeculosis. • , 4 "We can now provide a health mo- tive for the clearing of the skies,". Dr. TonneY asserted, ea motive as firida mental and far reediting as these that brought about the 'control of weter- borne and 'Milk -borne disease." • Plants were raised recently' in Kew Gardens, .London, from lotus keed fotte-d•in and believed tobe,. mord than. century, old, and even four • four centuries, or older.: • , Among the Royal stamp collectors, in addition to H.M. the King, there are the Queens of Italy and the Bel- gians, Prince Leopold, Crown Prince of Sweden, and King Fuad of Egypt. 44 4. ; thatpain safely - You can aiways relieve- that ache oe pain hatmlesely with Aspirin. Even theta desp-soatedPains that -make a nan's very bodes ahe. Even the sirs- • temic pains do Many women suffer. Thee Will yield to these tablets! Ace,: pirin has teeny important ues. Read theproven directions in every pack- age; and do't endure ane needless. pains from neuralgia, neuritis, rhea. matism.: Keep a bane or these tablets id the house, carry the pocket tin if subject to, unexpected headaches, sliddee cold,. 'Quick 'relief, without a - harinful effear, Aspirin eleee not Drees the heart: Just loOk each time • for the IMMO ASpir111-8.n0 the word genuine Deleted in red on every box.' Every druggist has Aspirin, and it you ask fer it by -that name.xou are sure to get reli• ef. .• Azipirin le a. trade -mark registered In Cellada. - . • • I• SSUE No. 4—'32" , . , 2„--c".•