HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1932-12-22, Page 8••• A•". , - , '47 ":" resentation e days to do your Miss Elsie Ander I • A . • • • . • Wit See this assortment •01 Candies• ' #4c1,, Nov010.4.m agtOir*. Buying iO4ir" WNW' Pc*,CHILREN 100., 1 TA 'pAricy, 4:0,WES, CEOCOL,A.TES •5 ilk:A. 9App . 4 • : , . $1.25 CANDY • AND CREAMS, LB.... ,,,150,[20c, 25.. • . POP CORN WITHIR7tE. ............ 6.• • POP/ ccolOiT BA!LS, 3 'POR: • %,•`4,-.••••••••:r1.7.k CRRISTMAS::,014•01004 PR DOZ 40c & 60c••. ORANGES PER *DOZ.. • • • -23c:,' 29c, 39e 49c, 59c JUST A FEW OF: TOE 'SFEcIAL,,S,. SEE . THE REST -14NCY"':$01) P CIGARETTES, • -TRY OUR .29st .COFFEE .410.• TEA:1' and More Prosperous New Year ." ' . • . •' WAWA= 144 • 82•05A DreSses Silk Crepe Dress; reg. $71.00, for $1.95 Velvet Dress, regular $6160, for A1.95 Wool Tweed Dress, reg $5, for *$1.95 •BEST FIT AND- ALL COLOURS --ONLY-1-TO'SACH:CLTSTOIVIER '" • " 1 1 CHILDREN'S COATS CHILDREN'S COATS, for 8 to 14 Year Old GIRLS,. CHUNG.A. CLOTH AND TWEEDS. REGULAR $9.50 EOR ONLY 4 $$95 ' , • P4Oluened CHIFFON Girl's SKIRTS. All Colors S' 'Made; by Supersilk. and Sizes. Regular $2.85 $100 and $2.0 for 'only ....$1.79 .12H:Ladies Coats,ieft Y • NOT GR.,..-6.Tp • :9P THESE BARGAINS • • • "' • , . 20 per cent off tanareamomassaaaramsaq RLNLA 'PlIONE 85 ' • 'Firat19:ffeasa" • • fficer-041 Where'd yuh think aiVie goingl: Driver -Be easy on ine officer. • This. is, the .first time I: haven't had my vrife Oiling to tell me. . , Mrs, JoYe: "Tom, what is the dif- , •fereacii between -direct taxation and lndlreet taxation?" ,Mr. Joye: "Why, the tipple" its the difference between our askinkel4e for Money and going nrough--My-poeketa,=rtw: asleep." . I c •••• -,sturpsDAY,' PMe • *ThP • Friends Present at, **no*. Tea*: •qt• • Tuesday evening a iaige representing•ItheBlake congregation met' .at'Alie- hemp', of 144 4!...4 Thaaada Arader.oni. where a.pleasant' andeveaniing,sp.Wciaasi. ifilapt;toufsi:Y•ie eking Maiii4.0.af?*iea Pale Ander,.....: son, pronapteiflhe,athoring the eourSe of .the evening the follow- Ing address was ;read by Itev: Camp bell ,Tavener and a 'heautifnl, Mantle; clock naapreeentecirto Miss Anderann• by 1VIrs. . ,Dear.'Eleief. • • • • • :• ' We are mee together :this'. evening ro iiyi,•;S*Pe.ekeiP0 to semen** 'that: tugs at our hearta : The: eve, not of your departu -hut of your • , 471'11-7t* ...great genie: :Of . life,..•Ana. it. 4.8.13eatok, you have Played the .game Ithat .we are here to tell you what Your sticoesaI. has 'meant to us. ;You, have always lent- invaluable aid to a great .cause -Under: a great 'Leader. ForT•lie''''re,..i., ligions and social betterMent Of our comMunity • You dared to 'be ityour post. As 'a friend and ,ecimrader you.' The Children's friend, a young Man's' star, the PeoPle's suPport,a coveted possession, all has helped to make. upthestageoo.ur.ruraUde.ur_ . And so 'the Sunday 'School, the Y. :the S. and last but • liot least, the Hale, all Who have Watch- ed' your life,. cry Out, She.,..played the. Will You accept this little gift as an. eXPreasion' Of the:. high esteem. of all who have lived with Yau. since You came to .Ashfield; one never -to.:. te-forgetten day. • In a. fitting reply, Miss Anderson expressed her :thanlcs to, the fiienala, gathered, _f9r, the .presentation -and' the expression of good -will; • day, where he will spend the'Vhrist- mas holidays with his parents. • Blake Sunday' School will hold their annual Christmas concert in the Hall on' Friday evening,„_.Dee.ember 23.rd- Theyoung men of the cominunity are preparing a snappy minstrel show as an addition to the program. sion 25c. Children 10c. • AdMis- Troussean_Yeta • - ai 100 -You' Thi Ifferriit :Chisistmas: You Pfer Had • e place.buir your HOSIEfty,: always ;a „welanne". gift I!oleproof, • flifi-fashiOneil In the^ lateai shade!! Servlce • ..weight. Per. pr. . . $1,00 84L25' Mea's Pure •L,Melt NDKE9- CHIEFS 'A Helkatitcbect7 Hems, .. „ co.„140.1Test "riatteratti: Pei Pr!" .:49c&:65 GLOVES g.bad:iJandth fohri.404a giving. Ladies ratl- ine 'tin Tan, Brown and lilack '104;1 ?et 6/Pr. . 1 • • 0•14thela' thi01008itte-'0LOVES.,-; 1Pek *411' e and the-iiewese- in- stripes, -At $1.25, $1.75, $1.95 . , . hainhasetGlaries7; Per .Pr., • , • • . • .. • • • •Pieee 914e * 045 •.• ?idly. LaPe Trimmed NIGHT" IES. These fire just made for Christmas gifto 51;56-8g 51 3.5 c ;SA' _crepe PYJAMAS,Puick 'tifunied,:f..* 'dainty ;gift, 01/71 • • Silk. Crepe $1.00, $1.425 • '' • --E. McCluskey, Manager OUR MOTTO -SMALLER PROWT,,,qUICK .TUR310YEIL 'PHONE 75. Mrs. Thomas Anderson entertained ozi Monday afternoon at a very smartly arranged trousseau: .tea given for 'her daughter, Miss Elsie whose marriage to lir. Harvey Webb of St. Helens, takes place Christmas Ere.MLAnderson Tam Miss Elsie received in the living -room and bilis Jean welcomed the- many guesta at the door. The bride's trousseau, linen and', gifts were shown by the bride-to-be. Mrs: S. 3.• Kilpatrick poured tea and kiss Alice Shackle- ton and Miss Verna Kilpatrick helped wait on the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stothers of Arthur were guests of Mr.;Ind Mrs. _Henry Horton Monday.- , Mrs. Isaac Andrew, Miss Jessie - Andrew, Mr. Fred Anderson, Misses I se 3 'You're letting son drive the car. • _s,_ still -to trusted as a pedestrain. your little Norma Anderson and Ada Webster rn \ were guests of Mr. and Mrs.:Thoma o-youn3 g,to_be___Anderson--Monday-ev,ening.. • Charles Hiles went to Essex Thurs- or_:Christmas Gifts Slippers promise long hours of Luxurious Comfort. Here are qualities that make them most exceptional -Prices that make them easy to buy. SHOP AT ONCE. • FOR. MEN .. • ••• BOUDOIR SIAlPPERS Exceptional Value. Brown and Black Leather and Grey Felt. Prices .....$L00, $1.25. & $1.50 RUBBERS A-Special-Price:on-Mules- . Gum Rubbers, with , Rolled Sole. 'Six eyelets., ' Special . • . ,, • , .• • , FitEE,Every Purchase of childreles, Mises & Boys' Slippers; your choice of a, Chocolate Bar or Prize Package. Of Pop Cora. , • FOR WCWEN .° Fancy Boudoirs ii Crepe Satin And Fine Leather, soft quilted Colored Boudoir in nsoles. • riges 451-00/111.25, 4 ccalrs. Just size FELT TT Very .soft and comfortable. PrKe ........, .39c up to 90c 'colors. FRClithe7:attragtiVe 'kind ENto glad - en• the--heartot tanylOy--tir Girt: Gide" Shea, :4 -2. Biwa' • - ,• 5. . s:coso %MEL :45741a °A -Christmas Special On Murray Ileeilliugger and Murray Celpro Shoes, we will eve a special Discount of tO per cent. MEN'S POPULAR ROMEOS A . splendid quality with 'flex- ible sewn stiles., Sizes up to 11.• $2.00 44& $2.50 MEN'S -RICHMOND SHOES' Newest styles in. Richmond Oa - fords. Fine Pia& Calf with Leather and Rubber..Heels. the New Low Price FINE OXFORD Ladies' fine Oxford Iles and 'Strap Slippers. We, have a splendid choice in ladies' fine shoes. that will make ideal Chrietmas Gifts. _ Pri from$195 ;5 00 • iakiair. The.:1FOot Comfort Shop • • wAw.A._===w.AwAw.igo========w1..wowAy.v:w5tw-ozzArcowAti,Istmtwow gains in all Departmen Use l, Dry Goods and Fancy':G'oodTs Clearing Many Lines Chrittitas Goods .1, 41 • • 44 1 . .,.,. • 4441. le,r5.31t.a.4-54,15,44.:wr .• ,,,Anntel" 4 „ 44 , .,LAJ'1,1'niP.oneeini41.40416,46.00, 4444, ,..41.4*M.SVEts*,1, ,UtA-AW"20VAX-AW-AWA ". . . 1"...*0.1.i0•4",4410.11,* A r,