HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-10, Page 4Tr
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7. :0 Tr,' •
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TnuftsbAi; rAVOmppit,' tor ,11123,
iTtW 11&.rrnit'TProf
Shehei11' Thtlre4nY reeinhig,
• •• IfOolgTve Ofltario. •
Mrs. A. D. Macielude-r ropi400r
Campbell Thompco-4rublishei
lati*DATt 1541'imIAER 10, 1932.
•,•" ."
, 1 .
• .110,LTROOD - • -
-14, and MM. Wes, .P.01hric, Mare
•and GuerneY, Mt... and Mrs: Goldwin
Harr4 oR baries;44-.-1I41-X.re.-H-110ht.4
. ;Baird and Marjory of Kincardine and
4,04•Aeward Elliott and, son
'Clayton of' Detroit; • :spent Sunday.
:With :Mrs. Abner Acliert-' •
The.neghlar meeting of th,
1 was held on thersdAY, !,14.0reStiber
• 3rd, at Mrs. •:Cher*.Corier*s141*
• ritain feature Of • Wa
the meeting a
• , lintter•-•cOnteiti*00148:Beth' Alton
fend 'Mile' Ethel Matin ar.:'LaChiiii*:
as judges„ wlth Mri Albeit Thomp
son; Mrs. Wm. Thompson said Mts.
Michael Ginible.13 ifld*d
73Fd-prileai • -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Congram and
•Clifford 'Spent, Sunday .at Mr.' Chas.
Shiell's, •••
Mi.. and Mrs." ThoMas • White will
celebrate -their -Golden Wedding-An.r
nivetsery on Tuesday, November 15,:
They will he at home to their trends
••from 3 p.M:...,te !31.
Mrs.. Hannah Left,• hir, • and Mrs.
• ,Win. thomPson, Mr. and Mrs. Doraey
Folgeisinger of Dettoit,... Miss • Mar-..
garet Pelmet and Mr. Amos Palmer
•of Kincardine,- spent"... Wednesday at
Mr. Thos. Harms
Don't; forget the Het FOWI supper
. this Fday nightin :the hall at Holy,
roed for members ef Holyrood Inati-
tute and families only., •
• • A number from .here attendedthe.
hot fowl supper in the, United church
Luckiiow, on Monday evening All
rep�rt a ispkndid 'meeting..
' .
.1817 iifi':-... _ . • .1 2- .,, ,
.. .
• ' . •
. • • • • - •
. . . ,. . .7.: --.44:07744"--714. "7 ' . • 74-4- .. --,,,-.4. 4.4.,.44t . . •-,
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. . .
. . , . .
- _. ' • .
, . •
• . , , .
. , . . .
. .
.• •
•• igtom its founding early in tlie last century, then:link of I1tiontred ,
&as, been closely identified with all. phases Of the- agriaalturalo• •
industrial, commercial and financial life of Canads. •- •
it -.has, lail-wide -experience, in!, -the ---Banking segnitetnents-lo4"
Canadian business from coast to coast., ' • ,
On t of its large resources, its national, proVinCial and local,' - •
. . .
organusnons, die Bank of Montreal is always in a pOsitiOnso
,, • Cosi banlongreqiurements and '5 alvtrsyaglad tb do so.
. • .
Established- 4817
. •
,ASSIIT,` IN EXCESS OP $700,000400%
. Lucknow Branch: C L. °BERLE, Manager
due 'Lb the application of our know-
ledge .;concerning the prevention of
dado better methods for
treating the sick: The health 'which
older people .enjoy depends •almost
entirely 'upon their • elm habits. of
living. As far ---"as We know the most
important habit for health in old age
is moderation in eating after the age
• •
• • ST..HELENS. 4 .'
and Jackie gd Wingham; visited on.
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George
• .,Mr. and Mis. Reheat .MCInnes and
famllY af neat Teelwatei afield Sun
daywith Mi. tied. Mis. Tiffm.
h -ad -tie-misfor-
tune-to lose a valuable emir:thin:leek
' -Tbeolailies-of---tlii:lixi-eon. and 4th
r.• ifitre, '110.bt. Ifemiltoon en-
ealnda AD11Nber ef their friends
jfl• the: 144.M011,4 Hall -44
447. 019#40. Te occasion being •thelr
tenth Wedding annivereary, • They
reeekved fitpnereile .41144. 810 R. u55
from that' friends Everyone eejoyed
the evening and -*mit FtraTTWIAhlg
them inany happyireturita of the day.
Mr. James Pickering, Lucknew,
ip:MsntststaayBidateatrh iAlwicht7.40::307ar•
Mr •
and Mr * -4,: • nt av'ti* visited
with Mr. and Mrs.: Jas. Irwin; 2nd
eon: repel* • • . •
ander tX1'17e I.Ice County Judgni Teeratinkit
aiennd Lueknow • leaf/ ,.Vueetkay.
They cnUed on TWni. Martin; Janes
PorefOr.4ii.dre* Gnt, Pank Todd
•ail Jas Zyons Tley are receiving'
coaching lessons in 'preparation for
the Judging CoMpetitien at the Royal"
,77TooT01,0-0_ - •
Mien -Ethel Martin: And Miss. Beth
Alton attended he HelYrood,
tute meeting held at the home of Mrs.
Charlie Congiam,' alveoli., last Thurs-
day.' • .', • -•
The next datieelii the ParaMoutit'
'Rol trill be held on Wednesday night
NOveinber, 16th. Lunch served. Every-
body Welcome,. , •• • .„
Add. ress and Presentation
.Friends; neighbors and o:' relatives
gathered recently at the lioine Of
Mr. . anti` -Mrs. •James Webster, Ash-
field, to; honor their datighter Win-
ifred, following her recent marriage
The presentation: followed the. read-
ing 'of the address, for which ' Mrs.
Johnston e:iiiressed her appreciation
in a well spOken reply. • .
Dear Whinifredi--
We your friends and • iteighhots
have met: here t� -night to spend a
�ciaI evening ,with you once more.
We could not let you go: from
among us,i, OF let ' this Opportunity
dation, if only in a entail way, for
the splendid: help you have always
been • in `bit eonunenity.
Your kind, genial dhsposition and
Your 'pleasant ,smile lists won a Warm
place in eitgh, of ' our hearts.
,,eimidsiooe but we realize t. hat you 7 ill
WOtate sorr3r to lose you
not 'seine' far away that tve.,cannot
• AsasghttoIen Of: our good wish-
es, wa,ask .you to accept this {table,
runner and luncheon set and hope„
they May !prove of use to yen in the
flame in Your new home where yOu
Star ta 8,80 K..
1,74,1*S4k.FRID4Y, SATURDAY:
- liovemb,rx
;100, had Fire In Els Heart,
• • end Water On The Doan
•• • ' ALSO
1)0114AS FAIRBANKS; IE• .'.
• Be famous"..
A Farce 'comedy
The Annual Thdek, efferinge. Of. •the o con. of ltinkisi attended the W.M. S.
iv...if. S, of the • 'United Churelt
be held ; next Sunday merning ;• i
'4j-ill...tea held at the home, of31rs., -I. J. f
''• -1. lehnschi on Friday afterncion.,>. The'
o'clock when Rev. David McMillan ef eftertiden Was spent sewing and, knit-
is.-11.Dungannon will be the sPe#er. • ting for a bale to be sent away in the
THE CAHAMAH sterniest.• Inspector Beacom was 'a visitor at lieskr future': . • ...
- ASSOdiATION AND LIFE the St. Helen's school one day last Mraletor Eikerson• oPent SPlidaY.
!iird CAT4A0A' week. ' ' with.3*. ind3fts: Yohnliaggatt t of
QuestieAs' conCeriiing Health, ati..,
HEALTHY OLD AGE - . dressed to the Canadian Medical. As- Mr.; and late. Will Taylor were visi- near Blyth,
Leis 'with friends in • Goderich last • l'ir- 43'il' Mri• 161834LItttelde. 4
seeintion,. 184 College Street, Toren -
Out trite age cannot be.determined' '' near' St. ' Helens spent sonday with
by counting tbe aamaer. of birthdays to,. will be itnsivered personally by SatordaY. • '
etter,. . . 31r. mid Mrsi. Earl Cranston .siient dit. and Mrs. R. ntrin„
we have eelehiated. The condition or
Mat week t StrathroY. , • ' Mr: "d' Mrs. ."1ge litnn gPeit
the beak. „reveals its zeal age. Some. ,. • • a
. , ate old at Dirty, others Are young A ' Dr. and Mrs. Stpart Pritchard t, A teacher was giving his dings a• " Sunday with kr. and Ifra. Pent.
• of ponoingtok of Cullom
.. sixty. It till depends. on .how thebadyi..( lecture on charity. Willie," he, said, Battle Creek, Sheriff Reynolds. and *se TOM. Orr - 1.4' not Ainitroving
machinery. tan stpod IT under ist "if I saw . a boy beating a donkey Mss Reynolds of Goderich were mill- froill
Mid rfittd' the liniste-tif 'Mitch/at: and stopped hint from doing ,se, what eis On friends .around the • villag.
IMMIX 0 the attack of pleuraiiineumonie
f tis • sawed, it. - - vittue should I -be sliowing-. - xecentIi7.7 7.- • , •
Ceitaiti factors contribute•
Willie -Brotherly love. ' Mr. Fred Howson of Wingliam..lieS.
to et7
taining to 4 ririe old age: Heredity - . .• , George Web, Mrs. Moore and child-
. playa a part. In general those vibe . A hen-pecked man was informed 'ren and Miss Caroline Webb left by
Iie to advaneed years have a line pf titt a Bengal tiger had escaped from motor on Thursday for Mallory Timm
• ancestors who lived far beyond the a menagerie, and was aiming his Mrs.. Webb is much improved • in
average age..• ••mother-in-law. . health and May spend the winter with
• . As a rale,these whpass the:four "Why should . I Worry abotk What. Mr, and is. Moore at'Mallory• Town
happens -to n Berigat-tter"hi. ans. no. in ofthe - St Ife
'., swore mark are thiti people. Thinness ..,...
Beef R g , Will., e held ' on Friday!,
• Whieli is the tettult,not of statvation, "Vtr,&" • •
. ... NcrOnsber•-18th. All the m-nibes are
lint If nt-OCerion-iii-foott -and- __ _ chink, .
is the mostimportant factor in add-
The guy was right who said: "A' retfueet6d t° tate"
ing to Die number ofyear and ie-
careless man is just an accident go- I- L• Meeting ' ' - ' •
' n s
caring a healthy old age. ing sornewhere to happen. . • The November Meeting Of the Wo-.• Mens' Institute Meeting to be held
iximesomm.A.AMINIAIII men's Institute Wee held_ at Mrs. on Friday, itiovember llth. at the
"Satins' Through"
have our best wishes for your latere
success and happiness.
Signed on behalf of your . mans
friends, •Ethel Martin.
' Beth Alton.
• •
• .• Miss. Letitia Disney .of. Dungannon -
pent the week -end with, her nephew, '
•Mr. Marvin Durnin. ••. • •
Doris SnlYthis attending Mrs. •
measles and br�n-
chitis._ We. hope..to' see .her around , •
again soOn. . •••,* • •
Treleaven �f Toronto, -
visited friends 'here, on Thursday.
-7-Mr.-thimpbeli-of-Doinnyineek-spent •
a day recently ' with his daughter,-
Mts. Crozier. , • •• .
her daiighter, Mrs. Reed; • " •
Mr. and Mrs. Les. RitchieAndion • '•
were -guests---of Mr: and Mrs 'Jim- • .
-Sherwood-on Sunday. ••
Mrs . Menary was called to Hanill- •
ton on Tuesday, Awing -the serious' . •
illness of h-er. daughter; • 111rs.
Mrs. Blake who has ,spent the yak
two weeks with her daughter,. Mrs.
Comfort, returned Milne on Sunday.
-itiiickly'as her many Wendi weal&
;, • •
The pupils of S. S.No. 8 erae to be
innoculated for disease on Wednesday
of this week. • , •
A few, of the yiiieople from
herd spent Wednesday evening Of list
week with Mr. end Mrs. Haxold
.1*son of Lucknotv. •
num of th---farniers •are dis
posing of. their surplus.: t supply of
buck -Wheal as a carlesd is being
shipped from Vniitchureh. • ' •
Remember the Whitechurch Wo.
j 'The tendency is to eat more food
John' Miller's last Thutsday. With 'a hoine of Mrs. Gibson Gillespie, 'viten
. than is requied. Young people are. •
• homy Ksity Knits for Others
_____- •
very good attendance. The toll gall Mrs., A. J. PASS will take the ' t‘iiiie•
more active, and they use up the . on "Storing of Vegetables" was welt "Vegetbles"., The ldies, of the coin -
food they eat. Older people "become ,,,,la, t7herwrotnrg aavliarrurrryntrou,r1 responded to. A Varier on .'31usiC" 'wonky are, cordially invited to attend
leis active, and as they eannot use her strength leverely. In eraser to
what theyeat, they nilt on ettro, eut at home. she" usect to Walk long prepared •by' Mrs. D. Phillips "wit as ,the gevenitnent• has sent Out •eit-
los** es tnuch as She coUld tO hell)
wegiiti. and so handicap themselves. ,....otoelottzshato-teerorotoonntong tteoznouse:igtosnell jd-rels:vdo.• tdt maniner-instoo=entalaiso enjoyed. .A ,,k .ofeu14, •, bbinleigittesdsuPurgbip/iiifgnlinItorrati:
... *e begin life on the simplest of . atmosphere ot the Wind)* to the
eold of the outside Was 81a- deligieus intich Of ,sanciwighes . and Moe for S1101: . .'
diets. 'Wei advised that, after the tut At length 55Thshe Cling -It a bad cold
diet by degrees until we corne in the found that the had consutoptiOn. Mrs.ejealli.Lito"na .fsitailMrY: aoni WAirs'est. w. R. 1:sarrih er'Viftiatednd
age of sist3r, we •ShOtild simplify the wmCh she could Oa • shake ote, and stiarvIedPkinfiypi'leanlidoteswilip(:071
*tett, tts dbetor Nt'n.9 . cane& be
She was sent to the Toronto los- and Mrs. jits. Genet.
liter years of iife, back to the simple pital _for ' Consumptives. and a- • with gr. and iiits; •it. Stewart.
taaaaa 'ter* davataat at first, she The'llnatifi' Band
litittikl"etraffetinterinlineSiti-1 ACCIDENTS .-414. 6;43. 141). 1114SATIPIC
diet • of a eltikL ' ' •
had not been there long before.she
ovoid t'omplcated and iligillY se:113°11' wdecZerfftitirl
,Te older pettnis well advised to deelded that 'she Was fortunate t.L.
Notrealthtlinn eant shnotirteatrelmehtic: " ...of • the Harrie Missi!,n Band was • ' • . „ ., .,„_„,_,,,_,„,„; • , ., .
Milk is a ialtutble food„. throughout Vireec.*etritlalg'st:in. to% iirtrelat: ' nitluent
• held • in the al:Ma Oti Siturdity. trisi !Mete were 3,34 accidents report-
ed. dishes; to eat only .shnnle foods.
her ,naitat_sanny- splrItS- have-- re--- btARantivite;u•!weaided. An,,,;insttis-' ed' to .eading re Wgerketezithe.rne'sof_ Compensation�tobe
life-iiita:Aotild• roe Oat:4 regularly and oottre...urned and • t:lurJee. •her. kn"Vrtorkredg : by Ruth Rapine Were wen 0E4 lis ''compared'A-itli U68 duii4 Sept.efreely by older pettier's. WiWithout be-
$a?rtts.f>gog'.thttLIPAliglts'atie twee, An 'hitch -eating histniy of the Aand WAS /*al Our *mien34nditill .10174 and 4,590 &rite nefebet leit
conaing "fussj-" the older person 'fur that • s
should reeognite . any fads which enough to return,to work but lf 1t . Band yedr.
he. trill soot!: be well
Vai..olo rereriettl" r'e'et'*'etr tild .' McNabb of Luelitcow and lied a Mein- as temi:atted with 16 • M 'SePtembet!
WO 60.14Zed" in .Tune 1889 - hy •Ittel The fatal accidents nrunbered i2,,
cause disconifort d avoid them_ the ten not to -en rot the Tetonto Holt-
aetual amount o food required varies
140 One aliiinid eat whet tired. . A .
With eta individual. . itto„,714.k. johlroestreiaitblinteleitoe beat:n85440, • Was • ri.en7tfil tra. Patirlm6. , • th-s5 for ia Ir: and tbe3•3teintal °4°berbeliehts aStrerd: edyear agetaunt`
thort. res.e.• before trienit bt a good crbgo 1 A. Reid, ill :114:-gt.t! Ahlyi Ilarria, ti &Male. of the Oertlene tittle ogito0611, of which 00,22-,
who left toiente • at that ' thee togo 26' Van for conineniation .,and 04,714...
iatit, as it brings one to the table i ' . .. , . fat a thistionary to India. At the Cob-. OS for itiedidat aid, lit compared with
free fatigue. Howe • .,
er. somo ! .
104d -such as a hot chink at bedtme. '' :.
helps •.inatit •oldet i*ope be sleero-'' A •
glass et tunk by the bedside whit+ '
..:46.4743;itri7In't0- elusion of the Meeting *th was set. 142.2)15:92 awarded in Septerchet and
%fed and a social time enjoyed.
.4this" said .the Plitetiooglist. Peas'. date. this year fitunher 3503, •as
,. . , • .•• ... • . •
$St,616145 awarded last Oetobet.
The 'tete) Areidentn reported to
min ,be sipped if the' waken in the
early ineteing, will often tend thou IA • 'ng his Snort lightly over timotily"si Compared. with 44,498 for- the was.
-heed. 'i the &imp. of inottttlese re140 laet year, and tio tenefits
oft ta. :sleet *gait. ' -
6 0 ilethAbil :
.. "I knote," ...ssid.._ limoithil, --44 • ita •Ateittlect aniount to 84:241,t72.-62 as •
. . • , • ' ' ....•-•
SA, aivemotge number Of years wt • pliriiiii the tearlier'S deak---and compared With $4,996,795 43 for .tho
44 bot boot cituttietabl7intivased, 1± • _ - .- chi 00. feu , Du ariin . - .oiespanding .,$iiiiitit Of bil.
. .•
- • k• , . ,1 . , " - , .•
, J , ..
. / . •
4"0470"4,.. 4"4 "'• 7, 7-4 4,
“k' • " •
Wginir&',:;ntattrialiettil'itAiiiLlfrj16fttiff 1A,10;4040:411;
. . .
• 4'
Give • my llove to
, •
Rover, .Gra'pa'
Young Herb's...hppy summers on
Giinapa's Tam are renewed each
week throughout the f winter; an
expensive luxury that all the family
shares in.
• Herbs Dad thought of it; he knew
how lonely ' the oh, folks felt and
how yOung Herb's thoughts kept
straying farmwards.
Lass etoesiss rates
as Statios-to-Ste-
rims Calls beger
•do 7.00 p;o8.
•lower sighs 11iit
# 830 P.At.
So now, 'on :Frday evenitigs a 30
cent Long Distance call makes crap -
body haPP-
LOng Disce it ;Awaits quick, dear
and- dependable., , It la easyto tite
and the cost ,,
• 4)