HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-17, Page 7it Owl Las, • • PO You Rameml.e:rl No other piece of lawelr Has., •ever' meant Vie same to :me . • Ae the sii]miile llttie•ornament „ `,...: .,Concerning which 1 sing: . Let's give a word ..of fulsome praise • To the trinket of our childhood days • The horseshoe'•nail the blacksruith'lfeiit. And made into,a ring. • Hee k-"In;Engiand to 'take orders; , means to;.eliter the church." • g" peck—"TL's slightly' different over liere-iyou•-;enter 'the 'church,'get •`Mar= tied and then take orders." 'Young Husband -'Do you know; my • 'dear, tl ere's something' .wrong with, the cake. I • doesn't taste:,right." ; Young Bride '(triunl.phantty) "That' : 'ifs all your•'. imagination,: for it says in my new ;cookery ' book that it :is- )heroes" " A policeman caught ; her In. the acts t•teari=ng,a letter into tiny bits, which • dbe'.threw'to "the.'ground in `thee Bark. and the following: conversation 'took- • place: .• ,Policeman -You ought -to know bet ter, mies;. than .: tp throw , nrl}bbl h; ,, s_.. around -'in. the park. "She• -`"What • impudence! That's not trash;. that's a lov,'e letter frorn. my •g very_ best 'boy blend:" ''i 'riE No,McKenzie Strongly 'Recom- Mendip' Dr Wi'iams' -Plpilc pills to, Worn out Worn n "•I was com:pleta:.. Soon worn out from looki .lg - atter ' a very .cross M:►rch . ..baby night and day," S i onBer writes -Mrs. Jame$ M:c<. Kenzie, Glenboro, Maar "%,heaamefvery hin. andThad 'several '4f dizziness. M.y legs ..and back ached, .and,,,,i was feel% ing just terrible when I started tak4 •g Dr. Williams Pink Pills: I soon real- 'ized, I was getting much •stronger. I` gained in. Weight, and felt like• a new Person, I strongly, : rec6inmen.'d Dr,, •Williams! Pink ,Pills• Mekenzie is but •o ,of thous-• ands; of woihen , who' have been,'won derfully .helped by Dr. OVilliansie' Pink, ,Pflia and who :have written: In:,to •te'll• Trow the; Erich "new blcacl, created by these PilIs.,r"built exhausted' nervoi'As° s .teens and 'r' -stored : th se' suff. rer . ., �'� . e;-• ., a .. >� to vigorous health .G•i've Dr.:Williams' F'ink,Pil1s a fair trial'for run-down or :nervous ,c,onilitions. r 500 a package at your .druggist's. c _. �, t•� ._ _ •The-.NreclC • '`'No, sir, the trouble; is not due to • . any ' lack, of care 'on. you- part. ,,It seems to me that your power: is not. being. transmitted'• properly; and its - my°.opinion �that'there-4s ;a, •breakdown" ia'the .ignition `system. Of .Course,. if .youmIin: '8t, I pan have one of my me- chahlcs, thoroughly•overhaul it. But I. =fear' that it -would -be-a-complete Waste. of` time I feel reasonably -certain that', • the damage .is irreparable, ' My', advice 10 yoii,. my ,dear sir,' is to purchase .an; , • =other' cigarette lighter:," ^.0 • •Old Lady. (on . platfor>Y!)-"'Which •.. platform• for them Montireal train?" • • Porter -urn to the left. and you'll. be right."' • {. - • Old Lady-'Don.t; be • impertinent;`i my .- Porter, -"All right,`then, turn to your. • right :and'you'l1. be,.left." . • .• he on y •nia w, o•: •I •- • .� e a paysi : ' cal' marvel through • carrespoiltlence courses is the mailman •who carried the • lessons about' on his 'back.. . r, fo o„a hea'thfn"1 form of ese��'cise.. And • with .a good looker a fellow wouldn't • mind doing' his daily dozen. • �; Slave .• Driver ' Our-idea-o--the-me - c- apes ' a ' n h f t•�m n -i t world is, the man who' was deaf and never told his 'harper. • •, Mrs. Outhe o- The aMrs,. ea• g ys yT , whiffle pIays golf just like a man." Mrs.. Clubber - "She 'should be. ashamed; tq use .such language!' Many man- wile thinks• he is'lead- ing. aV.briile to' the altar le heli,;; pushed there himself. but doesn't :realize• it.' Bich- y wife has fie'en nursing a groti'cli foci several days." , Bam-"Oh, didn't :know•'you:•were • °'A woman asks why it isthat when 'a. woman; complains -of being tired and worn..ent:.:tke doctor,. always . _asks to See her tongue? ' Diner, -"What's this leathery 'stuff?" Waiter -"That is fiile% of sole ifl " Diner -"Well; take :it away and see if you can't get me a nice •,piece of up-; per with the' buttonsoff." • Policeman-" Why did you call me -. • ;•; Is'that man annoying you?" " Old -Maid- ="No; but he`-s--tr-y-!aig-- to_ get away,' •I Experiments show that kissing' • stimulates 'the heart actior. and is For$6O0 I Will. • Set, •You Up .In Business showing• 100 per'• •cent 'profit of 'a' rapidly selling -•article. ' A few ex- clusiyb territories '•open •for hustlers. Send 49c• to cover cost of sample,: postage, packing and _particulars. Mr. Littler, Suite 29,; '14 .Toronto Btreat, Toronto. • ' • Most married men expect to 'And all bachelors •millionaires., They would be if it waSi-t-for--tIie-girls: _ Record.' Apple Crop • • Owen Soand.• :- A record-breaking apple crop for;' 1932 in the Beaver` Bailey district; both as to' quality and- quantity-, ts.forecast. -by George :H. -.Mitchell," et; th''e Georgian Bay Fruit Growers, Limited.' Mr. Mitchell said that the Georgian .Bay Fruit• Grwoers, Limited; ' would ship thie. year. fully 25,000 barrels. ' This is several thousand barrels greater than in any previous sdason. • , toe Incest." out 'ro Aolo taom irrio i seem eTo""c oeAI1T/i1"N eousrl use?, sae'.00 "Made In Canada" rich foods disagree, it heed got _mean a "weals stomach:" Sourness and gas :doesn't mean 'Indigestion." Just take an anti -acid to sweeten the system,•antt enjoy life! Before meals, or afterward when iiistresa is felts D'o ,this awhile, and stripaeh and bowels will be in fine order. YJs ' nlyt genuine and,Th other l'liillips Milk of Magnesia,; it is star d preparations do riot have the same anti -acid action: ALSO.tti TABLET FORMI Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets • are now on •sale at drug stores everywhere. - Each tiny •tablet is the equivalent of a terlspoonful oT ge2uine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia: •w a• OUR • GR OS. S. -. 41►ORp . PUZZLE, A. 1' • M.o_Qntal an-�Y�vt 1= -Ladies 42-k'loor cow ing 6=" fTomeless" n anderers, 3=Pertanino COlirt 11 -Charm" • 45 -To understand 13 --Finally '�` _ 4•6=Exists • 14 -Higher •' • 47 -Sharp cornered., 15 -Those,• suffering 'for ' 49•, -,Sun god ..- _-faith-- :- -- -- .,-50-Releases•'_•.:.. ,17 Article • 52 -Merchant 18-Dlodern 54 ';Revises . 20 -french River. `' 55 -Discards 21` -Mus'- ' -,iece, ° • • • '•Vert'ical 22 -Gin • ' • ' 1 -To Ow • ' 24 -Beverage' • 2 -Electrical unit' ,g6 -To unite - • • 3 -Greek, letter ' • 26 -Son of Seth • 4 -Tree• a - r. .._ ---l-- ea Minimal 28 .Na row S 30 -Targets ' 6-Artiidle of the same class • -Beast of burden . • . 35 -To defile. • , 8 -Pronoun 3,7 -Kitchen vessels ' •9' --Boast 38=Roll' of hair 70 -Church. bod� 32 -::pikes of grain 33-i31ac1 12 -Jo 13 -Harp shaped ds .1 19 -Lacking 21 -•Flowers' - 23-Rhymsters 25= Nobleman = -D 2-7 29-01d war instrument 31 -Shakes 33 -Ceased • 34RivEr of Japan 36 -Grinned malicioue'ly 3:7 -Self-respect • 39=Combat . _.41 -Loved oltes '• 43 -Insects 44 'Vehi'cles • 47 -Island 48-PPCheer '51. N4te of scale 53 -Prefix; Born ES OWN • HOUSE- WORK RK AT 70' • `t1 `fheT Help ' of Krrusch "For nine years' now 'liave- used .Kruschen Salts and could hot do out' them .I take a third., of a.. teaspoon in a cup of water as- hot as I :can lrink it. No sickness, no headaches °now, 'I am' 70 years of age in April, and gust �gitliaking Krus-clen' .Salts -am able: to de all, my household duties myself. I.reeommend 'Kruschc'n• to all..•my neighbours.., Before I began taking it .1 was never away from the doctor, but now.I never meed liim.' I used to have sick headaches and then was not able 'to do anything. But . now it is differ- ent -thanks to Kruschen Sal,'e." (•Mrs.) 3L G. -Kruschenkeeps the organs of the body Working actively, cleanses • all clogging 'impurities from the system, and sends clear,, •vigorous blood, cours- ing through •the veins. And the re - suit? An end to all Life's minor`-' and miseries, No More headaches, tiredness„ depression, "nerves,'' rr constipation. Instead, a sensatidii delightful freshness, high spirits, happy outlook_ vin, short, sheer good health! . Frock et Smart Street By HELEN...WILLIAMS 'l'testrated' Dressmaking Lesson' Fur'- aiish43d- ItakFt-v_ Pattern • Traditional Sea Terms •Retained zlimy London: -After a hot engagement, the British Navy his driven off those two modern raiders; ''Left" and "Right,", and nailed its ,wherA .to the tune -honored terin,. Port and' Star- board'. :• . But .'the encounter has left its Mark. hitherto naval helm orders 'have--resulttd lit - he ship' turiiliig to' the when the man at the • Wheel was apparently being •told.to turn it to the right. • From :Jan. 1, 19$3, however, "direct" orders Will be is- sued. For• the. first six months _of, the 'new system, the order will be. •"Wheel to port" or "Wheel to star- board." •Afterward the precaution- ary "wheel to" will be dropped. The '.original proposal, which aroused thep fiercest .opposition among seafaring (folk, • • was that not only •should the helm orders be direct in- stead' of indirect, but that port and starboard should also make' way •for plain, land-lubberly left ani! right. Though port has scarcely acquired its sea legs -having only ousted lar- board ,& century or so -it bas aT- ready made itself a,' general• favorite both fore and aft. Resolutions, against the 'plan poured in from old salts In all parts of the country. In the end,'both sides emerged, triumph, ant with half their 'original demand satisfied. The new helm orders . will •'come into force for the British Mercan- tile Marine on the' same 'day as for the navy. • • CLEAR ALL WIRES.. "Put up your hands!" , commanded •the larger of two bandits who had stopped the eoach. "We're gobs' to tab the gent's and kids a7T the ladies, "No," retltonstrated the smaller oiie, gallantly: "We'll rob the gents all .right, but we'll leave the ladies 'alone"."• • I ' • , "Young tlman,'' snapped a female' passenger of uncertain age, "mind 'your. own business! Your fr'iend's managing thio' hold:up.t" - -Legion 'Weekly. • 39 ineh ::rateijial with- % yard of 32 - inch contrasting: • ' ` i f' , IHOW TQ; ORU R .PA,TTEltil •' g r: 'rit• yaur.nanle;and address plain' ly,x giving riunber`:and size•:•,if sulcli' patterns as you ~rant. Enclose -15c ilii; stamps or cein.:(ci°in .preferred;. wrap fully') •For• each.-rtiamlierand address your order to Wilson Pattern `Service, 737West•Adilaide St:,'Toront6 .ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE E T A .,ONE R E ff D .;.HEW .i- b R E T E r/ I 0 T 0 P E. 0 L' Y W A D I'. T A Y L A D S Y L E L I v A. 0 G .I 5, U G c. r it • 4 %4 B- G A S I N I /lF A, T $ I. N T' 0' -s- R� 0 M' P 'S - _P . 0; D E G -R E, E'/.I A M $,'I ILL''&LINO L0 •EKE A,L•0NE., ,$•N • Tunnel. Money' Saver • Paris•=A :tunnelwhich -4h -a;••'-fev- months is ,.estimated to have saved motprists in France "more than :50.0,- '000 5.00,-.'00.0 francs 020;000 ..at. 25) has .been• officially, 'i'naugurated,' at }'enne, •• o.n the e'astern..edge of France.. .Although iPaq _than '400,' in eters' '..in length,. the 'tunnel •.'reduces the, time required 'to,go from Lyons to Aix lessBains : bhalf. an hour ' for •auto- robil•es-•and brLt ere -than true-hawra for 'trucks. • Tt is . cut through '. the `Mont. du Chat, a steep- slope . which isolated the rich agricultural district n of Yene:.from the rest of the :Dep'art- 'went of: Savoie: „When, a man goes fishing he may. pot catch. long fish, but •he, generally comes home with a long. yarn. C 0 IY • Magazine .Agent Men or Women to handle' the town agency taking . subscriptions to all magazines.' An opportunity to make . a splendid living. 'Write- Mr. Hall,. • ri a minion Publications Bureau,' 21 ng_ St. East Toronto. De.i! h•tfully becoming, smart and wearable is this coat type frock for late summer and earl) fall. Its lir-es are so fluidand- slimming. There areseveral ways of tarrying, out this model.' For instance, in hya- cinth blue crepe silk, it's stunning for late Summer. • For fall, 'a Bd'rdet.ux-red tweed is sportive and decidedly new and smart. Blacl. crepe satin is another nice 'medium, ' - S'ty'lt• No. 3086 is- designed for sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 requires 4;(3. yards of, Easy, Tlee1i m rm g "Baby cut all his teeth with no trouble, thanks to BABY'S OWN TABLETS," writes -Mrs. Thomas Shaw, Hamilton, Ont. Scores of other, Mothers have - written in similar vein. . Give YOUR child BABY'S OWN T,1fBLETS for teething troubles, upset b stomach, simple ,fevers, colic, colds, constipation sleeplessness; or whenever ' he'is cross, restless and fretful. Easy to. take as candy, and absolutely SAFE - see analyst's certificate in each 25 -tent package. ()vet 1,250,000 packages sold in 1031. " 243 Dr. illiami' BABY'S OWN TABLETS•. ISSUE N. 46.-232 DON'T WITH COLDS .• Sluggish intestinal systems lots sista/we to colds. Gieanse them with Peen -a -mint, the modern chewing gum laxative. Gentle, safe, non-habit. forming. More effective because -you chew, it, • - Classified `,Advertising , N QFPE1 TO EVERY-.1NV,F,,MTCYR:•• •' • L1st of washed., inventions'and etili;x informatioi sent free. 'The •Ramsay Vows any: Wedel .Patent:.4.ttorne-'s, 273,11aTrft • Street,' Ottawa,-'Canada::z•'A. • ?EMERIES•. 3 R', ALL SICtCNESSE3: •'Write Mrs. Anna• Penner 30_ 8EP3M St., WimiY i g, 'Man • • '(i CTLZET5, YEARLING HENS AND - L . ' cock rets,: Barred Rooks, Whit! loclts, WIYandottes'and, Leghorns.' J. G. , Tweddle, Fergus, .Ont. • ' "� F MADB, OF RUBBER; WRRITE O catalogue. Rubber specialties rubber stamps gameras,3 balloons. Univers: Speciahty'Co'., Bob 27.04, Montreal.. PORM17L8. . A NY- FO L R u M A..:1OCEA H. $ C W1t1Tk1. Midland -Laboratory,' 308 Byrns •Wi•nnil,eg,' Sian • - THAT ' DEPRESSED FEELING LARGELY A LIVER - ER `�EY1.V. Wake, up your Liver'Bile -Without calomel, You are "feeling punk? simply because your Aver isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestionn , and eliminatio. ' are both hampered, and your entire system is being poisoned! What you need is••a liver stimulant. Some- thing that goes farther than salts, misers l water ” oil; Undue candy or eke -wing hum or ron" g e'• which only move the• bowels -ignoring the real cause of trouble, your liver. • Take ter's LLr • Purely vege- ' table. No'Carharsh calomel (miveercuryPills'. Ss je,: Burp. • Ask for them by, name. Refuse substitutes, 23o. at all druggists. 8s- • - $namjnt '••.•es. ..• '•••.• • •.e•e"• •••••• re , •. 11 I •• o• ••••• 0'0 0 0 • It • INSIST ON THE GENUINE r'een•a-mint The ChenIng Greta LAXATIVE For Adults and Children - No Taste •.• But the' Mina .. • • •.• 0• •• • PSR GO1 STIP ` fiOII• ir PLUMB"S PERFECT PIPE The name is stamped on the stem -and the word, "PLUMS" is impressed In white on the mouthpiece. BEWARE,OF IMITATIONS GROW ''M'USHROOMS ,EARN 330 AND UPWARDS'WEEK- LY.gruwlu,g-zli.usl,zuUTYtS iYrjoTr C7lY zr or outbuilding. - We buy. Write for'; free bootklet. Pioneer'Mushroo 32 Orchard View B1'vd•, Toronto.. '• • 'R E.: BOOK • S,0a0 To _BE GIVEN'AWAY. 'Ani 'sufferer from this disease who has 'not yet read the book . recently published at. 3/6d, by an English phy- sician, on the treatment Mid' cure of Tuberculosis, may have a Copy whilst the supply lasts. •sent free , - charge• to any address. Applications to Enoch. J. Ewicker, flew Germany; Be Fair to Baby Give him the kind of body builder he:requires SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian _:. Cod Lister Oil Rich in the Rickets Preventing„ 24M Vitamin D 0. odes a des as CQJTICV Quickly Heals Pimples, Rashes and ,lvczerna Soap 25e. Ointment 25e. and 60c: fill' NEURITIS One thing that helps is to warm a dish, pour ht Min- erd's: Then rub the liniment gefltly in. Pain eases offs - 22_. Atvide variety of medals to - ch'obsa front. TraBa enqu,r"ies f0: PUBINOVI'CH. & HASKELL LIM•iTEO,/ 440' MoGUI St. Monfroal,aues, SIMPLY'WORN':OUT?, TakePi/lavas:Os Vegetable Compound re Cale ' snything be : ttoreo wonting 'foe: . •wo>itetf theft the•!ceaseleila'_round o1, . houdeholdidut]ett tea inn's to time .to br sick .. you are tired a .'• milt s • • • get cawi'ot atop. Theft tonnes a time�'• • naps an'd yt thii0', en eomethin'g e' y ureelf•simply won: out. ;,• iydla 14 Pigkltslnm'e titietnble Cont,'' pound will •help Yeti. life tonic actlo5 wiii give you renewed etrength, and will Oink" your deg,* tasks see&• easier ;to you. • 98 out of every 160 women who reporr•�i, to us say that they are benefited, by OS,n• tilclne. Buy..d bottle from yowl" c lite I ,bt-. today • .. end watch the rwoIf •