HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-11-24, Page 3.:"V" • ' , aaaa. •• • W-417' , Aro )10 •4. rAltrolotor , • • T 'FAT FOR YEARS • • 1,1v., !Gone Altogether r. • . , i A. woman writes:—"FOr nearly three years 1 ',have been :taking Kruschen Salts eery morning .1a.liet iwater, aad • have 1-st 68 lbs. of .fat. My weight . ' before taking them was 196 lbs, and alt la now 128 lbs, Compare the tiff- " ferieri".ea--it is marvellous: • My mother • and Mater are also taking Krusch.en . and4cits of our friends,•and think •they • . ' aie."wonderful. ' As regard4 diet, it 'is' not. necessary to do. one 'little lift of ', , . dieting; 'in.my case I• hey.e... never , . denled,Miself anything since.' started ,•,:ta,hingXrtiseheAfaalts. .1 walk eveit .. • • , , .• day.and '46 Of eat, many. potatoes - ::':' r'::••rt..... . :' mu,011. sugar:. -.14put:, think . shall ,evel'' . :be rittefutienough to I.ittischen Salts • " . ., s. for the greathelp..th-ey have been,:,,'a -... ne'aect:abali; never stoPt.taking ,theMi •„, ..,„' ''-' '..- thi awed them,"•(1410)'X: l'i . '' .... ,..fir''ecothiiell.diPg. them: ,te . yeople.-...I. ••,P1:4-4te: • . 'Taker . every Morning • . "Kitisehin . , :4' ,'• •••••effeetalt )yerfectlYliatat11.1 0.1.4ilee'0 ,, undlgested food 'substanc.'es,and all ex.. .. . • ' ceseive watery waste, matter. Unless ' • this wastage is regularly ieapelled; Na'fr •'!':: ''.:."rtiillt eVetituaIlY 'sfor.i It ,u.P eerie • • ' the way in the forte of•uglyjat.'" • 01,41'5ito• kestoOk Found 1 The inx,ge- Ntlieeu smokestack of the leopmative •"fitifl ,erin," the first •raliroad loaomPtive huilt. in Mentreal,.1Me• last been die- •00*-ered in Co:ration andoreseed- into • service es, e flower stanf, The "Duf- ferin" was deliveretria 18.53, to the. 'Carillion and Grenville' Railway, The discovery was ,made by a party of the Canadian Railroad Historical SeCiety which visited that town to. alloy tracee[of. the old, railroad...,The locomotive was built by. Kin:mond Brothers. of .Montreal in their plant .which..was .closed in 1887. ',The stack. stodd six feet high and was live feet saeross.: at the mouth. It was burial four feet deep In the „man& aad. it 14 feared._ that the sheet iron of WhiCh it is made may bave. ihstPd.'away-,Underabe soil, It' ,is tehen and .a". much as: •pasitible preiterieci,, • '• - , betS, own oil ..-11Otne,-Sdniple* of thefirst mia ra! edit fauna in thejitalleft potses; sions •haVe .reeently t reed:led They cOme Zirto,yrt..,tlie,' Idlands, 'in the'Red Sea, 'wherg oil hits been. struck in Considerable quantities. • Wait Illegttiteet.,'..- • and''delightful presents God haS•gfven us.—Lather. • ••" is Do ,Yo.Know? ea-"••••:Area..:::oalao . ::::..... .. . . ., . .. : ..„„ .. . :::::!::::::. V. .. - - . . - • . l,. •':.:litila*Klala::: :::*::::::::•:•:•:.•:::::::,: • 4. • s,•'1' r OUR Cit(* -WORD PUZZLE' 1.. 12 3 • 5 6" 8 13 9 10 ft 7 20 2 18 -19 2 2 , 25 Zo 7. '33 3 3 41 45 50 46 . 51 39 47 , 43 7 61; 63 6'? 67 Horizontal 5, -Self-satisfied • 9—Cry. of 'Crow 12—Except : • ,..4.3 --Mexican coin 14—To hasten „ 15,Ceneerni 16—Kind of j Oket 18—Side 20—Concerning 49-1V1inerals 60a -Kind ,Of -harp 52:1•Street car . ..• 54—Article • ' '85—Demon • • 4 r 58. • , • 57—Scrutinizes , • • Z9-8yinbel for calcium •• '61—PoesessiVe Pronoun 63—Erstwhile • '.7—Worn - '22 --Pertaining to ear • 68—To bear . • 24:-;-Spiket 759--7Situation 27—Cards- • Vertical • . 1. 29—Variety of•earn..atan 17 -Overly '• •. 3—Spanish article -'34—Dregs- ,4= --;To color • 36:•Musicel rake , 5-Spacks 37—Moves stealthily „ 39—Orie who attends- 7—Pronoun an g sa I 10 ). 42-4o translate ' 44—Unsteady light 10—Sloth 9—Inexpensive • • , That the above scene is a familiar, every -clay Occurrence in many parts of 'rural' Quebec? The old spinning wheel, regarded as an antique by many, is .,the Mainstay of many, households la northern Quebec. • 1. PHILLIPSt, 6.s.r. 01 f, MACH cv.4 teat vaa(o Bur ACT save irrellAc gttaersoin4.1 CtoorririalP, alas.14APg' "Matte In CariaSa" • IP The -sensible vray-z-the'doctor's way—�f treating that sluggish, "run-dovia" condition is to use Phillips' • 'Mint of Magnesia. Try.it instead of something just • t� "incree the bowels." See how much -better you feel—and continue to feel for days after! The anti- acid action dears the system of all those' pOisong that cause headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite: Get the genttine; took for Phillips on the wraPper. •ALSO IN YABLEVFORMI Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. 8-7t'e--• now birliale-stilrug Abler everywhere; Eath tiny tablet the equivalent of a teaspoonful ofi.genuine Phillips *ilk of Magnesia. - • • • • 45 -•-•Scotch: every 11—Pronoun - .4.7Garment • :• •••• 19: ---Old pronoun. , • ,21.!•—Holiday. 2:8-Testiaioni4ls • 27—To attack 28----GermanriVer,' 33—Pieces , • 3,5—Poddf pit • 38 --To season • ,* 40—Old Irith capitol 43—Straight 46—Malay knife (variant) money' • • •• 51—Type unit. 53—Pronoun . 58-Kitelien vessel 58•To•soslt- ' '• -'„' GO—Itis* •61—Proractim • 62—Exists • on know it's "good tee! se. RED LABEL* 25c Ib 2 0 27. •We 'sayies greiteit yam you.c-n buy • 9144 Laffs‘',. • -The weatherize • dreamea.that•himeelt •• was dead"; • •',„' ,• ," That he stood:by his nionument,• tall, .",and4ead ": The, mesSage• . hung • •,'44 lajoad,' •V• Fr "Probably Warmer" AT,‘Vt all if • said., +p4 --•-Negative , • ftrrepea-u-+Ilier-,. • • .411•MNIMINI1.1 A Welcome . • ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S ' • PUZZLE „ Christmas Gift• D AME S W A. I Sj ':•MY ' 'By H'ELEN. WILLIAMS. AULET LASTLY IUustrated esdnza1iij, Lesson Ftrr- n7s4ed Witk Every Pattern. , • this sim:line dance set of French inspiration that can easily be -made at home, is a, •thing to he wecomed. ,he Yoke -panties are side-cloing. Each leg is in six seetions 'and slight- ly scalloped at the etse. -The bandeau dotes at the back. You can make them in your spare moments. It's lovely "pick-up" sew; ing. Run the,seams up on the sewing machine. The edges finished by hand, lend French accent. tyle No. 2994 it designed for•Size.s 12iT 14, 16, 18, 20 yers; 36 .and 38 inches bust. Size 16 requites 1% yards of 39-ittch material with 5 yards of binding. Crepe de chne, flat crepe satin and noveltyrepes are dainty mdiams: PIPONIT TO. ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and addrs s 1', giving number and size of such patterns ai you want. Enclose 15e in stamps or coin (Coin preferred; wrp' it carefully) for each ntimber, and address yur'brder to Wilson Pattern S,ervice, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto: I cOnsider a human Soni without AO. MAMA in tetitatr4 rhih,, shows none of its Inherent Tea:titles until the skill of the Polish- er Mthes oat the colets and makes te surface ;•shirie Joseph Addison. • 17 N E N 0 a R 0 T -E- s Y R T RS RA r AN (.17 V. E. E s, P .11 Y P A. N S (7. R E AR rm. 0 R G'v A v4A N T. L D a A It D E• A .DEMITS TRADER ,,SHEDS • Fleet of Sea Planes To Fly' 'Round World • Rome.—Thq,nost ambitions group flight yet Wen. : • by any nation is expected to take placc•net March or April; when twenty-four Italian sea- planes,- under .cornmand of General Aldo •Pellegrini, • will set out from Orbetello, nearRome; for a road-the7, Wbrld , The planesselected for this flightt which the Italian. Air Ministry has een prepaang, for carefuly for ,the last two' years, are Savoia•Marchetti machines of the S55 tpe, fitted with • rew Isotta Fraschini engine. develop- ing. from 750 to 800 horsepower and having a speed of '200 kilometars •(125 miles) an hur. The flight is to be made by Stages, the seattlanet stopphg at thirty' dif- font localities before returning to t•his,country.. Two bseswill be estab- lished, presumably at New York and -Th-a-eWof llie ;flight is not to establish any new recoaal but sirtiply to test the regularity.of the machines' in long-distanee flight. General Italo Balbe, Italian Air Mnister; General Giuseppe Valle, chief of the air star, and 1111, the flY- ers tvlio took paikin theitaliai for- matiori flight across the Xtlantic two years ago will on this ft:ht it is ielieved also that the Duke of Aosta, who receatly joined the Italian air farce, will 4ke prt, thus being -the first • member of a royal fainily. to cross .the Atlantic by air. (Each ma- chine will carry a crew of four. The fligh: will last abott four months. • Beauty Vie beauty of the house is odcr, The blessin,g a the I owe is content- ment, 'Ph o glory of the house is hospitality, The erowa of the house is godlines. • • Sittramis• ..arariasmismiOnalai For col.ps "I always use IIABY'S OWI' • TAE - LETS to break tip my baby's colds," writes Mrs. Wilbert Colquhoun, Stur- geon Falls, Cirit. "When I See a old coming on, it is to . BABY'S OWN TABLETS that I turn," Writes, Ws, Robert Greenhorn, Philipsille, Ont. . Mother t everywhere report !alike ratio • of the safe; sure results that follow the use di lAtit'S OWN 'TABLETS in • treating ehildterA's colds, teething . Auhles„. elm uleaemers,disofderek, stomch, constiatioa; 25 oats. Da-Willtams° • 246 4A0V1 OWN. TAFILETS • Sweet' Young ' Thing — "I belie brought this 'book, back'; inOther says isn't fit for me to read." Librarian -4f• think your -Another must be'Mistaken." • ' Sweet Young Thing ----"Oh, no, She isn't. I've i:ead it all.through." • Yothink my mus- tache is heeerning?" • 1 Ilitaneeena.--U_Lraay be coming, but 'it hasn't. arilved yet." . Wheat aad Chaff ---,•-There is ,-iao virtue -in ,being _a • go- getter; unless Yon are going_after the right things.: Nothing warms a girl's •heart aa quickly at. pramleing tO ga thro.ugh fire for her. Itycia,watch the clock rhen you :are twenty, ;Yon are apt to be a watehnide- when you're sixty., lf you. don't. want to grow, look:for ,an easy job. It Is easier to shift the hlaine "than to weigh your ' ...• A N Tcir'"'BV.E' A a. talva:Nalcit • .„,„ ' • 1.4st et want ee .110. • ' .• • Inforrnati aefit free. Inie „Ramsay•Ociltr- '1 ' • any. Worrd.:1±'it.teni Artornev..arl. 318 • ottayvai 'Canada, •,';„ • , • • ' attk14.0''' AND , , • •-•'•' 1..„'IcOekereAt.-“7.Barredn.,,Itocite:, ••••• alecks;!..waaneett.ae"arkal!Pe.ghOrte,!: • Twedsltio,:•••Fitroirs;.. . • •.; • ..••'" • ExPlotted.nd., Ptiblished. Attractive: melodies. Com- posed to poems 'and lyrics. F.earson- abie rates. Frank and legitiMate. Ma- terial examined and' commented upon without obligation. YEICEREI JONES, • ' 865 'Water $t., Ptterborough, Out. • husband appears to be, a girl .always ' feels she Might have done better if• •, She had_ “shenued • around" a little • 101-e• . " • • Reformer (to proStrated Win). • '.And no this is the work of tap, Is JO", 7- •fProstrited kaii—"No, sir; this li the work of a banankskin,:tir," • Young woman, • before Judge, said • she had never been in any trouble un- • til after lie was:married.' -oWn--weaktresk-----tvireft—A—fieb 'Mail • • lov.es them and leaves them; he usual- ly.leaves them. a plenty. ' The night has a.--.4touSand 'eyes and then can't' see-lalf as much ..as a jealous woman. The more decks. and watches there are in the housethecifteaer somebody. asks'aomphody elde what time it is. To•avoid being late it is necessary to start early. it is well tcafollow good adviee; but: be sure you catch ap' wi h it once in a while. A mule usually kicks because he 'doesn't want tci „go anywhere --which is exactly like some people • .A•rnaii .doesn't know hers old. 'Until he's 'eightY., but al woman. starts worrying at twenty-iive. Many, a .Pre- mising 'Young Man turns••out te be a Man who. keeps •ori • prinnising. • • . , ______ , . , • • . -First Pes4mist—"It's hard to make both ends•peet nowadays." .• Second Pessimist"Yes, and jest when they are about to meet some fool cornea along and moves the ends." • ______ . . , Horace sagely reinar.a, that when 3. man. Is (loin • , the best_h_e_cran„,.fie_do not want to have somildle bystander tell him how to dig in harder. . .. The Crowd (at foothall,gante)—"We want,a touchdown! We want a touch= down!" • • . Smelt Voice — Papa, -I want a sack Of peanuts." , . . .Do not worrry about' the rising gen- eration. There is nothing the matter with it that age 'won't aure," '. 4 a'onian didn't want her party writ- ten in the paper as she had informed • • • • her folks she was too hard up to ., any Christmas gifts this Season, anti didn't 'want her mother-lialaW to hear aboutiter_party... .. _ _. _ - • - - ,- .- -- Small. Boy—'stiadtly, dear; what d they mean when 'they say 'Civic Pride'?" . wa Puther—Well, on, it's . something .like this. If the state institution for 'the feeble minded :8 located in our town We refer to it as a state ;.o.§ - other city,' we Cali it the insane asy• Int:Intel:: if, however. it is located '. • ha- , • • 6-111111 if' how titg '1-81'glli" Lr Look for the Natne DR PLUMB'S PERFECT PIPE The name is stamped on the bowl of every genuine Dt..Plumb's Pipe and the word "PLUMB" is impress -7 ed hi 'white on the tubber mouthpiece. BEWARE O. IMITATIpNS Many clifhpOent 'nod els to claque from • Ntodei Natal • • RE E • .Music Lessiins in your own home on the instrument 'of• your choice With Guaranteed Results, Write for deiails without oblice- ion, men writhe. your favorite nstru me nt. WI1ALEY ROYCE 8z CO. LIMITED 237 YONGE ST., TORONTO sisamanion.--KaErmiamtrn--- • .---Eamisa OFF COLOUR? .1.10W IS YOUR LIVER? • Wake up your Liver Bile • —Without C4 )mel. • • Your liver's a very tonall organ, but it. ern'. tainly can put your digestive and eliminative organs out -of kilter, by,refusing to pour out its •' daily twopounds of liquidbile into your bowel' You Won't completely 'correct such a condition --by-taking-sitharoil,rinneral-vraterrlatativevandY----= or Chewing gum, or roughage. When thy've moved your bowela they're through -and you need a liver stimulant; Carter's fittleLir P11' will soon bring back the sunshine into your life, They're purely vego, table. Safe. .tinre, Ask for them by name. Refuse ' • 48, 0 • • , tedtIrreani eoua, part; .onard`t and weet oil, canoe rd 1. Or . Spread on brown paper. Apply to porn or Scald. Lteforo tong the Mix s . 11 . painful smarting stoi's 00 ,WEAK WOMEN Take Lydia E. Vegetable .Compound ilave Yalu ever telt that you Were too weak to do anything . 0 that yo' ind tit have the strength td do roar Wornen *borate weak and rutvolowzt silmairt take a tonic sea) to taanti Pinklianfri Vegetable+ C,ompoun. Md. aches and' baCkaches that Ore GI° rctut �t a tired, ten -down condition often yield to tbia ttisirVeloila thedich.w. 95,out OI every IO O arpte .;10_renOrt tO tisgay that tlIcy are beneCted by t7.:s redieine. Buy a bottle from yotit' ikl6t todav . . and wat'el404 raufts. 151iE N. 47-32 . 4. 44