HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-12-08, Page 1II '•
$2 00 PER REAR I°N'' AliVAMCE:
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lueknow
Hours r 9-12 A. M. ' ..1.30-5 P.M.
PlI O E 53 , : X-RAY
fie still have 16." Wood at $2.50,
deliered.-- •ti.
The ,Lueknow Table ;Co, Ltd,'
r ' he
` -' 'te lett 'on r
.Q�f ..d s� p, ...
ppiy'to' Jahn Fnerish, R 7,;Luekniaw'
Dung 82-r..-13.
'ed Pant u.
•.-�.P t tl
ALFA-- „p .fi
leg Priiniilas,; Zelas,' 'Boston Ferns.
Begonias,. etc.; , etc. Call and inspect
these pan a 'our green' ouae. •
,r Mrs "Aueiia[ Solomon- Ltxeknow.
Corning 'Eileen. ts:• I
First' Desertion; 60c.
$absequent 'Insertions; 25e.
='S.JFIIr00'TIl G-11/ At011i .: e —
A 'shooting match will be held at
Ezekiel H d k o • g; ,neon' s; L ot :l ,,C' on. 3 ►
*iron, on `Monday; Decear,_ber 12tR.•
apt ty :of Geese ruff{ Chickens.
Sheeting commences 1,30 .o'clock:
The •Lucknow.:Girl Guides willhold
a display ;,and sale of Toys at .Mrs:
McKim's�: home' next 'Saturday after-;
, noon ` and .Evening -Tea -Silver' Col
lection. .
shooting' match will be held z' on:
Tuesday' afternoon, December 13th,'
at the farm of Tyndall Robinson, ..iia.
r.: ile east of . gravel' road, on conces-
sion 6,' Rinloss. Bring • ..your own 22
:Rifle P;riee =geese,; ducks; turkeys
and chickets.
The first i':O O:F: Social` of,; the
Season will be held in the Oddfellows
Hall On Friday evening, December
9th Cards._ commencing proinvfiv int
eight..o'clock to ten:. Lunh., Dancing.
-Special Prizes. Good`, Music.
Oddfellowa, their . 'wives' • or lady
friends • and Rebekahi are cordiially
invited. Entire contributions • for the
Sick Children's arid Consumptive
Children's Hospitals:
'McQUILLIN—In ' loving memory
of , Roy ' Alton McQuillin, who ,passed
away, December llth, 1930. •
Just two year ingo,
Since our sad sorrow fell,
But in our hearts we mourn the loss
Of him' we lovedso well. '
In Park Laws.- softly -sleeping,
Where the •flowers softly wave,
Lies the one we love so 'dearly,
And the one we could • not save
Sadly missed by Wife and . Children.
McQUILLIN=Tri loving memory, of
=.-Roy A. McQuillan; who -passed' away_
December 11th, 1930. '
The years nifty wipe out many things
But this thy'll wipe out never;
The memory. of those happy days.
When we were all together.
We: think of him . in silence,
His name We oft recall,'
:But there's nothing left to answer
'But his picture on the wall.
Just when his life was brightest;
Just when his hopes were best,
God called him from ,among . us,
To a home of eternal rest. ,
Ever remembered by Father„ Mother,
Brothers' and Sisters.
To, The Elector Of .West Wawanosh
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Accept ,my sincere thanks for your
expression of confidence in returning•
Lme to the Council Board for another
term. Yours sincere*:
Albert A. Gammie.
• ,To
The Electors of West Wawanosh:
' Ladies and Gentlemen:
Accept my : •sincere thanks( and
,gratitude for , your - expression of
confidence in ., returning me', at the
head of the poll, to the Council Board
for 'another term..
• • Faithfully Yours,
Thomas Webster.
To The Electors of West Wavranosh.
Ladies and Gentlemen,— .,
I take this opportunity of thanking
the electors of Weat Wawanosh for
the excellent support given me at 'the
polls;on Monday,: I Will; 'as in the•
past, endeavor to aerie you faithfully
Aid ,soli: Yours sincerely,. •
,John. Mcgailli,
Lupo i w :Nominates
Friday; December 23
General Diussions On Year'is ;Work
=•Engiges Attention Of Beard ..
The last regular 'meeting ' ,of the
yin#0.Coaneiliprior ato the"wind-
. a 1111'! meetaing on .D.eeembee
breaght little ore•the ;boa d of real` : With 'the co-operation, O 'all:the :,mer-.
interest :tai the ;ratepayers.; Genera]' chants of the'"village it'seems„most
:414441411.14101.0010.''ans a w , aou
financing-;lvl 'the• -Waterworks '-System :hell•. arrive :; .
en • • ed• .the attention of the .Council. The ,Fire Company, will :as usual,
;fig. � �
,at-.a._comperntive : _''n f •nish the lei .e tree for. the 'street,
By-Law.:No 8 was..: finally passed which will be wired and lighted at
setting the Nomination date for Fri-: the village's..expense. Arranging for
day, December. 23rd; and appointing Santa's •arrival,, and "furnishing' him
Hemmed Agnew, Graham with asupply of candy,
nutsand or
Wellington McCoy as Deputy re- tinges • for every child in • the village
tarning officer .and Richard Webster, and district, remains with the filer -
er. Phillip. Stewart and Mark Gardner, ;Chants.
poll clerks: •
Mr. J. R McNabb informed the
Board -that for. ;,about -four -months. in
the summer the town water was not
of low enough temperature • for . cool-
ing cream • and washing butter and
as a result their .own well well h'ad, to be
operated; to the extent of about 1;,6
the total volume of, water 'used.. He
sought a 'rebate on. his 'water rate3-
and was allowed ,$15.00 or approxi=
mately one half the regular . water
assessment for that period.. •
Hall rent'for 'staging their October
-concert . amounting, to $7.50 ' .was 're
funded to . the Girl Guides.
A grant of . $10.00 was made. the
Hockey Club, the hallrent refund
for their recent dance being included
in :this amount.
'The use of the Hall' was granted
the Continuation School for their
open Literary on Decembe . 22nd,..,,,the_
rent of same to :be. ,refunded.
A request for .permission "'to hold
a shooting match in the gravel, pit
was -not sanctioned; as being contrar f
to '. a by-law, .prohibiting, shooting
within -the.. corporation.
•Requests. for ...Additional ;street'
ghts at vdrious points had been re ,pensee in "these ti yiug times, they
.� bought or rather ' begged the raw
saved. Nothing will be done in, this
regard at 'resent,' in order to econ material and did the'. cooking them-
omize, the cost . per light Seing $21:
selves: They seemed tospecialize` on'
The Clerk was allowed a salary pork chops, so going , into a butcher
shoit; theY asked for a free supply . of
of $100. for. all duties connected with <;
the . o station of the' Waterworks the ,juicy chops. The;'lady behind the
System; during1932. counter informed them that "She
was not running a free -lunch coun-
ter” and in place of the chops gave
MARRIAGE THIS MONTH them' some motherly advice, fol
g;which, of course, 'they
they•( very
grateful. It seems thatt' Were•
The marriage of Mar stet Jean, •duct-
daughter-, of Mr. and Mrs. William ing from. certain well-known signs)
John Platten of 'Toronto, to Mr. had secured something strong ; an
William Franklin Thompson, son of way of: liquid, no doubt, for the our-
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Thompson, will pose of . moistening . and washing-
take place et half=past five on urs- own e ably—cooked swine chugs-
'day, December 22nd, in the Church The question -Who supplied them'
of the Messiah, Toronto. with liquor ? and where did they get
it Echo answers—Who? Where?—
A Citizen.
A1tRANGING FOR: SANT.A'S VISIT Send Transients .To.
Will Probably Arrive In • Lurh,
tioyr`I y °
Latter Part Of Next Week ' ' : •
Relief Co mlttee
Loea'1 Welfare. •Comnnttee Orgaluzes
An,efFort is at present'being Made -
to'•have have. Santa Claus pay -his annual'—Relief Must Be Administered'
-visit to Lucknow with something for •Tlon.Ss ; CrPmmittee-Reglettr,.ation
thekiddies? There, is but e uired.` '
poems ibility that he. May not be able,
to find'.an.i en date -to cal!l`.here, but Residents'. :of ,the> villags• ,should
Word was' received by: Con. Decker
on .Wednesday morning,. of the death'
of Edward Helwig,'who was found;
dead .in :bed 'at his, 'home ,' in•Aubura,
leaving expired during the : night. He
bad been 'in failing' health for many
months, suffering from'•heart trouble
and had spent part of the summer
in, the village with Mr. and Mrs.
Decker. •
• Mr.~ Helwig ' conducted: a tailor
shop' in Auburn He was: no• married
and is survived by one ,sister living
near Wind>;or.. Mrs. Will. Helwig of'
Winnipeg • is a . sister-in-law.
To. The Pub sher, . • ' '
- Last ,;week ...three • "Conimercia
Travellers'•' hit town, and remained'
for thee days, so' business with 'thein.
must have been .very.' good: They`
were selling' shoe laces., They camp-
ed for, some of • the- time in a little
shack upf the pond—and` to save'ex-,
Ashfield Elects
Matheson As Reeve
Has Comfortable Majority Over Mc-
- Kenzie "Pete" Parrish heads
Poll. With Sherwood Only Member
••.Of Old • Council') To Be Returned.
Ashfield_ ratepa ersshook thin'gs,
up at'
the • polls on •Miinday, to elect
a nee/ Reeve and put two new mem-
bers, on the Connell' board. The per-
sonnel of the board for 1933 will be
Reeve --Murdoch Matheson; Deputy
HRichard Johnston" f ,acclamation) ;
Councillors—Wilfred Farrish, Ervin
Zinn and Sam Sherwood. -
Contrary to expectations that it
would be a close , run for the reeve-
ship, Matheson, former deputy, de-
feated John A. McKenzie,., present.;
reeve, with a majority of 136 votes.
For the council, genial "Pete" Far-
ri:di was far bin front,, h$ading the
polls with a total of 603;' votes, . Mr.
Zinn and Sam Shei''w0od were the
other two elected, the latter being the
only member of. Dist year's councilto
return to his ,former office.
The vote by subdivisions was as
Miss Alice Leith of town, who
since infancy has been in a crippled.
condition, dueto spinal trouble,, is at
present receiving treatment. in' Pres
ton, which is to : all • appearances,
bringing favorable results. '
The tr4atment is of a chiropractic
form and is given l`Dr." Pehlike
(we are not assured. of the proper.
spelling) and having taken but two
treatments, improvement is noted in
Alice's condition. On feature is that
the toe's of one foot, which were pre-
viously in a deformed position,, are
now straightened out. In the latter
part of 1980, Alice was a patient in
Sick Children's Hospital for several
months, and has undergone two sur-
gical operations.in an effort to reme-
dy her trouble.
Improvement ,noted following the
two treatments in Preston, is very,,
gratifying . to the ' girl and her 'par-
ents: Mr. Leith says the two dollars
spent' in these • treatments, • has
br-ought better results than • some
$2000 spent on other 'means of treat-
ment, in hopes of overcoming the
affliction. '
n ., z :Sa
;w 0 5' e o
et 'be FA -
FOR REEVE a x ,lig a I.
MatlieSeii . 60, . ' .' 81 � 9 , 47 82 .105 • 86 556
McKenzie � A..:.,.. -..x.114 79 5774 41 23 32 420
Fairish -.-61 . 73 . : 93, 66 • ,91 . 113 ' 106 603
'Ginn ....................d.......18 109' . 105 40' , 86 411 49 478
Sherwood .....:.4....-.....08 ' 84- 60 53 78, 88 32 448
Culbert''« «x:::.,95, 61 •61 89 36 , 43 61 886
401ifteton ".....,.....4r 100 58 •55 04 28 12 28 335
keep in mind the• fact,that iii: event'
of transie'l' is seeking •.relief ,: