HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-17, Page 1ar. .R* a: •s.: ,CKNO , NT'., TaHW SPAY, NOVEMBER $2.00 PEE..' YEAR, IN ADVANCE; QTHERWIS ;11 Ia: U b. 1942. SINGLE COPIES 5 C1..NTS .; - DENTIST Dr. RA. Treleaveir, Iucicnow Hours.i: 9--.12' A.M. PIl'O] F 63 X-RAY. • MANY APPLICATION FOR DEBENTURE ISSUE a Loan Over Subscribed-Couracil Ls y Over fattel.,,Regardrng'Stoker:'In- plate at the• home of Mr. and M; WEDDINT '' JORNS - McKAY A• pretty autumn !Wedding t¢ok: STRAYED—Fromlltallation In• Se."' MacKenzie, Lucknow, east, on the :.premises .of• Saturday, Nave;mber .12th, when in the undersigned 2nd concession 'Kin-- '' i - • , A plications for .purchase ''of illi . the presence. of about"'Forty,• guests, loss on or about the,middle; of 'Sep., - P of i imate friends and relatives; their r, .., . • • � . lage,Debentures, te, raise the sum . , .. , _. , 30.anonth • old Roan Heifer., , , . ,�.•_-..__,_ .� Werereceived ,in such " nem- :niece,. Miss Alma McI aY, was united` reabbuts $s.aoo,• we r = . a , ' one infor : 'ane of.�her,' :whe . _ , . , ... �.... ,,, - . : , ,.. r , will. ,.. ..,, . -b . • :,r . fall. ,oversubscribe• ing ma ridge; tai: Mr George.. ,:. •~An , . � ewardell, ,, : •.. •, bars .as. to.substant, y ,:... ...., .. ,Buitaiily r i tions were received Johns,. young .business t ran . Rind- .?. •' yi1>,ili ' J It � the koan Appl ca r ani. rwln: <:.pp" to Tuesdap* and the last few days sor. , TICE OF ,COURT; OF` REVISION: Notice' is hereby oven that court Will tie held uursuant to the :. Voters' .;Lista" Act at: the Townshin Ball. _liVest°, W..awanosh, on the 21st, dao of • N'ovember. _1932. at two, • o'clock. for hearing all complaint Made against s. `e voter s .of b . rt t and 2nd Da t 1st he , W1i t Tor the Municipality of West aww5osh for 1932 •Diirnim.' Phillips. 'Clerk. r ' - NOTICE TO• CREDITORS • •IN THE MATTERof the Estate. •: of fierbert' Drannen. •, late of the Township of -=Ashfield in the Coont_i • of Heron. `Yeoman. deceased': Notice ia. hereby .;given• that, ah Persons having anv :claims or de=. • mands against, the , late fierbert Drannen. who • died On, or' -:about ' the eighteenth dev. of October A/D. 1.)31 .,:at the Townabiu Of Ashfield in the County';• of Baron. are reauired• . to send -btr nost nreoaid or to delive•'; • to the ,undersigned. executor under. the Will of the said Herbert Drannen,, their •names and addresses and �fu'll particulars inwriting of their c"liIims and statements of their accounts and the nature :of the :securities, if any. held by them dilly verified by aflidav- it. And take'. notict . that after the Third day of • December A.D., 1932, the 'said Executor will proceed. . to distribute the assets, 'of . the„ ' said ' deceased among the.persons entitled thereto having.. regard only to the claims .:of which.. he shall then: have had notice.- and that the said execu- -----.' ----�-:tot` aril-not;•4•be-Mable-forLthe said assets . or any, . part thereof to ' any person of whose- claim lie shall not then., have received notice. • Rated at Lifeline*, Ontario. this seventh • day'' of November A.D.••,1932. George, G. Brannen, Epcecutor; R. R. • 7: Lucknow. Ont. • • preceding -`the y, closing :broughta r 4t th4hour'.'af one' o'clock, to •the surprising , capers fonwould . be strains 'of thb `.wedding 'march played investors, w s .the information ; dig- hy_Miss P eggy MacDonald, the closed at a Special meeting Of the young couple took their places with - Village Council on Tuesday afternoon. in an a cove of 'potted ferns: ;and ivy What steps will be taken ,in accept- and fibril 'decorations of tali ;tun- ing these, • applications cations' .to, the . desired dards of bronze and yellow chrysan- ng pati. amount :of :$6000'' is. yet to be decided. themunis.. The bride was given :in Stoker Question Laid Over marriage by her uncle ' and looked Council: dealt with''the matter . re- very charming in a gown' of gray garding::the installation . of 'a stoker crinkle crepe and blue and,'gray slip - at the 'school and . passed a motion pers. She worea corsage, bouquet of a : suggested that the: lavender' orchids and `lily :Of the; val- �whereby. ,it. �s s^ .:.... purchase Of a stoker be laid over for ley. Rev. C H..MacDonald -pe orm- consideration next year. The .purchasing of required science room equipment. will now remain with: the Schnogl Board to ..deal with as they., see fit. 'ORKIN. G 9 HOURS, . TEN ,PER CENT CUT Furniture :Factory Running Nirie $ours- -Wage Reduction . of - 10 Per, Cant, • Employees- of the. Lucknow' Table Company' accepted., a wage, ireduction, 4 ten per cent., ,as. announced -by .the.: directors,' ou Saturday „evening: -Thru .i€>1 eriod-o nsettled business ;C'ondi P ions, ` this Iss the first wage: cut to' be {rude ' while 'the �bpl'ant' has operated ontinually, althoug -for-a-period-was- : -on a six -hour Some few weeks ago an eight hour day was resumed with `a five and one- ”;fralf day .Week, The adopting of 'a ,nine -hour day, accompanied by 'the ten per cent. cut, does not affect the pay checks to any .extent, and, per- mits the factory to increase, produc- tion and reduce P'roduction - costs, which is an important factor in•,meet ing competition}' on a : most unsettled furniture Market. Reiuembraace Service Hall Held ID�� Town' Local Clergymen : Conduct Impressive Service -Four .' Wreaths Placed At” Cenotaph. Remembrance Day," ' proclaimed ' a holiday in ,the village, .was fittingly• observed with a: memorial service on ed • the ' marriage' ceremony' , and dur- ing the signing of the register„, Mrs. Common .MacDonald sang: .'very Sweetly "Because You : Came TO e." After, `the- custemary -congratula- tions and good wishes had been ex tended, the bride end groom led the.:. way' 'to the • dining -room where a . bountifpl, supply of good . things, a - awaited• the guests.: Here the decor tions were in pink and white, the table • looking very ' dainty;.•,. with . iti. pink' and white streamers Caught ug on the . centre to the chandelier . and fastened. to -'''the table' at the •four corners.. The, floral decorations here w T by ere silver :baskets .• of :pink 'VMS. he toast to the .bride was` proposed Rev.. Mr. MacDonald and respond;; made it advisable to hold the service••Amongst•the;.lovely gifts were sev- tri .the Town Hall; where many .from. 'eral substantial. cheques. After sub; the 'community gathered on this *the mitting to ' some good • natured fun Com,ing,Etients • Mist Insertion,,: '500, •Subsegilent Insertions, 25c. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE If yon are interested in the beauti fication of your home and . surround- ings; you., will • %,.joy a profitable ev ening. ' by attending the illustrated lecture, on .hot!ticultyre to be present ed'; i'ii the Council Chamber on Tues- day' day' next, commencing at 8 .o'clock, when Mr -John F. Clarke will. -conduct - the lecture and address the gathering' 'HOCKEY ' `MEETING There will. be a meeting, of all those interested in .hockey, held .at Agnew's Office On. •' Friday evening',' 'November the 18th, at 8 o'clock, to• make plans for organizing the' club and entering of a team. Be on hand ori. time:_... _ _,.. -. _ CLUB'. SOCIAL •• ' The members of the Paramount tj. F: W. 0. are entertaining the, members and families of the K'air- shea Clubs • at' an "At Home" in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Nov 18th. An excellent : program is being 'prepared. Admission. 1Oc. • Children - under 8,years, free. - LO.O. F. DISTRICT 'MEETING Oddfellows and Rebekahs of Dis- trict number 10 areinvitedto attend the District meeting to be held in the Lucknow lodge room on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Cummer', Grand. Master of the :,Grand Lodge of Ontario, :will address the gather- ing. A program a'nd .refreshments swill be provided. • Friday,,. morning Wintry vjreatli'er Pd ti 14th anniversary of'.the - signing' of- and much showering' of confetti, the -the ,Armistice, to honor the memory of those who gave their lives in the. Great War. • , o Assembling at the -school at ' 10:45 AM., headed .l y the Citizens' Band public school children, Scouts, Guides and Brownies paraded to . the Town Hall, where they lined, around. the spacious 'auditorium for' the service, - The Village Council' and _members of the School Board' also attended . A, massed choirled- in. the singing of "0 Canada" followed by brief in- troductory remarks by Rev.''•C. H. MacDonald, and then in 'hushed silence for two -minutes the gathering stood with heads bowed. The Scripture reading was taken by Rev.- Campbell. Tavener., . With Rev. S. T. Tucker of . fering a• prayer. APPEAL FOR CLOTHING ip. addressing the gathering,- rev.. J. L. Burgess stated that, the Ceno- taph should not be thought of 'as a, War memorial, but . rather a peace •memorial:, indicative of the price that was ,paid for' peace which brought re- lease to the nations, after ,our years of carnage and sacrifice. The blessed- ness of peace must constantly • be considered and young minds impress- ed with the unnecessary sacrifice and cost, arising from war: ,Continuing he added that the. Mo- tives of those who fought 'and died were noble, being ;moved with a de- sire that their country should have peace and 'to this memorial service it was fitting that we come in' rever- ence and humility. Good will to oth- ers is the bases of peace and to this end we need the God of Peace, to dwell within us, were the speakers closing remarks. Vacating the Hall the • assembly grouped around -the, Cenotaph dor the placing of wreathe. Fourstteh• tri- butes were placed at the foot of the ,Memorial=one from the Women's Institute,• who are responsible for the arranging of this annual service was placed by Mrs. Will Douglas. The Province' of Ontario wreath,was placed by Reeve Robert, Rae, the Fire Company wreath by Kenneth ''iurdie and the wreath from Mr. .and Mrs. Thomas .Aitchison,. by Aylmer Ait- chison. • : - Thecerem n'y was concluded' by . o singing•. "O,'God Our Help In Ages Past.' and the National' Anthem, An appeal for second=hand Cloth- ing to be sent to Saskatchewan has been received by the United Church from the. Central National Relief Committee. A 'local committee has been appointed to attend to this mat- ter and contribiitio'ns in response . to this appeal will be, received in the churdb tbasernent on Saturday after • noon of this week, November 19th. bride • and groom left by motor about U. E. O. Issues CarlTo People •, • Farm 'Peo p • The Bread of 'Health The Bread I of Health OUR MOTTO IS QUA1ITY, AND . SERVICE, THERE'S A WEALTH ,. OF 'HEALTH IN EVERY LOAF OF HOL..LYMAN'S BREAD, '�VBIC 'GIVES YOU , BIG- • • .GEST `FOOD', VALUE.„.' ' 25c.' 'HOMEMADE. E.11I'ADE MIN.CE11fEA'I','IdQ'W.:READY 2 .lbs.•. OUR OM E •E - SPONGE JELLY ROLLS ':DAT.... • < CH.O'ICE LAYER ' CAK S, . , • • � • , • • , : -'UABES • TEA BISCU'IT`S, RASPBERRY -and •S;Q , TARTLETS, 'RAISIN and APPLE PIES. LiICk41dw----- • Purpose Unifying 'Agricultural For- ces,•=Will,'antroduce Measures To Reprove Present Plight. On .;Thursday,; December 1,; during the week of 'their annual convention, The United Farmers' Of Ontario, will throw their •doors open to all ;fani p eo le of the. province. In so doing P 1? ey are giving, a lead,` looking 'to-. ward. the .unifying ;af' all agricultural forces, as they did last July in.,spoil- orng a' farmers' delegation to Ot= taws: This farmers' mass meeting, which four o'clock for a week's honeymoon;, .is entirely separate from the U. F. O. the bride wearing ,a 'grey dress, ! `convention,. willabe..-held in the, :King coat with gray fox fur, blue hat .and `Edward Hotel, 35 King Street East, gray and blue: shoes and gloves.. Toronto, opening at 10.00 A.M.; and • On their return Mr. and Mrs. running both forenoon and afternoon Johns: will reside at 347 Lincoln Road, .sessions. Walkerville, to where the best wishes The 'suggested agenda for theday of a host, of friends follow thein. is ..contained in a • vigorous and virile `Message to the People of : the Pro 0,ince" just issued by'the executive committee- of . the • U. F. O. which •«non g other things calls for the 'fol- lowing: . - (1) The establishmentof a Nation- al Economic Council for the purpose of giving special attention to the problems of the distribution of wealth and to economic •Panning.. (2) Immediate action by the . Fed eral-• -Government o effect: (a) Parity with the pound sterling. ' (b)' A reduction in interest rates. (c) •A' scaling down of debts. (d) A more liberal 'tensionof cre- •kit; all of which' will help stem the tide of liquidation, enable industry to function -and raise the price level. {3)._Inanediateincrease of the In- come Tax lin Large• incomes to meet • 110 PUPILS -IN . • • KINLQSS INOCULATED 'Toa,Q id ' Inoculatiofl Being Carried On Kinloss -By.Local :Doctors,' In Last week we mentioned ythat.over ' one hundred children had been in- culated-for-I•he r-eventien-of---d ph: therie. at : the Toxoid Clinic in the• Town Hall. Since then we have learn- ed that this preventive 'treatmentis being carried .on' throughout Kinjoss Township. Dr. V. V. Johnston, M. 0, H.'for .Kinloss and .Dir. Wm. Connell, M.-•O..I•I..•for the .village_are_,adminis tering the toxoid. Already in, five _. . - •DZED �- ' CAMPBELL --1n the village of Lucknow; on Sunday, •Novem'ber 13th, 1082, William Roderick, infant Ott.. .... Of Mr. 'and Mrs. James ,Campbell. A rivate funeral was held at the imine 011ie late Mrs Allan MacLeod' :ktiti!•.'iiltermdnt. in liUinlogs oettieterl'y.e w r ���ra i -i ,. G .Qn'e SALE` ;OF . HATS—Ori 'Friday 'and Saturday,, November ldth' and 19th at—BELLE 'ROBERTSON'S: Mra. Howard ' Agnew is at' present a patient in Winghan ;General Hos .Mrs.._Traplin . orf Hamilton is visit ing at the 'home of her son, Mr. A. E. Tr-aplim • Miss Jessie Henderson has been quite ill for a couple of weeks suf- fering a severe attack of bronchitis. 'Mrs.' Will Johnston' left on Tues- day for an extended, visit with rela- tives in,Strathroy, Chicago and Win- nipeg.. - If you have an item of local : in- . terest, let • us, know about it. Don't take; it for'granted that we mayhave heard 'ab.dut it—often we have not.., Mrs: Wm. Gable . and daughter; Jennie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nixon and . son' Keith; of . Detroit,.,, .were guests overthe week -end`' of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon. .. pital. ' all unemployment relief needs. schools -in the -southern (part of -the : (4) Rapid and drastic •reduction, of township, one hundred and • ten child= all customs and exciseduties and ren` have received the, first of three h sales taxes on the. necessaries of life. inoculations. This treatment; which (5) Immediate and drastic action' is working •wonders to stamp out diph_ to prevent over -capitalization and theria, • will be given to, children, who anti -social financial 'jugglery.. ,, attend the other five school sections The introduction 'of other matters in the northern part of 'the''township. or -measures designed to improve the at a later date, probably next spring,, present desperate, plight of apicul- ture will be welcomed. All . individual.. farmers and • farm women are cordially invited to at- tend,'as well as representatives from all Township and County Councils, producers' organizations, . and other organized farm groups. Your Eyes and Our Service BY F. T. ARMSTRONG Lucknow DO' YOU SEE- NORMALLY? Before an exaiiiination that ques= tion cannot }ie answere3'intelli- gently by -:You. nor- us nor anyone• - else. There IS an answer ,to it, but no one kn'ow's' what' it is. Ou' examination will determine the need of`your eyes. and the st of � our service supply it - Continued next week 10 BLADES for, Gillette Razors, 35c. Mr§:. T. S. Reed ,and son Eldon,, were visitors last week with ' rela-' tives here, Mr. Reed was during the: week, one: Of a party on a deer hunt, 'north of Oriilia. Miss Rena Carruthers and Master Allan McKim: gave recitationsat' the • entertainment in` connection with the hot fowl supper 1. held in .Ripley United church on Friday. NEWSPAPER READERS Here is a , bargain in newspapers' that. ' ifl save you $1.50 on the regu- lair trice';- Which -is -1M- mean item of saving �„ t ' present.' The Free Press Mid The Sentinel for one year for $5:50, This offer holds good till Nov-, ember 30th only. Takeadvantage of it. No:matter when your subserip- tion expires, renew it now at . this saving ` Qid ... t.._.. ..•• REAL OLD TIME SCOTCH DANCE March. Of The Haggis Wilt Be' A Feature Of St. Andrew's Night, Ball' The Kairshea •Club are-. making• plans for a St. Andrew's Ball,. which gives• protnise 'of being a' real old time, Scotch. dance, '.which will .no •doubt attract a capacity attendance of old and young:• Thea- dance 'will 'be held in •the Town Hall,' on Friday evening, .November 25th, When. Mc- Cartney's orchestra and Pipers will supply music suitable for the . ocea- sian A feature of the evening will be the 4Iareh of the. Haggis. This promenade FilI take place just before lunch . is served. Pipers will' lead the procession around tho Hall, followed' by the Haggis, carried on a platter, ans •in -its - Wake, .Scotch laddies _and l a$•sies.... A Scotch dance and the sing- ing of Auld Lang Syne, Wilt conclude the March. The Haggis for tire" en- Iightment of the .younger folk 'is a 'testyScotch dish;, .made of minded ,, meati oatmeal, onions -and seasoning .and is ''served in burning brandy. BARN BURNED IN HURON' TOWNSHIP Farm Unoccupied --Season's' Crop Of Hay Destroyed • Mr. Edwin Smith spent the week- end in Toronto, taking in the hockey match ,.between New York 'Rangers and the Maple ,Leafs, the latter win- ning by a 4 to 2 score. • 'Mr. W. j. Todd spent the week -end. Kincardine this morning (Thursday) oy LEATHER. MITTS, . $r. 5c Alen's LEATHER MITTS, , ail Hide Face Pr. .0c' PULLOVERS, Pair ........ .1, ......%%P ALLADIN LAMPS: At .Almost Half -Price. at M:urdie s APPEARS TO -DAY • Albert . Stanley,. • Kinloss farmer, appears before Magistrate Walker ;in in Strathroy with Mr. and Mrs. D, • M. Johnston, returning home the first of the week, . aceompanied by Mrs.: Johnston who .paid a 'brief visit here. 'at 10 o'clock' in connection with the accident occuring 'in Bervie on Nov - 'ember .1st, when R. T. Brown.'of that ` village, was run down and killed by a car driven . by Stanley. At the in- aptaiti "Fearne'' of-Toron 0 was special speaker at ;both services in the Anglican :church on Sunday. while Rev. ;Geoghegan. conducted Communion services -at Ripley and Port Albert. Misses Emma McDonagh; Margaret. and Ruby McIntyre and George Topp -of -London; and, Hag- h--Jim-s Johnston_ of Brussels, were week -end visitors, Fire of. unknown Origin breaking out on Tuesday night, razed the barn on the' farm of George Hodgins; on the 10th con. of •Huron Township. A cow and a large quantity of hay .Pere destroyed.,• Mr. Hodgins resides ' in Ripley and - since ,retiring from the farm until a year ago had it rented. His last trip to the place was on Saturdayy, we are' told,,und word of the disaster reach= ed him in Ripley at ' a late hour Tuesday night. The barn was a 'structure about '56 x 60 with good' stabling. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Mrs. William Webster of town is ._ i a daughter` of t(t.•.'liodgins . ' • :quest last Thursday the jury exon- erted Stanley of all' blithe in•the fa- tality, who was released on bail in the eniount bf $1,000. ' • ATTENDII\TG. COUNTY COUNCIL. Reeve Rae, and David Carruthers, Reeve- of Kinloss- are this -week in - attendance at County Council in with the.'foxmer_s parents,_ Mr. and _Walkerton,_ which-_conizened-on--•Tues=- - - Mrs. Charles . McDonagh. The annual meeting of. the Citi- zens'' Band Is being 'held to -night: (Thursday) for the purpose of re- organizing. If you . are a citizen in- terested in the welfare of the band, your attendance is requested. Local ninirods who braved • the wintry elements, at, an early Hour, Remembrance Day morning in search' of geese, were doomed to disappoint- ment -the fowl was scarce and We failed :to hear of any who bagged a goose. . Mrs. Angus 'McKinnon has return- ed to her 'home here for the winter•, where she -will have .as her visitor, her- granddaughter, Miss Kathleen this district 'are' well advised to see McDevitt of Fort 'Williani. Mrs. Me- this' picture. itinnon accomipanied, her' daughter, Mrs. Letang, from Wallacebuxg, with whore she hail been..visitng. day, evening and 'isexpected to be 'a 3 -day.. session. George IL McKay, reeve of Bruce Township is the re- tiring Warden. According to custom this office will be filled by an urban, member of the council for the next term. SMILIN' THROUGH The above is the title of •a heart griping drama• appearing in. Wing- ' ham at the Lyceum Theatre, Thum- • day, Friday* and Saturday of this week, featuring Norma Shearer and Leslie• Howard. .This picture had a two -week's run in Toronto the • latter part of October, and theatre goers in Present Play at Kincardine, The local Dramatic Society present their play "Yimmie Yonson''s ' Yob" in Kincardine Town Hall on Tuesday evening.. The date at first had been Set .two week's early, but a Postpone- ment was 'necessary: During the in- tervening time The Douglas Payers filled a week'sengagement there and . as'a result only, "a - fair • crowd at- tended gin T i~e 'day -mel t. A -dande followedthe play. ' ,- • BOitN 110DGINS—At Walkerton Hospital' on Tuesday,` Nov., 8th, '1982, to Mr. and ' Mrs, • Earl Hodgins, a daughter. • ENGAGEMENT .ANNOUNCED The engagement is announced of Barbara Agnes, daughter , of • ;Mrs: Frederick Davidson, .and' the late Seines Weir,Winghani, ', Ont., •t' Edgar Garbutt Gaunt, son of Mr. Edwin Gaunt and the late., Mrs. Gaunt, Whitechurch, Ont., the Mar- riage to take place the latterpart of November. 1NMEMOitIAM Eli -4 • . aoving memong_of Adain albraith Elliott Miller) alio • passedaway the evening of :Nov.• 18th, 1980. Not just to -day but ev'ery 'day, in: silence we remember -II • Wife, SiaterS sand Brothers; is •