HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-10, Page 51 • •••if ,,,r1tk,V; ,
‘Vit • . A 1 F'
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, 11,11100: bronAtiOut 10, 19$2,
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T*I'147 Ci* it .1.14 .R.tt
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- •• .• .. ., ' ' r 14J! 2 ' -' .Ritral.School geport.'
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,, tha, -Alit -prize 4yaa- n'''net ,fit:S011r '-:' 11:149- P-P*991Y 3111"115:111 Siendi4g.,
; '-i;''' .. . , ..,. • - . • ' , , - .4.,Pin!rile -91.*eekk.410,10.04irtter:,.-- ,
books, - theIltinlier'. of xiovrio.ts*0 lee"' Mr,- and 'Mrs. Sid • Parry and family
• ,
. - 2' - ' ' C • NortheYn. ;,Hoekey :...League '• 0104i4oee.ived 00ehooka, and the third prize are visiting •with Mr, and. Mre. <Too:,
for the enilliAni 'Win are: Pres- ' -winner,: tW9b0Ohat.All other contest- HOdgins. .. .
04.42* WPM% Dairligni; ViCelPreii,' antsregelveda Coaii0JatiOn, totiekPfitze A numbor, from here attended the
. . • i,•-•Rlnia. McNeil*, Paisley, .8e3r in recognition of their attempt to win PartY at:Wm. Wall'sC913': 13: on Tues
Lloyd .13. ueVeyo :,SoutliamptOni • T.-re.,0,,Lhigher . honoes. It. was possible to
, .._, . N • • day• eV:ening and alt repot a good
• --Fred' Edwards, :Palmerston'. E . .__ _. . , • •
4, • provide these Prizes ,though ono,
. • . . ' cutiva---.Harry Blair, Artin111.1 .4.. --.L., lions- received from Mr. W. H.. Gould -
Saunders, 'Erin; L . C. MacDonald, .
ing, M.P., for South Huron,. Mr. W.
,. , •• '' . Obesity; :Mr.- Mack*, HarrfOtorit : G, Medd, XL.A... for South Huron and
. : ' ' ' * - ' * • *' ''' •1* ' ' • '• :Mr. C. A. Reber:Men, )4441.--fer Nortli:
' • •
time; :. .
win moot at the
home of Mrs. Jno. iledgin: on Thurs-' 'Tr* In-SaPdy 1V-IireChallq° 86!'Ei_
leen' Griffin 72; Mary McGiiire 67
day, NoVeraber loth, t ••• • .•
Miss ' • Grace •Maldenby of Walker- Charles. Roulston .65;:„ Gordon Brook:..
, .• .
,: 6,3; Jack. Roulston, 44, Gordon' Liwi
- • . • ' ,41Fentirieemest; be bi.by December ' fluicin. Mr; .George 'Spotten, *X; for "n sPea 'the-
•;'' , . ,.., ..., ,, . .......4r77„,,,,...7... , , . , ......„. • -
here. .—
Week,end at het.lieme
• ., 1fitiii The exeeutive meets on, Deeemr North. Huron arranged for a, silver . ,
• . , ' ber-.13th. 0.11. A. rirleil.'will be ado - . for'•th • ' • ' • ' i i t • A number ef Toting' peopia attended Sr. I ---Arnold McGuire 93*; Evelyn
," ' .* * - • '• to -d ''thiO. 13.60on and all .clubs .
.,,,, • . , . . cup e winning elm ee .an. and , 89; . Frank' BarkWell 56; Roy
1,1afg,'' presented . this .„‘anlend0 trophy to the Bruce. Deaner 'A. Y.: it:A. , rally. rrin
• • .. . • .
• lend, in the -Asimett .4. two zeforee-a, Vs* Ander**. ... ,. , , „. . . , , , et. Weikciten. on Wedn.rday, 0..N,Ten.f. :.6Nb:keni°r*o;lt•N•21137 Cook.'.7,. ' ,.,: .• "' '''''; ".
:, • . '' . ....sr.. ' were cleeisioM,arrifed at tIla :•an-, .
• . .
...711•., fandwiiii: in .a.pa.t,9t the con- .. ...Enit,..B-Ostle:'-''; is144, •• il"101:. ,!..- ;denotes , absence for ,examination•:
'•,•/. 1. .,:adOl. 1910804y.: . .' • :- , .. • • .,.. .: • , '',.,' 'Atstants,! the. School Fair represented .
,.. . . rri'40i el..i.inid Lean . Uai ..‘iink.;;,21',..., ' ' .H. ' ; -- ' , ,... ,' . ' Margaret • 'a.'zti,H).i'll.t
• ' and. the sub The 'firat three' are, • • ' • . . ' - , - , . .. . . .. •
Fifth CI; fit.gs..!A°11. MtSC1?la. rie 4 7•*
Laura Hamilton 61. ,
S*.r. ry—Rayr:eand garOton' 79;.
Gordon McGuire 71; Jessie Mac -
Charles., 68; D.onalda MacCharles 63;
.Marion Ilamilton .54; Dorothy Mc-
Gnire 40*;• Irene Berkwell. (absent).
Barkwell 59.
The entrance fee, has been' inertia- of , • •
- • • •••
froni,fivnte,eight;:dellare,,with no 'St. Vellepei VFW' Anderson, 74ttfF.
chazge for Certilleatei„ knintio' enr:, Rural School Grounds", "! DerFreve, •
• ' tifieates fOrinerlY 'Celli 25c " Edna Vincent, "The Dominion of
* t • • • Canada"; •Grand s
, final ,ga_ma's goe,0 to the League try", ,;• -Colborne-, 1FrarieeirHiiston
year and will only add* the difficulty "The British EMpire"; Gerrie Ray-
' of financing clubs, that get into the mond 'Baylor, "When the 'Orient
' Fights, 'Canada ,PaYs"; Dlyth, -Ruth
and Mrs, Jes. Rodman cell, ;
Juo.• Hodeins ' • Finlay MacDonald 90; Roy ,Maelken.
There will he Hot- FoWl Supper Zie
Ire---isasenrento17the.. Anglican -Sr. trz--KEM'tte _Jriiiilayson ,87;
"1" Th d Nov17th A Irene Ross :56; .-Donald MacDonald .62;
geed Pregrain is' being provided, Ad- Marien gacKenzie_61;_itathleen Mac -
mission: Adults 35e. Reserve • the Kendrick 51: Andrew Barkwell 50*;
date and come and enjoy a good Florence MacKenzie 47; Donalda: Me-
ijer: ' ' • • • Kendriek
. 45...
Sr. MacDonald,75;
Cut 'Percentage On Stamps • Edna Barkwell 59*. •
Economy te the last Outage stamp Jr. III -Bruce MacLennan 57*.
'seems to be the newest Ma'am-it:hick 72;'
the Bennett „ govermient, according ..id MacDonald 72; Pearl -MacKenzie
to aicircular just received from the 51; . 'Bertha MacDonald *; , Rodney'
post office.' dePartment • at Ottawa. MaeLennazi*. , '•
This is how the new economv ie to I -Roderick afrieDenald*; Gwende-
'• . 4! • • Hilborn,,i'Lord Strathcona"; Ashfield The'loal7rithletie'ritilinCiat , -Roy ;MacKer-miel "Eifiliire Dar.
• den* hail died a natural death;:and 4, The Spelling Match resulted in keen
'with no hockey orgnization last Year. competition •ainorig. the she contest -
there appears to be no one to take it ante and Mitia '-Gratton of
'Ninon themselves cell' a hockey Grand 'Bend was the _winner: Book
• • • meeting. This Matter should be die. prizes for all contestants were pro
cussed and an announcement Made in vided for by the Hiiron COunty 'Eau -
this regard shortly., calorie, •Association of Trusteees and
. • ' • _ Ratepayers; -The--six contestants,fin- c
-s a- result injuries received in ished in the following order: Grand
13enti, Eileen Gratton, S. S. No. 8,
Stephen; Belgrave, Lavine McBurney,
S. S. No. 7, -East Wawanoeir; Gorrie,
Beryl Dickson, S. S. No. 18, Howick;
Blyth, Ross ,Thuel, Myth Public
the amain bout at Goderich- on Tues-
day, October 26th, Nazzareno Poggi,
Italian wrestler, is in --a Toronto hos-
'vital. He has not wrestled since his
Goderich appearance.
e stens!, vendors, in- lyri Robb* Catherine MacLennan*.
Wang: stationery and other litotes Pr -Mae MacKendrick 70; Itiabel
here stamina- are sold for the 'Con, MacDonald*; Christine MacLennan*:
enierice of citizens; who formerly: Gordon Roes*.
• ,
received a commission of f one - /per ..Those marked * have been absent
cent, are, now to receive a commis-:, all or almost all 1m:inn. •
cion of nine -tenths of one per cent, No. on roll 26.. Av. att. 17.77.
ii_Substantial reduction Of ten Per MacDonald
School; Ashfibld-TKathleen Mc- r
4, Ashfield; Cot
S.. S. 9, Kinloss
borne, Twp.:, Zelina • Fischer, S. S. No': .::: ; 11+10*ieor:Lau for GOO"
: - :-: :1111 ' ' '' ..t l. luir-H Ik; -
• : .
. • . , ,
.. .0, fun of . life, and' good smelts.
"In' addition;,to the public speaking was Gordon. while .a.:atuderit'at col-.
' • and spelling contests, a • champion- -lege, that 'he' thought •he ceuld .
Ras the; largest • and meet complete:_ never outrun his' store Of vititlitir,
hap -writing ' test-Wi end eta -
a ---eqn s... ----c, u Errefever;--auebaings"-happea-arrnr-
- - --, -- • '-'01k hi the moat :beautiful designs after a winter Of hard ettidr aria .•
•encl prizes were awarded the winning.
"---;'---7-----to cheese from.' 111- ' '• • . • - plenty of sport,' the gripping erects,
; • • , :pupils from, donations received froni. a a' deep-seated cough made thern-•
'MARBLE, '. . SCOTCH; ' SWEDISH th branches of theThWomen's I s I- ;. fren3 it. feinting:7.4MA.) Viernon--livaa-
seleee'cleastically felt One 'day, ii.nd
AND .CANADIAN GRANITES ' tute, within the County: • • pita} for, Consumptives::: ..
.ment hurriedly to the liruskokn Hes-
. Wit .;114.0. IV SPOciAltY Of- .: rtg-..t.0110FinginiPils were the win– .._ It haertalten nearly-47,4..7°er.) to
rebuild his# health' a.n.d atrength,4but
Family ineapin_ents and -invite , nets Prirner. Claes; Alice Ngckold.3,:: I•Ane-experienced-Anedient. attention, ,
' -i,--0.-ii.. eiiipeidoii.. . , ' . . • Colborne, S...S, 1 Colborne:. lst Class the careful nursing the -rest 'and-
onumen a or 4
,„,` 4, Colborne:
...r-eg-ttlerity--of-lite -at-the-hospital-are- -
.--:: - - • ---- • . -- -A-nni'e--TaYlor;--St-H-emip-;--s--v. having their usual happy reedits
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and , ' and Gordon expects soon to return ' !
. . Wawanosb; 2nd Class, :George Hig- to take- up his chdaen -life-work.
. .-..-'4,!',..40 • .. , ,. - .,... • . : • git, Blyth,,Room 2, Blyth; 3rel Claris, Helping the sufferers from eon-
See ..IIII' -bideie 14itelnie your order: Etta Swan, SC -Helens; S. S. i, West ness As a great work. ,but • ft is
'eumption •baok toqiealth and userni-
, WaWanosh; 4th class, Margaretalrib-
riever' finished, nor could It be pan:
• !Douglas Eros R. A. Spottria. ben, Ashfield, S. S. 3, Ashfield; 5th help a tnany friends. Will !you '
tied on at all 'without the, generous
Phone 74' - : Phone 256 class,• Freda RintOul, St. fielenic, S. contribtition • for' the cause to G....A,
please lend 'yOur aid by eending a
• Luellen. Winches, S. 12, W. WiWithoSh. Held.' 223 College St., Toronto L ' '
. . „ .
A ,
, •
• cinnet4ii without your local ,neirstfamr• for several reasons, the first
of vadat, is that a. a an intelligent citizen of .'the community it is necessary •
that you keep informed ihotif, what is, taking place in that conimunitY1 7'
, • • • L
Whether yent inte*ests ,are eared for :hi the governing of me*cipal
; affairs; what14: transpiring at the scheole,, the churches; where food-
• Outs. Meat, 'Wearing, anparel,.*tiod„ coal may be bought to best advantage;
Where you- may pelt", tritde.sonie inteth article,' or buy such an article to
-advantage, Alltibirmthinafe -personal nevi's; the deaths, births, and mar-
riages, and alt thin/sand and one other occurrences that go to make tip
the'life of a cenziimtinity. •
That Is the function of the weekly newspaper. Ita news. columns each
week' early the story of the activities of the community and in addition
, the 'effective items of -the world at large. Its advertising columns bring
into yoir home the- best bfferings- of the stores and' shops -with prices and .
description: The classified advertiiiingeoluran is a meeting place for buyers
and sellers in every conceivable line. ,
. • . •
The Sentinel ctietii 'you but four cents a week.•If you will read it thorough-
\ . ty, intelligently,you wilt receive many, many tithes over, a return in
• Value. And The Sentinel is a good paper for the family to read. Theraare
many things children may learn from its columns, but nothing they should
shtin. It's columns are clean, -carefully edited and contain all the -NEWS.
If you are not already a subscriber te. The. Sentinel -lake advan- .
tage of the: two months'. trial offer below. DO it today-A:MOW
you think of it. • •
• THE SENTINEL;k LucknOW, Ontario.
• • k
Enclosed please And 25 cents in payment for The Sentinel for two
, Menthe. At the end Of that time 1- will notify you if I Wish to' diecontinue,
NAME• oti*. •••••4 •••••••4,....7 ••
• 14
P40. "•44.4.4411i.'
Street, P.O. Box or Na;
4.1 tg::?, 3t7.0,11 •
\ •
• I; • •;,14..).
• Honors .75: Pass 60. .
Forni' V•L-Nellie MaCCallurn 90;
George Wraith 50, '
Morrison -79: Melyin .Morrison 78:
Donald MacKenzie .63: Leola Wraith
11: Maimie Parves 39*. •
- II -.Lincoln Morrison 72: Mary
Wraith 66. "
I-71J6n. ie Purves 97: Clifford .Laid -
taw, St-',---Pri\ifyles- rEi
Hat Purves 10*.
„ Pr. -'Pr MacMillan -Fair.
.* absent during month.
Andrew Al: Thompson:
• • •
S. S. No. 2, Kinloss ,
Total Marks 400. ,
• Sr. IV -Teddy Burt 297; - • Orland
McFerlan 286..
Jr. IV -Muriel McFarlan 305; Mor-
ley Bushell 256; Mary Pettigrew 253;
Burt.251; Mary McLean* 91. .
-Sr. III-Helen-Tlionipeon-391; -Bob
••33r- Burt ,382; Harold Haldenby 367;
Sadie Pettigrew ..284; Eleanor Mc-
Farlan 255.
Sr. HT -Total Marks 350 -Agnes
Pettigrew 292; Ila..tushell 191; End -
die 'Gnest 184; Sylvia 'Jackson 180.
Eirst---:(Sters)Nerma_Birt 148.:
Marion Walsh 122; Audrey ,MdFarlan
121; Gordbn4Itiffman *8; Harvey
Iluffman *4. ' .
Sr. Pr. -Jean . Thompson '152: ' •
' Jr. -Pr.-Everett Lane *48.
. Spelling -Helen Thompson.
No. on ' roll 23. * Missed exams.
• Clara MacDonald._
N 1
- -
Mr. Sidney Gardner spent 'Satur-
day at Leeburn, visiting ' his sister,
Mrs.ttyoSeph Freeman.
r, and Mrs. 'Richard Gardner, Miss
Beryl Gardner spent 'Friday evening
with friends in Westfield.,
Mr. and Airs. joseph Freeman, Miss c
Aileen and. Master Geo. Freeman,
Miss Eva Horton of Leeburn and
Messrs;',Ed. Bannister of Strathroy
and Lorne Immons of Parkhill, spent
Sunday evening at Mr. Will Gard-
ner's. . ,
(Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agricalture)
Poultry In Demand
In ' resent address. .'' Professor
Grahail, ef 0, A. C. predicteg. that if
the present, demand for es eontin-,
ued there would not be a single egg-.
in storage in Canada lAr.Jilinsas7 lst. •
The poultry business was .georl
present, he declared, pointing *A that
last spring there had been a great • •
surplus of poultry and -some of the
.$torage dealers had. taken a, loss of ,
$160 e 'ten on their attnOrta. Now they
short .Of everything, vri.th
Aialf the,..0"iaes* they :had . • et this
rime last year The surplus a yey
gii::haattrihuted. tO,the deal-
ers keping
trie **flee:. up, .while the
-irket hems 'ftif to and ;
• :he people turned to. pork frieread of •
Ontario farmer his cleared
the weeds from twenty-five apree
of pasture by the use of common
salt. The method is not new, but was
so carefully worked out that Prof.
Howitt of Guelph was convinced. 'of
its efficiency.
Fine Crop of '
Grown In Thedford Area
J. A., Carroll of the Ontario Mar.
ketieg BOard„ reports the .Thecl-
'ford celery /Marsh area has produced
an nron erOi.•
litalitki 'The' extent of the crop I; is
estimated at, twenty -fie ' ',Carloads;
Growers OW #40it have �ran
lied! for'the'PertioSe',Pf Marketing
"thecrop, under the !mine of the Thed-
ford Onion Growers', Co-operative,._
Carrots In -Storare
- -Recent reports indicate that- com-
paratively heavy supplies' of Ontario
groWn carrots are. being *placed - in
cold storage at -Toronto. ,These car-
rots, largely grown' in- muck soil, are
of particularly high quality, and
dealers predict that this Ontario
grown product Will successfully com
pete with the iniported tarroti,
mink brought to Ontario dnring the
months of February and March. '
Nekw• 0: A C - •
The completion of the new.•Adinin
istration Building .at .0. A. C. was
fittingly Marked on Oct. 22nd by a
dedication, cerenamY which: His
Excellency, the ,Earl of BessborOngh
took part. A live stock parade on .the
campus --and flag -raising preceded the-
opening- Later a -luncheen was held
in Creelman Hall at Which -the-'Min-
ister of Agriculture and many dis-
tingnished gliests were present. Tile
three -unit biilding which has been
under,,,construction since 1930,-is:-aiow-
Made afailable fa:the student's ,and
administrative -staff. The large. at-
tendance in recent years made the
probleni ; of ' housing urgent. In the
new dormitortes..._praylaion he
made -for 248 students 'in agriCulture
--Royal -Poultry Show ".
For its poultry sh4w "the 'Royal
Winter Fair in Noveinber his estrib-
Hailed easy record over past events
in the number of spcialty clubs that -
are to• exhibit. They tag 27 as
against a previous high record of
23. Many af the major poultry 'and
pigeon associations, - Canadian
and American, will hold their an-
nual meeting at': Tbronto..• during
"Royal Week," November 16-24. `
, •
•Ineritise Turnip, Sale Through ""*.
• - 'Careful Grading
The Ontario Marketing • Board
states that • the export demand for.
Ontario turnips has dropped oft re,
cently, The general feeling ef dealers
is that market conditions, insofar as
:Wpert cencerned, will 'ImProve.
Ontario groWers,' however, can do
much towards improving the home
market, and increase the demand for
Ontario turnips, and presenting then.'
as attractively as possible. Growers
who intend to -Market their crop for
table use should 011 and' trim the
turnips by hand, setting asiele"ler
stock.all of those showing
:rie7th-al"ins or maggot injury.
ittle Things to Fight " .
Dr." Lionel Stevenson; Provincial
Zoologist fot Ontario, in re, recent
review of work being 'done in ..con-
nectien with the, control of internal
parasites' of animal's stated that
those which give principal cause for
concern in the livestock industry de
imperatively few. -Of these- he nem-,
ed six principal internal parasites in
sheeii, two in sivine, tWet in. cattle,
three in horses, two ,in poultry, and
five in fur -bearing animals. In the
case of most of these parasites it is
possible to cheek their ravages by,
mole control measures.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex McCarrol of si
Mitchell celled on Zion friends this
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hinton and
family of Oakville spent the week-
end' with relatives here.
- Remembrance 'Day Pence, Orange
.riday, November llth. Danc-
ing 8,36--1. Adinistion 25c. Ladies
with aandWicheit free.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jheston• and
Cecil. Johnston visited Mr. and Mr,
John Blak, Wingham on Sinday.
Mrs, Thomas Andersen spent the
week -end with her moth*, Mrs. Peed.
Reed Lueknow.
Mrs. Wm. Blake is visiting rela-
tives in Luckeow this week..
Mistien•Mary and Dorothy MaMil-
lan of Port Albert visted, at the
here Of Mrs 8,,, o'n
I 6'
• *,
Higher Price IndiCated '
For Ontario Pete:tees
"If -market trends conforni to these
If the past few 'Years," conimentet.
Charles E, Broughton, Ontario- De-
eartment, "we can anticipate an in- •
Tease in the price of potatoes."
The Ontario Potato croP for 1931 .•, -
amminted' -t� 20028,591-Weliett, With
a market value 'of $4,735,770.- In -1930
lowever, when , the -crop . approxi, • .
nated 18,275.655, or almost two Mil-
.huskels less than the previents
veer, the market value -was $10,9060- ...•
.175. The 1929 crop was... still
amounting to 14,150088 bushels , or -
about 6,000 000 bushels less than the • •
crop 'of. 1931, -yet having a market
value of:$15,271,732, more than three
times the, 1931, .crop.
At present prices the 1932 ,crop
estimated at 13,780,0W bushels;
would be worth 'only $4,114,900, but '
past experience -indicates that there ,
is ample reason for the belief that
:potato prices, will increase.
Boys' 'Grain -Potato Clubs • '
. Teams representing the Boys' Po-
lito and Gran -I -Clubs of the province
held their provincial Contests, at 0.
6. reeently.' The ken:-
fr-ew 'County, composed of -Stewart -' •
Sperling and D. S. Gibbets's; *on the
Grain 'Club championship, while
Stephen --FletCher- and- Binnie -Sherwin- .
of Wentworth County were declared .' „
champion Potato • Club team -for 1932.
These two teems will represent On-
tario in the International contests
in grain and potatoes at ,,the Royal
Winter. Fair this month. R. S. Dun.,
can, director qf ..agricultural repte-
sentatives, -was in -Charge of the, com-
petitions, 'assisted by officials of 0:
A.O. and of the. Crops Branch,' De -
pertinent of Agriculture. Thi phase
of agriCtiltintal extension work is
stimulating keen interest among the
juniors throughout Ontario. In all
-52 club's with a total membership
of 1,215, engaged in the, above pro..1:
jests during the, past year.,
Plowing Match A Success
The -windup of the International
plowing Match at Ottawa took the
form of a ,• banquet at which inter-
esting addresses were heard. D. A.
McIntyre of Alvinston, past presi-
dent, Made the presentation of, a sil-
ver platter..to J. Leckie Wilson, man-
aging director of the Ontario DOW.:
men's Ass'n. for the . paiit twenty
years„and ....leading' _factor in the
success of the. organization. The
Association - now has over seventy
branches in addition to the. central
Organization and comprises a total
,Snembership of 'over 7,000. scattered
over the whole province. "Thele
members," said Mr. McIntyre, "are
carrying back to their 'various corn,
amities •the doctrine' and ;practice of
better plowing, better cultivation of
the soil, better seed and better live
stock. I believe that to their influence
and example may be. credited in
large. measure the coMparatively se-
cure position Of the Ontario farmer
at the present time."
r •
Mrs. • Alex Reid Visited last week
with . her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Balfour
in Lueknow. . . _
Miss Fern Thom of Auburn •spent
a few days last week with her •aunt
Mrs. .Ion Craig, Jr, •
ldisses Janet Craig and Fern Thom
visited last week with their cousin;
Mrs.'Clarkson 'Martin of \gingham.
Mrs. (Rev.) Watt of Longbrancht
spent the' week -end with her daugh-
ter Miss Muriel Witt at Mr, Wn.
Mr. and Mrs. James Forster and
Miss Jean Forster spent Sunday
wth0Mr. and 'Mrs, Tien Naylor.
Mrs. A. Fox is 'Visiting this week
with her sistet, Mrs. Ilurephrey of
St: Helens. . •
Miss' 'Attie Fox is 'visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Roy Patten tat plc.
Mrs,' Odhim of Winnipeg visited
last week with Mrs. A. Fox.
Mrs. Haig of: Setifortli came last
wRoesesk. ,to spend the winter months
with her daughter, Mrs. Robt.
Nfr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques and son
Mr. Wilfred Jacques Spent - the
week -end with their son, M. George
JaCques Preston.'
Dr. Dan MoInnea of' Clinton •and
his sister; Mrs., Meii Butler of Gode-
rich, spent Sunday with their mother
Mrs. Dan MInnes, Sr.
Remembrance Day will be observed
in the Presbyterian church, on Sun,
day at 11 A.M., instead of Ftidity the
11th, owing to some of our soldiers
going t -W1 -am :1:orFriday.
" Mt Mission Bend thankoffering
Meeting Of the Presbyterian Aura
will be held on Wednesday •,evening,
November 16th. A goocl attendance
. '