HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-12-08, Page 7•Aott vor-A " ••:' • e• • •-,..4.4.i,e,e-•.••••• • •°, ••••, :,,,,,I•woretwotteA 4"."•"°:".A•TottPrttl*itiOktrt , ^ 1,111171°*,.1.17' 4°•„?Cf: • , 14, :11 • ete *t•- it` • ••••• *"."*".e 0.omemoom000 oo, Iiireu ithikttetewpj Peeembee Iii91,• • olo,eged:perio4 of here titne0 aced 4.4119.et diffigdlt ProPkin • nteayfga,:'`'World-farnoils HiseVitel • litiz,T, iek lohildrenwheel ooie the P ji •• •hetIi.:0IerIt•eblie iveit yen w, Mere. : • "" hi es nutshell: • • • • • • -• TheHos�itul_ hoe nursed lune cos" • ••, lea* 1,004 small sufferers,. an •' *Creeze 01.007, overthe heel of ten * • PonitIele yebr. mialtioe ii4,eez• •'beet/emits were given to tee treat OntePatlent Bepertment, en ineream, l60112...On one day 02d ticatmants. Were reettrded •In the Previous 'yest•' • thank Was similar growth in the • •.deMmid rnergifUl Miird- thine of the HoSpitid. • While* all this . hitt been going be the •• 'the gtli,arititiotrui 'from the' kinclAlearted •• , havo decreased' by. many thousands •i of • dollars,..treating the situgtion• of ' lar more to no clone sad.far leas to • ,do. it with. • ' • , . • • • •• •. The ,itetutery grants obtained by., the Hospital .fall• much short ci feeing ••••. • peffiCI:ent-•to pay or the actual cost ••• of ipiehltertance•ot•the1tte patient . and -ekch:eeettienal intalW added defiett o'sThe thsk CI brOgii10.• the gap AIettireen: the .0st .of., opera-. '• • • ,lrtion • and,operating 'inconie baa 't • '' .listMily.heeiv•e,CCottiPllehed-Olc'enn,tra•!. btitlonb.IroM• the ,berievoliarlL ---- ••-•:•• Vie hospital has 'retained; the maps- Ity of its friends who kindly donate t. wOrk--Yelitly..And is Continually misting new ojtea, donations • • • lolled- toe•tioniewhat. alartribagtent In the, response to last year's appeal for funde and there has been little improlieinent in that respect thiough- • • out the" year.. It Is. unthinkable' tItat , ' • • any, child needingthe humane am.- . . vice provided by the 'Ildspital ,should . be refined. the :Trustees are. anxImis •w"",•• and Lean Only hope, that*the kine -n • hearted people of the province will. , see them. through the difficulty by . most generous response to the present appeal*. • benevolence has builtthe . Hospital for „Slika•TCliirdt",f17-to-the---- proud eminence of being . the finest tnetitution Of its, kind in..the World. Its country branch at Thistletown is a recognized . model and persons In- •• terested in Child welfare come : . . parts of the' globe to inspect itt ' Any child -in the Provirice...of Ontario, ' deformed., or tilseaSed, 'is .eligible for. • • admittance' to this wonderful' insti- • • - • tution, where. the"' :very • finest treat-:• • ' , • • mint known to medical and surgical • • .science le .at • once. available. ' There , • Is no clues .or creed distinCtion. The • tient best ,that .any Hospital can give • bi placed. within easy: teach Of the • poorest child.. e • :Now, more urgently . • than ever • • • • before, is the Hospital •'need' of• • '. contributionsandno amount would• •• be Considered. too small. Please. the benevolent in . yourcommunity • to helP. Tell them that the -story. p. • • ,tote SRO 130# , • • „ 13,y. 'W11.14.1kUP. iligitr4t4I'Vie8sirta1c, 4 Least* Fit.r4". niehed With •Overpefaifern. 4 ;16',4'" . , .Ao.. • • ,•rr -rveeee :14 " • • ' • A 1•3083 . .- . . . •'A .snapPtdresa,that w:ilt add . lehit• of chic to yokni",wardrobe;..ie tl•ds.wine red •tOugh.' crepe. silk.. ' The, bone.but- tons,. -itssole .trirn, are 'In..self tone. :its slee.k, , slendet .i lines, "makes" .t anited,Ior the'rniet or matron, • • .-- -. Crepe satineis• another 'nice Choice. in tobacco. 'breWn shade,. that as very bect.mir,g and. ISractical,, and en, a& 'v0:need fall ;idee. . . :,- : • .' : Its Coat • willI be Ar ery email, .-- ' - Ftele No 3063 -is •designed fi•r:,:sizes 10, 18 years, 36, 88, AO and 42 inches • • . . bust. :- ,' ".::: : ..: . 'Size -.36 Tegteres 81k4. yards of '29,-. inch 'material. '• - ...: ,. • - . HOW TO 'OLDER PATTERNS:: .•' . . . , . . .77li:ite your•name and address plain-. • ly; giving number and • :size :Ad •such • • 1:--0001(3, loot jant--; 2 • 42 -Auxiliary verb.. '• 3.3-:-OPPs'Sea •••‘• Nvitli "•gc/deul 43 -Lines roof • 16 -Joins • touch 45•L--Anireal • • 19 -Respects • • 1I -Race officials •. • 467•7Part o "to ben • • • 21 -Zealot • 13 -Pledge •47 -To ireply.• , 23 -Coins • 14--COnjunCtion • r• 497 -Look 25 -Color, •15 -Form. of insurance 50--Elemeetary sub -h • 27 -Overly 17 -Pronoun '•• stant.es •• . ••29--TOOth • . 18e -Te cool• 52 -7 -Bird ' • 31 -Sea nitsplis' '3,1=-_,Wander'ere., • 21--e-A dandy. : 55.7 -Animals,•• . 34 -Neat ' . t Vertical 36-phystdian. • • ;. 1)readeel . • A •MARTYR y ' 'TO RHEUMATISM It must .1taYee ' taken •some time for this man's rheumittiem to :have: be- come go severe.• He does not reey any- thing about that. : But he doe e make it clear that it needek only fohr or flye 'months of Kruschen to make him forget all about the pain he once suf- fel-ed., ' • ' • This is what he writeie-7"1 have of- ten Been lereschen annetineemetitain the•pa.7?ra, and I think it is .only fait that I also should' give, a- oriel' testi- mony. I have used Kruiehen :Salts for over • tweeyearrh' Before I stated .„tO 'nee it, I Was trinibled With rheum:a t:dein, very badly, cllieDY-• .10. ' ip1..'$' •••40:‘ 'I hid teat; bad, I, Mead te:, fstA,dowii• in: ,th.e.. iitree0"l• , But thisi %teat .18 Or :20..:° months J;Irave':neeet felt anything. at° alli::. In fact,: I lava fergetten:ii'l,altee getlier",-.Whereae heferal•iniedtki read eing out. KrUschen is more valuable And at Yoe' coritiriee with: the little l';•!. :011.?' -f. L' ' :' . •• daily. dose 'of HrusChen, your .Tliole . . • - • • the Hospital, covering 57 years._ lc not that of merely ,adding, cot to cot •• and -ward toward. It is the story of •a battle constantly waged against disease and deforinity, with all the ..• •• • eadVancing, resources of the medical • and surgical .iciences., It 'is a story, . • 'of demands*Which have ever exceeded • the finanCial resources, 'but ...Which,. • • • have alwayd-bee et--larieneroust • response to appeals for Aid. But for • this generosity the Ilospital would many , times have been bankrupt. Ask your readers, please, to prevent it from becoming so now. • • " Faithfully yours, • neyous 8. ROBERTSON. • • 'ratterns as you want. E c ose c • • Trustee. • 22-ePoin of moon- • 24-44 irritation ' • 25-Veseels •2 -Amphitheatre .:26-1Pedef1'-eader's word 3 -Part .of "to be" • •28 -Te. support • 4 -To clear , ' 307 -Men's name 32 -Girl's 'name 33 -To shrink ••7. Indignation • 35 -Biblical town • 8 -To. perform '37e -To arrive •9 -Nut ; 5-,e-To.Suppoee ):• 8 -Provides 'crew • Ancient Chinese Mirrors, • Mirrors were Important to the Meese nOt :only as aidi te vanity but also becanse. of :the beliefthat they • .diepelled evil spirits and goblirie„ ac- • cording to, Dr. Berthold Laufer, ca - tor of inthropolegy. . The • common superstition that breaking • a •mirror• • 'brings bad luck prevails in China and. 1'( „.1 • goes far back into antiquity "The breaking of, a mirro. in China . • . ' augurs a iieparation from one's wife by death or, otherwise arid is second ' in evil potent only to smashing an oil ▪ ,, jar," Dr. Laufef,said.• "An O/d legend tells of a husband and Wife who were • -compelled to part, shortly ,after hrea:k- .. _ big a udrrer. Each took half of the broken Mirror asia7-pledge-eflitielitY:- . Sibbequefitly the 'wife violated 'her Promise of fa:ithfulnees, and et part of the mirror changed into a Magpie which flew to her husband to tell him. stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it `carefully): for each ;number, and actress your order to Wilson Pattern Service '73 Wesi; Adelaide St., Toronto. ., . t . -..---e,....-.... . . • Rep'ose b • How vainly menthemselves amaze . To win the palm, the, oak, or bays, :And tbeir incessant labours see • 37 -to gnash 39 -Political group • : •41-ePacks 43 -Cabbage -like: plant 44 -Remainder ,. • 47 -:Vehicle • • . 1 48 -Rather ' • 51 -Toward • • 53 -French article •4k, Owl Laffs .. • . , • ChriStinas , • • • 'Again we...approaqh eliat..!0,ught;t,o, be the happies.t. season of the 'yar!-- 'Christmaii. How it has always thrilled einCe, childhoodt But 'how about' those' WhO. have not beat sa fortiinate this year? Let us, spend ouriChriatinas ..• Thie legend led to the decoration of many Mirrors with carved or other re- presentations' of magpies." • . Until the introduction of."glass mif- Pura from_Illoropc,, in comparatively modern times, all Cbineso mirrors . Were cost of,,bronze, sometimes allOy- '0 With. gold or solver, or of iron, the reflecting surface being highly polish. ed by ineans of Mercury and • some - tithes by a coritieg of black' lacquer. The backs were Usually artistically decorated. Mirrors were used in •burials, being placed face downward In thegraie with the idea of lighting the grave and keeping evil spirits away. It was the ancient belief that •spirits and goblins could render them- ' pelves invisible, but tlu t their images Would aton ee becemelrieible when re - fleeted, in a mirror, and to avoid this ,they -would retreat from mirrors. For • this reasOn, Dr. Laufer say", mirrors .• 'NM function as icharms and are ea - ,• vended in front of bed curtains: •elrow I'd from some single herb or tree, , Whose short and narrow verged shade Does PrudentlY their toils upbraid; , While all the flowers and trees. do • close • • , . , TO :the garlands of Relapse. • •, • lee--,Anclrew Marvell. been. eng4ed a long time, old man.- Why delft ymr marry her?" "I've been thinking about -.Toe-Mit where should I spend my evenings if I did?" -4 • "A womart" ,eomeone •else suggested tha".. it °Was for the same reason the they sing hymns and not hers. • • gang. ; 91# o _to • • . And stoniaeh---and keep 'them •n1 • ,smoothly,,and efficiently. as int. °. • • tended.' The reward of this tnternal cleaiil»ess 18 a freshened and in vigOitt' atedP blood-Streini which. &Jursej, - ti:/i.01.10 I yqu4: veinS•4,•;driV,I..nk all inin art- • , '• • tLes hetore it ' PoisotOs uaac a• etith'•ite,needia-Pointed, crystals :S e)il• •Pelled ,thro„kh ;1.44. natural ,401/161:4;"•:,• 7; or" 4' • • , Wife -"John, the :c1,.ek off the will,eInd if it had beine. Minute soon- er it would have hit poor, metlier!" John -9 alwCys said that clock was • slow." •• • • this._:_y_ear in the most unselfish way - . Wife-7"I'in going to town this after - that we have ever deee. If you. do no , personally, know .some 'Wilily with whomto • share a happy.••Christmas, make inquiry among',yoUr friends led they Will.give you the °name. Of .some worthy one: in spreading joy amongst the unfortunate, you are also Spread-. Ing joy in your own heart:, " • Sehool Teacher.(dUring English les- son) -"I didn't have no fun .at the sea,. side." -How should 1' correct, that, • Jack -"Get a sweetheart, Miss." • Tailor (measurieg a new customer) -"What about a 'small' deposit, sir?" • ,Custemee-"Tust as you like; put one in if it's stylish." - Reading in buses is very bad for the eyes, 'rites an optielim, ,Especially when the person whose paper you are reading won't keep still. • Most successful men are just con - mon people who applied themselves in an :unce,nineiti • When someone asked why prayers art, ended with "Amen" lristead of • • • Aiding Others The race of mankind would: perish . did they cease to aid each other: Wordsworth. I • .-,EalitTeething• • . "Baby Ca all ifis teeth with no tro' ''thank to BABY'S OWN TABLETS,'L , l • Writes Mrif. Thomas Shaw, lIamiltoit',", • Ont. Scores: of other. Mothers hill.'" • wtitten hi vein. . aye YOUR chilpt BABY'S 0 TABLETS ter teething troubleS, tipet sadder"); 'tdispie fevers,' coldb siffiettipatiOrit aleeplesifiese, Or wherie 'fs crosS,. restless and fretful. EasY tti • •. Oa as eandy: and. absolUtely SAFE • •stualYsell certificate in each 2S -tent • tlatta,-Over_i,apiaokpacji,sgios , irt Williams* • OWNIABLEA + Do Yoil Know? • Llubby•----"ShoPPing?" ' Wife ---"No; I won't have time. • I just want to get some things I need." Each "little daily dose" oe:eruschen. ,beiug-e-bodY . a - 9 cot:a:anti -".a-- aelentifie--colulrination-of --thepur‘ifying-fer.......,.., ......,,,...,„,,z,1114„F.,:t„.,,,_;,,,, _ Mineral salts which:stone up all your • lrusehen Salts la. ohtainahl•ir. at ail. Organs of eliininatien-aver, kidneys DrugStores at 45e. and ''le. per n2ttl •••• ° - ..._.-..„ ....„-=.-.,* • 0.• 1 A newsparer headline reads.; "Burg- lars Surprised by Bank Officials Work- ing Late-."' • „ • Who 7ouldn'tbe?: Dramatist-"WhY, are you going •away already? There -are three more acts to come." . Goeit-"Sorry; that's why I'm goiee away." • •ANSWER 'TO LAST WEEK'S • • • PUZZLE • EMOTE NV I T C T E D. Ft • M R M I E T D A R R U 0 B R 3 T D E 3 R 0 11 5 T S T '3 E R T 'NO"To SS ,,LEAD'S • REGENT LOOTER R • Ciissified Advertising • A N• OFFER TO EVERY' I N OM ° Pt. 43 List of wanted inventions .•.314 • information Sent free. The yzantsay 00111. any. World Patent Attornqs. 279 ;:ana• Street. Ottawa. Canada. AHTIolfiES---FOZt-BA.IX lat UBBER GOODS, DRUGGISTO' r31.1N., • •IL DRIES, vvholeSale Prides. 'Write • • catalogue. Supreme' Specially Co.,. 9tI • WelIington West, Toront0. • 0O. • .• Wrong Number • • Brown had dialled his Isombotele- phone number.• ;• - "Hullo," he said, "Is that Mrs. Prown?" ••••• _ • .!"This is Jack speaking. I say; dear, will it be all' right if I bring home a couple of friends- to dinner?" • • DATi dIoilitlitliatir. what 1 said?" "Yes. -you. -asked• -if you could, bring' a couple of • friends to dinner. Of' curse you Can, dear." •• ' ,"Serry, madam," he said, Preparing to ring off. • "I've got the wrong Mrs, Brown:" •• ' - • Young Wife (returning to, village af- ter runawaymatch)-"I suppose my elopement was. a nine -days' wonder?" 'Village Worthy --"It would' 'ave been, mum, :only Buggins's dog went mad the same evenin'." • Young Wife --"Pierre is ' perfectly, Wonderful to me mother. He ,gives me everything 'I ask fo-r." ' Mother -"That merely shows, my dear, that you f.re no't 'asking for enough." , • Employe (,,, office boy who wants •i afteriabou ff for grandrothees funcr- al)-"My oy, be economical. 'Don't waste your grananiothert so early in the season;-.4ave them for the cup - ere ties." --- •, • • • Mary -"I didn't know Ted had any idea of marrying you." Ann -"He didn't. That was my idea." - . So many peoPle are so •busy won- dering 'what the other fellow' is doing that_t_liey„ themselves accomplish noth- ing. • - -- • , , • - • , •°•••"°,•••• • • ° newistowswors.wivifiox•wwx.xtvx•iv.v.,par.v.soo• v....••••••••••••••.,• -•••••••••.•*.t • CUTTING OFF THE FRILLS; • She -"I don't think 'mudh: of men,' e • , love, They. all want' to •marry wo-• Men%ith.money."°• • He -"Yon, are unjust.. They. would. be . Isatisfied with money • without • the, woinan."-4inswtts.. ' • ; : . . , • • , Clock DOes• Household ,,Chorea •.4 Swedish- engille'er has completed " Alt ' a Versatile grandiether's elock; cark. • :able of telling .the time an, 'peefoiiii:7 ingmally house,liold Earn $5.00 to $10.00 Daily 1 • ...-EFern• part time while learning': , lowing paY ..traare-Wririr vvelding, barbering, hair . dressing. • VoattionS open..• Inforrnaion cre'.. Employment °service • from east to Coast. •, Apply. • Dominion -Schools, Ileal Office, 49 Queen W. Toront'). • , • FRE E Music Lessons • In your own home on the Instrument of your choice With Guaranteed Re.sults. Write for details without obliga- • tion, • Mentioning your favorite instrument. • " & • CO. LIMITED 237 YONG'E ST., TORONTO' Philip, seven years Old, returned from playing with a little neighbor girl. • After a -thoughtful silence he asked:. Philip -"Mother, is it wrong for lit. tle boys tO kiss little girls?" • Mother -"No, if isn't wrong, but think you had better keep your kisses for mother and bnbjesiater for a while yet." Philip -"I'm sorry, mother.if 1 ought to have kept 'em, for there's seventeet gone already," • Friend --"You will soou forget her and be happy again." • Jilted Lover -"Oh, nd, 1 sha't. i've bought too much for her on the instal- ment plan.t? • • • Slight Drafts The fllow to whonl harp musicis distasteful is going to have * -tough time in heaven. •So long as you are happy; what does it matter whereyou are Or what yen havo? It ie all right to "give t,e devil hia titter hut il.We is no sense in adding a bonus. DO you really think you, are capable of sitting down t -day and telling same young man- what he really .should do? • • Gravity . Gravity, generosity Of soul, sinc,erity, earriestness a,hd kindness, coestitUte • pertget virtue.-Confaciutr. That the caribou j Abe Y on; MIgtate tWICO yarly? • in :the in the Autumn. they 'migrate south • wat' They ,alwaYa Nel in I go herds and iiet even the awlfteat itty ittelynroveraentfrotn-Ipnevart-nt,,the-.contry_to...Ant___ ether. The •' 4 , y a email pOrtion Of a large lierd • '*1 w1 iteherse iver in the Yelion. • •We pity inOthers only thomieVile Whin We have Ourselves exeriended. -Rousseau. . • . ISSUF No.. 49-1'32 Loolc for the Name flRPLUMB'S PERFECT PIPE • nomets stamped. on the bowl of every • genuine Dr. Plumb's Pipe and the word "PLUMB" Is impress." ed in- white on 'he •• rubber mouthpiece. • BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Many cll I Went mod' Ws to choose from. Model No.1.97- 0111111.161.002. 20 00 Trade iniquities to: 0.1131NOVICI-i ' HAKEI,L LI M iTeD . 44014101H Si. • - MOritreal, Que. ITS LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL $0 WRETCHED Wake Up y.our Livei tile • •. ClOmel necessary •'Fr you -to feel healthy and happy. your • liver must pour two pounds of Ei quid bile nto your boels, every day.Without that ble, wobble starts: Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. liOTY Can You %meet to clear up a situation like this completely with mere bowel-rnoving atts, oib_minral water, laxative randy nr chewng um, or rrailleae? They don't i.ke up your You. need Carter's °Little Liver Pills. Pinel • vegetable. Safe. Quick andaure r'4'4411i A'4 for themby name. Rehise suhstitutes. 2.5c. 'ut all drugists. 54 HELP FOR TIRED WIVES Take Lydia E. Pinkhames Vegetable Compound Wives get tired during these herd times. They are the ones who must bear • the burdensof the fmily. When the husband comes borne with less' money in his pay envelope . Wis. the wife who • must struggle alongAnd make the best of things. Il you aro tired worn out nerous. try LYdla E. Plukhara's Vegeta- ble Ctimpound. What yoe need,is a tonic that will give you the strength to Carty On. • 98 out of every 100 *omen alio 'report to us °say that they are benefited. by this medleine. Buy a bottle fiora your drug- gist today . . . and watch the reaults. 1 1 1 , 6014,17 TAKE NOXIOUS DRUGS. :\ MOR S giTil"FimiNc4 OT UNCEIrr At- • TV -No NAtisEoUe MEDICINES ASsured Results front • MENSTRUAID ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS , ••' • sientepie for several treatments, in Plain wrapper t4:1th f•ta Difertiens. Ilgular, size $3. 8pecial siie $.5 oastpat 1 • WALTANNE .REIVIEDES; Dept, W• •2'' College Street, Toronto,. -----ZId.'end ICOrthren. 1, •• •Lyman Ltd. ° ''.4,••••••°41,41‘tir.,119,7•6 o'• .6.-• • ' a. • • '